CMLL introduces Mascara Dorada 2.0, brings back Metalik, and announced a double hair match for 07/14, AAA TV nots


CMLL (FRI) 06/16/2023 Arena México
1) Galaxy, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito vs Mercurio, Pequeño Polvora, Pierrothito
2) Fuego, Futuro, Volcano vs El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora
Futuro replaced Hombre Bala Jr. on Monday.
3) La Jarochita vs Zeuxis [lightning]
4) Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black vs Difunto, Hijo del Villano III, Zandokan Jr.
5) Atlantis Jr., Star Jr., Volador Jr. vs Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Templario
6) Místico vs Titán

Mistico versus Titan in a big match should be fun. The tecnicos in the semi-main are the new trios champions and the fact that I have to keep pointing that out suggests their reign may not be memorable. Everything on the undercard is in the usual range of possibly good but not certain to be so. It’ll be on Ticketmaster and then on YouTube on July 2nd.

CMLL (SUN) 06/18/2023 Arena México
1) Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía vs Full Metal, Minos, Pequeño Olímpico
2) Capitán Suicida, Diamond, Neón vs Brillante Jr., Histórico, Vegas
3) La Jarochita, Lluvia, Sanely vs La Catalina, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis
4) Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Akuma [lightning]
5) Blue Panther, Octagón, Volador Jr. vs Felino, Fuerza Guerrera, Virus
6) El Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Stuka Jr. vs Dr. Karonte I & Místico [Copa Dinastia, final]

I’d be stunned if Mistico lost. Last minute Copa Escuelas fill-in Historico gets a second match. He was fine in the tournament, but the circumstances of his appearance made it uncertain if he’d ever appear again.

CMLL (MON) 06/19/2023 Arena Puebla
1) Amnesia, Brave Star, Meyer vs Dreyco, Fénix SO, Rencor
2) Asturiano, El Novato, Millenium vs King Jaguar, Rey Apocalipsis, Siki Osama
3) Sanely vs Hera [lightning]
4) Flyer, Rey Samuray, Volcano vs Difunto, Kráneo, Zandokan Jr.
5) Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma, Titán vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Fuerza Guerrera, Hechicero
6) Místico vs Stuka Jr.

Why are they booking Fuerza Guerrera in those matches?

CMLL (TUE) 06/20/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Luminoso, Mortis, Quka vs Black Boy, Thunder Boy, Yaky Boy
2) Astro Oriental, Gallo Jr., Ráfaga Jr. vs Johnny Dinamo, Minotauro, Temerario
3) Micro Gemelo Diablo I, Micro Gemelo Diablo II, Micro Sagrado vs Átomo, Chamuel, Mije
4) Arlequín, Furia Roja, Guerrero de la Muerte vs Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr.
5) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa vs Leo, Omar Brunetti, Vaquero Jr.
6) Místico & Panterita del Ring Jr. vs Stuka Jr. & Último Guerrero

There was a lot of news on CMLL Informa. It is all somewhat related to a new July 14th card, which will honor Atlantis for reaching 40th years of wrestling.

CMLL (FRI) 07/14/2023 Arena México
1) Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black vs Difunto, Furia Roja, Zandokan Jr.
2) ? vs ?? [MEX WOMEN, final]
finalists decided on 07/07
3) Akuma & Dark Magic vs Espíritu Negro & Rey Cometa [hair]
4) Cavernario, Templario, Virus vs Máscara Dorada 2.0, Metalik, Titán
5) Atlantis, Atlantis Jr., Octagón vs Averno, Fuerza Guerrera, Último Guerrero

It’s probably notable to see old rivals matched up in the main event as they get close to September.

Metalik is the former Mascara Dorada, who’s US residency situation is resolved after about 21 months. A coming soon video aired on Infroma and this appears to be his first match. He’s expected to continue living in the US and coming back to CMLL from time to time. I don’t expect him to be a regular; I’m guessing it’s something closer to how Rocky Romero’s shown up in the CMLL the last year. Metalik’s purgatory cost him multiple NJPW tours, and hopefully he gets a chance to return to Japan as well.

Mascara Dorada 2.0 is the former Panterita del Ring Jr., who took over the gimmick on CMLL Informa. He appeared with his father, and they discussed Panterita Sr.’s history of changing names (Safari, Hombre sin Nombre, Ephesto) to make the case this is a good thing. I don’t think this is a great thing, I’m pretty sure I’ll be re-explaining who is who on Twitter until I die or Twitter dies, but he’s really good, and they’re going with him so he’ll be fine. Panterita Jr. will continue using that name for previously announcing bookings and begin wrestling as Mascara Dorada 2.0 on the 06/30 FantasticaMania show.

Ola Negra and Atrapasuenos had a rapid acceleration to a hair match. It is on, everyone signed contracts on Wednesday. I’m not entirely sure how it’s going to go, in outcome or quality. The Atrapasuenos are slight favorites to win, though they’re not going to be hurt much by a loss. I trust Rey Cometa in a big match setting and I have the exact opposite feelings about Dark Magic.

The Mexican National Women’s championship is vacant. It’s somehow more confusing than it sounds. Dark Silueta is returning to the ring on the 06/30 show as part of the Las Inferanles trio. (La Catalina will join the opposition.) Dark Silueta is healthy, she’s going to be wrestling, and she could defend the title. She’ll also traveling to Japan from August to early October, and Dark Silueta and Julio Cesar Rivera explained that titles are meant to be defended. She also said she would’ve vacated it sooner but she been in Mexico City to do it.  Dark Silueta said she’d like to challenge the winner when she returns. This story doesn’t quite make sense but the belt is vacant. There will be a contenders match on July 7th and the final two will decide the new champion on the 14th.

Dark Silueta didn’t indicate where she’d be wrestling in Japan, though a poster with her in Lady’s Ring on 09/17 was shown. CMLL did mention Silueta’s October return lines up with the same month of women’s wrestling focused shows they did last year (which Silueta missed due to injury.) Silueta revealed she was originally told she’d be out three months with her knee injury, and then they found it was much worse during the operation.

Five matches is short for a major card, so something might get added in the next couple of weeks. The Los Infernales split is still lingering.

Atlantis will also be celebrated on the following Puebla & Guadalajara shows

  • 07/17 Arena Puebla: Atlantis, Octagon, Templario vs Ultimo Guerrero, Dragon Rojo Jr., Fuerza Guerrera
  • 07/18 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara: Atlantis, Atlantis Jr., Mistico vs Ultimo Guerrero, Averno, Satanico

A celebratory mass for Atlantis will also be held in Mexico City on July 13th.

Dark Silueta’s return is not the only change to the 06/30 lineup:

CMLL (FRI) 06/30/2023 Arena México
1) Dark Silueta, Lluvia, Zeuxis vs La Catalina, La Jarochita, Stephanie Vaquer
2) Audaz & Capitán Suicida vs Douki & Okumura
Originally Audaz, Capitán Suicida, Hombre Bala Jr. vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Okumura, changed on 06/14. one fall match
3) Satánico vs Tiger Mask IV
Satanico 50th Anniversary match.
4) El Desperado vs Máscara Dorada 2.0
5) Bushi, Naito, Titán vs Atlantis Jr., Místico, Soberano Jr.
6) Rocky Romero © vs Volador Jr. [NWA WELTER]

DOUKI makes his CMLL debut. He’s wrestled in Arena Mexico a handful of times as part of Dragonmania shows, and probably would’ve been a CMLL full-timer if they had ever offered him a spot prior to NJPW.

I have consistently written that I believe the NJPW wrestlers appearing on this show will also appear on AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door on June 25th. I still believe that to be true, that the NJPW names above will be in Toronto on the Sunday prior.

CMLL Informa also announced the promotion is adding one more title. I know you thought they didn’t have enough of those. It’ll be a Puebla specific championship for those local wrestlers, which isn’t a bad standalone idea. CMLL also could’ve used one of their other two dozen titles for that purpose.


They went a couple of days without any bad news happening, so that’s a win.

AAA on Space on Saturday

  • Brazo De Oro Jr. & Sexy Star vs Flamita & Villano III Jr.
  • Octagón Jr. & Rey Horus vs Arez & Komander and Jack Evans & Myzteziz for the AAA World Tag Team Championship
  • Aramis & Negro Casas vs Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf

This TV looks the most promising show in a while. I’m heading to AEW Collision, which will start at about the same time. This TV is three weeks old, it can wait another day to watch. It is unuseful for me in particular that the CMLL Friday night show runs into Rampage every week and the AAA TV show will overlap Collision every week.

The Kenny Omega meet and greet for the Tijuana show has sold out. The show is a month away.

An indie by the name of Gran Coliseo is running Auditorio de Tijuana tonight with LA Park, Dralistico, La Besita del Ring, and La Rebelion. I’m not sure if AAA’s policy against working for non-EMW promotions in Tijuana extends to this group, but I also think these guys will be completely unaffected in AAA. LA Park and Rush’s family in the same ring will probably include some reference to Rush’s non-participation in the upcoming TripleMania show there, even if it’s just LA Park complaining about it in a post match promo.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter mentioned Rush is currently not in AEW due to the same delayed visa approval issues that have plagued a lot of wrestlers in the last year. The newsletter also mentioned Rush’s AEW current contract was a one year deal, and it’s said to be up soon. Combine that with Andrade strangely talking about his match in Torreon on Thursday being his last there for the immediate future, and it did have people wondering if they’re looking to go to WWE as a combo deal. Andrade’s deal might go a lot longer depending on if AEW tacks on extra time for Andrade’s injury absence and it doesn’t seem like WWE is bringing in new people in the lead-up to their merger. A lot of this is just trying to make sense of both Andrade and Rush’s statements in the last week and that may be an impossible task.

Andrade did wrestle on Thursday in Torreon. I scanned through it to see if I could find anything interesting. Andrade is coming back from a shoulder injury and wasn’t taped up. He also didn’t appear to do much lifting in the match.

Adrian Marcelo is milking a three-part YouTube series out of his failed Chessman match. The first part is up now. I think most people have moved on but Marcelo revealing the planned angle to kick it off was in fact a planned angle got some attention.

Murder Clown told MedioTiempo says he almost got a gig as a bodyguard for a Shakira concert tour when he was younger. The issue was he was younger, a lot younger. Murder Clown was large early on, so it was only when the security company checked his paperwork for his travel paperwork that they realized they were employing a 16-year-old kid. They were fine with using him in Mexico City but they couldn’t send him internationally as a minor. Murder Clown says he trained with Satanico for six months in Arena Coliseo, then debuted in Arena Naucalpan as Chris Killer. I can’t find any Arena Naucalpan matches for a Chris Killer, but that name does turn up on AAA spot shows in late 2007, right before Psycho Circus debuts. Cibernetico and Roberto Macias (one of the people who helped train him) got him a meeting with Antonio Pena, which got him into AAA.

One of Keeping it 100’s mailbox episodes has a listener question about if we should expect to see more AAA title matches on AEW TV, and if we even might see a title switch. Disco asks the question, then ignores it (and the other part of that person’s question) to make the same complaint about the match he made on Twitter, Konnan disagrees with him, Disco disagrees with Konnan disagreeing with him, and then they move onto the next question.


IWRG (THU) 06/15/2023 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG, Mas Lucha]
1) Súper Boy b Histeriosis LIVE🔴 | Las Shotas vs Aster Boy y Travis Banks + Los Cerebros Negros vs Lion Brothers (posted by mluchatv)
2) Águila Roja & Rey Aztaroth b Avisman & Dinamic Black LIVE🔴 | Las Shotas vs Aster Boy y Travis Banks + Los Cerebros Negros vs Lion Brothers (posted by mluchatv)
3) Dick Angelo 3G, Legendario, Shocko b Gannicus, Hijo Del Enigma, Zaeken LIVE🔴 | Las Shotas vs Aster Boy y Travis Banks + Los Cerebros Negros vs Lion Brothers (posted by mluchatv)
4) Bengalee & Demasiado b Bizhota & Sagitarius and Bugambilia & Satania LIVE🔴 | Las Shotas vs Aster Boy y Travis Banks + Los Cerebros Negros vs Lion Brothers (posted by mluchatv)
5) León Dorado & Mr. Leo b Cerebro Negro & Cerebro Negro Jr. [RGR TAG, torneoLIVE🔴 | Las Shotas vs Aster Boy y Travis Banks + Los Cerebros Negros vs Lion Brothers (posted by mluchatv)
6) Diva Salvaje & Mamba b Asterboy & Travis Banks [RGR TAG, torneoLIVE🔴 | Las Shotas vs Aster Boy y Travis Banks + Los Cerebros Negros vs Lion Brothers (posted by mluchatv)

A lightly attended show. Dinamic Black returned in the second match and had a notably poor performance.

IWRG (SUN) 06/18/2023 Arena Naucalpan
1) Águila Roja vs Jhon TitoRey HalcónFussion [IWRG REY DEL AIRE, #1 Contenders]
current champion Puma de Oro
2) Noisy Boy & Spider Fly vs Látigo & Toxin
3) Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Pandemónium, Pandemónium Jr. vs León Dorado, Mr. Leo, Rey León
4) Cerebro Negro & Cerebro Negro Jr. © vs Bombero Infernal & Mr. Mike [IWRG IC TAG]
first defense
5) Jessy Ventura vs Hijo de Canis Lupus © [IWRG Rey del Ring]
first defense
6) Sagitarius vs BengaleeDiva SalvajeMambaLudark ShaitanSataniaDemasiadoBugambiliaBizhotaZoy RaymundaLady FlammerLady Maravilla [cage, mask, hair]

This is the Jaula de La Locas show, and so a mas lucha premium show. The first few matches airing for free might is something to check out, match 2 might be the best match on the show. Latigo, Toxin, Maravilla, and Flammer were all booked for AAA TV in Puebla so they must’ve been late adds. Good for them for finding extra work.

Other News

AEW Rampage tonight has Bandido vs Konosuke Takeshita.

This week’s AAA show might have been way down on the priority list even if I didn’t have tickets for AEW. The best AAA match you can see on Saturday night will probably be  Hijo del Vikingo vs Laredo Kid vs Arez vs Aramis in Illinois’ Dreamwave Wrestling. That show is sold out, but will air on IWTV.

Big Lucha is also running another Gym show. The tag team tournament continues with SBK & Takuma against Mr. Win & Viajero and Super Nova & Texano Jr. vs Elipse & Orbita in quarterfinals, and a finals on the next show. Bandido teams with Gravity & Potro against Abismo Negro Jr., Cibernetico and Latigo in the main event. I presume this is also streaming on the Big Lucha YouTube channel.

Sangre Texano (Texano Jr. & Super Nova) say they have no plans to go to CMLL or AAA. I like those guys, but this was also a question no one was asking. (Maybe the author of the piece asked?) Texano does say they’re in talks to go to a new country, which makes me wonder if they’re next for NOAH.

The Cassandro bio movie will debut in “select US theatres” on September 15, then on Amazon Prime on September 22. That first date Mexican independence day weekend, and it probably isn’t a coincidence.

Monterrey’s Arena Jaguar announced they’ve reopened and are running shows starting this past Thursday. Wrestling in Monterrey has been at a standstill over the last year due to wrestler licensing requirements, though some venues may have been running shows without advertising them. It’s not clear to me if these wrestlers agreed to take the licensing test or if that requirement has been dropped.

