Fantastica Mania wraps up with a Volador win, Euforia & Rush in Puebla tonight

Cavernario dropkicks a human airplane

CMLL , NJPW (MON) 01/21/2019 Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, Japan [CMLLNJPWthecubsfan]
Fantastica Mania, 2019 Toyko Day 3
1) Bárbaro Cavernario & Templario b Audaz & Flyer
9:34. Cavernario cavernaria on Audaz
2) Atlantis Jr. b Okumura
7:39. Atlantis Jr. beat Okumura with an Atlantida on the third try.
3) Bushi, Shingo Takagi, Terrible, Tetsuya Naito NC Fujin, Raijin, Satoshi Kojima, Toa Henare
12:17. No contest after Taichi, Desperado and Kanemaru attacked everyone (but focused on LIJ)
4) Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón © b Ángel de Oro, Atlantis, Titán [MEX TRIOS]
14:27. Cuatrero beat Angel de Oro with a crucifix powerbomb. 8th defense
5) Gran Guerrero, Namajague, Último Guerrero b Dragón Lee, Místico, Soberano Jr.
13:25. Ultimo Guerrero defeated Soberano with a Guerrero Special.
6) Dragón George & Sweet Gorilla Maruyma b Ginbae Mask & Gokiburi Mask
13:02. Dragon George pinned Gokiburi Mask (or whichever one was Taguchi.)
7) Volador Jr. b Carístico
17:55. Volador beat Caristico via Spanish Fly.

This was the best overall show of the three Tokyo ones, though I think the big matches on the first night were better. All the last three shows have been more enjoyable than an average CMLL Mexico show of late, though there’s been missing the top end matches seen on previous years. It was better than expected but I’m still left hoping they do something besides a tag team tournament nex tyear.

Fantatica Mania 2020 wasn’t officially announced. It seemed sure to be happening. Attendance was strong even with the regular big name NJPW wrestlers generally getting a tour off. (Naito wrestled but also seemed like had the tour off at times.) Next year’s shows would be the 10th time for the tour. Lineups should be announced around January 7th, 2020, give or take.

Audaz did great. His only problem is we’ve learned not to get too excited about CMLL wrestlers on their first NJPW tour; he probably has no real chance at returning to Japan next year, but might have a shot at next year’s tour. Templario too, though he’s probably going to need to pass for a junior to make much progress in Japan. He’s right around the 100 kg limit. I think it’s possible Atlantis Jr. may be back next year, depending on how far he and Villano III Jr. come along this year. He’ll definitely be back on this tour at some point if he sticks with it. Mistico had a great tour, has never been in BOSJ, and maybe this’ll be the right year for that.

There’s no updated on Dragon Lee. He’s probably signing with Ring of Honor, but nothing official has been said and no one’s privately confirmed it. I expect this’ll be figured out by the end of the week, maybe sooner.

CMLL has two more days of shows before the FM crew returns. Tonight’s Arena Puebla show continues the Rush/Euforia feud in the main event to kill time. Euforia, assuming he’s healed from the Rush Driver on Friday, teams with Kraneo & Valiente against Villano IV, Vangellys and Rush. It is possible they’ll repeat the Friday singles match here next week.

The singles match they are having this week is Niebla Roja versus Luciferno, based off Luciferno pinning Niebla Roja twice last week. Luciferno’s record in CMLL singles matches is not great

Luciferno singles match (since becoming Luciferno in 2015)
2015-10-02: lost to Dragon Lee [CMLL Universal, first round]
2016-07-26: beat The Panther [lightning]
2016-08-16: lost to Stuka Jr. [lightning]
2016-10-21: lost to Dragon Lee [CMLL SL]
2017-04-21: lost to Guerrero Maya Jr. [lightning]
2017-06-30: lost to Dragon Lee [CMLL Universal, first round]
2018-06-30: lost to Dragon Lee [CMLL SL]
2018-07-29: lost to Rey Cometa [lightning]
2018-08-07: lost to Audaz by DQ [lightning]

Maybe Luciferno can get his first singles win since 2016, especially if they’re setting up a title match next week.

Stuka, Guerrero May and Sigma might have a good match if they weren’t facing Rey Bucanero, Shocker and Tyson la Bestia. Marcla & Princesa Sugehit wrestle Amapola & La Comandante in a rare women’s 2v2 match. Halcon Suriano Jr. & Tigre Rojo Jr. can wear their matching gear again this week against el Malayo & Toro Bill Junior. Police Man opens the show with Espiritu Malgino against Centella Roja & Meyer. The show streams at 9 pm CT.

Reporte Indigo talks to Mystique, who mentions she was originally a CMLL trainee who went independent. She was going to university for dental classes at the same time and it got to the point where she was falling asleep in classes, so she decided to step away from lucha libre thinking she could get back into CMLL. That didn’t go as planned; she was rejected the first two times she tried to return. She ended up stepping away from dentistry for a while to get back in wrestling but hopes to pick that up again soon. Mystique figures she’ll last in wrestling only about five more years.

Dragosth tells Ovaciones that he was to challenge for the CMLL trios titles on 02/02 in Arena Cuautitlan Izcalli, except now he’s out injured. He was leaving that arena on a motorcycle when he was hit by a truck from behind. His injuries aren’t specified besides losing consciousness. He did have a helmet on, but it reads like it got knocked off after the first impact and he hit the ground a second time.

Aeroboy beat Skayde Jr. for his mask last night in a cage match in GALLI. There’s some video of the match here. This Skayde Jr. is Alejandro Gonzalez Flores, 28, 14 years a wrestler, from Zamora, Michoacan.

