CMLL 8M show, AAA in Saltillo, Demonic Flamita no more


CMLL (FRI) 03/08/2024 Arena México [AS, CMLL, ESTOEstrellas del RingKaiser SportsThe Gladaitores, thecubsfan]
1) Náutica & Sexy Sol b Lady Amazona & Lady Metal CMLL - LADY METAL - LADY AMAZONA VS SEXY SOL - NÁUTICA / ARENA MÉXICO / 08-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Sexy Sol & Náutica vs Lady Metal & Lady Amazona ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Sexy Sol y Naútica llevan a la cuenta de tres palmadas a Lady Amazona y Lady Metal (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2) Marcela b AmapolaLa VaqueritaTiffanyLa MalignaMetálicaLa GuerreraValkiriaHeraOlympiaPersephoneDiablita Roja [Copa Irma Gonzalez] CMLL - TORNEO CIBERNÉTICO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: Marcela gana la Copa Irma González 2024 ante Amapola (posted by mluchatv) Eliminatoria para disputar la Copa Irma González (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Marcela vs Amapola FINAL COPA IRMA GONZÁLEZ/ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
3) Reyna Isis © b Zeuxis [MEX WOMENCMLL - CAMPEONATO NACIONAL FEMENIL / ZEUXIS (R) VS REYNA ISIS (C) / ARENA MÉXICO / 08-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: Reina I. retiene el Campeonato Nacional Femenil ante Zeuxis (posted by mluchatv) Reina Isis (c) vs Zeuxis (r) CAMPEONATO NACIONAL FEMENIL/ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Reyna Isis retiene su Campeonato Nacional Femenil dando cuenta de Zeuxis (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
16:31. 3rd defense.
4) Dark Silueta © b La Catalina [CMLL JAPAN WOMEN] CMLL - CAMPEONATO CMLL-JAPÓN / LA CATALINA (R) VS DARK SILUETA (C) / ARENA MÉXICO / 08-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Dark Silueta (c) vs La Catalina (r) CAMPEONATO FEMENIL DE JAPON CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Dark Silueta derrota a La Catalina con su rudeza y experiencia (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
13:39. 1st defense.
5) Andrómeda & Skadi b La Jarochita & Lluvia © [MEX WOMEN TAG] Campeonas y retadoras llegan para disputar el Campeonato Nacional de Parejas en la Noche de Amazonas (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL - CAMPEONATO FEMENIL DE PAREJAS / ANDRÓMEDA - SKADI VS JAROCHITA - LLUVIA/ARENA MÉXICO/08-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: Andromeda y Skadi ganan el Campeonato Nacional de Parejas ante Jarochita y Lluvia (posted by mluchatv)
12:28. La Chicas Indomables fall on their 14th defense (3.5 years).

All the matches on this women’s only show felt like the participants had been working on them for some time, and generally the matches succeeded or failed based on how well they were able to stick with their plans. My biggest complaint with this show was the matches just felt like a lot of moves, more than normal. Maybe it was because all the matches ended up being one fall, maybe it was a self-imposed pressure to show they could do as many of the big things the men can do, but there wasn’t much flow or direction to the matches. The best match was the Reyna Isis/Zeuxis match; the moves just came off as bigger in that one and they pulled off everything they were going for. On the other hand, the main event didn’t really work because the moves (and the turn taking) were all over the place. The main event finish came out of nowhere, and so against the flow of action, that I wondered if there was an injury or time call that motivated it. (La Jarochita needed some medical attention after the match but it appeared to be selling the finishing armbar.) The opener was not up to the standards of a usual CMLL show.

Logistically, Copa Irma Gonzalez works better on a standalone show than Homenaje a Dos Leyendas. Time is always going to be at crunch on a big show and a cibernetico always eats up a lot of time that could be used elsewhere on a big show. (This is the Copa TripleMania dilemina.) The flipside is putting that match on an all women’s show every year means six to ten of the best luchadoras aren’t always going to be pulled out of it to work bigger matches, and CMLL doesn’t yet have the depth to accomdate that well.

CMLL had women in all the front facing roles. Gabi Bau, an edecan who doubles as La Catrina on the Dia del Muertos shows, was the ring announcer for the night. Ana Guiterrez and Gaby Fernandez de Lara were the announcers, with Amapola joining them after her match. Fernandez de Lara is a sportscaster who seems to do a lot on baseball. It’s been a while since I’ve heard Amapola in that role and I thought she was quite good. Princesa Sugehit was a better referee than Sanely, who was doing some slow (though consistent) counts. Neither was a big dropoff from the usual referees, which is more about the usual referees.

The women did the usual group celebration of all women to start the show, which plays better than seeing them all fight and be friends against the end of the event.

Arena Mexico attendance was less than usual for a Friday. CMLL probably was hoping the concept on this day would be a strong draw. Instead, the CMLL fans who do care about stars saw this as a show without many of them; these women have been presented as midcard acts to this point, and there’s not a hot star among them. Stephanie Vaquer being around might have helped slightly, but she hasn’t proven to be that big of a difference maker so far. The show still seemed to do OK enough that I’d expect the concept will return in 2025. March 8th will fall on a Saturday, and the pressure to draw in Arena Coliseo will be even less. The next Friday March 8th will be in 2030, and who knows where any of us will be six years from now.

CMLL (SAT) 03/09/2024 Arena Coliseo [CMLL, La Tijera]
1) Grako & Príncipe Odín Jr. b Leono & Retro Reporte CMLL: Príncipe Odin Jr y Grako Vs Leono y Retro (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2) Eléctrico, Halcón Suriano Jr., Valiente Jr. b Enfermero Jr., Nitro, Sangre Imperial CMLL: Halcón Suriano Jr, Eléctrico y Valiente Jr. Vs Nitro, Sangre Imperial y Enfermero Jr. (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
3) Felino, Kráneo, Okumura b Audaz, Max Star, Volcano CMLL: Volcano, Max Star, Audaz Vs Felino, Kraneo u Okumura (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
4) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, Hijo de Blue Panther b Cancerbero, Luciferno, Misterioso Jr. CMLL: Luciferno, Cancerbero y Misterioso Jr. Vs Blue Panther Jr, Dark Panther e Hijo de Blue Panther (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
5) Guerrero Maya Jr. © b Difunto [MEX MIDDLECMLL: Difunto Vs Guerrero Maya Jr por el Campeonato Nacional Medio (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Said to be 17 minutes and great. 3rd defense
6) Atlantis Jr., Místico, Titán b Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero CMLL: Último Guerrero, Gran Guerrero y Stuka Jr. Vs Místico, Atlantis Jr. Y Titán (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)

Maya/Difunto should turn up on the CMLL highest tier this Thursday. There’s nothing been too memorable among the bonus Coliseo matches so far, though they have put on bigger name matches after the first week.

CMLL (SUN) 03/10/2024 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Aéreo & Último Dragóncito b Full Metal & Pequeño Polvora
2) Capitán Suicida & Halcón Suriano Jr. b Felino Jr. & Inquisidor
3) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa DQ Apocalipsis, Arlequín, Disturbio
Disturbio had the match won but wouldn’t release la cavernaria on Dulce Gardenia and got DQed.
4) Rey Bucanero b Sagrado [lightning]
5) Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido b Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black
6) Atlantis, Flip Gordon, Volador Jr. b Euforia, Mephisto, Soberano Jr.

A normal Sunday show. Felino Jr. quietly seems to be sinking down these lineups; he’s firmly in the category of guys who will get booked together but CMLL seems to have given up doing anything meaningful with, and he’s not yet been around long enough get a veteran push. Meanwhile, Puma King hasn’t appeared on AAA TV since July; he gets listed for some indie shows but hasn’t been seen this year.

CMLL (TUE) 03/12/2024 Arena México
1) Capitán Suicida, Halcón Suriano Jr., Valiente Jr. vs Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, Inquisidor
2) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, Hijo de Blue Panther vs Crixus, Raider, Vegas
3) Andrómeda, La Catalina, Skadi vs Dark Silueta, Metálica, Zeuxis
4) Star Jr. vs Zandokan Jr.
5) Atlantis, Flip Gordon, Titán vs Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero
6) Místico © vs Ángel de Oro [MLW MIDDLE]
1st defense

Beyond the two 1v1s, match 2 looks pretty good.

CMLL (FRI) 03/15/2024 Arena México
1) Halcón Suriano Jr. & Leono vs Emperador Jr. & Platino Kid
2) Guerrero Maya Jr., Pegasso, Stigma vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus
3) Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible
4) Atlantis Jr., Hechicero, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Templario, Titán [Relevos Increíbles]
5) Máscara Dorada & Rocky Romero vs Ángel de Oro & Flip Gordon and Euforia & Gran Guerrero and Akuma & Dulce Gardenia [Torneo Increible de Parejas, battle royal]

The Friday lineup came out Monday afternoon, which is about two days later than usual.

Mascara Dorada & Rocky Romero advancing out of that group is as much a lock as can be. Match four has mixed up teams but could be good. Empeador (Azteca) Jr. and Platino Kid reappear after the Torneo Escuelas.

CMLL confirmed Homenaje a Dos Leyendas is sold out.

La Aficion talks to Lady Metal, who says continuing her wrestling career means sometimes she doesn’t see her daughter for two or three days; she’s just traveling.

La Seductora, who retired about a year ago due to health issues, talked about possibly returning after her health has improved; it sounds like she just misses it.

CMLL not in CMLL

Stephanie Vaquer defeated Guilia to win the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship. This was the expected outcome with Guilia leaving Stardom, and may have happened next month anyway had Guilia decided not to leave. The match was shorter than a usual title match (around 11 minutes), and Guilia seemed to get a shoulder up during the pin, though that may have been an accident due tot he pin. The post-match included Guilia seemingly wanting to put the belt on Vaquer herself and Vaquer hitting Guilia with the belt instead. Vaquer explained she first offered a handshake to Guilia, Guilia didn’t accept, and so she wasn’t going to let her put the belt on her. A similar thing happened with Vaquer and Tessa Blanchard back in December; the next person to face Vaquer in a title match ought to remember to shake her hand.

Stephanie Vaquer is scheduled for the 04/12 NJPW Riot show, a show I bought a ticket too and just remembered it was a Friday night show as I typed this sentence. Find the person watching the Universal tournament on their phone if you’re looking for me at that one. Vaquer will likely defend the title on that show. There’s an obvious medium term path towards Vaquer and Mercedes Mone wrestling on AEW/NJPW’s Forbidden Door show (expected in June), it’s unclear if they will take that path. There’s also the reality that Vaquer beating Guilia, getting a bit of outisde-of-Mexico attention, and being involved in AEW’s plans may make her a bigger target for WWE. CMLL contracts are largely mysterious and frequently non-existent. I don’t pretend to understand NJPW deals either. Still, either Vaquer’s under someone’s contract now or she’ll end up with one before long.

Mistico defeated Angelico on AEW Collision. There’s still no overt inside AEW storyline for Mistico right now; a post-match promo just built towards the Homenaje a Dos Leyendas match (without mentioning it by name.)

Chris Jericho beat Titan on the show as well. Jericho’s more immediate issue is a tag match without CMLL wrestlers on Wednesday. There must be a reason he keeps facing CMLL luchadors, but they haven’t spelled it out yet. Both matches got favorable reactions and both CMLL wrestlers earned crowd chants.

Penta appeared in-ring during the show doing a run-in to set up a trios match for Wednesday’s show. Penta is still with AAA and this is no change of policy; AAA wrestlers aren’t allowed to wrestle on the same show as CMLL wrestlers but they can do post-match run-ins or promos segments. Those are two things CMLL seems unaware exists, so of course they’re not going to object to them.