Wrestling returned to Arena Coliseo San Luis Potosi this past weekend for the first time since December 2014. It reads like it’s the same location but maybe a mostly new building; it had some structural issues after the lucha libre stopped and it looks like they rebuilt it as a basketball gym.

Ricky Marvin won a tournament in Hong Kong.

AAA Puebla taping canceled, no word on Rush/TripleMania, CMLL early week results, Mascara Dorada 2.0


CMLL (MON) 06/12/2023 Arena Puebla [El Sol del Puebla, Porra Fressa]
1) Centella Roja, Meyer, Rayo Metálico b Espíritu Maligno, King Jaguar, Rencor Facebook video (posted by )
2) La Magnifica, Sanely, Skadi b Hera, Metálica, Olympia Facebook video (posted by )
3) Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido b Audaz, Fuego, Hombre Bala Jr.
4) Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma, Titán DQ Dragón Rojo Jr., Fuerza Guerrera, Hechicero Facebook video (posted by )
Fuerza unmasked Titan for the DQ.
5) Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero b Místico, Panterita del Ring Jr., Volador Jr. Facebook video (posted by ) Facebook video (posted by )
Stuka pinned Mistico after a mask pull, setting up a singles match between the soon.

Stuka & Mistico had a good singles match in Arena Mexico; CMLL probably won’t ‘post more than a minute of tis one.

CMLL (TUE) 06/13/2023 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Átomo, Chamuel, Mije b Micro Gemelo Diablo I, Micro Gemelo Diablo II, Micro Sagrado CONSEJO MUNDIAL DE LUCHA LIBRE PRESENTA FUNCION DE MARTES DE ARENA MEXICO CON STREAMING GRATUITO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
4) Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr. b Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa CONSEJO MUNDIAL DE LUCHA LIBRE PRESENTA FUNCION DE MARTES DE ARENA MEXICO CON STREAMING GRATUITO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
straight falls, though with a ref bumped in involved. Ola Negra challenged for the trios titles, Cometa wants a hair match with himself and Espiritu against Akuma & Dark Magic
5) Blue Panther, Dark Panther, Panterita del Ring b Bárbaro Cavernario, Kráneo, Rey Bucanero CONSEJO MUNDIAL DE LUCHA LIBRE PRESENTA FUNCION DE MARTES DE ARENA MEXICO CON STREAMING GRATUITO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
6) Panterita del Ring Jr., Titán, Valiente b Dragón Rojo Jr., Euforia, Mephisto CONSEJO MUNDIAL DE LUCHA LIBRE PRESENTA FUNCION DE MARTES DE ARENA MEXICO CON STREAMING GRATUITO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)

Not a strong show; Panterita missed on the shooting star press in a way I’ve not quite seen prior.

The Ola Negra/Atrapsuenos thing will likely set up a trios title match. (Dark Magic shouldn’t be eligible for a Mexican national title, but CMLL seems like they have a free pass to ignore that now.) I’m less sure about the hair match, though they were unusually definite about it for a Tuesday show.

CMLL referees and ringside personnel worked without facemasks for the first time in this arena since the start of COVID. They were still wearing masks in Arena Mexico on Sunday, which appears to be the quiet end of CMLL’s COVID protocols. We probably won’t hear publically if the COVID testing is ending as well, but it seems a safe bet. Mexico and Mexico City ended their COVID health emergency back in early May. It appeared Mexico City was the only stop on the CMLL circuit that still was doing facemasks (CMLL was the last place doing it), so I wonder if there was some regulation from 2020 still being enforced until this week. Couldn’t find anything. The timing of this policy frees

CMLL (TUE) 06/13/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [thecubsfan]
1) Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, Hijo del Calavera b Celeste, Cosmos, Eclipse
2) Exterminador, Javier Cruz Jr., Maléfico b Infierno, Mr. Trueno, Rey Trueno 13 JUNIO 23 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
Malefico snuck in a foul on Rey Trueno
3) Halcón Negro Jr., Optimus, Trono DQ Misterio Blanco, Misterio Negro, Misterioso Jr. 📍Arena Coliseo GDL 🗓️Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 13 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
Crixus attacked Halcon Negro for the DQ.
4) Barboza, Draego, Persa b Ángel Rebelde, Cachorro, Hijo de Stuka Jr. 📍Arena Coliseo GDL 🗓️Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 13 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
Persa used the bottom rope to pin Cachorro after Barboza tripped up Cachorro from the outside.
5) Ángel Negro, Brillante Jr., La Fashion b Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Sagrado 📍Arena Coliseo GDL 🗓️Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 13 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
6) Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr. b Stuka Jr. & Templario
Tecnicos won clean, Atlantis Jr. & Stuka Jr. made challenges post match.

The YouTube feed had issues all during the night; you’re best to go to Facebook if you want to see the main event. Lots of angles and theoretically an anniversary show coming up next week. They’re giving much more hype to the Satanico show the week after so maybe that’s the real anniversary show.

Futuro replaces Hombre Bala on Friday’s Arena Mexico show.

CMLL (SAT) 06/17/2023 Arena Coliseo
1) Acero, Aéreo, Fantasy vs Minos, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia
2) Robin & Sangre Imperial vs Grako & Nitro
3) El Audaz, Flyer, Valiente Jr. vs Disturbio, Felino Jr., Raider
4) Lluvia vs Reyna Isis [lightning]
5) Pegasso, Rey Samuray, Stigma vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Misterioso Jr.
6) Atlantis Jr., Místico, Valiente vs Gran Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero

Obviously, this show will get get the most international attention on Saturday night.

Sunday will be the 19th Anniversary of Mistico’s debut in Arena Mexico. They’re going with his debut under that name, he was wrestling as Astro Boy prior. That’s the same day as the Copa Dinastia final, which is probably not a coincidence. Mistico notes he’s been in CMLL so long that he feels like he’s seen three different generations come through: the Hijo del Santo/Rayo de Jalisco era of guys who were there when he started, the Perro Aguayo Jr. era of people who became stars with him, and the newer guys like Sobearno Jr.

CMLL announcer Roberto Olivera Lopez announced on Twitter that today’s CMLL Informa will have the official introduction of Mascara Dorada 2.0. He later deleted the post. I still Mascara Dorada’s Panterita del Ring Jr., but a poster for July has him still wrestling under that name. That’s the first show I’ve seen past the FantaticaMania Mascara Dorada 2.0 debut that lists Panterita wrestling. Dr. Landru mentions Panterita is believed to be wrestling in northern Mexico under that name later that month. It could be a temporary thing or bookings that’ll change once the name gets announced.

The official guest list for Informa is Mistico, Dr. Karonte, Stuka Jr., Hijo de Stuka Jr. (Copa Dinastia), Titan (Friday main event? NJPW?), Atlantis (anniversary) and Dark Silueta (return news? Pekes?)

Volador Jr., who is very clearly not going to main event the 90th Anniversary show, was asked who he’d like to face in the main event of the 90th Anniversary show. He picked Rocky Romero (but only if Romero had to leave Mexico if he lost) or Ultimo Guerrero.


Monday, AAA announced that “due to recent environmental events,” Sunday’s taping in Puebla was canceled. They offered everyone who bought tickets to the online seller (eticket) for refunds. That ticket seller has the same info, as does as does the local promoter.

I would say everyone outside of AAA is confused by this situation. Maybe even people in AAA: Jose Manuel Guillen mentioned he found out through social media. “Environment events” seems to mean the Popocatépetl volcano, located on the edge of Puebla, Morelos, and Mexico State. The volcano had increased activity at the end of May – you may remember luchador travel issues that day – and Mexico raised the “be ready to go leave it gets worse” alert level. That elevated alert lasted a couple of weeks and has since been downgraded back to its previous state. There was a plume of smoke from the volcano on Monday, though that seems generally normal and the alert level has stayed at level 2. I can’t find any sign of other events that have been canceled. It is going to be very hot in Mexico this weekend, but it’s going to be hot everywhere and no one’s talking about canceling shows. Weather/outside factor cancelations have happened before and will happen again, but typically it’s obvious the show needs to be canceled and the promoters make the call only when they’re left with no other options. That is not the situation here.

The theory is the show wasn’t selling well, and the local promoters pulled the plug. People around Puebla believed tickets weren’t moving, but we have no hard number. Local paper El Sol de Puebla noted low ticket sales and believes there’s no environmental reason to cancel the show. If AAA’s cancelation story is true, they’re having trouble getting people to believe them

It’d be the local promoter, and not AAA, to make the call for a ticket-based cancelation, and that decision would be about how low a number they feel they can survive with. The December Acapulco show drew poorly, and the local promoter stuck with it. The taping that aired from Morelia seemed to draw badly as well – you can barely see the fans who did show up because the lights are turned down so low – but the show also went on. Maybe the local Puebla promoter could not afford to do the same, or maybe something else happened. It is suspicious that the promotion’s Facebook stopped promoting the show on June 4th; promotions do that when they know they’re not running the show and are negotiating for a way out. AAA last posted on Twitter about the show on June 7th.

The Puebla show lineup included QT Marshall’s AAA debut and a mixed tag title match among obvious bits intended to move stories along. It’s possible Pagano would’ve returned in the semi-main to set up his alliance with La Rebelion. Kento & Takuma were scheduled to return to AAA in the second match, which would’ve been the first match in Mexico since reportedly leaving Dragon Gate (and it’s possible Mas Lucha or someone else would’ve been able to wrangle them for an interview on that situation.)

No Puebla TV taping leaves AAA with no new TV for Saturday, July 8th. They’ll be airing the Chihuahua taping up to that point, and the Tijuana TripleMania is the week after. AAA is taping in Orizaba that same July 8th night, but it’s after the Space show ends, and AAA’s not gone live on Space outside of TripleManias this year. AAA has converted spot shows into a TV taping when they were caught short on TV – the mall show in Puebla last October, a Pepsi Center show in December 2021 most recently. There’s no sign of that happening this year. It is possible Space will be fine with a repeat, as happened back in February. That empty week is again the one right before TripleMania Tijuana, so maybe the best use for that hour and half of TV would be to grab a bunch of wrestlers who are booked for that show and have them promote the lineup in between clips of relevant matches. Especially if AAA needs to the concept of a new semi-main over.

(The other AAA TV airings – Azteca, Claro, Multimedios when it’s even on – are farther behind Space and can just catch up a week if need be. Azteca also seems to cut out a lot, which leaves unaired stuff to be added back if need be.)

No taping in Puebla also means AAA will go forty-four days between TV tapings and then have three tapings in thirteen days.

AAA has made no update on the Rush situation. There’s been no additional reporting on it. Saying nothing is deeply annoying to people who’ve paid for this show – either by ticket or PPV – but it’s probably the better sign for something getting resolved. I guess I’m grasping at the straws that AAA hasn’t burned the bridge yet. It does stick out that AAA talked about the Puebla show and not the Tijuana match.

West Coast Pro Wrestling was scheduled to have Black Taurus versus Jeff Cobb on their July 8th show in San Francisco. This past weekend, WCPW announced the match would now be Jeff Cobb vs Alpha Zo. The guess is WCPW was told no to a NJPW/AAA match.

Blue Demon Jr. got the charter airplane paint job treatment on Tuesday. This usually goes with the charter plan being the designated flight for an AAA Hard Rock resort show. Nothing has been mentioned yet and this doesn’t seem to be an AAA deal. Blue Demon did not sound like someone expecting to go back into the AAA apuesta tournament, saying he only wanted to face DMT Azul in a singles match and didn’t have interest in rejoining the tournament format.

Perhaps meaningful: Luchatitlan “full experience” tickets have been marked down from 2300 to 1500 pesos. It’s a limited time offer. AAA tickets to Orizaba are also on a discount offer, but all AAA tickets past the first couple of weeks seem to be eternally on discount.


IWRG (THU) 06/15/2023 Arena Naucalpan
1) Histeriosis vs Súper Boy
2) Águila Roja & Rey Aztaroth vs Avisman & Dinamic Black
3) Gannicus, Hijo Del Enigma, Zaekan vs Dick Angelo 3G, Legendario, Shocko
4) Bengalee & Demasiado vs Bizhota & Sagitarius and Bugambilia & Satania
5) León Dorado & Mr. Leo vs Cerebro Negro & Cerebro Negro Jr.
6) Diva Salvaje & Mamba vs Asterboy & Travis Banks [RGR TAG, torneo]

Match 4 is a preview to Sunday’s cage match.

Other News

Laredo Kid & Jack Price face Champagne Singh & Shera on Impact’s BTI Thursday. That airs on YouTube

Ciclon Ramirez is opening a wrestling school in Acapulco.

Box y Lucha 3555 has Mistico & Dr. Karonte on the cover.

The Business of the Business podcast had the executive producers of the Disney show Ultra Violet and Black Scorpion (Leo Chu and Eric Garcia) on talking about the show. You will remember this as that was “Ultra Violet and Blue Demon” until it suddenly wasn’t, and then you may be disappointed to read there are no new details about that situation. It sounds like these men came in after Demon and his people left the project and had to come up with what the show would be based on an outline of what was left. The show only lasted one season; the showrunners point to a trend of Hispanic-focused programming lasting one season or barely more because the networks either struggle at promoting to the Hispanic markets or just don’t do much of it at all.

A wrestler identified as “Lizmark IIII” wrestled in Minatitaln this past weekend. A third generation Lizmark wrestler has popped up a few times over the years – or maybe multiple ones? – and I’m not sure about this one either.

Segunda Caida writes about more Panamaian lucha libre.

Rush walks out on AAA, Euforia picks a side, Mistico/Titan


CMLL (FRI) 06/09/2023 Arena México [AS, CMLL, FDDEKaiser SportsMedioTiempoR de RudoRecordThe Gladiatores, thecubsfan]
1) Raider b Diamond [lightning]
2) Difunto, Furia Roja (Jalisco), Zandokan Jr. b Guerrero Maya Jr., Rey Samuray, Stigma
3) La Jarochita, Lluvia, Sanely DQ La Catalina, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis
7:22. Zeuxis unmasked Jarochita, setting up a singles match between the two
4) Atlantis, Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr. b Euforia, Soberano Jr., Valiente [Relevos Increíbles]
11:20. Atlantis submitted Soberano Jr., then Gran Guerrero & Stuka attacked him.
5) Hechicero DQ Mephisto
11:17. Straight falls. Euforia interfered to break up a Hechicero submission, allying himself with Mephisto in the split. Hechicero declared he was done with the Infernales name in a post match interview.
6) Dragón Rojo Jr., Místico, Último Guerrero DQ Templario, Titán, Volador Jr. [Relevos Increíbles]
16:36. Mistico’s mask came off on a springboard plancha, which got Titan DQed and set up a singles match. (The idea might have been for Titan to unmask Mistico, but it didn’t come off that way.) Templario/Dragon Rojo feuded but only mildly and in the background.

The main event being focused on Titan working heel against Mistico, and not at all about the feud that seems like it’s main eventing this building in three months, was an odd feeling. The finish didn’t come off well, but next week should be fun.

I suspect CMLL’s heading to a new Los Infernales team being announced as part of the 06/30 Satanico/Fantastica Mania show, but no idea where this is leaving Hechicero. The crowd has no idea what they were supposed to think about the match and didn’t get into it at all. There were angles in four matches on this show, which is a tremendously busy card for CMLL. The matches themselves weren’t great.

