Mistico & Averno win Torneo Incredible de Parejas, Fantastica Mania begins Wednesday, Pagano injury


CMLL (FRI) 02/17/2023 Arena México [CMLL, Cronista del RingESTOEstrellas del RingFuego en el RingKaiser SportsThe Gladiatores, thecubsfan]
1) Micro Gemelo Diablo I & Mije b Átomo & Chamuel ¡Microdiablura!, Mije y Micro Gemelo Diablo I derrotan a los rudos y aguerridos Chamuel y Átomo (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2) Diamond, Sangre Imperial, Valiente Jr. b Disturbio, Enfermero Jr., Inquisidor Diamond, Sangre Imperial y Valiente Jr derrotan a los rudísimos Disturbio, Inquisidor y Enfermero Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
13:01. Tecnicos took 2/3.
3) Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus b El Coyote, Okumura, Pólvora Virus lleva a Los Cancerberos a la victoria, derrotando a los rudísimos Pólvora, Okumura y El Coyote (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
12:07. Cancerberos took 2/3.
4) Marcela TLDRAW Zeuxis [lightningCMLL - MATCH RELÁMPAGO / MARCELA VS ZEUXIS / ARENA MEXICO / 17-02-23 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Marcela y Zeuxis llegan al cuadrilátero de la Arena Mexico, listas para un explosivo mano a mano (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
neither woman was close to winning when they hit ten minutes
5) Ángel de Oro, Bárbaro Cavernario, Rocky Romero, Titán b Gran Guerrero, Oráculo, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr. CMLL - RELEVO ATÓMICO INCREÍBLE / ARENA MEXICO / 17-02-23 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) R.Romero, Ángel de Oro, B.Cavernario y Titán derrotaron a Volador, Oráculo, Ú.Guerrero y G.Guerrero (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
10:15. Straight falls. Romero beat Volador with a backcracker, then put a “Hijo de Azucar” shirt on him after teh match. Oraculo, Angel de Oro and Romero had issues after the match.
6) Averno & Místico b Soberano Jr. & Templario [Torneo Incredible de Parejas, final¡La mejor pareja increíble del 2023! Místico y Averno derrotan a Soberano Jr. y Templario (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL-FINAL TORNEO INCREÍBLE DE PAREJAS / MÍSTICO-AVERNO VS SOBERANO JR.-TEMPLARIO/A. MEXICO/17-02-23 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)

The tournament final was super heated. Soberano had his support but it was once again another loud (and big) Mistico crowd rooting for him to finish with the trophy. He did, cleanly. The match had a couple of moments that seemed not to go as planned but it was still very strong. The rest of the show was generally good.

On Saturday in NJPW, Rocky Romero did his best to avoid Volador Jr. in their atomicos match, and Volador brought up the hair match in a post match promo. Rocky Romero also appeared on Wrestling Observer Radio, which was primarily to hype that NJPW show and strayed into a decent amount of CMLL talk. Romero said he knew he’s been pushing the limits in CMLL (with stuff like the cake spot) and the big advantage of having a NJPW deal if he ever overstepped those limits, where a CMLL-only guy might not feel as comfortable as taking the same risks. Main eventing Homenaje a Dos Leyendas is a big honor for Romero. He’s not expecting to get those chances in NJPW at this point in his career, and so feels fortunate to earn that opportunity in Mexico. Romero talked up the main event and encouraged everyone to check out so strongly that I came away thinking there is a legitimate chance he is actually losing his hair. Win or loss, this is definitely one of the biggest matches of his life.

I’m still not definitely sure where Faby & CMLL have ended up, but Marcela getting a feud with Zeuxis suddenly is interesting in light of that murky situation. Zeuxis/Marcela going to a draw makes it feel like they’re trying to replace Faby/Marcela dynamic. We’ll find out eventually.

Still no idea when those last two names for Copa Irma Gonzalez are coming. I did notice Mercedes Mone (ex-WWE Sasha Banks) named dropped CMLL among NJPW affiliated companies in an interview with TV Insider this past week. I don’t think there’s even the slightest chance of Mone coming to Arena Mexico – CMLL is not paying the going rate for Mone and it really doesn’t make sense for them to do so, so it’d have to be a bucket list item. I feel bad even in suggesting it because Mexican media who didn’t notice it prior might notice it now and run with something that, again, has almost no chance of happening. It’s still a very entertaining event to imagine. Explaining how to order on TicketmasterLive and that there really is no VOD over and over to her legion of fans would perhaps kill me.

