CMLL on Marca: 2019-12-06

could’ve gone better

Recapped: 12/06/2019


Ricky Boy, Skayde, Súper Muñeco beat Gallego, Mr. Cóndor, Rocky Santana
(14:01 [5:44, 3:06, 5:11], 1/3, ok, )

Atlantis Jr., El Audaz, Star Jr. beat Hechicero, Misterioso, Sagrado
(19:41 [8:01, 4:22, 7:18], 1/3, good, )

Blue Panther, Negro Casas, Virus beat Mano Negra, Negro Navarro, Súper Astro
(13:17 [6:40, 5:00, 1:37], 2/3, below average)

Satánico beat Solar I
(11:29, nudo, ok)

El Bandido, Valiente, Volador Jr. beat Cuatrero, Forastero, Último Guerrero
(14:02 [6:47, 2:21, 4:54], 2/3, good)

Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Tinieblas Jr., Villano IV beat Canek, Fuerza Guerrera, Máscara Año 2000
(15:28 [8:30, 3:13, 3:45], 1/3 DQ, below average,

What happened:

school is in sessions

Canek fouled Rayo to end the main event.

Mano Negra was honored after his match for his Arena Mexico retirement. Panico gave him a plaque. Mano Negra unmasked as posed with his family.

Skayde also unmasked after the opener. Mascara 2000 was unmasked during his match.


Booking Tinieblas Jr. for this show was a work of genius. He wasn’t any good, but he brought Alushe and the Fuerza/Alushe spots saved the main event from being rejected this year. The furry mascot got a better reaction than the immobile legends – Rayo got a decent reaction but Canek didn’t seem to get one on the stream, and no one much cared about their foul finish. If Fuerza is really retiring in April 2021, then next year’s version of this show has to be the last one off with this group. This wasn’t much without him.

Skyde versus the stooges

The semi-main was enjoyable, even if it could’ve gone smoother. Both the first fall and second fall had bits go wrong right before the finish. Bandido didn’t get pinned, but he did do a dive outside instead of getting a big pinfall to win the match. He did get a chance to show off his 21-Plex and Miguel Linares hyped it as a big deal, though he otherwise didn’t stand out above Valiente & Volador (who were very on.) The entire match felt like Bandido being plugged into Mistico’s spot in a typical CMLL match, the underdog who fights back to win after a lot of punishment. Maybe just a straight-up exhibition of his big spots would’ve been better.

Satanico/Solar was not for me. The mat wrestling was usually effective if emotionless. They struggled a lot as they sped it up. The spear (maybe?) spot near the end, but the (maybe?) legsweep spot before it where Satanico gave up trying to put on an octopus and they just stood up and tried something else looked unprofessional. They tried their best at a Solar match, which also felt like missing out on some of the best parts of Satanico – he’s a wrestler great at showing emotion, but all he did here was look frustrated. This probably gave people looking for this match exactly what they wanted, but it was hurt by a surprisingly vocal amount of people in Arnea Mexico having no time for it.

It’s a good thing this was Mano Negra’s match last Arena Mexico. He was iceberg slow and couldn’t take a bump. He seemed aware of his limitations but there was nothing to be done to hide them. Super Astro and Negro Navarro were not a lot better. Astro wrestling is a problem because he feels obligated to do a highspot and it doesn’t appear safe for him to do them anymore. Navarro can just lay on the mat and have Virus pull at various limbs to be reversed to seem like his old self, though he’s clearly not the same guy he was a few years ago. Virus taking that bump at the end was nuts.


The segunda got an unusual amount of time, perhaps figuring some of the later bouts were going to be shorter.  (It didn’t really work that way.) That, and maybe a guess at what would work for this crowd, led to a lot of working of holds and working more methodically. It wasn’t slow, but they took their time to make stuff stick out more. Star Jr. & Hechicero especially were in there to start for a while. Hechicero was the standout of his side, though Sagrado & Misterioso were doing a lot more than usual. The crowd has no time for the tecnicos and their flips, but they were pretty solid. Star Jr. benefited most from working with Hechicero. Atlantis tried hard to win over a crowd who decided to pick on him specifically. The ending was a usual run of dives and it needed something more special to really stand out, but it was still pretty good.

