CMLL Puebla, Roja/Cavernario tonight, AAA venue change


CMLL (MON) 10/23/2017 Arena Puebla [CMLL, Wrestling With GIFs]
1) Black Tiger, Meyer, París b Ares, King Jaguar, Sombra Diabólika LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23  DE OCTUBRE DEL 2017 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
2) Arkángel de la Muerte, El Malayo, Rey Apocalipsis b Astral, Espíritu Maligno, Tigre Rojo Jr. LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23  DE OCTUBRE DEL 2017 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Tigre Rojo replaced Robin
3) Misterioso Jr., Pólvora, Sagrado b Blue Panther Jr., Drone, The Panther LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23  DE OCTUBRE DEL 2017 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Sagrado replaced Dragon Rojo.
4) Ángel de Oro, Diamante Azul, Niebla Roja b Hechicero, Terrible, Vangellys LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23  DE OCTUBRE DEL 2017 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
5) Carístico, Valiente, Volador Jr. DQ Cavernario, Kráneo, Mephisto LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE EN VIVO DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 23  DE OCTUBRE DEL 2017 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Cavernario fouled Volador. Volador and Caristico were cold to each other.

This show didn’t seem that good.

Tonight’s CMLL main event is Niebla Roja & Cavernario for Roja’s CMLL Light Heavyweight championship. This is the second defense for Roja in about nine days, and probably one of many. Niebla Roja being announced for FantatasicaMania 2018 means the ideas (mine included) that he’s leaving do not appear to be correct. Cavernario wouldn’t be a likely light heavyweight championship either, but this is another chance for him to have a big match.

CMLL’s preview is odd. They’ve got quietly Mr. Niebla pulled from the show, which is totally belivable. (Mascara 2000 gets the call.) However, they’ve also got Dragon Rojo back, after they pulled him from the show earlier in the week. They’ve got Johnny Idol scheduled to be back, and I think that’s happening but I’m not really sure. Take all other matches with a grain of salt.

The announced semimain is now Mascara 2000, Negro Casas, and Felino versus Rush, Pierroth and Kraneo in a rudos versus rudos match. Johnny Idol is listed as returning to team with Blue Panther & Angel de Oro to take on Hechicero, Polvora and either Misterioso or Dragon Rojo; the preview notes a chance to see Hechicero & Blue Panther match holds. Fuego, Pegasso & Blue Panther Jr. face Tiger, Puma & Sagrado in what might be a trios match. Magnus, Star and Astral face Akuma, Raziel and Cancerbero, and the opener is Sensei & Bengala take on Inquisidor & Artillero. The show aris at 7:30pm on CMLL’s YouTube channel.

It’s been odd that CMLL hasn’t seemed to be building to matches for the Dia de Muertos shows. The Negro Casas/Sam Adonis match looks like it’s happening some time later (maybe much later), and the title matches seem to be happening before the big weekend. Yesterday, CMLL announced a plan at least for the Friday show. It is CMLL’s default plan, it is another tournament. The first annual Rey del Inframundo tournament will take place on Friday 11/03, with the idea of making an annual competition along the lines of the Universal Tournament (and the Leyenda de Plata, and the Gran Alternativa, and the Relevos Incredibles.) They’ll decide the winner of the new belt in a cibernetico with Diamante Azul, Mistico, Volador, Soberano, Hechicero, Sanson, Cuatrero, and Forastero. Hechicero (as evil witch doctor) has acted as the spokesperson for the Dia de Muertos shows the last couple years, so he would actually be the favorite to win. This sounds like it’ll be a really fun match, but it’s CMLL throwing out another tournament instead of building a rivalry or making use of the 20 titles they do have.

Princesa Sugehit has joined Zeuxis & Dalys in Japan, where they’ll all be on the 10/25 REINA show. Sugehit is challenging Dalys for her title. Zeuxis is facing an actress getting a tryout match, and is also in a regular tag.

Okumura is back in Mexico.

AAA’s TV taping in Queretaro on 11/03 has moved. It was scheduled for Auditorio General José María Arteaga, the normal location for AAA tapings, and will now be in Auditorio Instituto Queretano San Javier. That’s a newer 1,500 seat building, while Jose Maria Artega is a little older 4,138 building. Maybe AAA can set up the new place in a way to fit more people in, but that’s really on the small side for AAA.

AAA’s put up this week’s TV show.

PWR’s 11/18 show (with Negro Casas & Blue Panther) has been canceled. The building they had is being used to deal with the wildfires in the area. All tickets will be refunded. Hope they can get those guys another time.

Santo & son are wrestling in Acapulco on 11/19.

Psycho Clown, Dr. Wagner, La Hiedra, Lady Shani, La Parka and Keyra are in La Boom in New York on December 9th.

Bestia 666 wants no second in his match with Jack Evans, so he can win cleanly. He’d like to go after Penta Zero Man and his father next.

Segunda Caida writes about the Leyenda de Plata.

+LuchaTV’s podcast is up.

new lucha videos for the weekend of October 20th, 2017

(Apparently this was in drafts and never got posted even though it was listed to publish on Tuesday and I hadn’t even noticed. No one else did, so I guess that’s fine. )

I got about 10 minutes of the AAA show, about 5 minutes of the first match. I got just as much of the second IWRG match, but I think that’s more due to a power outage. They didn’t bother airing new matches on Monday.

CMLL Guadalajara: 2017-10-21
taped 2017-10-17 @ Arena Coliseo Guadalajara – YouTube/Mega
1) La Jarochita, Sanely, Silueta vs La Comandante, La Seductora, Metálica
2) Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón © vs Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr., The Panther for the Mexican National Trios Championship
3) Carístico, Valiente, Volador Jr. vs Gran Guerrero, Shocker, Último Guerrero

IWRG Zona XXI: 2017-10-21
taped 2017-10-11 @ Arena Naucalpan – YouTube/Mega
1) Alas de Acero, Aramis, Shadow Boy vs Fly Star, Lunatic Xtreme, Toxin
2) Chico Che, Dinamic Black, Súper Brazo Jr. vs Máquina Infernal, Ovett, Pleito Castillo

CMLL Lucha Azteca: 2017-10-21
taped 2017-10-13 @ Arena México – Mega
1) Carístico & Volador Jr. vs MephistoMisticoCavernarioNegro CasasDragón LeeSansónSoberano Jr.ForasteroGuerrero Maya Jr.VirusTitánPumaThe PantherTiger in a CMLL’s Leyenda de Plata Tournament match