LA Park wins a draw with Rush, Phoenix/Cavernario, Jack Evans returns to AAA

Rush slowly taking off the frame before selling is just a touch cartoonish.

CMLL (FRI) 06/22/2018 Arena México [ESTOLucha CentralMarcaOvacionesRecordthecubsfan]
1) Robin & Súper Astro Jr. b Akuma & Yago LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 22 DE JUNIO DE 2018 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
~13:00. Tecnicos took 2/3. The stream went out during this match.
2) Estrellita, La Jarochita, Marcela b Amapola, Dalys, Reyna Isis LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 22 DE JUNIO DE 2018 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
12:27. Tecnicos took 1/3.
3) Dragón Rojo Jr., Hechicero, Pólvora b Black Panther, Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 22 DE JUNIO DE 2018 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
19:55. Rudos took 2/3.
4) Atlantis, Carístico, Stuka Jr. b Euforia, La Bestia Del Ring, Último Guerrero LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 22 DE JUNIO DE 2018 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
9:33. Tecnicos took 2/3.
5) El Hijo de L.A. Park, King Phoenix, Volador Jr. b Cavernario, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 22 DE JUNIO DE 2018 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
17:10. Tecnicos took 2/3, the last when Cavernario unmasked Rey Fenix. Fenix challenged him to a singles match next week.
20:14. Rush was DQed in the first after Bestia interfered and Rush hit the referee. Park was DQed in the second after hitting the referee when he was trying to stop him from punching an unconscious Rush. The referee and the officials tried to stop the match at this point but LA Park wouldn’t let them, and punched Rambo out when he got to close. Referee Edgar quickly counted both men out when the third fall ended. Rush was dragged to the back while LA Park screamed for the mask versus hair match.

Park/Rush exceeded the high expectations. The result was a draw, but Park was the man walking out of the building and Rush was the man who knocked out. The Panther match and the semimain are also worth watching.

CMLL post match promos: Robin & Super Astro Jr. (would like to be teamed up as Los Nuevos Arqueros del Espacio), Black Panther (explains the name change), King Phoenix (explains the name change). Fenix is using “King Phoenix” until “Rey Fenix” is legally his, in a situation not unlike Kraneo/Alebrije. No media interviews have been posted as of yet.

LA Park punching Rambo could be a set up for Park being “suspended” from CMLL for a while. I keep expecting that sort of explanation to happen, but it didn’t seem played up by commentary and they may just not explain it. LA Park will be on an AAA/EMW in Tijuana on July 27. I’m guessing we won’t see him in CMLL again until August regardless of the reasoning.

Blue Panther mentioned his third son will be debuting as Hijo de Blue Panther very soon. The family has brought up this son as training and joining the family team before but there’s never been a firm date of when we might see him.

The Marca website feed was unblocked. The Facebook feed was Mexico only and had at least 3.3K viewers by the main event. My YouTube stream just over 11K.

Penta & Fenix will appear on the Pro Wrestling Revolucion show tonight in Gridley, California. I believe that’s streaming on their Twitch channel late tonight.

Draztick Boy told Criterio Hidalgo that he and AAA had been in talked for months and had recently come to an agreement for him to work their full time. Draztick says he signed a three-year contract. In AAA, that’s probably good for at least four different changes of direction. His performance in that Arena Aficion show made a difference.

El Egipcio passed away suddenly Friday. He was a former Mexican heavyweight champion and lost his mask in a match with Rayo de Jalisco Jr. in Arena Mexico in 1983. Egipcio was a local star in Arena Puebla despite originally being from Oaxaca, and was honored this past year in Arena Puebla as part of their Homenaje a Dos Leyendas show. He seemed to be in fine health on that show.

Shane Strickland/Killshot has an interview on ESPN to promote this upcoming weekend’s EVOLVE shows, but talks a lot about Lucha Underground. After Hell of War, Strickland says Dorian Roldan told he and Fox they had made wrestling history, and no one would ever do a match like that again on television.

Fightful has a report from the AroLucha show.


CMLL (FRI) 06/29/2018 Arena México
1) Magnus & Príncipe Diamante vs Espanto Jr. & Hijo del Signo
2) Pegasso, Star Jr., Stigma vs Disturbio, Kawato San, Okumura
3) Guerrero Maya Jr., Rey Cometa, Stuka Jr. vs Ephesto, Mephisto, Templario
4) Ángel de Oro, Atlantis, Niebla Roja vs Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón
5) King Phoenix vs Cavernario
6) Charly Rockstar, Cibernético, Zorro vs Carístico, Valiente, Volador Jr.

