Castagnoli wins the CMLL Gran Prix, Zandokan/Averno, AAA/Unimas


CMLL (FRI) 08/23/2024 Arena México [AS, CMLL, Esquina CalienteEstrellas del RingExcelsiorKaiser SportsThe Gladiatores, thecubsfan, (videos)]
1) Villano III Jr. b Fugaz [lightningCMLL | El Villano III Jr. gana el match relámpago a Fugaz (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Villano III Jr. con tremendas patadas y posterior conteo de tres rinde a Audaz (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2) Lluvia & Tessa Blanchard b Kira & Skadi CMLL | Lluvia y Tessa Blanchard derrotan a Kira y Skady (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Lluvia y Tessa Blanchard dejan en la lona a Kira y Skadi en el Grand Prix (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
3) Ángel de Oro, Bárbaro Cavernario, Soberano Jr. b Atlantis, Blue Panther, Octagón CMLL | Ángel de Oro, Bárbaro Cavernario y Soberano Jr. vencen a Atlantis, Octagón y Blue Panther (posted by mluchatv) CMLL-SOBERANO JR-B. CAVERNARIO-ÁNGEL DE ORO VS OCTAGÓN-BLUE PANTHER-ATLANTIS/ARENA MÉXICO/23-08-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Reporte CMLL: Ángel de Oro, B. Cavernario y Soberano Jr. dan cuenta de Atlantis, B.Panther y Octagón (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
4) Akira, Claudio Castagnoli, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Flip Gordon, Ikuro Kwon, Kyle Fletcher, Mansoor, Robbie X, Rocky Romero, Yota b Atlantis Jr., Esfinge, Euforia, Máscara Dorada, Místico, Templario, Titán, Último Guerrero, Valiente, Volador Jr. [Gran PrixCMLL | Claudio Castagnoli conquista el #GranPrix 2024 derrotando a Volador Jr. (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Claudio Castagnoli el gran ganador del Grand Prix del CMLL al doblegar a Volador Jr. (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Order of elimination: Akira (via Ultimo Guerrero, 16:24), Flip Gordon (via Templario, 22:24), Valiente (via Ikuro Kwon, 23:05), Ikuro Kwon (via Euforia, 24:57), Ultimo Guerrero (via Davey Boy Smith, 27:35), Esfinge (via Robbie X, 30:35), Euforia (via Kyle Fletcher, 33:12), Robbie X (via Titan, 36:11), Templario (via Rocky Romero, 40:14), Davey Boy Smith (via Atlantis Jr., 42:38), Mansoor (via Mascara Dorada, 44:10), Titan (via Claudio Castagnoli, 45:23), Yoto (by DQ, 46:32), Mascara Dorada (via Claudio Castagnoli, 48:05), Rocky Romero (via DQ, 51:42), Mistico (via Kyle Fletcher mask pull, 52:32), Kyle Fletcher (via Atlantis Jr., 53:55), Atlantis Jr. (via Claudio Castagnoli, 57:27), Volador Jr. (via Claudio Castagnoli, 1:00:45) leaving Claudio Castagnoli the winner. Breaks a 3 match winning streak (2019, 2022, 2023) for Team Mexico.

The 2024 Gran Prix met the level of past years: it was a lot of hot action in front of a very hot crowd. The two teams generally meshed well, and the atmosphere was maintained throughout the match. The trick to making this a big show is CMLL has steadfastly treated it as Really Important. The wrestlers do it as well; this was worked hard and worked in a way to try to give everyone something along the way. Claudio Castagnoli was the big hero of the match, eliminating Titan, Dorada, Atlantis Jr., and Volador in the closing stretch to win it. Robbie X had his best performance of his run, and Atlantis Jr. had a good night with a crowd in the face of a crowd that wanted to boo him. There was a bit of story in there – Rocky got Flip eliminated, then provided the distraction that set up Mistico’s elimination – but mostly, this was a serious, straightforward match where Castagnoli was the best guy on the night.

The Gran Prix was probably the longest match in Arena Mexico history. The style was so different in the 1930s and 1940s that an hour match seems possible in Arena Coliseo (or the previous Arena Mexico), but nothing I’ve read in magazines past that point seems like they’ve broken the hour mark. No way to prove this, of course.

