Nic Nemeth AAA mega champion, Mascara Dorada universal champ, Dulce Gardenia shaved


CMLL (FRI) 04/26/2024 Arena México [CMLL, FDDEFuego el el RingKaiser SportsPublimetroRecordSuperLuchasTelediaroThe Gladiatores, thecubsfan]
***Arena Mexico 68th Anniversary***
1) Angelito & Último Dragóncito b Acero & Aéreo CMLL - AÉREO - ACERO VS ÚLTIMO DRAGONCITO - ANGELITO /ARENA MÉXICO/26-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Reporte CMLL: Angelito y Último Dragoncito Vs Aéreo y Acero (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2) Capitán Suicida, Futuro, Max Star b Crixus, Okumura, Vegas CMLL - VEGAS - CRIXUS - OKUMURA VS CAPITÁN SUICDA - FUTURO - MAX STAR /ARENA MÉXICO/26-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Futuro, Max Star y Capitan Suicida vs Okumura, Crixus y Vegas ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Reporte CMLL: Capitán Suicida, Max Star y Futuro derrotan a los imponentes Crixus, Vegas y Okumura (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
10:37. Tecnicos took 2/3. Originally included Raider, Vegas almost immediately replaced him.
3) Dark Silueta, La Catalina, Stephanie Vaquer b Sanely, Skadi, Tessa Blanchard [Relevos IncreíblesCMLL-LA CATALINA-DARK SILUETA - STEPHANIE VAQUER VS SKADI - SANELY - TESSA B. /ARENA MÉXICO/26-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: Stephanie Vaquer, Dark Silueta y La Catalina vs Sanely, Skadi y Tessa Blanchard (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: LaCatalina, Stephanie Vaquer y DarkSilueta derrotan a Tessa Blanchard, Skadi y Sanely (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Stephanie Vaquer, La Catalina y Dark Silueta vs Sanely, Skady y Tessa Blanchard ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
9:13. Team Vaquer took 1/3. Catalina and Vaquer didn’t get along the entire match, but never betrayed each other. Sanely’s return from her most recent knee injury.
4) Dulce Gardenia L VirusAkumaDisturbio [hairAkuma vs Dulce Gardenia ¡¡¡ Cabellera vs Cabellera !!! ARENA MEXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL - CUADRANGULAR DE CABELLERAS / DULCE GARDENIA - AKUMA - VIRUS - DISTURBIO/ARENA MÉXICO/26-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: Akuma gana la cabellera de Dulce Gardenia en el 68 Aniversario de la Arena México (posted by mluchatv) Cuadrangular d cabelleras, Virus y Disturbio quedan fuera, Akuma y Dulce Gardenia por las cabelleras (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
14:17. Dulce pinned Disturbio (3:52) and Virus (6:47) before losingly cleanly to Akuma and thus losing his hair. Akuma has now defeated the entire Atrapasuenos trios in hair matches.
5) Ángel de Oro b Templario Angel de Oro vs Templario Mano a Mano ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL - MANO A MANO / ÁNGEL DE ORO VS TEMPLARIO /ARENA MÉXICO/26-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: Ángel de Oro derrota a Templario en un espectacular maño a mano (posted by mluchatv)
19:17, Angel de Oro taking 2/3. The last went 12:32, Oro winning with a poison rana (which Templario sold like a neck injury.)
6) Máscara Dorada b TitánMagnus [CMLL Universal, finalCMLL - TRIANGULAR FINAL CAMPEONATO UNIVERSAL/MAGNUS VS TITÁN VS MÁSCARA DORADA/ARENA MÉXICO/26-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Máscara Dorada se corona como Campeón Universal 2024 (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Mascara Dorada vs Titan vs Magnus CAMPEONATO UNIVERSAL/ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
15:25. Dorada pinned Magnus (12:31), then Titan to win the Universal final.

This show peaked with Angel de Oro/Templario, but it was a really good show all the way through. The crowd was very much into the hair match, and it opened and closed with good matches.

That final had good action, but it didn’t have the star power of last week’s match, and it didn’t have a great story to make it up for it. It was a “let’s do some big stuff match”, following another one and not taking advantage of the opportunity they had been given. Last year’s big Dorada/Titan encounter was memorable for Dorada being so close to getting the ropes to escape El Inmortal, the perfect thing to call back to in the final stretch here. Instead, they just did a quick sprint as the final two and Titan never got El Inmortal locked on. That moment is of those things wrestlers (especially ones doing a 150 matches a year like these two) can lose track of over a year, and that’s where having people behind the scenes advising and assisting them is supposed to fill in the gaps. Didn’t work out this time.

I’m a bit concerned CMLL’s overpushing Mascara Dorada, boosting him up so far and so fast before the crowd is ready for them. There’s a lack of challenges and goals to reach when Dorada’s already won the Universal championship and is already world champion; it’s just the big mask match to go. (This is the chronic women’s wrestling problem in mixed promotions – once they give a woman her first world title win, they’ve also usually run out of ideas for her.) CMLL’s diehard fanbase can resent young wrestlers for achieving too much early, and it’s took shake off a rep if they’ve decided a wrestler has been “gifted” wins instead of “earning” them. The CMLL counterpoint here is they did this same deal with Mistico and it worked out fine. Dorada hasn’t caught on like Mistico as of yet.

(It’s, again, also easy to see why Mascara Dorada isn’t working the BOSJ – CMLL isn’t going to push him this hard and then have NJPW run him out there to go 3-5 for their purposes. Doesn’t make sense for NJPW either. But there are other CMLL people who could’ve easily been sent to go 3-5 or worse.)

I had been told Dulce Gardenia was going away from CMLL for a time at the end of 2023. Then he just didn’t go. This hair match result is as the closest I’ve got to an explanation. I think people paying close attention could’ve put together Dulce was losing as soon as Disturbio got eliminated, but the crowd sure didn’t think so and was loudly behind him until his ultimate demise. I had one live report mention it felt like the some of the fans left after the match. Nothing seemed to get the same crowd reaction. I don’t think it’s a turnoff as much as a disappointment.

Attendance seemed pretty good, if not quite as good as last week.

I skipped over the Copa Bobby Bonales bit. It was only notable for a very creepy AI Bobby Bonales talking about his career. People are going to keep doing this – putting words in people’s mouths and making them move in unnatural ways – and they should actually not do this.

CMLL’s YouTube stream was a disaster for the first half of the show, just unwatchable due to errors. CMLL launched a new stream early on during the apuesta match – it was a lower resolution stream, but it actually worked and that was a welcome change. They uploaded the full show later that night and put out apologizes and promises to fix the problem in both Spanish and English. That sort of formal apology is rare for CMLL, rare for most of Mexican wrestling, and also doubly rare in English. (The one consistent thing is CMLL made no acknowledgement there even were issues until they had a fix.)

This Arena Mexico show was the final Friday show of the “month” for people who had subscribed around Homenaje a Dos Leyendas. CMLL is probably at the highest point they’ve ever been for paying subscribers. They were natrually going to see a cliff in the upcoming dates – there are people who paid for Bryan Danielson who won’t be back unless he is – but having a bad stream right at the tail end is particularly bad timing. To me, if your stream fails, you’ve got do something extra to make for it. CMLL felt just putting up the VOD later was good enough. In the bigger picture, CMLL should’ve been pushing “here’s all the great things we’ve got coming up in the next few weeks (if you stick around)” over the last few days, but they don’t have the manpower or the vision for those kind of pushes. It’s a missed chance, though one they might have again later this year.

The drone cam was back for this show – it’s definitely a “big show” thing – and they’re still playing with their new toy more than is useful, missing shots they shouldn’t have and not getting enough interesting stuff to make up for it.

CMLL (SAT) 04/27/2024 Arena Coliseo [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) Kaligua b Pequeño Violencia [lightning]
2) Eléctrico & Leono b Forneo & Inquisidor
12:58. Tecnicos took 2/3.
3) Crixus, Dark Magic, Okumura b Arkalis, Hombre Bala Jr., Rey Samuray
15:36. Rudas took 2/3.
4) Kira, Marcela, Tessa Blanchard b Hera, Persephone, Reyna Isis [Relevos Increíbles]
10:30. Rudas took 2/3. Marcela started limping during the first fall, then left the match after a top rope double stomp to close that fall.
5) Blue Panther, Dark Panther, Hijo de Blue Panther b Gemelo Diablo II, Kráneo, Sagrado
16:16.. Tecnicos took 2/3.
6) Euforia, Soberano Jr., Valiente b Esfinge, Flip Gordon, Templario [Relevos Increíbles]
16:33. Rudos took 1/3. Euforia unmasked and pinned Esfinge, setting up a singles match next week.

Nothing that has to be checked on the show. Panthers match was the best, but they do that match with better rudos all the time. Match 3 was worse than normal. Marcela’s knee injury didn’t seem super serious but it’s reoccurring.

A reason for the run of relevos increibles matches is CMLL seems to want to position Tessa Blanchard on the tecnica side but haven’t committed to a turn yet. She’s a complete tecnica on her Informa interviews and it’s likely just a matter of time before the booking catches up.

CMLL (SUN) 04/28/2024 Arena México [CMLL, Kaiser Sports]
1) Full Metal & Pierrothito b Galaxy & Pequeño Polvora [Relevos Increíbles]
Pequeno Polvora replaced Shockercito.
2) Astral & Diamond b Apocalipsis & Cholo
3) Tessa Blanchard b Zeuxis
4) Neón b Zandokan Jr.RobinCrixusFuegoAkuma [Torneo Embajador De Los Niños] RESUMEN CMLL: TORNEO EN BUSCA DEL CAMPEÓN DE LOS NIÑOS (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Order of elimination: Robin (Zandokan), Fuego (Crixus), Akuma (Zandokan), Crixus (Neon), Zandokan (Neon) making Neon the 2024 kid’s champion
5) Atlantis, Hijo de Octagón, Octagón b Ángel de Oro, Magia Blanca, Niebla Roja
6) Máscara Dorada, Titán, Volador Jr. b Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible

Sometimes this Kid’s Day shows draw really well. This one, two days early, does not appear to be one of them. Just a regular turnout.

CMLL (TUE) 04/30/2024 Arena México
1) Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía vs Mercurio, Pequeño Olímpico, Pierrothito
2) Chamuel, Kemalito, Mije vs Micro Gemelo Diablo I, Micro Gemelo Diablo II, Tengu
Debut of KeMalito. Tengu is Micro Dito
3) Kira, Skadi, Tabata vs Hera, Olympia, Persephone
4) Esfinge & Volcano vs Difunto & Kráneo
5) Titán vs Villano III Jr. [lightning]
6) Atlantis Jr., Máscara Dorada, Místico vs Magnus, Templario, Volador Jr.

A very kid’s day show, where it’s probably an all tecnico event.

KeMalito makes his official in-ring debut. Micro Dito confirmed on Instagram that he’s got a new CMLL name. That will also be Chamuel’s first appearance in Arena Mexico since Christmas; he’s been working the US microshows. Everyone talks about AEW or WWE “stealing” talent from Mexico but no one talks about the Extreme Drafanators Wrestling doing the same thing.

This is the normal 7:30 local start time even with it being a special show.

CMLL (TUE) 04/30/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Ángel Rebelde, Halcón Negro Jr., Trono vs Exterminador, Javier Cruz Jr., Maléfico
2) Leo, Omar Brunetti, Vaquero Jr. vs Arlequín, Bestia Negra, Cris Skin
3) Dark Magic, Elemental, Yutani vs Furia Roja, Guerrero de la Muerte, Ráfaga
4) La Catalina vs Valkiria [lightning]
5) Brillante Jr., Flip Gordon, Valiente vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible
6) Euforia, Hijo del Soberano, Soberano Jr. vs Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther

This is just a normal show that happens to take place on Kid’s Day.

Still no Friday lineup as I go to post. These have drifted later in the weekend in 2024, but it’s unusual for no lineup to be up midday Monday. It’s appears to be first Friday show of the year with no tournament or other special match, so it should be one of the more straightforward cards to put together.

Dark Silueta’s being advertised for an autograph signing on 05/05 in Tokyo, so she must be leaving for her next tour soon. That imminent departure may have also motivated getting that Lluvia title change done last week. Lluvia’s on vacation this week so they had not much time to do it.

Titán BOSJ schedule

  • 05/11: El Desperado
  • 05/13: BUSHI
  • 05/15: HAYATA
  • 05/18: Blake Christian
  • 05/19: Clark Connors
  • 05/20: Kevin Knight
  • 05/22: Kosei Fujita
  • 05/26: Yoshinobu Kanemaru
  • 05/30: TJP

Desperado on day 1 and TJP on the final day means Titan is likely involved at least through the last block day. Fujita and Connors are title holders and are also candidates to advance. NJPW will have semifinals (June 3rd) and finals (June 9th). Normally the blocks themselves are split over two months, the calendar happens to work out that you could pull the plug after just one month if Titan doesn’t advance out of his block. This is the hopeful optimism and all around thriftiness you expect out of luchablog.

RevPro FantasticaMania UK 2024:

Show 1 (noon)

Show 2 (6 pm)

Zozaya is a new wrestler in RevPro, coming over from Spain. Rhio is not AEW’s Riho; it’s confusing. I’d assume everyone who’s in a singles match on one show will be working a tag match on the other, so figure Mistico vs Templario or Magnus on Show 2. CMLL and RevPro are announced a match a day for each show, so this lineup should be pretty close to complete by the end of the week.

The Wrestling Observer reported there’s hope that the CMLL wrestlers affected by work visa issues may be resolved as soon as this week. This group mentioned in this report includes Blue Panther, Templario, and Soberano, among people who would actually be booked on US TV. I had earlier been told Hechicero believed his approval would get approved in May, though he’s working with different people and isn’t bundled in with the above names. Mascara Dorada’s is also being worked on, and he’s in a third group. All of this promising news but also the single lesson I’ve learned from these visas is nothing is guaranteed until the wrestlers are told they can pick them up from the embassy; unexpected delays can and will happen.

