Sombra wins block A of the Universal tournament, hair match challenges everywhere, Guerreros keep tag titles,

This isn't DragonCon (photo by CMLL)


CMLL (FRI) 09/02/2011 Arena Mexico [CMLLKaiser-Sports (1-4)Kaiser-Sports (title)Kaiser-Sports (Universal)La CatedralRecordRecord (Universal)]
1) Ángel Azteca Jr. & Molotov b Bobby Zavala & Disturbio
Tecs took 1/3.
2) Misterioso II, Shigeo Okumura, Yoshihashi b Dragon Lee, Pegasso, Rey Cometa
Rudos took 1/3.
3) Blue Panther, La Máscara, Rush b Felino, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Negro Casas
Felino was honored for 25 years in wrestling (?) before the match with a video tribute. Puma, Tiger, Princesa Blanca and Dalis were among the group part of the pre-match celebration. Negro was out there too,, of course, and Panico is visible in the pictures. Felino thanked the crowd. Mascara and Tanahashi were the captains and exchanged the first two falls (Mascara taking the first.) Blue Panther and Rush beat Felino & Negro in the third. After the match, those two tecnicos made hair match challenges to the Casas brothers.
4) Volador Jr. b Máscara Dorada [lightning]
Volador won clean via backcracker in 9 minutes.
5) Diamante b Pólvora [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
Matchups set up by a seeding battle royal. Diamante won via springboard 450, but seemed to suffer a left elbow injury.
6) La Sombra b Ángel de Oro [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
Backflip into a moonsault for the win. Angel de Oro offered a handshake before the match, but Sombra refused. Sombra offered a handshake after the match, but Angel de Oro angrily refused.
7) Rey Bucanero b Héctor Garza [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
less than a minute, Bucanero putting his feet on the ropes for the win. Garza challenged Bucanero to a hair match.
8) Mephisto b Ephesto [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
These two shook hands. Mephisto blocked the Ephesto Roll into his own cradle for the win.
9) La Sombra b Diamante [CMLL Universal, quarterfinal]
Brillante Bomb to advance.
10) Rey Bucanero b Mephisto [CMLL Universal, quarterfinal]
Bridging suplex.
11) La Sombra b Rey Bucanero [CMLL Universal, semifinal]
Sombra finally kicked out of the Bucanero Destroyer (which beat him in the last big match between the two.) Felino, who was announcing, distracted Bucanero near the end of this one. Sombra Brillante Bombed Bucanero for the win. Sombra noted to the press that he’s gotten a step further each year, and feels better prepared this year. Sombra isn’t set on facing Lyger in the final, he just wants to win this. Sombra also said he does not expect to main event the anniversary show, because he’s spent too much time in Japan to have built that sort of rivalry. Felino & Bucanero made hair match challenges again.
12) Dragón Rojo Jr. & Último Guerrero b Atlantis & Guerrero Maya Jr. [CMLL TAG]
This match did not start until after these shows usually end, and live reports mention people did leave before it was over. Guerrero Maya beat UG with the Mayan Sacrifice (?) and Atlantis got Dragon Rojo with a ‘rana to take the first. Champs got pins to take the second and tie it up. In the third, Atlantis eliminated UG with the Atlantida. Dragon Rojo managed to beat Maya on his own. Atlantis got Dragon Rojo in a foul again, but UG snuck in and fouled him, allowing Dragon Rojo to reverse the pin and get the win to keep the titles. UG explained that he didn’t teach Atlantis everything about being a rudo because he knew this day would come, and Dragon Rojo said the next goal was to get a mask match between Atlatnis and UG, though Delta & Maya would fall too if they got in the way.

This week’s show is the one that should’ve started at 5, they would’ve got it over at a decent hour.

Kcidis illustrates the main event finish.

It’s pretty obvious now that CMLL is setting up a multiman hair match, probably a cage match, as the actual anniversary main event. If there’s a reason they haven’t announced it, it’s because they haven’t gotten all the names making challenges yet. Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Texano, Felino, Negro Casas, Blue Panther, Rush, Hector Garza and Shocker are all in it based on the last two weeks, and there’s still room for guys like Toscano, Averno and even Tanahashi. (Or maybe 2 guys I haven’t listed here but become more obvious when we look at the lineups.)

Other News

Ras de Lona, taking place outside because why not, had hype for the PWR women’s cibernetico on Sunday and the Universal  tournament. Blanca took a moment to talk about the hair match challenge with Marcela, so maybe they can be added to the cage match too!

Also, they gave out the 2010 CMLL awards!
Novato: Delta
Tecnico: Sombra
Women: Amapola
Revelacion: Angel de Oro
Tag: Atlantis & Ultimo Guerrero (really)
Trio: Generacion Dorada

Not sure if the other ones are to be given out (rudo is missing), or are just being skipped.

