no fan shows (canceled and not yet canceled), AAA title match in AEW

Lucha Memes announced a 04/05 empty arena show for Coliseo Coacalco, which will be streamed live by +LuchaTV. This is the show they were always planning on running this day. It seems like the same card without the Tijuana wrestlers, just pivoting it to be a fundraiser for the wrestlers. They have posted receipts of people donating on social media and there’s info to donate on the bottom of the poster.

I don’t think the Lucha Memes show is actually going to happen. MexaWrestling similarly announced a 04/04 empty arena show to be streamed by +LuchaTV. It was then canceled after Arena San Juan was threatened with fines if they allowed the show to take place. Lucha libre shows are currently prohibited in Mexico State and it stands to reason that the local government will lean on Justiciero and his Coliseo Coacalco arena not to run either. Conditions also may change quickly; at least three different promotions were planning on running similar empty arena shows in the Chicago arena only for those plans to be scuttled by tighter bans. I hope it does not get as serious in Mexico but it’s possible and more likely each day that goes by.

(There’s not an original thought going on here with those shows. It’s just promoters copying what they see people trying to do in the US, with how it’s working or even if it’s worked at all – plus stubbornness of wanting to keep their schedule despite what is going in the rest of the world.)

Chicago’s AAW fundraiser efforts haven’t met the halfway mark yet, and that’s a crowd that’s used to paying and donating through the internet. Memes is probably looking for a lot less and may have already gotten it via celebrity donations, but I’m sure they haven’t gotten much from a outside of Mexico account because they haven’t provided a method for that; the rest of the world has Paypal and other methods as a standard, and Memes is not meeting that standard. All the money is going straight to the promotion, who I trust will be distributing it to the luchadors. There’s no way to send the money directly to the luchadors – there are few luchadors with t-shirt stores or even Venmo donation links like can be found easily in the rest of the world. This is as big a problem with big promotions like AAA & CMLL as smaller ones – they’re drastically behind on making money off wrestling outside of face to face transactions and those face to face transactions aren’t going to be happening for a while. Memes and other have been urged to improve this for years, have ignored or made little effort to improve, and now it’s going to cost them that those options aren’t there. Building the infrastructure to allow people to support these promotions outside of buying a ticket or a shirt in person is going to do a lot more to benefit the luchadors long term than one show for +LuchaTV. I’d wish Memes, MexaWrestling and everyone else would spend this time on those things than a show that’ll come and go.

MexaWrestling says they want to still run three matches in a small place. I hope everyone ends up fine.

AEW announced Kenny Omega will defend the AAA Mega Championship against Sammy Guevera on Wednesday, assuming the show goes on as planned. AEW seems to be at a point where they’re just looking for things to fill up TV time rather than move stories on, and there’s nothing that can fill up TV time like an Omega title defense. Omega previously defended the title against Jack Evans in AAA; they’re at least trying to keep it to people with some past connection to AAA but without burning off a big match for AAA.

El Fantasma says wrestling in Mexico City is suspended for an indefinite period.

Miguel Reducindo writes about the lucha libre shut-down and notes that Arena Mexico was the first thing back after the H1N1 shut-down. Not that being first really meant a lot: the media credited a concert on the following day as the real first event back and the Arena Mexico return show was among the lowest attended shows Reducindo had seen.

Arena Aficion is closed indefinitely.

Mr. Iguana talks about his other job – a producer for a religious radio station in Culican. He feels this job is more important at the moment because a lot of older people listen to it, and they’re giving out COVID-19 information. Iguana is planning to relocate to Mexico City in a few months.

Parka Negra’s other jobs include a breakfast room and a clothing shop in Ecatepec, both who’ve been closed because they’re too close to the Metro and too many people gather there.

