taped 02/24, aired 03/16 in the US

I don’t think they knew Panther was feuding with Villano V at this point. Grey Shadow’s MVS debut was only remarkable for the over complicated stunner combo (rule of lucha libre = keep the moves simple and make the submissions complicated) and the English promo.

It made me wish I could figure out why my PC is having a tough time capturing my VCR – I’m ditching all the VHS I’ve found laying around, but I want to transfer some to DVD and the best way for me to do that is recapturing it on my computer. My computer’s just not seeing any video there (even though this same method worked perfectly when capturing stuff over from my TiVo, before they turned file transfer on.) The added benefit of redoing the video is I’d be able to have some old clips to play around with, like the last First interview I heard Rocky Romero do on CMLL TV. That one was far more memorable than anything on here. (or more memorable than this last paragraph.)

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