Arez, Latigo and Toxin quit AAA, Vikingo surgery, CMLL/AEW


CMLL (FRI) 03/01/2024 Arena México
1) Diamond vs Fuego [lightning]
2) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa vs Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio
3) La Catalina, La Jarochita, Lluvia vs Reyna Isis, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis
4) Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible © vs Averno, Euforia, Mephisto [CMLL TRIOS]
2nd defense
5) Tiger Mask vs Último Guerrero
Liger and Gran Guerrero will be seconds.
6) Atlantis Jr., Máscara Dorada, Místico vs Gran Guerrero, Soberano Jr., Templario

Tiger Mask and Liger are the big draws here. I’m not sure what Tiger Mask has left for a big singles match in Arena Mexico; his match with Magnus was fine but kept at strictly ten minutes. His match on Tuesday was not fine. Ultimo Guerrero will work hard to make it something. Quality may not matter, it is an old wrestler and Mexican fans do (sometimes) show up just to say they saw an old wrestler. Tiger Mask is just a guy in NJPW now. CMLL treats him like an all time legend, something easier to do when he appears rarely, and that’ll make him mean a little more in this matchh.

The main event should be good. The trios title match is a wild card; I’d be surprised if Los Barbaros lost the trios title so quickly, but I can’t rule it out. Match 3 is the return of the regular women’s match, now with Catalina as the partner of the week for Lluvia & Jarochita. Match two will end with some controversy to keep that feud going. Diamond and Fuego is a odd fit for an opening match; it’ll be sad if Fuego loses.

CMLL (SAT) 03/02/2024 Arena México
1) Retro vs Grako [lightning]
2) La Guerrera & La Maligna vs Amapola & Tiffany
3) Astral, Futuro, Robin vs El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora
4) Arkalis, Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma vs Difunto, Raider, Vegas
5) Brillante Jr., Neón, Valiente vs Felino, Rey Bucanero, Sagrado
6) Flip Gordon, Místico, Tiger Mask vs Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr.

Magnus and Rugido get to team with their leader – except Magnus may miss this to make it to another booking.

CMLL (SUN) 03/03/2024 Arena México
1) Acero & Aéreo vs Mercurio & Pequeño Olímpico
2) Valiente Jr. vs Felino Jr. [lightning]
3) Dark Panther, El Hijo De Blue Panther, Volcano vs Crixus, Kráneo, Misterioso Jr.
4) Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
5) Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black vs Felino, Gemelo Diablo II, Hechicero
6) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Tiger Mask vs Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Templario

That is one old experienced tecnico side in the main event.

CMLL (TUE) 03/05/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Johnny Dinamo, Minotauro, Principe Drago vs Quka, Sangre Azul, Último Ángel
2) Emperatriz, Lady Shadow, Miss Guerrera vs Náutica, Sexy Sol, Valkiria
3) Leo, Omar Brunetti, Vaquero Jr. vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
4) La Catalina vs Dark Silueta
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Panterita del Ring vs Felino, Rey Bucanero, Satánico
6) Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible

I questioned where Gran Guerero had gone and now he’s everywhere. Semimain is the oldest match of the week. Match 4 is a preview of the impending title match.

Taking a step back, the CMLL Friday schedule highlights for March is now

  • 03/01: tonight’s show, with Tiger Mask
  • 03/08: all women’s show
  • 03/15: incredible pairs tournament, block A
  • 03/22: incredible pairs tournament, block b
  • 03/29: Homenaje a Dos Leyendas

I totally missed this on Tuesday: Skadi and Hera started throwing some real shots during their match on Tuesday. Skadi and Hera seemed to have issues earlier in the match and it broke down in the third fall. Olimpico pretty much just lets them go at them, which is great for the video but not great for his skills as a referee. This barely got noticed, which is a sign about how many people are watching these Tuesday shows.

CMLL hosted a ceremony for La Antorcha de La Luza Por La Paz Y Beinestar (Torch of Ligth for Peace and Wellbeing), which will travel through Mexico. This is a Daniel Aceves idea.

