CMLL Martes: 2020-02-18

Kraneo needs to put him down safer

Recapped: 2020-02-18


Inquisidor & Apocalipsis b Bengala & Sonic
(11:06 [4:37, 3:17, 3:12], 1/3, n/r, 00:00:08)

Oro Jr., Retro, Robin beat Grako, Hijo del Signo, Nitro
(11:25 [5:28, 2:34, 3:23], 1/3, ok,

Misterioso, Okumura, Sagrado beat Diamond, Dulce Gardenia, Stigma
(10:18 [2:46, 2:53, 4:39], 2/3, ok,

Rey Cometa beat Universo 2000 Jr. in a lightning match
(8:30, senton, ok,

Kráneo, Stuka Jr., Volcano beat Hechicero, Luciferno, Vangellys
(12:54 [6:01, 6:53], 1/2, ok,

Euforia, Felino, Último Guerrero beat Ángel de Oro, Atlantis Jr., Carístico
(11:54 [4:55, 2:40, 4:19], 1/3, ok,

What happened:

Hechicero used the middle rope to foul Stuka, ending the semi-main in straight falls.


Rey Cometa throwing himself in it

Hechicero & Stuka resuming their feud gave some life to an otherwise unremarkable second match. It’s hard to believe it’ll go anywhere this time but they seemed excited about it. Volcano went a whole match without anything going seriously wrong, which is a victory in itself.

Rey Cometa threw himself into making a match with Universo 2000 work and got the best out of him that he could. I’m not sure it’s a match you need to go out of your way to see, because Universo is still clumsy and doesn’t add much himself, but he was willing to get by a lot of dives and takes a shaky superplex at least.

The tecnico team in the tercera was interesting because Diamond looked nervous and unsteady and Dulce Gardenia seems totally ready for a higher position. The fans also get into Dulce a lot and make no noise for Diamond. It’s not really a fair comparison.

The second match had people trying things and it barely kept together, but it did keep together.

CMLL tournament ends lamely, Templario/Volador?, AAA/MLW

CMLL (MON) 02/24/2020 Arena Puebla [CMLL, Lucha Central]
1) Astro & Hijo de Centella Roja b Espíritu Maligno & Policeman LUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
tecnicos took 1/3
2) Fuego, Joker, Stigma DQ Dark Magic, Diamond, Okumura [Relevos IncreíblesLUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Joker replaced Virus. Team Stigma took 2/3, the last when Okumura fouled Stigma.
3) Atlantis Jr., Star Jr., Volador Jr. b Shocker, Templario, Virus LUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Atlantis Jr. replaced Valiente. Virus replaced Cavernario. Rudos took 1/3, Templario pinning Volador to set up a match.
4) Ephesto & Soberano Jr. b Último GuerreroCuatreroNiebla RojaUniverso 2000 Jr.FelinoDrone [torneo de parejas familiares, battle royalLUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
5) Felino & Negro Casas b Ángel de Oro & Niebla Roja [torneo de parejas familiares, quarterfinalLUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
6) Cuatrero & Sansón b Drone & Rey Bucanero [torneo de parejas familiares, quarterfinalLUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
7) Gran Guerrero & Último Guerrero b Máscara Año 2000 & Universo 2000 Jr. [torneo de parejas familiares, quarterfinalLUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
8) Euforia & Soberano Jr. b Ephesto & Luciferno [torneo de parejas familiares, quarterfinalLUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
9) Cuatrero & Sansón b Felino & Negro Casas [torneo de parejas familiares, semifinalLUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
10) Gran Guerrero & Último Guerrero b Euforia & Soberano Jr. [torneo de parejas familiares, semifinalLUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
11) Cuatrero & Sansón DQ Gran Guerrero & Último Guerrero [torneo de parejas familiares, finalLUNES CLÁSICO DE ARENA PUEBLA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Cuatrero & Sanson fouled Gran Guerrero, then UG was caught unmasking the NGD members.

So they did this tournament and then they didn’t have a good finish. The good thing is they also hurried the last few matches because the show was going long, so it’s not like they were messing up an enjoyable thing. That’s a safe bet with Arena Puebla.

I’m a bit suspicious the Volador feud was meant to be with Cavernario and that it still may end up that way if he’s available next Monday. On the other hand, that counting I just did showed Cavernario doesn’t work many Mondays so maybe they won’t get him there for that. I’m unsure if CMLL is doing a special card for the Puebla (and Guadalajara) H2L shows, but the Stigma/Okumura match could end up there.

Los Guerreros face Atlantis Jr., Stuka Jr. and Valiente in tonight’s Arena Mexico main event. There’s no feud being followed up from last week. Rey Cometa and Tiger meet in a lightning match, the only really interesting thing on the undercard. The show streams at 7:30 pm.

Guadalajara has Caristico, Volador and Diamante Azul scheduled against NGD. Which NGD member will get DQed?

Hechicero says fans come up to him constantly to tell him he should be a main eventer in CMLL. He says he doesn’t complain, just does his work in the ring.

Arena Rey Bucanero is running Blue Panther vs Virus on Saturday. Those shows have been covered by +Lucha and Hector Godfrey in the past.

03/08 Lucha Memes @ Coliseo Coacalco

Arez vs Titan alone is enough to check out the show, though it seems politically near impossible to do.

03/14 MexaWrestling at Arena San Juan

Taurus versus Speedball Mike Bailey was announced for OTT (Ireland) on 03/15.