Saturday was the five year anniversary of Hijo del Perro Aguayo’s death. The Gladiatores’ Dr. Landru, who was the press department for Los Perros del Mal and close to him, writes about his memories of Aguayo’s last few days. Aguayo’s death came in what was one of the most difficult weeks in the history of AAA. Rey de Reyes was scheduled to take place on Sunday March 15th, but it was raining too heavily in an outdoor show. AAA tried to move instead on Monday March 16th, but were unable to get permits in time. AAA planned to run again on Wednesday and offered to send everyone home to Mexico City and bring them back on Wednesday. Landru was going to get on the staff bus, but Aguayo sent word that the luchador bus would be getting back faster and told Landru to come on that one. Landru switched buses. He was aboard the luchador bus when they found out the staff bus had gotten into a bad accident, costing one person their life and injuring others; Perro getting him onto the other bus may have saved Landru’s life. Landru mentions Aguayo was very excited for the possibilities of himself and Rey Mysterio in AAA together, even throwing out the idea of Mysterio eventually joining the Perros del Mal.

+Lucha posted a career retrospective, photos, and a marathon of old Perros del Mal TV shows. AAA posted Aguayo’s Rey de Reyes win, his hair match with Cibernetico, and a singles match with Myzteziz. Box Y Lucha 3428 remembers Aguayo (and Anibal). Dr. Morales shares his memories in his weekly column.

Sunday was the 11 year anniversary of Abismo Negro’s death. His hometown paper has a story around the idea that Abismo Negro Jr. is Eterno and not someone related to him.

DoradaFan made it back home and posted highlights of the Generacion XXI 03/13 show in Queretaro and of the 03/08 Lucha Memes show.

KeMonito posted a video asking people to stop buying pirated KeMonito merchandise. Official merchandise can only be bought through CMLL and his Facebook page.

CMLL posted their Facebook Live interview with Estrellita & Mystique on YouTube, as well as having Mystique answering 100 questions in 9 minutes (a common vlog bit). There’s also a sitdown interview with Euforia, Felino, Dalys, Caristico, and Sangre Chicana, which appears to just be an extended CMLL Informa bit in a different setting.

WrestleRex has put up their Audaz vs Templario match from the 02/27 show. It’s a good watch.

DTU announced Sabu & the Super Genie for their 04/25 show in Arena Lopez Mateos.

+LuchaTV has a Q&A with Bandido.

El Siglo de Torreon has an interview with preliminary luchador Rey Herrero.

A profile of San Luis Potosi’s Latin Queen, who hopes to make it to CMLL.

Grafico has an interview with La Heroina, which was probably intended to build up a show.

2020 lucha libre catch up, part 2

could’ve done 10 GIFs from this match

Volador Jr. vs Negro Casas
(CMLL @ 02/23, great, HVSLuchaLibre)

Negro Casas isn’t going to take top rope headscissors in 2020 (and why should he), so a Volador/Casas match can’t be Volador running through his usual big match. That’s definitely for the best. This becomes something where it is instead Negro Casas throwing all he can at Volador, and Volador just barely surviving. Casas does a great job of working over Volador’s leg early on. Volador sells it a lot more and a lot longer than expected; it becomes a handy reason not to do the usual Volador match while still flying a bit. Casas throws all the new big moves he’s adapted in the third fall, goes back to kicks to the head, but the story stays set that he just doesn’t have enough to beat Volador these days. Casas’ performance shows he actually can go with Volador even if that’s not the message of the match. There’s little Casas touches too, like pulling away the doctor checking on Volador’s knee to check Casas’ own back instead. This is great and different from the matches these two have with others.

an all time great

Titán vs Templario in a lightning match
(CMLL @ 02/16, 10:00, great, HVSLuchaLibre)

This is the superior of the two matches. The action is not drastically different, but it slightly better in this match. It also just flows a lot better, with Templario going on a big run to set up Titan getting a comeback and less straight back and forth. This was one where being limited to ten minutes meant to have to rush through things to get to everything, and there’s room to improve in a full match. Titan is a nutcase for doing taking the crazy bump at the draw that didn’t affect the finish at all. That was enough for me to rate it higher, though just so. It is possible they mistimed something – that they did the double stomp sequence twice and it seems to be because they didn’t get it right the first time.