CMLL (SAT) 06/10/2023 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Retro b Bengala [lightning]
2) Amapola, Hera, Olympia b La Guerrera, La Vaquerita, Maligna
3) Futuro b Nitro [lightning]
4) Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr. b Audaz, Fuego, Hombre Bala Jr.
5) Cancerbero, Luciferno, Rey Bucanero, Virus b Dark Panther, Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa
6) Blue Panther, Octagón, Titán b Ángel de Oro, Dragón Rojo Jr., Niebla Roja

Nothing notable here.

CMLL (SUN) 06/11/2023 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Leono b Inquisidor [lightning]
2) Cachorro, Capitán Suicida, Valiente Jr. b Oro Jr., Robin, Sangre Imperial
3) El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora b Adrenalina, Explosivo, Fantástico
4) Misterioso Jr. b Flyer [lightning]
5) Dragón Rojo Jr., Star Jr., Titán DQ Hechicero, Soberano Jr., Templario [Relevos Increíbles]
Templario unmasked Dragon Rojo for the DQ
6) Atlantis & Atlantis Jr. b Felino & Felino Jr. [Copa Dinastia, quarterfinal]
7) Dr. Karonte I & Místico b Panterita del Ring & Panterita del Ring Jr. [Copa Dinastia, quarterfinal]
8) Dr. Karonte I & Místico b Atlantis & Atlantis Jr. [Copa Dinastia, semifinal]
The Karonte family faces the Stuka family next week.

Maybe Mistico was chill about not getting the Aniversario main event because he knew this was coming? The only way Dr. Karonte I making the final is a good idea is to keep Mistico happy. They’re surely beating the Stukas next week.

CMLL (TUE) 06/13/2023 Arena México
1) Micro Gemelo Diablo I, Micro Gemelo Diablo II, Micro Sagrado vs Átomo, Chamuel, Mije
2) La Guerrera & La Vaquerita vs Amapola & Tiffany
3) Magia Blanca vs Pegasso [lightning]
4) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
5) Blue Panther, Dark Panther, Panterita del Ring vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Kráneo, Rey Bucanero
6) Panterita del Ring Jr., Titán, Valiente vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Euforia, Mephisto

The stats say Akuma & Rey Cometa have wrestled 7 times in Arena Mexico this year but it feels like so much more. Match 3 could set up a title match. Match two is listed as an incredible partners match (so maybe something changed.)

CMLL (FRI) 06/16/2023 Arena México
1) Galaxy, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito vs Mercurio, Pequeño Polvora, Pierrothito
2) Fuego, Hombre Bala Jr., Volcano vs El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora
3) La Jarochita vs Zeuxis [lightning]
4) Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black vs Difunto, Hijo del Villano III, Zandokan Jr.
5) Atlantis Jr., Star Jr., Volador Jr. vs Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Templario
6) Místico vs Titán

Mistico and Titan are 1-1 in singles matches, though this is the first time they’re wrestling outside of a tournament. The fifth matchis the new trios champions together.

Arena Coliseo Guadalajara says their next Sunday show will be June 25th.

Costa Rica’s CWE announced their summer schedule in a Facebook post. (Box y Lucha also reposted it.) NJPW’s KUSHIDA is listed as wrestling in Costa Rica on Saturday, 08/19. That’s the same day as NJPW’s US All Star Junior Festival, a curious date for KUSHIDA to be outside the US. CWE and CMLL seem to work together on dates, so that KUSHIDA CWE date also might indicate the Gran Prix is around that time with KUSHIDA part of it. Middle of August is usually Gran Prix time anyway, though I suppose KUSHIDA’s appearance could be a coincidence.


Saturday, Rush announced on Facebook that he and his father had left AAA immediately. This means he’s currently off the 07/15 Tijuana show, where his tag match with LA Park against Sam Adonis & Psycho Clown was the most anticipated match for Mexican fans. Most of Rush’s message was declaring to LA Park that he’d do the mask versus hair match as soon as a real promoter gave them a real deal, not a ruleta or other mechanic. Dralistico posted a salute to Rush’s message on his own Facebok page, but did not talk about his own status with AAA. On Sunday, LA Park posted a video urging Rush to put aside whatever issue he has with AAA and work the match in Tijuana for the people. AAA has not acknowledged any of this as of press time.

AAA probably should get out in front of this and at least put out a “we’re working on it” nothing statement, but it may be for the best that they’ve said nothing at all. AAA is surely very upset with Rush, but AAA is also figures to work with Rush again sometime down the road – be it years from now or a few weeks from now. This blow is happening in June, the show isn’t for a month, there is always a decent chance this is just Rush drama that’ll work itself in short order and the match will be back on.

(I guess I should also take a moment to note AAA has done multiple work shoot angles this year to get attention. It doesn’t seem likely, and there’s only downside to telling people one of the biggest stars of your shows will not be there, but I guess I need to note it as a possibility.)

Rush’s reasons for quitting are a mystery. He seems to shift blame towards AAA for not giving him the big match with LA Park, but Rush also had to have known that wasn’t the plan when he agreed to this tournament. Rush looks terrible for bailing on TripleMania Tijuana like this, though that doesn’t seem like something that would bother Rush much. Rush working TripleMania Tijuana is a good payday, and it seems strange he’d pass on it. Rush could’ve tried to pull a power play – demanding his dad or his brother or whomever else get booked – but it also seems like AAA would’ve made some creative sacrifices to keep their most marketable match on the card. AAA needs Rush on this card, so it’s hard to determine what AAA would’ve refused to give him. It would almost have to be something AAA couldn’t give him, but we’re just in wild guess territory at that point.

It is totally in character for Rush to just up and leave in the middle of the program. Given their history, it would’ve seemed appropriate for AAA to ask Rush (and LA Park) to put in writing that they would appear for these shows or face some serious penalties. Rush’s statement – that he can just declare free agency – implies he was just on a handshake deal and under no obligation to appear. But also people say things on the internet that aren’t true, so who knows? Whatever this is, it was part of the bargain of keeping LA Park & Rush in the tournament through Tijuana. Those guys are a bigger draw than DMT Azul & Blue Demon, but they were always likelier to do something strange.

There’s no one obvious fix for replacing Rush if he indeed stays off the show. They could switch it to a three-way match, where the winner escapes, and the losing two wrestlers go to Mexico City. They could plug one of the guys eliminated early (DMT Azul, Blue Demon or Alberto el Patron) in Rush’s spot to keep the name value, maybe even going as far as putting Demon & Azul back in since that’s a more ‘realistic’ mask match than LA Park versus any of the three. Maybe Dr. Wagner gets used as LA Park’s other rival. Or maybe it’s a big foreign name brought in as an attraction. The common theme is outside options – no one in AAA full-time could easily be plugged into that spot, and no one seemed to be getting built to the spot. AAA will want to Rush back as long as they’re running three TripleManias a year, and Rush will want to be with AAA as long as he’s working in Mexico. They’re just costing themselves a Tijuana payday by splitting up here.

AAA TV this week was the first half of Morelia’s show. Dralistico & Gringo Loco versus Hijo del Vikingo & Pentagon Jr. was a brawl to get Gringo over as a serious threat. That worked well. I didn’t like the bit earlier where, in setting up the hair versus hair match, Gringo Loco said he didn’t care about the AAA Megachampionship. Better to just to ignore the belt than bury it like that. Lady Shani versus Chik Tormenta had lots of Toxin and Latigo interference early, then they stood outside and waited to interfere Shani was close to winning, then they took each other out (in a terrible spot), and then Tormenta just won anyway. The bigger issue than the interference for me was Shani getting beat up constantly for the first half of the match. Shani needed to give the fans a little more hope she was trying and fight back a little bit because it just became a flat slog when it’s one person in control all that time. Demus, Latigo, and Toxin looked really good as bases with not great material against Mini Vikingo, Estrellita, and Dulce Kanela, who has had better nights.

The women’s match set up a cage match. Wasn’t definite, but seemed to be Toxin, Latigo, and Chik Tormenta (w/Hijo del Tirantes) against Lady Shani and two TBA (w/Tirantes.) Gringo Loco versus Hijo del Vikingo, hair vs hair, was also set up. One of those things about these AAA tapings being so far behind is you can check the next four sets of tapings and see neither of those matches actually happen. AAA did the Shani/Tirantes match last year at Verano de Escandalo in Aguascalientes, and maybe that’s the destination for the cage match. I still don’t know about Vikingo/Gringo. TripleMania Mexico City feels like a title defense, especially since AAA will have another apuesta match booked. Maybe Verano? Maybe some yet to be announced show after TripleMania Mexico City. (It’s happening so early this year that it’s hard to remember there are probably Heroes Inmortales-level shows still happening later.)

Marisela Pena made a Forbes Mexico list of powerful women, which is a useful marketing tool.


IWRG (SUN) 06/11/2023 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG, Mas Lucha]
1) Rey Aztaroth b Fussion
2) Sagitarius b Benga Lee
Satania cost Bengalee the match
3) Black Danger, León Dorado, Mr. Leo b Caballero de Plata, Éxtasis, Jhon Tito
4) Bombero Infernal & Mr. Mike b Cerebro Negro & Cerebro Negro Jr.
sets up an IWRG IC TAG title match
5) Hijo de Canis Lupus & Tonalli b Noisy Boy & Spider Fly [RGR TAG, torneo]
6) Pig Decapitador, Pig Destroyer, Pig Destructor, Pig Pool b Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Pandemónium, Hijo del Fishman, Pandemónium Jr.

Satania & Bengalee ended up suspended for four days. They’re both going to be in the Jaula de la Loca, a random exotico is going to lose their hair, and that women’s feud will continue existing. Opener was said to be good.

Other News

Latin Lover has been hospitalized since May 22nd. He went in for cervical and spine surgeries. Surgeons found a bacteria infection in the process, and he’s had to endure repeated spine surgeries to clean that up; he indicated he’d be having his sixth (!) spine surgery today. Latin Lover seemed to believe he’d be going home soon.

Mas Lucha aired an angle where Mr. Leo & Dante unmasked Ultimo Legendario & Camaleon, and mask/mask challenges followed. Ultimo Legendario and Dante are already having a singles match on the 07/01 Mas Lucha Ruleta Suicida. Mr. Leo and Camaleon are scheduled to have a no referee match on that show. I’m not 100% what we’re supposed to think is happening – they may explain it clearer on their podcast – but a Facebook video indicates Camaleon/Mr. Leo mask match will happen a Mas Lucha Anniversary show (probably at the end of July.)

Camaleon notably was part of this Ruleta Suicida tournament and was eliminated by fan vote early on. Mr. Leo was not part of that tournament. Camaleon putting up his mask so soon after the tournament for the same promotion has a feel of the promotion expecting the fan vote to go one way and having to do a correction when it went another way. Not sure if that’s actually what happened.

Milenio catches up with former wrestler Psycho Kid, who suffered a serious knee injury on an IAW show, retired from wrestling and now does stand up comedy as Mr. Psycko.

complete card for AAA TripleMania Tijuana, Big Lucha, IWRG


Tonight’s card

CMLL (FRI) 06/09/2023 Arena México
1) Diamond vs Raider [lightning]
2) Guerrero Maya Jr., Rey Samuray, Stigma vs Difunto, Furia Roja (Jalisco), Zandokan Jr.
3) La Jarochita, Lluvia, Sanely vs La Catalina, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis
4) Atlantis, Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr. vs Euforia, Soberano Jr., Valiente [Relevos Increíbles]
5) Mephisto vs Hechicero
6) Dragón Rojo Jr., Místico, Último Guerrero vs Templario, Titán, Volador Jr. [Relevos Increíbles]

Mephisto versus Hechicero is the match of most interesting, more to find out where they’re going with that (if they’re going with that) than the result or even the quality of the match. Everything else is a bit more predictable: the main event should be more Templario/Dragon Roj. Titan’s return to CMLL is a side dish. The fourth match is a regular keep busy tag (and maybe gets Soberano in the building for something later.) The women’s match is the same feud for months, which is still OK. The second match is Puebla versus Guadalajara, and the opener could be fun. It’s on PPV per usual. It’ll go up on YouTube on June 25th.

The YouTube upload this week will have the Soberano/Dragon Rojo Copa Junior VIP final and the first two rounds of the National Middleweight Tournament.

CMLL (SUN) 06/11/2023 Arena México
1) Leono vs Inquisidor [lightning]
2) Cachorro, Capitán Suicida, Valiente Jr. vs Oro Jr., Robin, Sangre Imperial
3) Adrenalina, Explosivo, Fantástico vs El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora
4) Flyer vs Misterioso Jr. [lightning]
5) Dragón Rojo Jr., Star Jr., Titán vs Hechicero, Soberano Jr., Templario [Relevos Increíbles]
6) Dr. Karonte I & Místico vs Atlantis & Atlantis Jr. and Panterita del Ring & Panterita del Ring Jr. and Felino & Felino Jr.

Odd that it’s a Sunday show where Dragon Rojo, Soberano and Templario all end up in the ring at the same time for the first time in a long time.

CMLL (MON) 06/12/2023 Arena Puebla
1) Centella Roja, Meyer, Rayo Metálico vs Espíritu Maligno, King Jaguar, Rencor
2) La Magnifica, Sanely, Skadi vs Hera, Metálica, Olympia
3) Audaz, Fuego, Hombre Bala Jr. vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido
4) Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma, Titán vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Fuerza Guerrera, Hechicero
5) Místico, Panterita del Ring Jr., Volador Jr. vs Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero

Guerrero Maya Jr. likes being the old-school CMLL wrestler, so I guess CMLL is testing him to see what he can possibly do with Fuerza Guerrera.

CMLL (TUE) 06/13/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Celeste, Cosmos, Eclipse vs Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, Hijo del Calavera
2) Exterminador, Javier Cruz Jr., Maléfico vs Infierno, Mr. Trueno, Rey Trueno
3) Misterio Blanco, Misterio Negro, Misterioso Jr. vs Halcón Negro Jr., OptimusTrono
4) Ángel Rebelde, Cachorro, Hijo de Stuka Jr. vs Barboza, Draego, Persa
5) Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Sagrado vs Ángel Negro, Brillante Jr., La Fashion
6) Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr. vs Stuka Jr. & Templario

That main event sounds good if they’re up for it.  Match two will probably some interference on the finish. There’s a Guadalajara based Angel Negro, the guy on these shows is actually “Angel Negro Jr.” from Torreon but they don’t use the Jr. even there often and it’s causing minor havoc on my database.

“Arena Coliseo Guadalajara shows every Sunday!” seems to have lasted exactly one show. That’s the second time that’s happened.

CMLL posted a video revealing the mystery guy from two weeks ago was Mascara Dorada 2.0. Anouncing Mascara Dorada 2.0 in a match gave that away already. They did confirm that 06/30 match with El Desperado is the debut of the new character. His identity is obscured more in the second video. He is still expected to be Panterita del Ring Jr.

Mistico announced he’s given up his pursuit of the 90th Anniversary main event. He feels like if CMLL doesn’t have the confidence to put him in that spot, it’s no big deal, he’ll hopefully still be on the card otherwise and there’s still so many other places he can main event. (He was coming off main eventing in Colima and Guadalajara.) Mistico also suggested he may retire in four or five years. I believe none of this.

Mural has a history of Guadalajara wrestling, centering on Arena Coliseo Guadalajara.


