CMLL Martes: 2019-07-23

Black Panther

Recapped: 07/23/2019


Cholo & Inquisidor beat Bengala & Sonic
(13:01 [3:44, 2:20, 6:57], 2/3, n/r, VideosOficialesCMLL)

Amapola, La Seductora, Reyna Isis beat La Jarochita, Maligna, Mystique
(12:20 [6:13, 2:46, 3:21], 2/3, ok, VideosOficialesCMLL)

Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr., Star Jr. beat Dark Magic, Okumura, Universo 2000 Jr.
(14:36 [5:06, 3:15, 6:15], 2/3, ok, VideosOficialesCMLL)

Pólvora beat Tritón in a lightning match
(7:54, counter dropkick, ok, VideosOficialesCMLL)

Atlantis, Atlantis Jr., Flyer beat Felino, Hechicero, Hijo del Villano III
(15:58 [6:29, 4:00, 5:29], 2/3, ok, VideosOficialesCMLL)

Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Stuka Jr. beat Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Terrible
(8:38 [5:07, 3:31], 1/2, ok, VideosOficialesCMLL)

What happened:

Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja asked for a tag title match next week

Black Magic ducked Black Panther during their match and then unmasked him after his win.



Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja winning was so straight forward in the main event that it didn’t feel like they accomplished something. It was as easy as a midcard trios though it was setting up a big match. That duo and the Guerreros should make for a good title match, but this match setting it up was brief and not particularly memorable.

The advantage of Flyer and Atlantis Jr. teaming with Papa Atlantis is the youngsters are energetic enough to carry 90% of the matches with him and he can be limited to a minute or two. Atlantis limp isn’t getting any better; he was one move and out in the third fall, then back in for another fall. The rest of this was the same Atlantis/Villano stuff they’ve done a lot of already.

Triton looked great on offense, with his moonsault and his rope climb guillotine legdrop looking fantastic. He was weaker at taking Polvora’s big moves, both feeling a little bit off. This otherwise fit the usual lightning match mold, with a few impressive dives and not much of a story.

Black Magic was better this week, but also had Black Panther literally pulling him thru the final cradle Eddie Guerrero style. His dive seemed like it was fine though he seemed quite nervous doing it. (It looked be than his silla.) One thing the Panther brothers have picked up from teaming with their father are effective ways to get the crowd back into the match, a necessary skill on Tuesday shows. I don’t remember Blue Panther Sr. ever having Blue Panther Jr.’s physique though.

The women’s match was worked as a better pace than usual, especially in the third fall. It still featured a lot that didn’t look or took a second try to latch on. They almost got the crowd into it with the near falls at the end, though there was way too much asking the referee to stop counting instead of breaking up pins.

CMLL tag title match tonight, Volador/Dragon Lee, Virus/Electrico set up in Puebla, Cain in Mexico

beaten by your own inside cradle attempt

CMLL (MON) 07/29/2019 Arena Puebla [CMLL]
1) King Jaguar & Meyer b Policeman & Sombra Diabólika LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 29 DE JULIO DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
tecnicos took 1/3.
2) Metálica b Marcela [lightningLA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 29 DE JULIO DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Metalica won via double underhook piledriver. No challenges followed.
3) El Malayo, El Perverso, Virus b Eléctrico, Millennium, Rey Samuray LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 29 DE JULIO DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Virus won in straight falls, then challenged Electrico to a match for the Mexican Lightweight Championship.
4) Felino, Hijo del Villano III, Tiger b Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr., Stigma LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 29 DE JULIO DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Rudos took 1/3.
5) Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Stuka Jr. b Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 29 DE JULIO DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Lucifierno replaced Mr. Niebla. Tecnicos took 1/3.
6) Dragón Lee, La Bestia Del Ring, Rush b Carístico, Euforia, Volador Jr.[Relevos IncreíblesLA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 29 DE JULIO DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Munoz took 1/3. Dragon Lee challenged Volador to an NWA Welterweight Championship match.