MLW announced Gringo Loco vs Puma King for 02/02 in Philadelphia. That was a good match when I saw it at Black Label Pro a couple months ago.


IWRG , FILL (WED) 01/23/2019 Arena Naucalpan
1) Noisy Boy vs Spider Fly
2) Biosfera, Mandala, Vortrex vs Coyote Azteca, Súper Dragons, Viajero Jr.
3) Águila Oriental, Mexica, Shalom vs Barón Rojo, Canibal, Chico del Barrio
4) Dinámico, Dranzer, Fireman vs Ángel Tormenta, Guerrero 2000, Matrix Jr.
5) Black Shadow Jr., Shadow Boy, Toto vs Neza Kid, Ra-Zhata, Shil-Kah
6) Ángel Estrella Jr., Atomic Star, Black Dragón, Cheff Benito, Chicanito, Death Metal, Lunatic Xtreme, Puma de Oro vs Crazy Latino, Hermano Diablo II, Hijo del Pantera, Hijo Del Timador, Kamikaze, Lasserado, Ursus, Utamaro [Toreno FILL]
Torneo FILL 77. Gym FILL (Black Terry) vs Gym Pantera (Internacional)

First FILL show of this year. It sounds like Hijo del Pantera has been doing well in Japan. Hopefully someone actually books him in matches when he’s around in Mexico this time besides this cibernetico.

CMLL Fanastica Mania in Tokyo Day 3: 2019-01-21 

Carisitco and Volador

Recapped: 1/21/2019


Bárbaro Cavernario & Templario beat Audaz & Flyer
(9:34, Barbaro Cavernario cavernaria Audaz, good)

Atlantis Jr. beat Okumura
(7:39, Atlantida on Okumura 7:39, ok)

Bushi, Shingo Takagi, Terrible, Tetsuya Naito beat Sho, Raijin, Satoshi Kojima, Toa Henare  
(12:17, DQ for Suzuki Gun interference, ok)

Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón © beat Ángel de Oro, Atlantis, Titán for the Mexican National Trios Championship
(14:27, Cuatrero crucifix powerbomb Angel de Oro, good)

Gran Guerrero, Namajague, Último Guerrero beat Dragón Lee, Místico, Soberano Jr.
(13:25, Último Guerrero Guerrero Special Soberano, good)

Dragón George & Sweet Gorilla Maruyma beat Ginbae Mask & Gokiburi Mask
(13:02, Dragon George Dragon Maker Ginbae? Mask, ok)

Volador Jr. beat Carístico
(17:45, Volador Spanish Fly Carístico, great)

What happened:

Dragon Lee all out into a tope as always

NGD kept their trios titles. Carístico gave credit to Volador for being the better man, and both men reacted like normal (Volador making sure to bring that up in his promo, Carístico celebrating forever after the match anyway.)


Volador/Caristico was Volador’s best singles match in a while. They did a unique thing of just going dive crazy to start the match for about the first eight minutes, and then just staying in the ring for big near falls the rest of the way. Their big moves came across smooth and there was more intensity in the match even when it was just mostly flying. The Mistica tease was well done, a moment we don’t get often in Arena Mexico. If you’re tired of Volador, this isn’t going to change your mind, but it was still a good tour ending match.

I don’t know what to say about the semi-main. It was truly as weird as it set out to be.

we finally got the monkey flip!

All the undercard CMLL matches delivered on the last night, with all action and generally bigger moves than we had seen before. Soberano and Místico both had spectacular moments, looking as good as they in the rest of the tournament. Namajague & Dragon Lee fought well and made it clear they’re going to be doing it again sometime in 2019. Guerreros seemed to get to show off more moves here than they had even in their tag match yesterday, and Último dropped Soberano hard on the finish.

The NGD finally got the monkey flip senton and a lot more. They’ve been fine as individuals but the trios title match made the best impression by far. Their team-work spots were on point the whole way, and they came off as worthy champions. Atlantis was fine, maybe better than fine, in the match which seemed like it was going to be the biggest test for him. Angel de Oro & Titan did good, though this match wasn’t as much about them. This was exciting all the way to the finish, and worth checking out.

A great mystery is most everyone in the LIJ match showing more effort in the match that was ending with a run-in DQ. Sho & Yoh really stood more here than as Fujin & Raijin, but it felt like we got more out of BUSHI & Takagi as well. They made a point of Henare trying and failing again. Even failing, it gives Henare an arc and a storyline carrot, which is a lot better than being in trios matches with no direction.

Audaz for BOSJ (2020)

Atlantis Jr. showed good effort in his match, though the execution didn’t seem to always be there. The finishing sequence, where he had to put on the Atlantida three times for it to work, was not the smoothest thing. He looked good the rest of the match, coming out strong with the dives early on. His quebradoras are better than Diamante Azul, not that’s saying much. Atlantis Jr. needs to be taken a little slow in Mexico because he’s not really on the level of the guys in the opener yet, but more regular work should help. He’s not on the cards yet for next week, but hopefully, he starts as a regular before long.

They just went all out from the start in the opener, both sides just doing everything they could for ten minutes. Templario works well with everyone, so it was more surprising to see a whole bunch of Flyer & Audaz team moves scattered into the highlights. Flyer had his best match in this tour in the process, and the other wrestlers weren’t far behind. Templario and really Audaz have made great impressions; luchadors in their position don’t usually get brought back in the same year, but they seem to have a good chance to come back someday.