CMLL (SAT) 02/18/2023 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Fantasy, Galaxy, Pequeño Magía b Full Metal, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Polvora
2) Eléctrico, Leono, Neón b Apocalipsis, Cholo, Inquisidor
tecnicos took 2/3
3) Fuego, Hombre Bala Jr., Robin b Pegasso, Sangre Imperial, Stigma
Sangre Imperial replaced Arkalis on Thursday. Team Fuego took 2/3.
4) Audaz b Misterioso Jr. [lightning]
Audaz replaced Esfinge on Thursday
5) Hechicero, Mephisto, Rey Bucanero b Guerrero Maya Jr., Panterita del Ring Jr., Star Black
Rudos took 1/3. Rey Bucanero replaced Euforia on Thursday
6) Místico b Bárbaro Cavernario
Mistico took 1/3. Mask/hair match challenges followed.

Mistico and Cavernario talked about wanting a do a hair match and took the bit to social media after. Mistico also thought that he and Avenro winning the incredible pairs tournament meant they get to main event the Aniversario, he’s a man full of ideas. It is also clear CMLL could fill Arena Mexico at reasonable prices if they just gave him an apuesta match on a random week. It doesn’t have to be an Aniversario date, and it’d draw better than whatever random tournament they’ve got planned for June. (No offense to Copa Dinastia or whatever.) There was a point where CMLL was hesitant to do much with Caristico after his return, not being sure how long he’d be around. He’s Mistico now and he’s quite over, might as well make use of it. It is not the most egregious example of a wrestling promotion ignoring clear signals this week, and, hey, at least this one can still be remedied.

CMLL (SUN) 02/19/2023 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Acero & Aéreo b Minos & Pequeño Violencia
2) La Guerrera, La Jarochita, Skadi b Amapola, Hera, Olympia
Tecnicas took 1/3. Marcela replaced Magnifica on Thursday, but La Jarochita ended up in the spot.
3) Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido b Apocalipsis, Dark Magic, Disturbio
Depredadores took 1/3. Apocalipsis replaced Espanto Jr.
4) Dark Panther b Fugaz [lightning]
5) Blue Panther, Panterita del Ring, Valiente b Bárbaro Cavernario, Kráneo, Rey Bucanero
Tecnicos took 2/3.
6) Atlantis, Soberano Jr., Titán b Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Sagrado
tecnicos took 2/3

There have been a lot of angles on these weekend shows of late and not so much this weekend, maybe because a bunch of people was heading out of town.

Hijo del Fantasma (now WWE’s Santos Escobar) was at this show and taking photos with old friends.

CMLL (TUE) 02/21/2023 Arena México
1) Leono & Retro vs Apocalipsis & Cholo
2) Fantasy, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito vs Minos, Pequeño Polvora, Pierrothito
3) Flyer vs Luciferno [lightning]
4) Panterita del Ring Jr., Pegasso, Stigma vs Difunto, El Coyote, Pólvora
5) Satánico vs VirusBlue PantherBlack Tiger [Torneo de ESCUELAS, seeding]
outcome will determine matches for 02/24 and 02/28
6) Atlantis, Panterita del Ring, Valiente vs Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Sagrado

Fantastica Mania is on, and so the lineups are bit lower in wattage. The Torneo de Escuelas has a good chance of being a regular bit opposite FantasticaMania for that reason, it eats up a few innings when they need innings ate. Difunto, who popped up in Puebla last week, seems to be Mexico City-based for the time being.

(Random thought: remember when the Lucha Time guys were supposed to wrestle n Guadalajara and were in Guadalajara but didn’t wrestle? That was December, it sure seems like CMLL was working on this tournament around then, so there’s probably a version of it this had a Monterrey squad, and then something happened.)

