CMLL Puebla: 2016-11-07 

this escalates
this escalates

Recapped: 11/14/2016

What happened: Rush beat up Volador enough to get DQed. Mascara Dorada has his final match in Puebla. (I’ve already recapped the Friday show, so this is the final regular show I’ll recap with Mascara Dorada on it.)

What was good: I liked a lot of the show, including the opener, the tercera and the Dorada final.

Where can I watch it: It’s on CMLL’s channel.

Match 1: Asturiano, Centella Roja, París vs Espíritu Maligno, Mini Joker, Saurón
Arena Puebla, 11/07/2016

  1. técnicos
    • Centella Roja top rope splash Mini Joker (5:25)
    • Paris elevated el Pulpo Sauron (5:43)
  2. rudos
    • Mini Joker front rack Asturiano (4:57)
    • Espíritu Maligno powerbomb Paris (5:19)
  3. rudos
    • Saurón springboard elbow drop Paris (2:42)
    • Asturiano springboard splash Espíritu Maligno (2:42)
    • Mini Joker Skandalo Driver Centella Roja (3:35)

Winner: rudos (2/3)
Match Time: 14:37

Review: [good] A fun match! Really, they clinched the grade the moment the boost headscissors spot actually worked. There were spots that didn’t work (Sauron’s elbow drop), but this was an opener where everyone was going full bore and doing cool things. Asturiano has the weirdest leap to the top rope for a dive but was impressive as usual. I’m not sure if Paris meant to for his first fall dive to be an armdrag but it worked out okay. Even Centella Roja was a positive. This is much more than then we get from the opener but would be a good match in any position.

bad times for Mini Joker
Paris diving armdrag
easy huracanrana

Match 2: Lestat, Pegasso, Tigre Rojo Jr. vs Ares, Metálico, Policeman

Arena Puebla, 11/07/2016

  1. técnicos
    • Lestat senton con giro Metálico (6:57)
  2. rudos
    • Policeman middle rope senton Tiger Rojo Jr. (4:02)
    • Ares top rope splash Lestat (4:20)
  3. técnicos
    • Lestat springboard legdrop Ares (2:50)
    • Pegasso 450 splash Polcieman (3:18)

Winner: técnicos (1/3)
Match Time: 14:35
Notes: Metálico pulls a random fan out of the audience to dance with him, which seems a better idea that the edcanes.

I didn’t watch this one closely, but it seemed slightly better than I had thought it would be. The técnicos looked really well coordinated and Lestat was improved over the week prior

tecnicos get the drop on Metalico
tecnicos get the drop on Metalico

Match 3: Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma, Stuka Jr. vs Felino, Puma, Tiger
Arena Puebla, 11/07/2016

  1. técnicos
    • Guerrero Maya Dos Caras Clutch Felino (3:20)
  2. rudos
    • Felino flying clothesline Guerrero Maya Jr. (3:56)
    • Tiger backcracker, Puma missile dropkick Stigma (4:21)
  3. rudos
    • Puma powerbomb Stuka Jr. (4:57)

Winner: rudos (2/3)
Match Time: 12:38

Review: [good] strong man in usual Tiger/Puma style, with some good people to work with and one diagonal tope to make me happy. Stuka & Maya match up well with those two and Felino & Stigma fit in well too. The bit setting up that Stigma dive at an unexpected fashion was nice. The last sequence with Felino & Puma was really good, and the whole match was solid. Tiger’s toughest battle was with the zipper on the front of his gear (might have been broken on a Stuka chop), but that actually made him look like more of a cool rudo.

just  really like this sequence
just really like this sequence

Match 4: Dragón Lee, Máscara Dorada, Máximo Sexy vs Ephesto, Mephisto, Pólvora
Arena Puebla, 11/07/2016

  1. rudos
    • Ephesto figure four pin Máximo (6:18)
    • Pólvora Driver on Dragon Lee (6:22)
  2. técnicos
    • Dragon Lee double stomp Pólvora (2:50)
    • Máximo Beso de la Muerte Ephesto (3:00)
  3. técnicos
    • Mascara Dorada torito Mephisto (4:34)

Winner: técnicos (2/3)
Match Time: 13:56
Notes: This was Mascara Dorada’s last match in Arena Puebla, and he got the win in the third fall. This was announced after the match, and the locker room, including the family that runs the building, came to the ring after the match to say good bye and wish him well in WWE

Review: [good] maybe it’s a borderline match, but Dorada continues to be good, and the rest of the guys were not bad either. Dragon Lee had a few good moves and worked a lot with Pólvora, though their feud hasn’t started as of yet. Mephisto took the giant knee well. It was nice to see Máximo in a normal match for him after even more silly stuff the last few weeks.

Mascara Dorada
Mascara Dorada

Match 5: Atlantis, Rush, Último Guerrero vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Negro Casas, Volador Jr. in a relevos increíbles match
Arena Puebla, 11/07/2016

  1. Team Rush
    • Rush dropkick to the back Atlantis (1:00)
    • Rush dropkick to the chest Volador (1:02)
  2. Team Volador
    • Negro Casas casita Último Guerrero (2:06)
    • Barbaro Cavernario springboard pump splash Atlantis (2:09)
  3. Team Volador
    • DQ Rush [ref attack] (3:26)

Winner: Team Volador (2/3)
Match Time: 6:37
Notes: Rush is busy destroying Volador in the corner hwen Tirantes gets in the way and shoved own. Rush dropkicks him for good measure. Tirantes gets up and runs away. Volador demands a rematch for next week.

Review: [ok] generic mixed teams match, with no particular finish. Cavernario seemed excited to be working in the main event. Volador and Rush had timing issues in their mid match sequence but figured it out in mid stream. Último Guerrero and Atlantis exchanged looks at each other but that’s as close to a storyline until Rush decided to kill Volador.

I made a note to GIF this dropkick and I really don’t know why but here you go

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