07/11: Mexico, lineup

CMLL (FRI) 07/11 Arena Mexico [Ovaciones, superluchas, ESTO]
1) Calígula & Méssala b Astro Boy & Molotov
2) Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Marcela DQ Amapola, Hiroka, Princesa Sujei
3) Dr. Wagner Jr. b La Sombra, Sagrado, Hijo del Fantasma, Máscara Púrpura, Heavy Metal, Black Warrior, Sangre Azteca, Virus, Loco Max [Leyenda de Plata, cibernetico, semifinal]
4) Atlantis b Blue Panther
5) Héctor Garza & Místico b Mr. Niebla & Negro Casas [CMLL TAG]

Champs not only won, but beat the challengers with their own moves. Mistico challenged Negro to a mask vs hair match after the match. Match was about 20 minutes.

After Atlantis won (Atlantida after a 16 minute match), Satanico, Villano 3 and Emilio Charles Jr. appeared to congratulate him on his 25th anniversary. Sounds like the crowd was very into this.

Order of elimination went Loco Max, Sagrado, Purpura, Virus, Sagnre, Fantasma, Sombra, Warrior, and Wagner beat Heavy Metal to win the cibernetico. He faces Perro next week. Cibernetico went 30 minutes. Everything’s getting clipped. ESTO says Sagrado seriously hurt his left elbow.

Women’s match went two falls, Amapola getting her team DQed for excessive violence on Lady Apache in the second.

CMLL (TUE) 07/15 Arena Mexico
1) Nino de Acero & Pequeno Ninja vs Fire & Pequeno Universo 2000
2) Dark Angel, India Sioux, Sahori vs La Nazi, Medussa, Rosa Negra
3) Fabián el Gitano, Máscara Púrpura, Mictlán vs El Brujo, Vangelis, Virus
4) Blue Panther, La Sombra, Sagrado vs Euforia, Nosferatu, Rey Bucanero
5) Héctor Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara vs Averno, Mephisto, Misterioso II

I have no idea who El Brujo is, but he’s starting out with a big push. There was a Monterrey area and Guadalajara area wrestlers with that name, no idea if this guy is one of those.

CMLL (FRI) 07/18 Arena Mexico
1) Molotov & Starman vs Calígula & Méssala
2) Mascarita Dorada, Shockercito, Tzuki vs Pequeño Violencia, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito
3) Astro Boy & Héctor Garza vs Ángel Azteca Jr. & Shocker and Axel & Blue Panther and Dos Caras Jr. & Metalik and Diamante Negro & Último Guerrero and Atlantis & Skandalo and Bronco & Mr. Niebla and Brujo & Villano V [Gran Alternativa]
4) Dr. Wagner Jr. vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo [LdP, sf]

YES, another tournament. Why are they doing them all at once? Quick guess is Metalik/Dos Jr. or UG/Diamante Negro.

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66 thoughts to “07/11: Mexico, lineup”

  1. If TNA was so bush league, they would not be able to sell their tv into so many countries. You should go to their tapings and see the lighting, pyro, and eight-man camera shoot. Look at the clarity between ArMex and Orlando when looking at Ultimate Guerrero or Rey Bucanero or Alex Koslov. If CMLL would invest in the same lighting for ArMex, their product would look even better.

    TNA’s problem is the booking. They do stupid shit. Like the asshole in arena bookings who has them booked in 10,000 seat arena like Lakeland, Ft. Myers, Albany, Little Rock, etc…for house show. They only get about 1,500 for house shows, and they’re booking all these huge venues.

    If CMLL could just get rid of that ugly lighting at Coliseo, that venue would look awesome if the lighting was higher.

  2. Unless they’re airing things out of order – they skipped the mini’s match from Acapulco on TV today.

  3. Really edited early on and the rest was just a carbon copy of their last TV match from 3/5/08. Really, I just happened to watch that match earlier today and this was move for move the exact same match.:)

  4. Elegido/Pirata feud is brewing.

    Noti AAA hyped the Monterrey show but made no mention of Karis La Momia. They did advertise a surprise luchador though.

    Gronda’s “return” was also hyped. Was he gone? They hinted (unless I misunderstood) he is bringing friends. This is AWESOME news.


    They’re running Verano De Escandalo early this year. August 8th in Madero.

  5. Because TNA is cheap programming and it’s not like CMLL is trying to sell to other countries.It’s easy to sell American television to other countries especially if you a wrestling show with Sting,Angle and Kevin Nash on the roster. Notice other major companies like New Japan,NOAH don’t really have any television in other countries.

    I would take dim lighting in a Arena over a tv studio anyday of the week. CMLL never comes off looking bush leagues. Pyro doesn’t matter, TNA got some of the worst pyro I’ve seen on television. Just look at Robert Roode and Angle entrances.

  6. They said on TV the winner of the Monterrey match meets Cibernetico for the title at Verano so that limits the possibilities of who can actually win the match. They also added both AAA and the Legion will be presenting surprise wrestlers to make it an even 10 in the main event.

  7. @USAUSA1: “Easy”? I don’t think it’s easy, but having professional production like TNA makes it possible.

    CMLL programming has been sold internationally for years. FSE in the US. Fight in England. Some network in Spain, and there was something in Japan at one point too.

    I don’t like all the production standards that tv stations look for. I’d tape WWE at the Hamburg Fieldhouse if it were up to me.

  8. Shit… someone uploaded Momentos to youtube and they had Comando’s submission, Tzuki and Shockercito getting SQUASHED and then Sangre Azteca MURDERING Sombra with a dropkick counter in mid-air. That might be the greatest dropkick counter spot he’s done since 2004. Sombra is a MAN for taking that!

  9. Anyone watch CMLL FSE just now? Good episode. Running time was an amazing FORTY-EIGHT minutes. There were five, two-minute commercial breaks. Show ended at 10:58 for a two-minute break between programs.

    Compared to CMLL’s one-hour show on Televisa which only had 39 minutes, and way more commercials, this was better.

  10. First and foremost congrats to Team Mexico for winning the TNA X Cup.

    Second, I hope they do a Mistico/Negro mask/hair match and could an Atlantis tecnico turn be in the works?

  11. @k.D.b: I’m also thinking Mistico vs. Casas in a hair match will happen in Sept or December.

    I’m also thinking Atlantis will turn. I thought he would’ve turned on Friday for his anniversary.

  12. Atlantis could turn soon. Tonight in Guadalajara he beat Mistico clean and Mistico shook his hand afterwards. They could be setting up a funny situation on Friday where Atlantis and Skandalo end up opposite Ultimo Guerrero and Diamante Negro in the Gran Alternativa which leads to them splitting up… which would be a cute little angle considering that was the same setup that led to Bucanero being kicked out of Los Guerreros two years ago. Seems to well done for CMLL standards.

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