AAA TV (SAT) 03/09/2024 Lienzo Charro Prof. Enrique Gonzalez, Saltillo, Coahuila [El HeraldoSaltillo Al Raz De LonaVanguardia] Attendance: 3000
1) Biker Jr., King Rap, The Rocker b El Líder, Mini Hator, Sexy Andre, Ultra
4 vs 3? Saltillo defeating Monterrey
2) Drago, Epydemius Jr., Estrellato b Hijo del Picudo, May Flowers, Nygma
3) Flammer, La Hiedra, Maravilla b Dulce Kanela, Jessy Queen, Pimpinela Escarlata
4) Antifaz & Hator b Toscano & Zorro
5) Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz, Dark Scoria b Aerostar, Charly Manson, Myzteziz
Charly Manson replaced Negro Casas. Los Vatos Locos attacked La Secta after the match.
6) Forastero & Sansón b Negro Casas & Psycho Clown [AAA TAG]
4th defense (2nd on TV). Negro Casas replaced Pagano (shoulder injury)
7) Mr. Iguana, Octagón Jr., Vampiro Canadiense b Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Panic Clown
Latin Lover appeared before the main event, asking fans to support Rey Destoller’s family and saying he’d sign autographs for donations. AAA said they’d contribute as well. Psycho Circus earlier attacked Vampiro. Mr. Iguana replaced Hijo del Vikingo. All the wrestlers came to the ring to celebrate Vampiro’s final match in Saltillo at the end of the show.

Latin Lover‘s appearance on the taping was unadvertised, though he had mentioned it on social media a few hours prior. It seems truly done just to raise money for Rey Destoller’s family; he wasn’t involved in storyline segments. A benefit show for Rey Destoller in Monterrey on Friday was said to draw 12,600. There’s no public statement on Rey Destoller’s condition.

I may not buy into Vampiro’s retirement much, but the fans attending these shows do seem to be taking it seriously. It comes off as the biggest deal on these show. “3,000” attendance is what the local newspaper reported; it appears to be a full house.

Pagano did make it to Saltillo and doesn’t look to have the sling on anymore, but health concerns kept him sidelined. Negro Casas & Psycho Clown is actually a better idea for a team.

I don’t have detailed results, but there didn’t seem to be any indication of Hijo del Vikingo’s status, plans for the Megachampionship, or TripleMania Monterrey ideas. It looks like Los Vatos Locos have been slid into Los Vipers role as La Secta opponents, but it’s tough to assume directions here. AAA tapes again Saturday in Mexico City – the final taping before TripleMania – and it’s possible they’re saving their bigger news for that show.

Nothing too notable on TV that wasn’t already evident from the live viewing; just some generic promos. I was slower than usual on putting up the show but it did go up on the drive Sunday night.


IWRG (SUN) 03/10/2024 Arena Naucalpan [thecubsfan]
1) Vato Filas b Galavinco [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
2) Príncipe Centauro b Látigo 2000 Jr. [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
3) Shamila b Arcues [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
4) Laberinto Jr. b Xolotol [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
5) Loko Boy b Golden Power [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
6) Sacro b Dracula Ng [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
7) Fly Star b Aries Jr. [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
8) Príncipe Tezca b Sky Man [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
9) Galvánico b Príncipe Centauro [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
10) Shamila b Laberinto Jr. [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
11) Sky Man TLDRAW Fly Star [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
12) Sacaro b Golden Power [IWRG TRYOUT] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
13) Lolita b Sagitarirus IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv)
Sagitarius replaced Keyra, which Lolita pointed out. Sagitiarus said Keyra was missing due to work issues.

Results are who won the match, not the following judges balloting. Principe Centauro, Shamila (the sole woman remaining), Skyman and Sacro advanced to the semifinals. They cut the matches from 10 minutes to 8 on this show, though I’m still not sure why they crammed in two rounds on one event. It didn’t seem a great experience for anyone. Just to be clear, that’s Skyman and Fly Star of mid-10s Arena San Juan’s “Skyman & Rayo Star vs Fly Star & Toxin Boy” fame. They’re doing the same veteran indie guy looking for one more shot bit that Centvrion did last year. They also seemed to go to the time limit draw and fought after the match to build to another match somewhere.

Time I could’ve been using to write a history post or a match round up post (or making some progress on Mario RPG probably) went instead to skimming through this show to get results. I don’t know that was a good use of time. It did make it clear to me that I would pretty much stop bothering with IWRG shows if I had to spent an hour figuring out results twice a week. Luckily, this tournament is back down to a small size – semifinals on Thursday, finals on Sunday – and the promotion may even get around to reporting results next week.

It sounded like Keyra took another booking over IWRG, and it wasn’t clear the promotion knew she wasn’t coming – the announcers were still hyping her in the main event early on in the show. Lolita buried her a bit in pre/post match promos. Announcers acted like a Lolita/Keyra title match was still happening Thursday but I don’t feel so sure about that.

Big Lucha

Big Lucha World (FRI) 03/08/2024 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal [Estrellas del Ring, thecubsfan]
1) Platino b Skayde [submission] FACE 2 FACE | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
7:48. Platino caught Skayde with a cradle
2) El Potro de Oro b Caballero de Plata [bull terrierFACE 2 FACE | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
9:52. Touch all four corners rule.
3) Sussy Love b Satania FACE 2 FACE | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
4) Atómico Jr. b Orbita [first blood] FACE 2 FACE | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
Orbita told Elipse and the rest of Lokos Evans to stay out of the match. Elipse naturally got involved in the finish, accidentally hitting Orbita with a cookie sheet which caused him to bleed and lose the match.
5) Jack Evans b Flamita [lumberjackFACE 2 FACE | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA ) LUCHA DE LEÑADORES: FLAMITA VS JACK EVANS. (posted by hector godfrey)
6) Hijo del Pirata Morgan NF Ricky Marvin [knockout] FACE 2 FACE | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA ) MANO A MANO RICKY MARVIN VS HIJO DEL PIRATA MORGAN (posted by hector godfrey) PIRATA MORGAN JR VS RICKY MARVIN (posted by hector godfrey) RICKY MARVIN VS HIJO DEL PIRATA MORGAN EN BIG LUCHAS (posted by hector godfrey)
16:08. Announcers said neither man won after Emperador Azteca and Flamtia ran in to attack Pirata. Ciclon Ramirez made the save, flowing into the main event.
7) Emperador Azteca b Ciclón Ramírez FACE 2 FACE | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA ) LUCHA ESTILO TOREO 4 CAMINOS. EMPERADOR AZTECA VS.CICLON (posted by hector godfrey)
17:07. Toreo Cuatro Caminos style. Emperador Azteca celebrate with two masked wrestlers, said to be new members of Black Generation. The three then surprise attacked Ricky Marvin and Demonic Flamita, kicking them out of the unit. Flamita said he’d now focus on ridding Big Lucha of Black Generation, he was leaving “Demonic” Flamita behind and he’d now be 100% tecnico.

A lot of “good, but” on this one. Announcers said Pirata/Marvin was actually last man standing but they still worked were trying to knock someone out (not the WWE “trap someone under a bit of the stage” style.) It was going along really well, until they just didn’t have any sort of ending. Totally disappointing, and it just turned me off for the main event until the angle hit. Not that Azteca/Ciclon were going to work something that appealed to me anyway. Evans/Flamita showed plenty that they could have a compelling serious match but it was a Mexican lumberjack match so the real point is only for everyone to laugh at the lumberjacks hitting the wrestlers (and finally the referee.) They probably shouldn’t have bothered. Atomico Jr. was so clearly ahead of Orbita in their match that I really want to see what he could do with someone good.  He’s got the most Villano III Jr. energy of anyone who is not Villano III Jr. The Orbita/Elipse repeated breakup stuff isn’t good and isn’t going anywhere. The only good bit was Big Lucha revealing them to be the sons of the owner so I could at least understand why it’s happening. Satanico wasn’t as bad as usual, someone got her to not do the shooting star press this time. Potro/Caballero was maybe the most complete match; they had their stipulation, they worked it fairly, they didn’t even do anything weird on the corner touch bit. The stream cut out for about one-third of the Platino/Skayde match, but Platino looked better here in what we could see.

The news is that main event angle. Black Generation as the lead rudo group in Big Lucha had run it’s course; either turning the entire group or doing a big shakeup seemed needed, and Big Lucha went with the second option. Emperador Azteca as leader does not suggest this group is going to be an important deal for much longer. Big Lucha had posted a video earlier in the week of Ricky Marvin and Flamita giving Emperador Azteca and Oni el Bendito the cold shoulder, which looks like a setup to this turn. Bendito wasn’t at the show last night so no idea where he figures into this., but it wouldn’t surprise if it ended up being familiar faces. No idea where this leaves the GLEAT version of this unit. Since it seems like it’s just me and CIMA watching Big Lucha (and I’m not even sure about CIMA right now), it’s possible they just ignore all of this.

Big Lucha World is moving from Fridays to Saturdays at 7 pm. I end up watching the show on Saturdays anyway, though that means it’s against AEW Collision most weeks.

Other News

The viral video of the weekend is from Matamoros, where the top rope snapped during the match and LA Park tumbled hard to the floor. LA Park said he suffered a leg injury; it could’ve been much worse.

Plan de Juego has a bio of Veracrus’s Eslabon Perdido, who got the gimmick from a playwright.

There’s a fundraiser to help pay Damain 666’s medical bills following his heart attack. He’s out of the hospital and posted a video update on Instagram.

Segunda Caida writes about some 1989 CMLL.

CMLL 8M show, Titan & Mistico on AEW, AAA in Saltillo

Daylight Savings Time

If you live in the US or many other countries, Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday. Clocks spring forward an hour. Mexico does not do Daylight Savings Time (except certain US border towns), so almost all live streams from Mexico be an hour later starting Sunday morning. This will continue until November 3rd.

Last year was the first with this extended setup; it was a negative to the viewing experience. There’s also nothing to do about it.


Tonight’s show will be the first all women’s show in Arena Mexico. CMLL has run all women’s shows in there other three owned arenas. Arena Coliseo Guadalajara and Arena Puebla both did them in recent years. Arena Coliseo (Mexico City) actually had all women’s shows in the 1940s, prior to Arena Mexico’s construction and Mexico City’s “ban” on women’s wrestling. Those show 40s shows were troupes of women who generally toured the US and would come through Mexico City for a week. Tonight’s Arena Mexico all women’s show happens to be an all CMLL roster show. There’s a few non-regulars from Puebla and Guadalajara to fill out the show, but CMLL made the decision not to bring in a Tessa Blanchard or a Lady Frost or someone else to argument. This is a women’s show, but it’s also very much a CMLL women’s show in a way even those 40s shows were not.

CMLL (FRI) 03/08/2024 Arena México
1) Lady Amazona & Lady Metal vs Náutica & Sexy Sol
2) Marcela vs AmapolaLa VaqueritaTiffanyLa MalignaMetálicaLa GuerreraValkiriaHeraOlympiaPersephoneDiablita Roja [Copa Irma Gonzalez]
3) Reyna Isis © vs Zeuxis [MEX WOMEN]
4) Dark Silueta © vs La Catalina [CMLL JAPAN WOMEN]
5) La Jarochita & Lluvia © vs Andrómeda & Skadi [MEX WOMEN TAG]

The main event looks like the best shot to a great match. Both teams can do well if they’re prepped for the match, and the success may just depend on how effective the big highspots come off. The rest of the matches are lesser versions of the same story: they can put together a good match before the bell starts, but I’m uncertain about their ability to execute it. The effort will be there, but I’m unconvinced the quality is there without Vaquer and others to augment the division. This is a chance to prove otherwise.

Tonight’s show is also a chance for the women to carve out a bigger role in their promotion. CMLL running a yearly show on International Women’s Day (or the day before/after) is any easy decision to make and it’ll surely be an annual bit barring disaster. The CMLL women have talked in the past about wanting more chances, more main events, and this is a great opportunity to earn that. It seems like there’s a push in CMLL to do even more with women’s wrestling. A strong show here – by attendance, by quality of matches, by crowd reactions – could put some more force behind that push. I’m unconvinced this is the strongest lineup to make that push, but you don’t always get to pick when your chances come, you just got to make the best of them.

