10/29: Accion, too many Groons, Latin Lover

Accion highlights

CMLL: Main event relevos increidble. Jindrak dive, check. Lots of highspots, and Jindrak giving Universo the Black Hammer. Universo gets taken off with a neck brace.

AAA: Elegido, Divina, Laredo Kid, Angel vs Abismo Negro, Antifaz, Histera, Charly Manson from Orizaba (10/14) – Laredo’s springboard tonrillo on Histeria got the skeleton replay, but it was Elegido giving up to Abismo’s camel clutch variant.

Ovaciones today is mostly a recap of Friday’s Arena Mexico show. Universo is listed as ‘outside of danger’, but also will be out of action a few days and will be re-evaluted on Monday. CMLL’s news update doesn’t mention any of this; they hype Friday’s match with the idea that Shocker/Universo vs Kenzo/Marco is a prelude for a double hair match to come.

Ovaciones says Hijo de Lizmark was working complete rudo and are under the impression that Shocker and Rey Bucanero are forming a permanent team.

CMLL.com sees Corelone’s Black Hammer on Universo as karmic justice for the ones Universo’s given out (Halloween, Rayo and Blue Demon Jr. are cited – not Perro Sr.?), so I guess we’re not supposed to be sympathetic to Universo here. I think I’ll manage.

Debuting this week
– Ogun, who’s been wrestling in the indies as “the brother of Groon”
– Mictlan, who CMLL.com compares to Ogun and Groon.
– Carrona, who I know nothing about, but he’s in the opener so I’m not supposed to

I’m actually not opposed to the idea of a new Gronda – as a replacement Groon, one who’s either cheaper (Ogun? That’s how we got Gronda II) or a better working Groon (an impossible thought.) The idea of needing to employ three of them (and not even as a team) for one Sunday card boggles the mind. As seen on the PPV, CMLL has Groon selling (or at least trying to sell), so now he’s just a guy in wacky but unique outfit, and now he won’t even be that? That makes no sense. My blind guess is they’re trying out both these guys this week, only one of them is sticking around and that one’s going to get more bookings than Groon.

OTOH, it’d be hilarious if Mictlan was Oro II’s new gimmick. I’m thinking no.

AAA posted a note that they’ll Plaza de Toros La Esperanza in Escobedo, Nuevo Leon, I guess in place of Arena Coliseo Monterry and every other arena in that area. First show is next Sunday, and they specifically mention Arturo Rivera will be there – so what’s with that?

Ernesto Ocampo reports the AAA/CMLL show is off. CMLL wanted nothing to do with AAA. When they tried this with the Padrisimo show, Televisa forced CMLL into it by threatening to stop producing CMLL’s TV shows. CMLL produces the shows themselves now (or maybe MVS does), so Televisa didn’t have the leverage, though I figure they can’t be too pleased with CMLL over it. (If you really want to project it out, you gotta think Televisa’s not going to be hard with AAA during it’s time of transition, to keep CMLL from getting more leverage.) Both promotions will likely run their own charity shows.

The Latin Lover article is up on box y lucha! I’m too distracted by the picture of Latin reaching inside his trunks (to grab something?) to read closely, but I think Latin’s annoyed that he worked so hard to get male dancing over, and now guys like Intocable and Elegido are stealing his gimmick. He’d go back if AAA got rid of those copying him, and I really hope he gets his way! There’s more articles from the magazine that I’ll tackle that tomorrow and the new halcon magazine.

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12 thoughts to “10/29: Accion, too many Groons, Latin Lover”

  1. Here’s a scarier thought…

    In a recent interview Satanico said he is putting together a new version of Los Infernales and if you believe the ByL board…

    Mictlan = Chamaco Valaguez Jr.
    new gimmick to debut soon = Soberano

    They will be the new Infernales with Ogun and Satanico acting as the leader…

    Still just a rumor but if turns out to be true, I think I’m officially done with CMLL for a little while. This is a little too much to handle.

    Do you take back the Oro II comment now?:)

  2. I should also note that the Mexico version of April Fools Day should be coming up any day now(I think) so this could be one of the “AAA is dead” stories that went around last year.

  3. “Dia de los Inocentes”, the equivalent to April Fools is on December 28th, still away for almost 2 months, if they want to put something shocking, I guess the “AAA is dead won’t work”… maybe a “AAA buys CMLL!!” will do the trick this time…

    I saw the Satanico interview last week… he was talking about the diferent incarnations of the team and about Mephisto and Averno turning on him, he conceded that he did not made them, but still was not happy with the turn, he said that he won’t form a new infernales group…

    …then thought it a few mili-seconds and said ‘now that you mention it, it might be a good idea…’

    So the ‘Nuevos Infernales’ might be a machination of the Foristas minds… I think they said Soberano might be Mictlan, and the thing with Chamaco Valaguez might be something of a running joke, I’ve read that they said Ultimo Guerrero was Chamaco before Ultimo, or Alebrije… or that Alebrije is Fishman under the gimmick… lots of gossip, I think that the Rey Tigre/Eclipse bullseye was a lucky shot.

  4. There was no CMLL show on FSE last night or this morning, here in the U.S., it just didn’t air, this time FSE has no excuse.

  5. FSE dropped the ball with the lucha libre thing.If they wanted filler after soccer games that went longer they should have just put in infomercials.

  6. Are you sure it didn’t air? Over here, in Mexico, it was announced for Sunday, I think, and, Saturday morning they showed a couple of spots saying ‘Hoy a las 4:30 Lucha Libre Fox Sports’, and aired at that time/day.

    I didn’t check if they also aired it on its schedchuled Sunday time

  7. Both the web site and my on screen thingie said 4a.m. my time, but no, more soccer. Sunday Night they aired some soccer game from Houston. I might have aired in Mexico but not here. But they have it scheduled for the next couple of weeks back at the 9p.m. Sunday time slot where it was before. So who knows?

  8. It airs Friday this week.

    What happened in the US, I believe, is it got moved to some time earlier in the evening (maybe 9PM?) because there was no baseball game, but they didn’t actually tell anyone. In Mexico, it’s on 2 or 3 times, but since it’s on just one time in the US, they ought to have worked hard to explain things.

    I’m sure they had worked out what they’d do on Saturday and Sunday if there were no baseball games – even if they couldn’t get the info out on the cable listings, they could’ve at least put up the alternate info on their website.

    I’m thinking things will be stabler starting this week.

  9. It wasn’t on at 9, I was sitting there switching back and forth. Maybe it aired on another day. I wonder if UFC will treated like that when that airs on that station?

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