Realistically, AEW would next want to use those wrestlers (or any CMLL wrestlers) after the Double or Nothing; it’s fine for them if they’re approved in time for AEW to book them on the 05/26 show to start the build to Double or Nothing. Getting approved “this week” would probably be more crucial for that 05/11 NJPW show – the CMLL male wrestlers were regulars on the NJPW US shows until that visa came up.

Perennial reminder: this situation affected some CMLL wrestlers, but not all of them. The two CMLL wrestlers most likely to be a part of the AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door PPV are Mistico (undefeated in AEW) and Stephanie Vaquer (as a NJPW champ.) They have work visas and are fine for AEW to book at any time. It’s also harder than I would’ve expected to figure out who AEW will use – no one had Rugido, Magnus, Esfinge and Star Jr. as their top names for AEW TV until they were there. Some of that is visa stuff, but some of is just out of the box thinking.


AAA TV (SAT) 04/27/2024 Estadio de Béisbol Monterrey, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon [AAA, ASESTOFDDERecordTelediario, thecubsfan, VOW]
1) Dalys, Flammer, La Hiedra, Maravilla b Estrellita, Faby Apache, Reina Dorada, Sexy Star
7:05. Dalys used a powerbomb and the ropes to pin Faby Apache.
2) El Elegido b Pimpinela EscarlataAntifaz del NorteSúper CalóAerostarChessmanNiño HamburguesaMr. IguanaCharly MansonAbismo NegroHeavy MetalTosscanoEl FiscalSúper Crazy [Copa Bardahl]
26:40. Pimpinela beat Antifaz to win.
3) Forastero, Negro Casas, Sansón b Bestia 666, Dr. Wagner Jr., Tigre Blanco
18:27. Wagner, Bestia and Tigre Blanco (debut) were meant to be representing The Crash. Halloween and Damian ran in to help Bestia. Mecha Wolf ran in to fight Bestia. NGD betrayed Casas (again) to help Wagner win, then revealed NGD/Wagner combo masks. Wagner and Casas agreed to a family versus family match.
4) Nic Nemeth b Alberto el Patrón [AAA MEGA]
16:11. Vacant title; Hijo del Vikingo (knee injury) appeared before the match to hand over the title and vow he’d get it back. Moved down to match 4. Nemeth used a foul and the Danger Zone to beat Alberto. Nemeth is the 20th champion. Alberto cried in the ring with his children (who were not as emotional about this.)
5) Parker Boudreaux, QT Marshall, Sam Adonis, Satnam Singh b Laredo Kid, Murder Clown, Octagón Jr., Psycho Clown
11:49. Jarrett helped the rudos, with Faby Apache fighting him off after Jarrett harrassed Marsela Pna. Satnam chokeslamed Murder Clown through a table to win. Rudos unmasked the tecnicos.
6) El Mesías, Pagano, Vampiro Canadiense b Cibernético, Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz
15:59. Dark Scoria and Dark Espiritu ran in late, allying with Mesias. Mesias fouled Cibernetico. Ozz stood on the outside watching while Cuervo came back in, and eventually got rolled up by Vampiro. Vampiro thanked the fans in Monterrey for supporting him in his career. Latin Lover congratulated Vampiro to end the show.

AAA continues to damage the TripleMania brand with shows like this. The matches generally underdelivered, and there was no interesting or well done story to set up the next two shows. The crowd size appeared to be down from last year and at least some of those in attendance booed at the (cold, messy) ending to the show. This TripleMania was a glorified TV taping. It was only notable for Nic Nemeth winning the AAA Megachampionship. Other TV tapings AAA’s run this year have been come across hotter and have had better matches, so this would’ve been one of the lesser TV tapings this year. I never had hopes for the matches but I thought I’d get at least one interesting direction. AAA’s production missed shots as usual and failed to get across the crowd reactions, making the mediocre action feel even colder. This TripleMania wasn’t a funny bad show, it was just bad. You’ll be better of watching the video package of it later than spending four hours with it.

AAA juggled the matches around to put the Vampiro match last. That made sense: Alberto was losing, the foreigners were winning, makes sense to end on the happy ending. Except, the last minute of the Vampiro trios match came off like someone forgot their spots or froze or someone was missing. The idea seems to be Mesias and 2 of La Secta (Escoria & Espiritu) against Cibernetico and 2 of La Secta (Cuervo and Ozz), but they all just stood around passively after the finish, as if waiting for a cue that never came. Mesias and Vampiro both seemed annoyed after the fact. I can not figure out what was supposed to happen, and it wasn’t the only time in the match where everyone stood around frozen. This match would be great to go back with some Directory’s Commentary insight years from now – maybe we’d find out if Vampiro accidently missed the thumbtacks on his strange top rope move or if they were supposed to be used in another spot that didn’t happen – but it’s a notably weak main event in 2024.

Jeff Jarrett won the semimain, positioning himself as the top heel in AAA. QT Marshall and Sam Adonis could’ve easily been replaced by the Kamik-C and Skalibur for all the meant in this match, just background players who got no chance to do anything or get over. As pointed out to me, that probably means QT isn’t going to stick around – he came to AAA to re-establish himself as a top guy, and there’s no reason to stick around if this is what they have for him. Parker Boudreaux was somehow even less – they didn’t give him any spots to look impressive, his physique didn’t stand out in the gear he wore, and he struggled at basic. Either AAA did an exceptionally poor job of laying out the match in a way to get Boudreaux over, or they got worked into taking on a guy who didn’t belong in their ring. The match was built around Satnam Singh with Jarrett as his outside match, and very well done for that purpose. It is AAA, so we may never see Satnam Singh again. It’s amazing how AAA has Psycho Clown on a big show and didn’t have any idea for him. Octagon Jr. and Laredo Kid were used in US booking style, Mexicans masks who do a couple of cool things but are non-factors there to put over the real stars.

(an conspiratorial aside: Jeff Jarrett getting himself added to TripleMania and trying to get the Global Force Entertainment name back out there had me wondering if Jarrett was trying to keep his options open. Jarrett was WWE’s SVP of Live Events. He came over to AEW in 2022 to be Director of Business Development, which included being part of the live event team. AEW announced a new COO earlier this year, and announced a new Senior Marketing Director of Live Events Monday morning. That would mean nothing on it’s own, could just be the new guy (Jeremy Flynn) replacing Rafael Morffi, who left a similar titled role in December 2023. Someone coming in who’s responsibilities overlap with Jeff Jarrett at the same time Jeff Jarrett is trying to get his name out there is at least a “hmm” moment. Maybe nothing more that, probably nothing more than that, but I think we’ll at least see more Jarrett in AAA for now.)

Alberto has gained weight, as most of us do when we get older. Alberto has not gotten new gear, so he looked fairly silly through the match. (He finally took off the too tight t-shirt after the match and seemed fine, not WWE level but normal – the t-shirt just made it look worse.) The match was the usual tables brawls, the same thing we’d seen multiple times before and after.  The finish looked bad but Alberto did sell it, and that basic part is not something I take for granted with Alberto. I think you could probably argue this was the best match of the night but it’s at the level that why would you bother to argue it, none of this stuff is worth seeking out. In the idea that “this is part 1 of a 3 part story”, Nemeth and Alberto will likely meet again on one of the future shows.

(I don’t believe Nemeth winning the title will have any affect on his relationship with NJPW or NJPW and CMLL’s relationship. I believe, like most things in AAA, it’ll be politely ignored elsewhere. NJPW champions are typically asked not to lose any matches outside the promotion, and that may have played into the result here.)

There were seven “surprise” wrestlers on the show. Most were just regular AAA rosters who hadn’t been advertised. Tigre Blanco was a surprise; the idea is it was supposed to be a big deal because a) Tigre Blanco’s father Mascara Sagrada and AAA sued each other over the name a long time ago, b) Tigre Blanco was on the most recent season of Survivor Mexico, and c) he was representing The Crash. The English announcers were not clued into reason A or B, and C rang false – I couldn’t find a Tigre Blanco with The Crash. Wagner worked the last show, but he’s the sort working there two shows a year. It came off as fully part of a match where you had to be in the AAA booking meeting to know what was supposed to be happening. It appeared the Monterrey crowd was not in that meeting and was lost. The concept was suddenly announced “The Crash versus AAA” during entrances, and no one explained why we were supposed to care about that match.

One of the big beats of the match was Bestia and Mecha Wolf facing off, as former partners who broke up – but AAA never ran the break up angle! On TV, MechaWolf talked about being on his own now without explaining why, because AAA had decided to pretend Bestia no longer existed for working The Crash. I think most people watching the show assumed Bestia and Mecha were still partners and had no idea why they were fighting. The Spanish announcers were screaming the storyline as Mecha confronted Bestia, but that was the extent of the build. You had to be an insider to understand why they were fighting, but you also had to be not paying enough to notice NGD had already violently betrayed Negro Casas in January and were fighting them on TV three weeks ago. (That part felt like AAA promised NGD a TripleMania match and just wedged them in here.) It all must’ve looked a lot better on paper. Tiger Blanco showed little in the ring, and Wagner and Casas didn’t have enough charisma to make this work. NGD were technically good but very cold.

Copa TripleMania was the usual bad and overly long Copa TripleMania. The fans who know the El Fiscal storyline – probably a small portion of their audience – want him to feud with Abismo Negro, and they appeared to be teaming instead. The women’s match was the usual pointless women’s match. They’re continuing to build towards Dalys (believes she’s a great wrestler) and Faby Apache (actually a great wrestler, doesn’t tolerate fakes) and that’ll the sort of fiasco that we’ve all come to know on TripleManias. AAA ran the Eye video again but didn’t do anything with it, a complete waste of time of an angle at this point.

I did see people speculating English announcer Larry Dallas was drinking during the show. I asked him during the broadcast, and he insisted he was not. He was under the weather and on a bunch of medication. He was also operating on a different vibe – someone who was completely over AAA, was going to have fun, and was not overly concerned with continuing to do that job. AAA can do that a person. I haven’t listened to Hugo and Jose but I did seem comments (in Spanish) bemoaning their performance too. Maybe I’m being too generous, but I assume the issue is that bad shows make the announcers seem worse – they’re either drifting into other things to talk about it to fill time or they’re trying too hard to sell things that aren’t that good. The Spanish commentary often does the second and the English commentary did some of the first.

I saw much less feedback and live posts about this TripleMania on Twitter than I can recall for a TripleMania; it was about the same as a normal CMLL Friday night show, with a little uptick once it started airing on Space. Some of that is the decline of Twitter as a platform for discussion, but it’s a safe guess fewer people bought this show than past years – the weak lineup and the bad product last time out ran people off. That may counter-intuitively mean the cagematch ratings/thumbs up/down polling may be up for the show; it’s only the diehards who are bothering to watch, and diehards of any promotion tend to be more kind.

People who were in the building say the TripleMania setup was smaller this time around, and suggested there may have been some giveaway tickets to help perception. AAA didn’t shoot wide shots of the building; it’s not like it was empty, I would guess over 10K, but AAA didn’t do those beauty panoramic shots they’ve done at other times,  AAA reported attendances to WrestleTix last year and has not as of last check this year.

Between matches, AAA and the owner of the baseball team (and the baseball stadium) came out to exchange gifts. Dorian Roldan was unsurprisingly booed during that segment. The surprising part instead was fans chanting for LA Park all on their own. Roldan said LA Park was unfortunately not here, and put over the names who were there. LA Park claimed he saw the clip of the chanting fans in his hotel room in Tijuana and cried. LA Park can be dramatic on social media.

Latin Lover appeared on the show as special guest; there was no mention of his role beyond that. There was a shot of Latin during the main event where he looked very unhappy, but I think that was reacting in character to the match rather than at the show.

(Preemptive push back on “the crowd and show was great in person!”: you’re selling a $25 PPV. Preemptive push back on “this was the first act of a three show story!”: you’re selling a $25 PPV.)

Let’s mix it up with five positives to take from this show

  • Live fans still are genuinely invested in Vampiro’s retirement, both believe he’s a big deal and believe he’s really retiring. No amount of bad matches is changing their minds on that. The Monterrey crowd was kind to all of the old wrestlers, when they’re traditionally not that way in smaller settings.
  • The Mexican fans seem happy they have an ex-WWE star in Nic Nemeth as champion, he feels like a big star to them. Even if the title bounces to Alberto shortly, it does add some prestige to that title for Nemeth to hold it shortly.
  • El Hijo del Vikingo’s promo giving up the belt was well done; he’s not the kid he was that reign started and showed growth over the course of it.
  • The stream audio could stand to be improved, but the AAA stream worked the whole way. Started when it was supposed to, never had any buffering issues.
  • There appeared to be zero serious injuries on this show. Laredo Kid’s bump on the no-sold tope was hellacious, but he was fine after. Super Calo nearly smacked the back of his head on the apron on an elimination, but survived. Pagano was holding his arm in like a man who’s nowhere near 100% but nothing happened in this match that seemed to put him in any worse shape.

AAA’s next taping is 05/11 in Mexico City. The next TripleMania is 06/15. AAA typically gets out the top few matches for Tijuana within a couple of days of the Monterrey show ending, so expect news this week.

a long aside

Do you want to get over with a wrestling promotion? Would you like to be mentioned positively on a podcast? Please consider becoming a Lucha Libre AAA booster. They are desperately need of a sycophant. They are too fragile to cope with criticism and will instantly latch on to anyone who tells them what they want to hear – be that person! AAA talks about me a lot because this space of lucha libre discussion is too sparse and there’s not enough to discuss if they don’t discuss me. Give them something else to talk about, something that praises their strong points while dismissing any problems, and they’ll latch on to you immediately. If you want a way to get the wrestling business, and don’t care with who or how, there’s probably even a way to get a (non-paying) job if you work at it hard enough. You will have to shine up a lot of garbage as an AAA booster, but that’s a lot of the wrestling business anyway. I see a lot of people on Twitter who seem desperate to have an gimmick or have attention and I’m telling you right here that talking up AAA is an as easy opening as possible.

