Villano V (1962-2024), Copa Independencia, Noche de Campeones, Fuerza Guerrera/Hijo del Santo

Villano V (1962-2024)

Villano V (Raymundo Diaz Mendoza, 62) passed away Thursday. He posted videos on Facebook just a few days ago and seemed to be still working in acupuncture recently. Two of his sons wrestle as Villano V Jr. and Rokambole Jr. (a name V used early in his career.) Those two and a third non-wrestling son posted on Facebook that there would be no burial, per Villano V’s wishes, but they would hold a mass with his ashes. Record reports Mendoza had a lethal heart attack while at home, and those sons discovered the body too late to do anything. Villano V’s wife Chely passed away earlier in March; many of Mendoz’s close friends noted he never recovered from that loss and took some solace in the idea that they were now reunited. Villano V is the last number in the series, but he’s the second-youngest brother. The brothers were only allowed to take on the Villano name when they had completed their education, and the youngest Villano IV got it done quicker than Villano V. AAA and CMLL posted remembrances.

The final time Villano V (or Ray Mendoza Jr., the name he tended to use after his unmasking) came up in the lucha libre news was last spring. Villano V was living in Monterrey and had been appointed as one of the commissioners there. The Monterrey Commission has been among the strictest in the country in recent years, and AAA came to them unprepared. Their big plan to make mainstream waves was to have YouTube content creator Adrian Marcelo wrestle Chessman on the first TripleMania Monterrey. To AAA’s surprise, the Monterrey Commission required Marcelo to take a competency test before giving him a wrestling license and allowing him to get in the ring. Villano V ran that workout and ran it hard. Marcelo instead decided this wasn’t what he had signed up for and quit midway through the test. I don’t believe Villano V specifically wanted Marcelo to fail the test, but he was going to make sure Marcelo earned that license. He wanted Marcelo to work as hard as he and his brothers had to become wrestlers, as expected of all wrestlers when Mendoza broke in the 70s. Villano V entered wrestling in an era where it was supposed to feel and look natural. He enjoyed that moment of protecting wrestling from the spectacle AAA wanted to present. The Villanos were tough-nosed fighters emphasizing the fight, and he demanded to see the same fight out of anyone else who wanted to call themselves a luchador.

Villano V’s style made him both a great fit at times and a tough one at other times. His biggest visibility to English-speaking fans was his time in WCW between 1997 and 2000, years that paid very well and didn’t help his career beyond that. WCW had little idea to do with most Mexican wrestlers, the Villanos included. Brothers IV and V wrestled well and rarely got much to do beyond that. In Mexico, before and after, the two Villanos were successful on their own and as a team with Villanos I and III at different times. The Villanos I, IV, and V triple mask match victory over Los Brazos is an iconic match of its time, and the feud between those families continues to this day. Both families were key parts of the promotion best known as UWA, and would’ve been champions countless times if that promotion didn’t fall apart in the early 90s. Villano V followed his brothers I and III as a singles champion in the dying dates of the promotion. Brothers IV and V made the fortunate decision to get into AAA in 1995, which meant they were along for the ride when a bunch of AAA rosters departed for both Promo Azteca and, eventually, WCW riches.

Like many ex-WCW luchadors, the Villanos floated around Mexico in the early 2000s without much of a set home. The Villanos spent a couple of years in CMLL from 2000-2002, then returned for a longer run in 2007 as sort of rudo outsiders. Villano V was part of the 74th Aniversario, a cage match where Blue Panther took Hijo del Lizmark’s mask. Villano V and Blue Panther started to wrestle constantly in early 2008. CMLL tried to play it up as a three-decade-long feud leading into the big match, which didn’t ring true. There was shared history; Panther had trained under Villano I at one point, and both had long ties back to the UWA.

Blue Panther/Villano V match felt underwhelming as an Aniversario match, even with them feuding all year. 2008 was also Mistico as hot as ever against Perro Aguayo Jr., also incredibly hot with the Perros del Mal behind him. Both Mistico and Perro got hurt in the weeks leading up the Aniversario, which seemed to scuttle the dream apuesta match. Villano V also suffered a shoulder injury leading into the show, which seemed certain to hurt the quality of the match as well. You can read back my preview from the time; I’m pessimistic about the whole Aniversario that year. I’m also dead wrong.

Villano V/Blue Panther is one of the great apuesta matches of the time. Two men slug it out and fight for their lives. Villano V bled from the back of his head after connecting with a chair on the dive, maybe the last time someone bled in a big CMLL match. That also leads to one of the enduring moments of the night – Villano IV coming out to help his brother change masks to clean off the blood, and Mistico accusing the Villanos of performing a diabolical switch to cheat Blue Panther. (It doesn’t appear they actually switched, but it lives on forever as an urban legend.) Villano V blocked a Blue Panther tirabuzon attempt into a unique cradle and shockingly keeps a hold of Panther for the three count. CMLL re-released matches from this Aniversario show during the pandemic and has now put it behind the paywall; that version looks very nice. I implore you to instead watch the lower res version that WarriorX2000 put up in the weeks following the show (or the versions I’ve snuck up on Daily Motion.) If nothing else, jump to the last moments of the match and watch through the next couple of minutes. The re-released CMLL version includes new commentary and some editing; they try their best, it’s professional, and it’s just impossible to meet that moment. The original commentary, the Televisa commentary, is wildly unprofessional – Leobardo Magadan, Leo Riano, and Dr. Alfonso Morales all start talking over each other, the cameras cut to fans going crazy, and it’s bedlam the production is struggling to capture. It’s an out of control moment, with no one believing what they just saw. Only the most diehard Villano fans believed he had a chance; almost everyone had chalked this up as Villano V coming in from the indies to lose his mask in his last moment in the spotlight against a CMLL stalwart. Blue Panther was already a legend and was surely going to keep his mask until the day it was time for him to step aside and help a young wrestler on the way up. There was no way Blue Panther was losing that match, and then the referee counted to three. It is the biggest surprise in the history of CMLL Aniversario shows.

(aside 1: in retrospect, Mistico versus Perro Aguayo wasn’t happening that year even if both men were healthy. Mistico simply could not lose, it made no sense for Aguayo to lose. He was too hot to lose. He was also quitting CMLL days later. The public didn’t know it, but Aguayo had already decided to quit to turn the Perros del Mal group into a Perros del Mal promotion. It would’ve made no sense for him to take the ultimate loss while trying to get his own thing going. No one had any idea though. CMLL also seems to have had plans years in advance – Blue Panther beat Hijo del Lizmark, Villano V beat Blue Panther, Ultimo Guerrero beat Villano V – so the apuesta match was happening regardless of Mistico/Perro.)

(aside 2: in looking through those blog entries, I re-discovered this Aniversario was intended to be a PPV, then CMLL or Sky pulled it in the last days with no explanation. The more things change, the more they stay the same. I believe we listened to an audio-only internet feed of the main event and talked about it in a chat on this blog, not quite believing our ears about the finish. A sports recap show on Sundays named “Accion” would air clips of AAA and CMLL each week, so that’s where we first saw some of the mask match, and the full version aired the following week. We didn’t really know how good it was until then. That part has changed a lot.)

Villano V was hunted by every wrestler from the Torreon region for the next six months, every one of them wanting to avenge their local icon Blue Panther. Ultimo Guerrero cornered him in early 2009, and got the mask match as part of that year’s Homenaje a Dos Leyendas. That match is also great, though it didn’t have the same emotional punch off the Aniversario show. Villano V couldn’t pull the upset this time, history turned back in favor of the CMLL home team. Villano V renamed himself Ray Mendoza Jr. following the mask loss, and stuck around for about a year and a half more. (As still sort of an outsider rudo, he teamed a lot with Naito, Yujiro, and Taichi as they came through Mexico on excursions.) CMLL really didn’t have much for Villano to do, and he exited in 2010 to team with his brothers again and work a lot of legend’s shows. He helped his sons, originally Kaving and Kortiz, later Villano V Jr. and Rokambole Jr., start in the wrestling business. Villano V threw his retirement show in 2013, a big ruleta de la Muerte, where he and his brother shaved Cassandro (a bit) and took Hijo del Pirata Morgan’s mask. The retirement show tanked, leaving Villano V in significant debt after the show that was supposed to see him off – so he took a few more dates. A reunion of Villano III, IV, and V to wrestle Psycho Circus went for TripleMania XXII similarly poorly. PPV viewers were treated with all sorts of production gaffs. People in the building endured the Villanos, especially Villano III, having a terrible night. (Villano IV’s future successes would’ve seemed impossible that day.) Villano V had a handful of more matches, but was essentially retired going into the TripleMania and essentially stayed that way. Villano V was honored this past July and teased fighting the newest version of the Brazos, but it didn’t seem like he was actually returning.

Villano IV, who recently began working as lucha libre commissioner in Mexico City and also runs a candy store, is now the last remaining of the five Villanos brothers. Villano II passed away young, and really I, III and V all never got to enjoy their later years. (The anniversary of Villano III’s death was just a few days ago.) 62 seems old when you’re young, but you figure out it’s not near long enough as you get older.


CMLL (FRI) 08/30/2024 Arena México
1) Fantasy, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito vs Mercurio, Pequeño Olímpico, Pierrothito
2) Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma, Xelhua vs El Coyote, Felino, Felino Jr.
3) Lluvia vs Persephone [lightning]
4) Esfinge, Místico, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Euforia, Yota
5) Máscara Dorada vs TemplarioNeónStar BlackStuka Jr.AkumaDifuntoVillano III Jr. [Copa Independencia, semifinal]

The main event should be great and might be more than that. The semi-main is an Aniversario build with Mistico alongside. The lightning match will determine the difference between Persephone working with Tessa and Persephone working with Lluvia. Xelhua gets to do some holds in the second, and the minis should be good in the opener.

The Villanos have been over as an act since Villano III Jr. jumped over. The fans like their act, their energy, and the history of that name. They seem sure to win their Noche de Campeones fan polling and would’ve done so even before Villano V’s passing. I doubt CMLL planned to have Villano III Jr. win this block, or even last close to the final. Those fans will understandably want something more tonight, and we’ll see if CMLL gives it to them.

NJPW also has Capital Collision on Friday, with the pre-show starting at 6:30 p.m. Eastern time. It’s another 20 USD stand-alone PPV, with Titan vs. ZSJ and Virus & Hechicero vs. TMDK. That show should wrap before CMLL starts, though I never feel safe saying that.

CMLL (TUE) 09/03/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Astro Oriental, Obek, Último Ángel vs Rav, Shezmu, Temerario
2) Gallo Jr., Ráfaga, Rafaga Jr. vs Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, Satánico
3) Pelon Encapuchado vs Arlequín [lightning]
4) Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr. vs Bestia Negra & Vaquero Jr.
5) La Catalina, Lluvia, Tessa Blanchard vs Dark Silueta, Persephone, Zeuxis
6) Flip Gordon, Máscara Dorada, Titán vs Furia Roja, Gallero, Halcón Negro Jr.

That’s an odd CMLL CDMX versus CMLL GDL main event. The semi-main is called out as a rematch from last week, but there’s nothing obvious to set up a rematch – Tessa just beat Silueta clean. I can tell you that because the video is now available; CMLL did put up last Tuesday’s show on Thursday night. It appears to be up in full and free, no change in that from usual. It does appear edited; there’s no time between the matches and they’re using the Mexico City graphics instead of the Guadalajara ones. They also replaced the music; the show cuts off after the main event rather quickly, maybe so they didn’t have to replace Mistico’s song. There is no explanation of what happened or if this is a one-time thing. Maybe it was a production issue.

Pelon Encapucahdo makes his way to Guadalajara, so guessing that was an Arena Mexico gimmick only is another wrong stab by me.

Mistico defeated Atlantis Jr. in MLW’s Opera Cup on Thursday. It’s up on their YouTube. The match was good, though it didn’t pull me completely away from the stuff I was working on.

CMLL made a ton of announcements on Informa.

The 09/06 Copa Independencia cibernetico is

  • Dark Panther
  • Dulce Gardenia
  • Star Jr.
  • Zandokan Jr.
  • Averno
  • Crixus
  • Titan
  • Hijo del Villano III

Tonight will give everyone a better sense of what they’re doing here. If it’s meant to be a big singles match at Aniversario, than Titan’s probably the pick. If it’s meant to showcase younger guys, then maybe a Zandokan or a Star Jr. could be involved.

CMLL added two more matches to Aniversario

  • Los Viajeros del Espacio (Futuro, Max Star, Hombre Bala Jr.) versus Los Depredadores (Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido)
  • Team CMLL (Atlantis Jr., Volador Jr., Ultimo Guerrero) versus Team Other Promotions (Rocky Romero, Orange Cassidy, Kojima)

That’ll be Orange Cassidy’s debut in Mexico. He’s probably meant to work with Atlantis Jr. based on the pairings, but Ultimo Guerrero being frustrated by this impossible man may be the best way to use him. That other trios match will likely open the show and go shorter than people expect, but be really good while it lasts. I believe CMLL said they would have seven matches for the show, which means probably a women’s trios match and probably one more all star match that’s waiting for people to get eliminated from the Copa.

CMLL also re-announced the Chris Jericho versus Mistico match on Informa. Jericho did press on Thursday, saying he’d consider an apuesta match down the road but wants a classic match with Mistico on the Aniversario. He said he was returning to CMLL as a tribute to Paco Alonso, who’s name doesn’t otherwise get mentioned much around CMLL these days. (Jericho thanked Salvador and Matias too, so he does have lowdown of the place.) Jericho was asked, like every single foreigner, if he would consider coming to Mexico for a longer period of time and visiting more cities. Like every single foreigner, he said sure, he’d love to go back to Guadalajara and Puebla and all the places he wrestled before.

