CMLL results, Verano de Escandalo lineup, Vikingo/Metalik


CMLL (FRI) 06/23/2023 Arena México [CMLL, Kaiser SportsMedioTiempoR de RudoThe Gladiatores, thecubsfan]
1) Astral b Inquisidor [lightningAstral lleva al conteo de tres a Inquisidor en un match relámpago que duro 8:45 (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL | Astral venció en match relámpago a Inquisidor (posted by mluchatv)
2) Brillante Jr., Max Star, Neón b Capitán Suicida, Fuego, Valiente Jr. CMLL | Max Star, Neón y Brillante Jr. derrotaron a Fuego, Capitán Suicida y Valiente Jr. (posted by mluchatv) Neón, Max Star y Brillante Jr. derrotan a Fuego, Capitán Suicida y Valiente Jr. (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
11:37. 2/3.
3) Magnus b El Audaz [lightningCMLL | Magnus derrota en match relámpago a El Audaz (posted by mluchatv)
4) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa DQ Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr. CMLL -Espanto Jr.-Dark Magic-Akuma VS Dulce Gardenia-Espíritu Negro-Rey Cometa/ARENA MÉXICO/23-06-23 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | La Ola Negra se lleva la descalificación ante Los Dulces Atrapasueños (posted by mluchatv) La Ola Negra cae luego de un faul ante Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa y Dulce Gardenia (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
10:34. Straight falls, Akuma fouling Cometa in the second.
5) Gran Guerrero, Hechicero, Último Guerrero b Bárbaro Cavernario, Euforia, Mephisto CMLL -G. Guerrero - U. Guerrero-Hechicero VS B. Cavernario - Mephisto-Euforia/ARENA MÉXICO/23-06-23 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Hechicero, Gran Guerrero y Último Guerrero vencen a Euforia, Mephisto y Bárbaro Cavernario (posted by mluchatv) Hechicero da el triunfo a Ú. Guerrero y G. Guerrero derrotando a Euforia, Mephisto y B. Cavernario (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
13:12. 2/3. Hechicero feuded with ex pratners.
6) Dragón Rojo Jr., Titán, Volador Jr. DQ Místico, Soberano Jr., Templario [Relevos IncreíblesCMLL -Dragón Rojo Jr. - Volador Jr. - Titán VS Templario-Soberano Jr.-Místico/ARENA MÉXICO /23-06-23 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Titán, Volador Jr. y Dragón Rojo Jr. vencen por DQ a Místico, Soberano Jr. y Templario (posted by mluchatv) Con un faul Titán, Volador Jr y D. Rojo Jr se llevan la victoria ante Místico, Soberano y Templario (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
16:29. 1/3. Titan tossed his mask to Mistico to draw the DQ.

Every match had some bit that didn’t go quite right or just didn’t work as well. Ola Negra/Atrapsuenos was the exception, working well as a match and even better as a way to heat up that feud going into the hair match. Ola Negra came more aggressive than usual.

Titan continues to play rudo towards Mistico, leading into the LIJ match next week. Templario and Soberano had issues earlier in the match and then were great friends at the end, shaking hands and hugging. Dragon Rojo went after both of them but that issue was again secondary to Mistico. Soberano does his own thing at the end of lot of matches (with CMLL usually doing their best to ignore it), so I’m not sure that Soberano and Templario being friends means anything and that the three way mask match is still on. We’ll know soon enough; I’m told CMLL has an Aniversario press conference planned for Tuesday. They haven’t officially announced it as of press time.

Max Star wore a Deperdadores mask to the ring, which wasn’t brought up by the announcers. Not sure if he got Diamond’s spot as “the fourth Depredador who never teams with the other guys” or if there’s more to come.

CMLL drew really well again and seems safe to do so again this upcoming Friday.

CMLL (SAT) 06/24/2023 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Micro Gemelo Diablo I & Micro Gemelo Diablo II b Átomo & Mije
Chamuel & Micro Sagrado announced, then pulled a few hours later.
2) Amapola & Tiffany b La Guerrera & La Magnifica
3) Flyer, Magia Blanca, Oro Jr. b Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Okumura
4) Hijo del Villano III b Rugido [lightning]
5) Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Sagrado b Dark Panther, Star Jr., Valiente
6) Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Volador Jr. b Euforia, Místico, Soberano Jr. [Relevos Increíbles]

Nothing notable here.