Templario throwing Titan, the barricade just happened to be there

Death Metal vs Black Dragón, hair vs hair
(IWRG @ 03/05, 17:08, good, Estrellas del Ring)

This is strong and violent work, but it’s also the CMLL style move turning taking the big match. They’re not going to bleed like this in Arena Mexico, but there’s similar no sense of momentum or moves meaning anything past the kickout they setup. Death Metal is OK, Black Dragon seemed like a guy IWRG was excited as a new prospect a few years ago and hasn’t ever really gotten better. This seems like a good match for them but not a standout one.

there were other good parts but this also had the blood

Drone vs Hechicero in a lightning match
(CMLL @ 02/09, 7:03, good, HVSLuchaLibre)

The lightning match may have been enjoyable more by CMLL standards, but it was good for throwing everything at the wall. It’s still tough to get a read if Drone is just good at getting in a few exciting spots in a lightning match or would actually be impressive if fully unleashed now. He pretty much stuck to these trios spots, but they worked him in well. Hechicero didn’t get to go deep on settings up yet he did make his big stuff come off big. Hechicero’s springboard slip did hurt the flow of the match and he may want to limit the times he pulls down those straps nowadays.

Hechicero says no to that

Villano III Jr. vs Aéreo, mask vs mask
(AAA non-televised @ 03/01, 49:23, excellent +LuchaTV)

Villano III Jr. & Aereo pulled off the drama of a big-time mask match. It wasn’t without its flaws but the emotion of the moment makes it an easy pick for the first exceptional match of 2020. It’s close to an hour, including the post-match, and the length may put over some people. I was worried it was going to lose the crowd, yet they were into every near fall like it was life or death down the stretch. The wrestling held together too despite that length; Aereo looked more robotic early in the match than he did in the dying moments. Villano III was willing to destroy himself down to the last, and it’s Aereo’s dive to doom which really ended things. It definitely helped the finish play out better than it read; Escorpion cheats Aereo but it’s Aereo’s own fault for putting himself in that spot. The sound of the horrified crowd, who didn’t see the match ending coming at all at that moment, almost makes it worth it.

The second fall injury spot wasn’t really worth it, setting up nothing in particular. It also was followed by another long pause for obvious blading (maybe not obvious enough for the medics, who seemed to be checking on them as if they really were hurt.) The match struggled to pick up until into the third fall but had plenty of time to do it. The first fall technical wrestling was unexpectedly well done. It was a nice nod to the past to have Aereo win with an Atlantida and helpfully set up the near ending later on with the same move even for people who didn’t get it.

Villano III Jr. & Aereo fits along with Vengador & Kastigador from last year. Both were local mask matches with the crowd heavily invested into the outcome. This one hung together a little better and had better storytelling, but both had the level of emotion that’s rare outside of an epic mask match.

that is a durable garbage can

El Hijo Del Santo & Octagón vs Dr. Cerebro & Fuerza Guerrera
(LLB/GAW @ 02/02, 16:04, good, mluchatv)

I watched the +Lucha version but you’re best looking for one of the other uploads. The two cameras +LuchaTV use come out of sync late in the match. The match itself is enjoyable to see some classic Santo in 2020. He and Cerebro still work well together; if they’re really doing the apuesta rematch teased, it’s going to be must see. Santo is not the guy he was even last decade but there does still seem to be something left in the tank. (Not so much for Octagon. Not really for Fuerza either.)

still great at this spot

a no longer busy weekend, CMLL reveals full women’s tag tournament plans

Today was supposed to the beginning of a very busy weekend. CMLL Homenaje a Dos Leyendas was scheduled for tonight, Rey de Reyes on Saturday night. H2L was probably not airing live, which would’ve made a marathon watch on Saturday for both major spring shows. I was going to AAW on this Friday night instead, to see Aramis & Arez vs Gringo Loco & Taurus as well. It wasn’t WrestleMania weekend level of busy for everyone, but it was about that loaded in my small portion of the world.

