CMLL Puebla: 2019-09-30


Recapped: 09/30/2019


Fuerza Chicana, Joker, Rey Apocalipsis beat Astro, Dark Soul, Millenium
(14:20 [7:06, 3:19, 3:55], 1/3, good,

Oro Jr., Súper Astro Jr., Tigre Rojo Jr. beat El Malayo, Perverso, Policeman
(12:24 [6:39, 3:14, 2:31], 1/3, ok,

Metálica beat Sanely in a lightning match
(8:18, Metalica senton con giro, ok,

Átomo, Gallito, Microman beat Chamuel, Guapito, Perico Zakarías
(9:34 [3:07, 1:08, 5:19], 2/3, ok,

Hechicero, Templario, Terrible beat Flyer, Stuka Jr., Titán
(16:47 [6:35, 4:04, 6:08], 1/3, ok,

Carístico, Místico, Volador Jr. beat Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero
(10:56 [5:37, 2:11, 3:08], 2/3 DQ, ok,

What happened:

UG unmasked Mistico to set up a singles match along the way, UG criticizing the fans for not mastering English as he has along the way.

Chamuel attempts to wear his mask at the start of the match, but Microman goes after him and takes him down.

Astro seems to hit his head on a headscissors on the ramp in the second fall and lays there for a while. He gets medical attention in between falls but is back to doing big moves in the third fall.



The main event was your typical feuding building match, with some action but more the principals teasing a fight that doesn’t pay off this week. Mistico and Oro Jr. did the same “running ramp move, then take out someone outside” sequence on this show. Mistico’s was so much better because he used his momentum to keep going into a dive, while Oro Jr. had to stop on the apron, run to a corner, then run back to do a headscissors. If you’re doing this right, you just keep on going in a flow, you don’t stop to come from a different angle. The headscissors didn’t turn out well either.

The semi-main was fine, without anyone really having a standout performance. Hechicero’s attempt to go from the reverse monkey flip to his Magia Negra finishing submission is a cool idea but seems like a lot of work to lock on the hold. Flyer seemed hurt or tired by end of his run, and his performance suffered.

Micros match was not a lot. Chamuel has a good rudo unmasked look. He comes along strong enough as a personality that someone’s going to book the mask vs hair with Microman if the division (and the tecnico) last long enough. The two key performers seemed to scale back in action, no one else stepped up, and what we got was more angry fighting than fun highspots.

A problem with blaming Dalys for all the woes of the CMLL women’s division is the other women aren’t exactly killing this on their own. Sanely got the shirt removal spot around the five minutes mask, a result of the slow pace they were working. It didn’t pick up much after there, with Sanely’s dive being a rare highspot. Metalica didn’t show much offense on the Aniversario. She didn’t overwhelm here either given a big opening. Nothing went wrong but this was just a long bit of not a lot happening.

The opener was the best one of those in Puebla in a long time. Astro a good mix with these rudos, because Joker & Apocalips are willing to do a lot. Astro usually gets just one big high spot per match, Rey Apocalipsis was happy to do many. It was Apocalipsis best match in that regard in a long time too. Dark Soul didn’t pop off the screen as much as last week but was a solid contributor to this match, as was Dark Soul. This was a lot of fun in a position not usually found of it.

Mistico triumphs, Caristico/Forastero tonight, InvadingLA postponed

CMLL (MON) 10/07/2019 Arena Puebla [CMLL]
1) King Jaguar & Rey Comodín b Prayer & Rencor LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 7 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Debuts for Comodin, Prayer & Rencor. Money thrown in. Team Jaguar took 1/3.
2) Príncipe Diamante & Rey Samuray b Centella Roja & Fuerza Chicana LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 7 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Tecnicos took 1/3.
3) Arkalis, Oro Jr., Súper Astro Jr. b Cancerbero, Perverso, Raziel LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 7 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
tecnicos took 2/3.
4) Stigma, Stuka Jr., Titán b Felino, Templario, Tiger LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 7 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
tecnicos took 2/3.
5) Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Negro Casas b Ángel de Oro, Diamante Azul, Niebla Roja LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 7 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
straight falls for the Guerreros. Gran Guerrero challenged Niebla Roja to a title match for next week. He accepted.
6) Místico b Último Guerrero LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 7 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Mistico took 2/3, winning the last cleanly.

The main event seemed good if not extraordinary. It was the strongest win Mistico’s gotten. It’s a big shift; Mistico has seemed like the least important of three Munoz brothers from the outside, but CMLL is actually finally pushing him like they pushed the old Mistico.

Money being thrown in Puebla is rare, so someone must’ve liked the opener. (I haven’t seen it yet.) Getting back to back weeks of singles matches is surprising, but Gran Guerrero and Niebla Roja were pretty sure it was happening.