Making it all women’s show sounds like it’ll go beyond the wrestlers. On CMLL Informa, CMLL revealed Princesa Sugehit and Sanely will work as special referees for the show. Sugehit (neck) and Sanely (knee) are recovery from injuries, not yet cleared to wrestle but far enough along to work as referees for this show. Julio Cesar Rivera seemed to mention, at the close of the show, that there would be both a female ring announcer and female match announcers. Ana Gutierrez regularly announces the Guadalajara shows so I presume she’ll be involved. Many years ago, before CMLL had it’s current set team of six announcers, the TV shows would use cycle through various wrestlers as guest commentators. Amapola announced for a bunch of shows, so maybe she’ll end up being called back that role after her match finishes.

(If you’re someone who write or talks or otherwise regularly produces content about women’s wrestling and you’re interested in covering this show but you can’t put down the 25 USD to sign up to CMLL YouTube just for one show, please DM me and I’ll try to help.)

There’s a lot of extra press tied in with the show, though little of it is novel or worth linking here. If you want to see the one photo of Natalia Vazquez that’s used every time, that’s definitely covered today. In Zapopan, Dark Silueta and Valkiria appeared as part of panel discussion of ‘powerful women’, along side a boxer, a policewoman and a singer.

The rest of the weekend…

CMLL (SAT) 03/09/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) Leono & Retro vs Grako & Príncipe Odín Jr.
2) Eléctrico, Halcón Suriano Jr., Valiente Jr. vs Enfermero Jr., Nitro, Sangre Imperial
3) Audaz, Max Star, Volcano vs Felino, Kráneo, Okumura
4) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, Hijo de Blue Panther vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Misterioso Jr.
5) Guerrero Maya Jr. © vs Difunto [MEX MIDDLE]
3rd defense
6) Atlantis Jr., Místico, Titán vs Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero

Maya’s trend of only defending against new-ish midcard rudos continues.

CMLL (SUN) 03/10/2024 Arena México
1) Aéreo & Último Dragóncito vs Full Metal & Pequeño Polvora
2) Capitán Suicida & Halcón Suriano Jr. vs Felino Jr. & Inquisidor
3) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa vs Apocalipsis, Arlequín, Disturbio
4) Rey Bucanero vs Sagrado [lightning]
5) Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido
6) Atlantis, Flip Gordon, Volador Jr. vs Euforia, Mephisto, Soberano Jr.

Cholo did end up needing nose surgery; he said on Instagram that he’ll be back soon. Guadalajara’s Arlequin gets the call as a temporary Indestructible.

CMLL (TUE) 03/12/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Cowboy, Garabato, Halcón de Plata vs Fúnebre, Mortis, Ponzoña Jr.
2) Exterminador, Javier Cruz Jr., Maléfico vs Atilius, Maximus, Rey Urano
3) Apocalipsis, Arlequín, Disturbio vs Draego, Gallero, Halcón Negro Jr.
4) Adrenalina, Explosivo, Fantástico vs El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora
5) La Maligna, Lluvia, Marcela vs Hera, Olympia, Reyna Isis
6) Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr. vs Bestia Negra, Persa, Templario

Last week’s show ended with Los Guereros asking for a trios title shot against Los Barbaros. None are on this week’s show.

Informa had a bunch of announcements for upcoming events:

  • Zandokan Jr. versus Star Jr. and Mistico versus Angel de Oro for the MLW Middleweight Championship are set for next Tuesday
    • Zandokan remains a really good promo
  • There will be Homenaje a Dos Leyendas shows in Puebla on 03/12 and Guadalajara on 03/13, honoring Tony Salazar on both.
  • The Arena Coliseo Anniversary show will take place on 04/06. Nothing announced for it yet.
  • The Universal tournament will take place on Fridays in April: blocks on 04/05, 04/12, 04/19, final on the Arena Mexico Anniversary on 04/26.
  • The ambassador of the children tournament will take place over two shows this year: a elimination match on 04/28 and a final on 04/30

Last year’s Universal Tournament ran elimination matches by title family. Right now, that’d be

  • CMLL:
    • Stigma (Lightweight)
    • Titan (Welterweight)
    • Templario (Middleweight)
    • Barbaro Cavernario (Light Heavyweight & Trios)
    • Gran Guerrero (Heavyweight)
    • Angel de Oro (Tag)
    • Niebla Roja (Tag)
    • Dragon Rojo (Trio)
    • Terrible (Trio)
  • Historic (NWA):
    • Mascara Dorada (Welterweight)
    • Mistico (Middleweight)
    • Atlantis Jr. (Light Heavyweight)
  • National:
    • Futuro (Lightweight),
    • Magia Blanca (Welterweight)
    • Guerrero Maya (Middleweight)
    • Esfinge (Light Heavyweight)
    • Star Black (Heavyweight)
    • Magnus (Tag)
    • Rugido (Tag)
    • Cholo (Trio)
    • Disturbio (Trio)
    • Apocalipsis (Trio)

A Mascara Dorada, Mistico, Atlantis Jr. match would be a very big deal, and one where it’s hard to figure out the finish. The national title is hard to figure out too but for very opposite reasons; there’s no one you’d say would belong in a Universal final except someone has to win.

Salvador Lutteroth also appeared on the show. He put over the Japanese shows (both FantasticaMania and CMLL Lady’s Ring), praised the fans and the management they worked with, and talked about how hard the jet leg was traveling around. There was a tease we’d see some wrestlers from the promotions CMLL has been sending talent to soon.

The CMLL Homenaje a Dos Leyendas show appears sold out. CMLL’s been promoting “tickets left only in the Gradas” section for the last few days, and those are listed as sold out. Ticketmaster shows a couple tickets left in the Freedom restaurant, but that seems like an error based on CMLL messaging. Homenaje a Dos Leyendas is three weeks away and it is unprecedented for a lucha libre show in Mexico to sell out that early. It was news when Aniversario sold out a week in advance, and this is far sooner.

CMLL & AEW running Estadio Azteca still seems unreasonable to me; it’s not a great precedent for CMLL to say “when we’re running the biggest of shows, it won’t be in our building” when they’re trying to get people to come that building 200 days a year. It’s also unclear if there will be the same ticket buying for AEW people will exist on the second or third time they come in. Still, for this specific Homenaje a Dos Leyenda shows, CMLL surely could’ve run a big building (or charged higher prices; scalpers are going to make a killing.)  It’s very obvious both CMLL and AEW have something here, and it’s just a question of how they’re going follow up on it.

Bengala left matches in January and February with a leg injury, and hasn’t wrestled since that February 24th exit. Thursday, he posted a post-surgery photo so he’ll be out for a while. (A reminder you’re reading the CMLL section and this is the CMLL Bengala, not the new AAA Bengala.)

CMLL not in CMLL

Titan wrestled on the FanasticaMania tour, then stuck around on a vacation of Japan with his family for a couple of weeks. He returned to Mexico in time to wrestle Tuesday’s Arena Mexico, then traveled home to Veracruz on Wednesday afternoon. It was the first time Titan was home in three weeks. He was not home for long. CMLL called: was he available to wrestle for AEW tomorrow? Titan got right back on the road, flew out early Thursday morning, and wrestled Chris Jericho on AEW Collision in Atlanta on Thursday night. (The show will air Saturday at the regular time.) Titan on US national TV is cool, this again hints as to how late AEW pulls the trigger on some of those ideas. Titan could’ve skipped the Mexico City->Veracruz->Mexico City voyage, a five hour trip each way, if he had been told one day earlier.

Titan won’t be going alone. Thursday, AEW announced Mistico versus Angelico would also be taped for Collision to air Saturday. Angelico hasn’t been seen on AEW TV much lately, but he’s heard quite a bit – he’s doing Spanish language announcing for the Saturday shows. One of the great reasons to announce Mistico for your wrestling card is he is a rare wrestler who can sell a bunch of tickets. It is harder to sell those tickets when announced roughly five hours before bell time. That’s not a hot take, it’s a problem people in AEW must be aware of, it’s just hard from the outside to understand the processes that lead to these last minute decisions. I presume Angelico has been dying to wrestle some of these CMLL guys and was thrilled to do stuff with Mistico.

Bringing in Mistico while Chris Jericho is going through a gauntlet of CMLL wrestlers suggests those two stories are linking up. It’s not yet linking up – Jericho also has a thread on with Hook – but it fits Jericho’s attention to business numbers and facing CMLL tecnicos the last couple of weeks. A properly promoted Mistico/Jericho match would sell some tickets in the US, though maybe much more in Mexico.

Getting back to Titan trips out of Mexico, NJPW announced this year’s Best of Super Juniors will run from May 11th to June 9th. In a break with recent tradition, the final of the tournament will take place on NJPW’s Dominion show rather than a stand alone event. (The winner of the tournament tends to challenge for the title at Dominion; it’s unclear where that will happen now.) Titan is a lock to be involved in the tournament. I suspect NJPW wants Mascara Dorada to be part of it as well, and that’ll just depend on what else CMLL has going with him during that time span.

Stephanie Vaquer and Guilia had a contract signing Friday for their NJPW Strong championship; strong wardrobe choices for both of them. Vaquer’s matches in Stardom are a trios on Saturday and the title match on Sunday. The Sunday match is on PPV, and eventually turns up on their Stardom World subscription service. Vaquer seems likely to win, though Guilia is professionally suggesting she’ll go defend against Mercedes Mone after this match. Of note, when hyping this tour, both CMLL and Vaquer talked about her going to NJPW and not Stardom. The title match is NJPW Strong match, it doesn’t really make a difference, but it is weird they’re not mentioning Stardom.

CMLL and Barba Promotions are working together on wrestling shows for the Vive Latino music festival March 16th  & 17th. This was announced a while back and CMLL’s running ads for it in Arena Mexico. These are live shows only; we won’t see them unless one of the YouTubers gets motivated to film them. The lineups for both days came out Wednesday, and the March 16th main event stands out: it’s currently Atlantis Jr. & Star Jr. against Soberano Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero. CMLL secretly has prohibited Soberano and Ultimo Guerrero from having any physical contact in matches, to the point where they don’t even tag each other. The situation between those two wrestlers is kept so quiet – the Mexican press averts their eyes as pretends it isn’t happening – that I bet Barba put together these matches without knowing there was an issue. Still, it’s hard to believe someone in CMLL didn’t see that card before it went out. File that with the CMLL Showcenter event as something which seems likely to change before it happens.


AAA is taping Saturday night in Saltillo. This is the currently advertised lineup.

AAA TV (SAT) 03/09/2024 Lienzo Charro Prof. Enrique Gonzalez, Saltillo, Coahuila [Saltillo Al Raz De Lona]
(a local match)
2) Drago, Epydemius Jr., Estrellato vs Hijo del Picudo, May Flowers, Nygma
3) Dulce Kanela, Jessy Queen, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Flammer, La Hiedra, Maravilla
4) Toscano & Zorro vs Antifaz & Hator
5) Aerostar, Myzteziz, Negro Casas vs Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz, Dark Scoria
6) Pagano & Psycho Clown vs Forastero & Sansón [AAA TAG]
4th defense (2nd on TV)
7) Hijo Del Vikingo, Octagón Jr., Vampiro Canadiense vs Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Panic Clown

Vikingo isn’t wrestling. This will be the first taping since Vikingo’s injury, so there is at least the opportunity for AAA to (finally) give an update on Vikingo’s recovery and the status of the AAA Mega Championship. The WON reported last week that Vikingo’s expected out at least five months, which means he’ll probably miss all three TripleManias. It would be too hard for AAA (and the more vocal fans) to go three TripleManias with no title matches; AAA’s going to vacate the title at some point if the timeline is correct. There are no good outcomes from there.

