CMLL relationships, Garza/WWE, LU/UK

Today’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter reveals Sofia Alonso and Cuatrero are a couple. The news is new but the relationship is not; they’ve been together for quite a while. Alonso attended the most recent The Crash show which included Cuatrero, which seemed like a bad move if they wanted to continue to keep the relationship secret. It is not meant to be public knowledge and it is unclear how much of CMLL knew this before now. I assume many did because it had gotten to me, but they didn’t want it out for the obvious drama reasons. The section also mentions Forastero and Ultimo Guerrero’s daughter are together.

Lucha Memes posted a video of a Diamante Azul promo, saying he will still be facing LA Park at the Generacion XXI show this Sunday at Arena Naucalpan. I’m not sure how a Diamante Azul who’s too hurt to wrestle in CMLL is going to handle wrestle LA Park but I’m not the target audience for Diamante Azul matches at this point anyway. Maybe it’ll be fine for those who want to see him.

El Planchitas says that, after a month, CMLL and Televisa are having issues. Televisa isn’t happy with the ratings and wants CMLL to modernize the product. Planchitas track record of late has been questionable but this story is easily believable. I never know what “modernize” means (and I’m not all that sure Televisa does either), only that CMLL wasn’t interested in doing it prior and that lead to CMLL leaving last time. CMLL & Televisa need something out of the ring on those shows to introduce the wrestlers to new fans and make them more distinguishable. They’re just rolling out edited matches and expecting people to care because lucha libre, and that is only going to hook people who were already interested in lucha libre.

CMLL took out the offending music from Monday’s stream, so it is back working. I’ve had this music issue come up plenty of times and it is not a hard process to fix. There’s a button with the video on YouTube itself that will remove the song from the audio track of the video. It can take about 15 minutes and works about 95% of the time. Just finding the button and knowing to do it is the tough part. AAA’s stream on Twitch runs into the same problems but Twitch seems like it just automatically strips out the offending songs, which would be ideal for most YouTube people.

Garza Jr. was officially announced as starting with WWE yesterday. He’s been in Orlando a few weeks. He did a video promo mostly in English, which was fine if having room to improve. As has been seen time after time, Mexican wrestlers will only go as far in WWE as WWE has confidence in them speaking English before a live crowd. It shouldn’t be that way but that the situation it is, and anyone who wants to follow Garza’s path would be wise to make the same efforts to learn English. With Garza signed, there’s no obvious next guy to go WWE – maybe Fantasma? Probably not Dragon Bane right now. All we should be sure of is there probably will be more WWE signings as they continue to sign everyone.

El Fantasma had a rented a building to be a gym next to his Mexico City lucha libre commission. On Wednesday, Fantasma found all the gym equipment on the sidewalk and outside of the building. He’d apparently been evicted without being told. Fantasma said he had been in the building 11 years and had not yet paid the previous month’s rent but was good until then. The building is owned by the mayor of Venustiano Carranza borough, and Fantasma accused him of being up to something. This was covered with more intensity than anything Fantasma has done as lucha libre commissioner in a long time. I had not heard of this gym before this came up but The Gladiatores has photos of what it looked like intact.

Nothing big on Keepin in 100 this week, though there’s an interesting development if you’re reading between the lines. Maybe overreading. This takes a lot of explaining though. Konnan, with not much setup, asked if it was a good idea to have someone suffering from Alzheimer’s as an announcer. There was also hinting around about a particular Konnan Twitter post from earlier this week. Everyone was very careful to keep it vague enough for plausible deniability but it is not hard to figure out they were talking about Vampiro’s recent social media. A week ago, Vampiro posted on Facebook that he has the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s. It is critical to understand that Vampiro is to dramatic posts on Facebook what models are to carefully composed photos on Instagram. It is their bit and is never the full picture. Vampiro likely didn’t expect it to get picked up as a news story and has spent the last few days trying to put the genie back in the bottle in Facebook videos and Twitter posts. That hasn’t quite worked so now he’s trying to launch a YouTube channel about healthy living. Whatever works for him, and none of this was worth writing about until it affected the actual product. That may be happening now. Konnan seems skeptical of the entire story but also of having Vampiro in his current role. Additionally, there’s a discussion of an (English speaking) announce that Kevin Kleinrock apparently recommended – I believe it was Joe Dombrowski – and Konnan seemed to think was good. (Dombrowski was on the Masked Republic PPV show and was good there.) If you put 2 and 2 together, there’s seems to be a discussion about replacing Vampiro as English announcer. It does not seem a definite thing if they’re just hinting about it.

