07/23: Mexico, AAA notes


CMLL (MON) 07/21 Arena Puebla [El Sol de Puebla]
1) Cerebro Negro, Espiritu Maligno, Negro Navarro b Blue Center, the Tiger, Toro Bill
2) Asturiano, Flash, Metalik b Euforia, Nosferatu, Skandalo
3) Policeman b Centella de Oro [hair]
4) Héctor Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara b Heavy Metal, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas [CMLL TRIOS]
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., La Sombra, Shocker DQ el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Terrible, Texano

This was the 55th anniversary show for the building. jcmorales @ box y lucha says there were numerous injuries on the show. (Oddly enough, Metalik isn’t mentioned as one, though he didn’t work the next day.) Perro yanked Wagner’s mask for that DQ. This is the first time the trios belts have been successfully defended twice in a row since 2004, and the first time they’ve been successfully defended twice in the same month since 1997. Policeman is unstoppable.

CMLL (TUE) 07/22 Arena Mexico [CMLL, SoloLuchas, Avellaneda @ box y lucha]
1) Sensei & Trueno b Semental & Zayco
2) Mascarita Dorada, Pequeño Olímpico, Último Dragoncito b Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween, Pequeño Warrior
3) Arkangel de la Muerte, Euforia, Nosferatu b Axel, Máximo, Stuka Jr.
4) Grey Shadow, Valiente, Volador Jr. DQ Olímpico, Rey Bucanero, Sangre Azteca
5) Héctor Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara b Heavy Metal, Misterioso II, Mr. Niebla

Trios champs are unstoppable (at least by Pesta Negra.) Bucanero yanked Volador’s mask to escape a loss in the semifinal. Stuka replaced Metalik in the tercera, and Arkangel seemed messed up after Maximo powerbombed him for the win. Looks like Pequeno Warrior completely missed catching Ultimo Dragoncito on his Asai moonsault, and Dragoncito was stretched out. Mini Halloween and Trueno also were hurt in their matches. Update: Trueno is in the hospital, suffering from a skull fracture. Youch.

The second match for Verano de Escandalo has been announced – Alas de Oro #2. Participants:
– Aerostar
– Super Fly
– Jack Evans
– Teddy Hart
– Angel
– Scoria
– Ultimo Gladiador
– Gato Eveready
– Xtreme Tiger (2007 winner)

Yes. It is disappointing we only have 2 Air Force guys left from last year’s 5, but I think there’s other guys who can pick up for them.

AAA also says Gronda is coming back with a new look at the 07/31 taping Auditorio Agustin Millan in Toluca. (Which also annouonced they’re taping on that day.) Their RSS feeds still don’t work.

SuperLuchas: “Will Rey Misterio return to AAA if WWE doesn’t give him the contract he wants?”
thecubsfan: “No.” Surely he’ll be back in AAA, but not while WWE is willing to give him a long contract, and not for anything close to full time (maybe special appearances at major shows, but not the weekly grind.)

(Reforma via Jazzo) Negro Casas likes the idea of facing Mistico in a hair vs mask match. Metal/Negro vs Mistico/Garza would work for him too. Negro would like to face pretty much any good fighter. Damian 666 is specifically not counted as a good fighter.

Dr. Wagner Jr. visited a childern’s hospital.

The radio ads for AAA’s California shows are on the promoter’s website.
On their page for the event, AAA lists the minis tournament matches as Octagoncito vs Mini Chessman and Mini Dizzy vs Mascarita de la Muerte.

In Ovaciones, there’s a small note about an association of luchadors who are forming a group to promote occasional events called APLEXMEX. I am skeptical of any group with a eight letter abbrevation, and of any with this roster: Universo 2000, Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000, Hijo de Cien Caras, Cien Caras Jr., Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Enrique Vera Sr., Enrique Vera Jr., Super Astro, Mogur, Emilio Charles Jr., Audaz, Solar, Ultraman, Shu el Guerrero

Emilio isn’t retired! Who knew.

In ESTO, Mistico expands his plans beyond simply learning Kung Fu during this downtime in China. He’s also going to break Mil Mascaras’ record for interntational touring. Mistico’s planing on going to Europe in October, is looking to go thte US sometime soon, and wants CMLL to run a World Tour. He’s also proud of being “the first luchador to ever go to the Olympics”. I’m thinking there’s a slight chance a luchador might have made the trip to 1968 Olympics.

Jorge Martinez, the local CMLL promoter in Mazatlan, is retiring. They say it’s a health issue while also hinting at some business issue. Marcelo Lopez will take over for him, with the first show on 09/20. Lopez had wrestled as Furia Blanca (maybe this one?, worked as a referee and promoter. The local AAA promoter attended the press conference and it sounds like they’re working together to spread out their events.

Colorado will is using luchadors as part of it’s Get Ready To Buckle Up campaign. The pro-seat buckling luchador looks a bit familiar. I like how they worked the shoulder strap into the outfit.

Maximo is excited to go to Spain.

SoloLuchas has interviews with Ciclon Gonzalez and Princesa Naomi

Diario de Cuyo talks to one of the announcers of Argentina’s 100% Lucha, in their third year of this incarnation.

Ohtani’s Jacket writes about the Damiancito el Guerrero cibernetico.

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7 thoughts to “07/23: Mexico, AAA notes”

  1. Alianza de Pequeñas Leyendas de Luchadores Mexicanos… what the… I think this has been running for a while but no one really cared…

  2. I might have read wrong but the way I had it pictured was that Dragoncito overshot the asai to injure himself and at the same time also landed on Pequeno Halloween’s head (since he was just laying on the floor selling not expecting to be landed on) injuring him in the process. That’s quite the OOF.

    Did the Policeman/Centella match even happen? I remember reading something about an injury but can’t remember if it was during the match and Centella lost even though it wasn’t planned that way or if he showed up hurt and just got shaved with no match.

    Alas De Oro II looks good. Not as good as last year but still good. Why only 9 guys instead of 10 though? Ricky Marvin will be in – stick him in there! Only two things worry me about the match:

    1) Last year Tiger was alone and had nobody to act stupid with. This year he has Ultimo Gladiador… who I like… but who also has no issues doing the extreme stupidity that is not needed in a match like this.

    2) The Super Fly angle. I really hope they don’t sacrifice a great match just to run an angle turning him.

    Ideally? Aero Star vs Jack Evans final two with Aero Star winning.

  3. Hair match was 3 falls, the report guy in ByL seems to have bought worked injures. Metalik was indeed hurt but I guess he finished the match normally, hence no injury comment.

    Speaking of injuries, and before it becomes even more irrelevant, I remember a recap by cubsfan that said that Mari(?) was stretched out but then appeared as if nothing happened, it’s normal in Mexico when most of the population sees Soccer players being carried away in stretchers only to stand up and return 2 seconds later.

    I’m surprised Crazy Boy has not flooded the company with Tlanepantla guys, heck, there were more of them while Peña was alive.

  4. I cannot wait to see this year’s Alas De Oro.

    Rob, what do you think of the Flash/Stuka vs Nosferatu/Euforia match?

    Have you received my dvds btw. ;)

  5. @MaX: I got the DVD’s about 3 days ago and have been watching almost all day while at work. I guess I was too excited and didn’t e-mail you but I will right after I post this. Didn’t see the Coliseo tag finals yet.:(

    BTW, for those who don’t know – MaX = El Hijo de Bello David.

  6. i wonder what happened to the hotel crystal in the zona rosa? that’s where all the out-of-towners in wrestling always used to stay. can’t find it on the net. probably under a chain/franchise name or something.

    i have a feeling it’s going to be a great anniversary show this september.

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