Pagano is promoting appearing shows next weekend, so I suspect he’ll try to make this show. It’s hard to figure out what will happen in that tag title match regardless. NGD are in that familiar AAA pocket of being protected in the booking but never being pushed into a meaningful drawing position – think La Empresa and Killer Kross. They seem likely to keep winning without going anywhere here, but it’s weird for Psycho Clown to be floating around with no direction. Maybe not given it’s AAA. The matches aren’t really worth thinking that much about.

This show appears to be airing March 30th and April 6th. This week’s AAA TV will be the second half of the January 20th Queretaro taping; I didn’t like the matches that are left to air.

TNA says Laredo Kid was scheduled to challenge Crazy Steve for the Impact Digital Championship on their PPV tonight but will not be on the show due to travel issues. (There had been no evident build towards that match that I knew of, the match hadn’t been announced before it was changed.) Joe Hendry replaces Laredo Kid on the show. I presume Laredo Kid will still be on the tapings on Saturday if it’s just a travel issue. Laredo might be more helpful replacing Vikingo in this Saltillo main event rather than working a Xplosion match though.

Abismo Negro Jr. wished his now former teammates well and hoped they’d team again down the road. AAA wrestlers have positively commented on Latigo, Arez and Toxin’s free agency notices; everyone is making it clear they’re happy for them and there’s no animosity.

Mike Santana officially announced his departure from AEW on Friday. Santana and then LAX partner Ortiz worked AAA shows in 2019, and Konnan of course managed Santana in Impact/TNA. Konnan still seems close; some of the info on the problems Santana and Ortiz were having came from Konnan’s podcast. I expect AAA to have interest in bringing in Santana now.


IWRG had an absurd four hour fourty minute show on Thursday night, ending close to 1 AM. They were doing the second round of their tryout deal, which means they had lots of matches and had judges breaking down the matches after. I think it was ten matches, including two non-tournament matches. Not sure, haven’t gone through the whole video again. IWRG didn’t post results for most of the shows. La Tijera did for a while but appear to have given up before the main event. Most of the results they do have were matches that ended around the ten minute time limit. Tack on another ten minutes of talking afterwards and you can understand why it went so long. It’s unclear why IWRG just didn’t break this round up into different shows.

Those who moved in IWRG’s tryout: Shamila, Fly Star, Sky Man, Galvanico, VatoPilas, Golden Power, Acustico, Sacro, Xolotl, Principe Tezka, Laberinto, Arceus, and Principe Centauro. That’s thirteen; the other spots will be decided by fan vote. The other results saw Japan’s Kagura beat Aguila Roja to set up a title match and Hell Boy betray Canis Lupus in their main event against Vangellys & Ivan Rokov. Maybe Hell Boy was just crank for having to wait that long to wrestle.

IWRG announced they’ve signed Vangellys to a contract. The majority of IWRG’s Facebook comments are people making fun of IWRG signing Vangellys to a contract.

AAA , ROSALES (FRI) 03/29/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Cobre, Dragón Suicida, Golden Jacket vs Belzebu, Calibre Star, Kingoo
2) Daimo, Galio, Máscara de Bronce vs Belcegor, Rey Halcón, Rey León
3) Dizzy & Karis La Momia Jr. vs El Fiscal & Joe Lider
4) ?, Faby Apache, La Parkita, Niño Hamburguesa vs El Elegido, Estrellita, Mini Charly Manson, Pimpinela Escarlata
5) Myzteziz, Octagón Jr., Vampiro vs Cibernético, Dark Cuervo, Dark Scoria

AAA/Rosales shows usually draw well in Naucalpan but they sure picked a hard night to have a wrestling show. I guess the good thing is all the tickets are already sold for the other event.

Other News

Damian 666 suffered a heart attack. Bestia 666, posting about his father on Instagram, said Damian is stable and recovering and the family will have more updates when they can. Damian 666, one of the most liked veterans in Mexican wrestling, has previously spoke about retiring from the ring this year and seemed to have a firm date in August.

Blue Demon Jr., who a couple of weeks had one “son” who was about to debut as a wrestler, now has two “sons” who are debuting soon.

Tonalli announced he signed with KAOZ. KAOZ has a show scheduled on March 24th, which would be their first in eight months. It’s been that long as they’ve repeatedly canceled previous shows. It’s absurd to sign a contract with a promotion that runs no shows (and, even in the best of times, is never going to run 12 shows a year) so either Tonalli is making some silly decisions or KAOZ is throwing around some silly money.

A news columnist promotes a Vampiro Index as a candidate evaluation measure. The big idea here is that anyone running for office should be at least as well known as Vampiro and at least do as much charity work as Vampiro. Many politicians perform well against a Vampiro Index, but the criteria would be more about fictional tales.

House of Glory is advertising Rey Fenix as wrestling on their Cinco de Mayo show. The WON frames this as a “the current plan”, but it comes off as if they’re just guessing this poster is correct like anything else. I haven’t heard a firm return window for him as of yet.

Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama passed away on March 1st, and the death was announced early Friday in Japan. Dragon Ball is and remains hugely popular in Mexico and the rest of Latin America; it’d be a long list of people who wore Saiyan inspired gear. There might be some costume tributes this weekend.

Baby Love was interviews for International Women’s Day.

Rey Destoller, Vampiro/Penta, CMLL title matches


CMLL (MON) 03/04/2024 Arena Puebla [Grada, Porra Fresa]
1) Astro, Black Tiger, Millenium b Dreyko, Espíritu Maligno, Sombra Diabólika
2) Diablita Roja & Lady Amazona b Astoreth & Lady Metal Facebook video (posted by )
3) Arkalis, Meyer, Pegasso b El Perverso, Multy, Prayer Facebook video (posted by )
4) Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr. b Ángel de Oro, El Hijo de Stuka Jr., Niebla Roja Facebook video (posted by )
5) Místico, Stigma, Tiger Mask b Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero Facebook video (posted by )

Another big turnout this week, this time in Arena Puebla. Again, there’s no obvious reason beyond CMLL convincing people it was a big deal to see Tiger Mask.

CMLL (TUE) 03/05/2024 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Mercurio, Pequeño Violencia, Pierrothito b Fantasy, Galaxy, Shockercito
2) Astral, Capitán Suicida, Diamond b Dr. Karonte I, Grako, Inquisidor
3) El Coyote & Pólvora b Fuego & Hombre Bala Jr.
16:13. Hombre Bala was shaken up after hitting his knee on the middle rope on a corner dive and coming up very short.
4) Brillante Jr., Futuro, Neón b Crixus, Hijo del Villano III, Raider
5) Hechicero, Magnus, Zandokan Jr. b Flip Gordon, Star Jr., Titán
14:01. Zandokan unmasked and pinned Star Jr., setting up a singles match between them next week.
6) Místico & Volador Jr. b Ángel de Oro & Soberano Jr.
Angel de Oro beat Mistico, then challenged for the MLW Middleweight Championship

A good show on paper, a not good show in execution. Low effort in some matches and bad nights by some people. Dr. Karonte I is always a strong contender for worst wrestler in CMLL and proved it on this show. Brillante Jr. was way off most of his match. Hombre Bala got hurt on a dive. The Tuesday matches also feel like they’re thrown together with not a lot of time, so sometimes things aren’t thought out – like the rudos being on different pages for their triple team move, or whatever was going on in the third fall of the main event. There are worst shows but you can take a pass on this one if you missed it.

CMLL setting up two singles match for one show is odd; it’s possible Mistico/Angel de Oro is a Friday build that just can’t take place on Friday this week.

CMLL (TUE) 03/05/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL, Mas Lucha]
1) Johnny Dinamo, Minotauro, Principe Drago b Quka, Sangre Azul, Último Ángel
2) Emperatriz, Lady Shadow, Miss Guerrera b Náutica, Sexy Sol, Valkiria
3) Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr. b Leo, Omar Brunetti, Vaquero Jr.
4) Lluvia b Dark Silueta
Lluvia replaced La Catalina
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Panterita del Ring b Felino, Rey Bucanero, Satánico
6) Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero b Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible
Guerreros asked for a trios title shot, which Los Barbaros accepted

CMLL’s Twitter had live results on this show, for the first time in years. I hope that doesn’t mean they’ve noticed there’s a live stream of CMLL matches outside their paywall.

La Catalina was double booked by CMLL and worked their spot show in Arena Aficion. Edgar was there as well. CMLL double booking their own dates helps explain why it’s tough for foreign promotions to work with them.

CMLL Informa today has

  • Mistico (all things Mistico)
  • Lluvia, La Jarochita, Andromeda, Skadi (title match)
  • Dark Silueta, La Catalina (title match)
  • Reyna Isis, Zeuxis (title match)
  • Magnus, Rugido (AEW)
  • Guerrero Maya Jr., Difunto (title match)
  • Star Jr. & Zandokan Jr. (title match)

Tiffany, in promoting Friday’s show, talks around the idea of retiring at the end of the year. She wants to get out healthy, so it’s more an idea of leaving rather than working through injuries at some point than a strict timeline. Zeuxis says she wants her match with Reina Isis to be the best match of her life.

It’s good to have goals. CMLL’s asking fans to wear pink or white to the show on Friday, though they haven’t pushed in strong on the streams as of yet. Purple is the color associated with International Women’s Day, and that’s the color CMLL is using in their publicity. I wonder if we’ll see purple ropes or canvas.

CMLL (MON) 03/11/2024 Arena Puebla
1) Black Tiger, Blue Shark, Hijo de Centella Roja vs King Jaguar, Rencor, Sombra Diabólika
2) Halcón Suriano Jr., Meyer, Xelhua vs El Malayo, Enfermero Jr., Rey Apocalipsis
3) Arkalis, Rey Samuray, Volcano vs El Coyote, Kráneo, Okumura
4) Akuma, Espanto Jr., Flip Gordon vs Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Titán
5) Máscara Dorada, Místico, Neón vs Averno, Brillante Jr., Euforia

This lineup makes it clearer which two Ola Negra members are getting a title shot. The main event is still doing Gran Alternativa follow up.

Okumura and Star Jr. will appear on the 03/29 MLW show. Okumura is in an eight man cage match, Star Jr. is still TBA. It’s not the most impressive names though getting the most impressive name is tough on the same day as Homenaje a Dos Leyendas.


Arez, Latigo and Toxin officially announced they had left AAA and were free agents on Tuesday night. That was what had been expected, but it was not official until then. They all posted the same message, almost down to the same wording, thanking Dorian Roldan, Jorge Flores, and Konnan. AAA themselves have said nothing about the situation, though Konnan posted a positive reply to Arez’s message.

last four recent AAA trios titles champions, in reverse

  • Abismo Negro Jr., Psicosis, Toxin
    • Toxin leaves company while champ
  • Cuatrero, Sanson, Forastero
    • Cuatrero is jailed, Mascara 2000 Jr. fills in for title loss
  • DMT Azul, Sam Adonis, Puma King
    • dropped suddenly because DMT Azul is quitting
  • various combinations of los Mercaniros
    • Texano quits while champion, five different people end up being champions during the reign

These titles haven’t had a normal title run in at least four years. And prior to that was the bit where Laredo Kid gave up the title while champion.

Pagano says he was diagnosed with a shoulder separation – his third in the last two weeks – and he will rest a few days before returning. That sounds like he’s making Saltillo. There’s probably enough wrong in the shoulder a few days of rest are going to fix and continuing to work on it is not the wisest idea, but it is Pagano.

Vampiro’s newest episode of his podcast is an interview with Pentagon Jr and the two ran an angle on it for a TripleMania match. Vampiro asked Penta to give him a rematch of their Lucha Underground match at TripleMania Mexico City, as Vampiro’s retirement match. Penta said it was fine with him, as long as Dorian Roldan signed off on it. Vampiro’s latest return to AAA played off his podcast with Latin Lover, so they’re willing to use it to set something up and so this may have been pre-arranged to reach a wider audience. The Penta/Vampiro Lucha Underground match is memorable match from the season 1 finale of the series, though in large part due heavy work by editors. It did not go well live, and a rematch a decade later is likely to go worse. Still, it holds a special place for fans of that era, and it would get curious foreign fans to tune into TripleMania out of curiosity. Vampiro and Penta are big names and that would be enough to make it one of the bigger matches on the show for Mexican fans, even if Lucha Underground never connected the same way with them. There’s little chance that match will be good in any conventional sense and I’m not sure anyone believes Vampiro is actually going to stick to a retirement, but those parts hardly matter.