CMLL will take September 15th off, as they do every year. The scheduled Sunday show will become a Monday show (09/16), with a special main event

  • Mistico vs Mascara Dorada for the MLW Middleweight Championship

CMLL will also run the usual Arena Puebla show but at a holiday start time of 5 pm. Matches announced for that show:

  • Atlantis, Ultimo Guerrero, Atlantis Jr. vs Octagon, Averno, Hijo de Octgon
  • Volador Jr., Rocky Romero, Templario vs Soberano Jr., Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja

CMLL’s previously announced Dia de Luchador show on 09/21 now has two matches announced

  • Atlantis, Felino, Blue Panther, Pantera del Ring vs Octagon, Satanico, Pantera and Negro Navarro
  • Mistico, Ultimo Guerrero and Atlantis Jr. vs Templario, Soberano and Avenro

Negro Navarro has not wrestled since May. It’s well at the point where every match he has in a CMLL ring could be his final one. Yet, it’s also likely part of the reason Navarro (and Pantera) are booked here is to keep them off the Todo x el Todo shows. Note that Solar is working those shows, so he’s not here. (That may also be why there are fewer legends.)

Finally, the Noche de Campeones date is the 09/27 show I had guessed earlier. The rules will be the same as the last four years: CMLL chooses the champions and challengers, fans can vote for their favorites on CMLL’s website, and the title matches will go to the people with the most votes. Votes will determine the match order in the poll.

The seven titles on the line:

  • Atlantis Jr.’s Historic light heavyweight championship
    • possible challengers are Soberano Jr., Akuma and Barbaro Cavernario
  • Templairo’s CMLL world middleweight Championship
    • possible challengers are Dragon Rojo Jr., Volador Jr., Flip Gordon
  • Futuro’s national lightweight championship
    • possible challengers are Calavera Jr. I, Rayo Metalico, Electrico
  • Reyna Isis’ national women’s championship
    • possible challengers are Hera, Sanely, and Princesa Sugehit
  • Magnus & Rugido’s national tag team championship
    • possible challengers are Los Villanos, Difunto & Zandokan, and Dark Panther & Hijo de Blue Panther
  • Mascara Dorada, Neon, Star Jr.’s CMLL world trios championship
    • possible challengers are Los Guerreros Laguernos, Los Infernales, and the legends team of Atlantis, Octagon and Blue Panther
  • Ultimo Dragoncito’s CMLL world pequeno estrellas championship
    • possible challengers are Angelito, Pierrothito, Mercurio

These championships are linked by their lack of defenses in CMLL. The trios champions are relatively new champs, but the next most recent defense among these titles is three months ago. The minis title and Atlantis Jr.’s title have not been defended in a CMLL arena this year, and Futuro has never defended the lightweight title in Mexico City since winning it last year. (He did have a defense in Torreon.) These are far from the most interesting titles, though the Magnus/Rugido run has been pretty good.

The Pequeno Estrellas (minis) title is on the line for the third year. There are only five people ever included. In 2022, Mercurio was defending against Pierrothito with Minos and Ultimo Dragoncito in the voting. In 2023, it was Mercurio against defending against Pierrothito, with Minos and Angelito also in the voting. CMLL has prevented the same match for a third year in a row, with Ultimo Dragoncito winning the title. They also can’t include Minos this time after his injury in June. It’s just the other four guys. I swear, there are other interesting people in that division. It will probably be Pierrothito winning the vote for a third year.

There are no Atrapasuenos or Los Indestuctibles this year. Both literally and figuratively; there’s no first half of the card veteran act that’s far out of the title pictures normally but might be able to change their fortune via voting. CMLL has its favorites, but it will be content with whoever wins. The one slight exception, where a career could still turn on the outcome, is that lightweight match. Maybe Los Calaveras and Rayo Metalico go onto grand careers, but this would be the first time either of them has been challenged for a title in Arena Mexico, and it could turn out to be the only time given their fringe roster status. Electrico was pushed in CMLL in the past and hasn’t been in years – there’s no guarantee he’ll ever get another title match if he fails to win this one.

It sticks out to me that Dark Panther is teaming up with his youngest brother, Blue Panther Jr., which is usually how CMLL does these things. The Legends team getting the trios title shot might draw, and it would be a challenging match. I would rather see Flip Gordon as Templario’s challenger in a fresh match, but campaigning for Flip Gordon to win an internet award is about as bright as throwing a rock at your head.

In past years, I’ve put together daily updates to the poll numbers as this competition goes on. It’s a task that’s not hard, but is time-consuming. (That’s a lot of the luchadb stuff, to be honest.) This year, I wanted to figure out how to automate it, but getting a script to consistently scrape a javascript rendered page has proven to be difficult and even more time-consuming. I spent a lot of time on it Thursday without making great progress. I may keep trying this weekend, but I’m probably not going back the other way – I either figure it out, or I give up on the idea this year.

CMLL officially announced Sayaki Unagi as coming in for the 10/25 Women’s Gran Prix. She’d previously won the spot on a CMLL Japan show, but that’s not exactly followed by most Mexican fans. She joins Tessa Blanchard and Lluvia in the match so far.

The Kris Statlander/Willow Nightingale street fight at All Out is now a non-title match. On Dynamite, Willow briefly explained that CMLL wouldn’t sanction the match. I missed it live, which may be more me than Willow’s audio.

On Sunday, a manic Kris Statlander fan on Twitter kept tweeting me during the All In pre-show about how CMLL Women’s World championship wasn’t on the line between Statlander and Nightingale any longer, that it wasn’t being mentioned in the promos. I pointed out it had been mentioned previously, and that person kept replying and replying without reading what I was writing. I muted him, though now I wonder if some verbiage change signaled a change in plans even before they announced it as a street fight. It’s weird for a CMLL title to be on the line for a street fight, but I’m not sure if CMLL would necessarily get involved; they’ve seemingly let NJPW do what they want with CMLL titles in the past (though they did draw the line at Tanahashi putting the Universal title on the line.) The maniac Statlander fan’s actual was her taking another loss so soon after her heel turn, and she figured there was no way around that outcome if it was a title match. CMLL would probably prefer Willow be the one who inevitably loses the title to a CMLL luchadora, since she’s the one who they’ve introduced to their fans. Maybe the manic Statlander’s concern is AEW’s concern here, too, and why it’s now a non-title match.


If AAA is turning this Sunday’s Showcenter card into a TV taping, they’ve made no attempt to advertise it.

AAA on Space has part 3 of TripleMania. I guess the big JBL interview will air. Unimas will air part 2 of Verano de Escandalo.

KAOZ is teasing an announcement on Monday with the AAA eye logo and other teases.

Todo x el Todo

The vigorous campaign to get people to pay attention to the El Hijo del Santo retirement shows continues to ramp up. The promotion held a press conference on Wednesday, which was mostly a stage to play out a social media angle for TV cameras. Fuerza Guerrera keeps talking about wanting to challenge El Hijo del Santo for his mask, they’re now partners in the ruleta de la muerte on the show on 09/22, and Fuerza Guerrera crashed the press conference to say he’s going to take El Hijo del Santo’s mask. This group would sell thousands of extra tickets if they were to book a straight up 1v1 El Hijo del Santo versus Fuerza Guerrera match – they’re doing a tournament instead, so that’s surely not the final. There are other matches for that show, but the possibility that Santo might wager on his mask is the only thing they’re really selling.

The full list of teams for that ruleta de la muerte

  • Fuerza Guerrera & El Hijo del Santo
  • LA Park & Dr. Wagner Jr.
  • Cinta de Oro & Bobby Lee Jr.
  • Misterioso Jr. & Ciclon Ramirez Jr.
  • Solar & Texano Jr.
  • Rayman & Cien Caras Jr.
  • Mascara Sagrada & Hijo de Fishman
  • Super Nova & Canek Jr.

Maybe the Rayman/Cien Caras Jr. team is the favorite to lose. Rayman could lose his hair.

Forneo popped up in the press conference as backing Fuerza Guerrera. Foreno and Hija de Fuerza Guerrera are dating, and that’s a reason Forneo ended up leaving CMLL. The family went with Todo x el Todo, and he decided to go with them. He may end up with a Fuerza Guerrera gimmick. Imposible was about as promising as Forneo, got the Fuerza Guerrera NG gimmick, got booked a fair bit, but never really became a star and his career has gone nowhere since that point. I don’t know if it’ll go any better for Forneo, who is not even booked on these Todo x el Todo shows.

Mas Lucha heavily promoted this press conference and the clip of Fuerza Guerrera crashing it, so maybe they have some deeper involvement with this promotion. Or maybe they just thought it’d be a great viral clip.

There are still two announced shows on the Todo x el Todo tour which don’t have lineups. There is answer on one of them. The tour schedule announced at this press conference seems to indicate the 11/24 show in Guadalajara is now a March 16, 2025 date. There is still no lineup for the 08/09 date in Puebla, but it remains on the schedule.

The London shows are promoted by a different group. That group posted a talent list on Instagram: El Hijo del Santo, Cinta de Oro, El Hijo de Fishman, Bobby Lee Jr, El Verdugo, Xtreme Tiger, Máscara Sagrada, La Hija de Fuerza Guerrera and more. British wrestler Nina Samuels is also listed on the website. Tickets for the 11/01 and 11/02 appear to run from 38.50 to 71.50 GBP (50.60 to 93.98 USD.x)

In the Q&A, El Hijo del Santo was asked if there would be another Santo family member wrestling. The newest explanation on Santo Jr. is he quit wrestling because it was hurting his university work, and then he ended up getting into other things and just didn’t make his way back to wrestling. Santo mentions Santo Jr. is back in training and hopes that his son surprises him on this retirement tour. (Santo Jr. is probably El Hijo del Santo’s unannounced partner on the Monterrey show.) El Hijo del Santo says he doesn’t believe there will be a fourth generation, that the children of his son or daughter will wrestle. I would suspect that when that decision is actually made, he probably won’t be the one making it. El Hijo del Santo says he plans on wrestling through April or maybe July 2025. Maybe “plans” is too firm of a word.

Lady Apache also says she plans on retiring next year.



There’s a fake heel Noisy Boy who’s been attacking Spider Fly. Original flavor Noisy Boy says it wasn’t him. Maybe IWRG Noisy and AAA Noisy are actually two different people.

There’s an issue where someone is pretending to be an evil Spider Fly.

IWRG (SUN) 09/01/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Drakula Ng & Súperboy vs Arceus & Fauno
2) Princesa Azul & Shamila vs Danessa & Demonia
3) Multifacetico Jr. vs Cerebro Negro Jr.
4) Freelance, Tornado, Willy Banderas vs Águila Roja, Hysteriosis, Puma de Oro
5) Aquiles, Hijo de Canis Lupus, Hijo Del Silver King vs Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Pandemónium, Pandemónium Jr.
6) Diva Salvaje, Jessy Ventura, Mamba vs Arez, Látigo, Toxin

Other News

I took a field trip to AEW Dynamite in Champaign on Wednesday. My upper back has been hurting me for two days, I think because of all the time (2.5 hours each way) I spent driving, but I liked the show otherwise. I’m sure AEW appreciated the extra ticket sold; it was a big building and wasn’t very full. There’s a Konsuke Takeshita versus the Beast Mortos versus Komander versus Lio Rush match taped for tonight’s Rampage that is exactly the very good match you’d expect with all those people. It went about 14 minutes live, but Rampage always seems longer than an hour when I watch in person, so maybe it gets edited down.

Laredo Kid is part of TNA’s Emergence show tonight, which airs on TNA+ (10 USD/month) starting at 8 p.m. ET. He’s in the six-way Ultimate X match. It’s Laredo Kid and TNA, so I presume he’s losing, but it’s a new match type for him and a chance to come up with a cool highlight. My San Antonio talked to him about the show and his recovery from the 2022 near-death.

Aramis, who wrestles a lot like AEW’s Hologram, is still wrestling in Coliseo Coacalco on 09/15.

“KeMonito: La Ultima Caida” is coming to Netflix in Mexico on 09/19. It’s only available in Latin American countries at the moment.

There’s a new lucha libre photography exhibit in Xalapa.

A profile of Sinaloa’s Mercury, who’s also the promotor of the Project Lucha Mazatlan shows.

Atlantis Jr./Angel de Oro, AAA Torreon canceled, no CMLL Guadalajara stream


CMLL (MON) 08/26/2024 Arena Puebla
1) Blue Shark, Centella Roja, El Hijo De Centella Roja b Dreyko, El Perverso, Rey Apocalipsis
2) Persephone & Zeuxis b Lluvia & Tessa Blanchard Facebook video (posted by )
Rudas used the ropes to win, setting up a rematch.
3) Bárbaro Cavernario, Terrible, Zandokan Jr. b Akuma, Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II Facebook video (posted by )
4) Averno b Yota [lightning]
Averno submitted Yota!
5) Atlantis Jr., Máscara Dorada, Templario DQ Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr.
Volador unmasked Atlantis Jr., setting up a singles match next week.
6) Esfinge L EuforiaValiente Facebook video (posted by )
worked as an elimination escape match. Euforia beat Valiente so he escaped the match, then Valiente beat Esfinge.

So much for my theory that Yota couldn’t lose! Looks like Volador Jr./Atlantis Jr. on 09/02, then a women’s tag title match on 09/09.

CMLL (TUE) 08/27/2024 Arena México [CMLL, Grada, thecubsfan]
1) Full Metal, Pequeño Polvora, Pequeño Violencia b Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía CMLL - MARTES 27 DE AGOSTO DE 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
2) Capitán Suicida, El Audaz, Valiente Jr. b Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio CMLL - MARTES 27 DE AGOSTO DE 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
3) Futuro, Hombre Bala Jr., Max Star b Crixus, Okumura, Pólvora CMLL - MARTES 27 DE AGOSTO DE 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
4) Fugaz b Vegas CMLL - MARTES 27 DE AGOSTO DE 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
5) Niebla Roja, Soberano Jr., Zandokan Jr. b Flip Gordon, Star Jr., Titán CMLL - MARTES 27 DE AGOSTO DE 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
6) Ángel de Oro b Atlantis Jr. CMLL - MARTES 27 DE AGOSTO DE 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
17:44. Atlantis had Angel de Oro up in the Atlantida, but Niebla Roja to distract and Angel de Oro got the win. Atlantis Jr. made various challenges post match, Angel de Oro unmasked him.

