Misticos against Guerreros, AAA on Twitch tonight from Toluca, weekend lineups

CMLL (FRI) 10/25/2019 Arena México [CMLL, MarcaOvacionesR de RudoThe Gladiatoresthecubsfanthecubsfan]
1) Magia Blanca & Príncipe Diamante b El Coyote & Grako LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
11:47. Tecnicos took 1/3.
2) Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr., Súper Astro Jr. b Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
14:30. Tecnicos took 1/3.
Atlantis got Atlantida just as ten minutes hit. They continued to fight after the finish.
4) Hechicero, Rey Bucanero, Terrible b Dulce Gardenia, Flyer, Stuka Jr. LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
16:45. Tecnicos took 1/3.
5) Cavernario, Gilbert el Boricua, Último Guerrero b Soberano Jr., Star Jr., Valiente LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
18:49. Rudos took 1/3. Gilbert seemed to want to feud with UG, but UG ignored it. Star Jr.’s prize for winning Gran Alternativa.
6) Carístico, Diamante Azul, Místico b Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Negro Casas LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
11:01. Straight falls. Sets up a Dos Misticos vs Gran Guerrero/Euforia title match. Negro Casas replaced Mr. Niebla earlier in the day.

CMLL promos: Mistico & Caristico, Euforia & Gran Guerrero, Valiente & Star Jr., Atlantis and Templario.

Press room interviews; Atlantis Jr. (Box Y Lucha, The Gladiatores), Los Guerreros (Box Y Lucha, The Gladiatores), Star Jr. (Box Y Lucha, The Gladiatores), Mistico & Caristico (Box Y Lucha, The Gladiatores), Ultimo Guerrero (Box Y Lucha, The Gladiatores, +LuchaTV), Templario (Box Y Lucha, The Gladiatores, +LuchaTV). Of note, Ultimo Guerrero’s still talking about wanting the Cibernetico match though CMLL seems like they’ve moved on in every other way.

The lightning match seemed like the best match, with the two trios around it being in about the same area. Nothing great. The main event accomplished what it should’ve done, the semi-main did not.

CMLL announced Gran Cochisse is the new head trainer and programmer in Arena Coliseo Guadalajara. Cochisse was the lead trainer there until 2010, with Mascara Dorada/Gran Metalik, Titan and Barbaro Cavernario being some of his better-known students. I’m not sure if he’d been a programmer (the matchmaker) before. There was no clear reason why Cochisse was let go; it came off as some political battle because they were turning on good prospects. Magnum had been the programmer here until about August, and seemingly was fired after a sexual harassment complaint became public. Satanico had been billed as lead trainer at the Guadalajara school. I’m not sure if he’s still part of it now. La Magnifica, Gran Cochisse daughter, quit CMLL after her father was let go and has recently returned, so this may have been in the works since around the same time.

AAA is back on Twitch at 8 pm tonight. (It’s the final main show before the DST change in Mexico.) The lineup does not seem like a big card: stuff like Psycho Clown, Pentagon, and Pagano vs Averno, Rey Escorpion and Chessman should be fine but not great and doesn’t seem mean to much. That’s the same for most of the matches; it should be ok, it might be good, but it seems like one you can skip. The one must-see match was added late, a fourway with Arez, Aramis, Hijo del Vikingo and Taurus. That one has a very high ceiling.

There are few updates on La Parka. Perhaps there will be early on the show tonight. Chessman will replace La Parka next week in Arena Aficion. Chessman was emotional in talking about Parka’s injury; those two have been together on the roster for a long time and had seemingly a thousand tag matches against each other.

Psycho Clown takes over La Parka’s column in Record (or whomever the ghostwriter has to change personalities.) Psycho, Leo Riano, and Alfonso Morales write about their La Parka memories.

Over in Exatlon, Myzteziz sat out part of the competition with a head injury. His team went to the elimination round and, strangely, Myzteziz was cleared by the doctors to compete in that. (Myzteziz & Laredo Kid have been among the least successful participants on the show.) Myzteziz surprisingly managed to win the elimination game and is still on the show another week.

Other weekend shows



  • Cavernario defends against Forastero in Arena Mexico.
  • Guadalajara includes Fugaz, Atlantis Jr., and Caristico vs Cuatrero, Sanson and Universo 2000 Jr.
  • Hijo de Canis Lupus defends against Demonio Infernal in IWRG.
  • GALLI is scheduled to have Rey Fenix vs Gringo Loco.
  • The AAA show as apart of Guadajalara’s fair happens tonight, mostly notable for people doing one night gimmicks which will be listed under their wikipedias forever.

IWRG has announced Angel Tormenta, Leo, Death Metal, Imposible, Relampago, and Toxin for the Castillo de Terror show. A lineup should be out for that this weekend.

Ring of Honor announced Ultimo Guerrero vs Jonathan Greshman for their 11/03 show in Columbus show.

Box Y Lucha is enabling voting for their awards via Google Form. Just struck with the realization I have to do awards soon.

Christi Jaynes is off the RIOT show (and the GALLI show this weekend) due to injury.

