Volador/Mistico title match set, Shockercito shaved, Pompin (1943-2024)


CMLL (MON) 01/01/2024 Arena México [CMLL, Kaiser SportsThe Gladiatores, thecubsfan, thegladiatores.com]
***Sin Salida, 2024***
1) Futuro & Valiente Jr. b Arlequín & Draego Valiente Jr y Futuro vs Joker y Draego ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Valiente Jr. y Futuro se llevan el triunfo ante los tapatíos Draego y Arlequín (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2) Andrómeda, Reyna Isis, Tessa Blanchard b Marcela, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis Andrómeda, Reyna Isis y Tessa Blanchard derrotan a Marcela, Zeuxis y Stephanie Vaquer (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL: Reyna I., Tessa Blanchard y Andromeda vs Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis y Marcela (posted by mluchatv) Tessa Blanchard, Reina Isis y Andrómeda vs Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis y Marcela ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
3) Máscara Dorada b Ángel de Oro [lightningCMLL: Máscara Dorada derrota a Ángel de Oro en un match relámpago (posted by mluchatv) Máscara Dorada derrota con espectacularidad en el Match relámpago a Ángel de Oro (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Máscara Dorada vs Angel de Oro MATCH RELÁMPAGO/ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
4) Atlantis Jr., Flip Gordon, Místico b Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible CMLL: Místico, Atlantis Jr. y Flip Gordon derrotan a Terrible, Bárbaro Cavernario y Dragón Rojo Jr (posted by mluchatv) Místico, Flip Gordon y Atlantis Jr se llevan el triunfo ante B.Cavernario, Terrible y Dragón Rojo Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Místico, Flip Gordon y Atlantis Jr vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Terrible y Dragón Rojo Jr ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
5) Shockercito L Último DragóncitoPierrothitoFantasyMercurioMinosAéreoPequeño PolvoraPequeño MagíaPequeño OlímpicoPequeño ViolenciaAceroAngelitoFull MetalKaliguaGalaxy [cage, mask, hairMercurio gana la cabellera de Shockercito en jaula (posted by mluchatv) Mercurio inicia el año con el pie derecho y se lleva la cabellera de Shockercito en Sin Salida CMLL (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Mercurio vs Shockercito ¡¡¡ Cabellera vs Cabellera !!! ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
29:03. Order of escape: Pequeño Violencia, Fantasy, Aereo, Ultimo Dragoncito, Pierrothito, Acero, Pequeño Magia, Kaligula, Minos, Full Metal, Pequeño Polvora, Pequeño Olimpico, Angelito, and Galaxy, leaving Mercurio and Shockercito. Mercurio cleanly submitted Shockercito to take his hair.

There was good attendance, but there was not a lot of remarkably good wrestling on the show. Dorada/Oro was probably the best match, though the Shockercito/Mercurio segment of the final was the most exciting. CMLL definitely spent some time thinking out the escapes, but it still really didn’t keep my interest until it turned into a normal match. This was otherwise a Sunday medium-effort show that happened to be streamed.

After the semi-main, Los Barbaros attacked KeMalito, and the tecnicos made the save. It was unclear if this was supposed to be a permanent change or just something funny to do on a holiday show. The production crew didn’t think it was important, as they just went on autopilot and aired the usual replays while we could hear something happened. There was no KeMalito appearance on Tuesday’s Arena Mexico show.

Mercurio spoke a bit post-show about wanting to beat Ultimo Dragoncito and also moving up to the main division. After having a long time with the title (which Mercurio just finished), there is not much to do in the minis division, and graduating to the bigger group is the one story to wish for. The main men’s division is probably not a great fit for him. He wouldn’t stand out as a worker and might end up lower on the cards. Astral, Electrico, and Stukita/Halcon Suriano Jr. have all moved out of the minis division in recent years. Electrico had a long title reign but not a memorable one, and all have struggled to advance out of the lowest tier of main roster wrestlers. Mercurio might do OK if Magia Blanca, Magnus or Rugido ever left the Los Depredadores trio and he replaced them. Still, there’s no guarantee they would give him the spot over a Crixus or someone else Volador is training with. I took Mercurio’s comments as just something to say and not a plan that was in motion.

CMLL (MON) 01/01/2024 Arena Puebla [Porra Fresa]
1) Centella Roja & Hijo de Centella Roja b Dreyko & Fénix SO
2) Hera & Olympia b Astoreth & Lady Metal Facebook video (posted by )
3) Arkalis & Rey Samuray b El Malayo & Rey Apocalipsis Facebook video (posted by )
4) Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Stuka Jr. b Esfinge & Star Black and Blue Panther Jr. & Dark Panther and Akuma & Hijo del Villano III Facebook video (posted by )
5) Atlantis, Stigma, Titán b Gran Guerrero, Niebla Roja, Templario

Nothing too notable here, but a good turnout on the holiday.