Vampiro’s Nail In The Coffin documentary will be airing as part of Toronto’s Canadian Film Fest on Friday, March 27th at 7 pm. Vampiro’s mentioned recently that the movie will eventually be available digitally.

AAA held a press conference to talk about their 04/05 (non-televised) show in Texcoco. There was no news on there beyond the lineup; the minis in the opener changed but that’s about it. I’m guessing the press conference was just part of the promotional deal.

Ultimo Guerrero debuts in Pro Wrestling Revolucion on 04/18.

On the +Lucha podcast, Jose Manuel Guillen had some notes of the AAA show in Tonala

  • It was 80-85% full despite the late change
  • The Fenix/Penta match was a tag title defense, though there was no belt presentation or anything else indicating it was one after the match. (The Spanish announcers did say it was defense after, though the English announcers did not, which suggests that was a late change.)
  • Puma & Taurus were not seriously hurt after their table spot.
  • Guillen mentioned he’s not going to WrestleMania because AAA has TV that weekend. That’d seem to make it three straight weeks with TV – Merida, then (I think) Torreon on 03/28 and another on 04/04.
  • AAA is headed to Monterrey in June

Guillen also mentioned they’ll be covering the Arena DTU inauguration show.

Konnan Big & Fresero Jr. got into in a Multimedios show. Also, Konnan Big talks about how he fills up buildings where ever he goes but he also promised his mom he wouldn’t wrestle again.

LuchaWorld has this week’s Poster-Mania.


It’s really weird to have a Lineups section when I’m also putting lineups up there. Not sure if there’s a better idea to do that.

CMLL (SUN) 03/01/2020 Arena México
1) Retro & Robin vs Cholo & Príncipe Odín Jr.
2) Arkalis, Magnus, Starman vs Disturbio, El Coyote, Grako
3) Audaz, Dulce Gardenia, Flyer vs Dark Magic, Espíritu Negro, Vangellys
4) Valiente vs Rey Bucanero [lightning]
5) Kráneo, Stuka Jr., Stuka Jr. vs Hechicero, Mephisto, Terrible
6) Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón vs Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Soberano Jr.

Starman hasn’t been seen here since last July 2018. He’s not shown up on indies often either. Maybe he’s a late call to replace Magia Blanca?

AAA , EMW (FRI) 03/13/2020 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California
1) Black Destiny, Fantastik, Rayo Star vs Carta Brava Jr., Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana
2) Hijo Del Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr., Octagón Jr. © vs Jordan Oliver, Kotto Brazil, Myron Reed [AAA TRIOS]
2nd defense
3) Puma King & Xtreme Tiger vs Filthy Tom Lawlor & Garrini
4) Laredo Kid vs Alex Hammerstone © [MLW OPENWEIGHT]
5) Mortiz & Pagano vs Mance Warner & Savio Vega
6) Averno & Chessman vs Gino Medina & Richard Holiday
7) Rey Escorpión & Texano Jr. vs Brian Pillman Jr. & Davey Boy Smith Jr.
8) Nicho el Millionario, Niño Hamburguesa, Psycho Clown vs Hijo de LA Park, LA Park, LA Park Jr.

This is an MLW TV taping, which means there will usually be more than just these eight matches. Expect some people working twice in short squash matches for angle purposes. Laredo Kid is possibly the only person in title matches with Alex Hammerstone and Kenny Omega in back to back weekends but I’m not going to check. The trios title match could be very good.

CMLL Puebla: 2020-02-17

bad times for Astro

Recapped: 2020-02-18


Hijo de Centella Roja, King Jaguar, Meyer beat Ares, Black Tiger, Guerrero Espacial
(16:16 [7:17, 3:26, 5:33], 2/3, n/r,

Espíritu Maligno, Joker, Pierrothito beat Astro, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito
(14:03 [6:37, 3:25, 4:01], 1/3, n/r,

Diamond, Fuego, Stigma beat El Perverso, Espíritu Negro, Toro Bill Jr.
(12:53 [5:35, 2:06, 5:12], 2/3, n/r,

Gran Guerrero, Shocker, Último Guerrero beat Diamante Azul, Soberano Jr., Titán
(14:27 [6:43, 2:29, 5:15], 1/3, ok,

Felino, Negro Casas, Volador Jr. beat Ángel de Oro, Carístico, Cavernario in a relevos increíbles match
(13:00 [3:04, 3:08, 6:48], 1/3, ok,

What happened:

Zacarias cut Cavernario off from a splash on Volador, Cavernario attacked Zacarias and Volador fouled Cavernario (though he claimed it was a clean hit. Cavernario strangely cuts a tecnico promo in setting up a match with Volador.

good times for Astro!


The main event was one of those where it felt low effort even as people were doing dives out of the ring. They make it look easy while taking it easy. It also spent two falls teasing out a Cavernario/Angel de Oro vs Casas brothers match, then right turns into another Volador/Cavernario singles match. CMLL paring down the types of feuds they’ll do is a big factor in why everything feels so repetitive. 90% of the main events seem to make no difference, but there’s still only one type of main event they’ll try.

The third fall of the semi-main, with Titan & Soberano going thru their athletic spots and Shocker goofing around, is the most watchable fall to that point in the show. (It’s not a good show at all.) Gran Guerrero does just enough with Soberano to wonder if he can have the sort of matches Templario does with the tecnico. They’ve never done that singles match. Shocker probably shouldn’t be beating Titan at this point but that would be treating these matches as if they were meaningful.