CMLL FSE #98 (06/29)

taped 06/15 in Arena Mexico. The delay went down to one week on the previous show, in case I’ve confused anyone.

When it became obvious they were planning on airing a normal trios match and the tournament, it was pretty clear an already short tournament was going to be shredded in editing. That I could fit all seven matches in one clip probably says everything. The first round losers (mostly the novato stable teams, and one that should be demoted at least that far) really didn’t get to show much. The other four teams got to show a little, and the block final seemed to be pretty over with the crowd.

I’ve seen the YouTube clips and know he can actually hit these moves at times, but in terms of people being brought in from GDL, Metalik is coming off as a more spectacular Oro II. More spectacular in suicide attempts, mostly.


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