CMLL (TUE) 01/02/2024 Arena México [CMLL, Kaiser Sportsthegladiatores.com]
1) Aéreo, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito b Full Metal, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia CMLL: Shockercito, Último Dragoncito y Aéreo Vs Pequeño Violencia, Full Metal y Pequeño Olímpico (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) FUNCIÓN COMPLETA DESDE LA ARENA MÉXICO MARTES 2 DE ENERO DE 2O24 SOLO MIEMBROS (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Shockercito getting the win after losing his hair the night before.
2) Guerrero Maya Jr. b El Coyote [lightningFUNCIÓN COMPLETA DESDE LA ARENA MÉXICO MARTES 2 DE ENERO DE 2O24 SOLO MIEMBROS (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Reporte CMLL: Guerrero Maya Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Maya got the pinfall win just before the time limit at 9:39
3) Amapola, Metálica, Tessa Blanchard b La Vaquerita, Marcela, Skadi FUNCIÓN COMPLETA DESDE LA ARENA MÉXICO MARTES 2 DE ENERO DE 2O24 SOLO MIEMBROS (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Reporte CMLL con Amazonas: Tessa Blanchard, Amapola y Metálica (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
A moment of reembrace was held for deceased referee Pompin after the match.
4) Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black b Cancerbero, Difunto, Virus FUNCIÓN COMPLETA DESDE LA ARENA MÉXICO MARTES 2 DE ENERO DE 2O24 SOLO MIEMBROS (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Reporte CMLL: Cancerbero, Virus y Difunto (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
5) Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible b Atlantis, Star Jr., Valiente FUNCIÓN COMPLETA DESDE LA ARENA MÉXICO MARTES 2 DE ENERO DE 2O24 SOLO MIEMBROS (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Reporte CMLL: Terrible, Dragón Rojo Jr y Bárbaro Cavernario (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
6) Averno, Titán, Volador Jr. b Hechicero, Máscara Dorada, Místico [Relevos IncreíblesFUNCIÓN COMPLETA DESDE LA ARENA MÉXICO MARTES 2 DE ENERO DE 2O24 SOLO MIEMBROS (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Místico, Hechicero y Máscara Dorada Vs Volador Jr. Averno y Titán, Arena México (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Volador defeated Mistico to set up a title match between them next week.

The main event and Maya/Coyote were good. Mistico actually demanded one more fall, but Volador said he only wanted the title match, and Mistico didn’t bring his belt, so he was out of luck. Mistico offered to do a mask versus hair match right there, but Volador passed. Mistico got a lot of talking time afterward to thank the fans.

A Volador/Mistico match on a Tuesday is strange, but CMLL’s in a time crunch. The FantasticaMania lineups should be out soon, and CMLL often rushes to reposition titles for matches on the tour. Those title shows may happen on unexpected shows depending on timing, and the timing right now has Friday shows taken up by Best Of content It’s hard to believe CMLL would take a title belt off Mistico just to set up a Volador FantasticaMania title defense – they’re fine with either man having a title match- but a title match involving someone about to go on FantasticaMania usually means a title change. Maybe this even sets up an instant rematch in Japan.

CMLL and NJPW haven’t indicated exactly when the FantasticaMania lineups will be announced, but they have some patterns. It could be:

  • after New Year’s Dash (so January 6th)
  • after the upcoming US show, when NJPW would also be announcing their next tour (so January 14th)
  • at the next shows in Korauken Hall (so January 23th or January 24th)

January 6th doesn’t work if this Volador/Mistico title match is relevant to those lineups, so we’re probably looking at January 14th (or thereabouts.)

Former CMLL referee Pompin (Alfonso Ramirez Diaz) passed away on Tuesday. We have his age as 81 on the wiki but that’s unsourced; SuperLuchas has it as 85. Pompin trained as a wrestler but never debuted due to his small size. SuperLuchas says El Santo suggested that he become a referee instead, and Pompin started that career at age 14 in 1957. (He said 15 in 2013 interview.) Many decades later, Pompin was one of the referees in the ring when Santo had a heart attack, inadvertently creating the Misionarios de la Muerte gimmick. He was still working as a referee until the pandemic in 2020; the COVID restrictions sidelined him, but he said vision problems caused him to retire. Pompin started appearing as a referee for EMLL in the 60s, and was one of the top Promociones Mora (UWA) referees when it started. Pompin was well-regarded for most of his career. He also hung around a lot longer than was a good idea for him or CMLL; they started keeping him out of the important matches so his errors wouldn’t cause bigger problems. CMLL sent out a note mentioning his passing.