CMLL (TUE) 02/21/2023 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Johnny Dinamo, Luminoso, Quka vs Gran Kenut, Jabalí, Minotauro
2) Náutica, Princesa Tiger, Sexy Sol vs Atenea, Gema Andrade, Misteriosa
3) Asturiano, El Hijo Del Perverso, Siky Ozama vs Arlequín, Furia Roja, Guerrero de la Muerte
4) Halcón Negro Jr., Optimus, Trono vs Barboza, Draego, Persa
5) La Jarochita, Lluvia, Valkiria vs La Maligna, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis
6) Felino Jr., Guerrero Maya Jr., Panterita del Ring Jr. vs Ángel Rebelde, Averno, Bestia Negra [Relevos Increíbles]

Panterita del Ring is double booked on Tuesday, figures to end up here. Someone’s going to book the La Chicas Indomables versus Vaquer & Zeuxis tag title match eventually.

Arena Coliseo Guadalajara posted some photos of the facility updating their gym area.

CMLL (FRI) 02/24/2023 Arena México
1) Fuego, Hombre Bala Jr., Valiente Jr. vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr.
2) La Jarochita, Lluvia, Princesa Sugehit vs Reyna Isis, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis
3) E1-1, E1-2, E1-3, E1-4, E1-5, E1-6 vs E2-1, E2-2, E2-3, E2-4, E2-5, E2-6 [Torneo de Escuelas, semifinal]
participating teams to be determined on Tuesday
4) Maestro 1 vs Maestro 2 [Torneo de Escuelas, lightning]
5) Ángel de Oro, Gran Guerrero, Niebla Roja vs Averno, Euforia, Mephisto

Again, a strange main event to cover for the missing people. These shows are going to be made by how good the Torneo de Escuelas turn out to be. CMLL hadn’t made it clear that the maestros are wrestling as well. Zeuxis gets three Friday night shows in a row.

Fantastica Mania

Splitting this into a different category because there’s a lot to cover. (Including that there’s a space between Fantastica and Mania).

  • Fantastica Mania starts Wednesday, with shows Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
    • Start times are here but basically, it’s “very early that morning the same day of the week” for all shows
  • All shows are in Japanese
    • No English commentary. I heard a plan to do Spanish commentary for some shows but that doesn’t seem have to come together.
  • All shows air live on NJPW World and are available on VOD. NJPW World is 999 yen, about 7.5 USD
    • HOWEVER, NJPW charges on the 1st of the month (Tokyo time) no matter when you subscribe, and the 1st of the month is about a few hours after the Tuesday show ends. You’ve got to watch quickly or you’re paying for March.
    • Monday’s show is free to all and could end up being the best show.
  • Japanese wrestling has had no cheering for their shows during most of the pandemic; that policy is coming to an end but it’s city by city (and venue by venue) decision and it’s not easy to determine what the rules are
    • Wednesday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday are cheering shows. I’m not sure about Thursday and Friday.
  • Tickets seem to be selling well
    • Thursday, Monday and Tuesday are already sold out. Friday has few tickets left.
    • NJPW says they expect all six shows to be sellouts eventually.

My plan is to watch Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday on delay, and there are chances I may watch the last three live.

CMLL wrestlers left for the tour Sunday night; there are nearly a dozen promos from the airport. Wednesday’s show will happen before the next post, with a 4 AM CT start time. That lineup:

CMLL , NJPW (WED) 02/22/2023 Takamatsu City General Gynmasium 2, Kagawa, Japan
1) Capitán Suicida & Yuto Nakashima vs Gedo & Taiji Ishimori
2) Magia Blanca & Ryohei Oiwa vs Douki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru
3) Dulce Gardenia, Tiger Mask, YOH vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Hijo del Villano III, Okumura
4) Kosei Fujita, Master Wato, Ryusuke Taguchi, Soberano Jr. vs Bushi, Hiromu Takahashi, Tetsuya Naito, Titán
5) El Desperado, Rey Cometa, Volador Jr. vs Hechicero, SHO, Templario
6) Hiroshi Tanahashi & Místico vs Atlantis Jr. & Último Guerrero [Relevos Increíbles]

Both Wednesday and Thursday shows are warm up preview tag matches. Probably everything will go between six and twelve minutes, with people who have singles matches later on getting in pins on each other.

