07/19: Coliseo

Luchawiki has been up and down the last 18 hours. Sorry about that.

CMLL (TUE) 07/18 Arena Coliseo Results
1) Mini Olimpico, Ultimo Dragonicto b Mini Damian 666, Mini Halloween
2) Danger, Leono, Starman b Jeque, Super Comando, Zayco
3) Kronos, Oro II, Virus DQ Apocalipsis, Mr. Mexico, Ramstein
4) Emilio Charles, Hijo de Pierroth, Pierroth b Lizmark Sr., Metro, Pantera
5) Heavy Metal, Mistico, Rey Bucanero b Olimpico, Tarzan Boy, Ultimo Guerrero

That’s quite the weak undercard.

AAA TV (SAT) 07/15 Auditorio Municipal de Torreon Results
1) Mascarita Sagrada, Mujer Demente, Pimpinela Escarlata, Triple A b Electro Shock, Jerrito Estrada, May Flowers, Tiffany
2) Electroshock, Histeria, Xtreme Tiger DQ Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Juventud Guerrera
No X-Fly. Xtreme Tiger faked a low blow from Juvi for the win.
3) Elegido, Intocable, Zorro b Chessman, Doctor, Muerte Cibernetica
Elegido beat Doctor with a BEARHUG
4) Octagon b Zumbido [MEX MIDDLE]
Clean win, with Octagon winning with his trademark finish. He’s double champ
5) Gronda II, Intocable, La Parka Jr. b Alan Stone, Scorpio Jr., Shocker
Gronda – a new one – suplxed Shocker for the win. AAA says “this is a new Gronda” and “this is the only true Gronda” in the same match description.

AAA’s updated their notes section, including interviews with Octagoncito and Super Calo. After being up months, they’ve added a Konnan profile. They’ve oddly (?) listed him in the AAA section and not the LLL one.

Based off last Sunday’s semimain, Dos and Ultimo will meet this Sunday in a singles match. Now that Ultimo’s no longer champ, I’m thinking Dos might finally beat him.

Guerreros del Ring #44 has a cover of Villano III. Don’t look at Villano III’s forehead while eating. They’re also launching their own more photos verision of the ‘net.

Drabek I & II beat Rayo Tapatio I & II for Queretaro Tag Titles.

La Opinion Digital has an interview with El Hijo Del Santo. Nothing much new, though it’s always weird to see his real name in the first paragraph.

Ovaciones says the Arena Lopes Mateos TV deal, to be first taped next 07/26 and air on 07/29 (Mexico only; the channel doesn’t appear to have a website) is a contract for one year.

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2 thoughts to “07/19: Coliseo”

  1. Unfortunately that Channel 28 is just an independant station in Mexico City so it may be hard to find a source.:/ Would be easier if it was on Sky or something like that.

    The Drabek’s won the belts on Sunday at Arena Queretaro. (that was more for my own records than anything else)

    Doctor = El Medico. He’s a pretty good rudo from Monterrey who is only in to make Elejido look good since they trained together. That taping looks rather weak but it might surprise us since guys seem to work harder in Torreon from my experience.


  2. The AULL show will air in Canal 28 the saturdays at 5:00, and in the cable channel TVC the same day at 7:00.

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