CMLL Puebla: 2019-10-07

Gran Guerrero saved a life

Recapped: 10/08/2019


King Jaguar & Rey Comodín beat Prayer & Rencor
(15:34 [6:29, 3:59, 5:06], 1/3, ok,

Príncipe Diamante & Rey Samuray beat Centella Roja & Fuerza Chicana
(9:51 [4:38, 2:32, 2:41], 1/3, ok,

Arkalis, Oro Jr., Súper Astro Jr. beat Cancerbero, Perverso, Raziel
(14:44 [6:46, 2:41, 5:17], 2/3, ok,

Stigma, Stuka Jr., Titán beat Felino, Templario, Tiger
(15:09 [4:49, 4:42, 5:38], 1/3, ok,

Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Negro Casas beat Ángel de Oro, Diamante Azul, Niebla Roja
(12:27 [5:03, 7:24], 1/2, ok,

Místico beat Último Guerrero
(9:50, 1/3, good,

  1. Místico torito (2:56)
  2. Pulpo Guerrero (1:30)
  3. La Mistica (5:25)

What happened:

seems a lot of work for an elbow smash

Felino was caught with a small package by Stigma at the end of the first fall, though his shoulders were about down as much as Dalys. They had a much friendly camera angle though. Titan ran off to the back at the end of his match, perhaps with an arm injury

Rey Comodin is a renamed Mini Joker, though they’re playing like he’s a new guy for reasons unexplained. He’s also a tecnico now. Prayer & Rencor are debuting and Prayer has some fan support. Rencor is wearing Talisman’s color scheme, for what’s it worth.


Mistico/UG didn’t re-invent the wheel, but they had an entertaining match. This felt like going back to the original Místico formula, as a super underdog fighting back against the much bigger rudo. That formula worked, as did Ultimo Guerrero doing his usual third fall sequences. Going shorter than usual made that much better, with the match getting to a finish without being handcuffed by getting in every spot. Místico didn’t pull off much fancy, but what he did here worked and he was more effective at getting sympathy than usual. The crowd responded to it, though the Puebla crowd seems much more willing to go with tecnicos than any of CMLL’s other usual TV spots.

Niebla Roja & Gran Guerrero did the usual feud build up match. Gran Guerrero played his part well, though it felt like he may have stalled too much and slowed down the second fall a bit. It’s not that he should’ve stalled less but it would’ve helped to move onto the Diamante Azul sequence quicker. Gran Guerrero saved Niebla Roja’s life here and their singles match should be as good as usual.


There were plenty of dives teases in the fourth match – that seemed to be half the second fall – and not actually that many dives. This was one of a few minutes that seemed to coast along until turning it up in the few minutes, and it wasn’t enough to save some blah action. Stuka landing his splash despite his mask being turned in the wrong direction was cool though.

The tercera finished up strong in the last couple of minutes. Not a lot happened prior to that. Super Astro Jr. moves smoothly and has more physical charisma than most people. Raziel did a lot with wrist control in the opening fall. Just watch the end.

The second match didn’t come together, though it had some decent effort Samuray seem more emboldened to try things of late, though they didn’t really work out. He did hit the 450 splash with the best landing so far. Principe Diamante is a much better version of Flyer.

Not really sure why money was thrown in the opener unless it was friends of the wrestlers trying to get them over. It was fine, but it wasn’t close to the match last week. Prayer stood out a little more by wanting to hit hard, though I’m not sure that’s going to win friends in a CMLL ring. I’m not sure why they needed to flip Mini Joker to the tecnico side, there’s not that many good rudos. I was entertained by Prayer picking up the corner dropkick as a finish; guess it’s available in CMLL now.

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