The main event was Friday night effort on Tuesday show. I didn’t understand why that was happening until the (ultra-rare) involvement from someone not in the match. All of that only happens if CMLL is setting up something and has some urgency to get it done; like there’s announcement coming tonight on Informa. My wild guess is that the older Atlantis will get his long-requested wish: a father-and-son challenge for the tag titles, and it’ll happen at Aniversario. It also could be a Ring of Honor TV defense happening somewhere; Angel de Oro seems to be the designated challenger for all these foreign titles. It has to be something because that scenario never happens in CMLL without an idea in mind. The match itself is worth checking out too.

Vegas/Fugaz was technically good but neither has much crowd connection. The Viajeros are fully throwing themselves in this concept. Semi-main was alright.

CMLL (TUE) 08/27/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL]
1) Logan, Thunder Boy, Yaky Boy b Mortis, Ponzoña Jr., Ráfaga
Rafaga replaced Funebre
2) Gallo Jr., Markara, Rafaga Jr. b Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, Prince Drago
3) Dr. Karonte I & Dr. Karonte II b Demonio Maya & Principe Daniel
4) Brillante Jr., Neón, Xelhua b Arlequín, Barboza, El Coyote
5) Adira, Kira, Sanely, Tessa Blanchard b Dark Silueta, Hera, Olympia, Persephone
6) Gran Guerrero © DQ Yota [CMLL HEAVY]
Yota got caught fouling Gran Guerrero for the DQ.
7) Máscara Dorada, Místico, Templario b Furia Roja, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero

This was a rare Tuesday Guadalajara show I wanted to watch live because of the title match. It didn’t work out that way. This show wasn’t streamed with absolutely no explanation. I have no idea why, and I have no idea if it will turn up later. It definitely was recorded. The Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Facebook page posted video clips. Still, CMLL’s own social media did not, so it might have been something as simple as a streaming issue from the venue. No one knows because CMLL couldn’t be bothered to address anyone who asked the obvious question. A “Hey, we’re not going to be able to stream tonight” post is free (to CMLL, to AAA, to Mas Lucha, to everyone), but that’s impossible for the people involved.  The most challenging thing to do in Lucha Libre is not to beat El Santo in a mask match; it’s to get a Mexican wrestling promotion to do basic customer service tasks.

(If it was a streaming issue, it also should be a simple task to record the show and upload it later. CMLL has not uploaded the show. I don’t want to call this a rip-off of people who are subscribing to the CMLL YouTube subscription channel because that Guadalajara show is free most of the time, but it’s a clear indication of why people are hesitant to trust CMLL with their money. In my heart of hearts, I don’t believe CMLL has a real plan of what they will do if they have a failure streaming on 09/13 because they can’t handle problems on lower pressure days like Tuesday. This is just the gamble you’re taking with your 35 USD a month. CMLL will pay no consequences for this behavior because the product is really good, it’ll just be something people will hold again them in lesser times down the road.)

Last I checked, CMLL Guadalajara also airs on Quiero TV, which streams on Dailymotion. I believe it airs on Friday nights at 11 p.m. local (Mountain Time), but they don’t have a programming grid on their website. I stopped paying attention to the broadcast years ago, because the full show was airing on Facebook (and later YouTube), and the video quality of the TV stream was somehow less. It did seem they were airing the full show, so maybe they still are.

CMLL could not explain what happened here, but they could repost the teaser for an upcoming announcement. Maybe the barrier is that they couldn’t just state the issue in emoji form, and they were stumped at what to do next. I assume that the announcement is coming from Informa tonight. The guests announced for that show are:

  • Yota (being in Mexico)
  • Averno, Zandokan Jr. (match on Saturday)
  • Star Black, Akuma, Difunto (Copa Independencia)

That’s light for that show, so I would expect more to be announced. Julio Cesar Rivera will likely announce the 09/07 Copa Independencia block, that emoji announcement, and maybe more for Aniversario.

Next Monday’s Puebla show:

CMLL (MON) 09/02/2024 Arena Puebla
1) Amnesia & Blue Shark vs Espíritu Maligno & Rencor
2) Arkalis, Rey Samuray, Xelhua vs Grako, Multy, Vegas
3) Lluvia & Tessa Blanchard vs Persephone & Zeuxis
4) Atlantis, Flip Gordon, Star Jr. vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Terrible, Zandokan Jr.
5) Volador Jr. vs Atlantis Jr.
6) Hechicero vs Esfinge vs Euforia vs Valiente

The main event is last week’s main event plus one more person. It was a clean finish last week, so it didn’t really need a repeat, but here it is anyway.

Claudio Castagnoli is on the cover of Box y Lucha 3618.


The 09/07 AAA Torreon TV taping is canceled. Local promoter RCD Media Entertainment had initially hoped to sell 5,000 tickets at the Auditorio Municipal. They had instead sold badly and officially pulled the plug on Monday. Whenever something like this happens, you can reliably scroll back through AAA’s social media feed and figure out when they knew the show was doomed and just stopped including it among their automatically posted social media content. It is always clear AAA had an ample forewarning of the negative announcement. In this case, AAA had last mentioned the Torreon about a week ago, so they probably knew it wouldn’t work out around TripleMania.

(AAA themselves has not acknowledged the show as being canceled; AAA is run like a carny company, so their standard practice is to pretend like the show next existed and rely on fans finding out from the same local promoter. It’s a small-time, short-term thinking attitude that’s symbolic of AAA.)

It’s not a great sign for AAA to struggle for tickets following their biggest show of the year, and an angle that was surely intended to get people excited. And it surely won’t be the only show that will get canceled soon; tickets aren’t moving for the insanely ambitious Spain tour in November, and that local promoter will eventually decide they’d rather lose a little money by canceling the show rather than lose a lot by actually running them. Still, this is one taping in Mexico, and it would be a poor idea to make more of it than an isolated occasion. Dunk on AAA too hard now and risk looking foolish in about five weeks if they fill up the big building in Guadalajara again (as part of a festival, where tickets are pretty much free with park admission.) An Xalapa farewell to Vampiro on 08/23 was reportedly a sell-out, so it’s not like everything AAA touches has suddenly gone bad.

(Speaking of AAA angles, Latin Lover is now spending a small chunk of his interviews with wrestling guests on a storyline of Latin trying to recruit outsiders to come into AAA to help him against Dorian/Konnan/Alberto. Latin is probably just trying to keep AAA’s very fake story feeling real, but if you see people wondering if DMT Azul is suddenly coming back to AAA, that’s what that is about. One of the problems with AAA’s TV taping schedule – an issue far before this year – is that it can be weeks or months before the big stuff that happens on TripleMania gets followed up on. If this was a hot angle, there’s nothing to keep the fire burning for weeks. Latin here has better wrestling sense than most people trying to find a way to keep it going through his podcast.)

AAA’s more immediate problem is that they have no TV, and no TV tapings have been announced. On Space, they will milk one more weekend out of TripleMania and then have the leftovers from Verano de Escandalo. They need fresh TV for the weekend of 09/14, which is when the Torreon show would’ve started airing. AAA hastily turned a non-TV Showcenter card into a TV taping last August, and they could do that again with this Saturday’s Showcenter card. Nothing has been announced yet. It’s not useful for AAA’s TV to have weeks focused on people who won’t be around again for months, but I don’t know that AAA cares about useful TV. (They’re still rolling out the ad with the old start time for Unimas.)

The full lineup for the first Lucha Border show in Tijuana:

AAA , BORDER (FRI) 09/27/2024 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California
1) Angelux & Rey Furia vs Anton Carrillo & Psycodelia
2) Anubis & La Parkita vs Gallo Extreme & La Parkita Negra
3) Keyra & La Hiedra vs Estrellita & Faby Apache and Julissa & Valentina Reis and Kitsune & Sexy Star
4) Jessy Queen, Mr. Iguana, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Alan Stone, Tony Casanova, Zumbido
5) Octagón Jr. vs Abismo Negro Jr.El FiscalDestiny
6) Cibernético & Psycho Clown vs DMT Azul & El Mesías

This is two weeks prior from the EMW show, which now has removed even the hints of AAA from their logo. EMW doesn’t have a lineup for their 09/14 show, but their teaser poster has a lot of people who’ve worked AAA in the past or work currently. They say they’re working with KAOS and Robles, and maybe that’s where the foreigners are coming in. If you look at those two lineups, the one that looks more like a Konnan-aligned show is the EMW one, not the AAA one. I don’t know what that means, if that means anything. It’s all very weird.


IWRG (SUN) 09/29/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Águila Oriental vs Fauno
2) Sky Man & Willy Banderas vs Hysterious & Príncipe Centauro
3) Noisy Boy & Spider Fly vs Andrómeda & Éxtasis
4) Aquiles, Hijo de Canis Lupus, Hijo De Silver King, Veneno vs Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Pandemónium, Pandemónium, Pandemónium Jr.
5) Hell Boy vs Vangellys

Hard not to see that main event and wonder “did CMLL start its turnaround the moment we no longer had to watch Vangellys matches in Arena Mexico?” I don’t want to say yes, I don’t want to say no, I’ll leave that up to you. Match 3 is alternate universe Big Lucha.

Other Notes

08/31 RIOT

I think that’s the full card.

A profile of Cordoba’s Rockero Tri.

Castagnoli wins the CMLL Gran Prix, Zandokan/Averno, AAA/Unimas


CMLL (FRI) 08/23/2024 Arena México [AS, CMLL, Esquina CalienteEstrellas del RingExcelsiorKaiser SportsThe Gladiatores, thecubsfan, (videos)]
1) Villano III Jr. b Fugaz [lightningCMLL | El Villano III Jr. gana el match relámpago a Fugaz (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Villano III Jr. con tremendas patadas y posterior conteo de tres rinde a Audaz (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2) Lluvia & Tessa Blanchard b Kira & Skadi CMLL | Lluvia y Tessa Blanchard derrotan a Kira y Skady (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Lluvia y Tessa Blanchard dejan en la lona a Kira y Skadi en el Grand Prix (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
3) Ángel de Oro, Bárbaro Cavernario, Soberano Jr. b Atlantis, Blue Panther, Octagón CMLL | Ángel de Oro, Bárbaro Cavernario y Soberano Jr. vencen a Atlantis, Octagón y Blue Panther (posted by mluchatv) CMLL-SOBERANO JR-B. CAVERNARIO-ÁNGEL DE ORO VS OCTAGÓN-BLUE PANTHER-ATLANTIS/ARENA MÉXICO/23-08-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Reporte CMLL: Ángel de Oro, B. Cavernario y Soberano Jr. dan cuenta de Atlantis, B.Panther y Octagón (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
4) Akira, Claudio Castagnoli, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Flip Gordon, Ikuro Kwon, Kyle Fletcher, Mansoor, Robbie X, Rocky Romero, Yota b Atlantis Jr., Esfinge, Euforia, Máscara Dorada, Místico, Templario, Titán, Último Guerrero, Valiente, Volador Jr. [Gran PrixCMLL | Claudio Castagnoli conquista el #GranPrix 2024 derrotando a Volador Jr. (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Claudio Castagnoli el gran ganador del Grand Prix del CMLL al doblegar a Volador Jr. (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Order of elimination: Akira (via Ultimo Guerrero, 16:24), Flip Gordon (via Templario, 22:24), Valiente (via Ikuro Kwon, 23:05), Ikuro Kwon (via Euforia, 24:57), Ultimo Guerrero (via Davey Boy Smith, 27:35), Esfinge (via Robbie X, 30:35), Euforia (via Kyle Fletcher, 33:12), Robbie X (via Titan, 36:11), Templario (via Rocky Romero, 40:14), Davey Boy Smith (via Atlantis Jr., 42:38), Mansoor (via Mascara Dorada, 44:10), Titan (via Claudio Castagnoli, 45:23), Yoto (by DQ, 46:32), Mascara Dorada (via Claudio Castagnoli, 48:05), Rocky Romero (via DQ, 51:42), Mistico (via Kyle Fletcher mask pull, 52:32), Kyle Fletcher (via Atlantis Jr., 53:55), Atlantis Jr. (via Claudio Castagnoli, 57:27), Volador Jr. (via Claudio Castagnoli, 1:00:45) leaving Claudio Castagnoli the winner. Breaks a 3 match winning streak (2019, 2022, 2023) for Team Mexico.

The 2024 Gran Prix met the level of past years: it was a lot of hot action in front of a very hot crowd. The two teams generally meshed well, and the atmosphere was maintained throughout the match. The trick to making this a big show is CMLL has steadfastly treated it as Really Important. The wrestlers do it as well; this was worked hard and worked in a way to try to give everyone something along the way. Claudio Castagnoli was the big hero of the match, eliminating Titan, Dorada, Atlantis Jr., and Volador in the closing stretch to win it. Robbie X had his best performance of his run, and Atlantis Jr. had a good night with a crowd in the face of a crowd that wanted to boo him. There was a bit of story in there – Rocky got Flip eliminated, then provided the distraction that set up Mistico’s elimination – but mostly, this was a serious, straightforward match where Castagnoli was the best guy on the night.

The Gran Prix was probably the longest match in Arena Mexico history. The style was so different in the 1930s and 1940s that an hour match seems possible in Arena Coliseo (or the previous Arena Mexico), but nothing I’ve read in magazines past that point seems like they’ve broken the hour mark. No way to prove this, of course.

CMLL eliminated all the Aniversario guys early, probably because that’s just where they are in the CMLL internal depth chart. It’s weird to see, though it’s not exactly going to hurt the Aniverasrio show – they’re six seats away from a sell-out at last check. (Those six seats are the 230 USD seat+meal tickets in the restaurant, so they tend to be the last to go.) Valiente had a near tragedy when he hit the back of his head on a moonsault dive early on; he continued the match, though he was one of the first out. When CMLL runs multiperson apuesta matches, the last two are usually the first two who started feuding. That would be Esfinge and Euforia this time. CMLL’s also deviated from established patterns this year, and Valiente losing his mask might be a necessary change. It might not produce the best possible main event, but he continues to feel like a guy near the end of his run, and they might not be able to wait another year.