Instead, the lucha libre world is shut down, just like almost everything else. There have been different lengths to the hiatus in different places – there are some notes about what different areas are doing below. My impression is CMLL & AAA are expecting to be dark for a month. No one knows for sure but maybe pace out your consumption of other stuff with that target in mind.

CMLL has posted multiple times “your tickets are still valid for Homenaje a Dos Leyendas” on social media. That translates to “we’re not giving refunds at this time.”

Mexico State says all lucha libre (and boxing) is suspended in the state through April 20th.

Torreon shut down all events last night; the lucha libre commission says he was told to do so by the city. That canceled both two shows which were still planning on running last night. They’re hoping to be back in just 15 days (which is two weeks in Mexico terms.)

Okumura, the official lucha libre representative of Japan, says that Mexico will be ok if they take coronavirus as seriously as people in Japan. It does feel like Mexico is suspended public activities a little quicker than the US but it’s impossible to know how far that virus has spread.

CMLL published the 10 teams who were set in the women’s national tag team tournament, set to start whenever CMLL can return

  • Silueta & La Magnifica
  • Marcela & Skadi
  • Lluvia & La Jarochita
  • Tiffany & Reyna Isis
  • La Comandante & La Seductora
  • Princesa Sugehit & Sanely
  • Dalys & La Infernal
  • Estrellita & Mystique
  • Amapola & La Metalica
  • La Vaquerita & La Guerrera

As mentioned previously, these would’ve been five team blocks. The winner of the seeding battle royal would get a double bye to the block final, while the other four teams would have to win twice just to meet them. Princesa Sugehit is the most important CMLL luchador who doesn’t already have a championship belt, so her and Sanely appear to be the favorites.

Mr. Leo, Metaleon and Shere Khan are running an auction on Facebook to raise money for Carxyus’s medical costs

Segunda Caida has a review of Lucha Underground 4×20. The Lucha Underground Japan Twitter posted yesterday about episode 4×10 airing on SamuraiTV. They started later (November 2019), they seem to be spacing the episode out greatly (last episode aired February 22nd?) and there’s still a good chance they beat Segunda Caida to the finish line.

I think I’m giving myself the weekend off from posting. There’s not much left to post; the last few shows announced are getting canceled and that’s it. I’ll do my best to keep checking Guadalajara/Sunday shows to see if anything new (or missed the first time) material posts there. AAA should have the second part of the Tonala taping up on Sunday night; they still have Merida left as well. +LuchaTV seems like they should have shows left as well. There still will be plenty of lucha libre content if you want to find it, but this space is probably going quiet until Monday. A news update or the great match round-up post that’s been sitting in drafts for a week will go up then.

luchadors talk about life with no lucha libre, empty arena shows

Two of the few shows I knew about still going on Torreon. Arena Olimpico Laguna, which has been running weekly since 1954, has a normal show advertised. Arena Coliseo Tony Arellano, which has only existed for year (at least under that name), has a main event of Bandido & Magia Blanca vs Dulce Gardenia & Halcon Suriano Jr. That was the plan as of last night, but that show was canceled in the last hour. Arena Olimpico Laguna has not updated yet. I’ve seen a poster for a show in Veracruz that still says they’re running.

The Torreon bullring still plans on running their show on Sunday. It’ll be canceled.

GALLI is planning on running empty arena shows, to pay the wrestlers and to pay the rent. A lot of promotions seem to be jumping on the idea of running shows with no fans. I’m not sure if it’s a good health risk; I’m more sure that a lot of them are going to be very disappointed in how little money those efforts make. (People wanting to spend on anything is going to be an issue, but everyone flooding with free content for stuck at home people almost makes it a bad time to add more.) GALLI’s post says they’re going to run shows regardless of how close they come to a $5000 goal.