AAA held a press conference in Tijuana to announce the full 07/15 TripleMania card

AAA TV (SAT) 07/15/2023 Estadio Chevron, Tijuana, Baja California
***TripleMania XXXI Tijuana ***
1) Willie Mack vs Mr. IguanaJack CartwheelLa HiedraFlammerMyzteziz?Puma KingNiño HamburguesaDinámicoGringo Loco [Copa TripleMania]
2) Dalys, Lady Shani, Sexy Star vs Kamille, Natalia Markova, Viva Van
3) Bestia 666, Mecha Wolf, Pagano vs Aramis, Jack Evans, Vampiro Canadiense
4) Argenis, Chessman, Daga, Negro Casas vs Damián 666, Nicho el Millionario, Rey Horus, Xtreme Tiger
Baja vs Mexico City
5) Laredo Kid & Pentagón Jr. vs QT Marshall & Taurus [ambulance]
6) Psycho Clown & Sam Adonis vs LA Park & Rush [Guerra de Rivalidades, semifinal]
7) Hijo Del Vikingo © vs Kenny Omega [AAA MEGA]

Analysis is kind of pointless. You’re going to get this show (available on FITE) because Vikingo/Omega will be one of the best matches of the year, or because AAA weirdness appeals to you, or you just won’t get it at all. But I guess I’ve got to fill up this space somehow.

The fifth match was somewhat set up earlier in the day by an AAA video revealing QT Marshall as the mystery person who’s been causing trouble for Penta for the last few months. Marshall debuts on the June 18th taping in Puebla, where he’s facing and teaming with none of the people in this match. It’s a weird pick. Penta’s a big enough star that he’s only doing a feud in AAA with QT Marshall if that’s what he feels like doing, so Penta must be in to this idea somehow. (The counter part is Fenix and Taya not being on this show, for lack of anything interesting for them to make time.) Taurus and Laredo are good and I’d rather see them on TripleMania than not, but I have no idea why they’re in the match. I’d also much rather see Taurus than Antifaz but wasn’t that the feud that was going on?

How does a tag team ambulance match work? Do you think AAA’s figured out if both people have to be in an ambulance, or just one, or what counts as putting someone in an ambulance? Is this going to be one of those times where the announcers explain the rules of the match and then the wrestlers work it under entirely different rules? Is it possible for me to write this paragraph harshly enough to get AAA everyone on the same page ahead of time? I’d prefer AAA get mad about me for questioning their competency than to watch a dumb show. (This is where I also note the only referees listed for the show are Piero and Hijo de Tirantes – is Vikingo/Omega going to be refereed by the guy with one good arm or the guy who can’t remember how counts work in big matches?)

AAA shifted the Copa TripleMania to be a battle royal of people booked with nothing to do. The Baja California versus Mexico City match was 5v5, is now 4v4 with no Cup on the line. (No one told Daga. I encourage him to bring his own trophy and give it to himself if he wins.) Battle rapper Azcino and UFC fighter Brandon Moreno will be in the corners, with AAA making it clear that neither would actually be wrestling. There was some confusion with that bit in Monterrey, AAA should not have that issue this time. Moreno being on this show seems to have gotten more attention of the two early on.

The Vampiro, Jack Evans, Aramis versus La Rebelion & Pagano stuff appears to be set up by stuff taped on TV that is unlikely to air before this show happens.

Women’s match isn’t interesting to me but it is a sound business move: US-based women’s wrestlers seem to have passionate followings, and it seems worth using them to see if the support from those fans will carry through to actually paying for a PPV. I don’t know that AAA risks losing much audience to Collision in general, but it’s a PPV built around Kenny Omega showing up, there might be people trying to watch both and tuning in late.

This is a Tijuana show, so Copa TripleMania will be built around (the same as ever) Willie Mack dancing spot to get the reaction. It will definitely get a great reaction. I’m not sure if Dinamico is still with AAA or if AAA just didn’t bother to update the poster. Note that Hiedra & Flammer are booked and Maravilla is again not with them. I don’t know the story there but that keeps happening.

Komander goes from main eventing the last TripleMania to not appearing on this one at all. Maybe he’s got AEW commitments? Arez, Octagon Jr, and the Vipers aren’t around either. Alberto el Patron seemed set up to be a major part of these shows and he’s nowhere to be seen; I take the victories where I can get them.

This show, and all Saturday shows for the time being, goes up against AEW Collision. This episode is scheduled to have the finals of the Owen Hart tournament. If I’m understanding the time zones correctly – a risk! – the last hour of Collsion goes up against the first hour of this TripleMania. That means likely men’s and women’s finals against the first couple of matches on this show.

In the bigger picture, I’d figure the luchadors who are still working Mexico and indies (the Komander, Vikingo, Bandido types) will want to be on Dynamite so they can still pick up bookings on the weekends. It seems like AEW is taping Ring of Honor on Saturdays and those luchadors have more often worked that show, so I’m not sure how it will work out. No one seems to know how it’ll work out, about eight days before the first show.

AAA TV this Saturday starts the Morelia shows, taped 20 days ago. Matches taped:

  • Dulce Kanela, Estrellita, Mini Vikingo vs Demus, Látigo, Toxin
  • Brazo De Oro Jr. & Sexy Star vs Flamita & Villano III Jr.
  • Lady Shani vs Chik Tormenta in a hardcore rules match
  • Octagón Jr. & Rey Horus vs Arez & Komander and Jack Evans & Myzteziz for the AAA World Tag Team Championship
  • Aramis & Negro Casas vs Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf
  • Hijo Del Vikingo & Pentagón Jr. vs Dralistico & Gringo Loco

AAA hasn’t indicated which matches will air and I haven’t seen a Space press release posted elsewhere. I actually tracked down WBD Mexico’s media contact email and signed up for their mailing specifically so I can get the AAA info most dearly important to me (which three matches are airing that week), but I have never gotten an email. The media site also doesn’t look like it’s been updated in two years, what are you going to do.


IWRG (SUN) 05/28/2023 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG, R de Rudo]
1) Rey Aztaroth b Ei Bi Ci IWRG | Mano a mano: Rey Astaroth vs Ei Bi Ci | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
2) Águila Roja, Mr. Mike, Rey Halcón b Éxtasis, Fussion, John Tito IWRG | Rey Halcón, Águila Roja y Mr. Mike vs Fussión, Jhon Tito y Extasis | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
3) Bengalee, Sagitarius, Zoy Raymunda b Bugambilia, Mary Caporal, Sexy Gladys IWRG | Bengalee, Zoy Raymunda y Sagitarius vs Sexy Gladys, Bugambilia y Mary Caporal | Full Match (posted by mluchatv)
4) Elemental, León Dorado, Mr. Leo b Caballero de Plata, Relámpago, Spider Fly IWRG | Elemental, León Dorado Jr. y Mr. Leo vs Spider Fly, Relámpago y Caballero de Plata (posted by mluchatv)
5) Canek Jr., Nosaki, Shocko b Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Pandemónium, Pandemónium Jr. IWRG | La Pandemia vs Nozaki, Shocko y Canek Jr. | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
6) Heavy Metal & Rocky Casas b Hell Boy & Puma de Oro IWRG | Hellboy y Puma de Oro vs Heavy Metal y Rocky Casas | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)

More Casas/Hell Boy stuff.

IWRG (THU) 06/01/2023 Arena Naucalpan
1) John Tito b Rey Astaroth JHON TITO MANO A MANO VS AZTAROTH (posted by hector godfrey)
2) Bengalee, Noisy Boy, Spider Fly b Águila Roja, Lolita, Rey Halcón BENGALEE, NOISY Y BOY SPIDER FLY VS LOLITA, ÁGUILA ROJA Y REY HALCON (posted by hector godfrey)
4) Vito Fratelli b Puma de Oro [WLLC, 8f] PUMA DE ORO ( MÉXICO) VS VITO FRATELLI. IWRG WORLD LUCHA LIBRE CHAMPIONSHIP (posted by hector godfrey)
5) Tonalli b Leo Cristiano [WLLC, 8f] TONALLI (MÉXICO) VS LEO CRISTIANI ( ESPAÑA) IWRG WORLD LUCHA LIBRE CHAMPIONSHIP (posted by hector godfrey)
6) Nozaki b Kiki Roberts [WLLC, 8f] NOZAKI (JAPÓN) VS KIKI ROBERTS (E.U.A.) IWRG WORLD LUCHA LIBRE CHAMPIONSHIP (posted by hector godfrey)
7) Vito Fratelli b Wesley Pipes [WLLC, quarterfinal] WESLEY PIPE (CANADA) VS VITO FRATELLI (ITALIA) IWRG WORLD LUCHA LIBRE CHAMPIONSHIP (posted by hector godfrey)
8) Tonalli b Nozaki [WLLC, quarterfinal] TONALLI (MÉXICO) VS NOSAKI (JAPÓN) IWRG WORLD LUCHA LIBRE CHAMPIONSHIP (posted by hector godfrey)
9) Cuervo de Puerto Rico, Dick Angelo 3G, Mark Thomas b Hellboy, Hijo de Canis Lupus, Hijo del Pirata Morgan CUERVO DE PUERTO RICO/MARK THOMAS/DICK ANGELO 3G VS H. DEL PIRATA MORGAN/HELL BOY/H.CANIS LUPUS (posted by hector godfrey)
Pirata betrayed his opponents. Mark Thomas was hurt during the match
10) Vito Fratelli b Tonalli [WLLC, semifinal] VITO FRATELLI (ITALIA) VS TONALLI (MÉXICO) WORLD LUCHA LIBRE CHAMPIONSHIP (posted by hector godfrey)

IWRG (SUN) 06/04/2023 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG, Mas Lucha, R de Rudo]
1) Sagitarius b BengaleeTherius WLLC | Sagitarius vs Therius vs Bengalee | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
2) Mamba b El Marques [WLLC, 8F] WLLC | Mamba vs El Marques | Bloque B / Ronda 1 | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
3) Hijo del Fishman b Mark Thomas [WLLC, 8F] WLLC | Hijo de Fishman vs Mark Thomas | Bloque B / Ronda 1 | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
4) Cuervo de Puerto Rico b Tirano [WLLC, 8F] WLLC | Cuervo de Puerto Rico vs Tirano | Bloque B / Ronda 1 | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
5) Hellboy b Nimrod [WLLC, 8F] WLLC | Hellboy vs Nimrod | Bloque B / Ronda 1 | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
6) Hijo del Fishman b Mamba [WLLC, quarterfinal] WLLC | Mamba vs Hijo de Fishman | Bloque B / Ronda 2 | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
7) Hellboy b Cuervo de Puerto Rico [WLLC, quarterfinal] WLLC | Cuervo de Puerto Rico vs Hellboy | Bloque B / Ronda 2 | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
8) Hijo Del Enigma, Kiki Roberts, Leo Cristiani b Mosca (Argentina), Nozaki, Wesley Pipes WLLC | Kiki Roberts, Hijo del Enigma y Leo Cristiani vs Wesley Pipes, Nozaki y Mosca | Full Match (posted by mluchatv)
9) Hellboy b Hijo del Fishman [WLLC, semifinal] WLLC | Hellboy vs Hijo de Fishman | FInal Bloque B | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)
10) Cerebro Negro & Cerebro Negro Jr. b Hijo de Canis Lupus & Rey León © [IWRG IC TAG] WLLC | Por el Campeonato de Parejas IWRG: Cerebros (R) vs Lion Brothers (R) vs Canis y Rey León (C) (posted by mluchatv)
11) Vito Fratelli b Hellboy [WLLC, final] WLLC | GRAN FINAL World Lucha Libre Championship: Vito Fratelli vs Hellboy | Lucha completa (posted by mluchatv)

The World Lucha Libre Championship didn’t make much of an impression. The Mas Lucha group talked about the tournament a bit on the Monday after it. The consensus is most of the foreigners didn’t impress – winner Vito Fratelli was said to have done well, but the panel suggested they’d rather see some of the usual IWRG foreigners rather than the people who came in for the tournament. Laredo Kid pulling out of the tournament hurt a lot as well. IWRG announced there will be a 2024 edition of this idea in Los Angeles, hosted by RGR promotion, and the Mas Lucha panel hoped that location would lead to a better field.

IWRG (THU) 06/08/2023 Arena Naucalpan [Mas Lucha]
1) Súper Boy b Legado
2) Águila Roja, Mr. Mike, Rey Halcón b Jhon Tito, Noisy Boy, Spider Fly
Mike asked for an IWRG Tag title shot, only for champions Los Cerebros Negro to attack him. Not clear who Mr. Mike will team with.
3) Demasiado & Lolita b Bizhota & Danessa
Bengalee showed up for her match but was told she was suspended for a fight in the gym. Demasiado said he would win Diva Salvaje’s hair in the upcoming cage match.
4) Hell Boy & Puma de Oro b Heavy Metal & Rocky Casas [RGR TAG, torneo]
5) Diva Salvaje & Jessy Ventura b Hijo de Canis Lupus & Hijo del Pirata Morgan
Salvaje challenged Hijo de Canis Lupus is the Rey del RIng title.

IWRG ran a Facebook angle on Tuesday, with announcer Vic Martz posting a “unexpected” video of Bengalee and Sagitarius getting into a fight during training. IWRG announced both wrestlers were suspended. The video didn’t get much traction before the suspension announcement; a few people thought the ‘suspension for a fight’ was actually a cover for benching those women after a horrendous performance on Sunday. I guess it could still be that on some level, though it’s more likely just part of the fued those two have been doing off and on for a year. For Thursday, that meant they tried to have their match and were again told they were suspended. They’ll surely be back in the upcoming cage match.

IWRG (SUN) 06/11/2023 Arena Naucalpan
1) Fussion vs Rey Aztaroth
2) Benga Lee vs Sagitarius
3) Caballero de Plata, Éxtasis, Jhon Tito vs Black Danger, León Dorado, Mr. Leo
4) Cerebro Negro & Cerebro Negro Jr. vs Bombero Infernal & Mr. Mike
5) Hijo de Canis Lupus & Tonalli vs Noisy Boy & Spider Fly [RGR TAG, torneo]
6) Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Pandemónium, Hijo del Fishman, Pandemónium Jr. vs Pig Decapitador, Pig Destroyer, Pig Destructor, Pig Pool

Match 4 makes Mr. Mike’s plans clearer; they’re moving towards a father/son vs father/son tag title match for Father’s Day. I haven’t checked out the IWRG news show in a while, not sure if they’re explaining how these tournament matches fit together. Pure lucha libre weirdness to keep listing Benga Lee (or Bengalee) on the lineups so she can keep showing up and being told she’s still suspended.

Lucha Libre Boom ran their 10th Anniversary show on Saturday at Arena Lopez Mateos. Among those in attendance, though not wrestling, was El Cuervo de Puerto Rico. It was the first time he set foot in the venue since the November 19, 2018 incident where Angel o Demonio threw a cinder block at Cuervo’s head, severely injuring him. He had a lot of feelings about being back there, and seemed to be in a good place after all that’s happened.

IWRG also announced lineups for it’s first “Expo Lucha Libre”, Saturday and Sunday shows at an outdoor festival. Nothing too notable to them.