To be honest, this would help me too. AAA does a terrible job of communication, so the only way to know everything that’s going on is to listen to Konnan’s podcast. All I want to find out the AAA news that either they’re not organized to communicate properly, or that Konnan forgets is supposed to be a secret and blurts it out. Half the lucha segments end up in a detour complaining about me. I don’t care about about Konnan trashing me, I care that they’re doing the same segment over and over and over again; it’s terrible audio. The next episode will surely be among worst of the year in content, because TripleMania Monterrey got savage reviews and the podcast will be looking to blame that isn’t the people in charge of the show.

Part of the reason Konnan’s podcast do the same bit talking about me over and over again is because none of the hosts appear to do any planning or have any short term memory, so Konnan’s always repeating the same stories over and over to a completely disinterested Disco Inferno. Part of it’s because they lack the common sense to just stop mentioning me; I don’t do half as good job as promoting myself as they do. Part of it’s because the lucha libre news space is too small, so any lucha libre story ends up coming from me (or coming from the WON, where it mostly comes from me.) What that podcast really need is someone else to follow the WON strategy of a repeating what I’ve written a few days earlier, but make sure to reframe it in ways that make AAA look good (and to ditch the stuff that Konnan doesn’t want to be asked about.) They’ve tried to do it with various lucha news hosts over the year, but they still inevitably drift into mentioning something I said or Disco does it to bait Konnan, who falls for it everyone time. The same bit plays over and over again. Konnan and AAA itself would pat someone on the back if they gave them the safe space content they wanted to talk about, and would fully embrace them if they went farther to spin it in AAA’s favor.

Perfect example: so far, I’ve seen AAA wrestlers post that TripleMania had an attendance of 14,000, an attendance of 15,000 and an attendance of 17,000. All those numbers are appear inflated, but if “AAA news source” posted TripleMania drew 17,000 and pushed it on Twitter, no one would bother to check it (it’s only AAA) and it’d become established fact. Keep at it and you may have a job with AAA in six months. You could do it completely insincerely and still make it work. There are so many people already doing this bit, especially for industry leader WWE, but the AAA space is vacant. If you really want to get into the wrestling business, it’s such an easy bit. Think about it.

(Another solution is AAA actually communicates what’s going and does some of it English, making my coverage redundant and unnecessary. But, if the choice is between AAA doing something themselves or expecting someone else to do it for them free the way the want it done, the second one is much more likely.)


IWRG (SUN) 04/28/2024 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG]
1) Canibal, Indira, Xtreme Kid b Fobia, Pit Bull, Shura King IWRG EN VIVO | TORNEO FILL 112 | HOMENAJE A 31 AÑOS DE TRAYECTORIA DE VENENO (posted by IWRG tv)
2) Bengalee & Candela b Dark Infiermium & Dehyna IWRG EN VIVO | TORNEO FILL 112 | HOMENAJE A 31 AÑOS DE TRAYECTORIA DE VENENO (posted by IWRG tv)
3) Carnicero, Dark Esparta, Skanda b Cheff Benito, Cosmic, Milagro IWRG EN VIVO | TORNEO FILL 112 | HOMENAJE A 31 AÑOS DE TRAYECTORIA DE VENENO (posted by IWRG tv)
4) Sacro & Sky Man b Jitsuo & Látigo 2000 Jr.Hijo Del Iracundo & Iracundo IWRG EN VIVO | TORNEO FILL 112 | HOMENAJE A 31 AÑOS DE TRAYECTORIA DE VENENO (posted by IWRG tv)
5) Adrenalina, Águila Oriental, Ajolotol, Arceus, Pequeño Centauro, Rey Astarot, Thunder Storm, Vudu Max b Alama De Fuego, Cariñoso, Pinky, Rey Dragón, Skayler, Tigre De Acero, Uzumaki, Visionerio [Torneo Fill] IWRG EN VIVO | TORNEO FILL 112 | HOMENAJE A 31 AÑOS DE TRAYECTORIA DE VENENO (posted by IWRG tv)
FILL vs Dark Sun Wrestling. Rey Astroth got the win for team CMLL.
6) Hell Boy, Veneno, Vudu Max b Kiki Roberts, Tony Rivera, Vangellys IWRG EN VIVO | TORNEO FILL 112 | HOMENAJE A 31 AÑOS DE TRAYECTORIA DE VENENO (posted by IWRG tv)

Can’t tell you about this show. Attendance looked normal for this show.

IWRG (WED) 05/01/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) ? vs ??
Random Match
2) Águila Roja © vs Príncipe Centauro [IWRG IC Light]
2nd defense
3) Hell Boy © vs Vangellys [AIWF LA]
2nd defense
4) Noisy Boy © vs Arez [IWRG IC MIDDLE]
1st defense
5) DMT Azul vs Hijo de Canis Lupus [chain]

Kid’s Day is the 30th, and Labor Day is May 1st in Mexico (and many other days.) Wednesday’s are normally an unbusy day in Mexican wrestling but there will be a good amount of shows. IWRG is moving their weekly show one day up for that reason. I still want to watch last week’s Noisy Boy/Arez match but didn’t get to it yet.

Other News

05/05 GCW “The Wrld on Lucha”

Rush and LA Park were supposed to have a match in Tijuana this Saturday, before Rush got called to AEW to make his return. DMT Azul replaced Rush, which meant it was a match of the current The Crash Heavyweight Champion (Azul) and the person who still has the physical belt from when he was champ (Park.) I didn’t think about this, because not even The Crash cares about The Crash’s titles, but LA Park was asked about it at a previews show – he claims he sold the title belt. He’s probably joking.

Rush did make his return on AEW Collision in a squash. Fenix returned as well, in an outstanding match with The Beast Mortos (Black Taurus.) There’s no clear direction for either yet, but I presume Fenix at least is on Double or Nothing if they’re giving him that much TV taping. Fenix should also be good for the 05/05 House of Glory match with Penta now.

El Hijo del Santo took to TikTok to claim he was robbed by workers at the Mexico City airport. Santo says he had a suitcase of masks, shirts and toys he was bringing to the US (first going from Mexico City to Tijuana), and someone at the airport opened the suitcase and took everything out. Santo says they were all gifts to be given to Mexican children and their parents in the US. I’m not sure I totally believe that “gift giving” part, but stolen items are stolen items.

Felifer Macias, the PAN/PRI/PRD candidate for Queretaro Municipal president, appeared at a Arena Queretaro Sunday and said he’d work with the owners of the building to rehab the building. That building was usable  but could use the rehab.

A visit to the Villano IV candy store. Villano IV owning a candy store and Villano V being a (former? current?) dentist makes me believe they’re best friends or secret enemies.

Robles Promotions announced their shows will now appear on the Morita Play streaming service. I pay for a lot of wrestling content. I have to draw the line at paying 89 pesos/month for Robles shows. El Grafico’s version of this article clarifies it’s a open to people outside of Mexico.

Segunda Caida reviewed more late 80s Arena Coliseo Monterrey.

The Princesa Sioux who’s turned up lately is the daughter of Monsther – who’s out with an injury, she wrestled at a benefit show for him on Saturday. I figured she was in that family but wasn’t sure if she was an India Sioux daugther or another relation.

TripleMania Monterrey, Universal final, four way hair match


CMLL (FRI) 04/26/2024 Arena México
***Arena Mexico 68th Anniversary***
1) Angelito & Último Dragóncito vs Acero & Aéreo
2) Capitán Suicida, Futuro, Max Star vs Crixus, Okumura, Raider
3) Sanely, Skadi, Tessa Blanchard vs Dark Silueta, La Catalina, Stephanie Vaquer [Relevos Increíbles]
4) Dulce Gardenia vs Virus vs Akuma vs Disturbio [hair]
5) Templario vs Ángel de Oro
6) Máscara Dorada vs Titán vs Magnus [CMLL Universal, final]

If Mascara Dorada wins, it’s a continuation of his rocket push. If Titan wins, it’s a career achievement checked off, and it’s a big win NJPW can talk about for the Best of Super Junior tournament.

If Magnus wins, does that reveal the Aniversario apuesta match? This is a career year for Magnus but he doesn’t make sense at this point in his career as someone getting a permeant elevation by winning this tournament. A temporary one, where Magnus wins big here to make him more credible later on. (Magnus/Dorada or Magnus/Titan is probably not enough to draw 15K on it’s own, but maybe can get there with some AEW help.) I think that’s the least likely outcome of the three, but that’s a mask match is where your mind should go if Magnus ends the night holding up the red belt.

Angel de Oro and Templario should be good but it’s a strange match to do, and stranger still to do it on this card with two other individual matches.

A reminder how (I think) the four way apuesta match w0rks

  • the first two people beat are done, go to the back after they’re eliminated
  • the third person beat loses their hair

Akuma seems on his way up and should get another big hair win on this show. Normal CMLL patterns might instead have Dulce avenge his partners by defeating Akuma, but that doesn’t feel like the right move. Neither Virus, Disturbio nor Dulce would be hurt long term by taking the loss, but Disturbio’s the one least likely to be so high up on a card again.

Sanely was OK (at best) when she was wrestling regularly from 2016 to 2019. She’s since had two severe knee injuries and a new child. Sanely seems to really well representing CMLL at press conferences and events, and so she’ll always be around, but I’m not expecting much from her in-ring. La Catalina and Stephanie Vaquer being on the same team means we’ll likely get some team in-fighting in that match.

Okumura finds himself on a big show again, what are the odds. That match 2 is one where it would help a lot if Crixus was good. The opener should be solid.

CMLL (SAT) 04/27/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) Kaligua vs Pequeño Violencia [lightning]
2) Eléctrico & Leono vs Forneo & Inquisidor
3) Arkalis, Hombre Bala Jr., Rey Samuray vs Crixus, Dark Magic, Okumura
4) Kira, Marcela, Tessa Blanchard vs Hera, Persephone, Reyna Isis [Relevos Increíbles]
5) Blue Panther, Dark Panther, Hijo de Blue Panther vs Gemelo Diablo II, Kráneo, Sagrado
6) Euforia, Soberano Jr., Valiente vs Esfinge, Flip Gordon, Templario [Relevos Increíbles]

There’s too many CMLL relevos increibles again. The women’s one seems to be CMLL wanting Tessa to be a tecnica but not committing to it. I’m not sure the purpose of Soberano and Templario being on opposite sides at this point.

CMLL (SUN) 04/28/2024 Arena México
1) Galaxy & Shockercito vs Full Metal & Pierrothito
2) Astral & Diamond vs Apocalipsis & Cholo
3) Tessa Blanchard vs Zeuxis
4) Neón vs Zandokan Jr.RobinCrixusFuegoAkuma [Torneo Embajador De Los Niños]
5) Atlantis, Hijo de Octagón, Octagón vs Ángel de Oro, Magia Blanca, Niebla Roja
6) Máscara Dorada, Titán, Volador Jr. vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible

A big weekend for Akuma: could win a hair match and the championship of the children. I don’t like Los Barbaros odds in the main event. I would not put it past CMLL to last minute announce it’s streaming live and live only again.

05/11 MLW

That’s all the CMLL wrestlers accounted for and all those matches are part of the Triller+ broadcast (8 USD/month.) MLW tapes a second show around that PPV – a little before they go live and a lot after, typically – but the CMLL look to be only wrestling the PPV. Look for me as the person waving goodbye as soon as that PPV ends.

Pro Wrestling Ventures (ex-Warrior Wrestling) has Stephanie Vaquer versus Kylie Rae on 05/16 in Chicago.

RevPro says they’ll start announcing matches for their 05/19 doubleheader this weekend.

Lucka Libre (Tijuana) has Mascara Dorada, Mistico and Atlantis Jr. against Soberano, Templario and Barbaro Caveranrio on 05/25.


AAA TV (SAT) 04/27/2024 Estadio de Béisbol Monterrey, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
1) Estrellita, Faby Apache, Reina Dorada, Sexy Star vs Dalys, Flammer, La Hiedra, Maravilla
2) El Elegido vs Pimpinela EscarlataAntifaz del NorteSúper CalóAerostarChessmanNiño HamburguesaMr. IguanaCharly MansonAbismo NegroHeavy MetalTbaTba
3) ?, ??, Negro Casas vs ?????, ??????, Dr. Wagner Jr.
4) ?, Laredo Kid, Octagón Jr., Psycho Clown vs Parker Boudreaux, QT Marshall, Sam Adonis, Santam Singh
5) El Mesías, Pagano, Vampiro Canadiense vs Cibernético, Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz
6) Alberto el Patrón vs Nic Nemeth [AAA MEGA]

I wrote a piece for Voices of Wrestling, one that masquerades as a preview but is more a catch up for everyone who hasn’t paid anything since the last TripleMania. Those people, really most people, shouldn’t pay attention to this one. This is a b-show where AAA splurged for Nic Nemeth to put over Alberto, and not much more. I can’t even work up interest to care about whatever Big Angle they’re doing it. It’s still “TripleMania” so it should draw, but AAA’s been eroding that value of that name by running it three times a year and even more so with this sort of half effort lineup.

My disinterest doesn’t mean the business will be bad. I struggle to get a good sense of ticket sales from Boletimovil, but the tickets seems neither struggling nor the “20,000 fans” number thrown around at the press conference. I expect they’ll do around the same totals they usually do, because it still is the one really big show in Monterrey every year.

AAA does have that fan expo on Friday and Saturday. Always possible they’ll run angle during it. AAA did put out a schedule for Expo Lucha autograph signings and helps produces a list of people booked to be in Monterrey but not (yet) announced for a match: Halloween, Bestia 666, Tineblas (w/Alushe), Colmillo de Plata, Garra de Oro, Canek, Villano V, El Fiscal, Super Crazy, Dave The Clown, and Murder Clown. Those names may fill some of the mystery spots on the show. Maybe there’s a big goofy Murder Clown/Santam Singh faceoff. I’m confused at flying in the Money Machine team and not just throwing them and two others in an opener to have one normal good match on the show. Maybe they still will.