LA Park vs Gangrel from Thursday’s WrestleRex show is up on Facebook.

A longer obit on the recently deceased Pilo Rivera explains he was nicknamed “el Vampire del RIng” because he was said to bite the heads of his opponents, suck blood in, and then spit it up at the lights.


CMLL (FRI) 11/01/2019 Arena México
1) Magnus & Príncipe Diamante vs Akuma & Espanto Jr.
2) La Jarochita, Marcela, Princesa Sugehit vs Dalys, Metálica, Reyna Isis
3) Atlantis Jr., Flyer, Fugaz vs Hechicero, Hijo del Villano III, Templario
4) Sansón vs ? [Rey del Inframundo]
5) Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Stuka Jr. vs Gilbert el Boricua, Negro Casas, Último Guerrero
6) Carístico & Místico vs Euforia & Gran Guerrero [CMLL TAG]
4th defense

There’s a hope that Caristico & Mistico teaming is going to be a big draw for a themed show that usually does really well. There’s not much left in the rainy day ideas if that doesn’t work.

Gilbert & UG team again, as if that’s going somewhere.

Fugaz does get another Mexico City booking against some good rudos.

Marcela returns to action so maybe the tecnicas can get a win? Or maybe they’ll just set up the title match

CMLL (TUE) 10/29/2019 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Fantástico, Luminoso, Reycko vs Joker, Ráfaga, Sádico
2) Oro Jr., Príncipe Diamante, Vaquero Jr. vs Akuma, Furia Roja, Hijo del Signo
3) Esfinge, Fuego, Fugaz vs Misterioso, Okumura, Sagrado
4) Atlantis, Kráneo, Volcano vs Felino, Hechicero, Mr. Niebla
5) Ángel de Oro, Diamante Azul, Niebla Roja vs Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero

A Dia de Muertos themed Guadalajara show.

CMLL on Marca: 2019-10-25

Atlantis Jr. coming from a weird angle

Recapped: 10/25/2019


Magia Blanca & Príncipe Diamante beat El Coyote & Grako
(11:47 [4:59, 3:04, 3:44], 1/3, ok)

Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr., Súper Astro Jr. beat Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus
(14:30 [6:32, 2:34, 5:24], 1/3, good)

Atlantis Jr. went to a time limit draw with Templario in a lightning match
(10:00, good)

Hechicero, Rey Bucanero, Terrible beat Dulce Gardenia, Flyer, Stuka Jr.
(16:45 [7:16, 3:49, 5:40], 1/3, ok)

Cavernario, Gilbert el Boricua, Último Guerrero beat Soberano Jr., Star Jr., Valiente
(18:49 [6:12, 2:13, 10:24], 1/3, ok)

Carístico, Diamante Azul, Místico vs Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Negro Casas
(11:01 [7:38, 3:23], 1/2, ok)

What happened: 

The main event set up a Mistico/Caristico vs Gran Guerrero/Euforia tag title match.

Gilbert tried to keep his issue going with Ultimo Guerrero, and Ultimo Guerrero didn’t acknowledge him.

Atlantis Jr. was just getting Templario in an Atlantida when time ran out. They continued to fight after the match, just as Templario & Soberano did.


this not being the finish sort of gave away it was a draw

The main event was an unusually sloppy match for the guys who are meant to be feuding. There were a lot of boost headscissors which didn’t get boosted. Diamante Azul dropping Negro Casas directly on his head wasn’t much good either. Azul isn’t ever much good but the other guys can do a lot better than this. Hopefully they will next week.

They didn’t do near enough to showcase Star Jr. in the semifinal to follow up his tournament win. He did get to beat UG in the second fall, though with a submission move he never uses instead of something showing off his agility. His few spots in the third fall seemed outweighed by taking all of UG’s offense. The dive at the end didn’t go smoothly. The rest of the match was fine but it didn’t do what it should’ve been set out to accomplish.

The fourth match seemed more improvised than usual, with Hechicero and Stuka pointing people in the direction for spots. The first two falls were slow and didn’t flow well. It got better in the third – maybe I just like the tecnico stuff better? It seems to be a trend. Flyer struggled as usual, on a show where plenty of tecnicos looked better than him. He may need a mental break as much as anything.

The lightning match was slow early, with away too many clothesline and not great action. Turned into a match with nothing in between the big moves, but then shifted into big moves all the time so it worked out. Atlantis Jr. still has to improve in between those spots but he at least has more exciting spots than most of the opener guys. Templario’s powerbomb looked great and they clearly trust him more than any other young rudo to keep running these long matches with him.

Good action match with both sides working smoothly together. The first fall had some nice sequences, Cancerbero & Super Astro, in particular, pulling out an unexpectedly good exchange. It slowed down a bit in the second fall with the rudos in charge, but the third fall had good action.

My stream went out in fall 1, which is bad because it might have been a good fall. Coyote and Grako looked worse than usual and Magia Blanca wasn’t helping. The apron dives involved some undeserved faith. Principe Diamante is better than this but the rest of the guys need work.
