Guadalajara, press conferences, Puebla

CMLL (TUE) 02/22/2011 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) MetatrónEvola
2) Astro Boy & LeonoDrago & Exterminador
3) Black Metal & Palacio Negro DQ Hooligan & Skándalo
Hooligan & Skandalo were strong in this match, but earned the DQ by tossing Metal out of the ring onto Negro. That’s a super rare DQ, and rarer still outside of Mexico City.
4) Sangre Azteca, Stuka Jr., Valiente DQ Rey Bucanero, Shigeo Okumura, Yoshihashi
Rey Bucanero fouled Sangre Azteca right in front of the refs for a DQ.
5) Terrible, Texano, Volador Jr.Hijo del Fantasma, La Sombra, Máscara Dorada
Volador crushed Sombra with a Canadian Destroyer to take the win.

Today is Press Conferencemania!

The CMLL one takes places at noon (all times central.) The big item is the Dos Leyendas date and main event. They’ve set up a  number of feuds as possible main events. In order of most hyped:

  1. Texano & Terrible vs Maximo & Super Porky
  2. Averno vs Mascara Dorada
  3. Mephisto vs Hijo del Fantamsa
  4. Sangre Azteca vs Polvora or Misterioso or Dragon Rojo

Virus/Demus seems to be contained to Tuesdays. Rush/Texano and Volador/Panther or Porky seem to have gone to the side for now. I’m not sure if any one of those is strong enough headline a show with increased ticket prices alone – Averno/Dorada or Mephisto/Fantasma for a title does not work, and I’m not sure if the fans care enough about the tecnicos to accept a mask match. Texano/Terrible vs Maximo/Porky as a main event with no strong semimain would be cynical and depressing.

CMLL has other items to discuss. There will be hype for the National Tournament finals. Maybe talk about some of pending notable matches this upcoming week (Demus/Virus, Cancerberos/MexTriosChamps, Inquisidor/Metal Blanco!) Mr. Niebla’s return will be announced, and it’s likely he won’t be the only one. Black Warrior may return at any time. Hijo del Lizmark was suppose to be on AAA’s taping Saturday, and it’s possible he may have used that to get a deal here. CMLL still hasn’t announced the winners of their 2010 awards, maybe that’ll start to happen.

WWE is holding a press conference at 2:30 pm in Mexico City. They’ve got four shows in May to promote, and they’ll probably just focus on hyping the names. They may announce a TV taping, though I feel doubtful about that.

And very little of any of this will be focused on by the end of the day, because Mistico will dominate the conversation once more. It’s been over four weeks since he signed with WWE (ESTO just caught on), and he should make that deal public at their press conference. WWE wants to make it clear that they’ve signed THE Mistico, so expect them to do everything legally possible to let you know it’s the same guy who beat Black Warrior in Arena Mexico. I keep thinking back to a skit very early in LA Park’s CMLL run, where he transformed from his old outfit and name to his new duds, and I expect the same here. Will they have a new name and mask for him? Will CMLL criticize him, or even mention him at all? We’ll find out in a few hours.

Perro Aguayo Jr. tells Mi Lucha Libre that he wants a hair vs mask match with Dr. Wagner, and that they had actually agreed to one in CMLL before they both left.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.



CMLL (MON) 02/28/2011 Arena Puebla
1) Asturiano, Milenium, Stigma vs Fuerza Chicana, King Jaguar, Siki Osama
2) Dalys la Caribeña, Dark Angel, Luna Mágica vs Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei, Zeuxis
3) Arkángel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skándalo vs Cancerbero, Escorpion, Raziel
4) Ángel de Oro, Diamante, Rush vs Euforia, Pólvora, Virus [MEX TRIOS]
5) Máscara Dorada vs Averno

Hey, it’s that match again.

I know Rush just picked up another title, but I can’t see that group of tecnicos losing to that group of rudos. Angel de Oro & Rush are being programming very strongly. CMLL can’t remember they broke up Euforia and Nosferatu months ago. This is just a first defense.