Yota getting DQed seemed a clear case of NJPW not wanting him to take a pin in this match. (It was also a bit of Edgar no selling.) He didn’t lose a deciding pinfall in the rest of the matches this weekend, too. (Mistico losing via mask pull was a similar decision and fair enough. It does make Tuesday’s Yota versus Gran Guerrero title match in Guadalajara interesting. Maybe they’ll just go to a draw like Hiromu and Mistico did last year.

CMLL making an effort to get representatives from every embassy of every foreign wrestler probably took a lot of work and a lot of logistics for what turned out to be mostly ten seconds of those people on-screen, but those ten seconds added to the event’s gravity. It probably made it more remarkable for the wrestlers, too. I listened to Michael Oku on the Grappl podcast, and he spoke about how unbelievable it was for him to be invited to the British Embassy while in Mexico (his only tea on the entire trip.) There is representing your country in a wrestling bit, and there is another level of your country supporting you as their representative, and that’s got to feel pretty good.

I never got a good shot of it, but CMLL put the logos up for all six promotions they’re working with—AEW, NJPW, Ring of Honor, MLW, NJPW Strong, and Rev Pro—on the rotating video board during the show. They’ve only had the NJPW logo for years. It’s worth keeping an eye out on Tuesday if that’s a permanent change.

In a post-show interview, Claudio said the win proved he and AEW were #1, but he emphasized that it was a team effort and a team victory. He believes CMLL made the right decision to pass on him all those years ago because he wasn’t as ready as he needed to be. He’s ready now, and he’d like to come back to have singles matches with all the CMLL names from this match—he got bits and pieces of them but wants more. Claudio then got a plane with the trophy and took it all the way to London.

I thought the rest of the show exceeded expectations. Angel de Oro, Barbaro Cavernario and Soberano Jr. made the legend team look so good in the semi-main, and then (cleanly) ultimately stole the win. That should’ve been a perfectly OK match, but somehow, it was much better than that. The women’s tag is now the standard for that division on big shows: they’re going for all the flashy spots they can come up with, some of which will look sloppy, but they’re trying to get some attention and look cool. Fugaz/Villano III Jr. was solid, if not as spectacular as it could be – it also wasn’t a disaster, which is in play with Fugaz’s singles matches. You should just watch the whole show.

CMLL (SAT) 08/24/2024 Arena Coliseo [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) Galaxy & Shockercito b Full Metal & Pequeño Polvora
2) Capitán Suicida, El Audaz, Fuego b El Coyote, Nitro, Pólvora
3) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, Hijo de Blue Panther b Espanto Jr., Hijo de Stuka Jr., Hijo del Villano III
4) Akira b Difunto [lightning]
5) Titán, Yota, Zandokan DQ Averno, Euforia, Mephisto
15:02. Zandokan drew the DQ tossing his mask to Averno, setting up a singles match next week.
6) Davey Boy Smith Jr., Flip Gordon, Ikuro Kwon b Esfinge, Máscara Dorada, Soberano Jr.

A highlight of the main event was Flip pinning Soberano to win the first fall, then having to explain to his teammates that the fall was over and they had won it. Kwon got it, DBS was still processing it for a while. Mexican wrestling is tough.

The not-quite-LIJ team was hyped to beat together – Yota even wear a Zandokan mask and matching pants – but this was just another day at the office for Los Infernales. It picked up considerably in the third fall but wasn’t much until then.

Akira/Difunto was fun. Akira somehow got a big gash on the top of his head, though it didn’t appear to affect him during the match. The other matches were sleepy.

CMLL (SUN) 08/25/2024 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia, Pierrothito b Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía
2) Metálica, Reyna Isis, Sanely b Hera, Olympia, Skadi [Relevos Increíbles]
3) Hijo del Pantera, Star Black, Volcano b Akuma, Felino Jr., Kráneo
4) Bárbaro Cavernario b Ikuro Kwon [lightning]
5) Akira & Yota b Gran Guerrero & Stuka Jr.
6) Atlantis Jr. b Davey Boy Smith Jr.

This show finishes up everyone but Yota. (The AEW crew had all already wrestled by the time this show started.) I wasn’t expecting a lot from the MLW guys but Kwon and Akira have been enjoyable.

The Brillante Jr., Hijo del Pantera, Hombre Bala versus Cobrade and the Villanos match from 08/11 was good. This Sunday show will air on 09/05.

CMLL (TUE) 08/27/2024 Arena México
1) Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía vs Full Metal, Pequeño Polvora, Pequeño Violencia
2) Capitán Suicida, El Audaz, Valiente Jr. vs Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio
3) Futuro, Hombre Bala Jr., Max Star vs Crixus, Okumura, Pólvora
4) Fugaz vs Vegas [lightning]
5) Flip Gordon, Star Jr., Titán vs Niebla Roja, Soberano Jr., Zandokan Jr.
6) Atlantis Jr. vs Ángel de Oro

The two singles matches were set up last week. The semi-main would be good on a Friday, or, who knows, on a Tuesday.

CMLL (FRI) 08/30/2024 Arena México
1) Fantasy, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito vs Mercurio, Pequeño Olímpico, Pierrothito
2) Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma, Xelhua vs El Coyote, Felino, Felino Jr.
3) Lluvia vs Persephone [lightning]
4) Esfinge, Místico, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Euforia, Yota
5) Máscara Dorada vs TemplarioNeónStar BlackStuka Jr.AkumaDifuntoVillano III Jr. [Copa Independencia, semifinal]

It’s impossible for the main event to be bad, right? Star Black is the least impressive wrestler in that match, and some people rate Star Black highly. Everyone is solid and enjoyable in one way or another, maybe not complete packages but exciting in their weird way, and thoroughly motivated in these situations. I expect Dorada in the final since Templario got the big Aniversario match last year, but I’m not entirely sure where they’re taking this.

Someone keeps booking Volador/Averno against each other, even though that feud seems to have dropped in early August. (They were still feuding on the show where Chris Jericho made his surprise appearance, but haven’t yet – I’ve been wondering if the Jericho/Mistico match replaced it in the Aniversario plans, but I have no proof.)

Xelhua gets a Friday booking with Fuerza Poblana. He’s been referred to as part of the group, but he hasn’t gotten the white and blue gear yet.

After a couple of weeks, Saturday releases of Friday’s schedule seem to have vanished again, but Monday morning still seems to be an improvement.

(This is a quick reminder that Titan, Virus, and Hechicero are off in DC on Friday for an NJPW Strong show. That’s a 20 USD PPV. This reminder may be for my own sake.)

CMLL (SAT) 08/31/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) Leono vs Inquisidor
2) Diamond, Retro, Robin vs Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr.
3) Dark Panther, Hijo del Pantera, Volcano vs Kráneo, Rey Bucanero, Vegas
4) La Catalina, Princesa Sugehit, Skadi vs Metálica, Reyna Isis, Zeuxis
5) Averno vs Zandokan Jr.
6) Atlantis Jr., Hechicero, Star Jr. vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Flip Gordon, Valiente [Relevos Increíbles]

Averno/Zandokan was set up last week and will be a rare match for Zandokan as a tecnico. Pantera consistently gets a match a week, so he’s in at least as much as the Torneo de Escuelas guys were in. (They’ve been quietly phased down in the last month; Xelhua sticking around more than the rest is a good sign.)

CMLL (SUN) 09/01/2024 Arena México
1) Átomo & KeMalito vs Chamuel & Tengu
2) Arkalis, Astral, Valiente Jr. vs Alom, Grako, Hunter
3) Pelon Encapuchado vs Disturbio [lightning]
4) Dark Magic, Espanto Jr., Raider vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Panterita del Ring vs Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Mephisto
6) Máscara Dorada, Titán, Volador Jr. vs Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero

Pelon Encapucado seems to be an Arena Mexico-only character; he didn’t wrestle elsewhere last year, so that must be part of the sponsorship deal. There will be some height differences in match 2.

Esfinge says he got into wrestling even though his family (including the other wrestlers) told him never to do it. He started skipping school at 13-14 to train, which got him into trouble – his parents told him he had to work to contribute to the house at that point. Esfinge mentions he was a taekwondo player back in Jalisco.


AAA on Unimas aired 1/4/5 from Verano de Escandalo, which meant the women’s six way elimination match aired first in the US instead of Mexico. It was alright, about what you’d expect for those six women. It went ten minutes on Unimas with some very obvious edits (including during a pinfall.) AAA doesn’t update their entrance videos, so the La Hiedra in her entrance video and the La Hiedra wrestling appear to be two very different people these days. Sussy Love lasted to the final three and got eliminated, so maybe she’s back in their good graces – or maybe she won’t be back for months. Unimas will have the rest of Verano de Escandalo next week before it airs in the US. AAA on Space aired the women’s title match and Copa TripleMania, so I believe they’ll have a third part next week with a cruiserweight title match and some other filler.

The big story, though, is Unimas moved AAA an hour earlier, 2p ET/PT. A MLB week in review recap show is now in the 3p start. This appears to be new time for now; gotta figure the baseball show goes away once that season ends, but who knows what else will happen by then. I still don’t have ratings, but moving it earlier in the day suggests Unimas sees AAA as a low priority.

AAA either was unaware or didn’t share the news with their social media team, who were still promoting the previous schedule.


IWRG , LLB , CMLL (SUN) 08/25/2024 Arena Naucalpan [Estrellas del Ring, IWRG]
1) Fobia, Pitbull, Shura King b ?, ??, ??? MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
2) Demonio Gato, Karma I, Mr. Koi b Guerrero Jaguar, Ikaris, Pinochito MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
3) Argus & Máscara De Hierro b Hijo De Sparta & Príncipe Centauro and Águila Oriental & New Level and Águila Dorada & Nubilus MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
4) Águila Roja & Fandango b Sol & X-Devil and Skayler & Visionario MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
5) Lunatik Fly, Súper Boy, Toto b Belial, Impulso, Lunatik Fly MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
6) Astro Boy Jr., Dr. Karonte II, Hell Boy, Hijo del Alebrije, Puma de Oro b Carta Brava Jr. (LLB), Hip Hop Man, Ivan Rokov, Okumura, Veneno MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)
7) Místico b MagnusSoberano Jr.Ángel de Oro MISTICO 20 ANIVERSARIO / IWRG (posted by IWRG tv)

A complete sell out for Mistico’s appearance here. (Mistico’s Saturday appearance in Sinaloa looks pretty close to a full house as well.) The main event sounds like it wasn’t an entirely serious match.

Other News

PAC won the AEW Trios Championships with Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta. That’d be a fun trio to see in CMLL, but the more important part was the video packages leading up to the match did their best to remove the Lucha Brothers from existence. There was a shot of Penta is you didn’t blink, and their names were never mentioned again. AEW will never confirm that Fenix and Penta are officially done in AEW, but that says they’re gone for now. On Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer mentions Fenix, Penta, and PAC were originally planned to win the trios titles on this show.

Will Opsreay mentioned in the post-All In press conference that he would like to come to Arena Mexico, and he said in a way that it’s going to happen. He didn’t announce a date, and CMLL hasn’t hinted at one (watch out for emojis) so maybe that part hasn’t been decided yet. I’m going to say the same thing I said about Chris Jericho: the Aniversario is going to sell out with or without Ospreay, they could turn a 8,000 night into a 12,000 night on a different Friday with a Ospreay versus X, maybe save him for November. (Or, if you want to go bonkers, bring back Night of Champions and have a poll to decide who gets to challenge him for the AEW International Championship at the end of September.)

There was no CMLL participation in the show itself. I had thought Hechicero would be in the gauntlet match, but it was probably for the best he didn’t. He would’ve fit in among the wrestling style but he would’ve been a lesser name to that audience in a match with a lot of big names and surprises. The Hechicero/ZSJ match from RevPro on Saturday is absolutely worth seeing out though. it’s an away game and so I don’t think it’ll mean as much to Mexican fans, but the work was still at the same high level and the crowd was as into it as the Coliseo match. I don’t know what RevPro does with Hechicero – he’s already lost a title challenge, he’s lost to ZSJ – but also he’s so over to their audience that they’ll be looking to figure out something. RevPro has their “Global Wars” show on October 19th, which seems logical for Hechicero to pop in.

In “duh” news, Axxel says he will not participate in El Hijo del Santo’s retirement tour. Santo has hated his nephew for decades because he believes Axel diminished the gimmick.

Travis Banks says he’s out for the next few months with a knee injury.

El Universal Colombia has a brief story about the interest in El Santo and Blue Demon in that country in the 1950s based off their films, leading to him wrestling there in the 1960s.

Tacuba talks about his anti-bullying campaign.

Gran Prix tonight, Copa Independencia, Vampiro


CMLL (FRI) 08/23/2024 Arena México
1) Fugaz vs Villano III Jr. [lightning]
2) Lluvia & Tessa Blanchard vs Kira & Skadi
3) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Octagón vs Ángel de Oro, Bárbaro Cavernario, Soberano Jr.
4) Akira, Claudio Castagnoli, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Flip Gordon, Ikuro Kwon, Kyle Fletcher, Mansoor, Robbie X, Rocky Romero, Yota vs Atlantis Jr., Esfinge, Euforia, Máscara Dorada, Místico, Templario, Titán, Último Guerrero, Valiente, Volador Jr. [Gran Prix]

This is the biggest Gran Prix ever, with 20 participants. It might be the longest one ever. I have the 2018 match going 59:57, and this could reasonably break that hour barrier. It’ll for sure be a lot longer than hour with the ceremonies pre and post-match. (The semi-main legends are there to double as people presenting the winner with the trophy.) This match has been good even with weak lineups, because it’s the crowd energy and the top people who end up carrying it along. It gets better if there is chemistry between the two teams, and the Tuesday match was a good sign in that direction. I feel like this is going to be a good one. I still figure Claudio to win; it’ll be a great story of him criss-crossing the globe and coming back with a trophy. (He better take that trophy to All In if he wins it.) Claudio winning setting up one more Claudio match later in the year would also be very alright with me.

Nothing else looks like it will be a threat to steal the show. The semi-main puts the old guys with people to carry them. Match 2 is a special battle between the two women’s tag champs; I hope Kira has a great night in front of fresh eyes, but we’ll see how it goes. The lightning match is super high variance; it could go anywhere from a complete disaster to Ricky Marvin/Sangre Azteca.