Everything that was set up last week didn’t go anywhere and everything that was set up for next week came out of nowhere. Metalica just seems to win her feud with a title shot coming out of it, Angel de Oro just won over Mephisto. It is CMLL, so maybe those matches they could happen anyway.

Dragon Lee versus Volador Jr. would be a first-time every match. It would also be between the CMLL and NWA Welterweight champions. That seems like something that should be headlining a Friday night show and not just randomly happening in Arena Puebla, but good for the people of Puebla. The match happening on a Monday night and Volador’s current run of form are reasons maybe not to get too excited for it, but Volador will probably get to be the rudo in the match. That’s where he’s looked better of late.

The Mexican Lightweight Championship seemed to be forgotten. This was a main division title repurposed as a secondary minis championship. Electrico won the vacant title back in 2013 and has defended it less than once a year since. It turned out CMLL really didn’t have a need for a secondary minis championship when they barely seemed to have a need for minis at all. Electrico got moved to the main division in 2018. CMLL said at the time that Electrico would remain as champion, but CMLL also has ignored the belt’s existence until now, never doing title matches or including him in the Universal tournament. It would’ve been reasonable to believe that CMLL had just killed the belt off, except CMLL can never actually get rid of title belts. They also seem dedicated to never doing anything with Electrico, so a Virus title win would put the belt back into use and give us lots more cool Virus matches.

CMLL’s Tag Team Championship is on the line tonight in Arnea Mexico. Euforia & Gran Guerrero, who won these titles a couple of months ago, defend for the first time as Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja. Most everyone gets mixed around in CMLL, but CMLL’s teamed up the two Chavez brothers almost exclusively this year. They also won the recent Copa Dinastia. They’re basically treated as the top team already in CMLL, so them winning the tag team titles would not be a big leap. A good match would also not be a big leap: Niebla Roja has faced his former Guerrero teammates in entertaining matches many times. CMLL Tuesday shows have been skippable, but this one looks like it’ll be worth watching.

The rest of the show is more the usual forgettable mix for a Tuesday show. Hijos del Infierno team against Atlantis, Audaz and Flyer. Okumura, Universo, and Vangellys face Fuego, Guerrero Maya, and Dulce Gardenia, in Gardenia’s first streamed match since his big introduction. Blue Panther Jr. and Misterioso meet in a lightning match. Dalys, Reyna Isis and La Comandante will surely defeat La Jarochita, Lluvia and Skadi. Another regular CMLL team, Acero & Aereo, open up the show against Mercurio & Pequeno Olimpico. The show streams on CMLL’s YouTube channel at 7 pm.

The press release preview of today’s show mentions the minis anniversary celebration will be around August 10th.

Guadalajara has Dinastia Munoz against Cavernario, Negro Casas and Ultimo Guerrero.

Cain Velasquez arrived in Mexico and was swarmed by press at the airport. He didn’t really have anything to say, but you can read Milenio, +LuchaTV, MedioTiempo, and Record to read the same comments. Cain says he’s watching a lot of videos to prepare and says it’s a dream to have a match. He’s suggested this is the start of a new career, not just a match.

AAA is promoting a Blue Demon training/ session for tomorrow night on YouTube.

Hijo del Fantasma is promoting that Sunday’s appearance in Monterrey as his last indie match. That Nacion Lucha Libre card has changed a bit; Fantasma & La Mascara are now facing Carlito & MVP instead of Chavo. (Chavo being pushed as having a key role and being gone for shows 2 & 3 is a bit odd.) Bandido has been added to the show.

MexaWrestling “Summer Course” on 08/10 in Arena San Juan Pantitlan

Puma King is headed back to DDT on August 25.

Warrior Wrestling officially announced Atlantis vs Ultimo Guerrero vs Caristico on 09/01.

LuchaWorld has this week’s Poster-Mania.

+LuchaTV has a new edition of their podcast.

Milenio has a story on a lucha libre themed hotel near Arena Mexico, “el Hotel Arena.”

Lobo Syf unmasked Flama de Oro in Cuernavaca on Sunday. Flama de Oro is Luis Roberto Urióstegui.

The documentary on Casandro will be shown in Spain this Saturday.