Big Lucha

They ran twice back at the end of May

AAA , Big Lucha (FRI) 05/26/2023 Centro Civico Nueva Aragon, Ecatepec, Estado de México [thecubsfan]
1) Reyidel b Golden Dragón (Illinois) Big Lucha | Ecatepec 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
2) Metal Shadow b Atómico Jr.Steel Dragón Big Lucha | Ecatepec 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
3) Forneo & La Brava b Aero Queen & Skayde Big Lucha | Ecatepec 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
Limbo distracted Skayde
4) Niño Hamburguesa, Tirano, Viajero b Abismo Negro Jr., Argenis, Limbo Big Lucha | Ecatepec 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
Skayde distracted Limbo
5) Chessman b Mr. Win Big Lucha | Ecatepec 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
Bonus match. Black Generation invited Chessman to join the group (he already had the red and black colors)
6) Cometa Maya, Morfosis, Radioactivo b Ditto, Elipse, Orbita Big Lucha | Ecatepec 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
Ditto was officially on the Locos Evans team but Iku interfered freely.
7) Bendito, Emperador Azteca, Flamita, Hijo De Wagner b El Potro de Oro, Galeno del Mal, Gravity, Negro Casas Big Lucha | Ecatepec 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
Chessman threw a drink in Galeno del Mal’s face to cost him the match. Black Generation betrayed Chessman after the match.
8) Alberto el Patrón, Bandido, Psycho Clown b Sam Adonis, Súper Nova, Texano Jr. Big Lucha | Ecatepec 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
Fouls all around until Psycho cradled Adonis

Didn’t see much of this. This was a very AAA spot show with some weird angles thrown in. I can’t explain the Chessman thing; it’s not like they’re coming back with it next month.

Big Lucha (SAT) 05/27/2023 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal [La Tijera Lucha Libre]
1) La Brava & Vórtice b Aeroqueen & Reiya Big Lucha | BIG BANG 2023 | MIXA Champions Bloque A (posted by BIG LUCHA ) La Brava y Vortize Vs Aero Queen y Reiyel en Big Bang de Big Lucha (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2) Cometa Maya & Radioactivo b El Machote & Máscara Año 2000 Jr. [BIG LUCHA MIXA, quarterfinal] Big Lucha | BIG BANG 2023 | MIXA Champions Bloque A (posted by BIG LUCHA ) Radioactivo y Cometa Maya Vs El Machote y Máscara Año 2000 Jr en Big Lucha (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
3) Brujo De Iztapalapa, Cobarde Jr., Forneo b Skayde, Tirano, Viajero Big Lucha | BIG BANG 2023 | MIXA Champions Bloque A (posted by BIG LUCHA ) Cobarde Jr, Brujo de Iztapalapa y Forneo Vs Skayde, Viajero y Tirano en Big Lucha (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
setting up a Skayde/Forneo match
4) Dalys b Lady Maravilla Big Lucha | BIG BANG 2023 | MIXA Champions Bloque A (posted by BIG LUCHA )
5) Bendito & Flamita b Sol & Torito Negro [BIG LUCHA MIXA, quarterfinal] Big Lucha | BIG BANG 2023 | MIXA Champions Bloque A (posted by BIG LUCHA ) Gran lucha eliminatoria Mixa Champions: Torito Negro y Sol Vs Flamita y Oni el Bendito en Big Lucha (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
6) El Potro de Oro, Gravity, Rey Horus b Iku, Jack Evans, Vengador Big Lucha | BIG BANG 2023 | MIXA Champions Bloque A (posted by BIG LUCHA ) Golden Guns: Rey Horus, Gravity y Potro Vs Locos Evans: Jack Evans, Vengador e Ikku con Ditto en Big (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
7) Cometa Maya & Radioactivo b Flamita & Oni El Bendito [BIG LUCHA MIXA, semifinal] Big Lucha | BIG BANG 2023 | MIXA Champions Bloque A (posted by BIG LUCHA )
8) Galeno del Mal & Negro Casas b Emperador Azteca & Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. and Súper Nova & Texano Jr. Big Lucha | BIG BANG 2023 | MIXA Champions Bloque A (posted by BIG LUCHA ) Negro Casas y Galeno del Mal Vs Hijo de Wagner Jr y Emperador Azteca Vs Texano y Super Nova (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Negro Casas replaced Bandido around May 9th.

Bendito & Flamtia versus Sol & Torito Negro was the best match on the show. It was a rudo/rudo match, so Flamita decided to play sarcastic good guy the whole match – and also just wrestled very well the rest of the time. The Hell Flyers had one of their good nights too and it came together nicely. Match 6 was fun, and the rest of the show was hit or miss. The latter half of match seven was a struggle; I think the intended finish was Radioactivo escaping a powerbomb into a torito, only he lost hold of Bendito, crashed, and was hurt. They had to scramble to get to the result. The main was normal spot show stuff, and everyone teasing matches with Emperador Azteca that don’t appear to be happening.

Attendence seemed down here from recent shows, even with bigger names on top.

These shows were produced by Big Lucha; they’re not on Mas Lucha now, and you can find the full version only on Big Lucha’s YouTube channel. That’ll be the way it is going for, until the next time it changes again. The production was fine when everything was working – the announcing wasn’t overbearing. The sound was fine. They seemed to only have a hard cam and a single floor cam but it got through fine. The black screen of doom came up only once or twice. They even had graphics for wrestler/team names, which Mas Lucha does not do for live shows (and neither do AAA or CMLL come to think of it.) I found it interesting that, where a US promotion might put up a wrestler’s Twitter handle, this group was using Instagram pages instead. It was perfectly acceptable Mexican wrestling footage when it was working right.

The Big Lucha production also wasn’t working right for the first third of the show; the first three matches on the Saturday show were unlistenable because of echoing audio. They figured it out and got it working, and you just have to allow for those kind of issues early on. The video had about 2.1K views when I checked Thursday, which is significantly lower than what Mas Lucha live streams normally do. That’ll take time and effort to improve too.

The next set of Big Lucha shows:

Big Lucha (SAT) 06/17/2023 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal
1) El Machote & Máscara Año 2000 Jr. vs Reiyel & Steel Dragón
2) Mr. Win & Viajero vs SBK & Takuma [BIG LUCHA TAG, quarterfinal]
3) Súper Nova & Texano Jr. vs Elipse & Orbita [BIG LUCHA TAG, quarterfinal]
4) Forneo, Sol, Torito Negro vs Black Skayde, Skayde, Vórtice
5) Carito & Dalys vs Andrómeda & Lady Maravilla
6) ? & ?? vs ??? & ???? [BIG LUCHA TAG, semifinal]
7) El Bandido, Gravity, Potro vs Abismo Negro Jr., Cibernético, Látigo

Golden Guns versus Vipers in the main event. Match five has a feud between exoticos Carito & Andromeda, set up between matches on the most recent Arena show. Match four continues the Forneo/Skayde feud. SBK & Takuma going far in this tournament would be an interesting way to draw a whole bunch of new people to sample a show, though Sangre Texana seem more likely to go through in this block.

Big Lucha (SUN) 06/25/2023 Auditorio Municipal, Amecameca, Estado de México
1) Andrómeda, Forneo, La Brava vs Aeroqueen, Auster, Skayde
2) Elipse, Iku, Orbita vs Mr. Win, Tirano, Viajero
3) Cometa Maya, Morfosis, Radioactivo vs Limbo, Sol, Torito Negro
4) El Potro & Gravity vs El Cobarde (Chihuahua) & El Dragón (Chihuahua) and Jack Evans & Vengador
5) El Bandido, Negro Casas, Psycho Clown vs Sam Adonis, Súper Nova, Texano Jr.

More Psycho/Adonis prior to the mask match. Match three is one of those that could be great if everyone has a good night. Bandido working the main event heavily suggests he’s been told he won’t be needed for AEW’s Forbidden Door (to no great surprise.)

Other News

Chica Yeye (Julio Flores, 32) passed away Wednesday after battle with colon cancer. It’s July Flores on Facebook but friends seem to be using Julio. Chica Yeye wrestled in many indie promotions in the 10s, most often with DTU. Yeye’s first got attention by participating in the 2012 Quien Pinta Para La Corona contest. Yeye’s mother told Peridocio Correo that Yeye snuck out to the QPPLC tryout in Leon, then again went to Mexico City without telling her, bringing back photos and a La Parka mask as proof. Yeye’s only AAA appearance ended up being an appearance on the short-lived AAA Fusion b-show, but wrestled and trained with the AAA wrestlers of that 2010-2015 era. Yeye also worked as a nurse.

Yeye was running a school in Morelia up until the pandemic. Yeye had reopened a school recently in Salamanca but started to feel ill; doctors didn’t discover the colon cancer until it was grave. Yeye’s death has gotten a fair bit of attention because of Maravilla’s statements earlier in the week about the poor treatment Salamanca’s hospital was giving Chica Yeye, and because it may have to with Yeye being transgender. I briefly met Chica Yeye at the “DTU offices” on a trip to Mexico; I remember Yeye was quiet and had surprisingly soft hands for a wrestler.

Mexico State Referee Mr. Lobo (Aurelio Villanueva) passed away Wednesday. He was just scheduled to be honored for 50 years in lucha libre this past weekend, though it reads like he was in poor health for a while.

Andrade’s June 15th wrestling appearance in Arena Olimpico Laguna is being billed as “his final match in the area.” Andrade did clarify that it’s not a forever final, he may wrestle again years down the road, but not in the immediate future. AEW deals seem to allow people to take indie bookings when they want, so either Andrade is choosing not to wrestle in his hometown for a long time or he’s thinking he’s getting a different sort of contract soon. Andrade is like Penta and Fenix, where he really doesn’t need to wrestle in Mexico at this point economically, and it could be as simple as him deciding to take less work coming back from an long term injury.

SuperLuchas writes about Canek’s appearance in Madison Square Garden appearance, where he got attention for his flying ability (of all things.) He may have done the first tope in the history of wrestling on in that building.

LuchaWiki and other site issues

an overly bit on long how these sites have been issues

  • Everything (this blog, the main page everyone’s forgotten about except for Joe Versus the World stuff and the luchawiki) was originally hosted under the same account. This was on old plan that my hosting company doesn’t offer anymore: unlimited storage, though at low RAM for modern sites. The unlimited storage was super helpful before podcasts hosts (and podcasts themselves) really existed – I could upload MP3s without problem. The luchawiki also took up a lot of space, and the later poster archive for the luchadb takes up an absurdly large amount of space.
  • Years back, I moved the database – the part of the site that basically stores all the text – onto it’s own separate database hosting for speed reasons
  • More recently, I moved the luchadb to make it easier to track malware; having all those files and folders on one hosting site was causing scanners to give up before checking everywhere. This helped for a while!
    • To save money, I ended up keeping the posters back in the main (unlimited) storage. So sometimes the luchadb site will work but the posters will be down
  • Both the luchawiki and thecubsfan pages started going down all the time in early May. As always, I had no idea why. There’d be times when I’d restart the servers and they’d go back down within seconds. This was really annoying and came at a time when I didn’t have the focus to deal with it. It was probably also really annoying for you to try to visit these sites. I’m my own tech support for these things and the only solutions I came up with was “upgrade the luchawiki to the latest version, and split luchawiki off to it’s own server to figure out which site is causing the problem.”
  • Upgrade & moving went very poorly. That constant downtime disrupted the move; there was a point where I feared every luchawiki image was lost, trapped on an old server. (The hosting company fixed it.) The Mediawiki software also didn’t carry over correctly; I had to reinstall it from scratch and even then got weird errors that even the Mediawiki people couldn’t figure out. (It seems like most of those have shaken out, but I’m not confident about it at all.) Reinstalling the software also wiped out the stuff I put in to stop bot accounts from spamming the luchawiki, and they figured it out quickly. I cleaned up the account, put some security back, and turned off creating new accounts for the site.
  • Splitting up the sites did help in figuring out the issue: It’s definitely the luchawiki that’s having the problems. It still is going down randomly, while site is staying up. A site scan found some malware that snuck in (to spam other sites, don’t think it accessed the passwords because they’re hashed), but the luchawiki is still going down often, and I’m not sure why. The hosting company believes there’s no more malware left, but the issue is still there and I don’t have any real idea how to ensure it will stay working.

The luchawiki software update also included positive changes – the new visual editor is useful – that also broke parts of the website. A recent required server update also broke parts of the luchadb around this time; I think it’s working. This has not been fun. Paying for four different hosting plans is also not fun.

The luchawiki isn’t going anywhere. I wouldn’t call it – or anything I’ve done – ‘successful’, but it’s known, used, and contains a lot of work by other people that I don’t want to be wasted. But the issues I’ve had with keeping that running, along with other things going on personally recently, have been a reminder that nothing will last forever. I’ve been around, these sites have been around for eternity, but they and I won’t be around forever. I can keep these plates spinning until my last breath, or I can set them down and move onto something else. They’re going to stop spinning either way. I’m going to keep spinning them for now; I’ll see if I can track down someone who can get the wiki working a little better if I can’t do it myself.

AAA catchup (TV notes, wrestlers working rival shows, upcoming TV), new national heavyweight champion, Mas Lucha mask match


CMLL (TUE) 06/06/2023 Arena México [Box y Lucha, CMLL, Fuego en el RingKaiser SportsPublimetro]
1) Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía b Mercurio, Minos, Pequeño Polvora Angelito, Magia y Kaligua ¡¡¡El Pequeño Sky Team triunfa en la Arena México!!! (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CONSEJO MUNDIAL DE LUCHA LIBRE PRESENTA FUNCION DE MARTES DE ARENA MEXICO CON STREAMING GRATUITO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
2) Skadi & Tiffany b La Magnifica & Metálica [Relevos IncreíblesCONSEJO MUNDIAL DE LUCHA LIBRE PRESENTA FUNCION DE MARTES DE ARENA MEXICO CON STREAMING GRATUITO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
3) Vaquero Jr. b Halcón Suriano Jr. [lightningCONSEJO MUNDIAL DE LUCHA LIBRE PRESENTA FUNCION DE MARTES DE ARENA MEXICO CON STREAMING GRATUITO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Halcón Suriano Jr vs El Vaquero Jr MATCH RELÁMPAGO DESDE LA ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
4) Blue Panther, Dark Panther, Volcano b Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Kráneo CONSEJO MUNDIAL DE LUCHA LIBRE PRESENTA FUNCION DE MARTES DE ARENA MEXICO CON STREAMING GRATUITO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Victoria de Blue Panther, Dark Panther y Volcano ante Kraneo y los Gemelos Diablo I y II (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Sagrado falls on his 4th defense, second versus Star Black. Star Black becomes the 70th champion.
6) Atlantis, Panterita del Ring Jr., Star Jr. b Averno, Bárbaro Cavernario, El Hijo del Villano III CONSEJO MUNDIAL DE LUCHA LIBRE PRESENTA FUNCION DE MARTES DE ARENA MEXICO CON STREAMING GRATUITO (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)

Didn’t get to see this one, I was told the Star Black/Sagrado match wasn’t anything great. The Fuerza Tapatia trio now has the national heavyweight (Star Black), the national tag team (Esfinge & Fugaz), and the national light heavyweight (Esfinge) championships.

Attendance looks on the low end of what they’ve drawn on Tuesdays.

CMLL (TUE) 06/06/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Astro Oriental, Avispón Negro Jr., Bello Antuan b Minotauro, Mortis, Rumbero Martes de Glamour 06 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
2) Exterminador & Maléfico DQ Flash & Pepe Aguayo and Estrella de Jalisco I (2000s) & Estrella de Jalisco II (2000s) and Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno Martes de Glamour 06 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
Flash threw his mask to Malefico for the DQ.
3) Okumura b Arlequín [lightningMartes de Glamour 06 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
4) Pegasso, Perverso, Rey Samuray b Bestia Negra, Black Boy, Cris Skin Martes de Glamour 06 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
5) Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio b Leo, Omar Brunetti, Ráfaga Jr. Martes de Glamour 06 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
Rafaga Jr. replaced Principe
6) Esfinge & Fugaz b Furia Roja & Guerrero de la Muerte Martes de Glamour 06 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
tag title challenges followed
7) Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido b Difunto, Principe Daniel, Zandokan Jr. Martes de Glamour 06 junio 2023 (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
Magnus and Daniel got into a fight post match (ignored by the announcers)

Maybe Esfinge & Fugaz will end up with even more belts. The ending of the show – Magnus jumping in the ring to attack Daniel and the two having a (worked) fight – was quite strange.

