07/09 AAA TV Results (Veracruz)

AAA TV (SAT) 07/09/2011 Auditorio Benito Juarez de Veracruz [AAA Facebook, AAA PR (R de Rudo)]
1) Mickie James & Sexy Star b Fabi Apache & Mari Apache
Mickie kissed & DDT Mari this time, compared Mari to a cow, and challenged for the Reina de Reinas title.
2) Dark Dragon, Súper Fly, Tigre Cota, Tito Santana b Argos, Fenix, Laredo Kid, Sugi San
Super Fly, with some help from Dark Dragon defeated Laredo for the win. Rudos beat up tecnicos after the match.
3) Abyss, Chessman, Último Gladiador b Extreme Tiger, Jack Evans, Joe Lider
Abyss pinned Lider in a hardcore match. Abyss gave both Lider and Tiger Black Hole Slams on thumbtacks.
4) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Zorro NC Jeff Jarrett & LA Park
LA Park and Jarrett had problems during the match. Karen and Park first were crossed up, then later Zorro hit Park with a chair and tossed it to Jarrett. Park believed Jarrett attacked him, and was very angry with him. La Socidead ran out and the match had no finish. AAA made the save, and Wagner convinced Zorro to rejoin the tecnicos. Wagner also declared himself top contender for the Mega title.
5) Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown Halloween, Hijo del Lizmark, Super Crazy
Psycho top rope splashed Lizmark for the win.

2011 AAA TV Schedule
Projected Air Date #997
Mexico: 07/16

In the Quine pinta para la Corona talent search contest, these six advance to the next round: Exorcista Jr., Hijo del Exorcista, Mini Espiritu, Samurai del Sol, Corsario de Fuego and Angel del Misterio advanced. Mini Espiritu is a Puebla based wrstler, Samurai del Sol is from here in Chicago, Corsario de Fuego appears in Arena Xalapa, and Angel de Misterio is an actual hometown guy. Not sure about the Exorcistas. I don’t watch many talent search shows, but I do know people traveling to other towns to try it out is expected. Still, for a contest about finding the best local talent, it sure is odd to have few local talents. (It’s a TV show.)

Next taping 07/16 in Orizaba, which appears to have these as the top matches

4) Zorro, Electroshock, Dr. Wagner vs LA Park, Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson
5) Psycho Circus vs Perros del Mal

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5 thoughts to “07/09 AAA TV Results (Veracruz)”

  1. I just hope I’ll find another way to watch AAA untill next month with warriors taking a vacation and AAA taken of Galavision.

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