Fenix defends his title (!!!) in good AAA show in Saltillo, CMLL weekend results, MLW/The Crash

It took too much time to combine live w/replays to not use this GIF

AAA TV (SAT) 08/10/2019 Lienzo Charro Prof. Enrique Gonzalez, Saltillo, Coahuila [AAA, Lucha Centralthecubsfan]
1) Eclipse, Komander, Lady Shani b Australian Suicide, La Hiedra, Villano III Jr.  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch))
11:14. Shani beat Villano III Jr. with a northern lights suplex. Komander AAA TV debut.
2) Carta Brava Jr., Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana b Argenis, Dinastía, Niño Hamburguesa  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch))
10:25. Cota top rope splash on Dinastia after Argenis betrayed Nino Hamburguesa earlier.
3) Golden Magic, Hijo Del Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr. b Dave The Clown, Monsther Clown, Parka Negra  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch))
11:28. Vikingo beat Dave with a reverse 450 on Dave after a La Parka distraction.
4) Averno, Chessman, Súper Fly b Aerostar, Drago, Willie Mack  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch))
13:03. Super Fly won with a foul on Drago
5) Fénix © b Laredo KidPuma KingTaurus [AAA HEAVY (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch))
15:59. 2nd defense, 1st on TV. Unannounced title match. Fenix won with a spinning valagueza driver.
6) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Psycho Clown b Blue Demon & Rey Escorpión [super libre (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch))
15:08. Dr. Wagner was earlier convinced to not retire after all. He beat Demon via casita cleanly, though Los Mercenarios beat him up after.

+LuchaTV posted after the show promos with Dr. Wagner (definitely not retiring), Blue Demon, Laredo Kid (wants a 1v1 with Fenix still), OGTs, La Hiedra, La Parka (says Dave still isn’t worth having a mask vs mask match with), Aerostar (wants Monster Clown to agree to the mask match), Monster Clown, Konnan (still set on a retirement tour, will beat up Vampiro if he messes with it), Drago, Poder del Norte, Nino Hamburguesa, Argenis, Myzteziz Jr., Golden Magic, Lady Shani, and Mr. Iguana, who wrestled in a dark match and teased coming to AAA soon.

Another good show, with the crowd being very into the idea of Wagner not retiring and every match being at least good. While the main event was the expected revenge win, they did a lot more in the undercard to tease ideas. It’s AAA so Argenis starting a rudo turn may never get followed up on but they weren’t doing a quiet taping. The matches were worked very hard, with Viknogdoing impossible things and Komander’s double rotation dive getting a lot of attention.

The title match could’ve used any build up at all – the announcers hyped it at the beginning of the show but there was no other set up, and no mention of who was even in the match until right before it. Maybe it’ll be smoother when they air on TV, but it wasn’t really a great way to get people excited for it live and it showed in the reactions to it early on. It didn’t affect the work, which was top notch. There’s not another AAA show for a month but this is still worth paying the VOD fee for on its own.

The bit with Wagner deciding to unretire was superbly done. It is hilarious that he’s coming out of retirement after one week (and missing zero matches), but it was never a match stipulation. It was something Wagner said as a response to LA Park, and those two guys are crazy enough to maybe have planned this whole thing out thru unretirement themselves. Remember, LA Park attacked Blue Demon after TripleMania last week because he was upset about how Demon had won the match and retired Wagner, backing up Wagner’s belief that he shouldn’t retire because he was robbed in the match.

Zero mention of the AAA shows in New York & Los Angeles. The Instagram has posted the generic art work for both shows but that’s it. AAA’s not responded to people asking about the status of those shows. With no show until 09/08, it seems like the next AAA news should be about those shows (but it’d be totally AAA not to say anything until even later than that.)