CMLL (SUN) 06/25/2023 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Cachorro TLDRAW Bengala [lightning]
2) Enfermero Jr., Grako, Nitro b Diamond, Leono, Sangre Imperial
rudos took 2/3
3) Adrenalina, Explosivo, Fantástico b Apocalipsis, Cholo, Disturbio
tecnicos took 1/3
4) Volcano b Misterioso Jr. Rey Bucanero [lightning]
5) Kráneo, Magnus, Rugido b Esfinge, Fugaz, Valiente
straight falls, though the Depredadores used mask pulls in the second. Set up a rematch for next week.
6) Atlantis, Star Jr., Volador Jr. b Mephisto, Niebla Roja, Terrible
Tiger Mask IV appeared to wave at the crowd before the main event.

Looks like they’re headed to another Los Depredadores tag title challenge.

CMLL (SUN) 06/25/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Mas Lucha]
1) Odisis & Rav b Barakai & Shezmu  (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
2) Dulce Kitty b Sexy Sol [lightning (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
3) Atilus, Maximus, Rey Urano b Bello Antuan, Black Boy, Johnny Dinamo  (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
4) Flash, Neutrón, Pepe Aguayo DQ Exterminador, Javier Cruz Jr., León Blanco 📍Arena Coliseo GDL 🗓️Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 25 junio 2023 Domingos Familiares. (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
5) Gallero, Lince Del Bajio, Optimus, Trono b Gallo Jr., Leo, Omar Brunetti, Ráfaga Jr. 📍Arena Coliseo GDL 🗓️Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 25 junio 2023 Domingos Familiares. (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
6) Crixus & Vegas b Halcón Negro Jr. & Vaquero Jr. 📍Arena Coliseo GDL 🗓️Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 25 junio 2023 Domingos Familiares. (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )
Crixus beat Halcon Negro with a mask pull. They continue to feud.
7) Ángel Rebelde, Panterita del Ring Jr., Star Black b Hijo del Villano III, Ráfaga, Soberano Jr. 📍Arena Coliseo GDL 🗓️Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 25 junio 2023 Domingos Familiares. (posted by Martes de Glamour Oficial )

Attendance looked pretty low on this show, so these Sunday shows disappeared. Not sure if was specifically this lineup; the usual Arena Jalisco show seemed down as usual. Doesn’t help either way.

Today kicks off FantasticaMania week. Naito, BUSHI, Desperado, Rocky Romero are making their way to Mexico now. Tiger Mask IV is already there. DOUKI is joining up later.  They start in Puebla; Natio is confused to be teaming with Rocky Romero. More people will see them Tuesday in Guadalajara. The PPV page for Friday is still not up; CMLL’s been late on it when it’s the expensive show in the past, so it’s not something to get worried about until about Wednesday.

CMLL (TUE) 06/27/2023 Arena México
1) Último Dragóncito vs Minos [lightning]
2) Fuego, Sangre Imperial, Valiente Jr. vs Gallero, Vaquero Jr., Vegas
3) Dulce Gardenia, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
4) Fugaz vs Virus
5) Dark Panther, Panterita del Ring, Valiente vs Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Sagrado
6) Atlantis, Místico, Panterita del Ring Jr. vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr.

Fugaz/Virus is listed as a normal match (no ten minute time limit.) Atrapsuenos/Ola Negra keep busy on Tuesday. Match 2, like match 2 on Friday, is listed as “CMLL versus Nueva Generacion.” I know they mean ‘the existing guys versus the Torneo Escuelas’ guys, but it’s amusing to see one-year vet Valiente Jr. opposing the ‘new wrestlers.’

The latest mystery group to bring CMLL wrestlers to Tijuana is Lucka Libre on 07/22. None of these seem to last very long. Mistico & Mascara Dorada 2.0 versus Rugido & Volador Jr. headline. The undercard includes the Chavez Brothers against Che Guevara and Tito Escondido. That looks like Escondido’s first match in Mexico in many years, but not his first match against CMLL wrestlers; Tito Escondido is NJPW’s Bad Dude Tito, who faced Virus & Barbaro Cavernario on the recent Strong show.


Not much to this week’s AAA TV. The Psycho Clown/Sam Adonis match was the most notable match, something that got better at the end. Adonis had a USA flag, Psycho had a AAA flag. Adonis also had a bunch of rudos running interference for the entirety of the match. The vignettes on this show were just to build up the matches airing there, which is better than nothing. AAA also advertised the Orizaba and the Tijuana show during the episode with QR codes to buy tickets; they’d only do that with TripleMania level events prior. AAA wasn’t selling the tickets for this taping – it was just whomever got in the fair got to hang out – but it didn’t look like a big crowd.