The 03/01 All Star Junior festival announced Atlantis Jr. on Sunday, which I guess confirms Atlantis Jr. is still meant to be a Junior. (Not just in history, but also in the Japanese weight division.) There are now 39 people announced for this show. Note that All Star Junior show is not airing live as part of the normal NJPW World subscription. It’s a separate additional PPV fee and will only be added to regular service after a few weeks.


The New Exotic show wasn’t an official TV taping but it did get some attention:

AAA , New Exotic (SAT) 02/18/2023 Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal [Mas Lucha]
1) Especie Maligna & Payacumba b Némesis, Nikki Star, Zira Especie Maligna y Payacumba vs Némesis y Nicky Star NEW EXOTIC (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2 vs 3 match for some reason
2) Rino Black, Último Soldado, Último Soldado Jr. b Brazo de Platino Jr., Kauris, Voltio Último Soldado, Último Soldado Jr y Rino Black vs Kauris, Hijo del Brazo de Platino y Voltio EXÓTIC (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
3) Bugambilia & Máximo b Alas de Oro & Alas De Plata Máximo y Bugambilia con Medio Metro Vs Alas de Oro y Alas de Plata con New Exotic (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Medio Metro, Máximo y Bugambilia vs Alas de Oro y Alas de Plata NEW EXOTIC (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
4) La Parkita & Mini Vikingo b Mini Psycho Clown & Parkita Negra Mini Psycho Clown y Parkita Negra vs La Parkita y Mini Vikingo NEW EXOTIC (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
5) Demonio Infernal, Fresero Jr., Trauma I, Trauma II NC Pig Decapitador, Pig Desenterrador, Pig Destroyer, Pig Destructor La Puerquiza vs El Negocio ¡¡¡ LLEGA LA AVALANCHA ALVARADO A NEW EXOTIC!!! (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Negociantes Vs Puerquiza Extrema: Fresero Jr, Demonio Infernal y Atomick Star Pig Destroyer, Pool (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Maximo and Bugambilia appeared to stop the fight, both teams attacked hem, and various Brazos made the save. Brazos teased a match with the Pigs.
6) La Hiedra, Lizmark Jr., Monsther Clown b Flammer, Mr. Iguana, Niño Hamburguesa La Hiedra, Monster Clown y Lizmark Jr vs Lady Flamer, Mr. Iguana Niño Hamburguesa NEW EXOTIC (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
7) Pagano & Psycho Clown b Chessman & Negro Casas Negro Casas y Chessman Vs Pagano y Psycho Clown en lucha estrella de New Exotic (posted by ) PAGANO Y PSYCHO CLOWN VS NEGRO CASAS Y CHESSMAN.ESTELAR NEW EXOTIC (posted by hector godfrey) Psycho Clown y Pagano vs Negro Casas y Chessman NEW EXOTIC (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Negro Casas replaced Abismo Negro Jr. (double booked). Two mystery men gave Pagano a martinete on a chair, and everyone sold it as if Pagano was legitimately injured

The building was less than half full, which is about expected. They had an entrance set and lights similar to Nacion Lucha Libre, though it didn’t seem to be a TV taping. You might as well look good if you’re going to lose a lot of money. Mas Lucha had the best angle I’ve seen of the Pagano bit. The martinete is poorly applied and looks bad, but not in a way where it’s more dangerous than usual. The usual exposure issue on an martinete injury angle is the victim is too high and it’s too obvious his head never touches the mat. They went the other way here, where Pagano is so low that he folds over and takes the move on his shoulders by the time it makes impact. There’s always a chance Pagano is hurt – I mean, he’s always got to be hurt given the way he wrestles – but it’s unlikely he suffered a severe neck injury on a move where he did not land on his neck.

They played it up with the whole US-inspired reality angle, with Psycho Clown throwing up the “he’s really hurt” X signal to try to fool the people who think they know better and Pagano going into spasms before declaring he couldn’t feel his lower body. It was an angle taken seriously, but it was also obviously an angle if you watch it with even only an internet fan’s worth of knowledge.

This was normal wrestling stuff. Very normal for Pagano: he did the same angle in Torreon in September and Zapopan in October last year to build up the Cibernetico TripleMania match. The difference this time was AAA sent out a press release as if it was a real health emergency. Media, seeing the AAA statement, took it as real news. AAA needs that sort of attention to get this angle over – again, this happened on a spot show that wasn’t taped for TV so they’ve got to attention else wise and it worked. No one (besides me, maybe) was going to write about this random Mexico City AAA spot show and doing the AAA statement got the angle over as a much bigger deal.

