stray thoughts

– recaps are coming back starting as soon as I can get the video uploadead. I should be up to current TV by the end of the weak, so if there’s anything besides the usual TV you’d like me to write (way too much) about, now’s a good time to suggest it.

– Now that I’ve actually gotten to see the TNA show, I’m a little more enthused. Not really about the Ultimate X match (which still doesn’t click with me) but the 4 team elimination match was pretty great. Even though the best the CMLL crew managed to survive was fifth, they got to look very strong for periods, hit a lot of their trademark stuff, and everyone picked up a pinfall.

Averno, just in the elimination match, might have made as much impact on viewers as Volador Jr. did winning the whole thing in Ultimate X. Volador didn’t work out as well in that match as I’d figure – when doing dives are counterproductive (they leave an opening for someone else to grab that X), you really take a way a lot of what he can do. It didn’t help that the match felt laid out to put all the emphasize on the TNA guy and the other three people were just random men. Almost everyone in the notCibernetico got a chance to stand out – like Koslov, who might have worked his way into a recurring gig here – and the Ultimate X match didn’t do the same for anyone but Kaz.

I hope all the CMLL guys get occasional matches TNA if they want them. The extra pay is probably nice, but it also works out for us that they’ve got a better shot of stumbling into a great match then in CMLL at the moment.

– Most ‘mainstream’ US websites did not appear to spend the 15 minutes it’d take to find out who the CMLL guys (or any of the non-TNA guys) were. This did not surprise.

– No one seems to know that luchadors rarely actually “tap out” to signal a submission. Somehow, this totally surprised me.

– Is Rey Bucanero constantly worried about getting a cold? He’s already strangely got a hood as part of his gear at all times (though you never actually see him use it), but he also was wearing a TNA cap by the end of the show! It’s July! You’re crazy!

– I’m working on the presumption AAA never has, is or will have plans for a big push for Billy Boy. The theory is the Apache/Billy feud was never about AAA pushing to become a big star, it was about Billy and the Apaches making sure they at least didn’t lose the positions they did have when inevitable cuts happened. That they’ve gotten better position at times is icing, but just getting booked on TV week to week is the point. And they’re always moving the finish line farther away, because it’s no sure thing AAA will have something for them to do if/when this ends.

But this is just my crazy theory.

– Does anything think AAA’s new website is actually launching at noon tommorow? I’m totally expecting it to just start showing negative numbers.

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9 thoughts to “stray thoughts”

  1. Much more organized that my rambling paragraph was.

    They did a segment on the new AAA website this Sunday during Noti AAA so I’d suspect SOMETHING will be launched tomorrow but it may just be a new main page with lots of “under construction” pages attached which will never be updated and we’ll be in the same situation as today.

    The Mexicans were booked like killers in the 4 way. They definitely came out of it the strongest… much stronger than the weak celebration after Volador Jr.’s win. What was upw ith that translator anyways? He translated NOTHING of what they said and just said “they’re happy” both times.

    Sucks to be Billy Boy, that’s for sure. As someone else pointed out – he’s probably not leaving any time soon since his entire family is in the promotion but I wonder if his work will suffer now that he’s realizing all his hard work was for nothing and he’ll keep traveling to those tiny shows and getting the best reaction out of most tecnicos on the roster only for Joe Indy to come along and get treated 10x better than him along with getting 10x the money for the crowd he didn’t draw.

  2. I don’t think AAA is going to do anything new until they run the Hell Bros./Foreign Legion fued into the ground.
    It proably didn’t help that TNA didn’t have individual graphics for the guys in the 12 man.

  3. The Legion storyline is coming to an end and it’s so obvious.

    Plus, I think Billy Boy love his spot like I said in the other thread because he gets to work with the Apaches and Gran Apache basically booked all of his matches. I like a guy that knows his position. Val Venis and Hardcore Holly had long successful careers by playing their positions. The guys that left AAA(mostly for money), need to realize that they have certain roles.

  4. Did AAA’s website start? I’m not being sarcastic. I forgot the new web address. Google was no help.

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