Guadalajara also posted a 25 minute interview with Dark Silueta that I have not watched.

Arena Coliseo Guadalajara started to promote Naito, Bushi and Titan for the 06/27 show. The building’s 64th Anniversary show (probably a destination for some of these feuds) figures to be 06/20, so it’ll be two shows back to back.

CMLL (SAT) 06/10/2023 Arena Coliseo
1) Bengala vs Retro [lightning]
2) La Guerrera, La Vaquerita, Maligna vs Amapola, Hera, Olympia
3) Futuro vs Nitro [lightning]
4) Audaz, Fuego, Hombre Bala Jr. vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
5) Dark Panther, Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Rey Bucanero, Virus
6) Blue Panther, Octagón, Titán vs Ángel de Oro, Dragón Rojo Jr., Niebla Roja

Octagon is back around to give the Chavez Brothers a busy Saturday night. CMLL needs to book a Retro versus Futuro match.

CMLL Informa has Mistico & Dr. Karonte I, Felino & Felino Jr., Stuka Jr. & Hijo de Stuka Jr. (Copa Dinastia), Mephisto (Infernales split), and Star Black, Star Jr., and Guerrero Maya Jr. (title changes)

Titan vs Master Wato airs on NJPW on AXS this Thursday. It’s extremely rare for a CMLL wrestler to air on that show; they air select NJPW main event and CMLL wrestlers are not in many of those.

Atlantis & Atlantis Jr. defeated Satanico & Murcy Jr. this past weekend in Chiapas. That show got some local attention because local Murcy Jr. was a late replacement for Mr. Aguila. The promoters called Aguila out on Facebook for taking their money, not getting on the flight, and then not responding to messages.

Angelito mentioned to La Raza that he’s a second-generation wrestler; his father and uncle wrestled in Veracruz as Los Guerreros Ninja.

Metalik says he’s still going over to NJPW at some point.

Brothers and long-time CMLL opener tag team Super Comando and Principe Odin (Artillero) are teaming on an indie show this weekend. Super Comando left CMLL back in 2015. Artillero last wrestled in CMLL in January. It’s possible he’s quietly left or lost his spot to some of the recent additions. Super Comando has also recently been teaming with Mocho Cota and Tito Santana as a new member of Poder del Norte.


I caught up on the last two weeks of AAA TV yesterday. They covered the Tijuana taping. In match order:

  • Arkángel Divino, Fantastik, Rayo Star, Último Maldito vs Dinámico, Genio del Aire, Kamik-C, Skalibur: the principles from the outstanding 2019 match seem like they’ve regressed. This was sloppier than usual and with less of an understanding of how to build a match than in the past. Arkangel Divino and Ultimo Maldito are getting a third run at being AAA regulars coming off this and it is unclear why.
  • Aramis & Willie Mack vs Látigo & Parka Negra: this suffered a little because all AAA Willie Mack matches have to include the same few spots (understandably so, he gets over doing them in Tijuana) but the action surrounding it was pretty good. It was nice to see Parka Negra get to do stuff on TV again. [GOOD]
  • Dalys, Octagón Jr., Persephone vs Chik Tormenta, Flammer, Villano III Jr.: the women were off more than usual. Persephone and Villano had a few spots they clearly worked hard on, which was good because the match didn’t a lot more to introduce here.
  • Hijo Del Vikingo, Jack Cartwheel, Komander vs Emperador Azteca, Puma King, Taurus: it’s random that the best matches on AAA TV have both involved Cartwheel and Komander but it’s a fact. Puma King had his best match night in a while, Emperador Azteca fit in well and the tecnicos hit everything they needed to hit and more. Komander/Emperador Azteca got the insta-feud treatment (maybe we’re importing Big Lucha feuds now.) [GREAT]
  • Juicy Finau, Negro Casas, Rey Horus vs Forastero, Hijo de Máscara Año 2000, Sansón: totally a showcase for Juicy Finau, and who knows if/when we’ll see a guest wrestler again. Crazy Frank was also all over this taping, with the announcers quickly trying to explain him in the midst of declaring matches no disqualification. This was 100% a live/TV difference; the Auditorio crowd went nuts for Finau and he came across on Space as another random guy in a run of a lot of them on since the World Cup.
  • Laredo Kid, Pentagón Jr., Psycho Clown vs Nicho el Millionario, Rey Escorpión, Sam Adonis: crowd was very into chanting along with Penta and cheering for Psycho. One where you could see the crowd reacting but couldn’t hear them the rest of the time. Penta & Nicho were partners on the last taping and enemies here, that’s just AAA.

AAA aired more from the Pentagon mystery stalker. It appears the person sent in a two-minute promo and AAA’s been cutting it into 30-second pieces to make it last for many weeks, though it’s left the promo barely coherent at times. They also showed mystery people attacking Penta at his gym, with Panic Clown running him out. (Why Panic Clown was there was not explained, but he’s Penta’s longtime friend under many different names.) There was a Sam Adonis promo demanding a singles match with Psycho Clown, which sets up their flag match in Chihuahua. There was also one with Chik Tormenta challenging Dalys, which seems to be going nowhere any time soon.

Mas Lucha posted a bunch of post-show interviews from this taping after it aired.

  • NGD talked about Hijo de Mascara 2000 always being the fourth member of the unit and someone they would’ve wanted to team with regardless of other situations. (He’s also Forastero’s brother, something I forget about.) They’re asked Cuatrero’s situation and say they’re leaving up to the lawyers and believe the truth of the situation will come to light in time. (In real time, it’s six weeks later and nothing much more is known about the case.)
  • Rey Escorpion made it clear he’s still part of AAA on good terms. (He had been listed on The Crash’s show back in February and but didn’t end up wrestling.)

That AAA taping was taped back on April 22nd. The most recent show in Auditorio de Tijuana was Friday’s The Crash show, which also seems like it has some affect on AAA plans:

The Crash (FRI) 06/02/2023 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [TJ Sports]
1) Charro Negro (Indie) b Noisy BoyRey FuriaPod
2) Anubis © b Gallo Extreme [The CRASH JUNIOR]
first defense
3) Destiny, Ninja Mack, Toto b Bendito (Indie), Black Danger, Elemental
Destiny dived off the entrance tunnel
4) Deluxe b Mamba
hair match challenges followed
5) Alpha Wolf & Dragón Bane b Trauma I & Trauma II and Dinámico & Emperador Azteca (Indie) [The Crash TAG]
Emperador Azteca & Dinamico were added to the match.
6) Dr. Wagner Jr., El Bandido, Galeno del Mal b Bobby Fish, Flamita, Pierroth Jr.

(The Crash forever isn’t taping their shows but you can find bootlegs on YouTube at times. I haven’t gotten there yet.)

AAA wrestlers aren’t supposed to appear on The Crash shows; Konnan blunty said Bandido would be done with AAA if he worked this show. He and Flamita were advertised all along and (unlike Rey Escorpion) didn’t pull off the show, so theoretically, people on all sides knew they were done with AAA. Emperador Azteca & Dinamico being added to the card is more surprising. Dinamico’s been back and forth between the Crash & EMW so he knew the deal, and appeared here just to be on the losing side of a tag match. Flamita & Bandido will be fine with or with AAA, but Dinamico and Emperador Azteca don’t have a US deal or aren’t living off a past one. Azteca does seem to have occasional appearances in GLEAT. It’s possible both guys have one of those funny KAOZ contracts, and KAOZ and The Crash are working together. Azteca got the random Komander feud and had been positioned higher of late, though he also has gotten work in GLEAT. Dinamico probably was slated to be part of Team Baja California on the upcoming TripleMania Tijuana show, so it’s a peculiar time for him to leave AAA. Neither said any more about it on social media. AAA hasn’t said anything. Everyone gets mad when incorrect stories get reported but no one in wrestling is ever willing just to say what’s going on.

The AAA Orizaba promoter posted their TV taping lineup back on Friday. Hasn’t turned up on AAA’s social media yet but I assume it’s official.

AAA TV (SAT) 07/08/2023 Coliseo La Conordia, Orizaba, Veracruz
1) ?, ??, Brazo De Oro Jr. vs ?, Dinámico, Maravilla
2) Lady Shani, Persephone, Sexy Star vs Flammer, La Hiedra, Viva Van
3) Diva Salvaje, Dulce Kanela, Jessy Ventura vs Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Panic Clown and Abismo Negro Jr., Látigo, Psicosis
4) Myzteziz & Octagón Jr. vs Argenis & Villano III Jr.
5) Dalys & Negro Casas vs Chik Tormenta & Daga
6) Aramis, Jack Evans, Pentagón Jr. vs Bestia 666, Mecha Wolf, Pagano

My best guess is the first week of this show airs August 5th, then TripleMania Mexico City airs for two weeks, and the rest airs August 26th. That doesn’t seem sensible so maybe it’ll change.

It looks like a taping with many matches that could air at any time without much additional context. The main event is Pagano’s return match; why he’s teaming with La Rebelion is unclear; I think they were non-friends last time they were together. Maybe that’ll be explained in Pagano. Daga will get a kick out of wrestling Negro Casas. Las Shotas are making their first appearance of the year (and Kanela hasn’t been around for months.) Viva Van gets a non-Tijuana appearance. She’s also noticeably in Maravilla’s spot when Maravilla is booked on the card. Dinamico is still booked, so AAA didn’t have any idea what was going on whenever they sent out this lineup. Might still not know. There’s not a killer match on here; I guess match 4 might have a chance if it didn’t guarantee a ‘heat’ finish. All the bad Rebelion/Vampiro matches have caused me to lose hope of good Rebelion matches in AAA.

Speaking of them: the NWA Crockett Cup took place over last week. The big angle to close out Saturday’s taping was Vampiro making a surprise appearance to help La Rebelion win. They promptly lost their next match because it is the NWA. I’m guessing this is meant to be separate from the AAA storyline where Vampiro and La Rebelion have been feuding for months. Taking time to think about is a waste, because it’s just bad Vampiro matches either way.

The Octagon Jr. & Myzteziz Jr. team made it to the semifinals, while the “Vipers” team of Arez & Toxin were booted in the second round. Arez & Toxin wrestled in a nine-team gauntlet match the next day. NWA owner Billy Corgan says a lots of things. A while back, he explained the NWA had no immediate plans to run a follow-up to their all-women’s show because the first one was a money loser and they’re running a business. It’s fairly possible he was correct and the show didn’t make money. I’ve got a good guess that a two-day tournament with 24 tag teams (and a bunch of non-tournament people and random Vampiro appearances) in front of a small audience never had a chance of turning a profit, and the NWA ran that one anyway. It’s his money, he should do what he wants with it, but also everyone should be clear that’s primarily what’s happening there. As far as AAA is concerned, if they can get their guys some easy paydays by working with the NWA and Corgan, they should keep on doing it.

Pencil in an ambulance match for the TripleMania Tijuana show. On his 05/27 podcast, Konnan talked briefly about the flag match between Sam Adonis & Psycho Clown on the Chihuahua taping and mentioned he wanted to do a lot more gimmick matches that hadn’t been done in Mexico. He brought up the ambulance match as something he wanted to do with a Tijuana and named “parking lot street fight” and “ring with no mats” as other ideas he wanted to do. No names were mentioned.

(Psycho Clown and Pagano had an ambulance match on an AAA spot show in Sinaloa years back and a couple of other times that year as well. DTU has done the no mats matches a few times. Ambulance matches are also never good. AAA doing US stipulation matches is never good.)

MLW aired four of eight matches from the February taping with AAA & EMW. The women’s four way match and Crazy Frank vs Juicy Finau and Damian 666 aired on episode 166, La Rebelion vs Absimo Negro Jr. & Taurus and the main event trios aired on 167. They appear to be moving on to other tapings next week, which means matches seemingly specifically taped for MLW (Alex Kane vs Delirious and  Hammerstone vs Danny Rivera) weren’t aired and exist only in handhelds.

Miguel Torruco Marques, Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism, suggested the next Luchatitlan building would be in Tijuana. Forbes quoted him at a conference in Tlaxcala last Tuesday and treated it as fact. The quote in context seems more like a suggestion – Torruco Marques suggested the location based on US residents crossing over – and it’s not among the cities Dorian Roldan has repeatedly brought up. Maybe just file this away for later.

Dave the Clown told Mas Lucha that his NOAH appearance was something he’d been working on for three months. He was impressed by NOAH and how the wrestlers prepared before the show. He said the fans were quiet during his match, but many of them (and his fellow wrestlers) wanted photos afterward. He thanks Nosawa and Super Crazy for the chance and says they’re in talks for him to return.

A video of a dog watching an AAA show from the front row went viral on TikTok about a week ago. This appears to be 05/25 Chihuahua taping – you can see Sam Adonis and the flag match set up – so the dog may make TV in a few weeks.

Hijo del Vikingo wrestlers Charles Mason on June 16th at House Of Glory in New York.

First Wrestling in Minneapolis on June 18th has Laredo Kid vs Gravity vs Aramis vs Gringo Loco.

DEFY has Aramis vs Gringo Loco vs Laredo Kid on June 24th.

Other News

I still haven’t gotten to Big Lucha (and putting together the results), so I’m pushing that and the IWRG catch-up to later.

I don’t know who’s doing the work behind but they’re doing a good job of covering lots of lucha libre – they’re even doing recaps of Tuesday Arena Mexico shows – and it’s a site worth checking out if you’re interested in more lucha libre coverage.

A Mexico City licensing tryout took place the last weekend of May. 40 wrestlers, 4 announcers, and 2 referees went through the test. I don’t believe it’s been announced how many passed.

KAOZ says they’ll take legal action if Fresero Jr. worked a 06/11 show with Robles Promotions. Robles says Fresero will be there, as does Fresero Jr. I’m not sure if this is an angle or not, neither of these promotions feel real. I’m sure it’s very serious to the people involved but no one’s going to remember if Fresero did or did not work a show a few months now; the matches on these shows are immediately forgotten. 

Mas Lucha released the card for their Torneo Suicida final

Mas Lucha (SAT) 07/01/2023 Arena Azteca Budokan, Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Estado de México
1) Águila Guerrera II & Águila Guerrera Jr. vs Hijo de Payaso Purasanta & Trueno
2) Chris Stone Jr., Kempo Jr., Rey Eclipse vs Hijo de Rey Pantera, King Lobo, Yorvak
3) Radioactivo vs Cometa MayaÉxtasis
4) Princesa Azul & Reina Dorada vs India Sioux & Sakura (Ciudad Juarez)
5) Mr. Leo vs Camaleón
6) Demonio Infernal & Fresero Jr. vs Aerostar & Drago (AAA)
7) Último Legendario vs Dante [mask]

Ultimo Legendario and Dante were probably the least known going into the tournament and the two that ended up in the final. I wasn’t following it close enough to know if a big Dante fanbase was supporting him. It comes off like the fans to keep their favorites out of the mask match on the surface level. I would guess that when Mas Lucha envisioned this tournament, they expected someone like Camaleon losing his mask here. (I’m guessing it’s Ultimo Legendario, who’s already gone through so many gimmick changes that one more won’t hurt.)