CMLL not in CMLL

Chris Jericho defeated Atlantis Jr. on AEW Dynamite. I thought the match was OK at best. Atlantis Jr. didn’t shine as much as he has in other matches, but Jericho also really looked his age. It was the monkey flips early that stood out. We’ve seen that move a million times in Arena Mexico, and it’s clear it looks as good as the person taking is willing/capable of doing it. They looked terrible. There were other moments where either Jericho looked physically slow or they were a step off from each other. It was also strangely done: Jericho did a promo building up the match and his respect for Atlantis Sr., then he’s untying Atlantis Jr’s mask during the match and Atlantis is choking him with a towel. I’m sure the idea was to Jericho testing him by going after Atlantis hard, but it didn’t work together. The match was not a disaster but I hope people interested in Atlantis Jr. find other matches to watch.

The finish too was not great. I think AEW is conscious they’re beating the CMLL guys too much to make their inclusion meaningful, and so they tried to get around it here by having Atlantis throw in the towel instead of his son actually submitting. Finishes that rarely happen always come off as contrived when they do, whether it be a timelimit draw or a towel being thrown in what that’s never a teased finished on shows; I didn’t like it for aesethic reasons. The idea actually backfired among Mexican fans who didn’t see the match and only heard about it; they imagined that Jericho was destroying Atlantis Jr. so bad that his father had to save him in a boxing sense. It sure looked like Atlantis Jr. was taping out anyway.

Not at all CMLL wrestlers are losing. This is a spoiler so maybe scroll down a bit if you don’t want to find out AEW stuff. The Magnus versus Matt Sydal match is now for a spot in AEW Revolution All Star Scramble. A promo on Collision additionally makes it clear that the winner of that scramble will earn a shot at the AEW World Championship. Magnus beats Matt Sydal, so Magnus is a) going to wrestle on an AEW PPV and b) going to be in a match for a shot for AEW’s top championship. Magnus had improved a lot in 2023, really found his niche on the CMLL roster after so many years, and is great example of why the promotion felt better in the last year. At the same time, if you told me a year ago that, Magnus was going to be wrestling in a #1 contenders match on an AEW PPV, I would’ve thought you were insane. If you told me that three weeks ago, I would’ve still thought you were insane. I am telling you it’s happening right now and I’m questioning my own sanity. He’ll do well, it’s a scramble, that’s great for doing a couple of spots and not just working with an unfamiliar person for twelve minutes. He’ll remember this for the rest of his life, and he’ll be an incredible trivia answer. It doesn’t make “Magnus is two wins away from being AEW champion” any less incredibly weird.

Question answered: I wondered why Stephanie Vaquer wasn’t on the CMLL all women’s show on March 8th, people on Twitter noted Stardom had a couple of shows around that weekend, and Vaquer indeed popped up on Stardom social media Thursday to challenge Guilia. Vaquer will wrestle in a trios match on March 9th in Yokohama, then fight Guilia for the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship on March 10th in Korakuen Hall.

Vaquer is the favorite to win. That match was originally expected to take place at NJPW’s April show in Chicago, Guilia’s now following former boss Rossy Ogawa out of the company and finishing up in STARDOM in March, so waiting until April is out. (This is all coming together late enough that CMLL may have thought they’d have Vaquer when they originally planned that 03/08 show.) It is gracious for Guilia to lose to Vaquer on the way out, if that is what is happening; it’s nothing something everyone would be willing to do. It would also mean Vaquer is beating one of STARDOM’s top stars at a time where they may be about to lose some or many of their top stars; it would be logical for STARDOM to ask CMLL for a few more dates on Vaquer to while everything gets sorted out.

(One thing I’ve noticed from machine translated Japanese fan reactions is confusion at why Vaquer’s CMLL title isn’t also on the line. It’s a good point, and the best case for Vaquer not actually winning the NJPW title in this match.)

Mistico defeated Rocky Romero for the MLW Middleweight Championship on their FITE/Triller+ show on Thursday. Match was said to be gogod.

WrestleCon announced Titan for their Mark Hitchcock Supershow. AEW really should look at bringing him in for this CMLL bit, he’s exactly what they’re looking for, but I think he’s still on a post-FantasticaMania break.

Another Thunder Rosa interview from her trip to Mexico got posted, this time by ESTO. She again brings up the match with Stephanie Vaquer. I don’t know if that’s an actual plan at this point but Thunder Rosa is a person who can get these things to happen by sheer force of will.

RevPro says they’ll have at least 15 CMLL wrestlers on their upcoming FantasticaMania shows. (It’s two shows on one day.) The first name will be announced today.


The Wrestling Observer Newsletter says Arez, Latigo and Toxin have quit AAA, in a newsbit that includes comments from Konnan.

