2018 watch later catch up, part 12 of ∞

this kind of had to be the GIF on the top

Mistico vs Último Guerrero
(CMLL @ Arena Coliseo Guadalajara on 07/17, 12:12, ok, 

A by the numbers Mistico/Ultimo Guerrero match, only notable for Último Guerrero saving the dropkick off the apron to the end of the match. It’s a good set up to an unexpected Místico comeback, which goes wrong when Místico slips on a springboard anyway. The floor of the standard UG match is decently high but the ceiling is not much higher, and this doesn’t break that pattern.

good trios wrestler Mistico

Dragón Lee II vs Último Ninja
(RevoLucha @ Gimnasio Nuevo León Unido on 07/22, 16:13,
great, doncelladehielo89 (part 1), doncelladehielo89 (part 2))

July seems long ago. This was Ninja’s farewell to Mexico match and one of Dragon Lee’s last matches before his reality show trip. In the great tradition of Mexican luchadors with impending NXT deals, Último Ninja gives everything in a high impact battle, feeling like more like a big title match than an all-star exhibition. You probably shouldn’t be taking hanging double stomps to the floor when you’re packing for Orlando, but Ninja took that and more in what might have been his best match under that name. I really liked his match with Rey Horuz in RIOT and this was easily better than that, pretty close to a MOTYC level. It’s a lot of Dragon Lee’s big match moments, but Último Ninja steps up to the challenge and it feels like a huge battle all the way to the end. They did a lot and it all comes off really well. Worth going out of your way to see.

seems like cheating
Ultimo Ninja handspring armdrag suplex?
double stomp to oblivion

Kunai vs Iron Kid
(Lucha Tlahuc @ Gimnasio Raton Macias on 07/22, 12:16, great, 
Adrian Martinez)

Just complete insanity. There’s a spot with a basketball hoop support and it’s not even the craziest spot in that minute. Iron Kid is entertaining whenever he shows up in IWRG or the super indies. I had no idea who Kunai was before this match. I really wanted to know more about Kunai (or maybe it’s Kunay) after this match, and still don’t know much. If he’s got a Facebook, I can’t find it and the few promotions he’s working for don’t mention it. Kunai is athletically gifted, pulling off inside springboard moves with ease. It’s outweighed by his willingness to do outrageous stuff that’s not going to help him last too long but sure made him stand out here. I’m not sure if Kunai was going far above and beyond because this was a match with a much more visible (though hardly older) opponent, or if he’s always this way, but it was something to watch. Kunai wasn’t just taking silly bumps, he was also hitting all the spots he wanted to hit and looking like the equal of a far more hyped luchador. I’d love to see more of him.

Destello Azul on a basketball court
dropkick onto a basketball court

The King (Rey Fenix) vs Laredo Kid
(MDA @ Arena Coliseo Monterrey on 07/29, 16:53, excellent, 

This match is probably why AAA set up a Fenix/Laredo Kid match during their Yucatan weekend of shows. I guess it’s all the same that they’ve since forgotten it and moved on to other matches which won’t actually happen either since it’s unlikely it’ll be as smooth as this one. Fenix and Laredo Kid are similar wrestlers, separate more by years than style, with Laredo’s major deficiency being coming along a half-decade too soon to be cast in a cult favorite US wrestling show. Outside of Lucha Underground, Fenix has become the US guy who just has great matches every time they put him into a situation to have one, and also someone who gets little character attention seemingly because the people in charge see having good matches as his ceiling. In Mexico, Fenix is the top guy and Laredo Kid is Fenix, the likable guy who gets no character attention because the people in charge see him just as a good who can have really good matches. The similarities in style and effort are shown throughout the match, though Fenix always seems to be giving a little bit more than Laredo. It comes up pretty early when Laredo Kid does a tope to thru first row and Fenix does a tope con giro thru the first row. Laredo Kid has a few beautiful spots, and Fenix looks spectacular with his jumping cutters. (Fenix maybe does too maybe of those cutters, here and in general, but at least he’s overdoing a move that’s not overdone in Mexico.) This match is all about the spectacular spots, but it still feels like they’re competing to win – they’re competing in a spectacular fashion.

The shorter version is I thought this way superb. I don’t think it’ll make my top ten because it’s a match with no context – if this really was a built-up AAA title match with the same hot crowd, it may have a bigger place in my memory – but that doesn’t seem something you can put on the wrestlers. Neither can you put on them the weird mid-match break for some crowd hype. I think I’m really more partial to both Laredo Kid & Fenix than most, but I still think you should definitely watch this even if you’re not.

You better move when Fenix starts running
Laredo’s German suplex is inescapable
all the kicks

Demus vs Príncipe Legendario
(MDA @ Arena Coliseo Monterrey on 07/29, 7:45, ok,

A CMLL lightning match of an indie match, both in length and approximate effort. I had to rewatch it because I felt like I must’ve met something interesting happen. It remained alright but didn’t stick out beyond the weirdness of Principe Legendario playing rudo against Demus, an odd choice. There are moments where it seems like it’s going to turn into a brawl, and that would’ve been more interesting than how it ended up with more normal action.

guillotine double knee smash

Mephisto © vs Titán for the CMLL World Welterweight Championship
(CMLL @ Arena Coliseo Guadalajara on 08/07, 17:47, great, 

This match gets more (TV) time than most Guadalajara title matches and makes the most of it. Titan is better at getting sympathy than most CMLL luchadors. It sticks out more in CMLL style matches, and this is definitely a Mephisto CMLL title match. Titan’s willing to go longer without getting in any offense, and to be on the wrong side of the match for an extended period. The third fall doesn’t go “my move, your move” instead turning into Mephisto just hitting Titan with his usual finishing moves (and repeatedly) and Titan just barely surviving. Even when he mounts a comeback, it may not end well. The apron powerbomb here definitely didn’t end well, and that sort of stuff made the match feel a bit more unpredictable than usual CMLL title match. It still is recognizable as a CMLL title match and might be worth passing if you’re just tired of those, but it was better than average as far as those are concerned.

things go badly for Titan

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