Trauma I keeps title over Canis Lupus, Rush/UG tonight

Centella & Wasson after their career vs mask match this weekend, photo by Black Terry Jr.

IWRG (SUN) 10/02/2016 Arena Naucalpan [+LuchaTV, The Gladiatores]
1) Adrenalina b Fireman
straight falls
2) Demonio Infernal, Skanda, Sombra Metálica b Astro, Black Dragón, Máscara De Ángel
Debuts for Sombra Metalica & Mascara de Angel.
3) Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerebro, Killer Jr. b Dragón Fly, Hijo del Alebrije, Zatura
4) Leo, Mike, Rafy, Teelo DQ Devil Rocker, Machine Rocker, Soul Rocker, Tyson La Bestia
5) Imposible, Negro Navarro, Trauma II b Bobby Lee Jr., Dr. Cerebro, Máscara Año 2000 Jr.
Dr. Cerbero replaced Rey Misterio Heredero, Negro Navarro replaced Mr. Electro. Team Navarro won, though Dr. Cerbero did submit Imposible. Bobby Lee’s first match here since 2013.
6) Trauma I © b Canis Lupus [IWRG IC HEAVY]
first defense. Trauma II helped his brother win.

I’m really not 100% sure which Rockers those are until it airs. And even then, I dunno.

Today’s Arena Puebla has one really notable match, Rush versus Ultimo Guerrero. This originally seemed to be Rey Escorpion versus Ultimo Guerrero, but they changed the direction after Escorpion and CMLL parted ways. It’s about the most similar match they could have to that: both Rush & Escorpion usually pummel UG, to great results. They recently had this match in Elite, and UG has won 4 of the last 5 matches (Rush only winning by DQ.) Ultimo Guerrero’s recent series with Volador suggests this won’t have a clean finish either, but it should be entertaining up to that point.

The rest of the show is the usual mix of trios matches. Super Crazy returns from Japan to continue his feud with Rey Bucanero, with Terrible, Vangellys, Ephesto and Mephisto rounding out the team. Johnny Idol, Titan, and Valiente take on Gran Guerrero, Niebla Roja and Sam Adonis. Fuego, Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma face Bobby Z, Okumura and Skandalo, which should include the eternal Skandalo/Stigma feud. The Batillon del Muerte team with Espanto Jr. against Soberano Jr., Flyer, and Black Tiger. The opener has Meyer & Zaeta Roja against Malayo & Policeman.

CultIcon also has a preview of the show. It airs on & YouTube at 9pm. I’m not sure if I’ll be watching it live.

PJ Black has two broken ankles after a base jumping accident. That sucks. He seems to be in good spirits. It’s a bad injury for anyone, and doubly so for a mobile wrestler like Black. He’s not going to be wrestling any time soon. No one’s quite sure when the Season 4 taping will be, but the most recent guess is January, and it’d be hard if not impossible for him to make it back in the ring by that time.

The Rayo de Jalisco anniversary show, which took place Sunday (he won!), will air locally on Megacanal on 10/08.


CMLL (SAT) 10/08/2016 Arena Coliseo
1) Flyer & Templario vs Rocky Casas & Yago
2) Estrellita, Princesa Sugehit, Skadi vs Dalys, La Seductora, Metálica
3) Blue Panther, Fuego, Titán vs Disturbio, Misterioso Jr., Sagrado
4) Mr. Niebla, Olímpico, Rey Bucanero vs Guerrero Maya Jr., Rey Cometa, Stuka Jr.
5) Atlantis, Máximo Sexy, Mistico vs Ephesto, Luciferno, Shocker

The Maximo/Niebla feud seems dropped – they’re on the show, but in different matches. More notable is the opener, where Templario, Rocky Casas and Yago all resurface for the first time in months. (Metalica also makes a second appearance in the women’s match.) That really seems like how the openers should be more used, instead of a million Camorra matches.

CMLL (SUN) 10/09/2016 Arena México
1) Astral & Eléctrico vs Demus 3:16 & Pierrothito
2) Oro Jr., Pegasso, Robin vs El Cuatrero, Sansón, Skándalo
3) La Vaquerita, Lluvia, Silueta vs Amapola, La Comandante, Tiffany
4) Johnny Idol, Stuka Jr., Titán vs Bobby Z, Hechicero, Sam Adonis
5) Diamante Azul, Marco Corleone, Máximo Sexy vs Shocker, Terrible, Vangellys

Marco/Shocker back in the main event after feuding yesterday.

CMLL (SUN) 10/09/2016 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Avispón Negro Jr. vs Guerrero de la Muerte
2) Capitán Cobra & Micro vs Destructor & Diplomático
3) Cosmos & El Alteño vs Carlo Roggi & Mr. Apolo
4) El Yaqui & Javier Cruz Jr. vs Évola & Exterminador
5) Frezzer, Furia Roja, León Blanco vs Mágico, Maléfico, Ráfaga

Main event is not listed as an incredible partners match, but seems like it must be one.