CMLL eliminated all the Aniversario guys early, probably because that’s just where they are in the CMLL internal depth chart. It’s weird to see, though it’s not exactly going to hurt the Aniverasrio show – they’re six seats away from a sell-out at last check. (Those six seats are the 230 USD seat+meal tickets in the restaurant, so they tend to be the last to go.) Valiente had a near tragedy when he hit the back of his head on a moonsault dive early on; he continued the match, though he was one of the first out. When CMLL runs multiperson apuesta matches, the last two are usually the first two who started feuding. That would be Esfinge and Euforia this time. CMLL’s also deviated from established patterns this year, and Valiente losing his mask might be a necessary change. It might not produce the best possible main event, but he continues to feel like a guy near the end of his run, and they might not be able to wait another year.

Yota getting DQed seemed a clear case of NJPW not wanting him to take a pin in this match. (It was also a bit of Edgar no selling.) He didn’t lose a deciding pinfall in the rest of the matches this weekend, too. (Mistico losing via mask pull was a similar decision and fair enough. It does make Tuesday’s Yota versus Gran Guerrero title match in Guadalajara interesting. Maybe they’ll just go to a draw like Hiromu and Mistico did last year.

CMLL making an effort to get representatives from every embassy of every foreign wrestler probably took a lot of work and a lot of logistics for what turned out to be mostly ten seconds of those people on-screen, but those ten seconds added to the event’s gravity. It probably made it more remarkable for the wrestlers, too. I listened to Michael Oku on the Grappl podcast, and he spoke about how unbelievable it was for him to be invited to the British Embassy while in Mexico (his only tea on the entire trip.) There is representing your country in a wrestling bit, and there is another level of your country supporting you as their representative, and that’s got to feel pretty good.

I never got a good shot of it, but CMLL put the logos up for all six promotions they’re working with—AEW, NJPW, Ring of Honor, MLW, NJPW Strong, and Rev Pro—on the rotating video board during the show. They’ve only had the NJPW logo for years. It’s worth keeping an eye out on Tuesday if that’s a permanent change.

In a post-show interview, Claudio said the win proved he and AEW were #1, but he emphasized that it was a team effort and a team victory. He believes CMLL made the right decision to pass on him all those years ago because he wasn’t as ready as he needed to be. He’s ready now, and he’d like to come back to have singles matches with all the CMLL names from this match—he got bits and pieces of them but wants more. Claudio then got a plane with the trophy and took it all the way to London.

I thought the rest of the show exceeded expectations. Angel de Oro, Barbaro Cavernario and Soberano Jr. made the legend team look so good in the semi-main, and then (cleanly) ultimately stole the win. That should’ve been a perfectly OK match, but somehow, it was much better than that. The women’s tag is now the standard for that division on big shows: they’re going for all the flashy spots they can come up with, some of which will look sloppy, but they’re trying to get some attention and look cool. Fugaz/Villano III Jr. was solid, if not as spectacular as it could be – it also wasn’t a disaster, which is in play with Fugaz’s singles matches. You should just watch the whole show.

CMLL (SAT) 08/24/2024 Arena Coliseo [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) Galaxy & Shockercito b Full Metal & Pequeño Polvora
2) Capitán Suicida, El Audaz, Fuego b El Coyote, Nitro, Pólvora
3) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, Hijo de Blue Panther b Espanto Jr., Hijo de Stuka Jr., Hijo del Villano III
4) Akira b Difunto [lightning]
5) Titán, Yota, Zandokan DQ Averno, Euforia, Mephisto
15:02. Zandokan drew the DQ tossing his mask to Averno, setting up a singles match next week.
6) Davey Boy Smith Jr., Flip Gordon, Ikuro Kwon b Esfinge, Máscara Dorada, Soberano Jr.

A highlight of the main event was Flip pinning Soberano to win the first fall, then having to explain to his teammates that the fall was over and they had won it. Kwon got it, DBS was still processing it for a while. Mexican wrestling is tough.

The not-quite-LIJ team was hyped to beat together – Yota even wear a Zandokan mask and matching pants – but this was just another day at the office for Los Infernales. It picked up considerably in the third fall but wasn’t much until then.

Akira/Difunto was fun. Akira somehow got a big gash on the top of his head, though it didn’t appear to affect him during the match. The other matches were sleepy.

CMLL (SUN) 08/25/2024 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia, Pierrothito b Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía
2) Metálica, Reyna Isis, Sanely b Hera, Olympia, Skadi [Relevos Increíbles]
3) Hijo del Pantera, Star Black, Volcano b Akuma, Felino Jr., Kráneo
4) Bárbaro Cavernario b Ikuro Kwon [lightning]
5) Akira & Yota b Gran Guerrero & Stuka Jr.
6) Atlantis Jr. b Davey Boy Smith Jr.

