CMLL on Marca: 2019-01-25 

best part of the match

Recapped: 01/25/2019


El Coyote & Grako beat Eléctrico & Oro Jr.
(13:19 [6:16, 3:04, 3:59], 1/3, ok, 00:01:20)

Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr., Rey Cometa beat Misterioso Jr., Sagrado, Universo 2000 Jr.
(13:41 [4:57, 2:05, 6:39], 1/3, ok, 00:22:05)

Felino, Shocker, Vangellys beat Audaz, Flyer, Titán
(11:57 [4:23, 4:48, 2:46], 2/3, below average, 00:45:56)

Soberano Jr. beat Templario in a lightning match
(8:09, fire driver, good, 01:09:04)

Atlantis, Carístico, Volador Jr. beat Cavernario, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero
(9:47 [5:47, 2:11, 1:49], 2/3, ok, 01:23:10)

Diamante Azul, King Phoenix, Penta 0M beat La Bestia Del Ring, Rush, Terrible in a relevos increíbles match
(10:56 [3:31, 7:25], 1/2 DQ, ok, 01:45:02)

What happened:


Rush fouled Penta to end the main event and ripped his mask after. Los Ingobernables eventually took off all the técnicos masks.


The main event was a great tease of a match that might not be happening any time soon in Arena Mexico (but sort of has happened on indies already.) Penta & Rush seemed motivated to make something out of the exchanges for how long they lasted and a rematch would be a fun counter balance to the Universal tournament, but the Lucha Brothers weren’t announced for next week. Just thinking about this match, the two teams did better than expected together. Besides Rush/Penta, Bestia and Terrible handled Fenix’s tricky offense fine, and the cameras helped out a lot on the not great double cutter spot. They got more of the match together than the veterans/tecnicos match earlier. Diamante Azul also dropped Bestia on his head with a German suplex so that was a thing. The crowd amped for Rush & Penta made this a bigger deal then it would seem given the time.

proof this happened

Semimain was a passable match. Carístico’s La Mistica looked so much better than the repeated Canadian Destroyers but such is life in 2019. The third fall was really short and it wasn’t like the previous falls had a lot to them either. They were taking it easy.

Templario and Soberano had a good exhibition match, with some of their best moves and one really cool reversal. It left room to get better; there was a slower pace than you’d expect, maybe because Soberano seemed to suffer a rib injury. The no-sell Canadian Destroyer sequence didn’t work well either; it’s not as much the no-selling the problem as them not selling the idea that the blocked the original moves (if that was even the idea). Still, they got in pop up powerbombs and gutwrench suplexes reversed into huracanrana, it was the kind of action you’d want from these two people.

The rudos dragged down the técnicos in tercera, as expected. Shocker did take one spiffy Audaz headscissors but everything else was slow. The finishes in the second fall were quite bad. The dives in the third fall, with Vangellys and Flyer being on two different pages, was not so great.

pobre Monito

Rey Cometa did a headscissors off the apron. Misterioso didn’t pay attention and got pinned. Blue Panther Jr. did a lot of quebradoras to set up the dives. This was like many matches you’ve seen with these guys, and there was a comeback bit later that looked bad. There was a little less energy than their better matches. Universo 2000 Jr.’s mask looked cooler than usual, though he didn’t show much here. He took the boomerang kick well at least.

Opener had an interesting first fall and went down from there. Grako & Coyote are firmly OK and had one team spot (which seems like more than they used to have.) Oro tried things, they just didn’t work out well. The big headscissors off the apron had poor timing. Eléctrico was present.

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