The opener was saved by by Los Diabolicos willingness to sell and stooge big for everything. The match was actually good when it was them and Skayde in, especially in the third fall. The match was salvageable when Muneco was in only because the rudos were working so hard to make him look good. It is hard to imagine how Muneco must look the rest of the time without this sort of help. Ricky Boy owes a great Christmas gift to whichever buddy got him this spot. He showed nothing.

CMLL Leyendas Mexicans show tonight, Cuervo de Puetro Rico unretires?

CMLL’s annual Leyendas Mexicana show takes place tonight in Arena Mexico. This hasn’t reached the heights of the other themed show CMLL does during the year. It does seem to draw in an older fanbase who want to see their past favorites for one show, as long as that show is in Arena Mexico. The term Leyendas seems to specifically be applied to “wrestlers who were part of the late 80s/early 90s boom”. Wrestling in-ring careers last longer in Mexico than anywhere else in the world, but even those wrestlers are starting to retire, pass away, or just not be asked back by CMLL. The version of this show two years ago included Dos Caras (retired) and Cien Caras (retired, or at least retired from CMLL) in the main event. Octagon was on that show and does not appear to be in CMLL’s plans anymore. Black Terry, Super Pinocho and Super Raton are also off CMLL’s list, and Atlantis has quietly been missing. Last year’s show included Jerry Estrada in his final Arena Mexico match. Mano Negra says tonight will be his own final match and there are others who could unknowingly be in the same situation. This is one of my least favorite CMLL shows. I didn’t grow up with these wrestlers as my heroes. For an outsider, it instead seems like people who are right up to that line of it being dangerous for them (and their opponents) to continue to wrestle, and also some people who are miles past that line. I hope we can laugh at the mishaps and not end the show concerned for someone’s wellbeing.

CMLL’s handled the diminishing amount of legends by bringing back Tinieblas Junior for the first time this decade. Tinieblas was last a regular in CMLL in 2004, having short stints with AAA since but mostly wrestling on the indies in his own promotion. He’s a slightly younger name than the others around and wasn’t as big a star, but they need new people and it’s a novelty. He teams with Rayo de Jalisco & Villano IV versus Canek, Fuerza Guerrera and Mascara 2000. Rayo versus Mascara is the old rivalry, though Rayo Canek work also are teasing a mask match no one’s going to do. Solar and Satainco meet in a singles match, following up the two wrestling in Guadalajara a couple of months ago. Blue Panther, Negro Casas and Virus (unspoken replacement for Atlantis) take on Mano Negra, Negro Navarro and Super Astro in Mano Negra’s retirement match. Negra’s gimmick includes being “the man who wears one black glove”; I didn’t know until this week that we were supposed to be wondering about the scarred/burned hand was underneath the hand. Los Diabolicos of Gallego, Mr. Condor and Rocky Santana return to face Super Muneco, Skayde and Ricky Boy – so I guess Muneco won the feud over Super Pinocho in one fashion. These are all more UWA/LLI/El Torero (and even AWWA) names more than old CMLL ones, which goes for a lot of wrestlers on this card. Not sure if that’s as intentional as is that’s what is left from that era.

This show does have matches which may be interesting even if you’re not there for the legends. Bandido returns to Arena Mexico after a 1,209 day break between matches. He teams with Valiente and Volador Jr. against Cuatrero, Forastero, and Ultimo Guerrero, filling in for Sanson. CMLL did give Fenix & Penta big victories when used in this same spot, and they should do the same tonight. The other all regulars match has Altantis, Audaz & Star Jr. facing Hechicero, Misterioso and Sagrado in the segunda.