Aside: If AAA (or the Mexico City Lucha Libre Commission) believe Vampiro is telling the truth and he does have the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s, can they allow him to wrestle Konnan at TripleMania? I’m not a doctor, I have no real idea if they can do it in a safe way or if they’re risking making it much worse. The obvious comparison is WWE’s Daniel Bryan, who was not allowed in the ring until he could show the wound on his brain had improved. (He credited cryogenic therapy for it, something Vampiro has mentioned as trying now.) Healthy/safety standards are so much less in Mexico that I’m sure it’ll happen if Vampiro wants to wrestle, but I hope someone’s asking questions.

Getting back to the podcast, Konnan mentions the Guardians concept includes the winners of each weight divisions defending the titles back in their home promotions and the possibility of it getting picked up as a full-time thing. I know we are all looking forward to seeing these belts defended on Elite and AroLucha shows. Those shows finally have a match announced:

  • LA Park (ELITE) vs Pagano (AAA) vs Fatu (MLW) vs Taurus (AroLucha) in the heavyweight division

I assume that is part of a tournament and not the final. Maybe five weeks means four first-round matches and a four-way final, along the lines of the Rey de Reyes format?

Lucha Underground, seasons 1 thru 3, have popped up on Amazon’s MGM VOD service in the UK. It’s part of a $4.49 Euros ($5 USD) month subscription. It is not available in the US. I assume everyone who wanted to see the show has found a way to see the show, but that’s still a pretty good price.

05/04 The Crash

WON believes this might Fenix & Penta’s last show for The Crash, which sounds like great news for Mexablood. WON also mentions Flamita’s performance on the Impact show was impressive enough that Impact may end up signing him.

Fightful talks to Drago about his mask.

SuperLuchas looks back at the Dark Angel vs Amapola mask match.

LuchaTalk has a new episode.


CMLL (MON) 04/22/2019 Arena Puebla
1) Astro & Asturiano vs Espíritu Maligno & Fuerza Chicana
2) Magnus & Rey Samuray vs Toro Bill Jr. & Tyson La Bestia
3) Marcela vs Metálico [lightning]
4) Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma, Titán vs Rey Bucanero, Shocker, Templario
5) King Jaguar vs Policeman [hair]
6) Carístico, Cuatrero, Sansón vs Ephesto, Mephisto, Volador Jr. [Relevos Increíbles]

Maybe they’re running Caristico versus Volador for the Kid’s Day Even show? it is always Volador.

Neither King Jaguar nor Policeman have won a singles match in Arena Puebla in a decade. Both are near the end of their careers. This show should be a draw but it is hard to figure out why they would do this feud unless the winner is losing their hair later (on July’s Arena Puebla Anniversary show?) or unless an old favorite is being given a payoff. King Jaguar got beat up this past week so he’s the favorite.

Marcela & Metalica are both champions and maybe one of them defends a title next week.

The second match is one Tyson la Bestia away from being interesting.

CMLL (TUE) 04/23/2019 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Fantástico, Fugaz, Mr. Samurai vs Mr. Trueno, Paymon, Rey Trueno
2) Magnum, Oro Jr., Príncipe Diamante vs Difunto, Espanto Jr., Hijo del Signo
3) La Guerrera, Lluvia, Tae Honma vs Dalys, La Comandante, Metálico
4) Atlantis, Stuka Jr., Valiente vs Cuatrero, Forastero, Terrible
5) Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Volador Jr. vs Mephisto, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas

The women don’t often make TV here but do with Honam in for the moment. Sanson is apparently seperated from his brothers for the moment.

great match roundup, week of 2019-03-30

All 2019 round-up posts2019 MOTYC list is up now.

This was a strange week where the Tuesday CMLL show was the best one. I really liked the trios title preview. It was also good that the AAA Tijuana taping had the weird locals match to make it memorable. There were other matches but it blends in with a lot of tapings this first third of the year.