Penta talked about his life during that podcast, while Vampiro made stories up as usual. I’ve not had a chance to listen to it myself.

Rey Destroller

Monterrey’s Rey Destroller (22) suffered a life threatening brain injury Saturday night while wrestling on RIOT’s show. He is in grave condition with severe brain damage at last report. The family is holding out hope of a miraculous recover to prevent him from being declared brain dead, but that seems like it might happen in the next few days.

Destroller (also spelled Destroyer and pronounced that way) collapsed during a tag match teaming with his brother Black Spider Jr. against local regulars Los Un-Mexicans, Byron and Kaientai. The planned spot was Destroller ducking a clothesline, then both he and his opponent (Byron) kicking each other as a typical double knockdown. Destroller ducked the clothesline, but then just fell to the mat without being touched. Destroller kicks his foot in the air from the mat, which may have been his body spasming. It looks like nothing happened on the video.

Monterrey indie wrestling promotions are running a benefit show in Arena el Jaguar on March 22nd. RIOT is running a raffle with donated items to help pay medical expenses; tickets are 100 pesos each (about 6 USD) and can also be purchased by Paypal. There’s also a bank account Mexican fans can donate too;

Members of Rey Destroller’s family have gone on TV to say RIOT hasn’t taken care of Destroller properly, and blamed the injury on a bad fall from a headscissors earlier in the match. I reached out to RIOT to get more information, and they provided me with clips of Destroller’s collapse and the headscissors spot. In the latter, Destroller attempted to step from the top rope, to one opponent (Kaientai)’s shoulders, and to finally step off into a headscissors on to the opponent (Byron). That headscissors didn’t go correct at all and Destroller does fall hard to the mat – but he turns lands on his shoulder and back. It’s clearly visible that Destroller’s head never touches the mat. The video is not public – I don’t think RIOT plans on making it public for obvious reasons – and I can understand why Black Spider Jr. and the rest of his family thinking back to that spot in trying to figure out what could’ve happened to cause the injury. It’s clear in the video there’s no impact to Destroller’s head on that landing.

RIOT does not believe there’s any place else where Destoller could’ve suffered a head injury during the match. The Un-Mexicans matches on RIOT shows are intended to be unserious comedy matches, and this one had a lot of silliness as well; it’s not one where they’re hitting hard or taking big risks. RIOT says the medical personal on hand immediately realized Destroller’s injury was serious, put him on a stretcher, and took him to a hospital via the ambulance that was already on hand, as required by Monterrey’s lucha libre commission. There’s third party video circulating from Destroller being put on a stretcher to confirm that part. Members of Destroller’s family were critical of RIOT for not paying Black Spider Jr. and Rey Destroller’s wages for the match; RIOT’s explained their focus was getting Destroller in the ambulance and to the hospital as quick as possible and they could figure out getting them the wages later. RIOT says they plan on paying medical bills, they’re just trying to figure out if it makes more sense to pay the Destroller’s mother (who’ve they’ve been in frequent contact with) or the hospital directly.

In 2020, similar young luchador Principe Aereo collapsed during a match in Arena San Juan Pantitlan and passed away before he made it to the hospital. The original belief was Aereo had a heart attack, but further examination revealed he had ruptured artery in his head and suffered an aneurysm. That fatal injury was thought to be caused either by some unknown previous impact that took days to show itself, or was due to a defect that had always been lurking without anyone’s knowledge. That’s the best guess at what’s going on with Rey Destroller, but no one knows for sure at this point.


I made a questionable choice in judgement: I watched all seven episodes of IWRG’s tryout shows posted a week or so ago. Now, in my defense, I did it most of it while watching the matches a 1.5-2x speed and just skipped over any point where people were talking. I have some limits. Still, the one thing these IWRG tryout have going for it is they draw in people from all over. Most of the entries were from Mexico City or Mexico State, but it’s also a rare chance to see luchadors from Zacatacas or Cuernavaca or whatever other random lucha libre spot that doesn’t get much attention. There’s always a chance to discover someone remarkable. I don’t think it was that successful this time; I did see some promising wrestlers though no sure fire great ones.

the best of the bunch

  • Bebote Valdez (son of Monterrey’s Simbolo, already popping up Showcenter AAA TV tapings)
  • Xolotol
  • Aries Jr.
  • Principe Centauro

Other positive standouts

  • Drakula (not to be confused with Drakula NG)
  • Hijo del Sparta
  • Argus
  • Vato Pilas
  • Shamila
  • Infarto
  • Jitsu (same Jitsu as always, had a good night)

best five matches

  1.  Principe Centauro vs Hijo del Esparta (episode 5)
  2. Aries Jr. vs Drakula (episode 3)
  3. Fanastik Jr. vs Bebote Valdez (episode 2)
  4. Vato Pilas vs Shamila (episode 6)
  5. Infarto vs Loko Boy (episode 7)

Centaruo and Esparta work on the same shows all the time; more often as partners than opponents, but it sure seemed to help. Who people ended up work with was a huge factor in how they did; a lot of the matches I liked had a big guy/small guy dynamic that gave them something to work with (and they were smart enough to go with it.)

Worst Match

  • Chester Jr. vs Emperador Guerrero (episode 5)

The big gimmick this year’s tryout is that the judges were choosing teams, or choosing to stop watching the match and turnaround if they decided neither wrestler was worth picking. The ads played it up like that turn around bit could happen a lot, and matches may be stopped if all four judges gave up. In reality, the judges rarely gave up on matches, and this was the only one that ended up stopped. The wrestlers weren’t working together at all.

I have no idea how the rest of the tournament works (and I’m not sure it’s that important to me.) IWRG lists round of 16 matches on Thursday; I’m unclear how they cut down from 60 wrestlers among four teams to 16 wrestlers. That Thursday show will also have a Vanegllys & Ivan Rokov vs Hijo del Canis Lupus & Hell Boy tag match.

Big Lucha World

Big Lucha World (FRI) 03/08/2024 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal
1) Orbita vs Atómico [first blood]
2) Sussy Love vs Satania
3) El Potro de Oro vs Caballero de Plata [bull terrier]
4) Skayde vs Platino [submission]
5) Hijo del Pirata Morgan vs Ricky Marvin [knockout]
6) Emperador Azteca vs Ciclón Ramírez
Toreo Cuatro Caminos style
7) Flamita vs Jack Evans [lumberjack]

A few more singles matches for next week, and a whole bunch of stipulations. I’m disappointed by Jack/Flamita having lumberjacks, because that always means a comedy match in Mexico. Toreo de Cuatro Caminos had many styles of matches, but it’s been dumbed to meaning “brawl where we hit each other hard and bleed” in modern times. Sussy Love/Satania is the token women’s match because it’d look bad without one on International Women’s Day. It’ll also look bad for having one with Satania involved. Orbita/Atomico Jr. might actually be pretty good.

Other News

The viral Mexican wrestling video of the week involves Sadika. Sadika often does a bit where she “accidentally falls” onto a person in the front row and grinds her butt on an unsuspecting fan for a bit. She did that Saturday in Arena San Juan on a female fan and another (male) fan slapped her on the butt. Sadika angrily slapped the man in the face in response. Sadika, as one of the more in demand women on the indies for certain styles of shows, can pretty much do whatever she wants.

A “Tigre Blanco” will participate on this season of Survivor Mexico. There’s been many Tigre Blancos in Mexico; I believe this is one who’s been wrestling as a son of the original Mascara Sagrada. (“Tigre Blanco” was a nickname for that wrestler.) Survivor is not the cultural institution in Mexico as it is in the United States, but this is airing on over the air on Azteca Uno. That’s the network partnered with AAA; it’s unclear if AAA passed on participating or Azteca went a different direction.

There are very vague plans for a women’s wrestling reality show/contest, to be unveiled on Monday. Mascara 2000, Lady Apache and Tinieblas Jr. are said to be involved; some of those names have been part of similar ideas in the past that got a big roll out and then vaporized.

Tiger Mask in CMLL, Pagano out hurt?, Tonalli leaving IWRG


CMLL (FRI) 03/01/2024 Arena México [CMLLDiaro BastaExcelsiorKaiser SportsThe Gladiatores]
1) Fuego b Diamond [lightningCMLL - MATCH RELÁMPAGO / DIAMOND VS FUEGO / ARENA MÉXICO/01-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Fuego superó a Diamond en match relámpago (posted by mluchatv) Fuego derrota a Diamond en el minuto 8 del Match relámpago (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Fuego vs Diamond MATCH RELAMPAGO/ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2) Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio b Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa CMLL -APOCALIPSIS-CHOLO-DISTURBIO VS ESPÍRITU NEGRO-REY COMETA-DULCE GARDENIA/ARENA MÉXICO/01-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Dulce Gardenia lanza el reto de cabelleras a Disturbio y así acepta la lucha (posted by mluchatv) Los Indestructibles derrotan en dos al hilo a los Dulces Atrapasueños (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Los Indestructibles vs Los Dulces Atrapa Sueños ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
7:50. Straight falls, Disturbio used the ropes to beat Dulce. Hair match challenges followed again.
3) La Catalina, La Jarochita, Lluvia b Reyna Isis, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis CMLL - REYNA ISIS-ZEUXIS-STEPHANIE VAQUER VS LLUVIA - JAROCHITA- LA CATALINA/ARENA MÉXICO/01-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Catalina y Las Chicas Indomables vencen a Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis y Reyna Isis. (posted by mluchatv) La Catalina, Lluvia & Jarochita vs Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis & Reina Isis ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Triunfo de La Catalina con las Chicas Indomables que derrotan a R. Isis, Zeuxis y S. Vaquer (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
11:48. Catalina submitted Vaquer in their first meeting with Catalina as a tecnica.
4) Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible © b Averno, Euforia, Mephisto [CMLL TRIOSBárbaros vs Infernales CAMPEONATO MUNDIAL DE TRIOS CMLL/ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL - EUFORIA - MEPHISTO - AVERNO VS DRAGON ROJO JR.-TERRIBLE-B. CAVERNARIO /ARENA MÉXICO/01-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | ¡Los Bárbaros retienen el Campeonato Mundial de Tríos del CMLL ante Los Infernales! (posted by mluchatv) Terrible, Bárbaro Cavernario y Dragón Rojo Jr derrotan a los Infernales, Averno, Mephisto y Euforia (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
14:43. 2nd defense. Cavernario submited Averno. Cavernario said he’d keep his singles title, then go after Averno’s hair.
5) Tiger Mask DQ Último Guerrero CMLL - MANO A MANO / TIGER MASK VS ÚLTIMO GUERRERO / ARENA MÉXICO/01-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Tiger Mask gana por descalificación a Último Guerrero en mano a mano (posted by mluchatv) Tiger Mask IV con Lyger vs Último Guerrero con Gran Guerrero ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
8:24. Liger and Gran Guerrero were seconds and both interfered in sight of Edgar. Ultimo Guerrero got a pin off a foul, but Edgar then called the DQ and gave the win to Tiger Mask.
6) Atlantis Jr., Máscara Dorada, Místico b Gran Guerrero, Soberano Jr., Templario CMLL | Místico, Atlantis Jr. y Máscara Dorada derrotan a Templario, Soberano Jr. y Gran Guerrero (posted by mluchatv) CMLL-GRAN GUERRERO-SOBERANO JR.-TEMPLARIO VS MÁSCARA DORADA-ATLANTIS JR.-MÍSTICO/A. MÉXICO/01-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Místico y la mística con Atlantis Jr y M. Dorada derrotan a Templario, G. Guerrero y Soberano Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)

The main event was what you’d hope for with those guys in a main event position on a random show. The rest of the show wasn’t really much. The trios match was alright at best but didn’t really click. The other trios matches were forgettable. Tiger Mask somehow looked better against Magnus in Japan than he has in any of his Mexico matches, and they did a lot of non-CMLL things in that just to get through it (and to pay of including Liger.)