I had previously heard Arez, Latigo and Toxin informed AAA of their intention to quit, but were scheduled to have a meeting with AAA early next week to formally leave the promotion. That means AAA will have at least one more chance to convince the trio to stick around, and there’s a slight chance this could be reversed. These wrestlers had been letting friends know for months that they were very unhappy in AAA. They had said multiple times they were leaving the company only to be convinced to stick it out a little longer. I’ve heard about this story, but I had no plans to talk about it until it was officially official for that reason, but here we are. My understanding is these wrestlers are planning to stay independent in Mexico; this is not a jump to CMLL. Their work visas are not tied to AAA, and they are expected to continue working in the US and elsewhere.

When Toxin, Arez, and Latigo told AAA they were leaving now, a source says AAA asked them to wait until after that meeting so they could put out a joint official public statement, framing it as parting on good terms. The wrestlers abided by that deal. Konnan, an AAA official, gave a statement about it to the WON. His belief is the wrestlers quit because “they had hoped Konnan could get them booked on US TV”, but AAA is now only working with TNA and TNA had no interest. Konnan says there was a plan to have them feud with Cibernetico and La Secta at some point, but the AAA plan is to focus on the nostalgia characters as long as they continue to draw. Konnan also cites the difference in the wages – AAA can’t afford to pay wrestlers what they can make in the US. (Or at least I think that’s what is meant; the end of the paragraph appears missing.)

It’s great Konnan’s being cited by name this time around. It’s less great the WON newsbit seems to overly rely on just his version of his events, and not enough product knowledge. Konnan speaks about Los Vipers eventually feuding with Cibernetico & La Secta, but that is a program that is happening on TV right now – it may be part of the episode airing tomorrow. The difference may be in what the word “feuding” means. There are two types of rudos in Konnan’s booking of AAA: the one type of rudos who humiliate tecnicos for months to build to a TripleMania match, where they may finally lose, and the other type of rudos who exist simply to get laid out by the top tecnicos. Los Vipers were clearly category two. Their final two TV appearances, assuming they do leave, are getting laid out by Konnan and Vampiro and getting laid out by Cibernetico and La Secta.

The issues go back a lot farther than this Retro/Origenes push. Let’s take the 2023 Arez run as an example:

  • does not participate in the Lucha World Cup
  • loses in first round of Rey de Reyes as the fourth most important person w/Vamprio, Sam Adonis and Puma King. That’s fine, not every match can be about everyone
  • teams as a tecnico with La Hiedra (a ruda) to beat the NWA’s Aron Stevens & Natalia Marakova in a match designed to get them over to a new audience, but doesn’t end up meaning anything. AAA airs a promo where Hiedra & Flammer mock Arez for getting kicked out Los Vipers and Arez says he’ll get revenge. He does not get revenge.
  • participates in the utterly useless Copa TripleMania in Monterrey
  • wins the vacant tag team titles with Komander, the first time they’ve teamed and with no build, seemingly only because Komander is AAA’s flavor of the month for getting an AEW deal. Arez and Komander are immediately destroyed and mocked by La Rebelion to built to a match. The match doesn’t happen.
  • Arez, Aerostar and Octagon Jr. defeats Parka Negra, Psicosis II, Villano III Jr. in a match of three apuesta feuds AAA has been building for a months if not year. Arez is supposed to wrestle Psicosis in a hair/mask match; a source says Arez was directly told that match was happening. It doesn’t happen. (Villano III Jr. quits the promotion after this match and goes onto greater success in CMLL.)
  • does not wrestle on the TripleMania Tijuana show, instead only doing a run-in with Komander to attack La Rebelion among many other run-ins. Again, the feud goes nowhere.
  • participates in the utterly useless Copa TripleMania (Bardahl) in Mexico City
  • loses the tag titles in his first defense (after half a year as champion) to Forastero & Sanson, as they are AAA’s new flavor of the month
  • loses again to Forastero & Sanson, this time with Frankie Kazarian as a one-time partner. (Impact cuts this match out of their airing of the show.) Arez is now doing an angle where he admits he was dumb for betraying the Vipers and wants to get back in, but most of the members vocally do not want him back
  • Arez is suddenly back in Los Vipers, the previous storyline about people not wanting him in dropped cold, and he’s now cannon fodder.