10/02 AAA TV Results (Monterrey)


AAA TV (SUN) 10/02/2016 Arena Monterrey, Monterrey, Nuevo León [AAA]
Heroes Inmortales X
1) Aerostar & Drago © b Laredo Kid & Súper Fly and Damián 666 & Nicho el Millionario and Monsther Clown & Murder Clown [AAA TAG, Ladder]
first defense
2) Pimpinela Escarlata b Zorro, El Elegido, Niño Hamburguesa, Bengala, Lady Shani, Dark Scoria, Dark Cuervo, Octagoncito, Big Mami, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan [Copa Antonio Pena]
Zorro, Elegido, Pimpinela, and Nino started. Hijo del Pirata Morgan and Pirata Morgan both returned to AAA as surprised. Hijo del Pirata threw out his father. Pimpinela snuck in a foul on Zorro to win.
3) Averno, Chessman, Ricky Marvin b El Apache, Faby Apache, Mary Apache
Faby was apparently locked in the dressing room to start the match, ran out to join the math late, and Averno faked a foul from her to draw the DQ.

4) El Mesías, Hernandez, Marty Casaus b Hijo del Fantasma, La Parka, Texano Jr.
Marty (as Casuas, not Martinez) & Hernandez were surprise Team Trump partners. La Parka appears to have taken the loss. A tribute to Antonio Pena was held after this match.
5) Dr. Wagner Jr. b Psycho Clown, Pagano
Alberto did not appear, so this was changed to a three way. Psycho Clown was outnumbered 2 to 1. Murder & Monster ran out to help out, but instead betrayed Psycho Clown and allied with Pagano, apparently ending the Psycho Circus. Wagner beat Psycho Clown.
6) Daga b Australian Suicide [mask, hair, street fight]
Argenis & Joe Lider were seconds. Daga defeated Suicide, who was announced as Broderick Shepherd, from Melbourne, Australia.
7) Garza Jr. b Johnny Mundo © [AAA LA]
Taya seconded Johnny Mundo, TV host Ernesto Chavana seconded Garza. Moved to the main event. Taya snuck in a foul, which Garza blamed on a Chavana distraction. First defense.

Air Date: 10/08 & 10/15

This did not air on iPPV. When the biggest story from the show is the guy who didn’t appear, it’s probably okay we’re not paying to see it. (For what it’s worth: crowd seemed decent though not full and some areas were obviously taped off, there were light Fraude chants for the no-show but less than you’d expect, and it says something not positive about Alberto’s actual star power if the people weren’t that upset about him being off the show.)

AAA’s statement said they were in contact with Alberto as recently as that morning about him coming to the show. Alberto still hasn’t said anything. The story I’ve been told, which I have not been able to confirm yet, is that Alberto got into legal problems Friday night, and may have been unable to leave the US as a result. That fits with Alberto disappearing from social media since Friday.

Murder & Monster Clown turning seems shortsided. The Psycho Circus is still going to be booked together as a tecnicos on most house shows, and are listed together on the 10/28 taping. Konnan mentioned there’s been thought to do this split for two years, but I kinda wonder if they pulled the trigger simply to give the match some big development to distract from Alberto. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to heat back up Psycho/Pagano on the surface when Psycho should be moving onto Wagner.

There’s not a lot of notes on the rest. The Garza/Chavana thing seems like an angle to play locally (maybe on TV, maybe on the next Llaves y Canados event), but probably doesn’t factor in AAA much. Daga & Suicide sounds like the best match on the show, but there’s a lack of clips from it – there’s more floating around from the opener (which always was a ladder match and I just blanked on) than the latter matches.

You’d have to be a diehard lucha fan to know Hijo del Pirata Morgan fan to know he quit AAA. As it was, the only thing he really did was go to Arena San Juan instead of the beach. Arena San Juan has it’s charms and that was a fun four way match and maybe he got his father back in (for the first time in AAA in seven years) by walking out for a little bit, but the beach is nice. Hijo del Pirata Morgan actually threw his father out of the ring in the battle royal, with a tease of a feud that probably wouldn’t help either guy all that much.

The battle royales are essentially replacements for the Relevos AAA matches, but I did not expect them to be such dedicated homages to have the same women and minis included and have Pimpinela win in the end. I feel like I’ve been watching Pimpinela taking victory laps for her career for the entire time I’ve been watching lucha libre, and I wish they would’ve set up something new to come out of it, but relentlessly honoring people whose best days were (at least) a decade ago seems ingrained in the fabric of lucha libre. Can’t take the rest without that.

Interesting that Marty the Moth is specifically listed as “Marty Casaus”, not his Lucha Underground name. I’d think AAA would have free reign to use the LU characters – maybe it’s an oversight, but maybe it’s a story.

Next taping is 10/14 in Tlalnepantla, then on 10/28 in Tlahuelilpan.