A person who attended the Vive Latino festival is in intensive care with the COVID19 virus. This was the music festival which included AAA matches this past weekend, so there’s a chance they could’ve been exposed.

CMLL Informa aired as one hour video with no fans in attendance yesterday. It was live even though there was no purpose to it being live. They mentioned the second block of teams for the Mexican Women’s Tag Team tournament would include Princesa Sugehit & Sanely, La Infernal & Dalys, La Metalica & Amapola and Estrellita & Mystique. JCR also explained how the five-person block would work: whoever won the battle royal would’ve gone straight to the block final, with the other four teams fighting it out to meet them. It would’ve been the first CMLL battle royal with an actual point. JCR also mentioned all of Arena Mexico is being cleaned.

El Universal talks to some luchadors about life with wrestling. Pierrothito mentions that CMLL advanced paid part the Christmas bonus to the wrestlers during H1N1 and hopes they do it again. Otherwise, CMLL does not pay a salary or a weekly income if people aren’t working. Guerrero Maya says promoters have told him they’re postponing shows but he doesn’t believe they’ll ever be made up. Pagano is still hoping some of the dates later this month might still happen; both he and Maya note they had other jobs and sources of income during H1N1. Demus is still teaching three classes a week at Rey Bucanero’s gym and hopes that remains open. Dr. Cerebro is in the US, having come up to work a show in Berwyn in Illinois – the turnout was bad (though sometimes it’s bad there anyway.) He’s staying to work in physical rehab through the end of April. Zeuxis remains working as a paramedic and notes the struggles others without a source of income are going to have. Mystique says she always been a person who saves 70% of what she earns, which she’s going to need now without the wrestling income. The hope is they’ll be back running in a month.

Starman says he was dealing with (unspecified) injuries during his absence from CMLL, compounded by depression by not being able to wrestle. He resolved to not let those injuries end his career.

Excelsior has a list of the CMLL class schedule. I’m guessing these classes aren’t happening again for a while, but I’m also guessing someone had a space to fill in the paper today. You must be 14 year olds to train, have a recent medical exam, and have proof of either being legal age or guardian signing up. Classes are 500 pesos (20 USD; that number is moving a lot) for the Monday-Thursday training, $400 pesos (16.5 USD) for Saturday.

In Arena Mexico, all classes are two hours

  • Arturo Beristain teaches classes Monday-Friday at 8, Monday-Thursday at 3, Saturday as noon and 2pm.
  • Ultimo Dragoncito teaches classes at 3 & 5 Monday to Thursday.
  • Tony Salazar teaches classes 7-9 Monday to Thursday.
  • Virus is teaching a class at 11am Tuesday & Thursday for professionals only (implying you could just show up with the right paperwork and gear for the other ones; this one needs a license)
  • Ultimo Guerrero is not mentioned; his class is invited only I believe.

Satanico is teaching classes 9-10 am, 4:30-5:30, and 7-8 pm. No days mentioned.

Arena Puebla has classes 3-4p, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Voices of Wrestling writes about Villano III Jr. vs Aereo.

El Sol de Tulancingo has a profile of DTU referee El Consentido.

Atlantis appears, many more shows canceled

Atlantis made his first CMLL appearance since November in a sit-down interview on CMLL’s YouTube channel. Atlantis is believed to have undergone knee surgery, though CMLL hasn’t acknowledged it. The video clip starts with Atlantis sitting on a couch, with no sign of a knee brace.

The appearance comes as part of a discussion of the historic Villano III versus Atlantis mask match, which took place twenty years ago yesterday. This is part of the Homenaje a Dos Leyendas interview series, though they end with some talk about the recent tag team title match (suggesting it was taped just this week.)