AAA had ideas for Arez in 2023. They just couldn’t stick to an idea for more than two tapings, and failed to deliver the payoffs for any of them. The Psicosis feud and the tag title feud were aborted with no attempt to make sense of them, and his return to the Vipers came off like the people in charge forgot where they were in between tapings. There are always other factors that the public are not not privy too, but this was atrocious creative work by AAA’s team. I think AAA realized it by the end, throwing Arez back in the Vipers as a way to make up for his terrible tecnico run. Even that didn’t work.

AAA has made the decision to only market themselves outside of Mexico on the three TripleManias a year and the occasional Lucha World Cup. Arez wrestled in two nothing matches and not all on the third one. Latigo and Toxin didn’t fair any better. There’s no US company who’s going to have interest in a wrestler when they’re booked as a non-entity in their home promotion, and that’s what AAA was doing even prior to the Retro crew coming in. These first couple of shows made it clear that the only people getting something out of AAA this year the top Retro guys, the normal top guys, and whoever happens to be the new flavor of the moment (Money Machine, Lucha x el Barrio right now.) No one else has much of a chance to get over, not to a Mexican audience or to a US one.

The people who have been trying to get people like Latigo, Toxin and Arez over are US indie groups like GCW. They’re positioned like valuable parts of the show, as some of the best wrestlers. It’s a smaller crowd than AAA shows, but it’s a more sound path if the end goal is US TV, and they wouldn’t be leaving AAA if GCW had not exist. Komander got to AEW through GCW, not because of he got hot in AAA. Instead, AAA’s gotten Laredo & Taurus into Impact/TNA, where their value in the US has been destroyed. (Laredo was beat in four minutes on TV last night, again.) AAA got Arez and Aramis into MLW, which was somehow even worse. They were also treated as non-entities, then MLW stopped booked them entirely, they were left them in legal contact limbo for months which kept them from taking US offers, and then found out they’d been released from MLW months earlier but AAA had kept it a secret from them. Aramis and Arez have left or are leaving AAA now, it obviously has a bit do with that MLW terrible experience, and I don’t understand how that can be left out of a a story about them leaving. AAA is not a help as getting their wrestlers booked in the US; AAA appears to be more of a determent at the moment. I’ve also been told that AAA wants to have a greater involvement in their wrestler’s outside bookings in 2024, something that would likely cost the wrestlers money with no obvious benefit.

AAA – and Konnan especially here – defends their the promotion’s style as something that’s meant to be appeal to Mexican fans; it doesn’t matter if other people don’t like it as long as it’s drawing. That’s well and good when it’s drawing, and it sure seems to be doing ok. It obviously must still not be doing that OK if there’s still a big pay gap between working AAA and working a random US indie. The pay isn’t the only thing; maybe the wrestlers would be happier if they had a lane on these shows to be showcased as star for an outside audience. AAA’s not interested in that; they’ve consolidated to a live event business who even mention what happened on their shows, much less try to use them to get wrestlers over to people outside of the building. Konnan himself has rightfully positioned himself as a savvy knower who can take great Mexican talent and get them onto the international stage – he did it with Rey Mysterio and Psicosis and that generation, he did it with Fenix and Penta, and he can and has use that history to get wrestlers to go with him to be the next people in that line. I think guys like Arez, Toxin and Latigo – and maybe Taurus, Aramis and Daga and others – believed he’d be able to help them the same way, and Konnan just hasn’t come through for them. AAA itself hasn’t come through for them. If any of the half dozen AAA plans for US expansion produced something viable and repeatable, then these guys might be happy getting US dollars for doing what they’ve been doing. CMLL, not known for their relationship abilities, has figured out healthy partnerships with promotions all over the world to give their wrestlers more opportunities and more money. AAA hasn’t been able to make those connections or has broken them. AAA gave these guys work, helped them get through a pandemic, gave them a platform to improve as wrestlers, but AAA’s bigger issues meant they could only help these guys get so far.