Arena Azteca Budokan doesn’t get many big shows; it’s a lot of the Morenos (the Esther/Cinthia/Oriental family, not the IWRG ones), their trainees and various ex-AAA wrestlers when they run shows at all. This feels like the biggest show in that venue in quite a few years.

Komander & Bandido will appear in GLEAT on 07/01.

SB Kento & Takuma will make their RIOT debut on 07/22 against Kratoz & Prometeo. This past week’s WON reported SBK & Takuma are done with Dragon Gate. Open the Voice Gate had more background about the situation. They’re expected to be based in Mexico for the immediate future.

Maravilla posted a note on Facebook asking for help for former DTU exotico Chica Yeye. Maravilla says Chica Yeye was diagnosed with cancer two weeks ago in Salamanca, and need to be transferred to a hospital in Leon with an oncology department, but the Salamanca hospital will not let Chica Yeye leave. Maravilla is looking for someone who has contact with the hospital administration to transfer Chica Yeye. Parts of this don’t make sense to me, though Maravilla saying they’re having trouble getting complete information from the Salamanca hospital may explain it. Edit: Around the time this post went up, reports came out Facebook that Chica Yeye (July Flores) passed away.

Variety announced “a Blue Demon Jr. Lucha Lucha Libre universe is in the works.” Sure. The ‘article’ has Blue Demon working with film company Moxie 88, and Candle Media on “film, television, animation, and merchandising.” Demon licensed his gimmick to a content company who believes they can make things out of it, though often, these things don’t manifest. Movie 88 had previously bought Blue Demon’s left rights in 2018, so this is them just making a new push with the idea with a new content partner. The one firm project is a movie (“the Demon”) that’s scheduled to start filming next year. Blue Demon Jr. was last involved with a Disney film project, which ended up scrubbing Demon’s name off of it before it started filming (and lasted just one season.) The press release has a very specific lie about Blue Demon Jr. selling out Madison Square Garden multiple times – I believe they’re talking about AAA show that got moved to the Hulu Theatre, which may not have actually sold out, and AAA also likes to pretend they ran the actual Madison Square Garden. It would’ve been as easy to say “Demon’s sold out arenas around the world,” but this is a specific lie to sell Demon as a bigger US star to those who might be interested in investing in these upcoming projects.

A 17-minute documentary on Super Parka was exhibited in Monclova last week.

Diario de Xalapa has a long biography of retired local wrestler Pulgarcito, who ended up going into theology after what sounds like an in-ring serious brain injury. They’ve also got another piece on luchador/trainer Caballero Negro.

Halloween’s been on a never-ending post-retirement tour since 2021; it’s a way to pay the bills. His medical ones sound large: Halloween says he has three compressed vertebrae, a torn ligament in his left arm, and his right arm is 80 injured.

There was a benefit show for Oaxaca’s Zodicao 2000, who suffered a spinal injury in a match.

San Luis Potosi luchador Principe Leon (Francisco Martinez Castillo, 49) passed away Wednesday. He was active as recently as November 2022.

Tinieblas talked about his career with El Siglo de Torreon, tells a story about how he once trapped Solitario in a hold he could never escape.

Home town paper El Siglo de Torreon talked to Lanzeloth about his NOAH tour. It was a career dream for him, and he believes he got the spot because he was a former AAA cruiserweight champion and his uncle Super Crazy vouched for him. He now has a US visa as well.

CMLL results catch up (two titles changes, Fantastica Mania Mexico, Los Infernales split)

Thank you to everyone who reached out to check on me while I was away for personal reasons. Today’s post is just about CMLL, and I’ll have more as I find time to put it together over the next few days.


CMLL (FRI) 05/26/2023 Arena México [AS, CMLL, Estrellas del Ring, Kaiser Sports, The Gladiatores, thecubsfan]
1) Angelito b Galaxy [lightning20230526cmll_match1Angelito vs Galaxy in a lightning match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CMLL | Galaxy cae rendido ante El Angelito (posted by mluchatv)
2) Capitán Suicida, Fuego, Volcano b Crixus, Kráneo, Raider 20230526cmll_match2Capitán Suicida, Fuego, Volcano vs Crixus, Kráneo, Raider.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CMLL | Volcano, Suixida y Fuego derrotan a Raider, Crixus y Kraneo: Kemonito es el REY (posted by mluchatv)
3) La Jarochita b La Catalina [lightning20230526cmll_match3La Jarochita vs La Catalina in a lightning match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CMLL | La Catalina cae derrotada ante La Jarochita en match relámpago (posted by mluchatv)
4) El Coyote & Rugido b El Audaz, Felino Jr., Guerrero Maya Jr., Hombre Bala Jr., Rey Samuray, Zandokan Jr. [MEX MIDDLE, seeding battle royal20230526cmll_match4El Audaz vs Rugido, Guerrero Maya Jr., El Coyote, Hombre Bala Jr., Felino Jr., Rey Samuray, Zandokan Jr. for the Mexican National Middleweight Championship and in a Number One Contenders Match match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CMLL - ELIMINATORIA POR EL CAMPEONATO NACIONAL MEDIO /ARENA MÉXICO / 26-05-23 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
vacant title (Templario won CMLL MIDDLE)
5) Guerrero Maya Jr. b Audaz [MEX MIDDLE, quarterfinal20230526cmll_match5Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Audaz for the Mexican National Middleweight Championship and in a tournament quarterfinal match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
6) Rey Samuray b Zandokan Jr. [MEX MIDDLE, quarterfinal20230526cmll_match6Zandokan Jr. vs Rey Samuray for the Mexican National Middleweight Championship and in a tournament quarterfinal match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
7) Felino Jr. b Hombre Bala Jr. [MEX MIDDLE, quarterfinal20230526cmll_match7Felino Jr. vs Hombre Bala Jr. for the Mexican National Middleweight Championship and in a tournament quarterfinal match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
8) Rugido b El Coyote [MEX MIDDLE, quarterfinal20230526cmll_match8Rugido vs El Coyote for the Mexican National Middleweight Championship and in a tournament quarterfinal match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
9) Guerrero Maya Jr. b Zandokan Jr. [MEX MIDDLE, semifinal20230526cmll_match9Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Zandokan Jr. for the Mexican National Middleweight Championship and in a tournament semifinal match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
10) Rugido b Hombre Bala Jr. [MEX MIDDLE, semifinal20230526cmll_match10Hombre Bala Jr. vs Rugido for the Mexican National Middleweight Championship and in a tournament semifinal match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
11) Atlantis Jr., Star Jr., Volador Jr. b Euforia, Hechicero, Mephisto 20230526cmll_match11Atlantis Jr., Star Jr., Volador Jr. vs Euforia, Hechicero, Mephisto.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CMLL - MEPHISTO - HECHICERO - EUFORIA VS STAR JR. - ATLANTIS JR. - VOLADOR JR/ARENA MÉXICO /26-05-23 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
9:35. Straight falls, setting up a trios title match next week.
12) Soberano Jr. b Dragón Rojo Jr. [Copa Jr. VIP, final20230526cmll_match12Soberano Jr. vs Dragón Rojo Jr. [Copa Jr. VIP] and in a tournament final match.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CMLL - FINAL DE LA COPA JR. VIP / DARGÓN ROJO JR. VS SOBERANO JR. / ARENA MÉXICO / 26-05-23 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Soberano (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
12:54 via sitdown piledriver. Dragon Rojo got stretchered out (like everyone does for that move.)

This is already distant past and I wasn’t in a note taking mood. My recollection is Soberano/Dragon Rojo was better than the Templario/Dragon Rojo matches, but I’m not any higher on something built around Dragon Rojo. That result does point to a Soberano/Dragon Rojo/Templario match for September.

The tournament felt like everyone was told they had five minutes from the moment they walked out to the moment they returned, which is why that tournament style isn’t much good. Capitan Suicida, Fuego and Volcano may be ending up another trio, because that’s the second time they’d been together in a short order.

CMLL (SAT) 05/27/2023 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Acero, Aéreo, Shockercito b Full Metal, Minos, Pequeño Polvora
2) Valiente Jr. b Sangre Imperial [lightning]
3) Amapola, La Guerrera, Skadi b La Magnifica, La Vaquerita, Metálica
4) Cancerbero, Difunto, Luciferno b Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa
5) Euforia b Yota
6) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Volador Jr. vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Fuerza Guerrera

Yota loses both of his singles matches on his way out. That’s normal for NJPW wrestlers finishing up excursions, but it was obviously a strange situation this time. I did see a couple of Japanese fans pointing out Yota was unlikely to beat Sanada if he couldn’t win in CMLL, but it didn’t seem like many and it didn’t seem to affect the title match at all.

CMLL (SUN) 05/28/2023 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Dr. Karonte II b Cachorro [lightning]
2) Astral, Neón, Oro Jr. b Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio
tecnicos took 2/3
3) Robin b Diamond [lightning]
4) Arlequín (Jalisco), Furia Roja (Jalisco), Guerrero de la Muerte b Magia Blanca, Magnus, Okumura
Team Jalisco took 2/3
5) El Hijo del Villano III, Felino, Misterioso Jr. b Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Kráneo
Team Felino took 2/3
6) Panterita del Ring Jr., Valiente, Volador Jr. b Hechicero, Stuka Jr., Yota
Tecnicos took 2/3

This was Yota’s last match here, he’s not expected to make another return. CMLL’s going curiously strong with the Jalisco guys. The social media pushed them as “the new generation from Jalisco,” but they’ve all been around for a decade.

CMLL (MON) 05/29/2023 Arena Puebla [Porra Fresa]
1) Espíritu Maligno & Sombra Diabólika b Amnesia & Brave Star
2) Mercurio, Minos, Pequeño Polvora b Acero, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito
3) Perverso, Prayer, Siky Ozama b Crixus, Difunto, Zandokan Jr.  (posted by )
4) Euforia, Hechicero, Mephisto b Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Sagrado Facebook video (posted by )
5) Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr. b Ángel de Oro & Niebla Roja Facebook video (posted by )
sets up a tag title match next week

It’s odd CMLL had Los Infernales win here in retrospect.

CMLL (TUE) 05/30/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [FDDE, thecubsfan]
1) Dulce Kitty, Luna, Sexy Sol b Atenea, Nexy, Valkiria  (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
Dulce Kitty picked up an injury.
2) Estrella de Jalisco I (2000s) & Estrella de Jalisco II (2000s) DQ Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno and Mágico & Magnum and Gran Kenut & Jabalí  (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
Malefico & Exterminador attacked and unmasked Estrellas de Jalisco I & II (Gallo & Rafaga).
3) Bestia Negra, Demonio Maya, Principe Daniel b Ángel Rebelde, Optimus, Trono  (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
4) Crixus b Halcón Negro Jr.Ángel Negro Jr.El Gallero  (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
5) Bárbaro Cavernario, Dulce Gardenia, La Fashion b Arlequín, Furia Roja, Guerrero de la Muerte  (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
6) Stephanie Vaquer & Zeuxis © b Hera & Olympia [OCCIDENTE WOMEN TAG]  (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
first defense

The main event was said to go surprisingly well given the experience level of Valiente’s daughters.

I was really confused by the “Estrellas de Jalisco” thing last week, and even more so when I saw Gallo & Rafaga walk out of this match. The announcers explained and I caught on: Gallo & Rafaga wrestled as Los Estrellas de Jalisco in the 00s before taking on their more famous gimmicks and were going back to those identities for a match featuring a lot of older wrestlers. Of course, it ended with a run-in from the rudos of that day. The announcers pointed out this building’s anniversary show is coming up.

CMLL (TUE) 05/30/2023 Arena México [CMLL, FDDE]
1) Micro Gemelo Diablo I, Micro Gemelo Diablo II, Micro Sagrado b Átomo, Chamuel, Micro Ángel
2) Astral, Diamond, Oro Jr. b Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Inquisidor
tecnicos took 1/3. Astral suffered an injury taking a frontcracker from one of the Karontes.
3) Amapola & La Catalina b La Jarochita & Sanely
rudas took 2/3
4) Star Black b Sagrado [lightning]
sets up a MEX HEAVY title match
5) Dark Panther, Fugaz, Panterita del Ring b Felino, Felino Jr., Rey Bucanero
Tecnicos took 2/3
6) Ángel de Oro, Gran Guerrero, Niebla Roja b Esfinge, Valiente, Volador Jr.
Rudos took 1/3

Like I said last time it happens, Star Black is going to keep getting heavyweight title shots until he wins. CMLL likes him and there’s just not too many other heavyweights.

Los Dr. Karontes seem to be injuring their opponents on a regular basis. This would be a great gimmick for a doctor team – they hurt you and they put you back together – but it’s not a gimmick with these guys.

CMLL (FRI) 06/02/2023 Arena México [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) Mercurio & Pierrothito b Angelito & Galaxy
2) Futuro & Max Star b Halcón Suriano Jr. & Neón
11:28 Team Max Star took 1/3.
3) Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr. b Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa
Ola Negra attacked Atrapsuenos post match, though the announcers seemed to ignore it
4) Guerrero Maya Jr. b Rugido [MEX MIDDLE, final]
10:46. Vacant title (Templario), final of last week’s tournament. Maya is the 62nd champion.
5) Atlantis Jr., Star Jr., Volador Jr. b Euforia, Hechicero, Mephisto © [CMLL TRIOS]
17:46. Mephisto & Hechicero had problems late, directly leading to their loss. Atlantis Jr., Star Jr. and Volador Jr. become the 34th champions. Hechicero blamed Mephisto for the loss, the two fought post match, and Hechicero seemed to say he was done with Los Infernales. Euforia did not pick a side.
6) Místico, Panterita del Ring Jr., Soberano Jr. b Fuerza Guerrera, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero
14:35. Ultimo Guerrero cut off Soberano from breaking a pin and held him near the ropes, the first time they’ve touched in a match in months and months. (They didn’t touch the rest of the match.) Tecnicos took 2/3.

I saw the Soberano/Ultimo Guerrero interaction as accidental, like something that happened because they needed to for the match to make sense, but nothing planned. Ultimo Guerrero was back out of the way once Soberano was doing sequences and back the other way. Again, no one reporting on lucha libre in Mexico ever seems to notice or comment on this. That main event also came off like Fuerza Guerrera was booked for the show against Octagon or Atlantis, then whoever it was couldn’t appear, and they just had no idea what to do with him. He looked old. Panterita del Ring Jr. looked stupendous.

The trios title change was a surprise and also one that felt completely overshadowed by the split up. They were literally celebrating in the background of a shot of Mephsito/Hechicero shoving each other. It went from 0-10 so quick that you’d wonder about the Anniversario if the Dragon Rojo stuff hasn’t been so built up over the last few months. Maybe that just gives you an idea of scale: this felt like a big feud quickly (and Mephisto is a guy who’s ripe for a mask match.) The match was pretty good and the out-of-nowhere angle was done very well.

Guerrrero Maya Jr. and Rugido wasn’t perfect – it was a little clunky, and these guys aren’t over enough to the casuals for a finisher tease sequence to get over – but I still thought it was good. The promise of Guerrero Maya Jr. getting a title and defending it against challengers is big.