Mexa Wrestling (SAT) 08/10/2019 Arena San Juan Pantitlan, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Estado de México [Lucha CentralThe Gladiatores]
1) Adamantium, Blue Monster Jr., Rojo b Eurus, Hijo De Furia, Kunai
2) Demasiado & Yawi b Denebola & Lady Cat and Dinámico & Tiago
3) Hechicero b Flamita
good match despite the middle rope breaking during it.
4) Imposible b Fly WarriorLátigoPríncipe AéreoFreelance
5) Atomic Star, Demonio Infernal, Lunatik Extreme b Alas de Acero, Cobre, Iron Kid and Fresero Jr., Fulgor I, Terremoto
Atomic Star replaced Eterno (AAA). Fresero wants a title match with Demonio Infernal.
6) The Tiger b Séptimo DragónAudaz (CMLL)Último Maldito
The Tiger & Audaz ended up swapping masks during the match and made challenges after.
7) Marcela b Lady Flammer
fight continued after the match
8) Black Terry b Toxin
mask pulling and fouls involved in the finish. Terry talked about wanting anothe

The Hechicero/Flamita match got the most praise of anything on the show. It was held early because Hechicero needed to get to Arena Coliseo and suffered from the middle rope breaking on Hechicero’s splash spot, but it still sounds like it turned out well. There was also a mystery show in Arena San Juan that I think was earlier that day but I’m not really sure

CMLL (SAT) 08/10/2019 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Angelito & Shockercito b Mercurio & Pequeño Nitro
tecnicos took 2/3.
2) Disturbio, Hijo del Signo, Yago b Eléctrico, Magia Blanca, Príncipe Diamante
rudos took 1/3. Diamante got hurt in the third fall (on a dive that wasn’t caught correctly), and the rudos unmasked the tecnicos.
3) Tiger b Drone [lightning]
4) Dark Magic, Olímpico, Sagrado b Black Panther, Fuego, Rey Cometa
Rudos took 1/3.
5) Felino, Hechicero, Rey Bucanero b Atlantis, Flyer, Súper Astro Jr.
Super Astro Jr. replaced Blue Panther (in the US.) Rudos took 1/3.
6) Gran Guerrero, Templario, Último Guerrero b Carístico, Místico, Titán
Rudos took 1/3, UG pulling Mistico’s mask to pin him and setting up a singles match next week.

Tiger talked about his win. CMLL booking isn’t to make any sense and I still get annoyed when I see Olimpico get wins (I’m the fool.)

CMLL (SUN) 08/11/2019 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Pequeño Olímpico & Pequeño Violencia b Fantasy & Kaligua
rudos took 2/3
2) Disturbio, Universo 2000 Jr., Virus b Blue Panther Jr., Drone, Star Jr.
Rudos took 1/3.
3) Guerrero Maya Jr. DQ Hijo del Signo [lightning]
Hijo del Signo replaced Misterioso. Match ended quickly when Signo accidentally unmasked Maya.
4) Dark Magic, Hijo del Villano III, Pólvora b Flyer, Príncipe Diamante, Volcano
Principe Diamante replaced Blue Panther. Rudos took 1/3.
5) Atlantis, Atlantis Jr., Kráneo DQ Hechicero, Rey Bucanero, Terrible
Tecnicos took 2/3, the last when Kraneo unmasked Terrible.
6) Carístico, Místico, Valiente b Euforia, Negro Casas, Último Guerrero
tecnicos took 2/3, Mistica on UG.

There was a tribute show for Blue Panther in Houston this weekend, so there’s a good chance he was never making either show. CMLL shouldn’t have had to scramble for Super Astro and Principe Diamante in higher than usual spots, but they did. Not sure what’s going on there.

Hijo del Signo and Guerrero Maya talked about their match, which Maya disliked even winning. You can see the finish in the Maya clip, Signo pulled off Maya’s mask on a snap mare and ended the match in less than two minutes. It’s Signo’s fault for failing to do the move correctly and he reacts by kicking Pompin, who never takes physical punishment (he’s so old.) Probably not a good day for Signo but none of this ever seems to matter.

Funny to see CMLL do an indecisive finish on Saturday with Mistico & Ultimo Guerrero to build up a match and then do the very decisive finish the next day.

Paymon took Chakal’s hair in the Arena Coliseo Guadalajara cage match.

