06/07: Mexico, lineups


CMLL (FRI) 06/06 Arena Mexico [superluchas, ESTO, ovaciones, notimex]
1) Metálico & Tigre Blanco b Apocalipsis & Ramstein
2) Lady Apache, Luna Mágica, Sahori b Hiroka, Medussa, Mima Shimoda
3) Alex Koslov, Sagrado, Volador Jr. b Ephesto, Misterioso II, Mr. Águila
4) Héctor Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara b Máscara Año 2000, Olímpico, Universo 2000 [CMLL TRIOS, qf, torneo]
5) Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero b Felino, LA Park, Máximo [CMLL TRIOS, qf, torneo]
6) Héctor Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara b Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero [CMLL TRIOS, sf, torneo]
7) Heavy Metal, Marco Corelone, Negro Casas, Shocker b Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Terrible, Texano

Huh. I guess I need to start with an apology: if my post pointing out the most likely finish of the tournament in any way affected the outcome, then I apologize to Rey Bucanero, Atlantis and Ultimo Guerrero and hope you don’t take away my GdA fanclub membership. Also, apologizes to Sangre and Olimpico for getting you knocked off the card. Also, apologizes to Toscano, for being Toscano.

Seriously, though, check out this final matchup:

Team A: Mistico, Dos Caras Jr., Blue Panther – an all-star tecnico team that’s not a set unit (their first time teaming this year was in this tournament, they’ve only teamed once in 2007 and twice in 2006.) One member of the group, Panther, has publicly said he’s going to retire soon.

Team B: Hector Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Mascara – this seems to have meant to be a the Mexican Trios Challengers from Kid’s Day, but Valiente missed the tournament with an injury and Garza’s here to give the team some bigger name value. At the same time, that means Hector would never be teaming with Mascara and Fantasma if not for this tournament, and won’t be teaming with them after this tournament unless they get huge boosts up the card suddenly. This tournament isn’t just the first time Garza has teamed with the other two, it’s the first time he’s been in the ring with the other two.

This does not look like the start of a long and fruitful championship reign. This seems more like yet another set of champions who will either lose within two defenses to a rudo team (Guerreros or Villanos if Mistico’s team wins, Perros if Garza’s team) or completely forget about it with in three months. The Guerreros might have done the same thing, but they at least had a chance to make the titles mean something again, instead of being stuck in this every two years reset loop.

Going back to talking about the actual matches which occurred on this night: sweep for the forces to end the Perros del Mal. Alex got a direct win over Aguila in the tercera and the tecnicos won the main event in straight falls. Perros got DQed for excessive violence on Shocker in the 1st and Heavy beat Texano while Corelone beat Terrible in the second.

ESTO says attendance was down, blaming next week’s big show and heavy rains.

Tigre Blanco and Metalico seem to be rounding in to form just in time – CMLL.com says the Arena Coliseo Tag Team titles return next Sunday. It’ll be the first half of what appears to be a 16 team tournament. Do y’all want me to stay away from predictions this time? I don’t want to curse your favorite novatos. I could just pick Cholo’s team and everyone would be safe.

Columbiux @ SML has a bio of Catedratico Jr., one of the five wrestlers debuting on tomorrow’s Arena Coliseo DF card.

CMLL (TUE) 06/10 Arena Mexico
1) Peqeuno Maximo, Pequeno Ninja, Último Dragoncito vs Pequeño Violencia, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito
2) Lady Apache, Marcela, Sahori vs Hiroka, Medussa, Mima Shimoda
3) Fabián el Gitano, Mictlán, Súper Nova vs Bronco III, Nitro, Virus
4) Felino, Heavy Metal, Hijo del Fantasma vs Black Warrior, Sangre Azteca, Satánico
5) La Máscara, La Sombra, Místico vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

HMMM. La Mascara and Hijo del Fantasma are suddenly getting big pushes, putting them in positions where they’d actually team with Hector. It’d be really cynical of me to say something like “Hijo del Fantasma making it all the way to the main event is dependent on how much the DF Box Y Lucha Comission affects TripleMania.”

CMLL (FRI) 06/13 Arena Mexico [cmll]
1) Flash, Máscara Púrpura, Stuka Jr. vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skandalo
2) Grey Shadow, Sagrado, Valiente vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto
3) Dr. Wagner Jr., La Sombra, Volador Jr. vs Atlantis, Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero
4) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Místico vs Hector Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Mascara [CMLL TRIOS]
5) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Terrible, Texano Jr., Shocker, Marco Corelone, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas, Alex Koslov [cage, hair]

OUT: Maximo, Misterioso II, Olimpico, Sangre Azteca
IN: Valiente, Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero, Volador Jr., Grey Shadow

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39 thoughts to “06/07: Mexico, lineups”

  1. What a strange, strange result with the trios. But the changes to next weeks big show which resulted from it have been for the better – it actually looks really good now with the shuffling, mainly of the segunda and tercera. If they’d added a minis match, it would be the best card that CMLL’s had on paper for a long time. I hope it is on PPV now after being pretty apathetic to the original lineup, but i doubt it. I suppose all we’ll miss is the opener though.

