some CMLL matches you could watch before watching the 91st CMLL Aniversario

CMLL’s Aniversario takes place Friday. Some of you may be subscribing to the CMLL YouTube channel, and want to catch up on matches leading to the big show. Others may have drifted in and out and needed a refresher on the deal with the announced lineup. The good news is there really isn’t much you have to watch to get caught up. Only two of the seven were built on matches that happened. The rest are just CMLL putting some names together by fiat or running angles that didn’t involve a match. There’s not a lot of essential viewing, as common with a CMLL big show.

As requested by a reader, I’ve thrown together a list of the few essential matches worth watching. Also, so this post wouldn’t just be five matches long, I threw in a bunch of matches if you want to get a sense of what the other wrestlers have been up to lately. This is absolutely not a list of Every Good Match in CMLL; there’s been stuff like the Gran Prix and the Depredador cibernetico that are good which just didn’t fit.

I’ve broken it down match by match on the Aniversario. If you just have time for one show, the 07/26 CMLL card has the main feud and many of the other major players. I might argue that other shows are better, but that’ll cover enough of what you need to cover.

Futuro, Hombre Bala Jr., Max Star vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido

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  • nothing! This is a match announced with no build. Both teams are regular units, but there’s no feud here – CMLL just thinks this will be a good match.

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Neón, Star Jr., Templario vs Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Soberano Jr.

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  • nothing! This is a “get everyone on the show” match.

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Máscara Dorada vs Titán in the Copa Independencia final

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Willow Nightingale © vs Zeuxis for the CMLL Women’s Championship

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  • Nothing! CMLL just announced the match (and also asked AEW not to change the title on their PPV)

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Atlantis Jr., Último Guerrero, Volador Jr. vs Kojima, Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero

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  • Nothing. The idea is this is a cross-promotional match with people you’d never expect to see.

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Hechicero vs Esfinge vs Valiente vs Euforia [mask]

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Chris Jericho versus Mistico

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  • Both Jericho and Mistico appeared on CMLL Informa to hype this, but you don’t have to watch it
  • Fun Mistico matches appear in previous match previews.

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