Guadalajara, IWRG, Puebla, UG/Valiente tonight


CMLL (SUN) 11/29/2015 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL]
1) Capitan Cobra & El Tapatío b Black Sugar & Diplomático
2) El Alteño & El Yaqui DQ Carlo Roggi & Mr. Brisa
Roggi fouled Alteno (or maybe the other way – Roggi’s return, anyway.)
3) Vaquero Jr. DCOR Exterminador
Vaquero wants a hair match with Exterminador.
4) El Divino, Magnum, Neutrón b Ráfaga, Relampago, Rey Trueno
5) Niebla Roja & Rey Bucanero b Blue Panther & Titán
Titan had to fight on his own when Blue Panther was injured for a while. Magnum tried to take Panther’s place. Niebla Roja unmasked him, then argued it shouldn’t be a DQ since Magnum wasn’t officially in the match. Referee didn’t go for that one and let Magnum participate. Blue Panther came back in the third fall. Match came down to Niebla and Titan. Bucanero snuck back in and fouled Titan, but Panther did the same to Roja and Titan ended up winning.

Panther does injury angles from time to time, and this reads a little bit of that.

IWRG (SUN) 11/29/2015 Arena Naucalpan [+LuchaTV, Estrellas del Ring, The Gladiatores]
1) Fireman & Rocket Rojo b Adrenalina & Atomic Star
2) Avisman, Imposible, Vortize b Dinamic Black, Látigo, Pantera I
3) Apolo Estrada Jr., Canis Lupus, Eterno b Black Terry, Dr. Cerebro, Hijo del Pantera
Terry & Eterno bled. Straight falls. Rudos want a shot at the Mexican State trios championship, Black Terry challenged back for an apuesta match.
4) Diablo Jr. I, El Hijo del Diablo, Violencia Jr. b Pantera, Relámpago, Súper Nova
straight falls. Super Nova & Relampago had problems.
5) Danny Casas, Trauma I, Trauma II, X-Fly b Diva Salvaje, Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Toscano, Veneno [seeding battle royal]
6) Trauma I & Trauma II b Danny Casas & X-Fly [semifinal, ruleta de la muerte]
7) Máscara Año 2000 Jr. & Veneno b Diva Salvaje & Toscano [semifinal, ruleta de la muerte]
Despite the win, Veneno & Mascara did not get along.
8) Diva Salvaje & Toscano b Danny Casas & X-Fly [final, ruleta de la muerte]
X-Fly was already bleeding bad after the last match and couldn’t really help out Danny Casas, so Toscano & Diva won easily.
9) Danny Casas b X-Fly [hair]
X-Fly was still in bad shape, still almost won. But only almost. X-Fly got his head shaved and talked about possibly retiring after another case of bad luck.

I only scanned the video while putting it together for YouTube, but there’s seemed like a great deal of blood on this show. X-Fly was in really bad shape, and Black Terry and Eterno bled a lot prior to that.

CMLL (MON) 11/30/2015 Arena Puebla [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) Magia Blanca, Metatrón, Meyer b Artillero, Fuerza Chicana, Guerrero Espacial
18:29. Rudos took 2/3. Metatron replaced Star Jr. Debut of Magia Blanca, the former Magnifico I.
2) Disturbio, King Jaguar, Policeman b Lestat, Oro Jr., Starman
13:48. Rudos took 2/3. King Jaguar stole pins in the second and third fall. Disturbio and Policeman attacked him for it after the match.
3) Canelo Casas, Okumura, Skándalo b Bengala, Rey Cometa, Stigma
15:43. Rudos took 1/3. Bengala replaced Delta. Okumura snuck in a foul on Rey Cometa.
4) Kráneo, Ripper, Shocker b Marco Corleone, Máximo Sexy, Super Porky
10:44. Rudos took 1/3. Shocker snuck in a foul on Marco. Marco challenged Shocker to a match next week.
5) Atlantis, Mistico, Volador Jr. DQ Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero
8:22. Tecnicos took 1/3, with another foul finish – Ultimo Guerrero on Atlantis. This one was seen for a DQ.

