Lucha Capital: 2019-11-20

doomsday destroyer

Recapped: 11/20/2019


Eclipse Jr. beat Parka Negra and Látigo
(9:36, Eclipse twist rope flip moonsault Latigo, good, 00:08:03)

Lady Maravilla beat Vanilla and Big Mami
(10:57, Lady Maravilla frog splash Big Mami, ok, 00:24:01)

Willie Mack beat Bengala and Arez
(9:26, Willie Mack frog splash Arez, ok, 00:44:32)

Pagano beat Niño Hamburguesa and Mocho Cota Jr.
(8:19, Pagano Air Raid Crash Mocho Cota Jr., below average, 01:04:02)

Aerostar beat Murder Clown and Abismo Negro Jr. 
(10:54, Aerostar torito Absimo Negro Jr., below average, 01:22:40)

What happened:

Monster Clown attacked Aerostar after the main event as part of the build to their participation in the TripleMania Regia cage match.


Cota on point

It’s really not working out for Abismo Negro Jr. Taking all the pins is beside the point if he’s blowing major spots during the match, as he did all the way to the finish here. This was overall a strange main event that went too long anyway, and they didn’t have the work to save it.

The Pagano three way was fine if not particularly memorable until the final minute. Pagano seemed to submit Mocho Cota, or at least it seemed that way to everyone except Copetes. The next minute was lost luchadors and a referee doing a slow count for lack of any better idea. It was a bad mistake that took a long time to recover from and it was the lasting memory of the match.

Arez, Bengala, and Mack did a lot in their match, it just was one of those matches that flew my mind. They had some good sequences integrating multiple people, it was thought out, and it still felt like another in an unending sequence of three-way matches. Fatigue with this concept set in strong with this match and made it hard to enjoy these matches. Perhaps this one would be better with isolation, though there were still moments that could’ve gone better.

Big Mami double slam

The women’s match was angle heavy with the Big Mami/Lady Maravilla issue and felt like it went too long to keep my interest. Big Mami trying power moves was an interesting change in character, though it didn’t totally work. The crowd liked this match more than I did.

The opener went for it in crazy ways. It didn’t always work, with maybe not everyone moving in concert with each other. It seemed like it might fall apart due to injury when the Eclipse moonsault dive spot didn’t work out, but it got better from there. Enough of it did come together, like the press slam DDT spot, and Parka Negra came across as a killer in stretches. Worth watching if you understand what you’re getting into.

Lucha Capital tonight, AAA Mega Title match tonight in AEW, Guerra de Titanes, CMLL feuds

CMLL (TUE) 11/19/2019 Arena México [CMLL, Lucha Central, The Gladiatores, thecubsfan]
1) Bengala & Sangre Imperial b Apocalipsis & Inquisidor LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 19 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
10:15. Tecnicos took 1/3.
2) Espanto Jr., Hijo del Signo, Nitro b Eléctrico, Halcón Suriano Jr., Oro Jr. LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 19 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
11:58. Rudos took 1/3.
3) Blue Panther Jr., Pegasso, Príncipe Diamante b Cancerbero, Espíritu Negro, Raziel LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 19 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
10:20. Straight falls, the last when Espiritu Negro unmasked Principe Diamante.
4) Guerrero Maya Jr. b Vangellys [lightningLUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 19 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
5) Ephesto, Kawato San, Luciferno b Dulce Gardenia, Kráneo, Rey Cometa LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 19 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
16:45. Rudos took 1/3.
6) Ángel de Oro, Carístico, Niebla Roja b Cavernario, Felino, Mephisto LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 19 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
14:40. Tecnicos took 2/3.

An average Tuesday show. Angel de Oro seemed much more into his feud with Felino than the other way, though that’s kind of the story. Diamante & Espiritu didn’t feud until the end of their match. Kawato & Dulce had a little bit something, though it may have been just establishing Kawato as mean now. Stay until the very end to see Caristico storming the announce desk to demand a mask match with Mephisto much to the confusion of the announcers.

Pompin reached 62 years of refereeing with this show. Nothing went wrong tonight so it was a good night for him.