Jushin Liger is due back 09/14, which isn’t in time to be in this tournament. Also, they spelled his name “Layger”. Upon arrival, Tanahashi walked thru the airport with his belt over his shoulder, which is great, and then did his promo in English and Spanish. In other Japanese people news, they showed UG clotheslining Naito that one time about 15 times on this show.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update, Alfredo’s thoughts on the WON HOF, and Ras de Lona from two weeks ago. they really need to find a way to post those a bit quicker.

Lucha Libre in Japan

Ozz & Cuervo are on AJPW’s upcoming junior heavyweight league group of shows, but not actually in the tournament. They’re instead new recruits by Kenzo Suzuki, who’s has starting an evil army of his own and is using his AAA contacts. the Dark Family just can’t help but be evil henchmen for someone. Tour goes from 09/11 to 09/25, though it’s unclear if they’re on all of the shows. They’ll miss the next two tapings at least.

Super Crazy will be in Japan around the same time, as part of Zero One’s own junior heavyweight single elimination tournament. That’s just three shows, from September 13 to 17.


  • Tinieblas wants a new TV show and a movie.
  • Bucanero says Peste Negra never fit his style, but what he’d really like for the anniversary show is a trios title match for TRT.
  • Las Gemas del Ring reunite tonight. This will be Zafiro’s first match in five years.


CMLL (TUE) 09/06/2011 Arena Mexico
1) Leono & Starman vs Bobby Zavala & Disturbio
2) Fuego, Metal Blanco, Palacio Negro vs Dr. X, Misterioso Jr., Shigeo Okumura
3) Princesa Blanca vs Marcela [MEX WOMEN]
4) Atlantis, Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Dragon Lee, Puma King, Shocker
5) Olímpico, Psicosis, Volador Jr. vs Ángel de Oro, Diamante, Rush

Dr. X (and Fuego!) Dr. X did work Sunday CMLL spots shows in northern Mexico, as an indy guy who just happened to be teaming with his old friend Nitro, and my gut feeling is someone in CMLL put him on this lineup when he’s not actually going to be on the show. He is supposed to work the Toy Museum show tomorrow, maybe he’ll clear that up.

Semimain is a rematch from last week. Still not sure why they’re using Puma King in that spot, since the idea seems to be new group Charly leader Atlantis & the top 2 Group Charly guys vs original Group Charly leader Shocker & the other two guys (which should be Dragon Lee & Metal Blanco, hanging out in the second match.)

Can Marcela find a way to come so close but not actually win a different title? We’ll find out!

CMLL (FRI) 09/09/2011 Arena Mexico
1) Metálico & Sensei vs Cholo & Inquisidor
2) Metro, Sagrado, Valiente vs Euforia, Raziel, Vangelis
3) Máximo vs Mr. Águila [lightning]
4) La Máscara vs RushMáscara DoradaDragón Rojo Jr.VirusHiroshi TanahashiAvernoÚltimo Guerrero [CMLL Universal, semifinal]
5) Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas vs Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Texano

For what it’s worth, Ras de Lona had Atlantis & Maya in the tournament. They do this too often to be accidental.

Tanahashi is indeed getting Liger’s spot. Wish I understood that from the beginning.

Aguila and Maximo feuding to put them  in the cage makes sense (more than calling it a VIP lightning match.)

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21 thoughts to “Sombra wins block A of the Universal tournament, hair match challenges everywhere, Guerreros keep tag titles,”

  1. @Rob: FWIW, the Mayan Sacrifice name came from the Kaiser Sports recap.

    The announcers tend to use the Mayan Apocalispis name (or the correct version of that name) for that move, but I think that’s actually supposed to be the sit down piledriver.

  2. @Alfredo: you’ve reached new levels with that pun

    Galavision has 4/6 (so someone decided a match with Dragon Lee, Sangre Azteca, and Nosferatu was not worth airing…ok!)

    LATV has the expected episode.

  3. CMLL TV decided not to air a match with THE MOST PROMISING WRESTLER IS ALL OF MEXICO Dragon Lee? Cesar will be most unhappy.

  4. ACM has Hijo Del Mongol Chino, Pancho Tequila, the Beast b Rey Dragon, Rey Imagen, the Angel from Last Sunday. Weird match to air. Do they still have the 2 hour Sunday show?

  5. @Tim: it didnt air last week, and it’s not on the schedule for this week aswell. also, the angel from the last night, it’s that the same guy that was in AAA?

  6. @Tim: According to Multimedios Plus in the Sky in-screeen schedule, there is. From 5 to 7 pm Central time. I do not know if there is still a show, but if you want, I can check at that time :)

  7. TF has 07/27 matches. Chronological order is for losers!

    Ephesto, Hijo del Signo, Rey Escorpion vs Dragon Lee, Hombre Bala Jr., Stuka Jr.
    La Sombra, Máscara Dorada, Rush vs Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas

  8. Cubsfan are you from Atlanta? Nice Dragon*Con reference either way, it’s been a fantastic show this year.

  9. @KorteJ: My guess is 09/17. 3) and 12) on Fox Sports and lighthning and Block A of tournament in Galavision. I wish I knew when or where they will air the fist two… specially the Rey Cometa one.

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