The Ticketmaster ticket map shows about a couple dozen tickets left on the floor, and more in the balcony and upper levels. The Aniversario show is 9 tickets away from being completely sold out. AAA put a lot of people in a building for TripleMania. CMLL is going to put a lot of people in their building for two shows within weeks of each other. It’s not close.

Mansoor and Kyle Fletcher did press on Thursday. So did Templario. There’s nothing too much in there, though Mansoor is doing a good job getting over his gimmick to the press. CMLL did a similar interview session on Friday open to the media, though it seemed like all the media questions got filtered through a CMLL person to ask and perhaps screen. No Fletcher for that one; the food got him.

Hechicero rematches Zack Sabre Jr. Saturday at RevPro’s Aniversary show. Neon also defends the RevPro Cruiserweight Championship in a six-way. I don’t like the odds of the CMLL contingent winning either match, but I could be wrong. That show starts at 12:30 pm US Eastern time and will air on their streaming service. It seems to take a day or two for it to go up after, so you may need to see the show live if you want to see it this weekend.

Hechicero isn’t on the SAT/SUN/MON lineups, so he may be sticking around in the UK to be a surprise entrant in AEW’s All In Casino Gauntlet match at Wembley. I guess Neon could be as well. I think that show is going to be good, but I would not buy it solely to see a CMLL wrestler show up for a few minutes.

Signs around Wembley indicate AEW will be running their Forbidden Door show in the UK in 2025. No date is mentioned; it’s possible that show and All In just flipped spots on the calendar and Forbidden Door will be August. I’m not the one doing the visas so I can’t confirm this, but it seems easier to get Mexican wrestlers in the UK than the US right now; maybe all the visa problems that happened this year won’t be as much an issue in 2025.

CMLL (MON) 08/26/2024 Arena Puebla
1) Blue Shark, Centella Roja, El Hijo De Centella Roja vs Dreyko, El Perverso, Rey Apocalipsis
2) Lluvia & Tessa Blanchard vs Persephone & Zeuxis
3) Bárbaro Cavernario, Terrible, Zandokan Jr. vs Akuma, Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II
4) Yota vs Averno [lightning]
5) Atlantis Jr., Máscara Dorada, Templario vs Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr.
6) Esfinge vs Euforia,vs Valiente

The non-Hechicero participants have another preview match. The lack of other matches on the Aniversario (with both people being in Mexico) means they just keep running main event preview matches over and over again. Yota/Averno is a unique match. Match 2 may be setting up a tag title rematch.

CMLL (TUE) 08/27/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Logan, Thunder Boy, Yaky Boy vs Fúnebre, Mortis, Ponzoña Jr.
2) Gallo Jr., Markara, Rafaga Jr. vs Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, Prince Drago
3) Brillante Jr., Neón, Xelhua vs Arlequín, Barboza, El Coyote
4) Dr. Karonte I & Dr. Karonte II vs Demonio Maya & Principe Daniel
5) Adira, Kira, Sanely, Tessa Blanchard vs Dark Silueta, Hera, Olympia, Persephone
6) Gran Guerrero © vs Yota [CMLL HEAVY]
7) Máscara Dorada, Místico, Templario vs Furia Roja, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero

Yota seems to be the last guy sticking around. He challenged Gran Guerrero for this title in May 2023. I thought it would’ve been fun to have him win and take it to Japan for a while. CMLL did their usual thing, racking up a defense against a foreigner as he was leaving town. A title change feels even less likely this time.

This week’s CMLL Informa featured many interviews with the foreigners in for the Gran Prix. That always turns into one of the most out-of-control episodes; this year, Mansoor demonstrated poses, and Robbie X wanted confirmation that his head was shaved and not bald. The show also announced that the Copa Independencia tournament would return, and the final would take place in the Aniversario. There will be blocks on 08/30 and 09/06. The 08/30 block

  • Templario
  • Mascara Dorada
  • Neon
  • Star Black
  • Stuka Jr.
  • Akuma
  • Difunto
  • Villano III Jr.

The Kaiser Sports media generally gets the CMLL press releases, so, notably, they have “Futuro” listed instead of “Difunto”. Either way, that’s a high profile list of names. CMLL’s general practice is they won’t announce matches while people are still competing in a tournament to get on to the show. That was less of an issue last year, where CMLL used many people in the Copa Independencia who wouldn’t be on otherwise. Templario and Mascara Dorada figure to be on this show even if they don’t win the tournament, so this field may mean CMLL waits until the Saturday before the show to announce a full card. I guess it doesn’t matter if they’re selling out the arena (and they’re very close to selling it out now), but people will complain about it.

CMLL put up a teaser for an upcoming announcement for someone showing up at the 91st Aniversario show. The globe means a foreigner. The timing suggests a video tonight. My guess is CMLL will eventually add a women’s match to the show so the international wrestler would fit in that. There is no rule that there must be a women’s match in every Aniversario. There just has been for the last nine of them, so betting on ten in a row seems safe. CMLL has two singles matches and four-way; anything else being added is probably a trio. Homenaje a Dos Leyendas had Willow, La Catalina, Tessa versus Lluvia, Stephanie Vaquer, and Zeuxis. That can’t precisely happen again, but Willow (or someone else from AEW) would fit and could set up a title match for October’s women’s month.

Informa also mentioned the annual Dia de Luchador show is on 09/21 in Arena Coliseo, and will honor older luchadors as past years.

Honor of Kings confirmed it was Blue Panther Jr. as Lian Po. They meant to stream the match as an ad for their game, but their stream started three minutes into it.

Hechicero hypes the Aniversario show, noting that none have much experience with a four-way match.

Tessa Blanchard, in an interview on the Straight Talk Wrestling YouTube show, mentions she got an apartment in Mexico about a month ago. A running bit in her Informa appearances was Julio Cesar Rivera (on behalf of CMLL) encouraging her to move to Mexico full time and Blanchard considering it while noting she also had things going on in the US.  In talking about how packed the CMLL weekly schedule is, Tessa says the women are training on Thursday mornings with Ultimo Guerrero. After the usual (sort of) explanation of the end of her Impact time and how she coped with it, Blanchard says she’s had talks with other companies about coming in recently. She says it hasn’t felt right to go, and her happiness is her biggest priority. Blanchard talks about having severe anxiety issues as a result of what’s happened, issues that affect her daily life, and contemplated suicide at the worst of it. She credits her ex-husband (Daga) and therapy for helping her pull herself back and figure out who she is beyond wrestling. Blanchard talks about going back to college, joining their ROTC program – basically officer training for the US military – being encouraged by them to sign a six year commitment to go full time into the military, and ultimately deciding that she couldn’t give up her wrestling career yet, that there was something still waiting for her there.

The Tessa Blanchard status wrestling status quit, as expressed by her is that she believes she could wrestle in a notable US company if she wanted to do it, that companies want to bring her in. (Given MLW has a CMLL connection and has a tendency to use people with black marks, it’s entirely plausible they’ve reached out to here.) She also knows that a sizeable backlash will come to if that happens, and she doesn’t think she can handle that – or at least, it’s not worth the tradeoff to her right now. In CMLL, she’s just a wrestler, that particular drama doesn’t exist, she’s having fun, and so she’s will stick around a while. It’s Tessa Blanchard, so people understandably have a hard time believing her, but it at least explains her situation with CMLL – between that, and finally moving to Mexico, it does convince me she’ll be around for the long haul.


AAA on Space should air the rest of TripleMania. AAA on Unimas – I don’t know. The next episode in their order is the Verano de Escandalo part 1 – the matches that haven’t aired in Mexico yet. No idea if Space has rights to get first airings (or if AAA would even remember to respect those rights.) There’s a decent chance Unimas is a repeat or goes out of order, but it’s a TV show AAA doesn’t care all that much about so it’s no concern.

AAA uploaded their “Lo Mejor de TripleMania XXXII” video, which is 2.5 hours long. I never go through watching that, but I assume that time is all the in-ring time. This video is worse than usual. AAA appears to have put up a version of the show recorded from TrillerTV with a visible mouse cursor for the entire show. That’s the second upload of that video; it went up briefly on Sunday night, got deleted, and then reuploaded a day or two later. Maybe someone spotted the cursor, looked for a better video, and then remembered they worked for Lucha Libre AAA, so terrible performance was expected, and they might as well upload a clean version. If someone from Lucha Libre AAA would like a better capture of the show from Triller without a mouse cursor, they can send my 25 USD back for the show, and I will happily provide it when I get around to it. Contact me via DM.

Alberto el Patron will defend his AAA Mega championship against Nick Nemeth in WWC on 08/31. There have been exactly as many AAA Mega championships in WWC as AAA this year, but since they’re Nemeth and Alberto matches, who cares?

Vampiro had a retirement press conference on Wednesday. He has not retired, but he talked about all the projects he has going on as soon as he retires. He did not mention when he will retire, just saying it ends in 2024. I’ve read about five different news stories, and all of them vary on what was announced, which seems correct for a Vampiro press conference. I could watch it and figure it out, but I’ve written about good and bad uses of time this week, and deciphering a Vampiro press conference is definitely in the bad category. Vampiro promoted his comic book, which will be part of DC Comics; it’ll be released in English, Spanish, and Italian, and television producers have talked about turning it into a show after the great reception it had at New York Comic Con. He’s going to do an occult podcast, he’s going to do a one man show, he says he’s getting married in 2025, and he will be in control of creative for Italy’s NWE promotion so he’ll tape podcast episodes live before a crowd there. (I believe a few parts of those statements are accurate. Vampiro can’t remember what comic con he was actually at and which one he’s going to.) Vampiro also explained that his Alzheimer’s diagnosis was a misdiagnosis all this time – he has a hundred other issues (including memory loss and inability to control his body movements), but not that one with a particular name that people could call him on. Vampiro said he hadn’t watched the Latin Lover and Konnan podcast, but if they said he was a big liar on their show, he agreed. There was notable no AAA mention or visible presence at this Vampiro press conference. Vampiro is scheduled to headline the AAA TV taping on 09/01 in Torreon.

One of the reality shows gripping Mexico right now is “La Casa de los Famosos” – it’s celebrity Big Brother, if it helps. One of the celebrities in the house is 2023 lucha libre reoccurring figure Adrian Marcelo. He’s the YouTuber who was going to wrestle Chessman in Monterrey, then both and AAA got caught off guard by the commission requiring him to actually be licenses – that’s one of those moments of AAA being a promotion run by goofs that gets lost because there are so many other goof moments. Marcelo appears to still be upset with how that went down; there was a conversation in the house about lucha libre, and Marcelo talked about AAA being terrible and CMLL being much better. He said that without even having watched TripleMania! Anyway, Chessman played off it, saying he wants to go into the house and slap Marcelo around.


IWRG filled Arena Naucalapan on Wednesday for a show for politician Isaac Montoya. I assume it was a free show. No full results from Thursday’s show. Spider Fly did retain his title and they seem to be setting up a Mala Fama feud with Puma de Oro and the rest of the pirate guys.

IWRG , LLB , CMLL (SUN) 08/25/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Karma I & Mr. Koi vs Ikaris & Rocky Bulldog
2) Forbia & Pitbull vs Ángel Kind & Indra
3) Hijo De Sparta & Príncipe Centauro vs Argus & Máscara De Hierro and Águila Oriental & New Level and Águila Dorada & Nubilus
4) Sol & X-Devil vs Skayler & Visionario and Águila Roja & Fandango
5) Lunatik Fly, Súper Boy, Toto vs ?, ??, ???
6) Astro Boy Jr., Dr. Karonte II, Hell Boy, Hijo del Alebrije, Puma de Oro vs Carta Brava Jr. (LLB), Hip Hop Man, Ivan Rokov, Okumura, Veneno
7) Místico vs Magnus vs Soberano Jr. vs Ángel de Oro

Lucha Libre Boom loves their four-way matches.


TXT (SUN) 12/08/2024 Foro GNP, Mérida, Yucatan
1) ? & ?? vs ??? & ????
2) Lady Apache & Therius vs Julissa & Valentina
3) Ciclón Ramírez Jr., Hijo de Máscara Sagrada, Huracán Ramírez Jr. vs Hijo del Fishman, Súpernova, Texano Jr.
4) Cinta de Oro vs Bobby Lee Jr. © [IOCW WORLD]
5) El Hijo Del Santo vs Dr. Wagner Jr. vs LA Park

That match is the best-looking match of everything announced so far, though I know in my head these aren’t the same guys they were 5 years ago. (Also, there aren’t great odds we will will be able see this outside of Merida.) The IOCW title is essentially the Cinta de Oro title, and running a title match for it on this show probably gives the answer on who’s actually booking these shows. Lady Apache is going to hate those ex-WWE women; I can already see her post-match interview where she buries them for not being trained properly (in other words, working the way she wants to work.)

The next show to announce is the oddly scheduled Xalapa one in March 2025; might be a while. The tour announcements have skipped the announced 11/24 date in Guadalajara after skipping the 11/09 date in Arena CCU in Puebla. (The York Hall show lineups also haven’t been announced, but that’s probably a different production company.) I wonder if those shows are still happening. The ticket sales for the show in 30 days in Arena Ciudad de Mexico look low on Superboletos. I see a Santo interview posted just about every day, so they understand they have work to do, but I don’t know about the economics of any of this.  This show could’ve done well at 6,000-seat buildings, and they went for 10-15K buildings. Maybe they got a great deal.

Other Notes

08/31 RIOT

Laredo Kid won the qualifier on TNA Impact Thursday, and will be in a six way Ultimate X ladder match on the 08/30 Emergence PPV. That’s on their TNA+ service, at $10/month.

A masked Japanese wrestler in Mexico has been using the name Kurama since last December. They started out in IWRG and have been floating through random indies—teaming a bunch with Kuukai lately. Peps Wrestling says the person under the mask is former NOAH wrestler Yastuaka Yano, who became a former NOAH wrestler in May 2023 after he and fellow wrestler Kinya Okada were arrested for obscenely touching a woman a month prior. We’re getting close to the day when someone could put together an entire show just using foreigners trying to find a place to wrestle after getting booted from their home scenes over sexual misconduct allegations. Yano said the charges were dropped in December in a statement admitting to and apologizing for his actions. Admitting guilt and apologizing puts him ahead of most wrestlers in this situation.