In theory makes AAA look bad for portraying an angle as reality, but no one’s going to think any less of AAA. (Same thing for the media going along with it.) Those two past versions of this angle didn’t amount to much because Pagano was just back on the next show and the injuries on those shows were quickly forgotten. Pagano’s not booked on anything until at least March 10th, so maybe there will be time for follow-up this time around. There’s no speculation about who the two mystery men who attacked Pagano were supposed to be; that’s not even part of the story at this point.

For what it’s worth, I’ve been told MLW told Aramis would be getting his release from the promotion but has not actually received it. Arez was told he would not be getting his MLW release. I don’t know of any plans to use him on a future MLW show.

Pentagon Jr. is advertised on the 04/08 AAA TV taping in San Luis Potosi. A lineup is probably coming in 2-3 weeks.

On Keepin it 100, Konnan was asked about the TripleMania Tijuana situation and said the show was still on and had a new date, but he didn’t want to give it out until AAA officially announced it. He did say it was going to be a month later (July) and was unsure if it was changing venues in Tijuana but it is absolutely staying in Tijuana. Konnan also strongly dismissed the story of MLW reaching out to CMLL as completely fake, something people hadn’t done their job in reporting out correctly. (The CMLL/MLW story came from the Wrestling Observer, though Konnan didn’t seem to be aware.) He talked about the idea of using Kota Ibushi as a Vikingo opponent, acknowledging that most Mexican fans wouldn’t have any idea who Kota Ibushi is, but felt AAA could get him over through video packages and wrestlers like Negro Casas endorsing Ibushi in promos. (It’s a decent plan that AAA has never executed well; to pick one example of many, AAA ran random videos of Darby Allin for weeks and no one had idea who he was when he showed up.) Cohost Disco Inferno pushed back on this idea in favor of using someone on the AAA roster, asking which AAA wrestlers would be upset they were passing over for the spot for Ibushi, and Konnan repeatedly said he didn’t care which AAA wrestlers would be upset over it. I took from that it’s still going to be Vikingo vs “outsider”, even if those first two draft picks don’t work out.

(If it has to be from the outside, I would pick Impact’s Josh Alexander over Kota Ibushi and this much – he’ll draw less of the curiosity purchases, but he’s probably much easier to get in for dates – they already have him for the World Cup – and AAA is still going to get in great matches from him. But I’ve been stuck on this idea since Impact did that Mexico City TV match where Vikingo beat Alexander and maybe there are other options.)

The 03/03 AAA/TAO Queretaro show is said to be close to selling out.


IWRG (SUN) 02/19/2023 Arena Naucalpan [Mas Lucha]
1) Águila Roja & Súper Boy b Rey Aztaroth & Tortuga Leo Kick- Off | El PROTECTOR🔴 Último Guerrero y Gran Guerrero vs Tonalli e Hijo de Canis Lupus (posted by mluchatv)
2) Spider Fly b Kenji [IWRG IC Light] Kick- Off | El PROTECTOR🔴 Último Guerrero y Gran Guerrero vs Tonalli e Hijo de Canis Lupus (posted by mluchatv)
2nd defense
3) Luka & Súper Mario 47 b Oficial 911 & Oficial Fierro Kick- Off | El PROTECTOR🔴 Último Guerrero y Gran Guerrero vs Tonalli e Hijo de Canis Lupus (posted by mluchatv)
Super Mario 47 is the former Oficial 47 (his name is Mario, he’s not doing a Super Mario gimmick as far as I can tell)
4) Puma de Oro b Jhon Tito [IWRG IC MIDDLE] MEMBRESÍA | El PROTECTOR🔴 Último Guerrero y Gran Guerrero vs Tonalli e Hijo de Canis Lupus (posted by )
1st defense
5) Hip Hop Man & Shocko b Cerebro Negro Jr. & Travis Banks and Hell Boy & Willy Pipes and Hijo del Fishman & Rey Halcón Jr. and Maniacop & Yorvak and Baby Star & La Momia and Aster Boy & Hijo del Alebrije and Imposible & Noisy Boy [El Protector] MEMBRESÍA | El PROTECTOR🔴 Último Guerrero y Gran Guerrero vs Tonalli e Hijo de Canis Lupus (posted by )
Wesley Pipes replaced Rey Espectro.
6) Gran Guerrero & Último Guerrero b Hijo de Canis Lupus & Tonalli MEMBRESÍA | El PROTECTOR🔴 Último Guerrero y Gran Guerrero vs Tonalli e Hijo de Canis Lupus (posted by )
Tonalli appeared to kick out at 2.9 from the Guerrero Special, but it was 3 anyway. Playing off the old Tryout format (a 1-10 scale), Ultimo Guerrero declared Tonalli was a 10 after this match and put over Naucalpan