Caristico gets his own singles match tonight against Forastero. Carisitco seems certain to win. The bigger picture is Forastero’s elevation to regular rudo challenger, like Ephesto & Luciferno have been in the past. He’s gotten a title shot against Cavernario and matches with Volador. None have totally worked to watch but he seems to be doing well enough in CMLL’s eye to keep getting them.

Those Hijo del Infierno will face Atlantis, Mistico, and Soberano in the semi-main. The Panthers face Sagrado, Misterioso and Dark Magic, with Dark Magic continuing to pick up bookings lately. Drone, Oro Jr. & Pegasso take on Disturbio, Polvora, and Universo. There open a women’s match and a minis match to open. The show airs on YouTube at 7:30 pm.

Guadalajara will have Volador vs Cavernario tonight. Fugaz is working all the way down in the opener, which again suggests it was a last-minute decision to give him a big win.

It occurs to me that Titan is on the poster for the Dia de Muertos shows, though he should be in NJPW when those shows happen. I really need NJPW to announce their next tour so I can stop thinking about this.

SuperLuchas’ CAMPAL column focuses on the history of the Lutteroth family ownership of CMLL. It doesn’t feel promising that Chavo Lutteroth III, the effective president of CMLL, comes into the picture as “guy who ran the boxing side until he wouldn’t pay big money for boxers, the boxers went elsewhere and the business ceased to exist.”

The same column says the story about CMLL stopping use of independents – the CL4N, Gilbert were the names which came up – is not true. Caristico’s lumped into with this group as a guy who’s technically independent, which makes sense but I hadn’t thought about.

AAA officially announced the Invading LA show scheduled for 10/13 is postponed. The only place I’ve seen the statement posted is on El Aviso, but it is out there. AAA’s explanation is that the event is postponed for “unforeseen circumstances”, with Dorian Roldan saying “The situation was unexpected and has forced us to postpone the October 13 date. We are now considering dates to reschedule the event.” Ticket holders were informed of the postponement last week and there had been rumors of AAA telling people the show was not happening even before that.

Tickets are still good for the new date, though it seems highly unlikely one will take place. You’re probably going to get a refund if you ask for one or not. AAA certainly will try running the US again. They’re stuck in a cycle of finding business partners who want to help them run in the US, both AAA and the business partners seemingly figure the other one will actually promote the show, no one does, the shows do badly, and then they wait a couple of years to try again. The US market has too much money for AAA to swear off trying, but it also has too much content that just showing up is going to be as successful as it was in the early 90s. AAA would have to be approach things a very different way than they have to this point and it doesn’t seem like they’re likely to make any changes.

CMLL luchadors are used to getting their schedule from the promotion about a week in advance, and not really having to promote much more than because they’re always working the same building. Luchadors who get outside work need to get the word out a bit more about where they’re working and may find out shows farther in advance. Transitioning from one to the other can be tricky. Rey Triton did a helpful thing by promotion his upcoming appearances in a recent interview then posting all the lineups he’s in on Facebook. Except, one of those shows he mentioned in the interview was “a surprise appearance on an AAA show” and then he posted the Heroes Inmortales poster. He’s since taken the poster out of the post, though you can still read people reacting to it in the comments. Rey Triton’s probably a mystery luchador in Copa Antonio Pena. There may be a few, with Laredo Kid & Myzteziz unlikely to be back from Exatlon and needing to be replaced in that match. I do not think this matters to AAA in the least, Triton’s in no danger of being pulled from the show, it is simply funny.

AAA/EMW 10/25 lineup

Laredo Kid is unlikely to be off Exatlon in time to be in that match. A healthy Vikingo seems like a good choice to replace Laredo to make a maybe even more exciting match (haven’t seen him with the Lucha Brothers yet), but we may not know who’s in that spot until the show happens.

Alberto el Patron vs Tito Oritz in a MMA fight will take place in Hidalgo, Texas on 12/07. They are both old athletes who probably shouldn’t be cage fighting, which means to me that either man could win. It’s a $40 PPV for those inclined. It would seem like Alberto would be stepping away from lucha libre to focus on getting ready for this match, which may mean less Nacion Lucha Libre appearances. He was supposed to be on the Lucha Time show this Sunday in Monterrey, but that show is canceled.

+LuchaTV has a new edition of their podcast.

LuchaWorld has this week’s Poster-Mania.


CMLL (SUN) 10/13/2019 Arena México
1) Angelito & Último Dragóncito vs Pequeño Nitro & Pierrothito
2) La Magnifica, Princesa Sugehit, Silueta vs Amapola, Dalys, Reyna Isis
3) Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr., Fuego vs Misterioso, Sagrado, Universo 2000 Jr.
4) Drone vs Guerrero Maya Jr. [lightning]
5) Blue Panther, Kráneo, Volcano vs Dark Magic, Okumura, Rey Bucanero
6) Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Volador Jr. vs Cuatrero, Forastero, Terrible

Drone vs Maya seems fun. Princesa Sugehit continues to reappear (maybe.)