New TNA Digital Media Champion Laredo Kid is back in his old familiar place: wrestling on Xplosion. His rematch defense against Crazy Steve airs Friday for TNA+ subscribers and Tuesday on YouTube. Laredo Kid is scheduled to wrestle KC Navarro on the 05/05 House of Glory show, though I’m expecting that card to get changed up until I actually see Fenix on AEW TV.

Negro Casas says his dream (now) is to wrestle with his grandchilden. He is 64 now, and would be into his 70s by then.


IWRG (THU) 04/25/2024 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG]
1) Bengalee & Candy Sweet b Danessa & Kali IWRG EN VIVO   |  THURSDAY NIGHT WRESTLING  |  LOS PIRATAS  VS  LA PUERQUIZA EXTREMA (posted by IWRG tv)
Random match. Mamba pointed out Bizhota in the crowd and asked IWRG management to consider bringing them in. Bizhota later attacked Jessy Ventura to help Mamba win, and attacked again until Mamba ran them off.
Prior to the start of the show, Mala Fama attacked Shamila, with Noisy Boy and Black Terry making the save. 3 fall match, fall 1 ras de lona, fall 2 lucha aerea, fall 3 lucha extreme. Arez earned a title shot with the win.
5) Hijo del Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan Jr. © b Pig Destroyer, Pig Destructor, Pig Pool [EdM TriosIWRG EN VIVO   |  THURSDAY NIGHT WRESTLING  |  LOS PIRATAS  VS  LA PUERQUIZA EXTREMA (posted by IWRG tv)

Mas Lucha’s wording on their deceptive Thursday steams has changed from “En Vivo” to “En Directo”, another sign something’s happened here. I watched a video of La Mascara talking about his return to wrestling rather than the Arez/Noisy Boy match; mistakes were made.

IWRG (SUN) 04/28/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Hidra, Silver Hawk, Xtreme Kid vs Fobia, Pit Bull, Shura King
2) Cheff Benito, Cosmic, Milagro vs Carnicero, Dark Esparta, Skanda
3) Bengalee & Candela vs Dark Infiermium & Dehyna
4) Sacro & Sky Man vs Jitsuo & Látigo 2000 Jr. and El Fatan & Ludxor Kid and Hijo Del Iracundo & Iracundo
5) Adrenalina, Águila Oriental, Ajolotol, Arceus, Pequeño Centauro, Rey Astarot, Thunder Storm, Vudu Max vs Alama De Fuego, Cariñoso, Pinky, Rey Dragón, Skayler, Tigre De Acero, Uzumaki, Visionerio [Torneo Fill]
FILL vs Dark Sun Wrestling
6) Hell Boy, Kiki Roberts, Veneno vs Puma de Oro, Tony Rivera, Vangellys

Kiki Roberts is back (though also listed as “special invitee”). This show is a 31st Anniversary show for Veneno, a very normal number to celebrate for a guy who rarely wrestles here nowadays.

IWRG’s Rey del Ring royal rumble will take place on May 5th.

Other News

Tuesday is Mexico’s “Kid’s Day” holiday, but there’s plenty of small/medium lucha libre shows playing off that idea this weekend. CMLL will have one of their bigger Sunday turnouts of the year, and AAA obviously picked TripleMania for this weekend with the same thought in mind. There’s not much that really stands out as notable (except maybe for that DTU poster) but there’s enough shows that’ll it take me days to catch up on entering all the posters.

A 13 episode series on Guatemala’s Astro de Oro will debut this weekend. One episode goes up on free service Vive Lo Online, and it’s a rare documentary on lucha libre in Guatemala in their 80s glory period.

Lucha Libre Elite posted a clip of Rush/La Park and says they’ll post the full matches “soon”.

Masked Republic announced a series of lucha libre themed comic books.

Mascara Dorada submits Mistico, AAA 05/11 CDMX lineup, Elite return, Dos Caras


CMLL (FRI) 04/19/2024 Arena México [AS, CMLL, Estrellas del RingExcelsiorFDDEKaiser SportsPublimetro, thecubsfan]
1) Mercurio & Pierrothito b Galaxy & Shockercito CMLL - MERCURIO - PEQ. PIERROTH VS GALAXY - SHOCKERCITO /ARENA MÉXICO / 19-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Mercurio y Pequeño Pierroth derrotan a Galaxy y Shockercito (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Mercurio y Pequeño Pierroth Vs Galaxy y Shockercito (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2) Legendario b Vegas [lightningCMLL - MATCH RELÁMPAGO / VEGAS VS LEGENDARIO /ARENA MÉXICO / 19-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Legendario derrota en match relámpago a Vegas (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Vegas Vs Legendario Match relámpago (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
3) Persephone, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis b Lluvia, Marcela, Tabata CMLL - PERSEPHONE - ZEUXIS - STEPHANIE VAQUER VS TABATA - LLUVIA - MARCELA /ARENA MÉXICO / 19-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis y Persephone derrotan a Marcela, Lluvia y Tabata (posted by mluchatv) Las rudísimas Stephanie Vaquer, Persephone y Zeuxis se impusieron ante Marcela, Lluvia y Tabata (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Marcela, Tabata y Lluvia vs Zeuxis, Stephanie Vaquer y Persephone Arena Mexico CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
11:51. Tabata replaced Catalina
4) Esfinge, Flip Gordon, Titán b Hijo del Villano III, Villano III Jr., Zandokan Jr. CMLL | Titán, Esfinge y Flip Gordon vencen a Villano III Jr., Zandokan Jr. y El Hijo de Villano III (posted by mluchatv) CMLL-ZANDOKAN JR.-H. DEL VILLANO III-VILLANO III JR. VS ESFINGE-FLIP GORDON-TITÁN/A. MÉXICO/19-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Flip Gordon, Titán y Esfinge vencieron a Zandokán Jr, Hijo del Villano III y Villano III Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
5) Ángel de Oro, Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero b Averno, Euforia, Mephisto, Templario CMLL | Ángel de Oro y los Guerreros Laguneros derrotan en dos al hilo a Templario y Los Infernales (posted by mluchatv) CMLL-TEMPLARIO-MEPHISTO-EUFORIA-AVERNO VS A. DE ORO-STUKA JR-G. GUERRERO-U. GUERRERO/A. MEX/19-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Ú. Guerrero, Stuka Jr, Gran Guerrero y Ángel de Oro derrotan a Templario, Euforia, Mephisto y Averno (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
12:42. Straight falls, Templario DQed for fouling Angel de Oro in the first, Angel de Oro getting away with a mask pull on Templario in the second. Sets up a singles match.
6) Máscara Dorada b MísticoAtlantis Jr. [Copa Universal, semifinalCMLL | Máscara Dorada derrota a Místico y avanza a la final del Campeonato Universal (posted by mluchatv) CMLL-3a. FASE CAMPEONATO UNIVERSAL/ATLANTIS JR. VS MÁSCARA DORADA VS MÍSTICO/ARENA MÉXICO/19-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Máscara Dorada vence a Místico con la “mística” y se coloca en la final del Campeonato Universal (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
18:35. Mistico beat Atlantis with La Mistica, then Mascara Dorada beat Mistico with his own La Mistica to win. Dorada, Magnus and Titan meet in the final next week.

It seemed like Mascara Dorada was destined to win after Mistico got the submission elimination of Atlantis, and even more so after Mistico became the first person to kick out of Dorada’s shooting star press. It was still entirely shocking to see Dorada beat Mistico with his own La Mistica. CMLL is not taking any half measures here, they’re going all the way with trying to make Mascara Dorada a shining star.

The action prior to the finish was strong. Atlantis Jr. did indeed get booed, but it came off more as the crowd’s preference for the other two (especially Mistico) than the anti-Atlantis vibe of the recent shows. He had a couple of great two on one spots, and a lot of the match was fought with all three men involved at the same time. I think others liked this match a bit better than me – I’m tired of three way matches, this was still an elimination match built around illogical pinfall breakups and I thought the Rey de Reyes one was better for the direct Laredo Kid/Vikingo segments – but I still liked a good deal

For all you can say about Mistico and his ego (which is a lot), there’s few other top guys who would’ve been as giving as he was with that finish. He sold it big and true afterwards, selling the disappointment and the pain.

This entire show was a good watch. The semimain really never got going, but all the other matches were at least good. La Escuadra were fantastic in their match, tons of energy and ideas, and I liked that match better than the main event in some ways. The women’s match was super solid; Persephone’s quickly becoming one of the better CMLL women and totally kept up with her partners. Galaxy is another one one the fringes of the roster who keeps getting better. Vegas is missing something for me, but he remains a perfectly solid midcarder for these matches.

CMLL (SAT) 04/20/2024 Arena Coliseo [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) Emperador Jr. & Platino Kid b Hunter & Infarto
2) Legendario, Leono, Retro b Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr.
3) Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio b Astral, Diamond, Robin
4) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa DQ Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
11:01. Akuma fouled Dulce
5) Kráneo, Niebla Roja, Rey Bucanero b Fugaz, Panterita del Ring, Volcano
6) Atlantis, Star Jr., Valiente b Magia Blanca, Magnus, Volador Jr.

Nothing you have to go out of your way to see here. Match 4 might have been the hottest, but the finish was one to build to towards Friday. Fugaz got completely lost in semi-main and time stood still for so long.

CMLL (SUN) 04/21/2024 Arena México [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) Kaligua & Pequeño Magía b Pequeño Polvora & Pequeño Violencia
did not air on the stream
2) Capitán Suicida, Eléctrico, Valiente Jr. b Forneo, Inquisidor, Sangre Imperial
3) Guerrero Maya Jr., Pegasso, Stigma b Cancerbero, Luciferno, Sagrado
4) Dark Silueta, Lluvia, Zeuxis b Kira, Skadi, Tessa Blanchard [Relevos Increíbles]
12:04. Kira is the new name for Andrómeda
5) Máscara Dorada b Bárbaro Cavernario
15:02, win via SSP
6) Averno, Flip Gordon, Volador Jr. b Ángel de Oro, Místico, Templario [Relevos Increíbles]
9:49. Straight falls; Templario and Angel de Oro had issues following Friday, and Templario beat up Angel de Oro after the match.

CMLL announced on Saturday that this show would air live, and only live. I took that personally. Dorada/Cavernario was an exciting match, with both men pulling off big moments flawlessly. It didn’t have quite the drama as the Niebla Roja/Flip Gordon match, but the crowd as more with these two from the beginning. I’d rate it at about the same level. There were good standout performances but not another match you really missed out on here.

CMLL’s live only bit failed in execution – they didn’t get the stream working until the opener was about over – and as a concept. The idea of a “live” only stream misses the point of a subscription VOD service. It also antagonizes everyone who had something else to do or lives in a time zone where watching live is not an option. “Live only” was the biggest reason everyone hated Ticketmaster, and always having VOD was a major CMLL selling point in their moves to both Boletia and YouTube. The only solace is CMLL clearly has changes their plans for YouTube so many times and every change has come closer to what should’ve been the original plan: “everything CMLL tapes for one price.”

CMLL (MON) 04/22/2024 Arena Puebla [CMLL, Porra Fresa]
1) Black Tiger, Blue Shark, Hijo de Centella Roja b Espíritu Maligno, Fénix SO, King Jaguar
2) Mije & Periquito Sacaryas b Micro Gemelo Diablo I & Micro Gemelo Diablo II
a very rare loss for Micro Gemelos, after one dived on the other on accident
3) Hombre Bala Jr., Panterita del Ring, Volcano b El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora
4) Stephanie Vaquer b Tessa Blanchard [lightningFacebook video (posted by )
5) Euforia, Soberano Jr., Titán b Ángel de Oro, Atlantis, Pegasso [Relevos IncreíblesFacebook video (posted by )
Pegasso replaced Gran Guerrero
6) Máscara Dorada, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr. DQ Averno, Flip Gordon, Templario [Relevos IncreíblesFacebook video (posted by )
Templario fouled Volador, probably setting up a singles match next week. (Edit: nope!)

Arturo Wencesalo Rodiguez hosts a lucha libre radio show in Puebla called Mano y Mano; he’s done it for about 15 years. As of Monday, he appears also to be one of the announcers for the (still very unclear) broadcasts of Arena Puebla shows. The Guadalajara announcers were also doing a lucha libre radio show when they got pulled into do the actual shows. Adding a Puebla local announcer means one less Mexico City one has to travel to Puebla (and then travel back very late at night.) Arturo’s comments on getting the job give no more information about where or when that Arena Puebla show airs.

CMLL (TUE) 04/23/2024 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Mercurio & Pequeño Olímpico b Fantasy & Pequeño Magía
2) La Vaquerita & Olympia b La Maligna & Metálica [Relevos Increíbles]
3) Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa, Valiente Jr. b Difunto, Disturbio, Pólvora
Rey Cometa and Espiritu Negro replaced Audaz and Fuego earlier on Tuesday. Disturbio appeared in place of Misterioso.
4) Hijo de Stuka Jr., Hijo del Villano III, Villano III Jr. b Guerrero Maya Jr., Pegasso, Stigma
5) Niebla Roja b Valiente [lightning]
6) Atlantis Jr., Flip Gordon, Místico b Averno, Euforia, Mephisto

Did not get to this one yet in my CMLL catch up. Sounded like 4 and 6 were the best ones and the women’s match had some issues.

CMLL (TUE) 04/23/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL, Mas Lucha]
1) Cris Skin, Draego, Persa b Infierno, Mr. Trueno, Rey Trueno CMLL EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA COLISEO DE GUADALAJARA: MARTES DE GLAMOUR / 23 DE ABRIL 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
2) Gallo Jr. & Rafaga Jr. b Calavera Jr. I & Calavera Jr. II CMLL EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA COLISEO DE GUADALAJARA: MARTES DE GLAMOUR / 23 DE ABRIL 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
3) Adira & Náutica b Hatanna & Tabata © [OCCIDENTE WOMEN TAG] CMLL EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA COLISEO DE GUADALAJARA: MARTES DE GLAMOUR / 23 DE ABRIL 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Champs fall on their first defense (and Tabata’s first appearance here since winning the belt)
4) Atlantis & Panterita del Ring b Rey Bucanero & Satánico CMLL EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA COLISEO DE GUADALAJARA: MARTES DE GLAMOUR / 23 DE ABRIL 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Dark Silueta falls on her first defense (since winning this title in July 2021)
6) Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible b Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero CMLL EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA COLISEO DE GUADALAJARA: MARTES DE GLAMOUR / 23 DE ABRIL 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)

Guadalajara ran a four show tournament to crown Hatanna and Katara as the new champions. Katara then unmasked to become Tabata, and didn’t return to Guadalajara until losing the belts here. That’s not exceptionally weird for lucha libre, but fits with other changes of direction in Guadalajara. Lluvia winning her belt may have been more a result of Dark Silueta ending up with the CMLL Japan title, not needing another one, and Lluvia no longer being a tag champ.

