Puma & Tiger upset the Coliseo champs, Electrico/Diamante, Felino/Casas, Monterrey, FILL

photo by CMLL
photo by CMLL

CMLL (SAT) 02/20/2016 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Pequeño Universo 2000 b Acero
Pequeno Univeso via senton
2) Apocalipsis b Leono
Apocalipsis win via pulpo variant
3) Inquisidor b Flyer
Inquisidor Storm gave the rudo the win and the tecnico a stretcher ride.
4) Hombre Bala Jr. b Disturbio
5) Canelo Casas b Hijo del Signo
Hijo del Signo replaced Esfinge.
6) Puma & Tiger b Guerrero Maya Jr. & The Panther
Puma snuck in a foul on Panther without the ref seeing. Said to be a very good match.
7) Rey Bucanero, Ripper, Terrible b Esfinge, Titán, Valiente
Esfinge replaced Super Porky. Rudos took 1/3.

Porky being back out of action is not a good sign; he appears to have been at the building. occupied with family issues. In sort of related news, the Arena Coliseo Monterrey show billed as part of Brazo de Plata’s retirement show is now just non specifically honoring him.

CMLL ELITE (SUN) 02/21/2016 Arena México [+LuchaTV, CMLL, Yahoo! Deportes]
1) Demus 3:16 & Príncipe Diamante b Astral & Eléctrico
Rudos took 1/3. Diamante wants a title match with Electrico.
2) Cinthia Moreno, Esther Moreno, Rossy Moreno DQ Estrellita, Lluvia, Marcela
CMLL team took 1/3, the last when Rossy unmasked Lluvia.
3) Fujin, Heddi Karaoui, Okumura b Jinzo, Metaleón, Rocky Lobo
Rudos took 1/3. Jinzo looked good in a loss.
4) Dragón Lee b Extreme Tiger
Dragon Lee won in a one fall (maybe lightning?) match via Dragon Driver , though it appeared Tiger was under the ropes and Terror Chino missed it.
5) Ángel de Oro, Golden Magic, Máscara Dorada b Euforia, Hijo de Lizmark, Mephisto
Tecnicos took 2/3.
6) Felino & Negro Casas b Súper Crazy & Volador Jr.
straight falls. Crazy was DQed in the first, beat clean with a Felino casita in the second. They meet in a hair match next week.

Felino is probably not winning in two falls next week. It’s unclear if the fourth match finish was something protecting Extreme Tiger or the usual screw up by Terror Chino. Alexis Salazar praised Jinzo & Rocky Lobo on Twitter.

MDA ELITE (SUN) 02/21/2016 Arena Coliseo Monterrey [Estrellsa del Ring]
1) Mini Hator b Mini Difunto
2) Chocolata & Dulce Kanela b Erika Sotelo & Larry Miranda
3) Gallardo & Golden Boy b Gato Fantasma & Último Sombra
4) Epydemius, Galactar, Último Ninja b Ninja Jr., Obsesión, Quinto Elemento
5) Carístico & Mistico II DQ Cibernético & Sharlie Rockstar
Rudos unmasked the tecnicos for the DQ
6) Máscara Sagrada, Octagón, Rayo de Jalisco Jr. b Cien Caras, Máscara Año 2000, Universo 2000
Mascara Sagrada replaced Atlantis in late January. Rayo beat Cien. Tecnicos took 2/3.

Not a sell out, but a good turnout for the show. They announced they’d be back on 03/20 with Canek versus Mil Mascaras. Presumably that’s actually at trios match with the guys from this semimain or anything but a singles match.

On the CaraLucha/DTU show tomorrow, the two groups split the six contested matches three to three. Flamita worked as a replacement for Ricky Marvin. More details tomorrow.

DylanZero has a fantastic detailed CMLL primer on wrestlingclique.com. I think my big takeaway is we’ve reached the point where the CMLL Bengala is the better Bengala.

Rush & La Mascara say they’re going to get a third Ingobernables, but they generally have to be as big a jerk as them.