The show streams on Marca at 8:30 pm and I’ll stream it on YouTube as well.

Solar wants a technical match with Satanico tonight but he doesn’t know what mood Satanico will be in.

Reporte Indigo interviews many of the legends on the show, who explain terrible lucha libre is now compared to when they were doing it. There’s a lot of articles that go around the edges of this bit or try to balance it with some niceties or praise of one person doing it right. This one goes full in on the hate. The repeated complaint is everyone feels too much like a copy of each other, doing the same moves and looking the same. It has validity for sure, but it is strange to hear from people like Mano Negra, Blue Panther, Super Astro and Mascara 2000. They all have sons or daughters or nephews whose characters are no more deep than being a copy of their famous ancestor. Mascara 2000 says he’s bored by any match he sees on TV or live, everything feels the same to him. There is some truth to that, an effect of everyone going thru the same system and being taught the same things, and CMLL is boring right now. Super Astro feels the luchadors aren’t as hungry and fired up to wrestle as they were in his days, and how they used to battle thru injuries when kids nowadays would sit out a year.

Soberano Jr. is off the Warrior Wrestling show next weekend, said to be because CMLL needed him elsewhere. Templario is still on the show, now in a four-way title match for the Impact X-Division championship. Gringo Loco has been added to the Aerostar/Drago/Taurus/Horus multiman match.

AAA/EMW finishes out their year in Tijuana tonight with a Pagano/Psycho/Puma vs Bestia/Rush/Taurus main event. This group is bringing in plenty of names than The Crash now in a way to counter them; Gringo Loco & Killer Kross are working the segunda, Chirs Dickenson is in to work a second match. This won’t stream, but it’ll be watched to see if Flamita is booked or continues to be off of AAA after missing TripleMania Regia.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter says AAA is interesting in using Kenny Omega & the Young Bucks as a trios and bringing in Jon Moxley, but there’s no date for any of this or a next Kenny Omega defense. (I read this as “no one’s quite sure when Rey de Reyes is yet.”) They’re happy with AEW defending the AAA belt “on big shows”, which isn’t a thing that has actually happened unless you’re very excited with AEW Dark but maybe a hint of something that’ll happen on the new AEW PPV (date unknown.)

TripleMania Regia will air on Multimedios this Sunday. (I keep thinking the promos means they air the show at 6, but it’s Multimedios being on channel number 6 that they’re talking about; it’s probably actually earlier around 3pm in the afternoon) Alberto & Sexy Star have MMA bouts in Combates Americas this Saturday night will air on TUDN & Televisa 5 in Mexico.

El Cuervo de Puetro Rico has retracted his retirement announcement, though there’s no clear idea when he’s going to wrestle. He seems like a guy battling some issues, not just physical ones.

An article about the Hidalgo luchadors in Mexico says Jimmy is returning from Dragon Gate in mid-December. That fits the timeline of others who’ve been in Japan for six months. Jimmy’s listed on Dragon Gate’s 12/18 opener in Korakuen Hall, which may be the end of his trip.

LuchaWorld has the latest Lucha Report.

A Puma King Animated Christmas Special!

This interview with Chiapas’ New Fire Jr. has some great photos.


CMLL (TUE) 12/10/2019 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Gallo, Johnny Dinamo, Principe Daniel vs Exterminador, Maléfico, Ráfaga
2) El Divino, Retro, Sonic vs Cancerbero, Fúnebre, Raziel
3) Fuego, Guerrero Maya Jr., Rey Cometa vs Guerrero de la Muerte, Pólvora, Vangellys
4) Atlantis Jr., Dulce Gardenia, Soberano Jr. vs Gran Guerrero, Hijo del Villano III, Negro Casas
5) Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Último Guerrero vs Cuatrero, Forastero, Valiente [Relevos Increíbles]

That main event seems like switched sides for the sake of doing it, but perhaps more will come of it.