Speaking of changes of direction: this stream went 1h40m, when shows a couple months ago were going an hour longer. The announcers used to shout out and respond to the chat in between matches, and now they’re going silent like the Mexico City people. There are probably big stories we never pick up from this side of the screen because the effects are too subtle. The changes in Guadalajara are anything but subtle.

CMLL (FRI) 04/26/2024 Arena México
***Arena Mexico 68th Anniversary***
1) Angelito & Último Dragóncito vs Acero & Aéreo
2) Capitán Suicida, Futuro, Max Star vs Crixus, Okumura, Raider
3) Sanely, Skadi, Tessa Blanchard vs Dark Silueta, La Catalina, Stephanie Vaquer [Relevos Increíbles]
4) Dulce Gardenia vs VirusAkumaDisturbio [hair]
5) Templario vs Ángel de Oro
6) Máscara Dorada vs Titán vs Magnus [CMLL Universal, final]

We kind of know what it would mean if Dorada or Titan won the Universal final. What would it mean if Magnus won that?

Templario/Angel de Oro should be solid. The hair match seems like Dulce Gardenia or Disturbio losing. Match 2 could be pretty good.

Tickets are moving fast for this show; the floor is close to full, and they’ve opened the other sections on Ticketmaster.

Daniel Aceves (now being listed as Dr. Daniel Aceves) announced the winners of the 2024 Copa Bobby Bonales award: Satanico, Averno, Dark Silueta, and Pequeno Pierroth. They’ll all receive their cups on Friday’s show

Other Informa segments included

  • Magia Blanca talking abut promoting shows in Torreon’s Arena Coliseo Tony Arellano, including the one coming up Sunday with Torneo de Escuelas wrestlers.
  • Disturbio, Akuma, Virus and Dulce Gardenia previewed their hair match
  • KeMalito announced he’d debut as a Micro luchador on 04/30. He teams with Chamuel and Micro Sagrada against the Micro Gemelos and new name in Tengu. CMLL didn’t explain Tengu or advertise him as a debut, so it may be a new name for Micro Dito.
  • The 04/28 Kid’s Championship match will include Fuego, Robin, Neon, Zandokan Jr., Crixus, and Akuma
  • Sanely talked about being cleared to return from her (second) knee injury. Tessa was there to talk about teaming with Sanely and not about any story a few paragraphs down.
  • and FantasticaMania México will take place on 06/21
    • That’s probably the next Friday show as a Fan Leyenda exclusive
    • I saw the teaser for this and dumbly thought Lion emoji = “Chris Jericho” when Lion emoji
    • No details on who will appear, yet.

CMLL (MON) 04/29/2024 Arena Puebla
1) Astoreth & Enigmática vs Hela & Lady Amazona
2) Meyer & Novato vs El Malayo & Siky Ozama
3) Arkalis & Okumura vs Dark Magic & Rey Samuray and Fuego & Multy and Enfermero Jr. & Pegasso [Relevos Increíbles]
4) Gran Guerrero, Hijo del Villano III, Villano III Jr. vs Ángel de Oro, Magnus, Niebla Roja
5) Hechicero, Titán, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Flip Gordon, Templario [Relevos Increíbles]

Volador and Templario again with mix partners. Match 3 – a CMLL four way tag match with incredible partners = is surely strange. Match four is maybe another Gran Guerrero/Magnus title match if there’s any reason it’s happening now.

PW Insider’s subscription side reported there’s talk of Tessa Blanchard returning to TNA. Blanchard have a bad falling outing with management to end her run there 2020, in addition to her fellow wrestlers denouncing her a few months prior. Time has past, she’s made peace with La Rosa Negra, the TNA management team has changed since then, the roster’s turned over a bit, and Blanchard being on a bunch of unusually highly visible CMLL shows probably all work in her favor. (Is she a changed person? Impossible to know.) The TNA structure also seems to be changing: according to Fightful Select, they’re offering per date deals and not contracts to veterans. That means bringing back Blanchard to TNA c0uld be as simple as “one weekend of tapings to see how it goes” and not a long term deal. For her part, Tessa was asked about rumors on Informa and said she was very happy in CMLL, had lots of rivals to face, and one day soon she was going to move to Mexico.

Most CMLL foreigners leaving to work with TNA (with their vaunted agreement with AAA!) would no longer be booked in CMLL. Tessa Blanchard could be an exception, CMLL seems to love here – Julio Cesar Rivera once again went on about Tessa being the most beloved luchadora to come to Arena Mexico – and it’s possible she’ll operate under . There are some people who’ve liked Blanchard in CMLL, there are many others who would be thrilled to see the end of her in this promotion. I don’t think her showing up in TNA is definite ending to her CMLL run.

05/11 MLW

Virus vs Star Jr. from MLW’s previous taping is now up on YouTube.

Box y Lucha 3600 has a story on the Universal final and, weirdly, WCW Nitro versus WWF Raw. It would be cool if Box Y Lucha wrote more about Mexican wrestling (or even boxing!) but there’s a lot in there that’s something else.


AAA on Space aired a TripleMania special, essentially a Best Of episode with some promos for Monterrey this week. They did a similar bit prior to Rey de Reyes. It’s an odd ball tactic to air a filler show in the “go-home” spot and I’m struggling to understand it. My best guess is AAA doesn’t see TV or specifically Space’s TV spot as valuable. AAA airs on a bunch of networks, including Azteca, but all of those are a week behind Space for whatever reason. Could AAA see the Azteca airing (and/or the similarly timed YouTube upload?) as the shows that really get seen, so the go home week is the week prior?

One upside is this episode ran through all the matches on TripleMania, a basic concept almost never does. They still didn’t git it right; the preview was apparently taped before they knew Satnam Singh was added to the Mexico versus US match.

The upside of AAA airing these “special” AAA episodes means AAA needs to tape even less TV. AAA released the lineup for their May 11th taping in Mexico City. It’s likely that’s the only TV taping AAA runs in May, and the only one between the Monterrey and Tijuana TripleManias. If there’s a special before every TripleMania, then AAA may be running as few as 18 tapings (or around 112 televised matches.) Is a promotion that is averaging one taping every three weeks a major league promotion? Sure, if they’re still drawing 10,000 for some of them.

That May 11th taping:

AAA TV (SAT) 05/11/2024 Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal
1) Karis La Momia Jr. vs Noisy Boy vs Bengala
2) Adelicious, Centella (Aaa), Faby Apache vs Dalys, Flammer, Tiffany
3) Octagón Jr. © vs DinámicoTaurusDragoAustralian SuicideBelcegor [AAA LA]
3rd defense, 2nd on TV
4) Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz, Dark Scoria vs Abismo Negro, El Fiscal, Psicosis
5) Charly Manson, Mecha Wolf, Pagano vs ?, Electroshock, Zorro
6) El Patrón Alberto & Vampiro vs Cibernético & Dr. Wagner Jr.

No real idea what this will have to do with the next TripleMania. Probably won’t. It’s a bit interesting for the TV arrivals. El Fiscal is the actual son of Abismo Negro Jr., who first got attention blasting AAA for daring to put someone else under the mask. He ended up starting to wrestle to take the name for himself, which didn’t much work – AAA’s not giving up the name and El Fiscal wasn’t much good. (He came off like a guy who rushed into wrestling without much training, and that seemed like the actual story.) Fiscal and AAA made peace at some point and he was part of the Luchatitlan cast. That project still appears to be done, but this will be an interesting measure to see if working daily – though having the same match every time out – has helped El Fiscal improve.

Karis La Momia Jr., the son of La Parka Jr., was similarly working those Luchatitlan shows and has been working AAA shows this year. He’s forever been expected to get the La Parka name, but AAA has been in no rush to do it or even put him on TV much.

Centella was the extremely short lived 2023 identity of the wrestler currently known as Kira. She worked two tapings and then told AAA she was quitting on the day of the third taping. My guess is it’s a Lady Wind’s new name, as the one Lucha x el Barrio winner who hasn’t returned after the concept. I have her down as “Centella (AAA)” to keep my database from confusing her with the indie male Centella who’s wrestled in the Mexico City area forever. There are also “Centella”s in Baja California, Jalisco, Morelos, Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas and Yucatan. (The military luchador who’s been in both AAA and CMLL is Centinela.) It’s a generic and colorless name; AAA should’ve given something flashier to Kira back then. There’s no real reason to bring it back, it has no value to it. Maybe AAA registered the name somewhere and wants to recoup the spent value, but it seems more useful to create something memorable if they’re going to do something with the character. Maybe they’re just not.

Tiffany’s almost certainly showing up at TripleMania Monterrey on Saturday, it is her hometown. She’s also not an addition that’s going to help those matches; Flammer is going to need to work for three. Octagon Jr. seems the most likely young guy for AAA to go with to prove they’re going with any young guy, but then they do things like “a six way with five guys who are not pushed” and it clearer they’re not actually doing anything with him.

The returning Australian Suicide and Noisy Boy join the big pool of people of infrequently working prelim matches here, with Takuma & Kento and the Money Machine guys and Radioactivo & Extasis and maybe even Kamik-C & Skalibur and who knows even Arkangel Divino & Ultimo Maldito and others I’m not thinking of. Noisy Boy told Mas Lucha it was his dream to wrestle in AAA. I’m happy he’s getting to live his dream. AAA would probably be a better promotion if they had 30 people that were mainly those on TV, rather than the 60-80 who cycle in for a show here or there.

Dos Caras spoke in more details about the accusations of partner violence against him in an interview with MedioTiempo. Caras acknowledged he was having an affair with the accuser, listed here as “Diana N.” He says they got together about three or four times a month. He says he broke it off on February 27th via phone call, and he thought she was OK with it. Later, she started sending “compromising photos” of him, first to Caras himself, and then to his family. He filed a criminal complaint about the harassment on March 8th. Caras said that didn’t stop her, she continued to harass and threaten his family, mostly his wife.  Diana N. filed her own criminal complaint about a physical and verbal attack outside of a gym on March 17th. Caras says that can’t have occurred, he was eating with his family and friends at that time, and that he’s got security logs showing when he entered and left his house. Caras says the woman has no proof, and had presented no evidence of her claims. Caras says he filed a second complaint on April 11, specifically for her sending photos of an intimate nature of him. Caras admitted he was at fault for having this relationship, he’s sorry for it, and he has to pay the consequences for it – and says he has already personally and professionally – but the things the woman are accusing him of are untrue.

An AAA show in Morelia billed as Vampiro’s last match in the city reportedly drew 10,000 fans. That number is probably a guess but the pictures show a very big crowd. Quite often, when there are large audiences for non-televised shows outside of Mexico City, the tickets are given away. This seems like a ticket shows; tickets were discounted leading into the show and there was a sponsored element (Merza, a local supermarket chain), but it reads like a normal show. It also was a charity fundraiser: 109,000 pesos were raised to support an autism center.

Laredo Kid defeated Crazy Steve to win the TNA Digital Championship on Saturday’s pre-show. You can see the match on YouTube for free.


IWRG (SUN) 04/21/2024 Arena Naucalpan [Estrellas del Ring, IWRG, Mas Lucha]
1) Príncipe Centuro b SacroDracula NgVudu MaxArceus [IWRG IC Light, #1 ContendersIWRG | Centauro vs Arceus vs Drácula NG vs Sacro vs Vudú Max | #GuerraDelGolfo2024 (posted by mluchatv) IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
Centuaro defeated Arceus gets a title match with Aguila Roja
2) Ivan Rokov b Spider Fly IWRG | Lucha Random: Ivan Rokov vs Spider Fly | #GuerraDelGolfo2024 (posted by mluchatv) IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
a bonus Random match between Spider Fly and Puma de Oro, but Ivan Rokov asked Puma to take his place and Puma said OK.
3) Bengalee b LolitaKeyra IWRG | Lolita vs Bengalee vs Keyra | #GuerraDelGolfo2024 (posted by mluchatv) IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
Scheduled as Bengalee, Keyra, Shamila vs Danessa, Lolita, Sagitarius. Lolita demanded a title match and a cage match with Keyra.
4) Black Terry L VenenoCerebro NegroMr. MikeTony RiveraNeuornaAxelBombero InfernalGranjero [cage, loser advances] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv) Jaula Retro IWRG en la Guerra del Golfo en la Arena Naucalpan (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Jaula RETRO: Veneno vs Cerebro Negro c/Neurona vs Black Terry vs Mr. Mike vs Tony Rivera vs Axel (posted by mluchatv)
Mr. Mike, Granjero and micro Neurona replaced X-Fly & Apolo Estrada Jr.
5) Puma de Oro b Hell BoyTornadoCerebro Negro Jr.Multifacetico Jr.Noisy BoyRey HalcónÁguila Roja [cage, loser advances] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv) Jaula B: Águila Roja vs Tornado vs Hell Boy vs Rey Halcón vs Puma de Oro vs Cerebro Negro Jr. (posted by mluchatv) Jaula IWRG Nueva Generación en la Guerra del Golfo 2024 (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
6) Puma de Oro b Black Terry [cage, hair, maskCabellera Vs Cabellera Puma De Oro Vs Black Terry en jaula de Guerra del Golfo IWRG (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv) Jaula C | Cabellera vs Cabellera: Black Terry vs Puma de Oro | #GuerraDelGolfo2024 (posted by mluchatv)
Puma de Oro shaved Black Terry. Cerebro Negro tried to help Black Terry but was unsuccessful
7) DMT Azul b Hijo de Canis Lupus © [RGR HEAVY] DMT Azul Vs Hijo de Canis Lupus por el campeonato completo RGR en jaula en la Arena Naucalpan (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Hijo de Canis Lupus (Campeonato RGR) vs DMT Azul (Campeonato Completo IWRG) | #GuerraDelGolfo2024 (posted by mluchatv) IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
mask match challenges followed

It’s sad but unsurprising that Black Terry’s now in the role of “veteran who shows up only to lose his hair.” I’m not sure the point of doing a “randomly decided” match and then changing the match – why not just pick Rokov? Can you not randomly pick “special invitees”?