This was a subscriber only show and I haven’t watched much of it, but it sounds like the main event was standard Ultimo Guerrero. Show drew nothing special even with Ultimo Guerrero (though fans who wanted to see CMLL people here just saw them a few days ago.)

Keeping with IWRG’s pattern of completely obscure foreign wrestlers, Wesley Pipes is easten Canadian wrestler who either barely wrestles or wrestles for shows too small to make it on Cagematch. Announcers hyped him out as the sort of wrestler we might see in IWRG’s upcoming world tournament, which seems sadly accurate. If you are trained and can get yourself to Naucalpan on your own dime, it sure seems like there’s a good chance you can get in that tournament.


Big Lucha (SAT) 02/18/2023 Bandidos Gym, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal [Big Lucha, Mas Lucha, thecubsfan]
1) Andy Panda & Reiyel b Metal Shadow & Vórtize LIVE🔴 | Love and Blood 🩸💔 Bandido y Flamita vs Emperador Azteca y el Potro de Oro (posted by mluchatv)
2) Torito b LimboForneoSol LIVE🔴 | Love and Blood 🩸💔 Bandido y Flamita vs Emperador Azteca y el Potro de Oro (posted by mluchatv)
no Little Star (off to CMLL) so this turned into a three way between the Hell Flyers. Limbo added himself, then was added to the group after the win.
3) Iku & Vengador b King & Kong LIVE🔴 | Love and Blood 🩸💔 Bandido y Flamita vs Emperador Azteca y el Potro de Oro (posted by mluchatv)
8:23. Dito wanted to be friends with the Gorillas (who are now back to being friends themselves), and nearly cost his team the match. It seemed like a breakup angle but Ditto was with Locos Evans the rest of the show.
4) Black Skayde & Skayde b Elipse & Orbita LIVE🔴 | Love and Blood 🩸💔 Bandido y Flamita vs Emperador Azteca y el Potro de Oro (posted by mluchatv)
8:09. Elipse & Orbita officially joined Locos Evans. Vengador & Iku intefered a lot early on but were eventually kicked out.
5) Cometa Maya, Éxtasis, Radioactivo b Action Jackson, Bendito, Elemental [no rules] LIVE🔴 | Love and Blood 🩸💔 Bandido y Flamita vs Emperador Azteca y el Potro de Oro (posted by mluchatv)
18:30. Extasis reversed the Elemental Driver into a cradle for the win. The two teams fought more after.
6) Jack Evans b Gravity [bull terrierLIVE🔴 | Love and Blood 🩸💔 Bandido y Flamita vs Emperador Azteca y el Potro de Oro (posted by mluchatv)
14:04. Gravity had the match won until Vengador and Ditto got involved.
7) El Bandido & Flamita b El Potro de Oro & Emperador Azteca [Relevos IncreíblesLIVE🔴 | Love and Blood 🩸💔 Bandido y Flamita vs Emperador Azteca y el Potro de Oro (posted by mluchatv)
25:59. Flamita & Emperador Azteca didn’t want to fight, fought later, then turned on their partners and Flamtia laid down on Azteca to win. Men in Black Generation masks ran into help attack post match, but revealed themselves to be Los Traumas.

This show was generally good. I thought match 2 was the best, but other matches were good as well. The fifth match was a good summation of where they are now: they had a ton of ideas because they had a month between shows to come up with ideas for this match, but only 70-80% of them because they wrestle in front of fans so rarely to practice them. They’ve got the ability but not the reps at this point.