MLW announced a partnership with The Crash. Bestia 666 & Rey Horus of The Crash have been on recent MLW shows; Bestia was literally summoned from hell on a recent episode. I feel like Whatsapp is probably an easier way to get a hold of him but Salina de la Renta had lost her phone at that moment so you do what you have to do. Bestia’s involved with The Crash operations, so that’s the connection. The Crash is always looking for new sources of foreign talent to bring in and having a promotional alliance helps with as the selection continues to dwindle. Meanwhile, MLW has been helped drawing a lot by bringing in Mexico talent (or at least LA Park/Fenix/Penta) and someone on that side helping them connect with talent could help. On the other hand, The Crash now has partnerships with CMLL and MLW while using NXT UK people and it’s all very confusing. The only thing we really care about it is “does this mean The Crash shows will be taped?” and I’m not sure that changes that.

Mr. Niebla wrestled Sunday in Mexico City, his first known match since July 23rd. +Lucha’s report says Niebla was returning from an injury. He’s currently not listed on any CMLL cards (though we only really know thru Tuesday.) Still no sign of Kawato.

Near the end of Vampiro’s latest video, he mentions he’s been unemployed for the last year, paid all his medical expenses himself, wants to get stem cell treatments in December and asks his fans if it would be appropriate for him to start a Go Fund Me page for it since he doesn’t believe he’ll be able to come up with the $22,000 he needs by himself. Vampiro’s previously indicated he was still with AAA all this time. Vampiro believes the stem cell treatment would fix all his issues, including his brain disorders. The Go Fund Me page has not opened at least check.

A lucha libre expo is planned for Villahermosa on 09/01.

LuchaWorld has the latest news update.

AAA on Twitch: 2019-08-10 (Saltillo)

no strings

Recapped: 08/10/2019

All matches took place in Lienzo Charro Prof. Enrique Gonzalez, Saltillo, Coahuila


Komander, Eclipse, Lady Shani beat Australian Suicide, Villano III Jr., La Hiedra
(11:14, Lady Shani northern lights suplex Villano III Jr., good, 00:18:43)

Carta Brava Jr., Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana beat Argenis, Dinastia, Niño Hamburguesa
(10:25, Cota top rope splash Dinastia, good, 00:55:27)

Golden Magic, Hijo Del Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr. beat Dave The Clown, Monsther Clown, Parka Negra
(11:28, Hijo del Vikingo Reverse 450 splash Cuerno de Vikingo Dave The Clown, good, 01:15:16)

Averno, Chessman, Súper Fly beat Aerostar, Drago, Willie Mack
(13:03, Super Fly foul Drago, good, 01:36:32)

Fénix © beat Laredo Kid, Puma King, Taurus for the AAA World Heavyweight Championship
(15:59, Fenix spinning valagueza driver Laredo Kid, great, 02:00:05)

Dr. Wagner Jr. Psycho Clown beat Blue Demon, Rey Escorpión,
(15:08, Dr. Wagner Jr. casita Blue Demon, good, 02:27:51)

What happened:

the champ

Dr. Wagner Jr. is not retiring from lucha libre. The combined effort of Psycho Clown, Nino Hamburguesa and Hijo del Vikingo pleaded with him to rethink his decision, as did the fans. It was finally Blue Demon’s arrogance which convinced Wagner that he was robbed at TripleMania and he should continue fighting. Wagner continued fighting in the main event, cleanly defeating Demon. This was before the traditional AAA ending of Los Mercenarios beating everyone and posing with Psycho Clown’s mask. Texano took part in the no DQ part of the match despite not otherwise being on the card. Eterno also appeared in the main event, seemingly just to take a table bump.

Fenix got his wish and defended the AAA Mega Championship on this card. He beat Laredo Kid cleanly for his first TV defense after a year.

Super Fly beat Drago with a foul after Drago had misted Averno. Monster Clown attacked Aerostar after his match and the OGTs beat up the other tecnicos.

La Parka’s music and slow walk halfway to the ring was enough to distract Dave the Clown in his match. Vikingo might have won anyway but definitely won after.

Argenis betrayed Nino Hamburguesa late in their match, then declared it was the fans fault for not supporting him enough.


a little bit off

Another strong AAA TV card, with every match worth watching and some great. The unannounced title match was great, though the Wagner un-retirement angle was probably the best thing on the show. There was a lack of crowd reactions on this show; there’s a lot of matches that feel the same but have different levels of difficulty, and that may be a factor. If you just want more of AAA, they’re giving you it.