IWRG, after running one day of shows with no people and announcing an intention to keep running, said they’ll no longer be running. I’m not sure how they financially were going to make it work – whatever money IWRG gets from TV/digital is minimal – and there seemed to be a fair amount of people there for something with restricted access.

The Gladiatores talked to some of the people on the IWRG show about how it felt to do an empty arena match.

El Sol de Puebla has an interview with Benjamin Mar (El Jabato), who is listed as the general manager and administrator of Arena Puebla. Although CMLL canceled events on Saturday (including listing Arena Puebla as canceled on their website), Arena Puebla was still planning on running as late as Sunday night. Puebla’s governor originally said banks under 5,000 people would still be allowed, so they were going head until the Puebla sports director and lucha libre commissioner said no. The unstated difference here is LigaMX announced they were no longer running on Sunday night, which seems to have been the domino to get everything to shut down in a similar way to the NBA has been in the US. Mar talks about all the people out of an income – not just the wrestlers, but the edcanes, the vendors, the security, the people who sell items outside. (Some of those mask stands were still up Monday.) They’re hoping to be back in two to three weeks. More time would be “terrible” for those who rely on lucha libre.

Marcela says she was contacted by phone by CMLL to cancel the events. She was disappointed about the tag title tournament being canceled and hopes they pick it up when the shows resume. The women’s tournament was pitched as explicit women’s month thing; I’d hope it wouldn’t get lost but it’s no sure thing.

CMLL has said Barbaro Cavenario will still happen. The same Ovaciones article mentions the Heroines reality show scheduled to start on April 3rd has also been postponed indefinitely.

Today’s show in Zacatecas has been canceled. I know the people in Torreon are convinced they’re still running tomorrow and this weekend, but everyone has been convinced they’re running until a day or so before the show.

All boxing, wrestling, and MMA in Tijuana is canceled through April 20th. They were originally going to start it on March 23rd, then two coronavirus cases were found in Baja California and they moved it up to take effect immediately. Tepic has also postponed the same shows.

ROH canceled all March, April and May shows. Their next show is scheduled to be June 5th and 6th in Texas

Martinez Entertainment canceled their show. So did RIOT. So did too many to include.

MLW says they’ll be airing LA Park cooking segments. This is probably a pre-taped bit and not necessarily no-TV filler.

Roberto Figueroa told a Guadalajara YouTube channel that he’s sure Nacion Lucha Libre would return in May or June. This was before the pandemic took hold, though I’d have a hard time believing it even then. In related news, apparently no one in WWE actually talked to Alberto before Alberto said he was returning.

Capitan Furia took Super Brazo’s hair in Tuxtla Gutierrez.

LuchaWorld has the latest Lucha Report.

LuchaTalk has a new episode.

AAA shows postponed, IWRG empty arena show, Flammer temporary retirement

a correct day for Los Luchas Solos

IWRG (MON) 03/16/2020 Arena Naucalpan [+LuchaTV, The Gladiatores]
1) Baby Star b Voltrex En Vivo | Revolución IWRG (posted by +LuchaTV) Lucha Libre IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes) Voltrex vs Baby Star Mano a Mano (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2) Legendario & Shadow Boy b Neza Kid & Rey Halcón Jr. En Vivo | Revolución IWRG (posted by +LuchaTV) Lucha Libre IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)
3) Diosa Quetzal & Lilith Dark b Lady Cat & Perla Lagunera En Vivo | Revolución IWRG (posted by +LuchaTV) Lucha Libre IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)
4) Arkángel Divino, Lunatik Xtreme, Último Maldito b Baby Xtreme, Hijo del Alebrije, Metaleón En Vivo | Revolución IWRG (posted by +LuchaTV) Lucha Libre IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)
Lunatik beat Baby Xtreme
5) Black Warrior, Hijo De Payaso Pura Santa, Payaso Pura Santa, Payaso Pura Santa Jr. b Black Terry, Chicanito, Death Metal, Puma de Oro En Vivo | Revolución IWRG (posted by +LuchaTV) Lucha Libre IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)
Warrior snuck in a foul on Terry
6) Herodes Jr., Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Shun Skywalker b Diva Salvaje, Jessy Ventura, Pasion Kristal En Vivo | Revolución IWRG (posted by +LuchaTV) Lucha Libre IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)

