what we know about Lucha Underground Season 2

(last updated 2015-11-03)

Lucha Underground is returning?

Yes! Lucha Underground announced they’d be return for a second season back on September 21st.

Is it still going to be good?

Sources say “yes.”

Is this mostly the already known info, just put in one place for ease of access?

Also yes. But if there’s anything else I’m forgetting, please ask in the comments. This’ll be updated until the TV debut date.

When will Lucha Underground be back?

We know some of this, but nothing everything.

The show began doing preliminary film work on November 3rd. These are probably vignettes and extra material for the show, and not everyone on the show is there yet.

The show will start taping on Saturday November 14th. They’ll also be taping on this month on 15, 21 and 22nd. All public tickets for these tapings appear to be given out at this point; you’d have to know someone to get it.

Lucha Underground will also tape on December 12 & 13 and on January 9, 10, 16, 17, 30 and 31. There may be days beyond those, but those are the only known ones. Ticket information for the shows are usually announced a couple weeks in advance and are closed out within hours. If you’re interested in going, your best bet is to follow @LuchaElRey on Twitter and set it up to get a notification every time they post a message, just to make sure you find out ASAP when the tickets open up again.

Lucha Underground has said they’ll start airing in January. El Rey and Unimas haven’t said anything about a return date (or anything else involving the show) yet. Assuming they’re staying on Wednesday, January 13th is the most likely El Rey debut date. It gives them a little space from the holidays to promote it, and it means they’d have about eight weeks of TV taped before the first one airs. We’ll obviously know this date for sure once it gets closer.

Will I be able to watch Lucha Underground this year? Read More

Puebla results, Viva el Rey lineup

Thunder has trouble falling without looking to see if there’s something behind him.

CMLL (MON) 11/02/2015 Arena Puebla [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) El Malayo, Fuerza Chicana, Inquisidor b Bengala, Millenium, Rey Samuray
Rudos took 1/3
2) La Comandante, La Seductora, Zeuxis b Estrellita, La Vaquerita, Lluvia
rudas took 2/3
3) Ángel de Oro, Rey Cometa, Stuka Jr. b Ephesto, Hechicero, Luciferno
Tecnicos took 1/3
4) Thunder b Euforia
Thunder botched spots into taking 1/3 clean
5) Cavernario, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas b Mistico, Valiente, Volador Jr.
Peste Negra took 1/3, the last with a Nieblina on Mistico.

A show. The recap’s linked above. You don’t need to hurry to watch anything on the show unless you’re wondering exactly how bad Thunder is in a singles match.

The Gladiatores interviews Golepador and Golden Magic, who blames the referee. This is accurate but not a great thing for a tecnico to say.

Astro Rey Jr. talks about his name change to Astro, completely unaware someone else is already using Astro. Don’t pick a one word name, either someone else has come up with it or it’s kind of too dumb to use.

Lucha Underground is starting to film today. I should always just believe Vampiro.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update and this week’s Poster-Mania.

Segunda Caida makes the decision to watch Pagano and tournament lucha, and also Heddi Karaoui vs Hechicero.

Hechicero & Caveranrio talk about their four way match with Flamita and Caristico at CaraLucha. There’s also bloopers!

RCH will have Centvrion vs Arez vs Impulso vs Golden Magic vs Mr. Leo on their 12/03 Arena Naucalpan show. There’s some really good indy shows to end the year.

Caristico & Alberto are the two big stories on the lucha magazines this week.


IWRG (WED) 11/04/2015 Arena Naucalpan
1) Fly Tiger & Rey Flecha vs Kabra Kan & Skanda
2) Galaxy, Omega, Vardeus vs Blue Monsther, Macho, Trol
3) Alas De Palta, Aramis, Rocker vs Acero, Ángel De La Muerte I, Ángel De La Muerte II
4) Centvrión, Fireman, Shadow Man vs Picudo Jr., Vengador, Violencia
5) Black Terry, Hijo del Alebrije, Látigo vs Atomic Star, Eterno, Kanon

A normal Wednesday trainee show, though it’s interesting to see Centvrion popping up back here.

