09/30: GdR

what aired:

09/22 Arena Mexico: 2) Dark Angel, Marcela, Sahori b Amapola, Princesa Sujei, Rosa Negra
09/15 Arena Mexico: 3) La Mascara, Maximo, Volador Jr. b Hombre Sin Nombre, Ohara, Okumura

I dunno.

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13 thoughts to “09/30: GdR”



    Volador must be OK! – and Seeing as he went with 5 dives when he got promoted to semi-main, i wonder what he’ll now that he’s a main eventer? :D

    Also – Starman V Ramstein…coming to a TV screen near you soon!

  2. Today must be the wackiest day in the history of CMLL TV.

    First match on Galavision is…

    2) Sagrado, Satanico, Virus b Loco Max, Nitro, Okumura

    From *AUGUST 4TH*! *L*

    The intro hyped the Casas Family vs Aguila/Damian/Halloween from last week and the full semi-main w/ Volador Jr.’s injury.

    Of course they also hyped a new Momentos so… yeah…

  3. Damn, i was hoping for Metrons match from last Sunday to air, FSE looks like it’ll be the Segunda and either the main or semi-main.

    Yeah – who has Rey Bucanero pissed off?? It’s like he’s barely even an upper-midcarder any more a mere few months after the expected superstar push.. I wish’d he’d never turned in the first place, it would all be better if we could just erased the past year with regards to Los Guerreros.

    If they weren’t sure of Rey and weren’t going to commit to him, they shouldn’t have split him up with Ultimo in the first place as it’s not like they were stale – they were still the best duo in the world!

    I still hope he stays in CMLL though, even if it is as a midcarder, instead of jumping to some circus who don’t even wrestle in square rings :-p

  4. “The intro hyped the Casas Family vs Aguila/Damian/Halloween from last week and the full semi-main w/ Volador Jr.’s injury”

    Substitute Aguila for Blue Demon and that match was main eventing Arena Mex just over a year ago!

    – oh the times they are a changing…. :)

  5. Famila De TJ Arena Mexico main events were the poorest drawing cards of the year. Dunno who thought that would work.

    Opener was shitty b/c Sagrado got hurt in the second fall so the third fall barely went 90 seconds.

    Momentos was new and covered spots from the two matches that are coming up next… :/

    The outcry about no Anniversary Show airing on all the Mexican boards is hilarious.:)

  6. I have a feeling this Volador match from last week will actually be really good up until the injury. I think the first two falls went about 12 minutes combined, which for todays CMLL trios standards is almost ironman match-esque!

    Either way, whether it’s good or bad, i’m really glad it’s being shown in full, because it’s a pretty monumental night for the career of Volador despite the ending and deserves to be recorded.

    From the pics it also appeared like Felino hit a neat new highspot in that match – the old Super Calo slingshot somersault senton to the floor. If it was that, it’s pretty cool, and would definitely have freshened things up a bit as that match had ‘run of the mill’ written all over it.

    BTW – Last nights pics up on official site already . As CMLL’s official photographer, Alexis must have got things all to himself :)

    Check out Los Guerreros entrance attire! – Awesome!

  7. Nice heads up! I’ll check those out in a sec.

    Casas Bros. vs Familia was short and sweet. Nothing special but nothing insulting either. Felino did the dive you described but it was setup awkward.

  8. I wonder if Alexis was even allowed at ringside b/c those photos are from the official CMLL photographer, not him.

    Videos of the show are up as well but I’m not watching b/c I’ll be seeing the full show soon enough.:P

  9. Well you were right Henrik… that was a really long match by CMLL standards. BUT… 3 of Volador’s dives came within 30 seconds, 1 of them was barely caught on camera and the other was missed completely. He did three straight dives on Perrito who is so awful that nobody seems to trust him in the ring any more. He was outside for the entire match and only came in for comedy spots. I think I’ll start calling him Roddy Roddy Perrito b/c he has TONS of charisma and is funny sometimes but he might just be the worst actual wrestler in the world right now.

    Show should be over unless they show the finish of the main like they did for Perro/Universo in 2001.

  10. It was from September 10 Gala Mexico airing with La Parka vs. Muerta Cibernetica in the main event for some title. In the young wrestlers/midcard veterans tourney, Cometa vs. Policeman was pretty fun. Apache vs. Pegasso looked very clipped. The Aliens stable had another match. Atomicos title rematch between Black Family and Mexican Powers with was joined in progress at the end of the second fall. Porky, Octagon & Zorro vs. Scorpio Jr., Zumbido & Alan Stone

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