The main event was technically good but going that long for a screwjob finish is just annoying, not in that I want to see the heels beat, but in that the promotion is wasting my time. The post-match angle makes me less interested. Decent finishes are important to me and not at all to Los Traumas (who went countout draws in shows both Friday and Saturday this weekend, as normal for them.) The bigger problem is the ending pushed the idea of Bandido & Flamita getting back together, and they just did it, and it ended up being bad. These shows are still generally good, the opener was the best those guys have done, yet it feels like there are no interesting directions at the moment.

Other Notes

LuchaWorld has the latest Report.

I attended the Warrior Wrestling show on Saturday night. The show aired on ProWrestlingTV and will return as VOD sometime this week. That site is slow about the VODs, but keep checking for it. The main event of Aeroboy vs Aramis vs Taurus vs Hijo del Vikingo is worth the 10 to watch it. The rest of the show was fine – it’s a good venue with a loud crowd, very into people I barely knew. The main event was some excellent luchadors going for a lot and everything working out great. Vikingo is always out of this world but the rest of the guys were not far behind him, and it was outstanding action. I will pretend it’s a lucha show just enough to throw in my database for MOTYC time, because it’s definitely getting an Excellent. No one paid attention to this show because it happened the same day as a both WWE and NJPW US PPVs, on a relatively obscure service and even lucha libre fans had Big Lucha and other options, but it’s worth tracking down later.

There was a lot of lucha libre all over the place in the US this weekend, and I didn’t catch all of it. I really liked Aramis’s match in Black Label Pro against Marcus Mathers, a big dumb match in the best way, where they just did a bunch of crazy stuff. The AAW four-way (Aramis, Taurus, Gringo, local Brayden Lee) and the GCW trios match on Saturday were good but not super memorable. I think there’s an issue for me that I’ve been catching so many of these that it’s hard to stand out, and I’m looking for something more meaningful than the one off exhibition style, but I’m not sure if the people who are just watching these every so often are as far along. Komander/Lio Rush from GCW was pretty good, maybe Komander’s best singles match in the US so far. Komadner’s a guy who still has lots of room to improve in 1v1 and Rush deserves credit for getting a lot out of him in that match. I didn’t catch Aerostar in Black Label Pro, I completely forgot GALLI had a free stream on Sunday, and I’m sure there was something else I meant to write about.

Mascara Dorada’s countdown reached zero on Sunday. He officially announced his NJPW contract had ended, he was now a free agent, and would wrestle under the name Metalik. I believe the name change is his choice, using something he hopes will be more familiar to WWE fans. I’m not sure what’s going to actually change with his indie booking. I know NJPW had much bigger plans for him than what happened, primarily because Dorada/Metalik’s residency status still hasn’t been resolved and leaving/returning to the US is an issue. I’m not sure where this leaves Metalik and CMLL either.

Shocker, appearing ImagenTV’s El Minuto que Cambio mi Destino show, revealed once having sexual relations with Puerto Rican wrestling promoter Victor Quiñones in exchange for drugs and money. Quiñones using his position and resources to extract favors from wrestlers is a topic of many a shoot interview. Shocker says he was drunk and on drugs at the time, and feels he was taken advantage of by Quiñones. Shocker also mentioned originally being addicted to coacine since he was young. His last relationship broke up due to methamphetamine use, but he says he is clean now and has to be for the (forever impending) jaw operation. Shocker said in this interview that he was retiring, and said in others that he still plans to return.