Mas Lucha was back to covering these shows; they’ve bowed out since IWRG took their video off Mas Lucha’s channel. Jose Manuel Guillen had recently appeared in a IWRG panel discussion (about commissions in lucha libre), so they were already talking again. Neither side explained why they stopped working together or started now. No one explains anything.

(Thursday lineup, if I remember to type it.)

The Crash

The Crash (SAT) 04/20/2024 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [The Crash, Zona Ruda]
1) Gallo Xtreme & Psicodelica b Azteca Fly & Rey Furia
2) Mirage b Anubis [bull terrier]
3) Trauma I & Trauma II b Hijo de Canis Lupus & Tonalli and Bamboo & El Rey
4) Carta Brava Jr. (AAA), Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana b Destiny, Noisy Boy, Toto
Poder del Norte earlier showed up and said their goal was to dethrone Destiny, with Carta Brava the next shot
5) Willie Mack b DralisticoMetalik
Willie Mack replaced Nick Wayne and won the match after shenanigans.
6) Bestia 666, D Luxe, Rey Escorpión (Indie) b Mecha Wolf, Pagano, Rey Horus

The Crash ran the big angle with Dorian Roldan and the eye and Pagano and Mecha Wolf showing up to set up this card – and attendance went down! Both The Crash and EMW have been filling this building for all their recent show, and it’s a genuine shock that this show didn’t do the same. This card didn’t strike me as unusually week. It’s possible the shooting at the other recent lucha show affected the turnout here, but no one seemed to cite that as the reason so I’m just speculating.

Zona Ruda’s report on the show mentioned fans were expecting the AAA stuff to lead to something big, but it was just a normal match, not even a particularly memorable one. The Crash did confirm their wrestlers would appear on TripleMania Tijuana, a safe guess once they ran the AAA angle. That likely means the Copa TripleMania or a pre-show match like the EMW guys worked last year.

Zona Ruda’s report also noted how un-over Metalik is nowadays, getting no reaction to almost anything he did. Willie Mack worked worked AAA last year and hasn’t been back this year. No idea if that means he’s gone with AAA or if whatever’s going on with The Crash & AAA means he’s ok to work both. Even if I did know, it might change again at any time. They also announced Hijo de Dr. Wagner and Daga for their next show on 05/17. They’ve since added a cage match with Bestia, Rey Horus and Mecha Wolf.

The Crash tried to stream this show, including commentary for the first time in this experiment, and the broadcast failed. They gave up early on with audio issues. The Crash has instead started to put the video of the show on their YouTube channel.


Elite (SUN) 04/21/2024 Frontón México, Cuauhtémoc, Distrito Federal [ContraReplica, Estrellas del Ring, Mas Lucha]
1) Calibus & Iron Kid b Chris Stone Jr. & Yetti
2) Brazo Celestial, Brazo Cibernetico, Brazo De Oro Jr. DQ Difunto, Rokambole, Villano V Jr. LUCHA LIBRE ELITE | Los Villanos se van descalificados ante Los Brazos (posted by mluchatv)
Villanos unmasked Brazo de Oro Jr. for the DQ
3) Arez, Látigo, Toxin b Argenis, Dr. Karonte Jr., Verdugo LUCHA LIBRE ELITE | Mala Fama derrota a Verdugo, Dr. Karonte Jr. y Argenis (posted by mluchatv)
Argenis replaced Bestia 666, had words with Arez after the match
4) Mocho Cota, Súper Fly, Tito Santana DQ Dios del Inframundo, Rey Horuz, Xtreme Tiger ELITE | Xtreme Tiger, Rey Horus y Dios del I. vencen a T. Santana, Mocho Cota Jr. y Super Fly (posted by mluchatv)
Carta Brava Jr. ran in to unmask Xtreme Tiger for the DQ. The rest of Poder del Norte offered Super Fly a spot in their group as well.
5) DMT Azul & The Beast Mortos b Forastero (NGD) & Sansón DMT Azul y Beast Mortos Vs Sansón y Forastero en Lucha Libre Élite (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) LUCHA LIBRE ELITE | DMT AZUL y Black Mortus derrotan a La NGD, Sansón y Forastero (posted by mluchatv)
Reports differ if he was Black Beast, The Beast Mortos, Black Mortus or Black Taurus. DMT Azul pulled Forastero’s mask for the win.
6) Dralistico b KomanderMetalik LUCHA LIBRE ELITE | Dralístico gana con “La Mística el triangular semifinal ante Komander y Metalik (posted by mluchatv) Triangular semifinal: Dralístico Vs Komander Vs Metalik en Lucha Libre Élite (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Dralistico beat Komander with La Mistica.
7) Rush NF LA Park LUCHA LIBRE ELITE | ¡Empate! Así termina el mano a mano entre RUSH y L.A. Park en el Frontón México. (posted by mluchatv) Rush Vs L.A. Park en Lucha Libre Élite se dieron hasta con la cubeta en el Frontón México (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Commission stopped the match after two referees were knocked down. Challenges followed, Rush said he’ll only do the mask match if it happens in Madison Square Garden.

The finish of the main event comes off as trying to recreate the famous Arena Mexico match between Rush & LA Park. The emotion of the fans helped a lot there, tough to tell if played out again. The live report I got mentions the crowd was very into LA Park and hot for the match. Rush and LA Park has about as good a chance of happening in Madison Square Garden as it does on the moon. The crowd laughed at Rush for suggesting that idea.

Contra Repulica calls it a “full house”, which appears to be a falsehood. There were empty seats and curtained off areas. The word was out about this show being a failure ahead of time, so a lot of energy was spent after the fact in Elite, LA Park and Rush proving they were actually all winners. One person who was there guessed between 1,100 and 1,500 fans. They had significantly more tickets than that on sale (and full capacity would’ve been like 4,000.) If Elite was actually winners, they would’ve put tickets on sale for a follow up show. They didn’t. ELITE director Ernesto Santillan said they’d announce a follow up lineup of “international stature” soon. He had previously said the next show would take place in two months, so that’s the test.

ELITE appeared to be treating this as a taping of some sort. There was live announcing, proving people in Mexican wrestling aren’t smart enough to learn from each other’s mistakes. The usual YouTube channels took video, but only clips on Sunday. La Tijera put up a 12 minute version of LA Park/Rush on Monday afternoon, which I presume is the full match without actually clicking the play button. Mas Lucha posted the carefully framed crowd shot that are usually done only by people involved in producing an event.


Rush has pulled off Saturday’s MV Promotions show in Tijuana (versus LA Park) and Sunday’s AVE card in Cuautitlan. Both promotions have acknowledged the change, and explained Rush is under contract to AEW and they called him to work a show so he had to leave the lineups. Rush has not worked an AEW event since the December World’s End PPV show. AEW has not announced Rush as appearing on this week’s Collision show, that sort of announcement is likely to take place during tonight’s show. It’s always possible Rush could be booked for the Ring of Honor show taped the same night. (Or I just have it stuck in my head that Rush could be a great first challenger for Mark Briscoe.)

People disappear from AEW TV all the time, sometimes for injuries that aren’t made public, sometimes for suspensions that are kept quiet, sometimes just because there’s no ideas for them at the moment. Rush did acknowledge there was a visa issue that was keeping him away for a while, but it had become an notable stretch. This week stood out as a key point; Rush is not going to be a significant part of the Forbidden Door PPV cycle, so it’s either AEW brings him back for this Double or Nothing cycle or he would’ve sitting for a very long time. Rush seems like he’s made it back. (Or Rush is pulling a double fake on everyone and working TripleMania, if you want to get crazy.)

(Aside 1: DMT Azul will now wrestle LA Park on Saturday, while Psycho Clown takes Rush’s Sunday booking.)

(Aside 2: Dralistico did not get removed from his shows this weekend as of yet.)

(Aside 3: There’s a similar decision day coming this week with Fenix. Either he’s back this week on AEW TV, or it’s unlikely he’ll work that House of Glory show against Penta on 05/05. The AEW rule of thumb is an injured person under contract returns first on AEW TV, and Fenix only has a few dates left to make that return. Fenix’s injury has been weird even by Fenix standards.)

Big Lucha

Big Lucha (SAT) 05/04/2024 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal
1) Helios & Sangre Nueva vs Nordico & Ryu Orochi
2) La Brava & Sussy Love vs Marushika & Sairley
3) Cósmico, La Bomba, Reiyel vs Auzter, Borgdan Klimov, Brujo
4) El Potro de Oro, Mr. Win, Tirano vs Argenis, Limbo, Torito Negro
5) Ricky Marvin vs Australian Suicide
6) Atómico Jr., Elipse, Iku vs Big Tao Tao, Orbita, Viajero
7) Súper Nova & Texano Jr. © vs Cometa Maya & Radioactivo [BIG LUCHA MIXA]

The April 13th show is retroactively being billed as “the Big Lucha World Season 4 Finale” and they’ve switched the format to monthly (?) shows again.

Limbo and Atomico Jr. won a #1 contenders match back in January, the same show these tag belts were last defended. They’re also on the show. Maybe they forgot. Big Lucha’s poster makes it seem as though Atomico Jr. is now in the Lokos Evans. Limbo might be part of Black Generation now, and that could be the bigger issue.

Australian Suicide is obviously back in Mexico for now, so he’s a candidate to be one of the TripleMania Monterrey surprise wrestlers. He’s wrestled sparingly in Puerto Rico since leaving Mexico in 2020, though that may be as much due to struggles in the Puerto Rican scene as anything. I don’t know what to expect with him in 2024 versus Marvin.


Vanguardia (SAT) 05/04/2024 Paletera Franky, Pachuca, Hidalgo
1) Búho Jr. vs BayekBillyCorcel Blanco Jr.Falkor Kid
2) Zuzu Divine vs Sadia
3) Colmillo Blanco, Dragón Latino, El Intruso, Titan (Hidalgo) vs Deluto, Deluto Jr., Tarasco IV, Tarasco Jr.
4) Lobo Blanco Jr. vs El MagoExtreme Tiger
5) Cíclope & Miedo Extremo vs Juicy Finau

I don’t really have much to say about the card – there’s nothing I’m interested in watching and I’m not even sure I’d be able to do that. Seeing Juicy Finau reminded me how Konnan and others were raving about how well he did in a couple of matches in Tijuana and they were making him into a big star – and now he hasn’t been booked there for months.

Field Trip: AEW

The plan was to drive to Peoria for Collision on Saturday, drive to St. Louis Sunday morning, go to AEW Dynasty, and then drive home Monday morning after a good night of sleep. The plan changed; I needed to be home Monday morning, which led to me driving hurrying/running out of the venue as soon as Strickland won the title and driving four plus hours in the dead of the night. Everything is now a blur. I’m still tired and not thinking great, as can be told from the quickly deleted twitter post.

It was still a trip worth doing; I came away from the weekend thinking that I’d really like to go to WrestleDream in Tacoma, if that’s the special Bryan Danielson it appears to be. His match with Will Ospreay was outstanding. Danielson perfectly countering the Oz Cutter with a knee is the image that’s seared in my brain from the match, though Bryan Danielson using La Mistica to set up his finish was also pretty memorable. (And also the closest thing to lucha libre on that show.) I continue to be tempeted to post a video of the super serious was CMLL handles a possible head injury – or really any possible injury, down to a hangnail – so people watching AEW will understand that they’re just doing injury angles. I fear someone seeing that video, AEW doing their injury angles a bit more seriously, eating up five minutes of PPV time, and everyone getting angry with me about it.

At AEW shows, they have a camera crew on the floor that sometimes shoots the crowd and other stuff, but seems primarily focused on capturing entrances and other things happening on the ramp. He was easy to spot early, he got in position for Orange Cassidy showing up before his match to face off with Trent Barretta. Once you see the trick, it’s hard not to notice. I bring this up because, mid-way through the Ospreay/Danielson, you could see that cameraman approach the ramp. I saw the movement out of the corner of my eye and I was aghast that AEW would have someone come down and get involved in that match. After a very long second, I realized the cameraman was just trying to get around the ramp to get backstage on the other side, he wasn’t shooting anything. You only get this weirdness live.

PAC/Okada was really good live and there wasn’t anything bad on the show. The Bucks and FTR killed themselves to make sure people cared about that tag title match. That Jericho match came off as a Rorschach test when I listened to podcasts recapping it (and I sure had plenty of time to listen to podcasts that night.) Heard “great heel heat, he’s really over”, “go away heat, they’ve got to stop booking him” and “a mix of positive and negative” all back to back to back. I think they’re going to keep booking him as long as he gets a reaction, and as long as there’s no big turnout during his segments. I was surprised that the Storm/Rosa was universally praised; it seemed to have some issues to me live.

The Collision was surprisingly good too – the bunkhouse match was great and the trios match was good too. Komander had some positive moments in the Rampage fourway, though he and Rob Van Dam weren’t at all smooth in that closing sequence. The Beast Mortos won a good ROH match; Black Christian and AR Fox worked most of the match like it was a handicap match because Mortos was just that powerful. They’re building him up for something, and I’m pretty sure it’s not Vikingo this time.

As far as getting of Twitter for a weekend, maybe it helped a bit. I still ended up refreshing Blue Sky too much during the shows I was at; there was just much less to find when I looked there. I posted a lot on Instagram but that app still can’t get my hooks in me for some reason. I reinstalled Twitter and immediately happened on many dumb debates I hadn’t know what was going and thought were a waste of everyone’s time. It’s still the only place I can find some information I have to have for this blog, so we’re stuck with each other.

