CMLL Martes: 2019-12-03

Espirtiu Negro getting close to Principe Diamante

Recapped: 12/03/2019


Pequeño Violencia & Pierrothito beat Fantasy & Último Dragóncito
(13:53 [4:30, 5:05, 4:18], 1/3, ok,

Cancerbero, Espíritu Negro, Raziel beat Eléctrico, Pegasso, Príncipe Diamante
(10:57 [3:14, 4:53, 2:50], 1/3, ok,

Guerrero Maya Jr. beat Blue Panther Jr., Drone, Sangre Imperial, Toro Bill Jr., Oro Jr., Hijo del Signo, Leono, Tiger, Yago in a CMLL La Copa Junior semifinal match
(19:53, good,

  • 7:08 Oro Jr. moonsault Leono
  • 7:42 Hijo de Signo armbar Sangre Imperial
  • 9:08 Drone reverse figure four Toro Bill Jr.
  • 10:12 Tiger casita Yago
  • 11:04 Blue Panther Jr. side slam Hijo del Signo
  • 11:29 Guerrero Maya Sacrifica Maya Oro Jr.
  • 13:03 Tiger powerbomb Drone
  • 14:01 Blue Panther Jr. nudo laugnero Tiger
  • 19:53 Guerrero Maya Tormento Maya Blue Panther Jr.

Ángel de Oro, Soberano Jr., Niebla Roja beat Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto
(20:06 [5:22, 7:00, 7:44], 1/3, ok,

Euforia beat Carístico
(14:48 [4:12, 10:36], 1/2, good,

What happened:

Euforia both fouled Caristico and pulled off his mask for the win.

The dumb battle royal (2:35) set sides as Drone, Sangre Imperial, Yago, Blue Panther Jr., Oro Jr., and Leono, Tiger, Hijo del Signo, Toro Bill Jr. (CDMX debut) and Guerrero Maya Jr. Late in the match, Blue Panther makes a point of untying Guerrero Maya’s mask, then ramps him into the post on the apron. Maya’s mask clearly comes off – clear to everyone but Pompin, who just counts Maya out as he gets reset on the outside. It felt like that was maybe meant to be a DQ, but they play off it on the next spot and keep going for another minute.

Espiritu Negro bumped into Bestia Negra, fouled Principie Diamante, but was caught before the pin was counted.

Pierrothito grabs the microphone to cut a promo before the match starts. Unfortunately, CMLL has not turned up the sound on the feed at that point.


Yago might have gotten the worst of this

Mistico/Euforia was a whole different match than Volador/Euforia. It seemed like it was at first a conscious effort to play to a different audience. The casual Tuesday might get more into a match where the rudo cheats a lot instead of doing the power moves more impressive to the weekly Puebla audience. It became clearer as it went along, especially in the second fall, that this was more a chance to give Caristico as much as the offense as possible to make him look as impressive as possible in a match he was going to lose in straight falls. Euforia may not have gotten in a move which wasn’t a counter of a Caristico move for about five minutes straight. There were also bits of Caristico building anger towards the referee to set a finish where the referee cost him the match. It wasn’t at all like a normal CMLL big singles match, and the way it played to Caristico’s ego wasn’t great. It did also play to this crowd really well, getting them very into the last moments of the match. I kinda want to recommend this one because it – like that first Alberto match on Nacion Lucha Libre – is so different from normal that it’s an entertaining change, even though it doesn’t check off many of the boxes usual for good.

The semi-main was the go-home happy match, except weirdly twice as long as it normally is for no particular reason. It wasn’t like they were doing anything that impressive. They went home on the best spot they had, so there’s that, and it got the show to about the normal length, which might be all the reason they needed.

The cibernetico was flawed but entertaining. The stretch of dives early on was a good example, with some fun stuff but also people just falling out of control all the time. The ending stretch had cool moves (including Maya breaking out the Tormento Maya for the first time in a long time) but also Blue Panther Jr. looking sloppy. It did make it really easy to pick someone to root for out of those last two, though that probably wasn’t the intention. No one really raised or lower their stock in the match. Toro Bill Jr. looked better the day prior, and maybe a bit nervous here. The match falling into a four-way late with teammates fighting each other was as weird as always, though they at least took care to make sure a teammate didn’t pin each other here.

The Espiritu Negro/Principe Diamante feud is set up for the rudo to destroy Diamante for a long time and Diamante to make a quick comeback. Espiritu is still coming off as much more impressive adjusted for that. Principe Diamante is fine, just not making the same impression and not looking any better than his two nondescript partners. This is surely Espiritu’s one chance to do something, and possibly his last few matches in CMLL, so he’s laying in the dropkicks while he can.

Ultimo Dragoncito may have something to offer, he just moves too fast for the mini rudos (especially Violencia) to keep up with him. Fantasy is closer to their speed, though that’s not great to see.

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