CMLL (FRI) 08/02/2019 Arena México
1) Oro Jr. & Súper Astro Jr. vs Akuma & Sangre Azteca
2) Átomo, Gallito, Microman vs Chamuel, Guapito, Periko Zacarías
3) Marcela vs AmapolaLa MetálicaTiffanySanelyLa InfernalMalignaLa GuerreraLa SeductoraAvispa Dorada [CMLL Universal Femenil, semifinal]
Mystique was briefly listed in La Infernal’s spot.
4) Dragón Lee vs Gran Guerrero [lightning]
5) Cavernario, Mr. Niebla, Último Guerrero vs Ciber the Main Man, Rush, Terrible [Relevos Increíbles]
6) Carístico, Místico, Volador Jr. vs Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón

CMLL is not publishing Friday lineups until Monday – Monday afternoon this time – but they’re still sending early versions of the lineups to Box Y Lucha. That means they’re sitting around in magazines about a day, though usually with or two things wrong. They had Gran Guerrero in two matches on this lineup. CMLL published a card with Mystique in the match and the one with La Infernal, which appears to be the correction version. This is all needless information except I’m pretty sure it’s still not the best way of doing this.

The main event is a rematch from last week, which suggests a title match on August 9th. Cavernario & Terrible have gotten thru into the Ciber & Ultimo Guerrero feud this week, which is either adding more people for a cage match or just trying to hide the 1v1. (My guess is there’s a press conference coming around 08/14 to settle this, but that’s a straight-up guess.)

Everyone’s guess is the CMLL Universal Femenil final will once again have Marcela & Dalys in the final, with Dalys winning since she’s the one who doesn’t have a belt. I’m not saying that’s wrong. I do remember back to the first men’s CMLL Universal tournament where Texano Jr. made the final in an effort to elevate him aginst Ultim Guerrero. Not sure it actually worked, but CMLL’s used these sort of ciberneticos in the past try to make new female stars in the past. (That’s how we knew they were seriously pushing Zeuxis.) The problem is there are not many women’s stars ready to make. Most of the newer women have been such non-factors that just immediately giving them a couple of big wins wouldn’t be taken as weird booking rather than elevating them; La Guerrera may have potential, but she’s not going to suddenly become a person of interest if she wins this tournament or even goes to the final. It’ll just feel random. Metalica and maybe Reina Isis (who’s at least gotten title shots) seem like the only two newer women who are taken seriously enough that building them up more might mean something. Marcela & Metalica are both in this block, so either Metalica gets that big win this week (and faces Dalys in the final?) or maybe it’s Isis’ time. Or maybe this tournament will accomplish not much, which is always possible.

Dragon Lee versus Gran Guerrero is not as hugely meaningful about the direction of CMLL in the future but it should still be a fun match. It’s the first time they’ve got to do it in Arnea Mexico. (It was listed years ago as happening in Tlaxcala.)

CMLL (SAT) 08/03/2019 Arena Coliseo
1) Halcón Suriano Jr. & Sonic vs Camorra & Yago
2) Avispa Dorada, La Guerrera, La Vaquerita vs Amapola, La Comandante, Reyna Isis
3) Magnus vs Cholo [lightning]
4) Fuego, Star Black, Stigma vs Difunto, Disturbio, Sagrado
5) Black Panther, Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. vs Dark Magic, Máscara Año 2000, Mephisto
6) Atlantis, Atlantis Jr., Valiente vs Hijo del Villano III, La Bestia Del Ring, Rush

I would be hyped if we got to see Magnus vs Cholo. This is not a joke. The opener too, mostly. That’s Camorra’s first appearance in four months; I really thought he was gone. He’s teaming with the guy who beat him in hair/mask match back on New Year’s Day.

Star Black and Difunto just won the Guadalajara version of the incredible pairs tournament, so these bookings might be a reward. Kind of weird that their reward for being a good team is fighting each other but so it goes. Both have been in Mexico City for weekends before.