Loco Max vs Escorpion up to a tercera! Because there’s a women’s match, but hey.

Arena Puebla has run big shows for it’s second March show the last few years

2008/03/10 – Garza/Mistico vs Averno/Mephisto [CMLL TAG]
2009/03/06 – minis cage match (friday)
2010/03/15 – Bam Bam/Violencia [hair]
2011/03/14 – Loco Max vs Escorpion?

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8 thoughts to “Guadalajara, press conferences, Puebla”

  1. Talk of debut plans for Mistico and how his signing will be promoted is so uncharacteristic of WWE. So they’re going to fast track Mistico to the main roster instead reprogramming him in FCW? They’re going to do what they usually don’t do for people who made names elsewhere and hype Mistico based on his stardom elsewhere? Interesting. They must think Rey Mysterio is on his way out sooner than most people think or something.

  2. Honestly does Mistico have any value outside of his fame? Take away his hype and he is just a really short mediocre luchadore, if they put him in FCW he never gets out. This is a really smart move, striking while the iron is hot.

  3. @Phil: He’ll go to Tampa no matter what. He has to get mic time so WWE can work with him on his strengths and weaknesses. They can make a big stink about him today in Mexico City and fly him to Tampa tomorrow.

    I’ve been to many FCW shows. Even the house shows and non tv Thursdays are taped for review by brass, and the boys all cut promos as if they are on tv.

    If he does go the the main roster, I bet I’ll still see him in Tampa a few times. A few people have worked both main roster and FCW before.

    I can see WWE making him Mystico if they think they can get away with it.

  4. Past weekend

    CMLL 2.6
    AAA 2.7

    I’ll post more late tonight or tomorrow.

    AAA is down to CMLL levels in the ratings. I never thought this would happen.

  5. @Phil: “Honestly does Mistico have any value outside of his fame? Take away his hype and he is just a really short mediocre luchadore”

    Please. We’re in 2005 all over again.

    Watch a Delta match. Watch an Angel De Oro match. Watch an Argenis match. Watch an El Angel match. Then tell me Mistico has no value outside of his name.

    You and Tom used to constantly argue anyone could do what Mistico does and I can provide you with a list of 20 Misticlones that have failed miserably. If it was so easy to be Mistico this entire situation wouldn’t be a big deal and CMLL would have 30 Mistico’s waiting to take over.

    He can work. Not the way you guys enjoy, but he knows what to do inside the ring and when to do it. He’s also got “it”. He can connect with fans. I don’t know why you guys have never been able to see it but it’s hard to argue the facts. He’s got the kind of thing guys like Freelance don’t have. Great worker… no doubt. But can only get over in front of a crowd that knows who he is in Naucalpan. Also has personal issues (which Mistico has been able to avoid) that will ensure he will never be close to Mistico’s level.

    You can argue till you’re blue in the fact that Mistico is garbage without his fame but how did he get his fame? By connecting with the crowd and being a great wrestler in their eyes. I find it hard to believe he tricked millions of Mexicans into thinking he’s so great and two guys from DC are the only ones that see through his facade.

    With that said… I’m still opposed to not having him go to Florida for a while. Vinceland is not traditional wrestling. If Mistico is unable to be transformed into the robot sports entertainer they want and has trouble learning English – he will fail. The company will give up on him in a heartbeat and most likely it won’t be a reflection on him – it’ll be a reflection on the people in charge being unwilling to think outside the box and understand why a guy like Mistico cannot do the same things as (random generic Florida guy who is on RAW).

    I hope it works out for him b/c as I said weeks ago – if he fails it will seriously effect his future when he returns to Mexico. There is no coming back if you bomb on national TV with the WWE. Especially if they take your mask out of spite.

  6. @CM93: AAA has lost between 30%-40% of their television audience over the last quarter. Guerra de Titanes did not have a great turnout. The first few tapings have done well, and they’re smart for doing as many Fri, Sat, Sun tapings as possible, and going back to venues like Morelia.

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