Box Y Lucha has interviews with Principe Diamante & Espiritu Negro. Espiritu Negro & and Guerrero Maya did post-match promos as well.

CMLL (TUE) 11/19/2019 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL]
1) El Divino, Fantástico, Mr. Samurai b Cris Skin, Fúnebre, Paymon
tecnicos took 1/3.
2) Akuma, Disturbio, Guerrero de la Muerte b Explosivo, Magnus, Retro
Rudos took 1?./3
3) Black Panther, Esfinge, Fuego b Dark Magic, Tiger, Universo 2000 Jr.
tecnicos took 2/3
4) Furia Roja, Hechicero, Rey Bucanero b Fugaz, Stuka Jr., Titán
Stuka replaced Soberano. Rudos took 1/3.
5) Místico, Valiente, Volador Jr. b Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón
tecnicos took 2/3.

No signal of any feud in the main event or elsewhere.

CMLL’s Informa preview announces Soberano, Drone, Fuego and Star Jr. will be on to talk about an upcoming tournament for the CMLL World Welterweight Championship. That’s Dragon Lee’s title, which was left unmentioned when he was fired from CMLL. The bit to watch for is the full list of people; in theory, Kawato gave up the lightweight title because CMLL figures to have him part of this. If not, who knows what’s going on there.

Today is the final group stage episode of this season of Lucha Capital. It may be the last week of all 1v1v1 matches. The matches are unknown, but AAA has confirmed who will be participating:

Women: Big Mami vs Vanilla vs Lady Maravilla
Men: Mocho Cota Jr., Willie Mack, Pagano, Aerostar, Murder Clown, Nino Hamburguesa, Arez, Abismo Negro

+LuchaTV posted a scoring chart that makes sense to me and perhaps also only to the person who made it. Someone is keeping track, that is nice to see. Let’s narrow it down:

Women’s field: The team of Lady Shani, Faby Apache & Big Mami is moving to the semi-final. Whoever wins between Vanilla & Lady Maravilla also gets their team there. Big Mami winning essentially means they have to redo it next week.

Men’s field: Drago/Psycho/Dinastia are in to the next round. Puma/Flamita/Bengala and Mack/Swann/Taurus are pretty much in. Aerostar getting a win tonight may cause a tie, up to three teams for two spots, and AAA hasn’t said how they’d handle that.

The men’s side is not a particularly dramatic ending. Maybe there will be a twist that hasn’t been explained. The show will air at 9 pm on Facebook.

The biggest AAA match today is not happening on Lucha Capital, with all due respect to the BBQ restaurant. The biggest AAA match is not even happening in AAA. AEW will be hosting a Kenny Omega AAA Mega Championship defense against Jack Evans tonight as part of the AEW Dark show. AEW Dark are extra matches taped before and after their Wednesday TV show, typically airing the following Tuesday on their YouTube channel. This match seems likely to go on after the live show concludes. Jack Evans seems to be in the spot because he has a lot of AAA history and can take a loss without issue This is oddly Jack Evans first-ever shot at the AAA Mega title, with Evans being confined to the cruiserweight and team divisions when he was actually in the promotion. (Jack also found out about this by being told on Twitter.) It does seem to fit the new AAA main title philosophy of “just have some good matches.” AAA’s acknowledged the match. There’s no explanation of where this would leave Dragon Lee/Kenny Omega at TripleMania Regia should Jack win, because no one believes Jack is going to win.

Fenix is scheduled to face Nick Jackson on the AEW Dynamite show tonight.

IWRG has an afternoon show today, starting at an unusual 3:45 pm. That’d be strange for most Naucalpan shows, more so for a Wednesday. The card is a benefit for the local branch of Red Cross, part of a deal of the Red Cross helping with medical care at the arena. Not sure if this will stream. Traumas & Hijo de Dos Caras face the Piratas & Demonio Infernal in the main event.

Reporte Indigo tends to have the deepest CMLL interviews from the press days. In this one with Mistico, he says Paco Alonso warned him the fans would reject him when he took the character and he would have to win them over. That seems like a real reason not to do it in the first place.