This show finishes up everyone but Yota. (The AEW crew had all already wrestled by the time this show started.) I wasn’t expecting a lot from the MLW guys but Kwon and Akira have been enjoyable.

The Brillante Jr., Hijo del Pantera, Hombre Bala versus Cobrade and the Villanos match from 08/11 was good. This Sunday show will air on 09/05.

CMLL (TUE) 08/27/2024 Arena México
1) Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía vs Full Metal, Pequeño Polvora, Pequeño Violencia
2) Capitán Suicida, El Audaz, Valiente Jr. vs Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio
3) Futuro, Hombre Bala Jr., Max Star vs Crixus, Okumura, Pólvora
4) Fugaz vs Vegas [lightning]
5) Flip Gordon, Star Jr., Titán vs Niebla Roja, Soberano Jr., Zandokan Jr.
6) Atlantis Jr. vs Ángel de Oro

The two singles matches were set up last week. The semi-main would be good on a Friday, or, who knows, on a Tuesday.

CMLL (FRI) 08/30/2024 Arena México
1) Fantasy, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito vs Mercurio, Pequeño Olímpico, Pierrothito
2) Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma, Xelhua vs El Coyote, Felino, Felino Jr.
3) Lluvia vs Persephone [lightning]
4) Esfinge, Místico, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Euforia, Yota
5) Máscara Dorada vs TemplarioNeónStar BlackStuka Jr.AkumaDifuntoVillano III Jr. [Copa Independencia, semifinal]

It’s impossible for the main event to be bad, right? Star Black is the least impressive wrestler in that match, and some people rate Star Black highly. Everyone is solid and enjoyable in one way or another, maybe not complete packages but exciting in their weird way, and thoroughly motivated in these situations. I expect Dorada in the final since Templario got the big Aniversario match last year, but I’m not entirely sure where they’re taking this.

Someone keeps booking Volador/Averno against each other, even though that feud seems to have dropped in early August. (They were still feuding on the show where Chris Jericho made his surprise appearance, but haven’t yet – I’ve been wondering if the Jericho/Mistico match replaced it in the Aniversario plans, but I have no proof.)

Xelhua gets a Friday booking with Fuerza Poblana. He’s been referred to as part of the group, but he hasn’t gotten the white and blue gear yet.

After a couple of weeks, Saturday releases of Friday’s schedule seem to have vanished again, but Monday morning still seems to be an improvement.

(This is a quick reminder that Titan, Virus, and Hechicero are off in DC on Friday for an NJPW Strong show. That’s a 20 USD PPV. This reminder may be for my own sake.)

CMLL (SAT) 08/31/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) Leono vs Inquisidor
2) Diamond, Retro, Robin vs Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr.
3) Dark Panther, Hijo del Pantera, Volcano vs Kráneo, Rey Bucanero, Vegas
4) La Catalina, Princesa Sugehit, Skadi vs Metálica, Reyna Isis, Zeuxis
5) Averno vs Zandokan Jr.
6) Atlantis Jr., Hechicero, Star Jr. vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Flip Gordon, Valiente [Relevos Increíbles]

Averno/Zandokan was set up last week and will be a rare match for Zandokan as a tecnico. Pantera consistently gets a match a week, so he’s in at least as much as the Torneo de Escuelas guys were in. (They’ve been quietly phased down in the last month; Xelhua sticking around more than the rest is a good sign.)

CMLL (SUN) 09/01/2024 Arena México
1) Átomo & KeMalito vs Chamuel & Tengu
2) Arkalis, Astral, Valiente Jr. vs Alom, Grako, Hunter
3) Pelon Encapuchado vs Disturbio [lightning]
4) Dark Magic, Espanto Jr., Raider vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Panterita del Ring vs Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Mephisto
6) Máscara Dorada, Titán, Volador Jr. vs Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero

Pelon Encapucado seems to be an Arena Mexico-only character; he didn’t wrestle elsewhere last year, so that must be part of the sponsorship deal. There will be some height differences in match 2.

Esfinge says he got into wrestling even though his family (including the other wrestlers) told him never to do it. He started skipping school at 13-14 to train, which got him into trouble – his parents told him he had to work to contribute to the house at that point. Esfinge mentions he was a taekwondo player back in Jalisco.


