Bandido PWG champ, CMLL Friday results, AAA awards


CMLL (FRI) 12/20/2019 Arena México [CMLL, Lucha CentralMarcaThe Gladiatoresthecubsfan]
1) Mercurio & Pierrothito b Shockercito & Último Dragóncito LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 20 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
9:56. Tecnicos took 1/3.
2) Drone, Fuego, Stigma b Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 20 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
11:25. Straight falls.
3) Hechicero, Pólvora, Vangellys b Esfinge, Guerrero Maya Jr., Rey Cometa LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 20 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
13:08. Rudo took 1/3.
8:56. Templario beat Audaz.
5) Cuatrero, Felino, Forastero b Ángel de Oro, Titán, Valiente LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 20 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
14:26. Rudos took 1/3 as Oro & Fellino lightly feuded. Cuatrero & Forastero moved down to replace Negro Casas (moved up) and Cavernario (honeymoon) on monday
6) Carístico, Diamante Azul, Volador Jr. b Gilbert el Boricua, Negro Casas, Último Guerrero LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 20 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
11:38. Tecnicos took 2/3. Diamante Azul replaced Bandido, Ultimo Guerrero & Negro Casas (moved up) repalced Forastero & Cuatrero.

CMLL promos: Virus, Raziel and Cancerberos, Templario, Carisitco, and Negro Casas.

Pressroom interviews: Templario (Box Y Lucha), Audaz (Box Y Lucha), Caristico (Box Y Lucha), Gilbert el Boricua (Box Y Lucha), Felino (Box Y Lucha),

This show was a little bit better than last week, with Audaz/Templario worth watching in particular. Still, even that showed how much farther Templario has progressed from Audaz this past year. Audaz stands out with his bigger spots but his creativity has been toned down in favor of concentrating on the mastering the same few spots. That seems to be what CMLL is looking for in their flyers, so it may not even be a failing on his part, but it remains disappointing.

There wasn’t much happening on this show, which fits the rest of the weekend. There’s no AAA taping this weekend. There are some shows, but most anything special (especially in the Mexico City area) is being saved for Christmas Day. Electrico’s lightweight title defense against Halcon Suriano Jr. might be the most interesting match. IWRG’s trainee show might turn up on +LuchaTV.

Bandido become the 31st PWG World Champion last night, defeating Jeff Cobb. He is the first Mexican wrestler to win that championship. That’s a remarkable achievement for Bandido. It also suggests Bandido (and PWG) do not expect him to sign with WWE in 2020 and he’ll be available for defenses. ROH currently allows its wrestlers to work for PWG. That’s an exception to ROH’s policy against letting their wrestlers work in US promotions while under contract carved out when the Young Bucks were still with ROH. The Bucks are with AEW, the theory has been the same exception may apply there. (Excalibur did handle the announcing.)

Aramis & Rey Horus defeated the PWG tag team champions, Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz, in a non-title match. Aramis worked in a Rey Horus mask and generic gear, as his didn’t make it to the venue. Also not making it to the venue was Rey Fenix, the one AEW wrestler who would’ve been booked last night. I’m told it was a legitimate travel issue, not Fenix bailing on the show. (A Fenix Instagram story, which may have expired by now, hints at airplane delays.) PWG didn’t announce Rey Fenix was off the show until mid-show, as they were still holding out hope he’d be able to make it as the show began.

AAA’s Azteca show had the first part of the 2019 awards on Friday. Winners:

  • Rudo: Dave the Clown (over Lady Maravilla & Villano III Jr.)
  • Tag Team: Lucha Brothers (Los Mercenarios)
  • Mixed Tag Team: Villano III Jr. & Lady Maravilla (over Big Mami & Nino Hamburguesa and Vanilla & Australian Suicide)
  • Trio: Poder del Norte (over Jinetes del Aire and OGT)
  • Newcomer: Mr. Iguana (over Demus and Abismo Negro Jr.)

These winners were determined by fan voting on Azteca’s website. Dave the Clown winning the best rudo of the year hurts the credibility. It was a strange choice of three people for rudo and it’s a fan vote poll. Weird results were inevitable. Best match, tecnico, dive are to be revealed next week.

GALLI’s pushing next Sunday’s Flamita appearance as his final independent appearance in Chicago. ROH hasn’t announced the signing yet. They’re also advertising Puma King, Drago, Aerostar and Huracan Ramirez for 01/12.

Bandido is headed to Vancouver’s ECCW on 01/17 to face Artemis Spencer for their title. Now that Bandido’s PWG champion, he’s a rare person to be champion of promotions in Mexico (Crash) and the US at the same time. Ultimo Dragon might be the only one to do US, Mexico and Canada – and even then, it was more Mexican belts being used as part of a Japanese promotional idea.

01/18 The Crash

Danger and D-Luxe had teased a new trio with a third man from Tijuana Juarez on the last show.

In a promo on +LuchaTV, Rush said this his alliance with LA Park only is for AAA. In other words, indie promoters can feel free to book them against each other.