CMLL (TUE) 01/02/2024 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Arena Coliseo Gguadalajara]
1) Adira & La Pantera b Diablita Roja (Puebla) & Estrelita Mágica (Puebla) [OCCIDENTE WOMEN TAG, torneoArena Coliseo GDL️ MARTES 2 DE ENERO 2024 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
2) Emperatriz & Miss Guerrera b Dulce Kitty & Nexy [OCCIDENTE WOMEN TAG, torneoArena Coliseo GDL️ MARTES 2 DE ENERO 2024 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
3) Espíritu Negro, Halcón Negro Jr., Rey Cometa b Infierno, Mr. Trueno, Rey Trueno Arena Coliseo GDL️ MARTES 2 DE ENERO 2024 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
4) Andrómeda & Náutica b Dark Silueta & Valkiria Arena Coliseo GDL️ MARTES 2 DE ENERO 2024 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
Andromeda used the middle rope to pin Silueta for the win
5) Maléfico & Satánico b Blue Panther & Okumura Arena Coliseo GDL️ MARTES 2 DE ENERO 2024 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
6) Dulce Gardenia & La Fashion b Furia Roja & Guerrero de la Muerte © [OCCIDENTE TAGArena Coliseo GDL️ MARTES 2 DE ENERO 2024 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
3rd defense

Gardenia/Fashion are featured a lot in Guadalajara so it makes as much sense for them to be champions as it makes for any champion. Andromeda cheating to beat Silueta is out of character. Perhaps a title match is coming.

CMLL Informa today has

  • Tessa Blanchard (return)
  • KeMalito (a tecnico?)
  • Mercurio & Shockercito (Sin Salida)
  • Mascara Dorada, Star Jr., Neon (Best of matches?)

CMLL (SAT) 01/06/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) Leono & Robin vs Enfermero Jr. & Inquisidor
2) Diamond vs Valiente Jr. [lightning]
3) Brillante Jr., El Audaz, Fuego vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido
4) Andrómeda, Marcela, Skadi vs Metálica, Reyna Isis, Tessa Blanchard
5) Star Jr. & Titán vs Hechicero & Sagrado
6) Atlantis, Flip Gordon, Místico vs Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Templario

This is a Three Kings Day show, with the promise of surprises and presents for the kids. Mistico stands a good chance of winning.

CMLL (MON) 01/08/2024 Arena Puebla
1) Asturiano & Black Tiger vs King Jaguar & Rencor
2) Xelhua vs El Perverso [lightning]
3) Acero, Aéreo, Shockercito vs Mercurio, Pequeño Olímpico, Pierrothito
4) Andrómeda, Lady Amazona, Tessa Blanchard vs Enigmática, Skadi, Stephanie Vaquer
5) Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black vs Hechicero, Hijo de Stuka Jr., Stuka Jr.
6) Atlantis Jr., Máscara Dorada, Star Jr. vs Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Soberano Jr.

Nothing jumps out as too important here.

Jushin Thunder Liger will be in Mexico in early March for autograph signings. He’ll appear at the Caristico store on 03/01 (a Friday), then at Tijuana’s MULLEM lucha libre museum on March 2nd and 3rd. That’s a little early for WrestleMania weekend so maybe there’s a NJPW US show around that time. He’ll probably appear in some fashion on that Friday Arena Mexico show.

Blue Panther Jr. will be teaching a seminar in Guanajuato.

Box y Lucha 3584 has Mercurio’s hair match on top.


Jessy Ventura said Tuesday’s match as part of Shotamania was their final match as an independent. Ventura is supposedly full time with AAA going forward, though I’ve seen Vvntura on independent posters through March.

Space’s TV description for Saturday is “Estado de Mexico”, which sounds like the sponsored show will be airing.

Other Notes

IWRG (SUN) 01/07/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Ajolotl vs Golden Power
2) Freelance & Tornado vs Rey Aztaroth & Rey Halcón
3) León Dorado & Mr. Leo vs Abigor & Yorvak
4) Noisy Boy & Spider Fly vs Látigo & Toxin
5) Aster Boy, Dr. Cerebro Jr., Tonalli vs Águila Roja, Hip Hop Man, Ivan Rokov
6) Hell Boy, Hijo de Canis Lupus, Laredo Kid vs Hijo del Fishman, Hijo del Pirata Morgan, Rey Espectro

Match four looks very promising. Match 3 might be something good.

Andrade posted essentially a “farewell to Mexico.” He’s returning to CMLL WWE sometime soon.

ESTO has an interview with Mexico state luchador Rey de Fuego.