Recommended Matches

rating matches TV Show taped
great Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón vs Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Soberano Jr. LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 2 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-02 2019-04-02
good Volador Jr. vs Gran Guerrero LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 1º DE ABRIL DEL 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-01 2019-04-01
good Rey Cometa vs Templario in a lightning match LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 2 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-02 2019-04-02
good Black Destiny vs Genio del AireDrakeJonathanRayo StarFantastik  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch)) | #EMWPromociones | Rayo Star vs Fantastik vs Drake vs Genio del Aire vs Jonathan vs BlackDestiny | (posted by Arena Clandestina) AAA on Twitch: 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
good Drago © vs Hijo Del VikingoMyzteziz Jr.AerostarArgenis for the AAA Latin American Championship  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch)) | #EMWPromociones | Argenis vs Myztezis jr vs Hijo del Vikingo vs Aero Star vs Drago | (posted by Arena Clandestina) AAA on Twitch: 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
good La Hiedra, Lady Shani, Niño Hamburguesa vs Keyra, Lady Maravilla, Villano III Jr.  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch)) | #EMWPromociones | VillanoIIIJr, LadyMaravilla & Keyra vs LaHiedra, Lady Shani & Niño Hamburguesa | (posted by Arena Clandestina) AAA on Twitch: 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
good Hechicero vs Felino in a lightning match LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 5 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL on 2019-04-05 2019-04-05

Other matches

rating matches TV Show taped
ok Lluvia, Marcela, Sanely vs Dalys, La Magnifica, Tiffany LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 1º DE ABRIL DEL 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-01 2019-04-01
ok Esfinge, Flyer, Rey Cometa vs Kawato San, Olímpico, Tiger LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 1º DE ABRIL DEL 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-01 2019-04-01
ok Carístico, La Bestia Del Ring, Último Guerrero vs Euforia, Mephisto, Valiente in a relevos increíbles match LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 1º DE ABRIL DEL 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-01 2019-04-01
ok Guerrero Maya Jr., Titán, Tritón vs Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 2 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-02 2019-04-02
ok Mamba, Máximo, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Averno, Chessman, Súper Fly  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch)) | #EMWPromociones | Maximo, Mamba & Pimpinela vs Averno, Super Fly & ChessMan | (posted by Arena Clandestina) AAA on Twitch: 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
ok Joe Lider & Pagano vs La Máscara & Texano Jr.  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch)) | #EMWPromociones | Joe Lider & Pagano vs La Mascara & Texano Jr | (posted by Arena Clandestina) AAA on Twitch: 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
ok Dr. Wagner Jr. & Psycho Clown vs Blue Demon Jr. & Rey Escorpión in a cage match  (posted by Lucha Libre AAA (Twitch)) | #EMWPromociones | PsycoClown & Dr. Wagner Jr vs BlueDemon Jr & Rey Escorpión | Lucha en Jaula | (posted by Arena Clandestina) AAA on Twitch: 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
ok Magnus & Robin vs Metálico & Sangre Azteca LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 5 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL on 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
ok La Jarochita, Marcela, Princesa Sugehit vs Amapola, Dalys, Tiffany LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 5 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL on 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
ok Audaz, Flyer, Stuka Jr. vs Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 5 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL on 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
ok Atlantis, Atlantis Jr., Titán vs Cavernario, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 5 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL on 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
below average Carístico, Valiente, Volador Jr. vs Gilbert el Boricua, La Bestia Del Ring, Terrible LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 5 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL on 2019-04-05 2019-04-05
bad Arkalis, King Jaguar, Robin vs El Perverso, Policeman, Tyson La Bestia LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 1º DE ABRIL DEL 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-01 2019-04-01
not rated Fantasy & Último Dragóncito vs Pequeño Olímpico & Pierrothito LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 2 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-02 2019-04-02
not rated Metatrón, Star Jr., Súper Astro Jr. vs Cancerbero, Hijo del Signo, Raziel LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 2 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-02 2019-04-02
not rated Black Panther, Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. vs Kawato San, Nitro, Sagrado LUCHA LIBRE MARTES DE NUEVOS VALORES EN LA ARENA MEXICO 2 DE ABRIL DE 2019 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL YouTube: 2019-04-02 2019-04-02

This was also WrestleMania weekend, so how about a detailed yet unthoughtful list of rating for stuff I saw live, as best I can remember two weeks later.