Treating Tiger Mask as a towering legend did seem to pay off at the ticket booth. This had a bigger than usual turnout, well over 10K, and Tiger Mask is really the only special thing on this show.

Cholo may have fractured his nose in the match; he’ll get evaluated for surgery. This is a weird sentence to type: “Cholo is an important person in CMLL at the moment and it would be a problem if he were out for a significant amount of time.” They need the full Indestructibles for whatever’s going on with this trios feud but the destination probably isn’t for a month at least.

CMLL (SAT) 03/02/2024 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Grako b Retro [lightning]
2) Amapola & Tiffany DQ La Guerrera & La Maligna
Excessive violence towards Maligna (who was on her feet to get her arm raised, so not sure how much excessive violence there was)
3) El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora b Astral, Futuro, Robin
4) Difunto, Raider, Vegas b Arkalis, Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma
Difunto beat Maya, challenged for a MEX MIDDLE shot
5) Brillante Jr., Neón, Valiente b Felino, Rey Bucanero, Sagrado
6) Flip Gordon, Místico, Tiger Mask b Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr.

The title match seemed to change from Raider to Difunto, but both sound interesting. Coliseo drew big, which again seems due to Tiger Mask (and CMLL’s marketing of him) if there’s a reason at all.

CMLL (SUN) 03/03/2024 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Fantasy & Pequeño Olímpico b Acero & Aéreo
Fantasy replaced Mercurio
2) Felino Jr. b Valiente Jr. [lightning]
3) Dark Panther, El Hijo De Blue Panther, Volcano b Crixus, Kráneo, Misterioso Jr.
4) Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus b Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
Cancerberos won – clean! Still, challenges followed.
5) Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black b Felino, Gemelo Diablo II, Hechicero
6) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Tiger Mask DQ Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Templario
Gran Guerrero unmasked Tiger Mask for the DQ.

Tiger Mask finishes up on Monday in Puebla.

Magnus’ participation on the AEW PPV was more or less you’d expect: he got in his three best spots, he got in one really notable teamwork spot (stereo Lionsaults with Chris Jericho), he sold a lot and he didn’t figure in the finish. He did fine for what the role was. Someone like Mascara Dorada might have stood out more, but it would’ve been tough to make a big impression in that match because there was so much stuff in that match.

CMLL came up briefly in the post match press conference. Tony Khan was asked if the CMLL/AEW talent sharing would eventually include female talent, and specifically Stephanie Vaquer. Khan said CMLL women would be included, and said he’d specifically asked “Salvador” about bringing her in. (It’s unusual, at least to Mexican wrestling ears, to hear any Lutteroth referred to on a first name basis.) Khan also said AEW was “very happy” with the CMLL relationship.

CMLL (TUE) 03/05/2024 Arena México
1) Fantasy, Galaxy, Shockercito vs Mercurio, Pequeño Violencia, Pierrothito
2) Astral, Capitán Suicida, Diamond vs Dr. Karonte I, Grako, Inquisidor
3) Fuego & Hombre Bala Jr. vs El Coyote & Pólvora
4) Brillante Jr., Futuro, Neón vs Crixus, Hijo del Villano III, Raider
5) Flip Gordon, Star Jr., Titán vs Hechicero, Magnus, Zandokan Jr.
6) Místico & Volador Jr. vs Ángel de Oro & Soberano Jr.

A little bit more loaded Tuesday show, since none of the men are booked for Friday. Magnus is the semi-main sticks out, though there’s no other rudo CMLL would normally put ahead of him. Maybe he and Villano might switch spots, but it’s not a sure thing.

CMLL , DELKING (SUN) 05/12/2024 Showcenter Complex, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo Leon
1) Black Spider Jr. vs Gemelo TapiaHijo Del Astro
2) Granada vs Alberto Rios
3) King Rex & Prometeo vs Charro Blanco & Charro Negro
4) Esfinge & Star Black vs Gemelo Diablo I & Gemelo Diablo II
5) Stephanie Vaquer & Zeuxis vs La Catalina & Lluvia
6) Atlantis Jr., Místico, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Euforia, Mephisto

This is a weird one. Local promoters do bring wrestlers to Monterrey from time to time, but running AAA’s TV venue is something else. AAA’s blocked others who’ve tried to run this building since started taping here. I’m amazed this one got approved and I figure it’ll be quietly canceled or moved. Someone was at least aware of the conflict to use Lucha Time guys but not the ones who’ve already worked AAA tapings. This build is an important relationship for AAA, it’s going to be about a 1/6th of their TV tapings this year as sold shows.

Mistico, Hechicero, Stephanie Vaquer, Atlantis Jr. and Atlantis are announced for RevPro’s FantasticaMania UK. US visa problems aren’t UK visa problems. RevPro is also better at knowing who are the good people to bring in from CMLL and bring them in. Except Atlantis. I would not be bringing Atlantis overseas to wrestle two matches in one day.


Not a lot extra on TV that wasn’t evident from the handhelds. Dinamico is back to doing generic promos (he pitched a feud against Drago since they were wrestling that night.) There was a generic Psycho Circus promo too. The matches that aired were the two good undercard ones and the main event, so the show happened to close with Arez, Latigo and Toxin getting laid out by Alberto and Vampiro.

There’s no official word on those three wrestlers yet. They did appear as scheduled in RIOT, and Arez took the mic to say this would be the last time the fans hear them used the catchphrase “the Vipers have arrived.”

Toxin was listed on an AAA spot show in Puebla on Sunday, teaming with Abismo and Psicosis to defend the trios titles. Argenis ended up replacing Toxin, though the trios titles weren’t on the line (and the match had no finish.) Show was said to draw well.

Pagano posted a video of himself in the hospital, and another one of him in left shoulder sling. Pagano seemed to suffer a shoulder injury during his match with Aereo on the 18th, but it’s tough to tell how serious things are with Pagano always and he’s wrestled since. He cites that match as the cause for the injury and it sounds like he’s just tried to wrestle through it until he could no longer. He was scheduled to wrestle in Delicias, Chihuahua last night, so maybe it gave out then. Pagano says the doctors have told him to stop, and I didn’t catch him giving a specific length of how long he’ll be out. Pagano is currently scheduled to challenge NGD for the tag team titles with Psycho Clown on Saturday night’s AAA TV taping. The main event still has Vikingo advertised in it.


Big Lucha World (FRI) 03/01/2024 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal
1) Mania Cop & Piraña b Golden Dragón & Helios Big Lucha VS INJUVE: La Revancha | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
2) Cometa Maya & Morfosis b Skayler & Visionario and Mr. Win & Tirano Big Lucha VS INJUVE: La Revancha | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
3) Atómico Jr., Auzter, Black Skayde, Brujo b Elipse, Iku, Orbita, Vengador Big Lucha VS INJUVE: La Revancha | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
13:46. Atomico Jr., Auzter and Black Skayde are an unnamed unit (they weren’t great friends with Brujo.) Dito was not with Lokos Evans. Challenges followed. Atomico Jr. and Elipse had issues after the match, with Atomico ripping off Elipse’s mask.
4) Big Tao Tao & Skayde b Emperador Azteca & Platino Big Lucha VS INJUVE: La Revancha | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
5) El Potro de Oro, Flamita, Jack Evans b Caballero de Plata, Ciclón Ramírez Jr., Hijo del Pirata Morgan Big Lucha VS INJUVE: La Revancha | Big Lucha World EP. 10 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
15:45. Jack and Flamita had issues. Ricky Marvin broke up a Pirata pin on Flamita, Flamita beat Pirata moments later. Flamita set up singles match with himself and Jack, and Pirata and Marvin for the title. Big Lucha announced it’d be an all singles match show next Friday, also with Platino/Skayde, Potro/Caballero and Emperador Azteca/Ciclon.

The matches were all generally good but also all feeling the same-ish. Even Tao Tao dropped a lot of his power stuff to do lesser flyer stuff. All singles matches is a different gimmick.


An odd night for lucha libre result reporting on Sunday. Mas Lucha took the night off. All the other sites I usually check for Naucalpan didn’t do much Sunday either. I though IWRG didn’t post results either – nothing on Twitter or Facebook – but I stumbled across them on Instagram. Still, those are only partial and there’s always changes on shows like this – Puma de Oro won the FILL cibernetico and he wasn’t in the lineup. The IWRG stream itself jumped around a bit in the first couple of matches. I have very bare bones stuff here but I’m certain there’s errors.

(That Lady’s Ring Lucha Fiesta show from a couple of weeks ago is a pretty low tier show for a Japanese show and even it had easy to find listings of who wrestled, who won each match, and how. It’s a cultural thing, Japanese promotions do that because Japanese promotions are expected to it, but it’s worth reflecting how the smallest of Japanese groups come of as more professional in that way than any Mexican promotion.)

The big news from the show was Tonalli announcing he was leaving IWRG. He retained the RGR Middleweight title over Cerbero Negro, then said his IWRG contract had ended and he was leaving on good terms. IWRG said Tonalli was going independent, Tonalli’s speech seemed like he was going somewhere full time. (If he’s looking for most professionalism, he definitely isn’t going independent.) Maybe he shows back up in CMLL, I’m not 100% certain.

Other News

Violent People has a round up of matches they liked from the lucha indies in February.

El Hijo del Santo’s first match in Xalapa in ten years look to have sold out Arena Xalapa. This is billed as part of a retirement tour, but there’s not even a tease of when or where it might finish up; it feels more acknowledging the reality that he’s almost done.

Shows this weekend had a wrestler named “Extreme Liger”, which seemed notable the same weekend actual Liger was coming to Mexico. It looks like little connection; the Extreme Liger gear isn’t anything like the Japanese guy. The name is obviously inspired but otherwise it appears unrealed. Might just be an Extreme Tiger protégé, since they teamed all weekend.

A profile of Sonora luchador Arcangel de la Luz. He says he started training wrestling at 15 years old to impress a girlfriend.

A profile of Mexico City luchador Centellita Azul.

Arez, Latigo and Toxin quit AAA, Vikingo surgery, CMLL/AEW


CMLL (FRI) 03/01/2024 Arena México
1) Diamond vs Fuego [lightning]
2) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa vs Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio
3) La Catalina, La Jarochita, Lluvia vs Reyna Isis, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis
4) Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible © vs Averno, Euforia, Mephisto [CMLL TRIOS]
2nd defense
5) Tiger Mask vs Último Guerrero
Liger and Gran Guerrero will be seconds.
6) Atlantis Jr., Máscara Dorada, Místico vs Gran Guerrero, Soberano Jr., Templario

Tiger Mask and Liger are the big draws here. I’m not sure what Tiger Mask has left for a big singles match in Arena Mexico; his match with Magnus was fine but kept at strictly ten minutes. His match on Tuesday was not fine. Ultimo Guerrero will work hard to make it something. Quality may not matter, it is an old wrestler and Mexican fans do (sometimes) show up just to say they saw an old wrestler. Tiger Mask is just a guy in NJPW now. CMLL treats him like an all time legend, something easier to do when he appears rarely, and that’ll make him mean a little more in this matchh.

The main event should be good. The trios title match is a wild card; I’d be surprised if Los Barbaros lost the trios title so quickly, but I can’t rule it out. Match 3 is the return of the regular women’s match, now with Catalina as the partner of the week for Lluvia & Jarochita. Match two will end with some controversy to keep that feud going. Diamond and Fuego is a odd fit for an opening match; it’ll be sad if Fuego loses.

CMLL (SAT) 03/02/2024 Arena México
1) Retro vs Grako [lightning]
2) La Guerrera & La Maligna vs Amapola & Tiffany
3) Astral, Futuro, Robin vs El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora
4) Arkalis, Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma vs Difunto, Raider, Vegas
5) Brillante Jr., Neón, Valiente vs Felino, Rey Bucanero, Sagrado
6) Flip Gordon, Místico, Tiger Mask vs Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr.