I also went to the St. Louis Art Museum and the Peoria riverfront. They were nice, you don’t care about this part. Would you like me to discuss having “Say My Name” stuck in my head for the last day? No? Moving on…

Other News

05/05 GCW “The Wrld on Lucha”

El Fantasma, Canek, Super Muneco and many other luchadors appeared at a Morena political party press event Saturday. Candidates for offices in Coyocan and elsewhere in Mexico City also appeared. The political party talked about taking care of retired wrestlers with rehab centers and medical help, the idea that always gets talked about in situations like this. (They can forever talk about this idea because it never actually is implemented.) There was also talk about opening up more places for youth to get into wrestling. A second article says there are about 250 professional wrestlers in Mexico City, which perhaps is true if only AAA and CMLL wrestlers are counted. It’s more a sign people were saying things without thinking.

There’s more details about the shooting before a Tijuana wrestling show. It doesn’t sound great for the police. Video of the attack clears up the situation: the promoter was shot three times while in a pubic bathroom outside two building. A second person with the promotion was hit trying get the attackers, and the third person was just an bystander caught in the crossfire. The shooting happened at 4:35, the police arrested a Luis Enrique N. at 4:44 and a Jose H. at 4:47. Seems quick, turns out to be too quick: video showed Luis Enrique N. walking back through a gate into his neighborhood at 4:33. They arrested someone who couldn’t have been in position to be the shooter two minutes later. Luis Enrique N. was released on bail after the video was released. Jose H. also appears to be a case of mistaken identity, though he has not been released.

Segunda Caida reviews some more 1989 Monterrey.

Doradafan has a highlight video of Cosmico.

Ovaciones has an interview with luchador/future lawyer Sumed Black.

Dorada/Atlantis Jr./Mistico tonight, Dos Caras, Elite


CMLL (FRI) 04/19/2024 Arena México
1) Galaxy & Shockercito vs Mercurio & Pierrothito
2) Legendario vs Vegas [lightning]
3) La Catalina, Lluvia, Marcela vs Persephone, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis
4) Esfinge, Flip Gordon, Titán vs Hijo del Villano III, Villano III Jr., Zandokan Jr.
5) Ángel de Oro, Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero vs Averno, Euforia, Mephisto, Templario
6) Místico vs Máscara Dorada vs Atlantis Jr. [Copa Universal, semifinal]

Mistico has the best built in story to advance to the final (rematch with Titan, family history with Magnus), Mascara Dorada doesn’t lose big matches, and the people who hate Atlantis are sure he’s going to win this match too. I don’t know which way that main event will go, and I really want to find out. I wouldn’t put money on any outcome but my guess is Mascara Dorada is pulling this one off.

Atlantis Jr., talking about those boos, says he’s fine with any reaction as long as the fans are reacting to him. The boos just make him bigger.

There’s nothing else of intrigue here, though the rest could be good. Match four looks like the best of the rest. Galaxy seems talented when he gets chances to do things, and so he might go all in that Friday opener.

Like the last four way apuesta match, there’s been remarkably little with Virus versus Dulce Gardenia vs Disturbio vs Akuma since that match was announced, and none of it on the Friday shows.

CMLL (SAT) 04/20/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) Emperador & Platino Kid vs Hunter & Infarto
2) Legendario, Leono, Retro vs Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr.
3) Astral, Diamond, Robin vs Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio
4) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
5) Fugaz, Panterita del Ring, Volcano vs Kráneo, Niebla Roja, Rey Bucanero
6) Atlantis, Star Jr., Valiente vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Volador Jr.

Ola Negra/Dulce Atrapsuenos do meet here. What possibly will go wrong in match 2?

CMLL (SUN) 04/21/2024 Arena México
1) Kaligua & Pequeño Magía vs Pequeño Polvora & Pequeño Violencia
2) Capitán Suicida, Eléctrico, Valiente Jr. vs Forneo, Inquisidor, Sangre Imperial
3) Guerrero Maya Jr., Pegasso, Stigma vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Sagrado
4) Kira, Skadi, Tessa Blanchard vs Dark Silueta, Lluvia, Zeuxis [Relevos Increíbles]
Kira is the new name for Andrómeda
5) Bárbaro Cavernario vs Máscara Dorada
6) Ángel de Oro, Místico, Templario vs Averno, Flip Gordon, Volador Jr. [Relevos Increíbles]

Dorada/Cavernario was great back in January (and supposedly great in December, didn’t see it.)

Andromeda announced she was changing her name to Kira on this week’s Informa. The story she gave is she had two picks for names when she got into wrestling, Estrellita Lagunera and Kira, and she really wanted to use that second one, and CMLL agreed. It came off as if it was part of the story, but not the whole story. CMLL’s typically not going to change the name of someone who’s already been wrestling and a champion in their promotion. CMLL has, in recent years, attempted to trademark the names of any new stars. They filed for the Andromeda trademark back in October and haven’t gotten it, so maybe there was an issue there.

Xelhua is one of the more reactive CMLL luchadors on social media. (If you use his name in a tweet, he will see it.) He post video too and has gotten attention for a recent one – about a fan who saved him from colliding head first into a chair at a recent Arena Coliseo show.

AEW announced they hired Carlos Cabrera for their announce team. He’s worked some AAA major shows since leaving WWE, though not in the last year. Tony Khan talked about this in an answer that I felt way way too long in the middle of transcribing it. Perhaps that was my problem. Deep inside there, I found it interesting that he talked about wanting to work with CMLL more in the US, in Mexico, and “internationally.” I guess internationally could just mean Canada. Khan also earlier mentioning wanting to take AEW to international markets where they had strong TV. That means no to Mexico, but maybe to Germany or Australia or France. Internationally, to me and usually to AEW, means the All In show in Wembley Stadium. Is a CMLL wrestler going to wrestle in front of 40,000 people this year? Maybe.

05/11 MLW

Virus vs Star Jr. will air on MLW’s War Chamber II this Saturday.

A 60 year old man died Thursday morning outside of Arena Puebla, the victim of a hit and run. The driver tried to escape but was detained. This is unrelated to wrestling beyond the location.


AAA should have part two of the Mexico City taping. I’m guessing it’ll three of these four

  • Adelicious, Belcegor, Taurus vs Colmillo de Plata, Garra de Oro, Reina Dorada
  • Faby Apache, La Parkita, Mr. Iguana, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Bengala, Dals, Jessy Queen, Parkita Negra
  • Charly Manson & Nygma vs Oscar Sevilla & Super Calo
  • Laredo Kid vs Octagon Jr. vs Aerostar

I’m guessing just three so they can bring back the other match in the upcoming weeks to fill out a TripleMania Monterrey show.

WON’s recap of the Latin Lover comments doesn’t have any more clarity on Konnan’s situation but does mentions AAA wants Latin Lover in a public role to play into the current nostalgia angle. That makes me think Latin Lover’s “creative director” position could just be an on screen matchmaker/authority figure. That is also Konnan’s current role, but surely one he’d be more happy to give up than the actual booking. It’s also easy to get from “on screen match maker” to “one last match at Mexico City”, which presumably is the end goal for both AAA and Latin Lover. It also takes some heat off AAA and Konnan, because seeing Latin Lover making decisions will convince enough people that he’s the one running the show; doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Something like that makes the most sense to me out of all of this; I can’t imagine Latin Lover taking over AAA creative outside of giving some high level ideas.

Cibernetico (and Cuervo and Dave the Clown) attacked Vampiro on TV Azteca’s Venga la Alegria talk show, to build interest in TripleMania.

Laredo Kid wrestles Crazy Steve for the TNA Digital Media championship on the Countdown To Rebellion show; I think Laredo has a shot – the pre-shows are where he’s more dangerous.

Dos Caras responded to violence accusations in a statement posted on social media. He said the woman had been threatening and harrasing his family for three months and he had filed criminal complaints about her in March. Dos Caras says he met with the police about her charges on April 15th, before the story ran, and said her case had no truth – the attacks were made up, and the claims were defamation. He offered to show the media any proof they needed of his innocence, as long as it didn’t interrupt the investigation.


IWRG (THU) 04/18/2024 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG]
1) Príncipe Centauro & Rey Espartano b Ajolotl & Golden Power
2) Diosa Quetzal & Puma de Oro b Shamila & Tornado
3) Hijo del Pirata Morgan b Lolita
random match that just happened to pit husband versus wife
4) Arez, Látigo, Toxin b Águila Roja, Noisy Boy, Spider Fly
Arez threw liquid in Noisy’s eyes to pin him. Arez challenged Noisy Boy to a match – but Arez wanted a three falls stip (one fall classic, one fall Noisy style, one fall extreme.) Noisy accepted.
5) Hell Boy b Vangellys [super libre]
Hell Boy defeated Vangellys despite Ivan Rokov trying to interfere. Challenges followed.

Mala Fama versus Mexa Boys was a slow building match focusing on tecnico/rudo more than big moves. It held together better than most IWRG matches but wasn’t too exciting – it’s tough to be exciting on a Thursday night in Arena Naucalpan.

IWRG (SUN) 04/21/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Príncipe Centuro vs SacroDracula NgGolden PowerArceus [IWRG IC Light, #1 Contenders]
2) Bengalee, Keyra, Shamila vs Danessa, Lolita, Sagitarius
3) Hell Boy vs Puma de OroTornadoCerebro Negro Jr.Multifacetico Jr.Noisy BoyRey HalcónÁguila Roja [cage, loser advances]
4) Veneno vs Cerebro NegroBlack TerryX-FlyTony RiveraApolo Estrada Jr.AxelBombero Infernal [cage, loser advances]
5) ? vs ?? [cage, hair, mask]
6) Hijo de Canis Lupus © vs DMT Azul [RGR HEAVY]

Guera de Golfo has one cage match of young wrestlers, one cage match of old wrestlers, and a finial that’s probably one of the old wrestlers losing their hair.


This is Sunday

Elite (SUN) 04/21/2024 Frontón México, Cuauhtémoc, Distrito Federal
1) Brazo Celestial, Brazo Cibernetico, Brazo De Oro Jr. vs Difunto, Rokambole, Villano V Jr.
2) Arez, Látigo, Toxin vs Bestia 666, Dr. Karonte Jr., Verdugo
3) Dios del Inframundo, Rey Horuz, Xtreme Tiger vs Mocho Cota, Súper Fly, Tito Santana
4) Black Beast & DMT Azul vs Forastero (NGD) & Sansón
5) Komander vs Dralistico vs Metalik
6) Rush vs LA Park

Elite’s pushed out a lot of media to remind people this show is happening. It hasn’t really worked. Tickets haven’t moved much since the day they went on sale, even with a 2×1 sale for the last week. They seem under 50% capacity, and that’s with a couple big chunks never put on sale (possibly saved for a party bus deal they’ve during.) It’s sold enough that it won’t look terrible on video and they can always find ways of getting more people in at low price. It still appears to be a big loser – but that’s been the case for most of Lucha Libre Elite’s existence. The promotion is built around people having good will for prior versions of this show, and the public seems not to have that fondness. These ticket sales would come close to filling out an Arena Lopez Mateos or Arena Neza show (half the size of this building) and that’s about the limit to this interest. Elite had previously stat

This turnout does say something about the diminished magic of Rush versus LA Park. That success has often been more critical than economic – like I went over a few months ago, a lot of the past fabeled Rush/LA Park matches took places in promotions that didn’t survive much longer. These guys can still draw at times, LA Park still does well on some ‘provincial’ shows (and never misses a chance to let people know on social media.) Still, this feud is as cold as it’s been each for a while. All the stuff around last year’s TripleMania event, and that match being a complete disappointment, seems like it’s hurt this feud. Maybe it’ll motivate Park & Rush to pour gas back on it with a hot match on this show, who knows. Rush also seems to be on the outside looking in on AEW at the moment, and has been consisently looking for attention.

Elite’s been advertising a lot of people who aren’t listed on this card, so expect many more matches. There’s been no talk about video distribution of this show, which likely means all your favorite YouTubers will have it. Mexican wrestling companies have frequently either not streamed shows or kept it quiet what they’re doing to avoid hurting ticket sales. Ticket sales were bad enough here that I don’t think it would’ve hurt, and streaming sometimes makes these shows feel more important to go to.

Site Note

I’m going on a road trip this weekend – to AEW Collision in Peoria on Saturday and then AEW Dynasty in St. Louis on Sunday. My theory is Bryan Danielson is a pretty good professional wrestler who I like and, on the odd chance he really is retiring soon, it’s worth making the trip for one of his matches if it’s driving distance. Even if that distance is about five hours.

I’m trying to give myself permission not to do a news update on Monday; I find it tough to write while driving. You may not see any new content here until Wednesday. If you do spot someone sitting in a park in the greater St. Louis area forcing himself to write a TripleMania preview, take some pity on me.

I’ve been thinking about taking Twitter off my devices for the weekend, maybe posting on Instagram and/or bluesky for a few days if I do anything at all. Not sure if I’ll hold myself to it.

Other Notes

The Crash was messing around with streaming on YouTube Thursday night, so their show on Saturday seems likely to air live. Pagano, Mecha Wolf and Rey Horus face Bestia, D-Luxe, and Rey Escorpion in the main event.

Diosa Nix, India Mazahua and Mary Caporal are officially Las del Rancho. The history here is Capo del Norte and Capo del Sur existed under those names, someone with Los Dinamitas must’ve objected, and so they’ve been wrestling as variations of El del Norte and El del Sur. Their Los del Rancho team include other cowboy criminal themed gimmick like Pistolero Negro. Mary Caporal is a cowgirl character but India Mazahua and Diosa Nix are definitely not – it’s good comedy (to me) to see them wearing the cowboy hats.

RIOT announced they’ll return on June 15th. This will be their first show since Rey Destroller’s passing.

Julio Cesar Chavez filmed a video with Shocker.