AAA on Unimas aired 1/4/5 from Verano de Escandalo, which meant the women’s six way elimination match aired first in the US instead of Mexico. It was alright, about what you’d expect for those six women. It went ten minutes on Unimas with some very obvious edits (including during a pinfall.) AAA doesn’t update their entrance videos, so the La Hiedra in her entrance video and the La Hiedra wrestling appear to be two very different people these days. Sussy Love lasted to the final three and got eliminated, so maybe she’s back in their good graces – or maybe she won’t be back for months. Unimas will have the rest of Verano de Escandalo next week before it airs in the US. AAA on Space aired the women’s title match and Copa TripleMania, so I believe they’ll have a third part next week with a cruiserweight title match and some other filler.

The big story, though, is Unimas moved AAA an hour earlier, 2p ET/PT. A MLB week in review recap show is now in the 3p start. This appears to be new time for now; gotta figure the baseball show goes away once that season ends, but who knows what else will happen by then. I still don’t have ratings, but moving it earlier in the day suggests Unimas sees AAA as a low priority.

AAA either was unaware or didn’t share the news with their social media team, who were still promoting the previous schedule.


IWRG , LLB , CMLL (SUN) 08/25/2024 Arena Naucalpan [Estrellas del Ring, IWRG]
1) Fobia, Pitbull, Shura King b ?, ??, ??? MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
2) Demonio Gato, Karma I, Mr. Koi b Guerrero Jaguar, Ikaris, Pinochito MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
3) Argus & Máscara De Hierro b Hijo De Sparta & Príncipe Centauro and Águila Oriental & New Level and Águila Dorada & Nubilus MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
4) Águila Roja & Fandango b Sol & X-Devil and Skayler & Visionario MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
5) Lunatik Fly, Súper Boy, Toto b Belial, Impulso, Lunatik Fly MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
6) Astro Boy Jr., Dr. Karonte II, Hell Boy, Hijo del Alebrije, Puma de Oro b Carta Brava Jr. (LLB), Hip Hop Man, Ivan Rokov, Okumura, Veneno MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
7) Místico b MagnusSoberano Jr.Ángel de Oro MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)

A complete sell out for Mistico’s appearance here. (Mistico’s Saturday appearance in Sinaloa looks pretty close to a full house as well.) The main event sounds like it wasn’t an entirely serious match.

Other News

PAC won the AEW Trios Championships with Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta. That’d be a fun trio to see in CMLL, but the more important part was the video packages leading up to the match did their best to remove the Lucha Brothers from existence. There was a shot of Penta is you didn’t blink, and their names were never mentioned again. AEW will never confirm that Fenix and Penta are officially done in AEW, but that says they’re gone for now. On Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer mentions Fenix, Penta, and PAC were originally planned to win the trios titles on this show.

Will Opsreay mentioned in the post-All In press conference that he would like to come to Arena Mexico, and he said in a way that it’s going to happen. He didn’t announce a date, and CMLL hasn’t hinted at one (watch out for emojis) so maybe that part hasn’t been decided yet. I’m going to say the same thing I said about Chris Jericho: the Aniversario is going to sell out with or without Ospreay, they could turn a 8,000 night into a 12,000 night on a different Friday with a Ospreay versus X, maybe save him for November. (Or, if you want to go bonkers, bring back Night of Champions and have a poll to decide who gets to challenge him for the AEW International Championship at the end of September.)

There was no CMLL participation in the show itself. I had thought Hechicero would be in the gauntlet match, but it was probably for the best he didn’t. He would’ve fit in among the wrestling style but he would’ve been a lesser name to that audience in a match with a lot of big names and surprises. The Hechicero/ZSJ match from RevPro on Saturday is absolutely worth seeing out though. it’s an away game and so I don’t think it’ll mean as much to Mexican fans, but the work was still at the same high level and the crowd was as into it as the Coliseo match. I don’t know what RevPro does with Hechicero – he’s already lost a title challenge, he’s lost to ZSJ – but also he’s so over to their audience that they’ll be looking to figure out something. RevPro has their “Global Wars” show on October 19th, which seems logical for Hechicero to pop in.

In “duh” news, Axxel says he will not participate in El Hijo del Santo’s retirement tour. Santo has hated his nephew for decades because he believes Axel diminished the gimmick.

Travis Banks says he’s out for the next few months with a knee injury.

El Universal Colombia has a brief story about the interest in El Santo and Blue Demon in that country in the 1950s based off their films, leading to him wrestling there in the 1960s.

Tacuba talks about his anti-bullying campaign.