The idea of the main event was Klan Kaoz versus Caristico and two of his friends. Valiente is a nice man who gets along with everyone. Volador is definitely not Caristico’s friend. Zorro’s most recent Arena Mexico match, as far as I can tell, was October 1, 1999. He teamed with Ringo Mendoza and Pantera (II) against Violencia, Karloff Lagarde and Arkangel de la Muerte.

Fenix specifically demanded a no time limit match. He’s getting that, a full three falls and not a lightning match.

Fourth has Atlantis as the third wheel in a trios we’ve seen a lot. Templario is a nice addition to the third. Kawato makes an increasingly rare Tuesday appearance.

AAA TV (SUN) 07/29/2018 Centro Civico Nueva Aragon, Ecatepec, Estado de México
1) Astroluxe, Lady Maravilla, Vanilla vs Keyra, Látigo, Starfire
2) Carta Brava, Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana vs Aramis, El Bandido, Flamita
3) Lady Shani, Mamba, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Australian Suicide, Faby Apache, Parka Negra
4) La Máscara, Máximo, Sammy Guevara vs ?, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart
5) Averno, Chessman, Súper Fly vs Hijo del Fantasma, Juventud Guerrera, Taurus
6) Dr. Wagner Jr., Pagano, Psycho Clown vs Killer Kross, Rey Escorpión, Texano Jr.

This is three tapings down the line for AAA. We know the 07/13 Queretaro lineup. We have not seen a real lineup for Gimnasio Juan de la Barrera on 7/21, which will be an AAA vs ELITE show and may be the first taping for an ELITE TV show. It’s a 6pm local start which means stream will start around 6:30pm.

Wagner said he would still work some dates for AAA when also saying he was quitting AAA following Verano de Escandalo. This appears to be one of those dates. It’s tough to be certain of any directions beyond the announced matches at this point, but the main event teams up the tag team champions.

With the influx of MDA and ELITE rudos, OGT may have been flipped to psuedo-tecnicos, defenders of the AAA flag for the moment. Fantamsa, Texano, and Escorpion might as well partner with one of those factions instead of being entirely separate rudos.

Guevera was definitely a rudo in Monterrey, and is in the Aerostar role of making an Alvarado match good. More interesting is the other side. Teddy Hart returns four months after his last appearance (if he’s not on CDMX) and Jack Evans returns to AAA after an 18 month hiatus. AAA fired Jack after an interview in Europe where he was critical of the promotion and some of the wrestlers, La Parka in particular. This seems to be the season to let go of old AAA grievances. It also makes him an obvious fit for MAD.

Tercera continues the Shani/Faby build. Suicide is not getting a lot to do, though that’s better than Ashley is doing.

Flamita & Bandido may not actually be on this show. They started their latest tour with Dragon Gate earlier today. They’re due back in Mexico near the end of July, but maybe not in time to make this date. It’d be a good match if they’re there. It’s billed as an AAA versus ELITE so it’ll probably be two other people we’ll see in Mexico City.

Vanilla is likely is Vanilla Vargas from Puerto Rico, who’s popped up in a variety of Konnan projects. Alternate spelling for Astroluxe but same old Latigo as an opponent. Tiny Starfire as a ruda seems an odd fit.

CMLL on 2018-06-22 

L.A. Park

Recapped: 06/22/2018


Robin & Súper Astro Jr. beat Akuma & Yago
(~13:26 [6:39, 3:27, ~3:20], 2/3, n/r, VideosOficialesCMLL )

Estrellita, La Jarochita, Marcela beat Amapola, Dalys, Reyna Isis
(12:27 [6:31, 3:02, 2:54], 1/3, ok, via VideosOficialesCMLL )

Dragón Rojo Jr., Hechicero, Pólvora beat Black Panther, Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr.
(19:55 [6:04, 4:49, 9:02], 2/3, great, via VideosOficialesCMLL )

Atlantis, Carístico, Stuka Jr. beat Euforia, La Bestia Del Ring, Último Guerrero
(9:33 [3:10, 2:27, 3:56], 2/3, ok, via VideosOficialesCMLL )

El Hijo de L.A. Park, King Phoenix, Volador Jr. beat Cavernario, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas
(17:10 [1:59, 3:21, 11:50], 2/3 DQ, good,  VideosOficialesCMLL)

L.A. Park and Rush went to a draw
(20:14 [10:24, 9:09, 0:41], 1: Rush DQ; 2: Park DQ; 3 DCOR, excellent, via VideosOficialesCMLL )

What happened: 