Magnus and Rugido get to team with their leader – except Magnus may miss this to make it to another booking.

CMLL (SUN) 03/03/2024 Arena México
1) Acero & Aéreo vs Mercurio & Pequeño Olímpico
2) Valiente Jr. vs Felino Jr. [lightning]
3) Dark Panther, El Hijo De Blue Panther, Volcano vs Crixus, Kráneo, Misterioso Jr.
4) Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
5) Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black vs Felino, Gemelo Diablo II, Hechicero
6) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Tiger Mask vs Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Templario

That is one old experienced tecnico side in the main event.

CMLL (TUE) 03/05/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Johnny Dinamo, Minotauro, Principe Drago vs Quka, Sangre Azul, Último Ángel
2) Emperatriz, Lady Shadow, Miss Guerrera vs Náutica, Sexy Sol, Valkiria
3) Leo, Omar Brunetti, Vaquero Jr. vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
4) La Catalina vs Dark Silueta
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Panterita del Ring vs Felino, Rey Bucanero, Satánico
6) Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible

I questioned where Gran Guerero had gone and now he’s everywhere. Semimain is the oldest match of the week. Match 4 is a preview of the impending title match.

Taking a step back, the CMLL Friday schedule highlights for March is now

  • 03/01: tonight’s show, with Tiger Mask
  • 03/08: all women’s show
  • 03/15: incredible pairs tournament, block A
  • 03/22: incredible pairs tournament, block b
  • 03/29: Homenaje a Dos Leyendas

I totally missed this on Tuesday: Skadi and Hera started throwing some real shots during their match on Tuesday. Skadi and Hera seemed to have issues earlier in the match and it broke down in the third fall. Olimpico pretty much just lets them go at them, which is great for the video but not great for his skills as a referee. This barely got noticed, which is a sign about how many people are watching these Tuesday shows.

CMLL hosted a ceremony for La Antorcha de La Luza Por La Paz Y Beinestar (Torch of Ligth for Peace and Wellbeing), which will travel through Mexico. This is a Daniel Aceves idea.

CMLL not in CMLL

Chris Jericho defeated Atlantis Jr. on AEW Dynamite. I thought the match was OK at best. Atlantis Jr. didn’t shine as much as he has in other matches, but Jericho also really looked his age. It was the monkey flips early that stood out. We’ve seen that move a million times in Arena Mexico, and it’s clear it looks as good as the person taking is willing/capable of doing it. They looked terrible. There were other moments where either Jericho looked physically slow or they were a step off from each other. It was also strangely done: Jericho did a promo building up the match and his respect for Atlantis Sr., then he’s untying Atlantis Jr’s mask during the match and Atlantis is choking him with a towel. I’m sure the idea was to Jericho testing him by going after Atlantis hard, but it didn’t work together. The match was not a disaster but I hope people interested in Atlantis Jr. find other matches to watch.

The finish too was not great. I think AEW is conscious they’re beating the CMLL guys too much to make their inclusion meaningful, and so they tried to get around it here by having Atlantis throw in the towel instead of his son actually submitting. Finishes that rarely happen always come off as contrived when they do, whether it be a timelimit draw or a towel being thrown in what that’s never a teased finished on shows; I didn’t like it for aesethic reasons. The idea actually backfired among Mexican fans who didn’t see the match and only heard about it; they imagined that Jericho was destroying Atlantis Jr. so bad that his father had to save him in a boxing sense. It sure looked like Atlantis Jr. was taping out anyway.

Not at all CMLL wrestlers are losing. This is a spoiler so maybe scroll down a bit if you don’t want to find out AEW stuff. The Magnus versus Matt Sydal match is now for a spot in AEW Revolution All Star Scramble. A promo on Collision additionally makes it clear that the winner of that scramble will earn a shot at the AEW World Championship. Magnus beats Matt Sydal, so Magnus is a) going to wrestle on an AEW PPV and b) going to be in a match for a shot for AEW’s top championship. Magnus had improved a lot in 2023, really found his niche on the CMLL roster after so many years, and is great example of why the promotion felt better in the last year. At the same time, if you told me a year ago that, Magnus was going to be wrestling in a #1 contenders match on an AEW PPV, I would’ve thought you were insane. If you told me that three weeks ago, I would’ve still thought you were insane. I am telling you it’s happening right now and I’m questioning my own sanity. He’ll do well, it’s a scramble, that’s great for doing a couple of spots and not just working with an unfamiliar person for twelve minutes. He’ll remember this for the rest of his life, and he’ll be an incredible trivia answer. It doesn’t make “Magnus is two wins away from being AEW champion” any less incredibly weird.

Question answered: I wondered why Stephanie Vaquer wasn’t on the CMLL all women’s show on March 8th, people on Twitter noted Stardom had a couple of shows around that weekend, and Vaquer indeed popped up on Stardom social media Thursday to challenge Guilia. Vaquer will wrestle in a trios match on March 9th in Yokohama, then fight Guilia for the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship on March 10th in Korakuen Hall.

Vaquer is the favorite to win. That match was originally expected to take place at NJPW’s April show in Chicago, Guilia’s now following former boss Rossy Ogawa out of the company and finishing up in STARDOM in March, so waiting until April is out. (This is all coming together late enough that CMLL may have thought they’d have Vaquer when they originally planned that 03/08 show.) It is gracious for Guilia to lose to Vaquer on the way out, if that is what is happening; it’s nothing something everyone would be willing to do. It would also mean Vaquer is beating one of STARDOM’s top stars at a time where they may be about to lose some or many of their top stars; it would be logical for STARDOM to ask CMLL for a few more dates on Vaquer to while everything gets sorted out.

(One thing I’ve noticed from machine translated Japanese fan reactions is confusion at why Vaquer’s CMLL title isn’t also on the line. It’s a good point, and the best case for Vaquer not actually winning the NJPW title in this match.)

Mistico defeated Rocky Romero for the MLW Middleweight Championship on their FITE/Triller+ show on Thursday. Match was said to be gogod.

WrestleCon announced Titan for their Mark Hitchcock Supershow. AEW really should look at bringing him in for this CMLL bit, he’s exactly what they’re looking for, but I think he’s still on a post-FantasticaMania break.

Another Thunder Rosa interview from her trip to Mexico got posted, this time by ESTO. She again brings up the match with Stephanie Vaquer. I don’t know if that’s an actual plan at this point but Thunder Rosa is a person who can get these things to happen by sheer force of will.

RevPro says they’ll have at least 15 CMLL wrestlers on their upcoming FantasticaMania shows. (It’s two shows on one day.) The first name will be announced today.


The Wrestling Observer Newsletter says Arez, Latigo and Toxin have quit AAA, in a newsbit that includes comments from Konnan.

I had previously heard Arez, Latigo and Toxin informed AAA of their intention to quit, but were scheduled to have a meeting with AAA early next week to formally leave the promotion. That means AAA will have at least one more chance to convince the trio to stick around, and there’s a slight chance this could be reversed. These wrestlers had been letting friends know for months that they were very unhappy in AAA. They had said multiple times they were leaving the company only to be convinced to stick it out a little longer. I’ve heard about this story, but I had no plans to talk about it until it was officially official for that reason, but here we are. My understanding is these wrestlers are planning to stay independent in Mexico; this is not a jump to CMLL. Their work visas are not tied to AAA, and they are expected to continue working in the US and elsewhere.

When Toxin, Arez, and Latigo told AAA they were leaving now, a source says AAA asked them to wait until after that meeting so they could put out a joint official public statement, framing it as parting on good terms. The wrestlers abided by that deal. Konnan, an AAA official, gave a statement about it to the WON. His belief is the wrestlers quit because “they had hoped Konnan could get them booked on US TV”, but AAA is now only working with TNA and TNA had no interest. Konnan says there was a plan to have them feud with Cibernetico and La Secta at some point, but the AAA plan is to focus on the nostalgia characters as long as they continue to draw. Konnan also cites the difference in the wages – AAA can’t afford to pay wrestlers what they can make in the US. (Or at least I think that’s what is meant; the end of the paragraph appears missing.)

It’s great Konnan’s being cited by name this time around. It’s less great the WON newsbit seems to overly rely on just his version of his events, and not enough product knowledge. Konnan speaks about Los Vipers eventually feuding with Cibernetico & La Secta, but that is a program that is happening on TV right now – it may be part of the episode airing tomorrow. The difference may be in what the word “feuding” means. There are two types of rudos in Konnan’s booking of AAA: the one type of rudos who humiliate tecnicos for months to build to a TripleMania match, where they may finally lose, and the other type of rudos who exist simply to get laid out by the top tecnicos. Los Vipers were clearly category two. Their final two TV appearances, assuming they do leave, are getting laid out by Konnan and Vampiro and getting laid out by Cibernetico and La Secta.

The issues go back a lot farther than this Retro/Origenes push. Let’s take the 2023 Arez run as an example:

  • does not participate in the Lucha World Cup
  • loses in first round of Rey de Reyes as the fourth most important person w/Vamprio, Sam Adonis and Puma King. That’s fine, not every match can be about everyone
  • teams as a tecnico with La Hiedra (a ruda) to beat the NWA’s Aron Stevens & Natalia Marakova in a match designed to get them over to a new audience, but doesn’t end up meaning anything. AAA airs a promo where Hiedra & Flammer mock Arez for getting kicked out Los Vipers and Arez says he’ll get revenge. He does not get revenge.
  • participates in the utterly useless Copa TripleMania in Monterrey
  • wins the vacant tag team titles with Komander, the first time they’ve teamed and with no build, seemingly only because Komander is AAA’s flavor of the month for getting an AEW deal. Arez and Komander are immediately destroyed and mocked by La Rebelion to built to a match. The match doesn’t happen.
  • Arez, Aerostar and Octagon Jr. defeats Parka Negra, Psicosis II, Villano III Jr. in a match of three apuesta feuds AAA has been building for a months if not year. Arez is supposed to wrestle Psicosis in a hair/mask match; a source says Arez was directly told that match was happening. It doesn’t happen. (Villano III Jr. quits the promotion after this match and goes onto greater success in CMLL.)
  • does not wrestle on the TripleMania Tijuana show, instead only doing a run-in with Komander to attack La Rebelion among many other run-ins. Again, the feud goes nowhere.
  • participates in the utterly useless Copa TripleMania (Bardahl) in Mexico City
  • loses the tag titles in his first defense (after half a year as champion) to Forastero & Sanson, as they are AAA’s new flavor of the month
  • loses again to Forastero & Sanson, this time with Frankie Kazarian as a one-time partner. (Impact cuts this match out of their airing of the show.) Arez is now doing an angle where he admits he was dumb for betraying the Vipers and wants to get back in, but most of the members vocally do not want him back
  • Arez is suddenly back in Los Vipers, the previous storyline about people not wanting him in dropped cold, and he’s now cannon fodder.

AAA had ideas for Arez in 2023. They just couldn’t stick to an idea for more than two tapings, and failed to deliver the payoffs for any of them. The Psicosis feud and the tag title feud were aborted with no attempt to make sense of them, and his return to the Vipers came off like the people in charge forgot where they were in between tapings. There are always other factors that the public are not not privy too, but this was atrocious creative work by AAA’s team. I think AAA realized it by the end, throwing Arez back in the Vipers as a way to make up for his terrible tecnico run. Even that didn’t work.

AAA has made the decision to only market themselves outside of Mexico on the three TripleManias a year and the occasional Lucha World Cup. Arez wrestled in two nothing matches and not all on the third one. Latigo and Toxin didn’t fair any better. There’s no US company who’s going to have interest in a wrestler when they’re booked as a non-entity in their home promotion, and that’s what AAA was doing even prior to the Retro crew coming in. These first couple of shows made it clear that the only people getting something out of AAA this year the top Retro guys, the normal top guys, and whoever happens to be the new flavor of the moment (Money Machine, Lucha x el Barrio right now.) No one else has much of a chance to get over, not to a Mexican audience or to a US one.