Neon defeats Rugido, Satnam Singh added to TripleMania, Dos Caras


CMLL (MON) 04/15/2024 Arena Puebla [CMLL, El Sol de Puebla]
1) Centella Roja & Hijo de Centella Roja b Fénix SO & Sombra Diabólika
2) Meyer b Prayer [lightning]
3) Diamond, Fuego, Robin b El Malayo, Rey Apocalipsis, Siky Ozama Facebook video (posted by )
4) Arkalis, Guerrero Maya Jr., Multy b Difunto, Raider, Vegas [Relevos IncreíblesFacebook video (posted by )
5) Ángel de Oro b Hechicero [lightningFacebook video (posted by )
6) Esfinge, Máscara Dorada, Místico b Stuka Jr., Templario, Último Guerrero Facebook video (posted by )
Mistica on Templario – who also got attacked by Ultimo Guerrero after the match.

Porra Fresa mentioned the post-main event attack. Neither CMLL or El Sol did, but it turns out to be the important bit.

CMLL (TUE) 04/16/2024 Arena México [CMLL, Kaiser SportsThe Gladiatores (video), thecubsfan]
1) Full Metal & Pequeño Olímpico DQ Angelito & Último Dragóncito CMLL | Pequeño Olímpico y Full Metal se van descalificados ante El Angelito y Último Dragoncito (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Último Dragoncito y Angelito Vs Pequeño Olímpico y Full Metal en la Arena México (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
6:54. Pequeno Olimpico unmasked Angelitco
2) Metálica & Valkiria b Hera & Olympia CMLL | Hera y Olympia derrotan a La Metálica y Valkyria (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Hera y Olimpia Vs Valkiria y Metálica (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
3) Crixus, Difunto, Pólvora b El Audaz, Hombre Bala Jr., Max Star Reporte CMLL: Crixus, Difunto y Pólvora Vs Max Star, Audaz y Hombre Bala Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
4) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, El Hijo De Blue Panther b El Coyote, Felino, Felino Jr. CMLL | Los Divinos Laguneros derrotan a Felino, El Coyote y Felino Jr. (posted by mluchatv)
5) Neón b Rugido CMLL | ¡Rugido es derrotado en mano a mano por Neón! (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Neón Vs Rugido (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
6) Flip Gordon, Titán, Volador Jr. b Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible CMLL | Volador Jr., Flip Gordon y Titán derrotan a Los Bárbaros (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Volador Jr, Titán y Flip Gordon (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)

Neon/Rugido was the best match on the night. They had the pressure of doing a big match and did well. Maybe the only thing that went wrong was Neon ripping up Rugido’s mask too well; he was battling to see at times in the third fall but there weren’t difficulties. The match didn’t seem to mean anything to turnout but not much on Tuesday usually does. It got good reactions for a non-title singles match.

The main event wasn’t far behind in qualtity. Tecnicos won but there was no trios title challenge. The Panthers match was the usual formula, just without rudos giving them as much. Hera & Olympia wrestled as tecnicas in the women’s match. I haven’t had many thoughts about Valkiria, but she came off as a slow and out of sync in this match.

CMLL (TUE) 04/16/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL]
1) Shezmu & Temerario b Johnny Dinamo & Minotauro CMLL - Martes de Glamour 16 de Abril 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
2) Leo, Omar Brunetti, Vaquero Jr. b Canalla, Demonio Maya, Principe Daniel CMLL - Martes de Glamour 16 de Abril 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
3) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa b Ángel Rebelde, Halcón Negro Jr., Trono CMLL - Martes de Glamour 16 de Abril 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
4) Hatanna, Lluvia, Tabata b Adira, Dark Silueta, Dulce Kitty CMLL - Martes de Glamour 16 de Abril 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
OCCIDENTE WOMEN TAG challenges followed (despite the champions winning)
5) Brillante Jr. & Star Black b Bestia Negra & El Gallero CMLL - Martes de Glamour 16 de Abril 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Star Black and Gallero continue to feud
6) Explosivo, Máscara Dorada, Místico b Averno, Euforia, Mephisto CMLL - Martes de Glamour 16 de Abril 2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Explsoivo replaced Atlantis Jr. on Tuesday morning.

Strangely, Alexis Salazar was over here taking photos instead of Arena Mexico.

CMLL Informa is still at the regular (4 pm Mexico City) time today. The time change they talked about last week starts on 05/01. CMLL hasn’t announced a guest list.

CMLL (MON) 04/22/2024 Arena Puebla
1) Black Tiger, Blue Shark, Hijo de Centella Roja vs Espíritu Maligno, Fénix SO, King Jaguar
2) Micro Gemelo Diablo I & Micro Gemelo Diablo II vs Mije & Periquito Sacaryas
3) Hombre Bala Jr., Panterita del Ring, Volcano vs El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora
4) Tessa Blanchard vs Stephanie Vaquer [lightning]
5) Ángel de Oro, Atlantis, Gran Guerrero vs Euforia, Soberano Jr., Titán [Relevos Increíbles]
6) Máscara Dorada, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Flip Gordon, Templario [Relevos Increíbles]

Templario and Ultimo Guerrero on opposite sides here, following up on whatever that was. Two relevos increibles in a row is messy though.

Blue Panther explained to El Tiempo that the name came as a spur of the moment decision. He was wrestling as Cachorro when he was invited to Chihuahua for a match. They already had a Cachorro Valderrama so they asked him to use a different name. He came up with Blue Panther because he happened to have a blue and yellow mask. Would have have done as well if he was named Yellow Panther all this time? (Probably.)

The 05/01 Arena Coliseo Acapulco show (Mistico & Mascara Dorada vs Voaldor & Soberano) will stream for people who sign up to the Lucha Libre Acapulco page and pay 99 pesos. Other pages experimented with similar ideas during the pandemic. One twist here is the stream will not be available for people who live in Acapulco proper, those people have to watch in person or not at all.

NJPW officially announced Stephanie Vaquer’s title defense against Alex Windsor on 05/11 in Los Angeles.

05/11 MLW

Only by putting these two back together did it click they’re on the same show.


Jeff Jarrett (and later AAA) announced Satnam Singh was added to the TripleMania card. He’ll team with QT Marshall, Sam Adonis and Parker Boudreaux against Pentagon Jr. Psycho Clown, Laredo Kid, Octagon Jr. and a partner to be announced. Singh, like Boudreaux, is someone who looks impressive in the sort of media tour AAA had him no Monday in Monterrey. He’s, also like Boudreaux, someone AEW rarely trusts to be in actual wrestling matches. That match looked like the best match on paper for TripleMania, and adding Singh makes that goal more difficult.

Jarrett seems to be re-launching Global Force Entertainment as a wrestling news (copy and paste) site. It’s an odd choice; that market seems oversaturated. It may have influenced why Jarrett was the one to announce this match change. Sending Singh, Parker and Jarrett did that press circuit, likely to sell the oddity of a big muscle guy and a tall giant wrestling in Mexico.

Matt Cardona will need surgery on a torn pec, according to Fightful. Cardona was expected to be part of a TripleMania this year, probably the one in Tijuana. I’m not a doctor, but the ones I find on google suggest that’s typically a six month recovery, meaning Cardona wouldn’t be available for any TripleMania show this year.

Diana Patricia Mondragon has filed an criminal complaint of domestic violence, perpetuated by her ex-partner Dos Caras. Telediario aired a four minute segment on the story. That video includes photos and videos of her wounds, if that’s going to distress you. It also feels like Mexico covers these situations notably different than it would be handled in the US, which may be off putting. Patricia says Dos Caras hit her, leaving bruises on her arms and legs, forced her to kiss his feet and burned her with acid. Patricia says he was also threatened by Hijo de Dos Caras, who said he’d harm one of Patricia’s relatives if she broke off the relationship and also tried to throw acid at her.

In a friends-only post, Dos Caras said he’d have a press conference to refute these charges Tuesday night. I haven’t seen anything from that as of yet. Dos Caras typically only posts wrestling related photos, so posting a photo of with his wife a few days before this story broke sticks out. That appears to be a different woman than the one making the accusation.

This news goes into the AAA section, as Dos Caras is scheduled to appear Lucha Libre Expo before next week’s TripleMania. Dos Caras has also been involved in many of Alberto el Patron’s big matches, so he’ll likely be on TripleMania as well. AAA’s policy on domestic violence is well known at this point: they will no act on accusations, and only take action if the accused has been convicted of a crime. (AAA continued to use Cuatrero until a judge ruled he was a danger and put him behind bars, where he remains one year later – still no trial.) The Dos Caras charges are an accusation and possibly an investigation, so AAA will mostly likely continue to use him as planned.


Thursday’s lineup:

IWRG (THU) 04/18/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Ajolotl & Golden Power vs Príncipe Centauro & Rey Espartano
2) Shamila & Tornado vs Diosa Quetzal & Puma de Oro
3) ?, ??, ??? vs ????, ?????, ??????
Random match
4) Arez, Látigo, Toxin vs Águila Roja, Noisy Boy, Spider Fly
5) Hell Boy vs Vangellys [super libre]

Match four looks interesting.

(No Big Lucha card yet, so they probably are off until 05/04.)

Other News

Latin Lover says he helped get Shocker in rehab – by telling him there was a businessman in Culiacan who wanted Shocker for an autograph signing, 15K pesos for one hour a week. There was no autograph signing, there were just five people to convince Shocker to go to a local rehab facility. Latin says Shocker went without issue.

The San Luis Potosi Congress wanted to honor Mil Mascaras with the Plan de San Luis medal for those who’ve influenced the social and cultural growth of that state. Mil Mascaras declined the invitation; he lives in the United States now and apparently did not want to return to Mexico. The San Luis Potosi Congress will instead give the medal to Enrique Auces Maciel, a businessman who passed away in 2019. Among his achievements was creating awards for outstanding students.

There’s ongoing investigation into the shoots before a Tijuana lucha libre show. All victims are said to have been shot in the legs and now are in stable condition. There’s still no motive. All three were standing near the entrance. There’s some talk locally about requiring metal detectors at show (and push back at that expense.)

The 04/21 Lucha Memes Hechicero/Aeroboy match I was excited for is no longer happening. It’s now Hechicero/Heddi Karoaui. Aeroboy is said to be off due to personal issues.

Arez and Gringo Loco are headed back to Germany’s WXW in October.

Box y Lucha 3599 has Titan, Galeno del Mal and Shocker on the cover.

great match round up, week of 2024-04-09

Some notes

  • I’ve caught up putting ratings in (even the many weeks I didn’t do one of these posts), and you can see what I’ve liked the most this year so far here.
    • I haven’t put many Big Lucha ratings in there, though I don’t think much are going to hit that list.
  • I feel like I’m underrating things to only have two Excellent matches so far this year.
  • I’ve reopened the luchablog drive under the same link. I’m not going to put anything from the last two years of CMLL this year. New AAA stuff is still going up, but mostly it’s a historical resource. I know that’s not the answer most of you want but it’s the answer I have for you right now.
    • If CMLL comes back and DMCAs the old stuff, then I’ll just move all the CMLL stuff off of there.
  • still watching the CMLL Sunday stuff even if I’m not streaming it or putting anywhere you can find it

Nothing jumped out from this week but there was plenty of watchable stuff.

rating match aired taped
good Mecha Wolf vs Octagón Jr. © for the AAA Latin American Championship AAA on Space
good Astro Boy Jr. & Novato vs Calavera Jr. I & Calavera Jr. II Hnos Calavera Jr I y II vs Astro Boy Jr y Novato ARENA MÉXICO CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Hnos Calavera Jr I y II vs Astro Boy Jr y Novato ARENA MÉXICO CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL on TV Mexiquense
good Máscara Dorada & Místico vs Ángel de Oro & Templario CMLL on TV Mexiquense
good Gran Guerrero vs AvernoTemplarioTitánStigmaBárbaro CavernarioTerribleDragón Rojo Jr.Ángel de OroNiebla Roja for the CMLL Universal Championship and in a tournament semifinal match ¡Ya está en la final! Titán derrota a Templario en la Eliminatoria por el Campeonato Universal 2024 (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL - 2a. FASE ELIMINATORIA CAMPEONATO UNIVERSAL (CAMPEONES MUNDIALES CMLL)/ARENA MÉXICO / 12-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Eliminatoria por el Campeonato Universal 2024 (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Titan vs Templario FINAL ELIMINATORIA CAMPEONES MUNDIALES rumbo al CAMPEONATO UNIVERSAL/Arena México (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL YouTube
good Flip Gordon vs Euforia in a lightning match CMLL - MATCH RELÁMPAGO / EUFORIA  VS  FLIP GORDON /ARENA MÉXICO / 12-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) En un recio mano a mano de colosos, Euforia derrota a Flip Gordon (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Euforia vs Flip Gordon MATCH RELAMPAGO/ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL YouTube
good Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, El Hijo De Blue Panther vs Hijo de Stuka Jr., Hijo del Villano III, Villano III Jr. CMLL-H. DE STUKA JR.-H. DEL VILLANO III-VILLANO III JR. VS  DIVINOS LAGUNEROS /ARENA MÉXICO/12-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: El Hijo del Villano III, Hijo de Stuka Jr. y Villano III Jr. derrotan a los Divinos Laguneros (posted by mluchatv) H. Villano III, Villano III Jr e H. Stuka Jr vencen a B. Panther Jr, Dark Panther e H. de B. Panther (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Hijos del Villano III e Hijo de Stuka Jr vs Dark Panther e Hijos de Blue Panther ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL YouTube
good Legendario vs Forneo in a lightning match CMLL - MATCH RELÁMPAGO / FORNEO  VS  LEGENDARIO /ARENA MÉXICO / 12-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: Legendario derrota a Forneo en match relámpago (posted by mluchatv) Forneo vs Legendario MATCH RELAMPAGO/ARENA MEXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Reporte CMLL: Forneo Vs Legendario duelo de jóvenes colíseinos (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL YouTube
good Hijo del Pirata Morgan vs Jack Evans Big Lucha World
good Flamita vs Argenis Big Lucha World