AULL (FRI) 02/17/2023 Arena Lopez Mateos [Mas Lucha, R de Rudo]
1) Karma, Legado, Orgullo b Black Horse, Mortem, X-Devil Legado, Orgullo y Karma vs Black Horse, Mortem y X Devil ARENA LÓPEZ MATEOS/AULL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) LIVE (posted by mluchatv)
2) Chicanico b Impulso ©Sol [AULL Light] CHICANITO VS EL SOL MIRREY VS IMPULSO EN LA ARENA LOPEZ MATEOS AULL (posted by Halcón Lucha Libre Magazine) Impulso (C) vs Chicanito vs Sol CAMPEONATO LIGERO AULL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) LIVE (posted by mluchatv)
First defense. won title in November 2020.
3) Terry 2000 b SádicoCerebro Negro [AULL MIDDLE] LIVE (posted by mluchatv) Sádico vs Cerebro Negro vs Terry 2000 CAMPEONATO PESO MEDIO AULL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) SADICO VS TERRY 2000 VS CELEBRO NEGRO EN LA ARENA LOPEZ MATEOS AULL (posted by Halcón Lucha Libre Magazine)
vacant. Last known to exist in 2010?
4) Baronessa b KeyraMary CaporalLudark Shaitan [AULL WOMEN] Keira vs Baronesa vs Mary Caporal vs Ludark CAMPEONATO FEMENIL AULL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) KEYRA VS BARONESSA VS LUDARK VS MARY CAPORAL EN LA ARENA LOPEZ MATEOS AULL (posted by Halcón Lucha Libre Magazine) LIVE (posted by mluchatv)
vacant (Stephanie Vaquer vacated)
5) Hijo del Olímpico, Máscara Mágica Jr., Rey Pegasus b Lunatik Extreme, Ovett Jr., Venganza and Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Pandemónium, Pandemónium Jr. [AULL TRIOS] HIJO DEL OLIMPICO, REY PEGASUS Y MÁSCARA MAGICA JR VS LOS PORROS NUEVA GENERACIÓN VS LA PANDEMIA (posted by Halcón Lucha Libre Magazine) LIVE (posted by mluchatv) Los Galacticos (C) vs La Pandemia vs Los Porros NG CAMPEONATO DE TERCIAS AULL (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
second defense
6) Emperador Azteca © b RelámpagoImposible [AULL SW] Emperador Azteca (C) vs Imposible vs Relampago CAMPEONATO SUPER WELTER AULL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) EMPERADOR AZTECA VS RELÁMPAGO VS IMPOSIBLE POR EL CAMPEONATO DE AULL EN LA ARENA LOPEZ MATEOS (posted by Halcón Lucha Libre Magazine) LIVE (posted by mluchatv)
first defense. Imposible suffered a neck injury.
7) Trauma I & Trauma II © b Alpha Wolf & Dragón Bane and Diva Salvaje & Jessy Ventura [AULL TAG] LAS SHOTAS VS LOS TRAUMADO VS LOS GOLPEADORES DRAGON BANE Y ALPHA WOLF EN LA ARENA LOPEZ MATEOS (posted by Halcón Lucha Libre Magazine) LIVE (posted by mluchatv) Trauma I y II (c) vs Shotas vs Golpeadores CAMPEONATOS DE PAREJAS AULL (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
first defense
8) Forastero b Pistolero Negro ©Rey Espectro [AULL HEAVY] FORASTERO VS REY ESPECTRO VS PISTOLERO NEGRO EN LA ARENA LOPEZ MATEOS AULL (posted by Halcón Lucha Libre Magazine) LIVE (posted by mluchatv) Pistolero Negro (c) vs Forastero vs Rey Espectro CAMPEONATO PESO COMPLETO AULL (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
third defense

The all-title match show drew less slightly less than usual because none of these titles are over. I’m just putting this here so we know who the champions are, when at least one of these titles goes nine months without another appearance. Imposible wrestled Sunday, so his injury may have been played up or less severe than it seemed.

Mas Lucha will air a press conference Monday afternoon for their next subscriber-only show, a 02/25 AVE Arena Lopez Mateos show with NGD (Sanson, Forastero, Cuatrero and Mascara 2000 Jr.) and Negocio Traumado (Trauma I, Trauma II, Fresero Jr. and Demonio Infernal) in an apuesta match that’ll be hard to get out of.

02/21 NOAH has Keiji Muto’s farewell show at the Tokyo Dome. Daga, Diamante, and Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. will all appear in undercard trios matches. It’s a PPV on Wrestle Universe.

WXW (Germany) announced Arez vs Komander for the first round of their 16 Carat Gold show on 03/10.

04/27 Demand Lucha (Toronto) has Gringo Loco vs Komander.

A story on Torreon’s Guerrerito, who is touring the US with one of the micro wrestling groups (Extreme Drafanators Wrestling).

Desde la Tercera Cuerdas has an interview with Jose Manuel Guillen.