AAA also announced the 07/21 Verano de Escandalo in Aguascalientes. It’s just a normal TV taping:

AAA TV (FRI) 07/21/2023 Arena San Marcos, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes
***Verano de Escandalo, 2023***
1) Diva Salvaje, Dulce Kanela, Jessy Ventura vs Dinámico, Kamik-C, Skalibur
2) Jack Cartwheel, Laredo Kid, Willie Mack vs Antifaz del Norte, Látigo, Tosscano
3) ?, Dalys, Negro Casas vs La Hiedra, Nicho el Millionario, Puma King
4) Forastero, Hijo de Máscara Año 2000, Sansón vs Abismo Negro, Psicosis, Toxin
8th defense, 5th on TV. Hijo de Mascara 2000 replacing Cuatrero (jail).
5) Octagón Jr., Pagano, Vampiro Canadiense vs ?, Daga, Taurus
6) El Patrón Alberto, Hijo Del Vikingo, Psycho Clown vs Cibernético, Gringo Loco, Sam Adonis

Trying to keep the AAA schedule straight in my head is rough, but I think I’ve got it. TripleMania Tijuana is July 15th, which means the build to TripleMania Mexico City starts right after. There will probably be an AAA press conference between July 16th and the 18th to announce the top matches: Psycho/Adonis (unless something truly strange happens) and any other major match. Vikingo/Gringo’s hair match counts, so we’ll know by the time this show happens if that is a real thing or another feud to finish in the indeterminate future. Adonis beating Psycho in the main event is about is safe a lock. I wonder if the people in AAA realize that this show looks to air after TripleMania Mexico City, and the heavy heat angle they’re going to do anyway is kinda worthless. This show got announced in May, the lineup came out in June, it will take place in July, and it looks like it will not air until the last week of August and the first week of September.

If you really want to get nerdy about it:

  • next 5 tapings in order they’ll happen: Chihuahua, Orizaba, Tijuana, Aguascalientes, Mexico City
  • next 5 tapings in how they’ll air: Chihuahua, Tijuana, Orizaba, Mexico City, Aguascalientes

The Puebla taping going away made this less confusing.

Los Vipers asked for a trios title match over a year ago, so AAA’s on it at their usual pace. The only reason to run that title match is to cut the losses and get the titles off NGD.

Puma King going on Mas Lucha and challenging Fenix to a title match six days before he gets announced in a trios match is weird even for AAA. I don’t think Fenix is showing up as a surprise wrestler in the third match, and I don’t think Puma King is getting a singles match on a TripleMania show. The Vampiro/Pagano teams is more conventionally weird: it seems like they should be rivals if Pagano is friends with La Rebelion but who knows. Antifaz and Laredo Kid exists again as a feud but all the way down in the second; that doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon.


IWRG (SUN) 06/25/2023 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG, Mas Lucha]
1) Rey Aztaroth b Golden Power LIVE🔴 | Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Tiniablas Jr. c/Alushe + Hellboy y Puma de Oro vs Tonalli y Canis Lupus (posted by mluchatv)
2) Avisman, Fussion, Jhon Tito b Águila Roja, Centvrión, Mr. Mike LIVE🔴 | Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Tiniablas Jr. c/Alushe + Hellboy y Puma de Oro vs Tonalli y Canis Lupus (posted by mluchatv)
3) Jhon Santos, León Dorado, Rey Halcón b Hijo Del Enigma, Leo Cristiani, Súper Mario 47 LIVE🔴 | Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Tiniablas Jr. c/Alushe + Hellboy y Puma de Oro vs Tonalli y Canis Lupus (posted by mluchatv)
4) Noisy Boy & Spider Fly DQ Cerebro Negro & Cerebro Negro Jr. LIVE🔴 | Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Tiniablas Jr. c/Alushe + Hellboy y Puma de Oro vs Tonalli y Canis Lupus (posted by mluchatv)
5) Hijo de Canis Lupus & Tonalli b Hell Boy & Puma de Oro [RGR TAG, torneoLIVE🔴 | Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Tiniablas Jr. c/Alushe + Hellboy y Puma de Oro vs Tonalli y Canis Lupus (posted by mluchatv)
Canis Lupus & Tonalli face Diva Salvaje & Mamba for the vacant titles on 07/02
6) Asterboy, Relámpago, Tinieblas Jr. b Hijo del Pirata Morgan, Rey Wagner, Shocko LIVE🔴 | Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Tiniablas Jr. c/Alushe + Hellboy y Puma de Oro vs Tonalli y Canis Lupus (posted by mluchatv)

I have nothing useful for this show. I also have nothing useless to say about Big Lucha but that show didn’t stream.