CMLL (SUN) 08/04/2019 Arena México
1) Magia Blanca & Robin vs El Coyote & Hijo del Signo
2) Príncipe Diamante, Star Black, Stigma vs El Difunto, Nitro, Okumura
3) Guerrero Maya Jr., Pegasso, Rey Cometa vs Kawato San, Misterioso, Vangellys
4) Flyer, Stuka Jr., Titán vs Felino, Hechicero, Rey Bucanero
Hechicero replaced Universo 2000
5) Atlantis, Atlantis Jr., Valiente vs Ephesto, Euforia, Luciferno
6) Místico vs Sansón

Mistico/Sanson is also a first time match. I think Mistico wins but I’m not really sure.

CMLL Puebla: 2019-07-22

don’t feed Negro Casas

Recapped: 07/23/2019


El Malayo & Policeman beat Arkalis & Tigre Rojo Jr.
(11:08 [5:33, 2:30, 3:05], 1/3, n/r, VideosOficialesCMLL)

Dalys & La Metálica beat Marcela & Skadi
(11:32 [7:22, 4:10], 1/2, ok, VideosOficialesCMLL)

Perverso, Stigma, Virus beat Eléctrico, Kairos, Toro Bill Jr. in a relevos increíbles match
(14:57 [6:47, 3:28, 4:42], 1/3, ok,

Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Stuka Jr. beat Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto
(15:14 [4:47, 4:59, 5:28], 1/3 DQ, ok,

Soberano Jr. © beat Negro Casas for the Mexican National Welterweight Championship
(10:14, 1/3, good,

  1. Soberano armdrag (3:10)
  2. Casas fujiwara armbar (2:24)
  3. Soberano powerbomb (4:40)

Euforia, Valiente, Volador Jr. beat Carístico, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero in a relevos increíbles match
(12:36 [4:25, 2:25, 5:46], 2/3, ok, VideosOficialesCMLL)

What happened:

just a bit telegrpahed

Volador appears to be wearing an old Maximo style “Kiss Me” T-shirt but it’s his logo on it so it must be new. He also worked rudo against Caristico and unmasked him after the main event.

Mephisto was called for a foul in the semi-main, though he visibly barely touched Angel de Oro. (Oro jumped more than Mephisto was expecting.)

Metalica hooked the middle rope during a cradle to hold on for the win.


The main event was weird in that Ultimo Guerrero wanted his team to be the rudos but Volador’s always the rudo against Caristico here so the crowd just kind of turned the match in their favor. The match was fine, though I hoped for more Euforia versus his teammates than they gave us. There was a short bit of it in the third fall, just about as much Volador/Caristico got. CMLL is such in a rut that weird matchups like Euforia against Los Guerreros stick way out as interesting so I definitely wanted more of it.

Casas & Soberano didn’t go long. It was definitely fun while it lasted. They repeated the DDT on the apron spot from the last match (timing it a little bit better). Everything else felt different enough to be worth watching alongside the previous title match, though that one still felt a little fresher. Soberano won with an armdrag and Casas went after the arm in revenge. Casas was wildly cheered and still cheating whenever he had the chance. Soberano does stuff with Casas he doesn’t do with anyone else and Casas breaks him out of some of the bad habits.

needs a bit of work

Kairos in English means an opportune and definitive moment. Puebla terceras are not opportune and definite moments for pretty much anyone. This wasn’t Kairo’s moment in general. He had an unimpressive look, stumbled taking Perverso’s finishing the first fall, barely got anything on his tope, and he did the slowest handspring you’ll see by someone trying to do it seriously. It’s just one match, a strange match with people on different sides for obvious reason. Kairos still has to improve a lot to be a positive addition. I’d rather see him try rather than see another Olimpico match, but it worries me that this is what the CMLL school is putting out right now. The rest of the match was passing by the scale of Puebla.

The women’s match had an ending that didn’t come together smoothly. The rest of the match was smoother but featured a lot of moments where selling was replaced by people just positioning themselves for the next spot. These matches just don’t feel alive to me. It’s weird that, on a show where Negro Casas put over a youngster again, Dalys is out here doing double pin finishes in the only fall she’s asked to lose.