    On the downside, La Mascara being rewarded for his laziness and incompetence is pretty disgraceful in all seriousness – i would be amazed if there is not some serious dressing room unrest from the hardworking talented guys who must be filled with disbelief. What makes it all the more ridiculous is just how brass necked CMLL are about it with that statement they released a few months back saying there was no favouritsm or nepotism in their company and that everyone’s spot is earned on merit!! – what a joke that is.

    The semi just looks like such a mismatch, it’s hard to understand it. If they were going to run another tecnico team to match the level of their opponents, then surely LA Park would be in there with Garza and someone else.

    Grey Shadow and Fantasma shouldn’t be there either, but at least it gets rid of fucking Maximo! :)

    Worst C3 lineup for a while too. Maybe the decent main will save it, but i can’t see myself having the willpower to sit through watching that card.

    I’m really excited about the Coliseo tag titles (obviously), but i’ll also be nervously waiting to see what spot on the card it’s given. Hopefully at least highlights of all 7 mini-matches per week make GdR or FSE – or possibly even the main show.

    Can we do some fantasy booking? :D

  2. Wow… that’s pretty amazing. This might be the first time CMLL bookers have ever swerved anyone.:) Tecnicos vs tecnicos final could be pretty good. I just hope the bookers have thought ahead of time and realized this means:

    1) the tag champs are facing each other
    2) the team that will win the tournament will not be a regular team

    Last thing we need is the title vacated again although that seems to be the route they insist on taking. BEST CASE SCENARIO: Winners challenge the National Trios champs who win the match and combine the belts.

    Next week’s C3 taping is the first time the mini’s and women have had direct competition for a TV slot and the mini’s lost out.:( If Dorada had been in the match I think they’d have won the battle but who knows. I’m still excited for that main event though as any time Mistico/Sombra team it’s tons of fun.

    6/13 show is most definitely improved now. Three straight matches with flyers on the tecnico side and all the rudo bases there to do their job (BTW Cubs – GdA in the tercera). The title match will be good and really there is no way Mistico’s team should lose but you just know they will. Garza’s team (with two guys not even in his new stable…) will surely be taking this one.

    As for the Arena Coliseo tag tournament… I’d hold off on predictions, Henrik. Only till a bit later as the first brackets should be available by tonight and we can take our predictions from there rather than guessing now and having to reguess in a few hours time.:P The only things I am sure of are:

    1) All the regular teams featuring undercard guys will be out in the first round.

    2) All the great looking matches with the undercard teams will be either unaired or put on GdR instead of FSE.

    3) The winners will surely not be novatos and more than likely feature either Skandalo if it’s a rudo team or Leono if it’s a tecnico team.

  3. Oh – I also predict the first spot Valiente does in his return is the same move he got hurt with. That’s how it always seems to be in Mexico. If you get hurt trying something – the first thing you are told to do is re-try the move when you return to action so you don’t develop a fear of doing it. Remember the scary Volador Jr./Averno Spanish Fly gone wrong in July ’06? The following week after the rudo beatdown – the FIRST SPOT they did during the tecnico comeback was the Spanish Fly. There are many other examples as well.

  4. And of course now the CMLL feed is down. Can we officialy declare the feed dead for good?

  5. 3) The winners will surely not be novatos and more than likely feature either Skandalo if it’s a rudo team or Leono if it’s a tecnico team


    Damn you and your reality checks!!! Just when i was started to visualise a Romanos V Neutron/Sombra final!! :( :D

    Is there no source for GdR anymore! O:

  6. Not sure how smart it was for Wagner to give up a TJ booking to be in the third bout(and meaningless bout), at Arena Mexico. TJ is said to pay well, so he needs to work that out.

    I’m watching AAA on GalaUSA. Good job by Arturo Rivera promoting Triplemania, saying NOTHING about it being a PPV.

    Estrellita is all ass cheeks this week.

  7. Someone who posts on the blog named reallyunavailable (not sure if he wants his name given out) is recording the shows but only till August.


  8. CMLL on their own website says next Friday is a taping for Galavision only but everyone else seems to say it’s a PPV… so who knows. I hope PPV only b/c that would mean tomorrow’s Dorada/Tzuki match from Arena Coliseo might air on TV next weekend or one of the weekend shows for sure.

  9. Man who that person that is doing commentary with the other two? Whoever it is, god they are annoying.

  10. Aw man they edited it to death.:( Huge first fall edit and same in the third fall. At least they re-aired the dive. Nice to see the Rayos Tapatios again but nothing special as regards to the match.


  11. Henrik – after this match I’ll put up the first round of the A-Coliseo tag tourney.:)

    IT’S AWESOME! But a surprising team is seperated…



  13. I am *not* enjoying the overediting on this show. This is CMLL TV 2003 level editing…

  14. Fucking editing! Totally ruined the match. I am still absolutely marking out like mad over that first Metalik springboard rana variation. WHO THINKS OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT? WHO???????????????????????????????????????????