Tinieblas presented his book in Xalapa. That article mentioned that Tinieblas wrestled 9,604 matches, and I’m dying to know where they came up with that number. Tinieblas was active for about 45 years, so he’s saying he wrestled 213 matches a year on average. It would have to be much higher in his peak, because he sure wasn’t doing that at the end or at the start either. I know luchadors wrestle a lot, but it seems high.

Rey Cosmico was honored in Durango. That article has the opposite problem of the Tinieblas article, because they have him down as 500 matches over 35 years; you’re probably not honoring someone who’s had one match a month, it’s got to be more than that.

Ursus Promotions announced they’re going to run a month of shows in Coatepec.

Team World beats Team Mexico in Guadalajara, Hugo out in AAA, various numbers


CMLL (MON) 08/19/2024 Arena Puebla [CMLLEl Sol del PueblaGradaMano A ManoParabolica]
1) Dreyko, El Malayo, Rey Apocalipsis b Astro, Asturiano, Rayo Metálico
2) Lady Amazona, Persephone, Zeuxis b Lluvia, Princesa Sugehit, Tessa Blanchard Facebook video (posted by )
3) Dark Magic, Espanto Jr., Okumura b Guerrero Maya Jr., Pegasso, Stigma
4) Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr. b Akira, Ikuro Kwon, Mansoor Facebook video (posted by )
5) Atlantis Jr., Místico, Templario b Kyle Fletcher, Robbie X, Rocky Romero Facebook video (posted by )

This looked to be another sell out in Arena Puebla with Mistico being very over. Didn’t read strong things about the main event. It’ll air Sunday.

CMLL (TUE) 08/20/2024 Arena México [CMLL, Kaiser Sports, thecubsfan]
1) Full Metal, Mercurio, Pequeño Polvora b Acero, Aéreo, Fantasy
2) Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, Inquisidor b Eléctrico, Leono, Valiente Jr.
3) Espíritu Negro, Pelon Encapuchado, Rey Cometa b Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus
4) Lian Po b Bárbaro Cavernario [lightning]
9:32. Lian Po is a character from a mobile game (Honor of Kings); it appeared to be Blue Panther Jr. under the mask.
5) Fugaz, Neón, Star Jr. DQ Magia Blanca, Magnus, Vegas CMLL | Vegas, Magia Blanca y Magnus se van descalificados ante Fugaz, Star Jr. y Neón (posted by mluchatv)
13:47. Debut of Vegas as an official Los Depredadores. Vegas unmasked Fugaz (after his mask was practically ripped off a few minutes earlier.) Sets up a singles match next week.
6) Ángel de Oro, Averno, Niebla Roja b Atlantis Jr., Titán, Volador Jr. CMLL | Niebla Roja, Ángel de Oro y Averno vencen a Atlantis Jr., Titán y Volador Jr. (posted by mluchatv)
15:24. Angel de Oro was eliminated, but snuck back in and fouled Atlantis Jr. to set up Niebla Roja’s win. Atlantis wanted a match with Angle de Oro. Angel de Oro unmasked Atlantis Jr.

It seems like it breaks down like Atlantis Jr./Angel de Oro in the main event and a Vegas/Fugaz lightning match. This also probably means the foreigners are working in Guadalajara next week or finished up by Tuesday.

The semi-main was the best match on this week’s show. The main event was a professional match that did pick up a bit as it went on.

Lian Pon is a very muscled and very agile comic book character. Blue Panther Jr. has cartoonish muscles, but asking him to be very mobile in a singles match is tough at that size. His decision to put on all that size is definitely hurting his wrestling, yet guys who look like Blue Panther Jr. will absolutely get oppurtinties (like playing a mobile game character) because they’re so big.

CMLL (TUE) 08/20/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL, Fuego en el Ring, Mas Lucha]
1) Dulce Kitty, Valkiria, Zorah b Adira, Magia Azul, Náutica
2) Chamuel & Tengu b KeMalito & Periquito Sacaryas
Scheduled as Átomo, Mije, Tengu vs Chamuel, KeMalito, Periquito Sacaryas, but Atomo ended up working Arena Mexico (part of the mobile game promotion)
3) Adrenalina, Explosivo, Fantástico b Crixus, Difunto, Raider
Los Magnificos won this time, and again challenged for the OCCIDENTE TRIOS
4) Esfinge, Máscara Dorada, Templario b Bestia Negra, Euforia, Gallero
5) Barboza, Dulce Gardenia, El Elemental, Furia Roja, Hijo del Villano III, Místico, Soberano Jr., Star Black, Villano III Jr., Zandokan Jr. b Akira, Dark Magic, Flip Gordon, Ikuro Kwon, Kyle Fletcher, Mansoor, Okumura, Robbie X, Rocky Romero, Yutani
Mistico defeated Robbie X to win it for Team Mexico.

The main event was said to be pretty good. (This turned out to be a Fan Leyenda show.) The foreigners keep losing these lead-up matches, which means they’re almost certainly going to win the Gran Prix on Friday—probably Claudio, maybe Yota.

CMLL (SUN) 08/25/2024 Arena México
1) Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía vs Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia, Pierrothito
2) Hera, Olympia, Skadi vs Metálica, Reyna Isis, Sanely [Relevos Increíbles]
3) Hijo del Pantera, Star Black, Volcano vs Akuma, Felino Jr., Kráneo
4) Bárbaro Cavernario vs Ikuro Kwon [lightning]
5) Gran Guerrero & Stuka Jr. vs Akira & Yota
6) Atlantis Jr. vs Davey Boy Smith Jr.

That’s a second generation singles match I didn’t expect to see. The MLW guys are staying the longest and getting booked kindly. Hijo del Pantera makes another Sunday appearance.

Atlantis Jr. forms an all-masked man team with Serpentico and Fuego del Sol against the Gates of Agony on this Thursday’s Ring of Honor.

CMLL Informa tonight has

  • Atlantis (?)
  • Blue Panther (?)
  • Niebla Roja (return from injury)
  • Kyle Fletcher, Robbie X, Flip Gordon, Mansoor, Ikuro Kwon, Akira (Gran Prix)

Flip Gordon is like the voice of reason on that team. The Gran Prix foreigners showing up on Informa usually produces some sort of train wreck and I’m sure it’ll happen again.

CMLL says the Aniversario show is almost sold out. It’s only the upper deck and a few seats in the FREEDOM restaurant area that are left open. I would say CMLL overpriced the restaurant tickets but those are going to sell.

Playboy Japan interviewed Okumura. I assure you that if you click that link, there are no scantily clad Okumura photos. He talks about his career and his role in helping FantasticaMania become what it is.

In classic Mexican wrestling fashion, those English language CMLL tweets appeared for a day or two and then ceased again.

Hugo out in AAA

Hugo Savonivich popped onto Konnan’s podcast before Verano de Escandalo, and the two (accidentally?) revealed that Hugo had been cut down to three more shows in AAA for the rest of the year. “Three” may have ended up being TripleMania Mexico City. Savonivich announced via Lucha Libre Online that he was released from his contract. Savonivich said Dorian Roldan encouraged Savonivich to sign a contract elsewhere if he could find one. That sounded to me like AAA would still have interest in bringing Hugo back for occasional dates, but it came off as more definitely over in Hugo’s YouTube video. Savonivich praises everyone in and around AAA and insists he’s leaving with good feelings towards everyone. He mentions interviewing with JBL at midnight after TripleMania because he was asked and he wanted to help out, and that he’s going to finish up some voiceover work for AAA for free because he loves them so much. Savonivich goes as far as to say he was trying to lose weight to see if he might be a donor for Konnan’s kidney, though it seems like that idea didn’t work out. Hugo was told the reason for his contract was economic reasons, consistent with what was said on the podcast. He says the Mexican economy hasn’t recovered since COVID, and the AAA was expecting to get big money from a TV deal for years and years, and it just hasn’t happened. (There was no mention of Luchatitlan.) Hugo says he’s open to whatever job offers there and puts over his lengthy resume in the wrestling business and in helping to guide wrestlers to have a healthy life outside of wrestling in his role as a pastor.

Hugo Savonivich probably wants it clear it was an economic decision because others might believe it was for a different reason. Savonivich was a huge get for AAA when they brought him in. The Mexican wrestling fans, especially the very online ones, had turned hard against him as time passed. Part of it is that if fans turn against a wrestling show, the fans start to hate the most visible portions of the show, and that includes the announcers. Savonivich mentioning he was part of the AAA creative process also turned him into another pinata for people who didn’t like AAA’s booking. The most significant part of the dislike was because Hugo Savonivich the person turned into a Hugo Savonivich person soundboard at max volume, someone who seemed to be just yelling his famous catchphrases from the past with no context or interest in what was going on. He became a caricature of an announcer, which would produce a few viral moments but became way too much over a three or four show. Savonivich and Jose Manuel Guillen seemed to push each other to be louder and more reliant on hitting those catchphrases as time passed. (The surprisingly short time when ex-WWE partner Carlos Cabrera joined the crew worked better because Cabrera’s mellow seemed to balance the mix better. I think Guillen is better with long-time partner Bernado Guzman in a similar way.) Savonivich was also completely unfamiliar with AAA when he came in and was slow to pick up on the history; he never overcame feeling like an outsider to long-running fans. Some fans definitely enjoyed Savonivich in AAA, and I think English fans still have that nostalgic feeling for seeing his table get destroyed in WWE for so long. He was not my favorite, but there were more significant AAA problems. For me, this is one of those decisions where my feelings about the situation are far overshadowed by my desire never to hear about the situation again.

During the many shows AAA has not brought in Hugo, the AAA announce team has been Jose Manuel Guillen and Jesus Zuniga. I assume that’ll be the same going forward. The big difference is probably that Guillen and Zuniga are based in Mexico, and Hugo Savonivich required a flight from New York.

If we take Hugo’s story at face value, then AAA continues to make no sense. They can’t afford to bring in their announcer, but they’re focusing on Riddle, Dhesi, Singh, and Jarrett – those people aren’t coming cheap and need plane tickets too. Maybe AAA believes all those people are selling tickets and making money for the promotion – but how does a struggling company justify flying in JBL? Does Hugo talking about the big TV never coming in mean AAA’s been given some indication their dream to get on Univision proper is not happening or that the Unimas deal got axed? Or was Hugo just trying to make sense of things by retelling stories he’s heard in the past? Did AAA give Hugo a heads up this was coming when he was in Mexico, or did they just wait until the day he was home to tell him he wasn’t coming back? I hope not, but who knows any more about these guys?

Hugo briefly talks about TripleMania in passing during the podcast, primarily defending it and feeling it’s unduly hated by people trying to get views and money by bashing AAA. He says the Vampiro “five circles of hell” match was fantastic live; I had no idea it was meant to be five circles until hearing this. He also defends the La Parka spot without explaining it, saying Konnan, Dorian, and Marisela would never do anything to dishonor “Chuy”‘s memory.

a detour into numbers-land

AAA claims this year’s Triplemania attendance was 18,000. I trust that number is only slightly more than Alberto’s post-show promo, where he says it’s 23,000. (It’s an explicit part of the heel act that Dorian, Konnan, and Alberto are lying about how many people they drew to this show.) Both of them are just doing bits. It did remind me of this past weekend’s Wrestlenomics podcast (subscriber-only, worth every cent), where Brandon Thurston noted WWE’s stop in Mexico City had a gate of a bit over one million dollars US, according to industry site Pollstar and wondered where it would rank among the events ever held in Mexico. Gates and attendance were reported all the time in Mexican magazine coverage of lucha libre in its first forty or so years; it’s something that coverage in Mexico has shifted away from or just doesn’t have access to those numbers now. (Magainzes also had some protections that one-man shops do not.) I believe it was the Wrestling Observer newsletter that reported that the Ultimo Guerrero/Atlantis mask match (September 19th, 2014) had become the first Mexico show to achieve a one-million US gate. It’s likely the La Sombra/Atlantis mask match the following year (September 18, 2015) also crossed that benchmark. Around that time, I was fortunate to meet Dorian Roldan at AAA’s office in Mexico City. One of my memories of that day was noticing Roldan (or someone in AAA) had used one of the office’s white walls to do some math. I never got to ask him about it, but it appeared that writing was a breakdown of how many tickets would have to be sold at what prices AAA themselves would have to break that one million gate. That wall was across from Roldan’s desk, so the goal was in front of him daily. It’s certainly possible, maybe probable, that AAA did achieve that goal with the Psycho Clown/Dr. Wagner Jr. mask match (August 26, 2017.) But, for both the CMLL shows and the AAA shows, we don’t have numbers because there aren’t reported numbers in Mexico (and I lack the sources to get those numbers, and I haven’t made much of an effort to fix that.) Thurston bringing up Pollstar this weekend and AAA reporting a round number reminded me that I don’t have those numbers, but maybe someone does.

Brandon was kind enough to check for “Lucha Libre AAA” numbers in the Pollstar database and share it with me. In true lucha libre fashion, the information is incomplete. Pollstar has numbers for some TripleMania Mexico City shows and not others. They have some Showcenter events and some other random tapings. Pollstar doesn’t have a number for the Psycho Clown/Dr. Wagner matches, but it surprisingly includes a number for the limited attendance 2021 show. I’m not sure this information is valuable enough to be worth this long run up to it. Still, I’ll include the numbers from Pollstar via Wrestlenomics, as well as the “reported” numbers – all from cagematch, but probably from AAA telling the WON prior.

