CMLL iPPV: 2015-10-30 

back at it again

Recapped: 10/30/2015

What happened:  Volador beat La Sombra to keep the NWA Welterweight Championship, taking the second fall by DQ and the third fall by Guillotine Deprepedador (a new official name for the Volador Spiral.) Sombra wanted to give credit to Volador for the win, Mascara & Rush didn’t, and Rush & Sombra nearly fought over it. Super Comando and The Panther continued to feud in the second match, though the finish involved Esfinge & Raziel.

What was good: aThe main event was at the usual standard of Sombra/Volador matches. The minis opener was the only other worth watching.

Where can I watch it:  You can’t. This was an live only iPPV. The top two matches will air on Lucha Azteca on 11/14

Match 1: Acero & Último Dragoncito vs Mercurio & Pequeño Universo 2000
Arena México, 10/30/2015

  1. rudos
    • Pequeno Universo pulpo Ultimo Dragoncito (4:30)
    • Mercurio dropkick to the face Acero (4:45)
  2. tecnicos
    • Acero kneebar Pequeno Universo (3:17)
    • Ultimo Dragoncito step over tirabuzon Mercurio (3:33)
  3. rudos
    • Acero suastica Pequeno Universo (3:23)
    • Mercurio powerbomb Acero (3:44)
    • Mercurio package piledriver Ultimo Dragoncito (4:28)

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:46

Review: [good] this was better than you’d expect given the names. Acero looked as good as he’s ever looked, maybe helped a little bit by working with Mercurio but not looking bad against Universo either. Universo didn’t have any fails in this one. Ultimo Dragoncito was solid. Mercurio’s package piledrver to end it looked sharp. They were still working under the usual first match restrictions, so this wasn’t close an opener on a real big show, but better than the usual minis opener.

Ultimo Dragoncito in a bad part of town
Acero has cool moves?
Ultimo Dragoncito now even shorter

Match 2: Esfinge, Oro Jr., The Panther vs Raziel, Skándalo, Súper Comando
Arena México, 10/30/2015

  1. tecnicos
    • Oro Jr. moonsault bodyblock Skandalo (5:00)
    • Esfinge springboard splash Raziel (5:14)
  2. tecnicos
    • DQ Raziel [unmasking Esfinge] (5:14)

Winner: tecnicos
Match Time: 10:28

Review: [ok] a mediocre match, and a noticable step down from the minis match. OK may be a generous grade, because there’s not much going for this one. No one looked particularly good and this was the weakest week of the Super Comando/the Panther rivalry. If it’s even just their rivalry, since that finish points to more people getting involved. Skandalo’s back nad he’s not any good, so that’s a problem.

the Panther bullet tope

Match 3: La Vaquerita, Marcela ©, Princesa Sugehit vs Amapola ©, Dalys, Zeuxis
Arena México, 10/30/2015

  1. tecnicas
    • Marcela double stomp Dalys (6:06)
    • Vaquerita top rope elbow drop Amapola (6:21)
  2. rudas
    • Amapola Devil’s Wings Marcela (1:59)
  3. tecnicos
    • Dalys powerbomb Princesa Sugehit (3:33)
    • Zeuxis package piledriver (3:57)

Winner: rudas (2-1)
Match Time: 12:17
Notes: From this match on, Mictlan’s soliders dragged/escorted/pulled the losing teams to hell.

Review: [ok] a normal women’s match. Vaquerita does some impresive things for the 90 seconds she seems to be in each match. Dalys does some good things (like the back to back corner charge with Zeuxis) and then some not so great ones, like ducking out of the way of the double dropkick late in this mathc. Crowd wasn’t really into this match at all.

whoa Vaquerita
nifty escape by Princesa

Match 4: Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Mr. Niebla vs Boby Z, Dragón Rojo Jr., Thunder
Arena México, 10/30/2015

  1. Team Thunder
    • Thunder legdrop Gran Guerrero (3:46)
    • Dragon Rojo tirabuzon Mr. Niebla (4:09)
  2. Team Guerrero
    • Mr. Niebla top rope splash Pólvora (3:11)
    • Euforica Special Dragon Rojo (3:17)
  3. Team Thunder
    • Thunder cradle suplex Gran Guerrero (4:26)
    • COR 4:45

Winner: Team Thunder
Match Time: 12:11

Review: [ok] another match that was just sort of a match. Putting Mr. Niebla with the Guerreros helped clue them in that they were meant to be tecnicos and entertainied the crowd, but nothing much else did. Thunder is remarakble awful; I wanted him to lose, but I’m glad they seemed to avoid Gran Guerrero versus Thunder in a horrible singles match.

Thunder is terrible
Nieblasault (eventually)

Match 5: La Máscara, Marco Corleone, Rush vs Máximo, Super Parka, Valiente
Arena México, 10/30/2015

  1. Los Ingobernables
    • Marco Aero Italia opposition team (3:02)
  2. tecnicos
    • Valiente inside cradle Marco Corleone (3:02)
    • Super Parka inside cradle La Mascara (3:20)
  3. Los Ingobernables
    • Rush corner dropkick Valiente (4:51)
    • La Mascara corner dropkick Super Parka (4:51)

Winner: Los Ingobernables (2-1)
Match Time: 10:55
Notes: Valiente and Maximo fought bitterly against being dragged to hell after their loss.

Review: [ok] another ordinary match. I think the paint and costumes actually took something away from the Ingobernables, who didn’t seem as cool as usual. Super parka looking good that one time was a problem, because he keeps getting brought back for lesser appearances. There was really no reason for him to be here; there’s no reason for him to just be in ordinary matches when they have so many other guys.

This was an average match anyway,

Marco has got this one
Ingobernables finish up

Match 6: Volador Jr. © vs La Sombra for the NWA World Welterweight Championship
Arena México, 10/30/2015

  1. Sombra double knee smash Volador Jr. (2:41)
  2. DQ Sombra [Rush pulls out referee] (3:16)
  3. Volador Guillotine Deprepedador (19:00)

Winner: Volador (2-1)
Match Time: 24:57
Notes: Rush (and fellow second Valiente) were ejected after Rush pulled out the referee repeatedly and attacked Volador in the second fall. Sombra went to do the typical congratulations to the winner of a hard fought title match, which is not a typical thing for the Ingobernables. Rush & La Mascara, who both came back out after the finish, stopped Sombra and stomped down Volador. Rush declared Ingobernables don’t care about winning or losing and definitely not about giving people credit for winning or losing. Sombra was unhappy about it, and ended up going face to face with Rush over it. La Mascara calmed them down and Rush tried to make up for it by taking the belt from Volador and giving it to Sombra, but Sombra didn’t want any part of it. He walked off to the Hell exit by himself.

Review: [great] It’s Volador & La Sombra, you got exactly what you expected: two short falls, and one third fall with a billion near falls. All the big moves worked well and were huge, and the crowd cared about the near falls, so it totally worked. Sombra’s cockiness and incredulity about Volador kicking out worked well in the context of the match, and even more with the post match. Giving the first tease of an Ingobernables breakout and seemingly ending the Volador/Sombra feud actually added a lot to the importance of the match and the show – it wasn’t just another match between them, it was the last match between them for now.

an actual good camera shot!
Volador thrilled the mascots
Sombra’s trip backfires
this wasn’t fun for anyone
superkick, everyone down
Volador gives Sombra some of his own treatment

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