04/26: Mexico, lineup

CMLL (FRI) 04/25 Arena Mexico [Ovaciones, ESTO, superluchas]
1) Pequeno Maximo & Ultimo Dragoncito b Pequeño Violencia & Pierrothito
2) Felino, Máscara Púrpura, Máximo b Diamante Negro, Euforia, Nosferatu
3) Blue Panther, La Máscara, Marco Corelone b Black Warrior, Olímpico, Universo 2000
4) Heavy Metal, Negro Casas, Shocker DQ Atlantis, Toscano, Último Guerrero
5) Héctor Garza, LA Park, Místico b Averno, Mephisto, Terrible

Mistico challenged for the tag team title match to take next week. Seeing as CMLL didn’t announce their own date, that’s probably the plan. Oddly, and everyone noticed it, Mistico emphasized he was picking the date, not the commission. Perhaps he’ll be in trouble with them real soon. CMLL ignores that whole challenge in it’s news update, which makes me think Mistico wasn’t supposed to make it.

Semmiain tecnicos won in straight falls, the second when Toscano fouled Heavy Metal. They’re apparently pushing a hair match between the two. I’d be worried, but they’d have to finish any one of this feuds at some point and they don’t seem to be working at that.

Mini Mascara Ano 2000 is a chef and that job is profiled in Ovaciones today.

Mano Negra, Ultraman, Lizmark and As Charo will be reappearing on May 16 and May 18 as CMLL’s next returning legends.

Next Tuesday’s card is actually Wednesday’s previously announced Kid’s Day show.

CMLL (WED) 04/30 Arena Mexico
1) Ángel Azteca Jr., Astro Boy, Sombra de Plata vs Artillero, Pólvora, Súper Comando
2) Mascarita Dorada vs Bam Bam, Shockercito, Nino de Acero Olimpicito, Pequeño Damian 666, Celestial, Pequeño Halloween, Mr. Aguilita, Pequeno Warrior, Pequeno Ninja Pierrothito [cibernetico]
3) La Sombra, Sagrado, Volador Jr. vs Fantasma Jr., La Máscara, Valiente [MEX TRIOS]
4) Marco Corelone, Místico, Shocker vs Averno, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mephisto

The two random new minis have been replaced.

CMLL (FRI) 05/02 Arena Mexico
1) Astro Boy & Kid Tiger vs Apocalipsis & Ramstein
2) Dark Angel, Goddess, Luna Mágica vs Hiroka, Medussa, Princesa Sujei
3) Felino, Hijo del Fantasma, La Sombra vs Ephesto, Misterioso II, Virus
4) Alex Koslov, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas vs Black Warrior, Rey Bucanero, Toscano
5) Blue Panther, LA Park, Shocker vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Terrible, Villano V

They’re giving the Mistico/Garza vs Averno/Mephisto feud a week off. I guess Toscano/Metal started this week just so they’d have another feud next week.

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10 thoughts to “04/26: Mexico, lineup”

  1. Friday’s main event was pretty good. It was the only match I saw from either weekend show. Ever since Garza turned the main events have been really great.

    “2) Mascarita Dorada vs Bam Bam, Shockercito, Olimpicito, Pequeño Damian 666, Celestial, Pequeño Halloween, Mr. Aguilita, Pequeno Warrior, Pierrothito [cibernetico]”

    Are you as confused as I am about why they’d list fake mini’s only to replace them? I understand why it’s done when they are hiding a singles main event on a Sunday show till mid-week but a mini’s Torneo on a show for kids day? Weird. On the bright side – THIS MATCH SHOULD ROCK! I figure this is being done to give Dorada another win and set up a title match with Pequeno Damian the following week. Can you imagine that airing unedited on Cadena Tres? I can’t see any other outcome of this match.

    Needless to say next week’s Cadena Tres seems like a can’t miss show.

    The Metal/Toscano feud actually began on 4/18 so they will be 3 weeks into it come next week. If they are really headed for a hair match it shouldn’t be more than a week or two off with typical new style CMLL booking. Then you just have to ask yourself the following question: Is Toscano only back in CMLL b/c he agreed to lose his hair or does Heavy Metal need money badly to keep his t-shirt store alive? I’d go with the latter.

  2. No,I had my feed set up at 10 this morning working properly and nothing is on there.

  3. Well he is a guardian angel, right? Perhaps he’s guarding us from good wrestling and that doesn’t feature washed up stars.

  4. Just forward his e-mails to Bob.:)

    I can cheer you up though Cubs – Joe Lider and Crazzy Boy are now feuding! Enjoy!

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