King Phoenix

Rush lost the first fall either due to referee attack or foul or La Bestia del Ring interference, because all of those thing happened. The second fall ended when Bestia gave Rush a glass portrait to use, but Park got it and smashed it over Rush’s head. That wasn’t the disqualification because the second ref was down at the time. Edgar woke up, tried to stop Park from punching an unconscious Rush, and Park punched Edgar. That got the DQ. Park knocked Rush to the floor and continued to beat Rush with Rush unable to respond. Edgar, Dr. Zavaleta, the normal CMLL doctor, and commissioner Rambo all tried to get help for Rush. Park eventually punched Rambo. Much to the surprise of everyone involved, someone sent out the third fall card. Park continued to beat up Rush on the outside and Edgar called a lightning quick 20 count to end the match. Rush was dragged away, regaining some consciousness, while LA Park demanded CMLL make the mask versus hair match with Rush.

Cavernario tried to unmask King Phoenix (Rey Fenix) and pin him but was caught. Phoenix challenged him to a singles match next week.

El Egipcio was remembered after the third match.

The CMLL feed died just before the third fall of the opener and did not fully resume working until the women’s match.


a dance (and maybe a missed spot)

LA Park versus Rush was everything you’d want it to be, an insane brawl from the moment both wrestlers entered the arena. They’d felt a restricted since the first trios and the earlier matches had some brawls which might have taken the steam out of this one. That didn’t happen at all – these guys continue to go above and beyond what anyone else attempts or is allowed to do. The match started with Rush throwing a popcorn tray at Park and just got crazier than there. This was another week where LA Park appeared to suffer a serious leg injury only to dance around minutes later. Rush delivered on blood though, as usual with these sorts of promises, it turned out to be his own. Multiple referees were attacked, a commissioner was punched out, and absolutely no one actually pinned someone else for a legal three count. The actual wrestling work was sloppier at times – that leg might really have been an issue for Park – but it didn’t really matter. The crowd was there to see this match, loved what they saw, and will absolutely come back to see it again.

There’s also the bit where LA Park has more leverage at this second than he has had in his life. Rush kind of looks like a chump if he never faces Park again, and CMLL will be pilloried if they try to present any other match as the Anniversario main event. I haven’t been able to figure out if Park has more than verbally agreed to anything, but he’s the most valuable man in Mexico by a big distance in this moment.

so much good popcorn wasted

The semifinal was fun but sloppy at times with pretty much everyone in the match having a moment they probably could’ve done better on. Maybe Niebla was the only one to get out clean, as strange as that reads. Casas whiffed on a kick and catching a dive, Park had slips, Volador looked off on headscsisors, Cavernario and Fenix started hot but weren’t working well together on Fenix’s tricky offense. That probably reads harsher than the match was, but it was so clear they were off a bit from being the best possible match. Cavernario especially needs a better night next week if the match with Rey Fenix is going to be what people want it to be. Fenix – sorry, King Phoenix – has moments where he appears to be the best wrestler in the world, but he also didn’t seem as over this week. Mr. Niebla was over with this crowd and should be given the random big bumps he was taking.

Atlantis and friends was a professional star match on a big show. You got to see the big spots from the usual guys in a short amount of time, they stuck around long enough for it to mean something, but they didn’t get as all out as the other matches. Stuka was the best looking guy on his team though the other two were more over. Atlantis got the Atlantida to work, which is something to be celebrated at this point

The tercera guys hurried out to the ring, which made me think they were short on time and the match was going to run short. That was not the case! This was a blown out Panthers match, which them pulling out all the usual spots. And the unusual spots – Blue Panther tried his first ever plancha into the crowd. It didn’t totally work but the effort was amazing. Hechicero was really on today, connecting well on his offense and selling nicely for the técnicos. This was a good Pólvora/Dragon Rojo match until the last move. There was a lot more crowd brawling than you’d expect, and a lot of people obviously feeling like doing a lot because of the hot crowd. Worth going out of your way to see.

how did Fenix get so high?


A hotter crowd helped the women’s match but it was still the usual barely passable performance. They lost the crowd in the third fall. Dalys & Jarochita working a lot together and it wasn’t a great fit. Jarochita is really unconvincing when it comes to striking offense. Dalys goes training school speed on huracanranas and I’m not sure what she was doing on the second fall. Isis is relatively OK and has greatly moved up the CMLL depth chart because of the changes, but it’s weird to see her to do her simple plancha to the floor or Jarochita is allowed to do tope when better wrestlers aren’t allowed to do the same.

What we saw of the opener was pretty good, and missing the third fall due to transmission issues was made more frustrating for it. They was more coordination in each team, and they were definitely trying for a good match instead of just warming up the mat. Yago seems to be mixing well with a variety of partners, and he and Akuma connected well here. Super Astro is getting over very easily.