Arez was one of the judges for the recent INJUVE Lucha x el Barrio. I don’t believe he had decided for sure he was leaving when he was doing that, but I bet he had a thought in the back of his head that he was picking people to replace him. I know that’s what I was thinking. The INJUVE contest came around at the perfect time – a new hungry group of talent to replace those who had left or wear leaving, people who would ask for less money and weren’t yet disillusioned by years of unfulfilled promises. It’s no surprise Dorian Roldan was eager to do many more of those: AAA’s ideal talent situation is a few top stars that can draw the houses, and a lot of fresh talent filled with their own US dreams and willing to accept whatever AAA’s giving them until they get there. Being cast as the fourth Bengala is a lot easier sell to someone just thrilled to be working for a historic wrestling promotion than someone who knows their worth. Some of the wrestlers will be good, maybe one or two will develop into a great star. AAA will continue to ask them to just to be patient, their big moment is coming. They’ll wait, wait, and wait while whomever AAA gets attached to in that moment leaps ahead of them. And finally, some of them will feel like they have better chances elsewhere, get tired of waiting, and decide to depart. It’s a cycle that’s gone on with AAA since the mid-90s and shows no sign of ending. My reaction to hearing Arez, Latigo and Toxin were going to quit was not surprise, but wondering why it took so long. It makes sense for them, and it is the way of AAA.

In the last few months, AAA’s lost Aramis, Taurus, Arez, Toxin and Latigo. Vikingo is out with an injury. It’s been months a couple Komander’s been there, and AEW has dropped all mention of his AAA Cruiserweight title. You can go back farther and include people like Rey Escorpion, Andromeda and Villano III Jr. I’m certain there are other unhappy people as well. There’s no sign of any changes on AAA’s side.

Toxin is currently AAA trios champion with Abismo Negro Jr. and Psicosis. My guess is they’ll just put someone else in the spot and continue on, but who knows. It hardly matters. AAA should give the titles to La Secta; AAA fans would be thrilled (and I mean that seriously and postively.)

Toxin, Latigo, Arez and Gringo Loco switched to using “Los D-sperados” in GCW a couple months ago, which I presumed was them easing away from the Los Vipers name in case they did decide to lose. If that’s the case, they may have not told Gringo Loco about their move.

The same section confirmed Juventud Guerrera was telling the truth about AAA contacting him about coming in for Copa TripleMania in Monterrey. Guerrera (very predictably) spent a long YouTube video explaining he would not be doing that and taking shots at AAA for asking. Konnan says they’ll not be bringing in the guy who didn’t want to come in.

AAA TV this week should have matches from the 01/20 Queretaro taping. (It appears either AAA or Space have stopped putting titles on these episodes, which was the only way to be sure what would air, so I’m just taking a guess.) I watched this on January 21 and barely have memory of it. The Extasis/Radioactivo versus Money Machine match was the best of the stuff taped for TV, but there’s no knowing which stuff will air when as ever. I hope the Origenes stuff draws well and last a long time, because I don’t know what AAA is going to look like when that stuff runs it’s course.

Hijo del Vikingo underwent surgery on Thursday for the right knee injury he suffered back on the 17th. The diagnosis is a torn meniscus and a rupture ligament. AAA acknowledged the injury for the first time in mentioning the surgery was successful. AAA says word on the recovery time and the status of the Megachampionship will be announced in the future. I presume we’ll hear both whenever that next TripleMania Monterrey press conference happens. If I had to guess, Vikingo is going to be out many months and AAA is going to put the title up in whatever match Alberto is wrestling in Monterrey, but we’ll know for sure soon enough.

Oceania Pro Wrestling (Ballarat, Australia) will bring in Lady Flammer for an AAA Reina de Reinas title defense on April 12th. This is a random booking, but it’s actually part of a Starrcast convention taking place in Australia that weekend.

Unfixable problem

There is an obvious opportunity in the indie Mexican wrestling ecosystem for a promotion that

  • will use people CMLL won’t use (ex-AAA people, or those who left CMLL on bad terms
  • is either Mexico City-area based or otherwise has high international visibility (via a Mas Lucha or similar service)
  • will put on good matches that aren’t strictly weapons/crowd brawls that other groups
  • will put some investment into building up wrestlers and feuds into something big
  • can actually afford to pay these people something close to what they’re worth.

There’s just a lot of freelance talent now in Mexico and not a lot of places for them to go have good matches. There’s options like RIOT or Lucha Memes, who seem like they want to put on good matches but don’t have the visibility or the financial structure to support it. There’s alternatives like IWRG who have some of the structure but clearly want to do believe weird foreign monsters are the way to go (or can’t stick to an idea for more than three weeks.) There’s a million different acronyms that will run some combination of the Pigs, the Parks, the Negociantes and whomever else, but are booking one show without a thought in the world of the next and aren’t getting anyone more over. There’s someone like Big Lucha, who meet some of these criteria but have other priorities and aren’t on great terms with some of the people it’d make sense to use.