Date Show Location Reported # Pollstar # Gate (USD) Notable
08/09/2015 TripleMania Mexico City (Arena Ciudad de Mexico) 18,000 14,713 $153,441 Rey Mysterio vs Myzteziz (Mistico); I purchased one of these tickets.
08/28/2016 TripleMania Mexico City (Arena Ciudad de Mexico) 14,000 14,038 $125,994 Psycho Clown vs Pagano, hair vs hair
06/16/2018 Live Event Cancun (Plaza de Toros) no report 4,139 $37,224 Pagano vs Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Psycho Clown
08/25/2018 TripleMania Arena Ciudad de Mexico no report 12,803 $282,328 LA Park vs Pentagon Jr. vs Psycho Clown vs Hijo del Fantasma, mask match
09/29/2018 Live Event Culiacan (Parque Revolucion) no report 2,444 $8,144 Murder Clown & Pagano vs Great Eku & Rinoceronte
01/19/2019 TV Taping Mexico City (Pepsi Center) 4,800 2,547 $46,187 La Mascara, Rey Escorpion, Blue Demon Jr. vs Dr. Wagner, La Parka, Psycho Clown
09/15/2019 Invading NY New York (Hulu Theater) 3,000 3,708 $182,135 Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Blue Demon, Lucha Brothers vs LAX
01/25/2020 TV Taping Mexico City (Pepsi Center) no report 3,028 $68,113 Pentago Jr., Fenix, Psycho Clown vs LA Park, Rush, La Bestia del Ring
08/14/2021 TripleMania Arena Ciudad de Mexico 4,500 5,007 $149,666 Psycho Clown vs. Rey Escorpion, mask/hair match (COVID attendance restrictions)
12/19/2021 TV Taping Mexico City (Pepsi Center) no report 1,765 $32,524 NGD vs Poder del Norte (late switch from live event to TV taping)
08/20/2023 TV Taping Monterrey (Showcenter) no report 1,872 $51,890 Pagano & Vampiro vs Antifaz & Chessman
11/26/2023 TV Taping Monterrey (Showcenter) no report 1,540 $48,318 TNA/AAA Ultraclash

There’s some you can take from this. It’s telling to see TripleMania years where the reported number is way over Pollstar and years where the number undersells what AAA did. AAA reporting 18,000 when it was 14,713 is why today’s “18,000” is not a number to be taken seriously. It’s perfectly random to find out that long-time Jalisco super heavyweight luchador Great Eku is a confirmed draw. Seeing the nothing special August 2023 Showcenter event outdraw the seemingly much more expensive TNA/AAA crossover show is certainly telling. (The August show was where Vampiro left his boots in the ring as one of his many retirements, but that was not advertised in the lead-up.)

Pollstar doesn’t seem to list the 2017 number. I have ticket prices from a chart I’ve maintained for many years; TripleMania’s high-end tickets more than doubled from 2016 to 2017, then experienced another 20% increase in 2018. For now, let’s go with those 2018 numbers; Pollstar says 12,803 tickets sold for a gross gate of USD 282,328. That figures to an average ticket price of $22.05. AAA had to sell 45,000 tickets to the show* – more than double the capacity – to get to a one million USD gate for that year. That’s not possible. AAA probably sold more than 12,803 in that missing 2017 year with Psycho/Wagner, but they also sold them at a lower price. AAA had a great night, but they don’t seem to have come even close to breaking that one million threshold on their best day.

(*—Yes, I know that the average price will likely go down as more tickets are sold, so the number of tickets sold would have to be higher; there are details I’m skipping to avoid overwhelming you with numbers.)

The Invading New York show is another combination of numbers that should stand out. With 3,708 attendees and an 182,135 USD gate, the average ticket is $49.12. That much higher average price is why AAA keeps throwing themselves at ideas to get into the US (and why NJPW does the same.)

Circling back to the start of this – is there any Mexican wrestling show with a larger gate than the WWE house show? We can say WWE outgated any AAA show. CMLL, in Arena Mexico, is the only other reasonable option. I don’t have Pollstar numbers for those shows, but I can do the basic math I should’ve done years ago. The one tricky part is the capacity question; no one knows the maximum number of tickets that can be sold in Arena Mexico. It’s changed over the years, and CMLL has given different numbers at different times. Let’s try some popular round number guesses, none of which are probably 100% accurate.

if Arena Mexico max tickets sold is One million USD gate requires avg ticket price of
18000 $55.56
16800 $59.52
15000 $66.67

Tickets for both Atlantis mask matches (against Ultimo Guerrero and La Sombra) ranged between 16 USD and 202 USD. We don’t know what worked out on average. In that 2018 TripleMania show, though, tickets were between 17 USD and 278 USD, and the average of 22 is nowhere near the numbers in that chart. These are different arenas and pricing structures, yet it’s tough to believe CMLL got anywhere close to the number they’d need to get a million-dollar gate. Maybe the quoted one million dollar number for that is something I’m misremembering, or something that included food and merch and TuriLuchas travel prices on top of everything else to get to that number. That WWE house show number would’ve been much higher if they had thrown in those numbers, too. It is hard to escape the conclusion that the most enormous gate for professional wrestling in the history of Mexico was a WWE house show. If someone can spot a flaw in my numbers that proves that’s not correct, please let me know.

I Don’t Know What’s Going On In Tijuana

Generally, but also with the wrestling. Coming up

  • EMW, the AAA partner in Tijuana, changed their Facebook page to reduce any connection to AAA. (It’s still in the logo, but only barely.) They’re announcing AAA-ish people for a show in the Auditorio on 09/14 (Cibernetico, Jack Cartwheel, Komander), but all the people are not under contract in AAA.
  • A “Lucha Libre AAA Border” Facebook page popped up less than a week to announce they ran the Auditorio on 09/27. Their initial post teased people (Nemeth, Vampiro, Azul) who don’t make sense as appearing on a random AAA show in Tijuana, which made me suspect it was some sort of scam. They’ve since announced a couple of regular matches; Mesias & DMT Azul versus Psycho Clown & Cibernetico headline. Tickets are actually on sale.
  • a mystery promoter has a show in the Auditorio on 09/28, with Dralistico versus Metalik as the headliner. The poster mentions a ticket website, but there’s no ticket on sale for this show there.

Tijuana’s long-running policy is only one lucha libre show a week at the Auditorio. That would mean one of those last two shows doesn’t really have a date, probably the Dralistico one. But the Lucha Libre AAA Border one is the weirdest—a Facebook page that came out of nowhere, with no sign of ownership, somehow has the AAA connecting in Tijuana. EMW lost it, and somehow, The Crash didn’t end up with it again? All of that is strange.

More AAA

Violent People had me on their latest Violent People Radio show, where I was held accountable for my major crimes—thinking TripleMania could be good. While it will be rough to serve 15 years of hard labor, I agree the punishment is justified. The show was fun.

Octagon Jr. says he’s going to cash in his “any title shot” victory in the Copa for the Mega championship. I still assume he will just get beat up to get heat, just like he got beat up to get heat for Parker Boudreaux.

Laredo Kid is back on Impact Thursday for the first time in eleven episodes, facing Jai Vidal and Bhupinder Gujjar, where the winner gets added to the Ultimate X match on the next show (Emergence, 08/30.) The other two wrestle on TV even less than Laredo Kid, so this is a rare moment where Laredo Kid is a definite favorite to win a TNA match.

GLEAT announced a bunch of AAA names for shows on 10/06 and 10/09

  • Parker Boudreaux
  • Sam Adonis
  • Octagon Jr.
  • Jessy Queen
  • Faby Apache
  • Hijo del Vikingo

TNA’s Los Rascals, who have also been on NXT frequently recently, will appear on those shows as well.

The latest Lucha Talk talks about TripleMania.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter was published early this week. The TripleMania recap is based off notes of other recaps – he did not watch the show – and so no matches are rated.


TXT (SUN) 11/10/2024 Arena Veracruz, Veracruz, Veracruz
1) Ferrari & Ferrari Jr. vs Black Silva & Blue Silva
2) Keyra & Vanilla Vargas vs Julissa & Valentina
3) Halcón Suriano Jr., Hijo del Solar, Ultraman vs Accion Jackson, Australian Suicide, Travis Banks
4) Ciclón Ramírez Jr., Cinta de Oro, Huracán Ramírez, Metalik vs Bobby Lee Jr., Bobby Lee Ng, Hijo de LA Park, LA Park Jr.
5) El Hijo Del Santo & LA Park vs Dr. Wagner Jr. & Hijo del Fishman

They seem to have skipped over the 11/09 show in Puebla. I feel like match three is a sign Santo is probably outsourcing the work of booking these shows to someone else; I’d be surprised if he know who an Accion Jackson was. Those in the opener are Veracruz locals.

Other News

08/31 RIOT

Komander followed up losing on TripleMania by returning to Reynosa and also losing a title match there. Komander simply must get better at winning wrestling matches.

There’s a lucha libre art exhibit in Durango.

Gran Prix preview matches, Los Micros Gemelos Maldios leave CMLL, Parka/Karis

I heard the guy who won the NJPW G1 was that British chap who got out llaved by Hechicero a couple of months back. That makes Hechicero the actual winner of the NJPW Grade One Tournament by my math. (I guess they’re settling this in a few days.)


CMLL (FRI) 08/16/2024 Arena México [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) Astro Boy Jr., Eléctrico, Leono b Grako, Nitro, Sangre Imperial
2) Dark Silueta, Persephone, Zeuxis b La Catalina, Princesa Sugehit, Sanely
3) Dulce Gardenia, Pelon Encapuchado, Volcano b Akuma, Difunto, Zandokan Jr.
4) Robbie X b Neón [lightning]
8:31. Win via foul. Robbie X Mexico debut.
5) Ángel de Oro & Niebla Roja b Mansoor & Rocky Romero
16:32. Mansoor debut.
6) Atlantis Jr., Esfinge, Místico DQ Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero, Valiente
14:29. Straight falls. Valiente fouled Esfinge as built to 09/13.

I know it will heat up starting this week, but August’s been a cold start. Match 3 was the only thing that went better than it looked; everything else was fine. Robbie X/Neon didn’t work for me; a bit of Robbie X is unfamiliar with the CMLL style, and Neon still needs work in singles matches. I was less convinced by Mansoor after this match, and it didn’t seem like the crowd got it either, but he’s got a week to get around and see how it goes. One weird quirk is Mansoor seems to have atomic drops in his offense. No one does atomic drops in Mexico because they come off as a foul spot – Fuerza Guerrera famously used a variation as his trademark foul. (Fuerza Guerrera was such a rudo that he had a trademark foul spot.) It looked bizarre for Mansoor to keep fouling people, and no one was selling it as a foul.

CMLL (SAT) 08/17/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) KeMalito & Periquito Sacaryas b Mije & Tengu
Los Micro Gemelos Diablos no-showed, jumping to AAA. Mije and Tengu replaced them.
2) Diamond, El Audaz, Robin b Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr.
3) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, El Hijo De Blue Panther vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus
4) El Hijo del Villano III, Sagrado, Villano III Jr. b Felino, Felino Jr., Rey Bucanero
5) Esfinge TLDRAW Euforia [lightning]
second week in a row with a time limit draw
6) Mansoor, Robbie X, Rocky Romero b Flip Gordon, Templario, Titán

Didn’t get to watch this one yet, though I think I read the main event was an improvement for the foreign crew.

There’s plenty of other AAA to cover, so let’s handle the Micro Gemelo Diablos departure here. They showed up on TripleMania to attack Mascarita Sagrada (who appears to be the ex-WWE one.) AAA’s production is so terrible that they were barely seen on scene and not identified; I timed it as them appearing for less than eight seconds on screen. I assume they will be giving a new name – it’s likely CMLL owns the old Gemelo Diablos – but no name was given. Los Micro Gemelos Diablos appear to be the two people Latin Lover said reached out to him months back for jumping, an idea he brought to Dorian Roldan. There are ways to use two tiny people who do exciting flips, but AAA’s struggles to use Microman suggest this will not work for these guys either. Microman also found higher-paying work on US micro tours, and I expect that’ll eventually be the same for these guys in the long term. Even if they don’t, there’s not a lot of room on these AAA cards as it is – acts in the first few matches disappear for months all the time, and AAA is unlikely to make long term changes for a new division. They’re also not really likely to bring Mascarita Sagrada back in that often either.

A specific issue with the Micro Diablos is how they will fit in with AAA. They’re leaving CMLL because they wanted to be the stars, but they weren’t, and they’re going to expect that in AAA. The Micro Diablos lost that position in CMLL twice to KeMalito, and they were openly angry about in their final bookings. As mentioned, CMLL’s original plans were to create a new KeMonito with the two Micro Diablos portraying it. CMLL got cold feet on the idea after KeMonito threatened a lawsuit. Still, they had his new rival, KeMalito, ready and eventually decided to start using him while figuring out what happened next. KeMalito quickly got so over there was no point in dealing with the flack of introducing a new KeMonito, and the Micro Diablos were out of an excellent paying and famous spot.

KeMalito got so over that CMLL put him in the micros matches, even though he’s clearly not well-trained enough to be in those yet. The Gemelo Diablos had to put over a guy who wasn’t at their level of a worker, or it wasn’t what they thought they had signed up to do. They threw more than one public fit about it. It essentially became a CMLL choice between KeMalito or Los Micro Gemelos. The twins are better wrestlers in matches that don’t matter. KeMalito is much more over. It wasn’t a real choice. Los Micro Gemelos could’ve accepted their new role, but instead, they became one of the many over the years who AAA convinced they’d take much better care of them in their promotion. Like past people who’ve been swayed that way, the relationship will not go very well if they find out the truth is a bit different. I’ve got no doubt the Micro Gemelos will end up getting some belt to replace the one they gave up from CMLL, and maybe that’ll be enough to mollify them as it’s been for NGD, or maybe they’ll be back in the regional indies where they came a year from now.

To me, the real CMLL mistake was falling in love with the idea of having micro twins to go along the normal sized twins. They gave up doing anything the normal sized Gemelos for one, so the association didn’t mean much. Those two micros would have also been much better as opponents than rivals; when it goes down it, they’re the micro Arkangel Divino and Ultimo Malditos, two guys who want to do their matches and would be best at doing them exclusively against each other. AAA should turn them into the 2024 versions of Chucky and Cuije. Not precisely the gimmicks (though it’s AAA, maybe that too), but two guys who work primarily as mascots and work a few flashy spots with each other a match. Making them partners is never going to work with as few talented people to work with at their size.