This show went on as scheduled, but it was switched to a no-fans show in the hours prior. +LuchaTV says the no fans policy was an IWRG call, so not a commission/government one. They’re planning on continuing to run shows with no fans on Thursdays and Sunday as long as they’re allowed. Those shows will also be streamed. I had this on in the background while doing other stuff and it sounded fine, but I’ve had no desire to actually enjoy wrestling this past week. I’m sure I’ll be back on it soon.

ANCLA (MON) 03/16/2020 Centro de Alto Rendimento The Crash, Ecatepec, Estado de México [+LuchaTV, Doradafan]
1) Alquimia b Rey Quetzal
2) ?, Átomo, Demonio Azteca, Odiseo b Arael, Gunner, Skyler, Zunno
3) Blue Win & Karma I b Eurus & Fasante and Majestic & Radiante and Devil Boy & Tempo
4) Ancla Jr., Íkaro, Juventud Eterna DQ Enjambre, Misterik, Perseo
Santy Hernandez attacked Ancla, building towards a hair match
5) Baronessa, El Mimo, Zoy Raymunda b Karma II, La Heroína, Látigo
6) Dr. Wagner Jr., Galeno del Mal, Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. b Ancla, Arez, Hantar
Rossy Moreno was honored before the show.

This sounds like a fun show based on Doradafan’s posts.

Both CMLL Tuesday shows are canceled.

The free Lucha Libre Tlahuac show has not been canceled as of yet. They haven’t said anything on Facebook in a few days either way.

AAA shows at Vive Latino are the final ones for the time being. Cancelations started trickling out today: San Luis Potosi postponed, Mexicali called theirs off one day after announcing the poster. AAA simplified things this morning: all events are off for the time being. They say the Nacemos Para Luchar tour and talk about the Torreon taping specifically, but all AAA shows are done for now. That Mexicali show was 04/24, so this is going to be over a month. AAA is scheduled to tape the next day on 04/25, which was announced on the AAA/MLW/EMW show. AAA and the promotion haven’t announced it yet, so it may be canceled without even being mentioned elsewhere. +LuchaTV confirmed that the 04/04 taping was scheduled to be in Mexico City and was canceled before it was ever announced.

The Crash has postponed their 03/28 show. RIOT is asking their fans if they should go on with their own 03/28 show.

Lady Flammer says she’s temporarily retiring from lucha libre. There’s an obvious reason why a young woman would be stepping away from wrestling but she says that’s all she wants to say right now so I’ll pass too.

Puma King has a vlog on is about trip to Europe. The shut down is going to be hard on vloggers.

+LuchaTV has this week’s En+carados.

I suspect there will not be a lot of news left to report starting tomorrow. I have a bunch of CMLL b-show recaps and the like left to post and I’ve been working through the old magazines. I’ll come up with something if more to give myself something to do instead of looking at Twitter all day. Hope it helps you too.


indy (THU) 03/19/2020 Coliseo Tony Arellano, Torreón, Coahuila
1) Diabólico I & Diabólico II vs Black Gojira & Spider
2) Perla Lagunera vs KarismaPantera Negra Jr.
3) Gran Jefe IV, Gran Jefe V, Gran Jefe VI vs Brillante Jr., King Star Jr., Rey Escarlata
4) Asombro Jr., Diva Salvaje, La Fashion vs Black Warrior Jr., Charly Montaña, Falcón Jr.
5) Dulce Gardenia & Halcón Suriano Jr. vs El Bandido & Magic Blanca

Bandido and others heading back to Torreon for the time being. Shows go on, also for the time being. Highlights of the matches make YouTube.