IWRG , LLB (THU) 02/29/2024 Arena Naucalpan [Estrellas del Ring, IWRG]
1) Juan Ma Sanchez, Mr. Koi, Mr. Michael, Vitter b Argus, Demencia, Oro Blanco, Sparta
winning unit is a group of garbage men who went viral a few years ago for doing wrestling spots as part of their job (and have since gotten some more training.)
2) Cometa & Príncipe Centauro b Hijo De Sparta & Steve Manson and Argus & Gaius and Águila De Bronce & Cósmico
3) Águila Oriental, Noisy Boy, Spider Fly b Fandango, Sol, X-Devil Jr.
4) Hell Boy b Puma de OroTonalliCarta BravaHijo de Canis Lupus
5) Rhino Ciborg, Rhino Extreme, Rhino Killer DQ Carnicero, Granjero, Lendaor
the fourth Sindicato del Terror interferred for theh DQ.
6) Desalmado Ibarra, Hijo de LA Park, LA Park b Pig Destroyer, Pig Destructor, Pig Pool LA Park, Hijo de LA Park y Desalmado Ibarra Vs La Puerquiza Extrema con Lucha BOOM-IWRG (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)

I didn’t watch this show, but a weird thing happened. Mas Lucha streamed a “live” show Thursday night with LA Park – except the Mas Lucha “Live” show wasn’t really live, it was the 02/17 The Wolf King show.  Mas Lucha clearly put “En Vivo” in the title and streamed (not uploaded) the show to give the impression it was happening right now. IWRG had an actual live show with LA Park, just only on their channel and not also on Mas Lucha’s channel. Mas Lucha appeared to act in a way to confuse viewers into watching them instead of IWRG, but also they work with IWRG and are putting up IWRG’s content on their channel on a delay. I’m sure there’s a great story to this, but I don’t know it.

IWRG (SUN) 03/03/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Cosmic, Rossel, Último Caballero vs Carnicero, Fauno, Milagro
2) Balak, Cheff Benito, Jitsu vs Güero Tijuana, Skanda, Sumed Black
3) Adrenalina, Águila Oriental, Auzzter, Fireman, Fussion, Hijo De Sparta, Rey Aztaroth, Thunder Storm vs Amara Haku, Garritas, Giako, Gigante Karoshi, Huracán Negro, Isa Rob Dan, Kanelo Jack, Payaxucho [Copa FILL]
4) Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Canis Lupus, Hijo de Pandemónium, Pandemónium Jr. vs Ivan Rokov, Rey Halcón, Vangellys, Wesley Pipes
5) Tonalli © vs Cerebro Negro [RGR MIDDLE]
2nd defense

This is half normal show, and half FILL format with the youngters. Though it’s not like IWRG is filled with experienced vets at this point. It is filled with weird foreigners, though Pipes and Rokov are not listed as “special invitees” this week.

Big Lucha

Big Lucha World (FRI) 03/01/2024 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal
1) Golden Dragón & Helios vs Piraña & Shere Khan
2) Cometa Maya & Morfosis vs Sol & X-Devil and Mr. Win & Tirano
3) Elipse, Iku, Orbita, Vengador vs Atómico Jr., Auzter, Black Skayde, Brujo
4) Emperador Azteca & Platino vs Big Tao Tao & Skayde
5) El Potro de Oro, Flamita, Jack Evans vs Caballero de Plata, Ciclón Ramírez Jr., Hijo del Pirata Morgan

More Big Luchas versus INJUVE in that main event. Match three is also a rematch from last week.

Other News

A Tigre Universitario Jr. popped up on Mas Lucha’s show in Arena Azteca Budokan. It’s another Junior with a relationship to a wrestler employed by KAOZ wrestling and their related promotions. A source says this Tigre Universitario Jr. is another wrestler playing a role and not a family member as presented. The Mexican indie scene often just copies the homework of what AAA or CMLL is doing, so AAA introducing a lot of new versions of familiar characters has inspired smaller groups to do the same. It goes all ways; CMLL running that all women’s show on 03/08 is going to inspire more promotions to do the same.

A benefit show will be held for (one of seemingly many) Chucky in Leon on 03/03. He brought a bone in his shoulder in a previous match.