  15. Yeah, this editing really sucks tonight. First 2 matches totally butchered, but at least they caught most of the big spots they missed on the replays

    That springboard-into-the inside-2nd rope rana was neat, little innovative touches like that endear luchadores to me. Otherwise, Metalik looked pretty crisp so i think i’ll probably like him :)

    Just a shame we’ve saw more of the crowd and ring girls than we have the matches.

    C’mon, whats the Coliseo teams??!! :)

  16. Alright… Arena Coliseo Tag Team Titles… GROUP A:

    – Euforia y Nosferatu
    – Caligula y Messala
    – Los Rayos Tapatios I y II
    – Metalik y Metalico
    – Leono y Tony Rivera
    – Arkangel y Hooligan
    – Artillero y Super Comando
    – Angel Azteca Jr. y Mascara Purpura

    Henrik – I challenge you to a fantasy booking battle! Plus predict the 8 teams for the following week.

    (BTW, those are the legit teams involved on the 15th, this isn’t fantasy booking)

  17. BTW I posted a thread at DVDVR so we don’t take over the thread with A-Coliseo tag titles talk and can keep everything in one place rather than spread over various comments sections.

  18. Axxel looked great aside from nose-diving that tope suicida.:P

    Fabian vs Diamante could actually be a fun mask match. Fabian is reckless and Diamante is pretty good. I wonder when they plan on running it though? June 24th?

  19. Leono y Tony Rivera
    Oh no. That looks ominous :o

    Ok, my other 8 teams would be :D


    – Los Nuevo Dos Tigres – Blanco & Kid
    – Super Tri & Super Cameleon
    – Neutron & Sombra De Plata
    – Sensei & Trueno
    – Bronco/Diamante Negro
    – Polvora/Vaquero
    – Virus / Dr X
    – Puma King & Carrona

    But it will probably be something that more resembles;

    Flash & Super Nova
    Stuka & Astro Boy
    Molotov & Trueno
    Sombra De Plata & Starman
    Ramstein & Zayco
    Zayco & Apocalypsis
    Nitro & Skandalo.

    I will need to have a think regarding booking, but i ain’t using my realistic picks! :D

  20. Two words Henrik:


    :) I think they’re a definite. I’m gonna post my predictions in a bit.

  21. Shit, forgot about those bores. Yeah, they’re defo’s. :(

    In fact, take out one of my fantasy rudo teams – Virus and Dr X, as they don’t need to be here…. and bring back Jeque and la Flecha!!

    F*ck it, drag back Valentin Mayo from Guadalajara too, and change Ramstein back to Fugaz.

    And where are Corcel, Zeta and Meteorix these days?

    Health permitting, maybe we could also drag Enemigo Publico him back for one last stand to be in this ultimate fantasy NovatoFest too?!

    We could get 32 teams here easy! :D

  22. Hijo De Trueno is really not good and I don’t blame Androide for letting him fall on his head.

  23. Man Rob now i know what your talking about in your reviews about the crappy Monterey finishes. Navarro/Solar was awesome until that.

  24. Shit. That was good until the ref bump. You mean to tell me Navarro and Solar couldn’t work out a clean finish? That match was really good.

  25. Why are Multimedios and VIP running the bullring when they should worry about filling Coliseo Monterrey first?

  26. Welcome to the world of Monterrey. Even Solar and Navarro get sucked in. Why do a clean finish when the crowd has been accepting shitty finishes for years?

  27. True. You’ve been saying it for years, and they never learn.

    I think the crowd was down b/c this was taped during a big soccer game. Still this crowd was small.

    Volador Jr. comes off like a heel. He sure enjoyed hitting Pierroth with the belt. Volador vs Mistico in a feud of highflyers would draw, and it’s the only way for Volador to elevate his career.

  28. Anyone know which luchadors are working TNA on Tuesday at tv? I’m thinking of going since I heard some CMLL guys are coming.

    Tim. You live in Florida. You should go.

  29. Volador Jr., Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero and El Averno are booked. El Averno is also scheduled to be at Arena Mexico the same night. Oh the intrigue!

  30. Thanks Rob. I’m going to ask someone down here to get me on the guest list for TNA Tuesday. Should be interesting seeing the luchadors.

    Did you see Solar vs. Navarro? It really was a great match to watch.

  31. It was alright but I hated the finish. Solar/Navarro can never go wrong unless they’re in Japan.

    Next week has a nice main event I might try to watch if I’m home. Virus/X-Fly! Can’t beat that team.

  32. Attendance was down in MTY because… its mty. The big soccer game for them was the week before and even then, it only matters to half of the population.

  33. I was just giving the benefit of the doubt to Coliseo. That’s why I cried “soccer”!

    If it wasn’t for that stupid title, maybe Navarro/Solar would’ve had a clean finish.

    Photos are up again for Coliseo. Just a matter of time before the “Multimedios is selling Arena Coliseo(MTY)” rumors start to swirl.

  34. Well I’m gonna book my tickets for LyC in 2 weeks. RFC has the main event as MISTICO/STUKA JR. vs AVERNO/VIRUS.

    Uhm… YES PLEASE.

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