Dulce Gardenia believed it’d be four or five more years before he’d get a chance to go to FantasticaMania and was shocked to find out he’d be going to FantasticaMania in 2020.

Rush’s group seems to be going with “La Faccion Ingober” in Nacion Lucha Libre. Rush seems more sensitive to trademark concerns than Dragon Lee, but Rush is also wrestling a lot more on TV than Dragon Lee.

Someone named Hombre Bala Jr. appeared on the IAW show this past weekend. (You can see him here around 10:00.) It didn’t appear to be Drone, but perhaps he has a brother wrestling now. He has a Facebook page.

Micro Man has been announced for the February Lucha Libre Va Voom show.

LucahWorld has this week’s Poster-Mania.


AAA TV (SAT) 12/14/2019 Domo Dadero, Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas
Guerra de Titanes, 2019
1) Aramis, Dinastía, Octagoncito vs Arez, Mini Psycho Clown, Parkita Negra
2) Máscarita Dorada, Mr. Iguana, Niño Hamburguesa vs Demus, Látigo, Villano III Jr.
3) Faby Apache, Octagón Jr., Taya vs Carta Brava Jr., Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana and Abismo Negro Jr., Ayako Hamada, Keyra [lumberjack]
4) Brian Cage, Murder Clown, Pagano, Puma King vs Chessman, Killer Kross, Taurus, Texano Jr. [tlc]
5) Fénix & Pentagón Jr. © vs Angélico & Australian Suicide and ????? & Hijo Del Vikingo [AAA TAG]
fourth defense, one not on TV
6) Big Mami vs Lady Maravilla [hair]
7) Dr. Wagner Jr., Drago, Psycho Clown vs Blue Demon Jr., La Bestia Del Ring, Rush Toro Blanco

Way too many people booked, random stipulations, this is indeed a AAA big show.

Rush gets his wish (and AAA doesn’t get theirs): La Besita del Ring is getting booked and put in main events. Pencil him in for Copa TripleMania Regia as well.

Big Mami is the favorite against the masked woman putting up her hair. Nino Hamburguesa may get a chance to redeem himself.

Angelico makes his return after two years away. He quit AAA at the end of 2017; he was advertised in November & December but appeared to finish up after the LU/AAA tour of Japan that year. His last match there was a singles match with King Cuerno, which never aired. His last regular AAA TV taping was a strange added at the last minute match against Joe Lider. Believe it or not, Angelico & Australian Suicide won a tag team titles #1 contenders match back in March of 2017 (some bad video here; AAA’s upload of that show is private now?). This was during the Vampiro (and Chris DeJoseph?) booked period of AAA so there’s limited chance anyone in charge knows this ever happened, and also the people in charge seemed to quickly forget it happened and held another #1 contenders match a few weeks later. Guess they’re still owed a shot. Vikingo’s partner is probably dependent on Laredo Kid or Myzteziz being back by then; Dragon Lee would be exciting but he’s probably on his marriage hiatus by that point.

The TLC match is kind of pointless, and also kind of shows how pointless the TV storylines can be. Something happened between Toluca, when the big matches for Guerra de Titanes were a mixed tag match and Texano & Escorpionc challenging the Lucha Brothers, to the hair match and the Lucha Brothers brought in just to have another random match. Escorpion is MIA, so maybe there’s a reason we’re not getting why that match couldn’t happen (though AAA could just make up a reason!) On the other hand, Killer Kross has been cutting promos on Penta & Fenix for about a year, they’re going to be in the same building, and the most to expect is the one millionth post-match beatdown by some rudos this year. AAA is pretty much as bad as WWE about just doing stipulations because it’s time to do stipulations.

The tag match should be good. The first three matches all should be fun. The TLC match isn’t good for them but they’ll be a GIF of Pagano blowing something or someone nearly dying like Super Fly in match that’ll do big numbers, so I guess that’s positive? Really, when AAA sits down and figures their goals for 2020, “find a way to stop cramming 40+ into 7 matches on the big shows” needs to be on the list. Trying to find spots for so many people in few matches means they don’t really have space for anything they’ve spent time building up.