The guys in the second match went for it and it didn’t quite work all the time. The physical tools are there with the new guys – Neon has an impressive-looking leap to the top rope he pulled out a couple of times here- it’s just going to be a matter of putting it together all in one match.

CMLL (SAT) 06/03/2023 Arena Coliseo
1) Full Metal, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia b Aéreo, Fantasy, Pequeño Magía
2) Enfermero Jr. b Cachorro [lightning]
3) Capitán Suicida, Halcón Suriano Jr., Valiente Jr. b Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio
4) Magia Blanca & Magnus b El Coyote & Okumura
5) Fuego, Fugaz, Hombre Bala Jr. b Pegasso, Rey Samuray, Stigma
6) Atlantis, Atlantis Jr., Panterita del Ring Jr. b Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero

Nothing particular to say about this one, but generally notable there’s very few substitutions on these shows as late.

CMLL (SUN) 06/04/2023 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Leono & Robin b El Hijo De Centella Roja & Prayer
2) Raider b Halcón Suriano Jr. [lightning]
3) El Audaz, Star Black, Volcano b Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus
4) Zandokan Jr. b Okumura [lightning]
5) Bárbaro Cavernario, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero b Panterita del Ring Jr., Star Jr., Volador Jr.
6) Euforia & Soberano Jr. b Valiente & Valiente Jr. [Copa Dinastia, quarterfinal]
7) Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Stuka Jr. b Misterio Negro & Misterioso Jr. [Copa Dinastia, quarterfinal]
8) Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Stuka Jr. b Euforia & Soberano Jr. [Copa Dinastia, semifinal]

Team Stuka advancing is a mild surprise, a good way to feature people who aren’t getting as much attention. Valiente Jr. seems like he’s found a regular role on this roster, Hijo de Stuka not as much.

The opener is Hijo de Centella Roja’s first CDMX appearance outside of the Torneo de Escuela. Didn’t seem like it would be a sure thing for him, but CMLL is going pretty deep on those. Tonalli, in an IWRG interview, claimed he’s still with CMLL but they wanted to focus on other Torneo de Escuela guys at the moment. The reality seems is CMLL is using more people than ever, even if for a match or two, and there are probably specific reasons if a guy as talented as Tonalli isn’t being used. We’ll see if he keeps showing up with RGR.

CMLL (SUN) 06/04/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [thecubsfan]
1) Eclipse & Obeses b Chesmo & Palcry Domingo Familiar, Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
guessing on names, totally wrong
2) Estrella De Jalisco Jr. I, Estrella De Jalisco Jr. II, Último Ángel b Obek, Rav, Temerario Domingo Familiar, Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
Raven now Rav? Obelisk now Obek?
3) Dulce Kitty & Sexy Sol b Atenea & Valkiria Domingo Familiar, Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
4) Estrella de Jalisco I (2000s) DQ ExterminadorJavier Cruz Jr.NeutrónMágicoLeón BlancoGran KenutFlashRey TruenoBobby BlackPepe AguayoBlack BoyEl Hijo Del CalaveraMr. TruenoEstrella de Jalisco II (2000s)Jabalí Domingo Familiar, Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
Sides set pre-match (no battle royal)! A: Javier Cruz Jr., Neutron, Magico, Leon Blanco, Gran Kenut, Estrella de Jalisco I Flash, Rey Trueno vs B: Exterminador, Bobby Black, Pepe Aguayo, Black Boy, Hijo del Calavera, Mr. Trueno, Estrella de Jalisco II, Jabali. Exterminador unmasked Estrella de Jalisco I (Gallo) for the DQ.
5) Adrenalina, Explosivo, Fantástico b Barboza, Draego, Persa Domingo Familiar, Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)
6) Místico b Averno Domingo Familiar, Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial)

This is the return of the Sunday show. It’s an afternoon start, as they’ve done for the irregular charity shows in this venue. The turnout seemed down from Tuesdays but maybe still OK? It’s hard to know what OK will be for this venue, starting now with lower wattage lineups. The main event played the hits.

CMLL (MON) 06/05/2023 Arena Puebla
1) Asturiano, Meyer, Millenium vs Rencor, Rey Apocalipsis, Sombra Diabólika
2) Volcano vs Siky Ozama [lightning]
3) Esfinge, Fugaz, Stigma vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido
4) Místico, Panterita del Ring Jr., Volador Jr. vs Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero
5) Ángel de Oro & Niebla Roja © vs Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr. [CMLL TAG]
9th defense

A main event title change seems unlikely after Atlantis Jr. picked up a title on Friday. It could be good, as could the semi-main. Siki Osama is a rare local who can match Volcano in height.

CMLL (TUE) 06/06/2023 Arena México
1) Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía vs Mercurio, Minos, Pequeño Polvora
2) Skadi & Tiffany vs La Magnifica & Metálica [Relevos Increíbles]
3) Halcón Suriano Jr. vs Vaquero Jr. [lightning]
4) Blue Panther, Dark Panther, Volcano vs Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Kráneo
5) Sagrado © vs Star Black [MEX HEAVY]
4th defense, second versus Star Black
6) Atlantis, Panterita del Ring Jr., Star Jr. vs Averno, Bárbaro Cavernario, El Hijo del Villano III

Villano getting a main event opposite Atlantis is going to be a big deal for him, even if it’s just a random Tueday night. Four defenses in eight months is pretty active for a heavyweight champion in CMLL.

CMLL (TUE) 06/06/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Astro Oriental, Avispón Negro Jr., Bello Antuan vs Minotauro, Mortis, Rumbero
2) Flash & Pepe Aguayo vs Estrella de Jalisco I (2000s) & Estrella de Jalisco II (2000s) and Exterminador & Maléfico and Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno
3) Okumura vs Arlequín [lightning]
4) Pegasso, Perverso, Rey Samuray vs Bestia Negra, Black Boy, Cris Skin
5) Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio vs Leo, Omar Brunetti, Príncipe
6) Esfinge & Fugaz vs Furia Roja & Guerrero de la Muerte
7) Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido vs Difunto, Principe Daniel, Zandokan Jr.

Semi-main is the double tag team champions versus likely challengers.

CMLL (FRI) 06/09/2023 Arena México
1) Diamond vs Raider [lightning]
2) Guerrero Maya Jr., Rey Samuray, Stigma vs Difunto, Furia Roja (Jalisco), Zandokan Jr.
3) La Jarochita, Lluvia, Sanely vs La Catalina, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis
4) Atlantis, Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr. vs Euforia, Soberano Jr., Valiente [Relevos Increíbles]
5) Mephisto vs Hechicero
6) Dragón Rojo Jr., Místico, Último Guerrero vs Templario, Titán, Volador Jr. [Relevos Increíbles]

They’re wasting no time getting to Mephisto/Hechicero. Soberano feels like he belongs in the main event, but then they’d have to find someplace else to put Ultimo Guerrero probably. Diamond/Raider could be good (and Diamond could use a good night.) Furia Roja gets a Friday appearance.

Titán returns to Mexico on that show after wrapping up a successful Best of the Super Juniors tour. His final league match with Hiromu Takahashi, the semifinal match with El Desperado and the final against Master Wato were heavily praised. Titán lost in the final while still dramatically raising his stock. You can see the planning if you look carefully – Titán was the one getting pinfalls in the junior tag feud last week, Titán pulling the upsets over Takahashi, and Desperado saves those victories as big moments Wato can still chance – but it still was shocking in the moment. I don’t know what’s next for Titán, but I don’t think he’s returning to the “3-6 in the group” stage soon.

Titán/Wato got a five-star rating in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. I believe that makes Titán only the second active CMLL wrestler to get a five star rating, joining Dragon Lee. Both of their matches took place in NJPW; there’s never been a CMLL match rated five stars in that newsletter. (The Villano III/Atlantis match got 4 3/4, which is technically not five stars if emotionally the same.) Titan advancing to the finals got a small bit of Mexican sports/wrestling media attention. His celebration following the semifinal win was the cover of Box y Lucha 3553. You should never underestimate how much doing well on an international stage means to both Mexican wrestlers and their fans.

(Thing that probably isn’t going to happen but would be great if it did: if NJPW will not let any of the AAA wrestlers appear on Forbidden Door, AEW should turn into the skid and bring in Titán and anyone else they can get for a weekend and cross off ‘booking a current bucket list CMLL wrestler’ from the bucket list. Titán truly is a NJPW guy so CMLL’s not going to object, and AAA’s going to be fine with whatever AEW is doing as long as they’re still getting Omega. I’d sneak in Vaquer and Volador if possible too but Titán is the actual reasonable one.)

The big upcoming co-promotion show people in Mexico are talking about is now (edit: not) Forbidden Door, but Fantastica Mania Mexico. I had heard (and written here) about the possibility of this tour since about the end of the Japan version. Maybe for me it came off flatter because I’ve had three months to think about it and who could be part of it. Mexican fans seemed to be much more excited. It’s not as large amount of wrestlers as CMLL sends to Japan, but it does have an A level name in Naito and a popular secondary guy in Desperado. That’s better than CMLL’s been getting from NJPW.

CMLL publicized the 06/30 show. They actually announced matches for other shows that week on Informa, just didn’t put them out on social media. (You can tell the real reach of Informa in how those didn’t get mentioned. It’s hard to get people to report on things now unless you spoon-feed it to them in small easy-to-digest portions. It’s not just a CMLL issue.)

CMLL (MON) 06/26/2023 Arena Puebla
4) Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr. vs Bushi, Naito, Rocky Romero, Titán
5) Averno, Mephisto, Satánico vs Atlantis, El Desperado, Tiger Mask IV

CMLL (TUE) 06/27/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
4) Averno, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero vs Bushi, Naito, Titán
5) Blue Panther, Fuerza Guerrera, Satánico vs El Desperado, Rocky Romero, Tiger Mask IV

(The Guadalajara show will include everyone wearing their old masks for the night.)

CMLL (FRI) 06/30/2023 Arena México
1) Audaz, Capitán Suicida, Hombre Bala Jr. vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Okumura
one fall match
2) Lluvia & Zeuxis vs La Jarochita & Stephanie Vaquer
3) Satánico vs Tiger Mask IV
Satanico 50th Anniversary match.
4) El Desperado vs Máscara Dorada 2.0
5) Bushi, Naito, Titán vs Atlantis Jr., Místico, Soberano Jr.
6) Rocky Romero © vs Volador Jr. [NWA WELTER]

I don’t have a defense number because I haven’t done the work to add all the “Dan the Dad” matches to the luchadb yet. I’ll work on it. This main event feels like the end of the story, but the All Star Junior festival show still exists as another possibility.

Naito last visited in 2019, which I recall as a not-so-serious match. That one had Rush & Terrible involved and this one might be more intense.

There are many good Mistico stories. One of my favorites was his returning to Arena Mexico in 2015 and declaring he would now be known as “Mistic 2.0.” The mocked name never made it to a match, with him claiming it was all a ruse to fool people who might want to steal his real new name (Caristico.) “2.0” is a dated suffix for people who know “technology” is a thing which exists but prefers to avoid interacting with it; perfect for CMLL. In theory, naming this guy “2.0” allows 1.0 Metalik to return and keep his name, though I don’t know if he wants to be Mascara Dorada even in CMLL at this point (and he’s still waiting for his US residency so he can’t be in CMLL.) For what it’s worth, CMLL filed for (just) “Mascara Dorada” as a trademark back on April 28th in a few categories they hadn’t covered before. Everyone’s going to end up calling him Mascara Dorada within a few weeks anyway, with or without the 2.0.

Mascara Dorada 2.0 is probably Panterita del Ring Jr. CMLL hasn’t made it official, but he’s widely believed to be the plan.

The slightly elevated prices for the Friday show caught some attention. The June 23rd show from runs between 150 and 630 pesos, while the FantasticaMania show goes from 300 to 780. (Ticketmaster lists a higher top price, so maybe there are ringside tickets labeled with a bigger price that aren’t still on sale.) It’s up, but not a lot compared to the biggest shows of the year.

What stuck out to me is this show isn’t listed as a PPV yet. JCR mentioned it will be a PPV on Informa, so it’s like a 95% chance it’s just the higher price point and CMLL’s slow on putting it up, and a scant percentage CMLL is going to offer the big crossover show on a platform the crossover audience might actually find. I expect it’ll be up on NJPW World eventually, but it would be a fine time for the “oh no PPV won’t work, guess we have to show this big match for free” issue to pop up again.

Satanico wrestled the original Tiger Mask before he was Tiger Mask, and before most of you were born. Tiger Mask IV may be closer to the end of his career than 72-year-old Satanico, but he’s a Tiger Mask so Satanico is excited to fight him as his career reaches 50 years. CMLL also is booked for 60-year-olds by 60-year-olds, and this checks off some boxes. Informa mentioned Blue Panther, and Atlantis will similarly be honored in upcoming months.

The Satanico celebration also mentions Lluvia & Zeuxis finally teaming up as Las Infernales. A female version of Satanico’s group featuring women he’s trained has been thrown out in interviews as an idea for years I still can’t explain why people are so attached to this idea. I’m glad they’re at least finally getting it, and it makes sense to do it on a show honoring Satanico. The only miss is Dark Silueta is not yet ready to come back from injury to be the third person in the trio, perhaps she’ll make an appearance at ringside. The male Los Infernales group not being involved stuck out as strange when this card was announced, but it makes more sense now.

I saw people wondering if Mercedes Mone might have been on this show had she not been injured on the last NJPW Strong show because this is the NJPW tie-in show. I don’t believe so; it’s important to understand how long and how loudly people have been pushing for this “Las Infernales” concept; that was always going to be the priority for a show honoring Satanico. I remain skeptical Mercedes is coming to Arena Mexico but, if it ever is going to happen, it’ll probably be an event where Mercedes is the main (and many only focus), not along with another batch of people.

Naito, Bushi, Desperado and even Tiger Mask appearing on this show means they’re all very likely to be among the NJPW wrestlers appearing on on the 06/25 Forbidden Door show. Going from Toronto to Puebla will be a long day, but the adjacent dates aren’t a coincidence. CMLL’s just announcing them first because they need to sell some tickets, AEW’s gotten that worked out for Toronto already.

Enrique Lutteroth Camou, said to be the oldest of the 2nd generation Lutteroth children, passed away. CMLL’s press release said he promoted shows at Arena Coliseo Monterrey for “four decades.” I don’t know much about him beyond that. CMLL didn’t mention an age. There is more info on him on Facebook: he was 95, living in Garza Garcia, and worked in the hotel industry. His most famous hotel seems to be Hotel Coral & Marina, who said Lutteroth actually passed away last Tuesday and re-posted a longer bio from a recent anniversary. Enrique Lutteroth had a degree in architecture from UNAM, and is said to be the person in charge of building Arena Coliseo Monterrey (under the direction of his father.) That hotel bio says Enrique promoted wrestling from 1954 to 1966, then took over running Hotel Country Club in Tijuana when his brother Hector decided to leave that role for politics. He stayed in the hotel business the rest of his life, founding Ensenada’s Hotel Coral & Marina in 1996 and serving as the president until his death. He’s also credited with founding the Nuevo Leon Boys & Girls Club.

Max Star said he was so nervous for his Arena Mexico debut that he almost fell down the stairs. He’s hoping the programming department holds a tournament for the now-vacant national lightweight title and that he gets to be part of it. Teaming with Volador in the Gran Alternativa and going to Japan are his other goals.

Atlantis suggests his mask is worth 50 billion dollars. I think you could take a few zeros off that and still get him to lose his mask.