ZZInc (SAT) 11/07/2015 Auditorio Benito Juárez, Veracruz, Veracruz
1) Goya Kong, Mascarita Sagrada, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Mamba, Mini Abismo Negro, Sexy Star
2) Australian Suicide & Fireball vs Speedball & Willie Mack
3) Fenix (AAA) & Rey Horus vs Mr. 450 & Sanada
4) Garza Jr., Hijo De Dos Caras, Psicosis I vs Brodus, El Mesías, Pentagón Jr.
5) Blue Demon Jr., Dr. Wagner Jr., Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Johnny Mundo,Low Ki, Roderick Strong

This is the first lineup for one of the Que Viva el Rey shows; they’ve just had talent lists prior. Alberto was scheduled for this show (Myzteziz was not for this one); it appears Roderick Strong is being used as his replacement. Steve Pain & Drago are the two names on the original advertisements who aren’t now on the show.

AAA’s schedule is going to be pretty busy for the rest of this month: Thursday’s in Guadalajara, weekends either on these Que Viva el Rey shows or Lucha Underground (or apparently both in a couple weeks) and regular tapings still sprinkled in on other days.

IWRG (SUN) 11/08/2015 Arena Naucalpan
1) Dragón Bane & Osiris vs Guerrero 2000 & Vampiro Metálico
2) Leo, Mike, Rafy, Teelo vs Atomic Star, Diablo Jr. I, Hip Hop Man, Ram El Carnero
3) Mega, Super Mega, Ultra Mega vs Golpeador, Oficial AK47, Rayan
4) Diva Salvaje, Pantera, Relámpago vs Apolo Estrada Jr., El Hijo del Diablo, Eterno
5) El Hijo del Solitario, Hijo De Dos Caras, Veneno vs Canis Lupus, Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Pirata Morgan

Hijo del Solitario is back here for some reason. It’s kind of amazing that, no matter how interesting some of the indie promotions have been this year, IWRG has been generally boring. This is a boring card.

CMLL (MON) 11/09/2015 Arena Puebla
1) Astro, Asturiano, Eléctrico vs Demus 3:16, Mini Joker, Saurón
2) Arkalis, Lestat, Zaeta Roja vs Arkángel de la Muerte, Hijo del Signo, Nitro
3) Ángel de Oro, Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Boby Z, Disturbio, Hechicero
4) Atlantis, Dragón Rojo Jr., La Máscara vs La Sombra, Marco Corleone, Último Guerrero [Relevos Increíbles]
5) Mistico, Valiente, Volador Jr. vs Cavernario, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas

Main event is a rematch, and suggests a trios title match on the 16th. Semimain has Ingobernables on opposite sides of a match that seems to exist for no real reason. First and third match have some promise. Lestat appears to have shaken free from King Jaguar & Molotov, but may miss them by the end of his match with the Tuareg.

11/02 AAA TV Results (Nuevo Laredo) – Dr. Wagner returns (again)

AAA TV (MON) 11/02/2015 Polyforum la Fe, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas [AAA]
1) Hombre Sin Miedo, Mocho Cota Jr., Taya b Faby Apache, Mr. 450, Pimpinela Escarlata
Mamba attacked Pimpinela after the match, declaring herself the Queen of Nuevo Laredo.
2) Aerostar, Australian Suicide, Laredo Kid b Daga, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Steve Pain
Laredo Kid worked Elite last night (and apparently will work Elite on Thursday before an AAA spot show on the weekend.) Tecnicos got the win, but Daga took Suicide’s mask after the match.
3) Hijo del Fantasma, Joe Lider, Pentagón Jr. b Angélico, Garza Jr., Jack Evans
Garza Jr was originally listed only as a surprise wrestler. Pentagon Jr. beat Jack Evans to continue the tag feud.
4) Taurus, Texano Jr., Zorro b Electroshock, Fénix, Psycho Clown
Match added to the card on October 16th. Fenix, Psycho Clown and Texano Jr. had previously been booked in the main event, Zorro, Taurus and Electroshock were added to the card. Hijo del Pirata attacked Electroshock to set up the loss. Taurus remains undefeated.
5) Drago, La Parka, Speedball b Averno, Chessman, Cibernético
6) Brian Cage & Hijo del Fantasma b Dr. Wagner Jr. & Rey Misterio Jr.
Cage & Alberto added to the card on 2015-10-16, with Myzteziz being removed. Alberto wasn’t going to appear after he rejoined WWE but promoters continued to insist he’d be here as expected. Instead, Dr. Wagner Jr. returned to replace him. Hijo del Fantasma worked twice and replaced Johnny Mundo. Pentagon and Joe Lider got involved as well. Wagner turned on Rey to give the rudos the win. The AAA wrestlers made the save after the match.