04/04 Mark Hitchock WrestleCon Supershow:

  • Masato Tanaka vs Eddie Kingston: good
  • Rey Fenix vs Pentagon Jr: great
  • Tajiri, DJZ, Puma King, Samantha Heights vs Sammy Guevera, Santana, Ortiz, Diamante: good
  • Robbie Eagles vs Arez vs Flamita: good
  • Jushin Liger, X-Pac, Hurricane Helms vs Caleb Konley, Zane Riley, Jake Manning: ok
  • Dragon Lee vs Cavernario: great
  • Zach Sabre Jr. vs Shane Strickland: good
  • SCU vs Orange Cassidy & Best Friends: good
  • Will Ospreay vs Bandido: great

(favorite match: Dragon Lee/Cavernario)

04/04 AIW
(from where I got there)

  • Shinjiro Otani vs Eddie Kingston: good
  • Scott Steiner vs Swoggle: OK
  • Eddie Page & MJF vs Colt Cabana & Space Monkey: OK? good? do not trust my memory of it, delivered exactly what you’d think
  • Mance Wagner vs Nick Gage: good? not my thing?
  • PB Smooth vs Tom Lawlor vs Tim Donst vs Matthew Justice: good

(favorite match: Otani/Kingston)

04/05 US vs the World

  • Brian Pillam Jr. vs Emil Sitoci: ok?
  • Ethan Page vs MJF: ok?
  • Daga vs David Starr: great
  • Darby Allin vs Black Taurus: good
  • Jiro vs Rich Swann: good
  • Dezmond Xavier, Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz vs Adam Brooks, Australian Suicide, Robbie Eagles: great
  • Hart Foundation vs LAX: below average
  • Puma King vs Sammy Guevera: ok – crowd was so cold that it hurt the enjoyment of the match
  • Brian Cage vs Masato Tanaka: good? have no memory of

04/05 RevPro

  • Jonathan Greshman/Chris Brooks vs Alex Coughlin/Karl Fredericks: good/great borderline
  • A-Kid vs Carlos Romo vs Kid Lykos vs Flamita: good
  • Brian Cage vs Michael Oku: good but too long
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi/Willy Ospreay vs Minoru Suzuki/Zack Sabre Jr: great
  • Rocky Romero vs Ryussuke Taguchi: OK? So loooong.
  • Tomohiro Ishii vs David Starr: have no memory of, good?
  • RPG3 vs Aussie Open: not good enough to stop me from leaving early

04/05 NXT

  • Street Profits vs Fabian Aichner & Marcela Barthel: missed most of it
  • Jaxson Ryker vs Danny Burch: initially confused why the bald Euro guy was in two straight matches, OK I guess
  • Candice LeRae vs Aliyah: shaky enough that I thought they would cut it from TV
  • War Raiders vs Aleister Black & Ricochet: great
  • Velveteen Dream vs Matt Riddle: great
  • Watler vs Pete Dunne: great
  • Shayna Baszler vs Io Shirai, Biana Belair, Kairi Sane: good
  • Johnny Gargano vs Adam Cole: excellent
    • (I left my seat before Ciampa came out, am dumb)

04/06 Pancakes & Piledrivers
(wandered in during the show with no one checking me for a ticket, so good value)

  • Hoss Fight: seemed good while I was talking to people
  • Ricky Shane Page vs Tessa Blanchard: seemed good while I was talking to people
  • oVe vs Joe Gacy, Eddie Kingston, Shane Strickland: did not seem good while I was talking to people

04/06 NJPW/ROH

  • Kagetsu, Jenny Rose, Hazuka vs Hana Kimura, Stella Grey, Sumie Sakai: ate a pizza and checked Twitter during most of this. Sumie wore Kamaitachi gear so this is “good”
  • Honor Rumble: OK
  • Jeff Cobb vs Will Ospreay: great
  • Rush vs Dalton Castle: good
  • Kelly Klein vs Mayu Iwatani: went on a journey including looking for a nacho bar that turned out to be closed, sounds like I had the better experience?
  • Flip Gordon, Juice Robinson, Mark Haskins vs Bully Ray, Shane Taylor, Silas Young: OK, too long.
  • Dragon Lee vs Taiji Ishimori vs Bandido: excellent, “that’s not a real move”
  • the four-way tag match: OK? actually “good” for PCO’s latest death
  • Zach Sabre Jr. vs Hiroshi Tanahashi: technically good but it did move my heart
  • Kota Ibushi vs Tetsuya Naito: great, so so close to being excellent
  • Matt Taven vs Jay Lethal vs Marty Scurll: great, did not feel long to me and maybe only me
  • Kazuchika Okada vs Jay White: great