CMLL (FRI) 12/27/2019 Arena México
1) Angelito & Shockercito vs Mercurio & Pierrothito
2) Estrellita, La Magnifica, Lluvia vs Amapola, La Comandante, Reyna Isis
3) Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Okumura [lightning]
4) El Audaz, Flyer, Star Jr. vs Hijo del Villano III, Pólvora, Templario
5) Ángel de Oro, Titán, Valiente vs Cavernario, Felino, Negro Casas
6) Carístico, El Bandido, Volador Jr. vs Cuatrero, Forastero, Gilbert el Boricua

The third (?) time is the charm, Bandido should be around for this show – just in time for both Ultimo Guerrero and Sanson to be unavailable. So it goes. I don’t include the posters on the blog, though this one does visually stick out. CMLL’s been using Bandido’s promo picture from his original CMLL (& ELITE) run. They’ve updated here, which happens to include Bandido wearing a Mexablood shirt. CMLL’s not usually clever about teasing things, but perhaps this is going to kick off another round of “Flamita going to CMLL too” speculation. Flamita’s been pretty sure he’s not going to CMLL.

Nothing much going on the rest. Angel de Oro & Felino continue. Cavernario may or may not be back. Guerrero Maya losing to Okumura will be very sad. That match also serves to note the impending arrival of FantasticaMania. There’s not much time between the CMLL holiday shows and that NJPW tour, just one more Friday show after this one. There’s the odd chance the lightning match exists to set up something for those shows.

CMLL on Marca : 2019-12-20

Hechicero saves Cometa’s life so he can kill him himself

Recapped: 12/20-21/2019


Mercurio & Pierrothito beat Shockercito & Último Dragóncito
(9:56 [3:55, 2:01, 4:00], 1/3, ok, 00:00:00)

Drone, Fuego, Stigma beat Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus
(11:25 [7:20, 4:05], 1/2, ok, 00:16:27)

Hechicero, Pólvora, Vangellys beat Esfinge, Guerrero Maya Jr., Rey Cometa
(13:08 [5:41, 4:11, 3:16], 1/3, ok, 00:35:04)

Templario beat Audaz in a lightning match
(8:56, Templario spin out powerbomb, good, 00:58:42)

Cuatrero, Felino, Forastero beat Ángel de Oro, Titán, Valiente
(14:26 [4:21, 4:36, 5:29], 1/3, 01:12:26)

Carístico, Diamante Azul, Volador Jr. beat Gilbert el Boricua, Negro Casas, Último Guerrero
(11:38 [4:07, 3:15, 4:16], 2/3, ok, 01:37:00)

What happened:

what was Esfinge thinking

Felino and Angel de Oro feuded in the semi-final, though it was played down and didn’t factor into the finish.

JCR mentioned the possibility of Cancerbero & Raziel winning an upcoming tag team tournament for the Arena Coliseo tag belts. That suggests CMLL hasn’t forgotten those belts (last held by Esfinge & the departed Triton), though there was no indication of when that tournament might be held.


One of the great mysteries is how Ultimo Guerrero was able to reversal La Mistica into a cradle in the first fall but not the third. Or maybe it’s not really that interesting. Gilbert looked better than had in the past, maybe because Diamante Azul was there as a comparison. Volador held parts of the third fall together, but this was a normal main event on an unremarkable Friday night.

CMLL turning the volume down on the Angel de Oro & Felino feud made for an odd semi-final. That remained the pivot point for the match, but the intensity wasn’t there. They also seemed to lean into Angel de Oro as rudo and Felino as tecnico, but that just resulted in Felino seeming extra grumpy (doing no comedy) and Angel de Oro being more chicken. Titan looked superb, with cool mat stuff against Forastero matching his usual rope flip craziness in the third fall. NGD didn’t really come alive until it was time to win.

this doesn’t happen to Ultimo Guerrero

Audaz versus Templario was expected to be a matchup of new moves. It just wasn’t Templario who was expected to do them. Audaz stuck to most of the moves he’s doing in trios matches while Templario pulled out a new crazy power move to take him out. It didn’t look like Templario did enough of the work to make it happen, but that makes it the most interesting flip Audaz did in the match. Templario took a flip on Audaz’s tiejeras reversal which nearly as impressive and generally controlled most of the match. This was a fun match because their regular offense and time is plenty enough to be entertaining, it was just also a chance for Audaz to show if he had more he’s not been able to do in trios match. He didn’t show it here.

The third match didn’t totally come together overall but had its moments. Not sure why Esfinge decided to destroy himself with a missed dive in this match but it did look like it sucked. Esfinge trapping Vangellys in holds in the first fall was more surprising. Rey Cometa & Hechicero weren’t smooth all match, but they ended the first and third fall well.

I question how tuned in I was to this show because I was very confused when there wasn’t a third fall in the segunda, only to realize the tecnicos had indeed won the first two. What I did notice were the rudos being pretty well-coordinated as always and the tecnicos coming off better as a result. It’s unclear when Virus can’t just team with Cancerbero and Raziel all the time because they seem to get the best out of each other and CMLL could away sue more rudo teams. This was enjoyable while it lasted.

The return of Mercurio adds another person to the seemingly long list of people doing piledrivers as finishes here. He was generally fine for not being around a lot, shaky taking Shockericto’s big move to end the second fall but not a huge problem otherwise. The tecnicos wanted to do things, as much as the first match of a CMLL show will allow. It wasn’t far off from working, and maybe one of the better minis matches here in a while.