CMLL Martes Mexico: 2016-09-13 


Recapped: 09/13/2016

What happened: Titan pinned Mephisto to set up a title match next week.

What was good: The last two matches were watchable. Skip the rest.

Where can I watch it: It’s on CMLL’s channel.

Match 1: Leono & Sensei vs Camorra & Cholo
Arena México, 09/13/2016

  1. técnicos
    • Leono half crab, stretch muffler Cholo (7:13)
    • Sensei cross armbreaker Camorra (7:31)
  2. rudos
    • Camorra half crab Leono (4:00)
    • Cholo reverse hammerlock Sensei (4:41)
  3. rudos
    • Sensei hanging armbreaker Cholo (4:10)
    • Leono huracanrana Camorrra (4:14)

Winner: rudos (2/3)
Match Time: 16:26

Review: [below average] normal boring and uneventful opener. It was hard caring too much about this, much less writing about it.

appropriate reaction
appropriate reaction

Match 2: Astral, Eléctrico, Stukita vs Demus 3:16, Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Violencia
Arena México, 09/13/2016

  1. rudos
    • Pequeño Nitro top rope splash Eléctrico (5:22)
    • Pequeño Violencia modified figure four (5:41)
  2. técnicos
    • Astral top rope splash Demus (4:56)
  3. técnicos
    • Electricio sunset flip Demus (3:21)

Winner: técnicos (2/3)
Match Time: 13:58

Review: [ok] Much more energetic match than the previous one, but also one with some obvious flaws. Second fall closed badly, with Pequeño Nitro & Eléctrico completely being on different pages and Astral’s plancha missing (because Demus wouldn’t go down.) Nitro had an iffy at best outing. Stukita looked like the best guy here, looked to be waiting for a spot that never came in that second fall. This narrowly misses a lower grade for Stukita’s performance and for the slight change from usual on the finish, but it was no great shakes.

they get lost, so Stukita just does an bridiging exploder
they get lost, so Stukita just does an bridiging exploder
I think Demus saved another flying spot
I think Demus saved another flying spot

Match 3: Blue Panther Jr., Fuego, Pegasso vs Misterioso Jr., Okumura, Sagrado
Arena México, 09/13/2016

  1. rudos
    • Blue Panther Jr. inside cradle Misterioso (7:02)
    • Okumura cutter Fuego (7:28)
  2. técnicos
    • Fuego Guelaguetza Okumura (2:50)
  3. técnicos
    • Pegasso bodyscissors cradle Misterioso (4:15)
    • Blue Panther nudo lagunero Sagrado (5:19)

Winner: técnicos (2/3)
Match Time: 14:37

Review: [ok] another Tuesday match where I’m not sure I could remember most of the things that happened in it, because it was so hard to keep interested. Fuego had a good night and was the most over guy in the match. I’m not sure why Okumura needs another finishing move but that worked fine.

a fav
a fav
Fuego cleans house
Fuego cleans house

Match 4: Esfinge vs Pólvora in a lightning match
Arena México, 09/13/2016

Winner: Pólvora (super Pólvora Driver)
Match Time: 7:31

Review: [ok] Esfinge is the generic CMLL técnico and so he had the generic light match. A few dives and a lot of offense because Pólvora was going to beat him at the end. Everything went OK but not much of it stuck out positively, and it was kind of a waste of time.

headstand headscissors - oh, no
headstand headscissors – oh, no

Match 5: Guerrero Maya Jr., Johnny Idol, Rey Cometa vs Bobby Z, Sam Adonis, Vangellys
Arena México, 09/13/2016

  1. rudos
    • Vangellys Northern Lights Suplex Guerrero Maya JR. (5:09)
  2. técnicos
    • Johnny Idol springboard moonsault Sam Adonis (2:05)
    • Rey Cometa Spanish Fly Bobby Z (2:25)
  3. técnicos
    • Guerrero Maya Dos Caras Clutch Vangellys (7:34)

Winner: técnicos (2/3)
Match Time: 15:08

Review: [good] easily the best of the undercard, with everyone moving at a better pace and fitting in a lot of action in their time. There wasn’t really a dead period, and they played off the crowd reactions well with the teased walkout. Idol & Adonis haven’t been around a lot of late but worked well with the Mexicans when they got in and were a nice change of pace from the regular guys. Rey Cometa and Guerrero Maya looked sharp thru the match.

two man moonsaults
two man moonsaults

Match 6: Dragón Lee, Rush, Titán vs Luciferno, Matt Taven, Mephisto
Arena México, 09/13/2016

  1. rudos
    • Luciferno Crash on Dragon Lee (4:21)
    • Mephisto top rope splash Titan (4:57)
  2. tecnicos
    • Rush dropkick Matt Taven (1:46)
    • Dragon Lee hanging double stomp Luciferno (2:12)
  3. técnicos
    • Titan El Inmortal Mephisto (6:13)

Winner: técnicos (2/3)
Match Time: 13:22
Notes: Rush was not particularly interested in helping his team until they turned it around without him.

Review: [good] Like last week, normal build for a title match. It’s frustrating for Rush to spend the first half of the match outside the ring as if he’s not going to get along with his partners, and then be complete friends with Titan & Dragon Lee the rest of the way. I don’t know what’s supposed to be going on and I don’t believe they know either. The upside is the action was pretty good once it got going; it was the B-match for the guys who weren’t in the feud, but Dragon Lee’s b-match is pretty good. Taven seemed to be more attune to the flow of CMLL matches after only a few days, and had good exchanged with Dragon Lee & Rush. Luciferno being in this match was still weird but he didn’t hold them back any more than it being Tuesday held them back. Mephisto & Titan should be good next week.

Rush welcomes Matt Taven
Rush welcomes Matt Taven

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