Poll: Demus or Virus?

[poll id=”77″]

On the line, so far:

  • Loser is a mini
  • Loser loses their hair
  • Winner gets the Cancerberos (and Euforia and Cancerbero are cut from the group if Demus wins)
  • Virus must kiss Demus’ hand if he loses

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6 thoughts to “Poll: Demus or Virus?”

  1. As I told Cecilia on twitter -> my brain says Virus wins, my heart wants Demus to win.

    With so many extra stips taking place only if Demus wins it seems like they are trying to make you think he will. It’d be nice to see Euforia on his own. And who doesn’t druel at the thought of Bam Bam vs Virus?

    Wonder if they’ll let them bleed to get the match over more. Hopefully they just get time but that will be tough on a 6 match show and they are in the Lightning Match spot (usually given less than 10 mins…)

  2. If Euforia ends of groupless it could be fun to have him with Misterioso and Escorpion call them Ace of Base, add in Nosferatu to just becuase him and Euforia are gold together.

  3. @Calabcd44: That could definetly help to elevate them, lots of prestige comes with that name, and look what it’s done for guys like Ultimo,Rey,Averno, and Mephisto. All those guys are great bases and so are Euforia,Misterioso,Nosferatu. Defiently would be fun to see how it went and who would lead,I think Euforia would be best but Misterioso seems higher on the totem poll currently.

  4. @Rob: Hard to decide as both are very esteemed and regardless of the outcome, many interesting things will happen.
    Let’s hope, as you say, they get enough time alloted for the match.
    All and all I go with Virus and this is a match that would have been so much fun to see live and naturally joined by lucha buddies! :)

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