The people who have been trying to get people like Latigo, Toxin and Arez over are US indie groups like GCW. They’re positioned like valuable parts of the show, as some of the best wrestlers. It’s a smaller crowd than AAA shows, but it’s a more sound path if the end goal is US TV, and they wouldn’t be leaving AAA if GCW had not exist. Komander got to AEW through GCW, not because of he got hot in AAA. Instead, AAA’s gotten Laredo & Taurus into Impact/TNA, where their value in the US has been destroyed. (Laredo was beat in four minutes on TV last night, again.) AAA got Arez and Aramis into MLW, which was somehow even worse. They were also treated as non-entities, then MLW stopped booked them entirely, they were left them in legal contact limbo for months which kept them from taking US offers, and then found out they’d been released from MLW months earlier but AAA had kept it a secret from them. Aramis and Arez have left or are leaving AAA now, it obviously has a bit do with that MLW terrible experience, and I don’t understand how that can be left out of a a story about them leaving. AAA is not a help as getting their wrestlers booked in the US; AAA appears to be more of a determent at the moment. I’ve also been told that AAA wants to have a greater involvement in their wrestler’s outside bookings in 2024, something that would likely cost the wrestlers money with no obvious benefit.

AAA – and Konnan especially here – defends their the promotion’s style as something that’s meant to be appeal to Mexican fans; it doesn’t matter if other people don’t like it as long as it’s drawing. That’s well and good when it’s drawing, and it sure seems to be doing ok. It obviously must still not be doing that OK if there’s still a big pay gap between working AAA and working a random US indie. The pay isn’t the only thing; maybe the wrestlers would be happier if they had a lane on these shows to be showcased as star for an outside audience. AAA’s not interested in that; they’ve consolidated to a live event business who even mention what happened on their shows, much less try to use them to get wrestlers over to people outside of the building. Konnan himself has rightfully positioned himself as a savvy knower who can take great Mexican talent and get them onto the international stage – he did it with Rey Mysterio and Psicosis and that generation, he did it with Fenix and Penta, and he can and has use that history to get wrestlers to go with him to be the next people in that line. I think guys like Arez, Toxin and Latigo – and maybe Taurus, Aramis and Daga and others – believed he’d be able to help them the same way, and Konnan just hasn’t come through for them. AAA itself hasn’t come through for them. If any of the half dozen AAA plans for US expansion produced something viable and repeatable, then these guys might be happy getting US dollars for doing what they’ve been doing. CMLL, not known for their relationship abilities, has figured out healthy partnerships with promotions all over the world to give their wrestlers more opportunities and more money. AAA hasn’t been able to make those connections or has broken them. AAA gave these guys work, helped them get through a pandemic, gave them a platform to improve as wrestlers, but AAA’s bigger issues meant they could only help these guys get so far.

Arez was one of the judges for the recent INJUVE Lucha x el Barrio. I don’t believe he had decided for sure he was leaving when he was doing that, but I bet he had a thought in the back of his head that he was picking people to replace him. I know that’s what I was thinking. The INJUVE contest came around at the perfect time – a new hungry group of talent to replace those who had left or wear leaving, people who would ask for less money and weren’t yet disillusioned by years of unfulfilled promises. It’s no surprise Dorian Roldan was eager to do many more of those: AAA’s ideal talent situation is a few top stars that can draw the houses, and a lot of fresh talent filled with their own US dreams and willing to accept whatever AAA’s giving them until they get there. Being cast as the fourth Bengala is a lot easier sell to someone just thrilled to be working for a historic wrestling promotion than someone who knows their worth. Some of the wrestlers will be good, maybe one or two will develop into a great star. AAA will continue to ask them to just to be patient, their big moment is coming. They’ll wait, wait, and wait while whomever AAA gets attached to in that moment leaps ahead of them. And finally, some of them will feel like they have better chances elsewhere, get tired of waiting, and decide to depart. It’s a cycle that’s gone on with AAA since the mid-90s and shows no sign of ending. My reaction to hearing Arez, Latigo and Toxin were going to quit was not surprise, but wondering why it took so long. It makes sense for them, and it is the way of AAA.

In the last few months, AAA’s lost Aramis, Taurus, Arez, Toxin and Latigo. Vikingo is out with an injury. It’s been months a couple Komander’s been there, and AEW has dropped all mention of his AAA Cruiserweight title. You can go back farther and include people like Rey Escorpion, Andromeda and Villano III Jr. I’m certain there are other unhappy people as well. There’s no sign of any changes on AAA’s side.

Toxin is currently AAA trios champion with Abismo Negro Jr. and Psicosis. My guess is they’ll just put someone else in the spot and continue on, but who knows. It hardly matters. AAA should give the titles to La Secta; AAA fans would be thrilled (and I mean that seriously and postively.)

Toxin, Latigo, Arez and Gringo Loco switched to using “Los D-sperados” in GCW a couple months ago, which I presumed was them easing away from the Los Vipers name in case they did decide to lose. If that’s the case, they may have not told Gringo Loco about their move.

The same section confirmed Juventud Guerrera was telling the truth about AAA contacting him about coming in for Copa TripleMania in Monterrey. Guerrera (very predictably) spent a long YouTube video explaining he would not be doing that and taking shots at AAA for asking. Konnan says they’ll not be bringing in the guy who didn’t want to come in.

AAA TV this week should have matches from the 01/20 Queretaro taping. (It appears either AAA or Space have stopped putting titles on these episodes, which was the only way to be sure what would air, so I’m just taking a guess.) I watched this on January 21 and barely have memory of it. The Extasis/Radioactivo versus Money Machine match was the best of the stuff taped for TV, but there’s no knowing which stuff will air when as ever. I hope the Origenes stuff draws well and last a long time, because I don’t know what AAA is going to look like when that stuff runs it’s course.

Hijo del Vikingo underwent surgery on Thursday for the right knee injury he suffered back on the 17th. The diagnosis is a torn meniscus and a rupture ligament. AAA acknowledged the injury for the first time in mentioning the surgery was successful. AAA says word on the recovery time and the status of the Megachampionship will be announced in the future. I presume we’ll hear both whenever that next TripleMania Monterrey press conference happens. If I had to guess, Vikingo is going to be out many months and AAA is going to put the title up in whatever match Alberto is wrestling in Monterrey, but we’ll know for sure soon enough.

Oceania Pro Wrestling (Ballarat, Australia) will bring in Lady Flammer for an AAA Reina de Reinas title defense on April 12th. This is a random booking, but it’s actually part of a Starrcast convention taking place in Australia that weekend.

Unfixable problem

There is an obvious opportunity in the indie Mexican wrestling ecosystem for a promotion that

  • will use people CMLL won’t use (ex-AAA people, or those who left CMLL on bad terms
  • is either Mexico City-area based or otherwise has high international visibility (via a Mas Lucha or similar service)
  • will put on good matches that aren’t strictly weapons/crowd brawls that other groups
  • will put some investment into building up wrestlers and feuds into something big
  • can actually afford to pay these people something close to what they’re worth.

There’s just a lot of freelance talent now in Mexico and not a lot of places for them to go have good matches. There’s options like RIOT or Lucha Memes, who seem like they want to put on good matches but don’t have the visibility or the financial structure to support it. There’s alternatives like IWRG who have some of the structure but clearly want to do believe weird foreign monsters are the way to go (or can’t stick to an idea for more than three weeks.) There’s a million different acronyms that will run some combination of the Pigs, the Parks, the Negociantes and whomever else, but are booking one show without a thought in the world of the next and aren’t getting anyone more over. There’s someone like Big Lucha, who meet some of these criteria but have other priorities and aren’t on great terms with some of the people it’d make sense to use.


IWRG , LLB (THU) 02/29/2024 Arena Naucalpan [Estrellas del Ring, IWRG]
1) Juan Ma Sanchez, Mr. Koi, Mr. Michael, Vitter b Argus, Demencia, Oro Blanco, Sparta
winning unit is a group of garbage men who went viral a few years ago for doing wrestling spots as part of their job (and have since gotten some more training.)
2) Cometa & Príncipe Centauro b Hijo De Sparta & Steve Manson and Argus & Gaius and Águila De Bronce & Cósmico
3) Águila Oriental, Noisy Boy, Spider Fly b Fandango, Sol, X-Devil Jr.
4) Hell Boy b Puma de OroTonalliCarta BravaHijo de Canis Lupus
5) Rhino Ciborg, Rhino Extreme, Rhino Killer DQ Carnicero, Granjero, Lendaor
the fourth Sindicato del Terror interferred for theh DQ.
6) Desalmado Ibarra, Hijo de LA Park, LA Park b Pig Destroyer, Pig Destructor, Pig Pool LA Park, Hijo de LA Park y Desalmado Ibarra Vs La Puerquiza Extrema con Lucha BOOM-IWRG (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)

I didn’t watch this show, but a weird thing happened. Mas Lucha streamed a “live” show Thursday night with LA Park – except the Mas Lucha “Live” show wasn’t really live, it was the 02/17 The Wolf King show.  Mas Lucha clearly put “En Vivo” in the title and streamed (not uploaded) the show to give the impression it was happening right now. IWRG had an actual live show with LA Park, just only on their channel and not also on Mas Lucha’s channel. Mas Lucha appeared to act in a way to confuse viewers into watching them instead of IWRG, but also they work with IWRG and are putting up IWRG’s content on their channel on a delay. I’m sure there’s a great story to this, but I don’t know it.

IWRG (SUN) 03/03/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Cosmic, Rossel, Último Caballero vs Carnicero, Fauno, Milagro
2) Balak, Cheff Benito, Jitsu vs Güero Tijuana, Skanda, Sumed Black
3) Adrenalina, Águila Oriental, Auzzter, Fireman, Fussion, Hijo De Sparta, Rey Aztaroth, Thunder Storm vs Amara Haku, Garritas, Giako, Gigante Karoshi, Huracán Negro, Isa Rob Dan, Kanelo Jack, Payaxucho [Copa FILL]
4) Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Canis Lupus, Hijo de Pandemónium, Pandemónium Jr. vs Ivan Rokov, Rey Halcón, Vangellys, Wesley Pipes
5) Tonalli © vs Cerebro Negro [RGR MIDDLE]
2nd defense

This is half normal show, and half FILL format with the youngters. Though it’s not like IWRG is filled with experienced vets at this point. It is filled with weird foreigners, though Pipes and Rokov are not listed as “special invitees” this week.

Big Lucha

Big Lucha World (FRI) 03/01/2024 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal
1) Golden Dragón & Helios vs Piraña & Shere Khan
2) Cometa Maya & Morfosis vs Sol & X-Devil and Mr. Win & Tirano
3) Elipse, Iku, Orbita, Vengador vs Atómico Jr., Auzter, Black Skayde, Brujo
4) Emperador Azteca & Platino vs Big Tao Tao & Skayde
5) El Potro de Oro, Flamita, Jack Evans vs Caballero de Plata, Ciclón Ramírez Jr., Hijo del Pirata Morgan

More Big Luchas versus INJUVE in that main event. Match three is also a rematch from last week.

Other News

A Tigre Universitario Jr. popped up on Mas Lucha’s show in Arena Azteca Budokan. It’s another Junior with a relationship to a wrestler employed by KAOZ wrestling and their related promotions. A source says this Tigre Universitario Jr. is another wrestler playing a role and not a family member as presented. The Mexican indie scene often just copies the homework of what AAA or CMLL is doing, so AAA introducing a lot of new versions of familiar characters has inspired smaller groups to do the same. It goes all ways; CMLL running that all women’s show on 03/08 is going to inspire more promotions to do the same.

A benefit show will be held for (one of seemingly many) Chucky in Leon on 03/03. He brought a bone in his shoulder in a previous match.