AAA #831

(There’s FSE and GDR I’ve skipped over here, but I had the AAA video more handy. So we go.)

taped 04/05, aired 05/03

The Apache feud is now confusing just to be confusing. I believe they have no idea what the end game is (it should just be “Billy shaves Apache, earns his respect, everyone turns rudo” – maybe not the last part) and they’re just screwing around because it’s seemed so meandering.

Jack Evans stole the show on his debut. Which is not a surprise. The Joe Lider/Juvi break up is surprisingly well done, but also a 180 reversal from the last ladder match. At GdT, the HBs helped Lider win the tag titles, a huge deal, and it was never mentioned again. At Rey de Reyes, Lider turning on Juvi to try and win the money himself was not just a subplot, but one they actually wanted us to pay attention to and follow up on here. It’s a huge improvement in detail work.

In a way, Laredo Kid getting absoutely murdered by Mesias was elevation by comparison – his Air Force teammates would’ve just been dropped in one shot after a match. In the minute he wasn’t being destroyed in this match, Laredo got some offense. What he really could use is something to feud wise. I don’t really buy that you needed to rebuild Mesias, which was what this match was really about, since the man has been running roughshot over the promotion for 18 months.

AAA main event singles matches are so horrible. I do not understand why the guys most unskilled at working a slow techinical match are the guys who do it, but it keeps on happening and will keep on happening in future tapings. Cibernetico should never work a 10 singles minute match unless people are coming in and working for him while he takes a break in the corner.

Minis appears to have been rest to the basic formula – there are good guys, there are bad guys, and there’s no angle going on to match the split the mini Vipers just because it’s going on with the big guys. It makes for actual good matches, but I guess it doesn’t fit in the current vision of episodic TV. No minis since this match in the place that used to be the home of the minis.


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