The CMLL micros should probably not be an active division and should not be wrestling on these shows, but that’s been true since Microman left (and since Chamuel is around a lot less), and the Micro Diablos don’t really change the math. It may help them because the rest of the guys aren’t asked to do as many basing spots they can’t pull off, but it’s still not going to be good. And CMLL will need to find a couple of more people to fill out the matches who are probably going to be worse than the people who came. The real news is this appears to be a wrap on any idea of a new KeMonito for now, and the only thing stopping him and CMLL from making peace is their stubbornness.

People still argue on Twitter daily if Stephanie Vaquer did or did not burn her bridges with CMLL with the way she left to go to WWE. (It’s partly happening because only now do they realize Vaquer won’t actually be to work for WWE in the US for months and months due to needing a new work visa.) I wonder if those same people will argue if the Micro Gemelo Diablos burned a bridge with CMLL since burning the bridge with CMLL must be the part they care about. (They did burn the bridge, won’t be back, and won’t mention if/when CMLL decides a new Micros champ.) I wonder at the timing – did they agree to go to AAA a while ago and so they were acting out in CMLL matches because it was not going to matter, or was the last suspension enough for them to push them out – but they’re gone either way.

CMLL (SUN) 08/18/2024 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Fantasy b Pequeño Polvora [lightning]
2) Dark Magic, Espanto Jr., Okumura b Capitán Suicida, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa
3) Xelhua b Pólvora [lightning]
4) Blue Panther, Fugaz, Star Black b Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Kráneo
5) Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero, Valiente DQ Euforia, Magnus, Mephisto
Euforia unmasked Valiente
6) Ángel de Oro, Atlantis Jr., Máscara Dorada b Flip Gordon, Mansoor, Robbie X

Kyle Fletcher, Ikuro Kwon, and Akira also were introduced to the crowd.

With the new TV schedule, matches from this show will air on AMX on Thursday, 08/29.

Hera & Olympia versus Kira & Skadi from last Monday’s Puebla show aired on Sunday night. They didn’t get as much time as their Arena Mexico match, but it showed some good progression as wrestlers. They’re risk takers, not all the risks work out, but they’re getting better at figuring out what to do when stuff goes wrong and adapting to it. Olympia is right there to ensure Kira’s Mistico toss in the ring goes as well as possible. (I could not believe they dared to try that spot.) A Las Valientinas pinfall breakup spot doesn’t go as desired, but Skadi reacts immediately and powerbomb her opponent to keep it going. Those are should be the advantages of them working a lot and working together a lot, but you don’t always see that improvement in CMLL. I don’t know if they’re simply self-motivated to improve continuously or if those four know something is coming that we’ll all find out about in two months, but it feels like there’s a goal they’re headed towards.

CMLL started tweeting in English again on Saturday; there were far more English-language tweets from CMLL than AAA on the day of TripleMania. They had let that Twitter account go dormant for more than a year. I assume they’re hoping to capture attention with more people in for the Gran Prix, but I don’t know if it expands beyond that—if they’re finally doing English commentary for an internationally focused show. No one has contacted me for help with the notes for the show, which would be the easiest tell if they were doing something, but they could just use translator Miguel as the voice and the info.

CMLL (TUE) 08/20/2024 Arena México
1) Acero, Aéreo, Fantasy vs Full Metal, Mercurio, Pequeño Polvora
2) Eléctrico, Leono, Valiente Jr. vs Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, Inquisidor
3) Espíritu Negro, Pelon Encapuchado, Rey Cometa vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus
4) Lian Po vs Bárbaro Cavernario [lightning]
5) Fugaz, Neón, Star Jr. vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Vegas
6) Atlantis Jr., Titán, Volador Jr. vs Ángel de Oro, Averno, Niebla Roja

Lian Po is a character from the mobile game Honor of Kings. CMLL’s done a tie up with a mobile game or twice a year pretty regularly now. It’s silly but usually not too problematic. Lian Po is a lucha libre character. His mask looks like someone was inspired by Dragon Rojo’s old one, and maybe he’ll end up doing the character.

Main event reminds you there was Averno/Volador that got dropped cold. Match five could be great if they want it to be great. Pelon fits correctly along side the Atrapsuenos. Nice to see the Calavers back.

CMLL (SAT) 08/24/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) Galaxy & Shockercito vs Full Metal & Pequeño Polvora
2) Capitán Suicida, El Audaz, Fuego vs El Coyote, Nitro, Pólvora
3) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, Hijo de Blue Panther vs Espanto Jr., Hijo de Stuka Jr., Hijo del Villano III
4) Akira vs Difunto [lightning]
5) Averno, Euforia, Mephisto vs Titán, Yota, Zandokan
6) Esfinge, Máscara Dorada, Soberano Jr. vs Davey Boy Smith Jr., Flip Gordon, Ikuro Kwon

All the AEW crew – Claudio Castagonli, Kyle Fletcher, Mansoor, and Rocky Romero – appear to be finishing on Friday, which may mean they’re involved with All In. Robbie X also appears to be heading home. Davey Boy Smith, Yota, and the MLW duo will be around for a few more days. Flip lives here now, of course.

DOUKI was in Mexico back in July, bringing his IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship and visiting many of the people who helped start him on that journey. The most emotional photo of the bunch was his visit with Gran Apache. The funniest one was visiting old trainer Arturo Beristain, who taught DOUKI when he was first starting in Arena Mexico. Beristain asked DOUKI where he was wrestling these days – maybe over in Arena Naucalpan? This story came to mind when looking at this lineup. Match five is a reference to a specific story from one of NJPW’s tours last year: Zandokan was Yota’s surprise partner in their heavyweight tag league. Zandokan would’ve gotten to join LIJ if they won, and they came short. It did get referenced on CMLL Informa a time or two, but putting Titan, Yota, and Zandokan together as a nod to that story is something only someone with a good memory and a solid knowledge of wrestling outside of Mexico would do. I think Panico – 68 years old and as unlikely to be paying attention to non-CMLL stuff as Beristain – is not a person who will think to put Titan with Yota and Zandokan. Maybe it was a suggestion from Rocky, maybe it was an idea from Julio Cesar Rivera, maybe it was someone we don’t even know, but it’s one of those signals that it’s a group effort to put these CMLL shows together. People seem to be focused on figuring out a single person to credit for booking CMLL, as if writing in a name on their end-of-year awards is the point of the whole thing. To me, it’s very clearly a committee; it’s a bunch of people, and Panico is just the name we call that committee.

Valiente, in hyping the Aniversario mask match, acknowledged he’s a dark horse in the match – but he feels people have been betting against him since he started his career, so he’s not afraid of that.

An interview with Princesa Sugehit starts by noting she vacated the title last year, and now it’s in Willow Nightingale’s hands after winning it in a three way match, as if nothing happened in between. Sugehit wants to get back to 100% before thinking about challenging, just to be fully have her rhythm first.

CMLL pulled Mistico, Averno, and Tessa Blanchard from the 09/08 Lucha Libre Norte show in Apodaca. (Apodaca is a suburb of Monterrey and the location of the major international airport.) The Lucha Libre Norte promoter blamed the Alto Voltaje promotion for causing it; the idea is their big show in Arena Monterrey on 09/29 gave them exclusivity. That show in Arena Monterrey looks good but is unlikely to do well; they’ve cut down the arena in half, and there’s still a ton of seats to be sold. CMLL is picking a promotion with big dreams over a smaller, more consistent group.


Triller declined my refund. Worth a shot. I think I won’t be giving them my money for the AEW shows.

I may have to retract something from the TripleMania recap. I assumed it was Karis La Momia Jr. portraying his father La Parka in the Vampiro match and that it was OK if Parka’s family approved of it. I now believe it wasn’t Karis, and Karis himself may not have known what was happening until he saw it. Karis talked to La Tijera following Sunday’s show. He’s wearing a split Parka/Karis mask, and he happens to mention that he might need his identity soon. Karis has talked recently about wanting to forge his path like his father did and not just take over his character, and I thought that’s what he meant. It could also mean AAA owns the Karis gimmick, and Karis may not stick with AAA. About midway through, the interviewer from La Tijera says he has to bring up the split opinions on the La Parka appearance on TripleMania and asks Karis what he thinks about it. Karis is noticeably careful with his words, asking the interviewer (and maybe himself) if he should answer that question as a person or a luchador. He then shifts to explicitly saying he has no opinion. The next part is a lot of talking around an answer, but he mentions watching it happen and realizing it would happen eventually. It certainly sounds like Karis wasn’t this La Parka if he was watching it happen, that someone else was in that casket, and that Karis was wondering with the rest of us if that meant AAA had handed off the gimmick to someone new or was just doing it as a one off bit. Karis ends the interview pretty quickly after talking about the situation. I am not 100% sure it was someone else in that casket because Karis doesn’t spell it out, but his reactions tell a story.

I understand AAA’s business reasons for wanting a new La Parka, but they might as well have him team up with Alberto, Dorian, and Konnan for all the heat he’ll get. People are going to be upset with AAA over this for not picking Karis, even though Karis has made it clear he doesn’t want to be the new La Parka.

Vampiro’s supposed to have a press conference on Wednesday to announce a new music project. That article (that reads like a press release) says Vampiro’s retiring in “2024”.


IWRG (SUN) 08/18/2024 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG, La Tijera]
1) Rock Power b Fauno
2) Alan Extreme, Histeriosis, Mr. Mike b Felino Boy, Halcón Suriano Jr., Willy Banderas
3) Águila Roja b Spider Fly
sets up a title match on Thursday
4) Cerebro Negro & Cerebro Negro Jr. b Veneno & Vudu Max Veneno y Vudú Max Vs Cerebro Negro y Cerebro Negro Jr. juventud y experiencia en IWRG (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
5) Hell Boy b VangellysHijo Del Silver King
a new member of Mafia Ruso attacked Hell Boy after the match
6) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Galeno del Mal b DMT Azul & Hijo de Canis Lupus Dr. Wagner Jr. y Galeno del Mal Vs DMT Azul e Hijo de Canis Lupus lucha estelar en IWRG (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
win via foul, Wagner wants a title match with DMT Azul

It’s very odd to name someone Felino Boy when there’s a very famous Felino. The Lucha Libre Real show honoring Felino took place Friday and went very long and late in the night because Mistico had to make it over from Arena Mexico. Puma King challenged Mistico to a mask match, which has as much chance of happening as that match being Puma King’s retirement match.

IWRG (THU) 08/22/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Cosmic & Génesis vs Celta & Samodeo
2) Astarlis & Titanium vs India & Ratzinger
3) Fobia, Pitbull, Sanda Kid vs Ángel Kid, Black Dragón Jr., Black Dragón Ng
4) Rock Power, Shura King, Willy Banderas vs Jitsu, Kundra, Yoruba
5) Fauno, Hysteriosis, Príncipe Centauro, Puma de Oro, Rey Aztaroth, Súper Boy, Tornado, Vudu Max vs Coco Loco Ng, Dark Horus, Hijo del Alebrije, Intenso, Payaloco, Rasta Man, Silencero, Terrorista [Torneo FILL]
6) Spider Fly © vs Águila Roja [IWRG REY DEL AIRE]

The main event could be good or it could just be a plunder thing.

Other Notes

The second Mosco de la Merced, who also wrestled as Loco Valentino (Jose Juan Valdez, 60) passed away Monday. He was part of AAA from 1996 until losing his mask to Heavy Metal in 2004. He was an ally of the second Psicosis, who lost his mask this past Saturday. AAA acknowledged his passing on Facebook.

Mosco 2 is on the older side because he started out in the 80s wrestler and was one of the guys who got into the promotion commonly known as UWA in 1993, as that promotion was going down. People were escaping to AAA or CMLL – that’s his Loco Valentino career. He got into AAA in 1996 and got the Mosco gimmick in 1997 when the original was part of the group that left to find Promo Azteca. Valentino/Mosco 2 was part of Pena regimmicking many people to replace those who had left. Many of them endured in those gimmicks longer than the originals, as Psicosis 2 took a moment to point out on Saturday, but no one outside of the second La Parka was as popular. Mosco 2 was both a Mexican national atomicos (4v4) and tag champion, the later with Fuerza Guerrera. One of Guerrera’s old nicknames was “La Mosca de Merced”, which was a reason for the team. The Mosca is the vital part they were both guys on the small-ish side. Mosco 1 returned to AAA to do a name versus name match with his successor in 2003. Mosco 2 won with a lot of help from Abismo Negro, and Mosco 1 changed his name to X-Fly. (Mosco means Fly, so he is literally an ex-fly.) Mosco’s AAA career came to an end shortly after losing his mask to Heavy Metal in a cage match. The 1996-2004 dates to his AAA run make me reflect on how that’s about the inverse of Konnan’s AAA time; Loco Valentino’s first show was a couple of months before Konnan left, and his last show is two weeks before Konnan returns. I think that’s just a weird coincidence, and Mosco 2 just happens to be an emblem of an era of AAA not talked about much now. Mosco2 continued to work occasionally on the indies, and was taking bookings as recently as June.

Segunda Caida’s review of IWRG Retro show includes a match with (I think) this Mosco de Merced. Another total coincidence.

Rocky Santana says everyone should have to train for three to five years before they wrestle. This is positioned as “kids today don’t know what they’re doing,” but it’s not the kids who are booking undertrained people on the show. Santana works at Arena Lopez Mateos, which routinely lets people with less than three years of training in the ring. The story is more interesting for Santana talking about his training style and his love for wrestling—he says he would rather leave his wife than leave wrestling.

Andrade sent a video to RGR Promotions officially vacating his Supremo championship for that group. Laredo Kid and Arez will wrestle for it on shows this weekend, something that was already announced. I try to keep up with a lot of wrestling posters, and I even I don’t have a lot of show listing where Andrade was in a match to win this title – no one outside the promotion knew he was supposed to be the champion. This is just a WWE wrestler filming a video to promote an indie show. That’s fairly surprising, even in today’s more open WWE. That RGR group must’ve taken care of Andrade well.