RCH (SUN) 11/17/2019 Arena Naucalpan
1) Lunatik Fly vs AstroluxTrombaPríncipe Aéreo
2) Fly Star & Quetzal vs Iron Kid & Star Fire
3) Negro Casas vs Black Terry
4) Trauma I & Trauma II vs Cuatrero & Sansón
5) Látigo vs Atomic Star [mask, hair]
6) Penta 0M & Rey Fénix (Indie) vs Arez & Rey Tritón

This lineup came out a few days ago but I just found the poster a few days ago. It seems like a good card: fun main event, apuesta match seems to come out of nowhere but should be good, some different stuff in the undercard.

CMLL (SUN) 10/13/2019 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Avispón Negro Jr., Crixus, Paladin vs Cris Skin, Frenético, Mr. Apolo
2) Fugaz, Johnny Dinamo, Reycko vs Bobby Black, Freezer, Guerrero de la Muerte
3) Explosivo vs Ráfaga
4) Gallo, Hijo del Solar, Principe Daniel vs Exterminador, Furia Roja, Maléfico
5) Solar I © vs Satánico [FLLM MASTER]

People would pay for video of a Solar/Satanico title match in 2019. Not many people, but some people.

great match roundup, week of 2019-09-22



All 2019 round-up posts2019 MOTYC list

Microman & Chamuel’s only problem was not getting enough time. Seven matches on the Aniversario show kept it from getting more time. CMLL probably booked seven matches to keep everyone happy, though it doesn’t seem like that’s working all that much for them.

Recommended Matches

rating matches TV Show taped
great Microman vs Chamuel for the mask CELEBRANDO EL 86 ANIVERSARIO DEL CMLL LUCHA LIBRE EN LA ARENA MEXICO 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-27 2019-09-27
good Carístico vs Negro Casas LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-23 2019-09-23
good Ángel de Oro, Mephisto, Niebla Roja vs Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Soberano Jr. in a relevos increíbles match CELEBRANDO EL 86 ANIVERSARIO DEL CMLL LUCHA LIBRE EN LA ARENA MEXICO 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-27 2019-09-27
good Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón © vs Carístico, Místico, Valiente for the Mexican National Trios Championship CELEBRANDO EL 86 ANIVERSARIO DEL CMLL LUCHA LIBRE EN LA ARENA MEXICO 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-27 2019-09-27

Other Matches

rating matches TV Show taped
ok Astro, Dark Soul, Último Dragóncito vs Asturiano, Espíritu Maligno, Joker LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-23 2019-09-23
ok Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr., Rey Cometa vs El Malayo, Okumura, Pólvora LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-23 2019-09-23
ok La Guerrera, La Jarochita, Maligna vs La Seductora, Metálica, Reyna Isis LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 24 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-24 2019-09-24
ok Magia Blanca, Pegasso, Star Jr. vs Cancerbero, Raziel, Universo 2000 Jr. LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 24 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-24 2019-09-24
ok Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Fuego in a lightning match LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 24 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-24 2019-09-24
ok Kráneo, Stuka Jr., Volcano vs Ephesto, Luciferno, Templario LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 24 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-24 2019-09-24
ok Atlantis, Carístico, Soberano Jr. vs Felino, Forastero, Mr. Niebla LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 24 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-24 2019-09-24
ok Audaz, Rey Cometa, Stigma vs Misterioso Jr., Tiger, Virus CELEBRANDO EL 86 ANIVERSARIO DEL CMLL LUCHA LIBRE EN LA ARENA MEXICO 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-27 2019-09-27
ok Diamante Azul, Dulce Gardenia, Titán vs Hechicero, Hijo del Villano III, Rey Bucanero CELEBRANDO EL 86 ANIVERSARIO DEL CMLL LUCHA LIBRE EN LA ARENA MEXICO 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-27 2019-09-27
ok Último Guerrero vs Big DaddyNegro CasasCavernarioVolador Jr.Gilbert el BoricuaCiber the Main Man in a cage match and for the hair CELEBRANDO EL 86 ANIVERSARIO DEL CMLL LUCHA LIBRE EN LA ARENA MEXICO 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-27 2019-09-27
below average Místico, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr. vs Big Daddy, Dark Magic, Hechicero in a relevos increíbles match LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-23 2019-09-23
below average Dalys vs Metálica © for the Mexican National Women’s Championship CELEBRANDO EL 86 ANIVERSARIO DEL CMLL LUCHA LIBRE EN LA ARENA MEXICO 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-27 2019-09-27
not rated Lluvia, Sanely, Skadi vs Amapola, La Metálica, Tiffany LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-23 2019-09-23
not rated Retro & Sangre Imperial vs Cholo & Yago LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 24 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-09-24 2019-09-24