Magia Blanca/Magnifico I is considered the lesser of the two brothers. He didn’t have a great debut night. It was Magnifico II who was brought on to their London shows and given the name Cielto as a pushed young star on the two TxT shows. (No more of those announced despite the plan was clearly being for a run of them.) Magnficio I worked an early match as Principe Christian and has been working back home while Magnifico II has been out of sight for a few weeks. That might mean both of them are coming in together, at least for now.

Magia Blanca was introduced as an Ultimo Guerrero trainee. Sanson and Cuartero are said to be the same and should be debuting imminently. The recent classes have all been billed as students of a specific trainer, so maybe Gen16 will be a wave of Ultimo Guerrero trainees.

Today’s CMLL show has Ultimo Guerrero versus Valiente for the NWA Middleweight Championship, in a match where neither luchador seems much like a middleweight. Ultimo Guerrero figures to keep his title, but it’s not a certainty because the championship really has no importance. Both luchadors have great matches in their history but haven’t been as good of late. Best undercard match on the show may end up being Delta, Fuego, and Maya versus Boby Z, Hechicero and Virus.

AAA put up the second part of Nuevo Laredo and the second part of Xalapa, so they’re all caught up on TV shows on YouTube for the first time since TripleMania, I think.

AAA sent out an interview hyping up Daga versus Australian Suicide; they actually do face now that the Neza show replaces Guerra de Titanes.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update and this week’s Poster-Mania.

Estrellas del Ring posted a video report on a recent licensing exam in Mexico City. I wonder if the CMLL trainees are licensed before they start full time (and if that’s maybe the part of the reason of their timing.)

Mr. Leo wants to face the Casas cats.


CMLL (SAT) 12/05/2015 Arena Coliseo
1) Bengala vs Apocalipsis
2) Robin vs Inquisidor
3) Súper Halcón Jr. vs Hijo del Signo
4) Hombre Bala Jr. vs Nitro
5) Tritón vs Sangre Azteca
6) Guerrero Maya Jr. & The Panther vs Misterioso Jr. & Sagrado
7) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Titán vs Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto

The Maya & Panther vs Misterioso & Sagrado thing that I believe is going somewhere (and no one else could possibly care about) actually might be going somewhere; it’s back after a week off.

CMLL (MON) 12/07/2015 Arena Puebla
1) Black Tiger, Flyer, Magia Blanca vs Akuma, Ares, Espíritu Maligno
2) King Jaguar & Lestat vs Disturbio & Policeman
3) Fuego, Rey Cometa, Stigma vs Canelo Casas, Okumura, Skándalo
4) Ángel de Oro, Dragon Lee, Stuka Jr. vs Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto
5) Marco Corleone vs Shocker
6) Atlantis, Valiente, Volador Jr. vs Kráneo, Ripper, Último Guerrero

At least all the bad finishes last week appear to have a purpose. Jaguar is back to being a tecnico, or this is an elaborate setup to punk Lestat. The third match is almost a repeat of last night, with Fuego in for Delta/Bengala. Marco Corleone & Shocker have their match and Atlantis & Utlimo Guerrero may be setting up one of their own. Might have a bigger year end stretch in Puebla than on Friday nights.

CMLL Puebla: 2015-11-30 

how to deal with a troll

Recapped: 11/30/2015

What happened: Marco challenged Shocker to a match next week after a foul, one of three screwjobs in a row (and a fourth where a team broke up.) Ultimo Guerrero fouled Atlantis in the main event, and it was unclear if was meant to go anywhere. King Jaguar stole pins from his rudo teammates, who attacked him for it after the match.

Magia Blanca debuted. He’s Magnifico I, still in a giant M mask.

What was good:  Oh no. Nada. It was not good.

Where can I watch it:  It’s on CMLL’s YouTube channel Read More