Latin Lover on TripleMania? (Possibly)

Ovaciones notes column includes this bit, 3 notes after women debuting in IWRG…

The headline makes it look like they’ve confirmed the rumor (and most likely outcome), but the article just says Latin COULD wrestle on TripleMania to be the mystery wrestler. Lots of things could happen. Like this could just be AAA leaking his name, so they could use him to sell some tickets while getting to eat their surprise cake.

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2 thoughts to “Latin Lover on TripleMania? (Possibly)”

  1. RE:Rob HAAAAAA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love how you beat me to the punch. HAAAAAAA HAAAA I love it I love it.

    Ok, my feelings are this: For now it’s just a rumor, but this rumor has been circulating for a while so as Cubs said it’s probably AAA leaking the info to see tickets while still keeping their “surprise” factor. Right now I’m happy. This may be a little pre-mature for me to say this but this is the best early birthday present I’m getting this year and the “surprise cake” (as Cubs put it) is my ealy birthday cake.

    I guesse we’ll find out in a couple of weeks if he’s on or not. Even if he doesn’t appear on Triplemania I think it’s only a matter of time before he shows up in AAA again, the same way Hulk Hogan will always show up in the WWE at some point or another.

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