IWRG is doing a live version of their news show today, to celebrate 50 episodes.

Vikingo and Metalik

A long time ago, CHIKARA had Skayde and (Internacional) Pantera as wrestlers and trainers. They thought it would be a great idea to have those two maestros have a singles match. It did not turn out great, and it ended in a draw. The problem there is both realized that spots for Mexican wrestlers in the US at the time were very limited, one guy winning would mean the other was the definitely second most important maestro in the group, and the second most important person is the first to go when budgets get shifted elsewhere. That tension over not having a result and being graded against each other even beyond the finish weighed on the match, it ended in a draw, it was not as good as it could’ve been, and almost no one remembers it exists.

I remembered that match Friday night, in watching Hijo del Vikingo versus Metalik match in GCW. There’s no battling for a limited spot there – Vikingo’s the regular in GCW, and Metalik hasn’t worked there much in recent months. (It’s probably more Komander has Metalik’s spot.) The tension instead was their promotional allegiances: Vikingo the AAA champion, Metalik with CMLL. (Notably, Metalik’s immigration paperwork came through after he accepted this match with Vikingo; he wasn’t a CMLL guy when he said yes and was a CMLL guy again by the time the show happened.) And so, the first and probably only Metalik versus Hijo del Vikingo matches had some hitches in it. GCW expected Vikingo to get his arm raised, and Metalik waited until show time to make it loudly clear that he would not be losing to an AAA wrestler. I don’t believe CMLL put any pressure on Metalik that night, nor would they need to – he worked there long enough to know their expectations. Vikingo couldn’t lose as an AAA champion either, so GCW was left with no finish. They elected to have Blake Christan attack Vikingo just as he set up for his finish, then attack Metalik to make it a no-contest. To my eye, Metalik placed his outside leg under the bottom rope as when Vikingo went up, as if he was worried he would get double-crossed on the finish. GCW (and you know, the people who paid to see this match) lost out due to Metalik, but Metalik refusing to lose was a foreseeable risk from the moment the match was booked because of the CMLL/AAA dynamic. This is not even the first time Metalik and an AAA wrestler have gone to a draw because neither can lose. GCW gambled and they lost. It happens.

The tension in that finish seemed to hurt the match, the same as it did for Pantera/Skayde. The vibes were off. Metalik worked heel – both in the ring and out of it, I suppose – but it was a fair bit of your turn/my turn. They were also two guys not used to working each other and some parts didn’t come out as clean as either guy with better opponents. Vikingo went for a gigantic rope running spot that he also came nowhere close to hitting. Vikingo is also working a heavier US schedule than expected when he first got his visa while still wrestling in Mexico, and I think that’s starting to catch up to him. Metalik’s also not the same wrestler everyone fell in love with in his pre-WWE days. He’s cut down what he does in the ring and hasn’t added new wrinkles to compensate. Metalik isn’t the first guy to get by on memories of what he was, but it does put a ceiling on how great his matches are going to be. (I kept hoping he’d find that higher level again, but it’s a year and a half, it hasn’t happened.) I still got something out of Vikingo/Metalik, and it’s probably the best they’ll do because I don’t expect them ever to wrestle again, but it came short of what Metalik/Vikingo is in people’s imaginations. Arez/Cartwheel was the best match on the card for me.

Other News

Hijo del Santo claims that when he first started dating his now wife Gabriela, he went on the dates while still wearing his mask. Only when he came to visit her at work did he use his real name and identity (though she knew it already), because he felt she loved him for him and not for what he looked like. Hijo del Santo is advertised as wrestling in Arnea Olimpico Laguna on August 3rd, which is said to be his first show there in 16 years. Hijo del Santo wrestling anywhere is notable at this point.

Demasiado talked to Milenio about being part of the LGBT+ community in wrestling. He did not like wrestling and only started training because to support a friend also starting. He felt the trainers were trying to run him off because he’s gay and fought harder to stick around.

Mesias, who previously said he was too ill to make it to the WWC show (much less wrestle), turned up at rival Puerto Rico promotion IWA’s show instead on Saturday night. At least he’s looking better. The WWC show did draw very well regardless.

Blue Demon Jr. celebrated one year of his art gallery.

Dralisico accidentally posted an unmasked photo in an Instagram stories, before deleting it. It’s not the first time he’s done this.