Air Date: 11/07 & 11/14

AAA’s Twitter account was doing live results again! That was neat. This was a good one to start, because we all got to freak out over the main event in real time.

Hindsight says Wagner returning to AAA yet again should’ve been expected – he was the guy brought in for some spot shows when Myzteziz split town, he’s on some of the Viva el Rey/ZZinc show, he sent out a teasing Twitter message earlier in the day. It reads like Wagner is back for a while, not just one show, but “a while” is an incredibly variable amount of time when it comes to Dr. Wagner. He walked out of CMLL rather than work on their Anniversary show. By coming to AAA, he’s probably walking out whatever remains of the Todo x el Todo promotion. Wagner has been in and out of AAA the last few years, with AAA using him for his name value but not putting him into angles because they’ve found him incredibly tough to deal with. And now he’s back, feuding with the top tecnico.

Wagner might be the mystery person in Ciudad Juarez. He’s booked some place else, but when has that really stopped anyone?

There’s no mention of the AAA Heavyweight Championship. There’s no mention of Alberto el Patron. There’s no mention of Johnny Mundo either. I guess more news is still coming! It’s possible they mentioned something to the live crowd, but nothing’s in the AAA recap. There’s not really a direction for Guerra de Titanes’ main event, though something with Rey and two tecnicos versus Wagner, Mundo and maybe Low Ki seems plausible.

Everything else continued as normal. The tag title feud is still on. Daga and Suicide are still feuding. (AAA always stretches out match feuds, so they’re probably still headed to a trios match for now.) Pirata and Electroshock are still feuding, where it appears like it’s a plot line that Electroshock doesn’t know why Pirata broke up with him. There’s no sign of anyone answering Fantasma’s open challenge, though they did bring it up on TV again this past week. Laredo Kid seems to working for everyone, but that’s not an angle. Speedball got a higher profile match, and hopefully will make TV for more than 30 seconds this week. The Mamba thing is because Mamba is from Nuevo Laredo and possibly not an indication they’re going anywhere new with that.

Next taping is Friday night in Xalapa.

CMLL Puebla: 2015-11-02 

no wire trick

Recapped: 11/02/2015

What happened: Thunder defeated Euforia. Peste Negra defeated the Sky Team, which might be setting up a trios title match.

What was good: Nothing extrordinary, but the first half of the card had some good moments. The tercera was a good midcard match, the women’s match was better than usual and the opener had some moments.

Where can I watch it: It’s on CMLL’s YouTube channel. Read More

AAA on Televisa: 2015-09-26

Gran Apache is a crazy grandfather

Recapped: 10/03/2015

What happenedLa Hiedra pinned Faby Apache, and decided this earned her a title shot. Taya disagreed. Pentagon beat Jack in some revenge for last week’s outcome. Mesias says he’s targeting Fenix, thought didn’t really do much of it in the main event.

What was good: The bonus tag match from UTDN and the main event tag were fun. I liked this show better than the Cancun one, though I may be on an island on that.

Where can I watch it: It’s on my channel and AAA’s channel with an extra match. Read More