Mr. Niebla & Demus defeated Herodes Jr. & Yoruba in Gimnasio Hercules, with the post match setting up a Demus/Akuma/? vs Yoruba/Kilvan/Wasson match. A Centvrion/Belial match was said to be pretty good.

Super Libre had Kristal and Divino in studio. The show mentioned there will be a Homenaje a Dos Leyendas show on March 20th in Guadalajara.

Ohtani’s Jacket reviews Jerry Estrada, Kung Fu, Herodes vs Misterioso, Volador, Angel Azteca.

There’s a Black Terry versus Aero Boy (and Drastick Boy vs Rocky Lobo) match in Tulancingo on the 18th. Hijo de Dos Caras seems out of place on that card. Not a comment on quality, but those aren’t the guys he’s usually with.

Rajin and Fuijin said they’ve be most surprised by the reactions of the Mexican fans at lucha libre shows.

Casandra talks about her life outside the ring.


IWRG FILL (WED) 02/24/2016 Arena Naucalpan
1) Bambino & Canario vs Skanda & Último Caballero
2) Ángel Del Al Muerte I, Mimo De Cobre, Osiris vs Conde Negro, Guerrero 2000, Vampiro Metálico
3) Acero, Crisis Boy, Troll vs Fireman, Galaxy, Picudo Jr.
4) Leo, Mike, Rafy vs Factor, Rayman, Spector
5) Alas de Acero, Aramis, Atomic Star, Dragón Fly, Freyser, Kanon, Power Bull, Violencia Jr. vs Black Mercury, El Resplandor, Gemelo Fantástico I, Gemelo Fantástico II, Iron Kid, Príncipe Pantera I, Príncipe Pantera Jr., Psycko Kid [Copa Higher Power]
Gym FILL (Black Terry) vs Gym Toluca (Astro)

FILL show this week, against a group of Toluca luchadors. Astro being the teacher is odd, but I guess maybe the Gemelos wanted to get in the ring for this one. Los Kamikazes (Alas de Acero, Aramis and Iron Kid) are on opposite sides of the match.

CMLL (SAT) 02/27/2016 Arena Coliseo
1) Último Dragóncito vs Pequeño Universo 2000
2) Magnus vs Apocalipsis
3) Flyer vs Akuma
4) Oro Jr. vs Hijo del Signo
5) Soberano Jr. vs Nitro
6) Guerrero Maya Jr. & The Panther vs Puma & Tiger [Arena Coliseo TAG]
second defense
7) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Máscara Dorada vs Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero

That seems like a bigger main event than usual, and the tag title match will be great. It’s also the third Coliseo Tag Team title match in just over two months, which is definitely some sort of record. The rest of that card is no bueno, but the tag title match is going to be worth the price of admission alone. Maybe bring a book.

CMLL ELITE (SUN) 02/28/2016 Arena México
1) Lluvia & Muñeca De Plata vs Cinthia Moreno & Rossy Moreno
2) Eléctrico © vs Príncipe Diamante [MEX LIGHT]
Electrico’s first defense (last August of 2014)
3) Golden Magic & Metaleón vs Argos & Karonte Jr.
4) Black Terry & Solar I vs Blue Panther & Negro Casas
5) Carístico, Máscara Dorada, Mistico vs La Máscara, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr.
6) Súper Crazy vs Felino [hair]

Infierno Elite, which is planned to be the last Sunday show for now. They’re going out with a really good card: beyond the apuesta match, the fourth and fifth matches are pretty interesting.

CMLL (SUN) 02/28/2016 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Capitán Cobra vs Diplomático
2) El Alteño & Linterna vs Demonio Rojo & Gitano
3) Cosmos & Frezzer vs Carlos Rogi & Mr. Apolo
4) El Divino, Mágico, Vaquero Jr. vs Espectrúm, Mr. Trueno, Rey Trueno
5) Ángel de Oro, Atlantis, Omar Brunetti vs Joker, Niebla Roja, Puma

Atlantis working the Sunday Guadalajara show is unusual. The two locals in the main event are the two who were in the recent tournament final, so maybe a rematch is coming up.