The main event was the match that broke the form from the rest of the show most by fitting the mold of most AAA main events. Tecnicos got destroyed for a long time, came back to do all their big spots, and Psycho went thru a wooden object. The twist was an actual clean finish, but AAA got back on the well-trodden path by having the rudos beat him up with no one making the save after. There’s plenty of reasons Wagner isn’t actually retiring – no one actually retiring in Mexico being the big one – but it stands out that one big reason is the Wagner/Demon is really over. The fans legitimately dislike Demon, instead of just booing him because he happens to be a rudo right now. Wagner’s un-retirement bit was great and was really over because the crowd is so into him after the TripleMania match. It won’t last forever, it didn’t last long when Wagner lost his mask, but it makes sense to keep running with this. I expect there will be another Demon/Wagner match before the end of the year.

Fenix clapping, desperate for some sort of reaction, felt like a replay of his match with Bandido & Flamita from Aguascalientes. The crowd did come around late as the near falls became bigger, though it still felt like a great match for a crowd not totally prepared for it. (A segment setting up the match, rather the four being thrown out there with no notice, would’ve helped a great deal.) Ignoring the reaction, this title match was a lot of fun and the reason Fenix becoming Mega champion was so exciting in the first place. If Fenix is involved, the title match is going to be great, and this was great. The other three guys matched him. This felt like Puma King’s best performance in AAA, pulling off stuff we’ve rarely seen from him. Taurus seems to have taken something from the well respected PWG match and decided to build in more spots of him just destroying everyone in the ring. It worked especially well for a multiman match like this, and they pulled it off a couple of times. Laredo Kid versus Fenix was as good as hoped and really as good as it’s been in the past. I just was left a bit surprised Laredo was the one who ate the pin. Maybe they wanted to clear up challengers before getting to Omega, maybe they feel Laredo/Fenix is so good that they can keep going back to it no matter the finish, or maybe Laredo’s just bumped into a ceiling he can’t break thru again.

Taurus vs the World

The Aerostar led trios had trouble matching some of the insanity that preceded it. It was still a solidly worked match with some highlights. Super Fly versus Drago is an interesting direction if AAA plans on following it, though it’ll take more before believing it’s a real thing. Aerostar did cool stuff without falling from a high place, who knew. The crowd had no idea who Willie Mack was, but he knows which spots get over with a new crowd and they worked here too.

Dave the Clown, Monster Clown, and Parka Negra aren’t exactly the best trio in the world to get over the Jinetes. Doesn’t matter. The Jinetes have reached a point where they can have exciting highspot matches even with Dave the Clown. Golden Magic and Myteziz had good moments and really didn’t seem that far behind Hijo del Vikingo. It’s just the Vikingo kid still does a few things that no one else can do. There was a point where Vikingo started a Si Se Puede chant and it was totally absurd – we can’t do what he can. The AAA crowd has latched on to Vikingo as a star and he plays to them better than most guys trying his highspots. Vikingo probably shouldn’t need help to beat Dave the Clown, but you pick your battles and La Parka got a big reaction doing literally nothing.

Poder del Norte matches are always good. Their match here was a lesser version of it; like the Jinetes match, it mostly seemed to exist to give the established team a win in a strange fashion. Argenis was fine but is surpassed in skills by the younger tecnicos and isn’t as over as the older ones. I don’t know that a rudo act is going to work for him, but what he was doing at the moment had no chance. (I also don’t know if he’s going to be back any time soon to follow up on it, given how low he seems on the depth chart.) Dinastia lived after the finish but I’m not sure how.

The opener seemed to speed up and slow down for no reason and similarly flipped between each side being in control at random moments. It had enough action to cover up those deficiencies. Komander’s dive looked great, probably would’ve been a lot better had someone caught it, not exactly sure I blame people for not wanting to catch that. Komander may have gotten more over as a repeated victim to Australian Suicide and Villano III Jr.’s big moves. They worked well as a weirdo team here. Shani pinning Villano III Jr. (again!) feels like it should set up something but there’s no setting up things with AAA title matches. They just happen.

Villano III vs ramps